I'm so fucking tired of Donald Trump and his cult member traitors to America. He should already be in prison for the rest of his life. See also the 147 MOC who voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election based on fraudulent slates of electors (that they knew about beforehand) to send a message to other people planning to run for office that they cannot get away with these crimes. I cannot have this crap go on for the rest of my life. I'm 52 and see no end in sight to this dangerous madness.

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I'm more than 20 years older, and by gawd, I'd buy you a beer and let you vent. I'm also sick to death of his mental illness and how it calls to millions of others in this country.

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Thanks Mimi. I'd ask for a Midori Sour instead of a bear. Wish we could hang out IRL already.

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Your choice on the booze. I am pretty allergic most of my life, so I buy a beer and get my two sips in and call it good.

Carrie, it would be an honor and a privilege.

I am reminded, by nothing at all apparent of a quote from Katherine Hepburn, when asked about why she didn't drink, "Because stone cold sober, I am absolutely fascinating."

I offer this answer to anyone who might enjoy using it lol!!!

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Thanks. We should find a way for all of us Joyce fans to do meet-ups in different regions of the country. Where do you live? I'm in Chicago.

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I’m in.

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I love the idea of a get together! 🥂 I’m in Sedona AZ.

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Yes. I am friends with a Joyce fan. He introduced me to Joyce because he knew I read Heather. I'm in Chicago too, at least part of the time.

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Aug 7, 2023
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Got it. I wish this country wasn't so big distance-wise so we had easier access to each other.

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Mimi, Your inserting the Hepburn quote, which I had never heard or read (and I’ve heard and read a lot), brought to mind a belief I’ve always carried—that the gutsy, highly vocal women who, in the 70s, led the challenge to prescribed roles and rules, stood on the shoulders of the likes of Katherine Hepburn. On another matter, I would be delighted to be part of a group-meet on whatever platform works.

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Count me in for this!

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I am in Oregon City.

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I’m in Hood River, OR

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I think Karen RN is up your way as well, Counselor. We just might have to have a get-together!

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I’m in Oregon.

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Ohio. Columbus to be exact.

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Golly, lots of folks here in Oregon! I want to go visit some old high school friends there, would love to mix in a gathering too!

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I Will love using the quote. And May I be the designated driver? I feel we will all meet one day.

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Sure, I love not having to drive anymore!

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I think I might be joining you, unwillingly. My car isn't going to pass inspection this year, and I'm not comfortable driving the beast as it is. Looking for a decent small car but so is everyone else, so unless I stumble across something within the next few weeks, I'll be carless in VT. Yikes.

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Can I please join you two? I will buy!

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Yes please.

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We're like a virtual book club. I'm in NYC.

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74 years old here and I with you!

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Hey Margee!

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I'm 70 and feel the same. I was so hoping for some peace after the 2020 election. How wrong I was!! Yes the orange one must be held accountable and all the elected reps and senators who continue to go along with his b.s. must be voted out and held accountable, too. We all deserve a peaceful nation!

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Exit stage right 👏

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Carrie, I hear you! But there are so many more of us than them. Humpty Dumpty is in shards on the grounds where he fell from his wall and the legal process is now gaining momentum. I agree with you about the 147 MOC who are basically insurrectionists. Throw them the hell out at the polls. Remember, democracy is not a spectator sport. I’m 74 and ready to fight this crap til my last day....with you, Gal!

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Elisabeth you hearten me! I'm 71 and am nowhere near giving in to the bullyism that is trying to destroy our democracy. Agreed that we must remember that there are so many more of us than the ones who have allowed themselves to be cult followers. Putin must have grand satisfaction at how a portion of our nation is being eaten out from within by those who slavishly follow his orange puppet operative. Like a flesh eating virus. This too shall pass, but at what cost? Courage and actions of average citizens is what is going to save our nation. Thank God I'm seeing young people are engaging in saving democracy as well. I'm seeing a glimmer of light with our judicial system.

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Same age here too, in Virginia. Maybe Joyce should start an annual gathering with meetings of the minds or zoom, just not in Florida or Texas. I just can't for the life of me understand how so many are entranced by Trump. I read that his followers don't read anything and just accept what he says. Do you think that is the case? I don't know how anyone could witness him and not walk away disgusted by his hate and lies. He's dumb but so evil. He's very good at working the legal system and getting people to do what he wants. I just don't get it.

