Thank you, Joyce. Happy New Year to you.

Trump's cronies will whine whether he loses the election OR is removed from the ballot. So remove him. What's the point of having the 14th amendment if it isn't going to be enforced as it so urgently needs to be right now? What's the point of having laws at all then? He needs to be removed from the ballot, and so does every other Congressional Rep or other public official who helped him. Because that's the law.

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1

My anger at the grip this murdering <Covid inaction> raping <E. Jean> thieving <fraud in NYC and elsewhere> son of a bitch has imposed on my country is deep and wide, and therefore my anger knows no bounds, internally. Externally, I read, study, talk write and call anyone and everyone who might listen. I vote for dog catcher and I vote for president and I vote for everything in between. I'm not confused, I know what I can do. I do it. Each one of us owns this democratic republic. This is no time to feel or be helpless. Not for anyone. Do everything you can do, every damned day, including keeping your chin up and not being "afraid" or "tired". We can cry with relief later. Gotta get busy right now. Happy new year, you still have the chance to help stop this!

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My biggest question is this: if the Supreme Court decides that a sitting President is immune, wouldn’t that apply to the current President as well? Couldn’t president Biden have immunity for anything he might determine is necessary to save the Republic?

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i have about 3 hours of 2023 left and I can't wait to burn my calendar. When Donald was still in office I made my family doctor promise to keep me alive until Donald went to prison. My family doctor did his darndest. The past year I had as close a call as anyone can have, but I was fortunate to have doctors i had never heard of keep me going. It's been a nightmare, but my children helped mightily and I've progressed -- but on days when therapy seems too boring or too much, that Dastardly Dictator wannabe is still on my mind, and I won't give up.

Joyce, your above explanations of the law help me keep my faith. This democracy needs to continue and all the people who fought in wars to assure that it does, and all those people who have aided our democracy through taking office and remaining true to our Constitution, and all the people who willingly work in our government because it IS a democracy -- should have the profound support and thanks of all Americans.

May 2024 see this beloved country gain back its pride and may America again be the shining star of hope to the world that it was. Vote !

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1

Joyce, wishing you and your loved ones (furry, feathered and otherwise) a healthy, happy new year! It remains an important fact that people as honest, intelligent, kind, brave and strong as you, are visible and continuing to tell the truth about what is going on in American politics and the danger the Republican party represents to our precious democracy. Thank you very much for who you are and what you do. And with apologies to Alabama fans, Go Blue!

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Democracy is on the line folks! Please do everything in your power to get out the vote and to encourage 18 to 29s to register and vote. We are depending on you as www.TurnUp.US, Zev Shapiro and I will be working very hard every single day to accomplish that result as well.

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Makes ne ill reading about trump constantly. What an evil person

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One good thing that’s come out of the election of Trump in 2016 is that many of us previously “informed consistent voters but not activists” became activists. It started with the Women’s March in Jan 2017 and continues until today. We work very hard to fight for our rights and the good of our country. We’ve also become best friends. People talk about the rift in older friendships “now that we know”. But I’m far more happy about my new ones than I am sad about my old ones. I admit it’s a lot of boomer women. We have the time because we’re retired, and we especially value the men and young people who help us do big things. We’ve flipped congressional seats, our county now has more Democrats than Republicans, we finally got our board of supervisors working well, and we’re working on our school boards (win some, lose some). We raise our voices, carry signs, we organize, hold debates, register voters, make big and small donations, organize volunteers, knock on doors, text voters, help other states, write postcards, and do phonebanking. But our favorite is to wave signs over the 405 fwy so all the people stuck in traffic see us waving giant signs and encouraging them to honk for individual candidates. This is going to help us in 2024. We need to get the truth out about whose fault the price of hamburger really is. We will. It’s not Joe Biden’s fault and Republicans have no plan to address it anyway.

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This is quite a diversion and perhaps too gay , but I came across this poem to tonight and with all the crap going on and hate against all I thought a good way to end the year in Ecuador is the wise words of Walt Whitman ... a pioneer from my town of birth

From the Calamus Poems by Walt Whitman (1891-1892)

THIS MOMENT YEARNING AND THOUGHTFUL. THIS moment yearning and thoughtful sitting alone, It seems to me there are other men in other lands yearning and

thoughtful, It seems to me I can look over and behold them in Germany,

Italy, France, Spain, Or far, far away, in China, or in Russia or Japan, talking other

dialects, And it seems to me if I could know those men I should become attached to them as I do to men in my own lands, 0I know we should be brethren and lovers,

I know I should be happy with them.

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FOURTEEN AMENDMENT: Much of the debate on this seems to quietly accept that we needn’t or that it wouldn’t be prudent to follow the law because it would be disruptive, because Trump voters would be outraged, because “the voters should decide.”

Just another way to say Trump’s above the law.

If you just follow the constitution, it seems obvious there was an attempt through violence to substitute someone for the person elected -- an insurrection -- and that Trump deliberately launched it.

The general doesn’t usually follow the troops into battle. Trump didn’t. But everyone knows it was Trump’s insurrection , ax both congressional leaders of his own party said at the time. That he watched it for hours without restraining them proves they were doing his biding.

Whether Trump is on the ballot or not, one way or the other, tens of millions of Americans will be outraged. Let’s ignore that and follow the law. Of course, the black-robed GOP agents on the Supreme Court aren’t likely to do that.

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My New Year’s resolution: Repeat for everyone to please write in hard copy, in email, on social media; plead with President Biden to commence a fireside chat with the nation along the lines of FDR. Biden is clearly losing the PR on his administration. No mater how effective he can be but limited given the ferocity of partisan politics, to be effective. We need to hear him. The undecided need to hear him. Progressives need to hear him. Moderate republicans needs to hear him. Biden needs to humanize himself.

So let’s all make a commitment to repeat this request of Biden over and over and over again. He is clearly losing the PR war and I don’t think he understands it from his vantage.

Please let’s get this message out. We want President Biden to begin his Fireside Chats.

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Happy, safe, healthy New Year 2024. Thank you for not only the legal expertise, but also Tofu and the chickens.

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Happy New Year Joyce!! I’m am truly grateful for your commitment to the ‘cause’ here, and your exceptionally informative messages. And selfishly speaking...I need more Omletta! The BEST name ever for a chicken ! 😊 a genius name... take care

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Hi Joyce,

In Michigan, the ballot allowance for Trump is solely for the primary at this point. If he wins that stage, we all expect an immediate lawsuit to ban him from the general presidential ballot. Stay tuned!

Happy New Year and ... GO BLUE!!! 😉

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Thank you, counselor. You make a huge difference in the world, honesty and clarity and the truth. It will keep us or set us free happy new year don’t stop.

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Happy New Year, Joyce! Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2024! Thank you for all you do to keep us informed. Reading your Substack helps keep me sane in these crazy times brought on by tfg and those who continue to support his antics. Looking forward to lots of critter pictures in the new year! All so very cute! 💙

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