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I don't get it either. I recently had a conversation with my MAGA brother. He's a smart, well educated man. I asked him why he likes TFG... he said two things that are so wrong that you had to pick me up off the floor.... He's honest and he's not in politics for the money, but for the ego. (I said "it's both") I can't stop thinking about this. He parrots all of MAGA talking points. His answer to the documents case is "everyone does it". You can't counter a mind set like that. He's always been a "my way is the only truth" kind of guy. I'm just ranting... thanks for listening

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My father, a Pearl Harbor survivor, was all in for trump right up until he died 3 yrs ago. To say we had a few heated discussions is an understatement. Fox News was on every waking hour at his house and at all his friends' homes too. Many of these people were well educated but were all sucked in by Fox News. Went to dinner with my father and a dozen of his friends shortly before he died. Talk about spoiling a perfectly good meal. The same talking points your brother spews were part of the conversation that night. As I've said probably said a 1000 times or more, I will never understand.

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I try to articulate my thoughts on who and what exerted enough force for the lurch in the direction of authoritarianism. ( yes, I know about the frog). But it noticeably picked up around 2015. No alarms over photos of Rex Tillerson getting a medal from P’tin. Manafort and Russians lurking in every corner. Not to mention the Olympics in Moscow and Miss Universe seemingly back-to-back. The Mueller Report was too late. It drew a lot of eyeballs but Barr put a stop to that. Will we ever know the depth of sedition and betrayal let loose by the “useful idiot(s)”. The Orange One couldn’t have been the brains behind the “swerve” toward fascism. My head is swimming.

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Same age, same thoughts, same gratitude toward the young people!

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same age here, same thoughts, too. I believed all the protesting I did in the 60s and 70s would have yielded better results... I'm in East TN and would love to join a meet-up!

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Pushing 80 and full of the same determination and resolve! Been at this since my late teens, every step of the way. Whenever I am even remotely dispirited, each of you within Joyce and Heather's letters lift me up and give me hope. And, I would be happy to drive the rental van. Being with all of you in person would lift my spirits without liquid spirits!! NC here.

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They made a MOCkery of our democratic system and still are!

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MOCkery! That’s awesome!!! 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻

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I see what you did there!

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Seventy-one years old, and counting. I'm with you. I lost patience with Trump supporters years ago. It's an absolute non-starter. As someone who has studied the American founding and the Constitution, I have no grace for these people and their claims to being true patriots. I don't give a damn about their reasons or their supposed grievances. No matter the circumstances, you don't hire the devil to do your bidding.

The only way I can stay sane is to not let this stuff be the only item on my mental menu. I balance it with other more edifying pursuits, with work, regular exercise, and with things and people that give my life joy and meaning. And if that fails to do the trick, I may try micro-dosing. Whatever. I'm open.

Does anyone in here know how to perform voodoo and black magic? I'm open to anything at this point. I just don't want to be the one to hold that stupid little Trump doll.

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Kenneth, it doesn't work. I wish it did....

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I'm 75, and I agree 100%.

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I don't think Trump needs to be thrown into prison right now, but a Mar-a-lago or NYC home detention complete with ankle monitor, and the admonishment that any media posting he makes needs to be cleared by an impartial person or committee (I prefer the latter because it takes longer and will be perceived as more fair), to make sure that he is not revealing secrets or threatening anyone. Of course that means that he is not able to travel for his campaign, but he can talk, just not to threaten anyone. If that is a necessary part of his campaign too bad.

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An ankle bracelet will not curb his tongue! Tape his mouth!

This Judge is not one to fool around with. Maybe Trump will eventually catch on?

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Exactly how I’m feeling! This horrid man is impossibly exhausting. I pray this judge will shut him up!!

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We've all been cursed by a non-ancient, non-Chinese guy to live our lives in "interesting times."

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You are so correct, however, it will all come to end only the appeals will take us through 2025. Fortunately getting the GOP nomination will result in a landslide victory for the Democrats and May very well explode the Republican Party in the process.

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Can you imagine being a sane Republican who sees through all of this? Someone like Cheney, Romney, Kinzinger, Flake, and a few others, as well as average citizens? It must be like deer with their eyes in the headlights, watching paralyzed, as their party destroys itself from within. If a vote were taken today, more than 81 million would vote against the orange toad and his swamp creatures.

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Why do they keep reporting that Trump and Biden are tied? It just doesn't seem possible. Are they just lying to us?

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I don't trust polling.

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Yes, actually. Or selectively reporting, which is pretty much the same. Big Media has a short memory that gets stuck on things. Too young reporters with too shallow a sense of what journalism is supposed to be, caught up in a corporate profit-driven mode. But it is up to us to take the initiative, step back and see where else to get our news and information. There are plenty of good sources out there. I keep sharing mine, and would again, but rigth now I need to eat food. This is not an option. Hope other folks jump in with some suggestions (So ok, Propublica, Politico, your favorite substack authors. Believe it or not, the Guardian does some pretty decent coverage of American political (and other) news. There's more. Gotta go.

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I’m sure those numbers are wrong and swayed purposefully. I can’t bring myself to believe they are tied. At all.

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I thought I had responded earlier. The polls are not lies. However, when candidates are w/i 10 points you can find a poll that says they are even— the week before Biden was up five. But none of these polls mean much of anything until the GOP convention in July 2024. Should the alleged or convicted criminal be the nomination— it will be all over for Trump who will lose in a landslide much like Barry Goldwater did. And, if we are lucky the trapped GOP will implode in the process.

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I so hope. But I've learned the hard way that what seems inevitable is not necessarily so.

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Nobody said anything was inevitable.

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I am 76 years old and I cannot believe that I am having to go thru this bullshit as I near the end of my life in a country that used to be a great one. How is it that America has devolved into this hot mess? I will never understand how that orange anus ever got elected in the first place or how so many malleable minds can be conned into a cult like he has created.

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Carol, for some of us, America has never really been a great country. Many of my ancestors died so yours could live comfortably and in a state of ignorance. Trump didn't invent this. It's been built in for a long time.

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It is exhausting, but I send out a wish almost every day, that I will just live long enough to see his ass in jail. My uncle died last year, at 91, and he was bummed to know he was going to miss the end of all this! We will prevail.

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Same! I've lived in Europe before, and if next year turns out to be worse, living parents or no, I'm looking at how to move back since I can work from anywhere. Nowhere is a panacea, but at least I wouldn't also have to worry about guns (and I live in NYC!).

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I may sound like a broken record, but I beg everyone not to focus only on Trump and his legal woes. Let's look ahead to Biden and what we need to do to make sure he's the winner in 2024! This weekend, I wrote a letter to Dr. Cornel West pleading with him not to run as the Green Party candidate for President. Recent history has shown us that the Greens take away from Democrat candidates and not Republican.

West is likely to siphon off votes from many Black, young, left-leaning voters whom Biden needs to win! RFK, Jr. also spells trouble, but at least he's running in the Democratic primaries.

I am terrified of a Trump victory and I want to see some pro-activity on the part of Biden's surrogates!!

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Mina, your ask is exactly on point. We need to put all our energy into winning in 2024! Thanks, too, for writing to Cornell West. There is no gain for him to be a third party candidate but definitely great concern for the future of our democracy. We would not be where we are today if Jill Stein had recognized her efforts were, too say the least, not timely.

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I have heard some mention that Flynn and Putin were at a dinner in Russia, but no one points out that Jill Stein was there and this was before the election 2016.

Do you think it is a coincidence that Stein, running on the Green Party syphoned off enough votes in those Swing States for Hillary to lose?

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I bring this up too, and people are surprised every time. If we don’t know our history, we’re doomed to repeat it!

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So right!

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Do you have a source that verified that Jill Stein was there? I had not heard this before, as you point out. Why didn’t I?

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It’s a famous photo.

I’ve seen it lots of times.

I’ll look for it.

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I don’t know how to paste it in the comment section but I found it immediately by Googling Putin, Flynn and Jill Stein and a Mother Jones article popped up called May 2017- The Photo that May Unlock the Trump-Russia Scandal.

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As noted above, so did I. 🤬

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OMG! I Googled it and found news photos of it from 2017. WT.!

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John, I have not verified that Stein is coaching West. I just read it from one source.

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We also have to worry about the No Labels party siphoning off Democratic votes.

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Thanks for that letter to Mr West. I understand that he may have a slight tax problem to fix first though. If so, he may not be the problem we fear. Keep checking on the No Labels Party(Manchin-Huntsman). That would draw more voters I fear.

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I would not want Manchin to run. He’s a traitor and prevented too many bills from getting passed. He’s really a republican. A dem in name only.

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You and I can agree on a lot of what you said. Manchin is out for Manchin. He’s a legend in his own mind.

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I am not prepared to call him a traitor but rather another capitalist who has put his own fortunes above country and environmental concerns. He has no party interests only financial like Kristen Sinema.

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SPW, I seriously doubt that Manchin would run as a No Labels candidate. He just likes keeping his name in the news and poking Biden in the eye. Unless Manchin's positive he can't win re-election in West Virginia, I don't think he'll leave the Democratic Party --- unless he thinks he can get more by being an Independent. Time will tell.

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I hope you’re right about Manchin.

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I’ve wondered if Manchineel/Huntsman running as No Labels mightn’t attract more Republican than Dem votes. Furthermore, I think this No Labels trial balloon is not set up as a political party in any state and therefore they won’t make it onto the ballot. So…

Keep you eyes on the prize:

elect Democrats.

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By all means, I wouldn’t vote any other way. I haven’t split a ticket in years. This bunch that is still carrying around ‘Republican’ on their backs is just delusional.

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You are so right! I’m older than any of the commenters who have spoken up so far and would dearly love to see these same comments being made by the 20 to 70 year old folks who are able to help get out the voters we need and provide cash to support those efforts of door knockers and on-the-ground efforts.

Individual senators like Tester in Montana, Brown in Ohio, Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin, Jacky Rosen in Nevada, Robert Casey in Pennsylvania, all need help. If they don’t get it Biden won’t be able to appoint judges even if he wins. This is an uphill struggle. There are NOT more of us than them in some of these states. And candidates attempting to upset Republicans in some key states deserve our support like Gallego in Arizona, Lucas Kunce in Missouri, anyone against Cruz in Texas.

A good case can be made that support for getting people out to knock on doors in Kansas provided the difference in that abortion support election and that Senator Warnecke was re-elected because the Nevada Unions and Al Franken PAC paid for support to people willing to knock on doors.

Joyce does a great job but we need to do our part too if we want the election in 2024 to have good results.

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I so agree. It distresses me both here and at LFAA that the conversation keeps devolving into being about Trump. We need to be talking about how to support Biden and Harris (both because they are a team, and she is part of the strength we have to go forward). And we need to be sharing with one another what is going at the places we live, our state and local issues, concerns, candidates, and how we can get good people running. How we fund-raise so they CAN run. We need to remind people that the Rs and especially the extreme right are supported by dark money, but Dems are not, and that's why we have to keep asking people for small donations, enough to keep our people in the race.

Dang, got caught up and still have to go eat.

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I think we should have as many qualified candidates run as we can get and let some other people rise to the top. I want to vote FOR someone again rather than against someone.

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But how did that work for the republicans who watched as tFg mowed downt all their many candidates only to emerge the winner after all the primaries? I had a neighbor who finally got tired of putting campaign signs out for people that trump would eat for lunch after one of their many primaries. My own opinion here is that it’s not always cream that rises to the top but it’s hot air instead.

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That's true, but that's also democracy. What we have is someone who cheated and another party too afraid to do anything about it. Both parties are screwed up and I'm wishing for candidates we can actually vote for instead of playing some stupid chess game that doesn't work anyway.

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Look, I don’t disagree with you all that much. Keep in mind, tFg did not cheat during the primary debates. He started with Bush and went through the rest like a hot knife through soft butter. The republicans had no platform to speak of si they were ripe for the picking and tFg took advantage. There has always been the possibility of trump cheating after he had the nomination. When the DNC and RNC computers were hacked by Russia there is no doubt in my mind that trump then had enough dirt on everyone to do with as he pleased. I also remember the likes of Les Moonves of CBS almost salivating over the money a trump campaign would be making for the network.

But third parties don’t work here for the good of anyone. The electoral college makes our elections even messier and frankly, needs to be gone. Third parties tend to be ‘fringy’ and this country is not. Your observations are correct. My generation said the same things you’ve said but right this minute, history blessed us with a two party system eventually(it was believed that parties weren’t good things)so we have to work with what we’ve got in the here and now. We’re I younger, I’d spend my energy on getting rid of The electoral college.

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I agree with you! I always thought one of the purposes of the electoral college was to protect us from ourselves when we vote for a total idiot. So that didn't work. I really wish that Hilary had pulled out the stops investigating that election like he did. What would that have turned up? I wish we had done that instead of played nice.

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After that last threatening post about him coming to get you: Any other defendant would find his derrière in jail. I understand and appreciate Jack Smith’s judicious timing but we really need to see some accountability very soon. Speaking of which....we really need, and I mean REALLY need to see these trials televised. The country must see this otherwise Trump will just manipulate the media. I’m soooooooooooo fed up. 😵‍💫🤢

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45 put the American people at risk Re J6 and we deserve to see every minute of this trial.

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Thank you, Joyce, for being in this both for and with us. Your perspectives are invaluable.

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Glad we are all here and for Joyce’s insights. Feels like a fraught time, but also one where the truth starts to win out.

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I'm a lawyer. Former ADA in Oklahoma from a long time ago. I lean heavily on Joyce for staying up-to-date and oriented regarding all of these cases and proceedings.

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It's a LOT, isn't it? I dislike the delay to get to this point and simultaneously appreciate that to win in court against this literal monster requires precision and masterful focus plus attention to every single detail. I do not envy the weight on Jack Smith's shoulders, or any of the prosecutors in all the many states in which he is indicted.

Still and all, I remain slightly nauseous at the unending pictures of this human who is so blindly followed by masses of voters and so very much the banner for the wish to destroy our country's government.

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I was heartened when he was appointed… A former prosecutor in the Hague… Doesn’t get more serious than that

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Jack Smith is definitely prosecuting trump war crimes against the Constitution. trump swore an oath to defend and protect it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. He sold us out to our adversaries so is being tried as what he proved himself to be. Mr Smith’s appointment was an inspired choice.

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Is he really ‘human’?

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I know, and yes. He's one who reminds us that within nature there are mistakes which can't be returned to nprmal function. These kinds can only be isolated from the ability to harm others

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Make him wear a dunces hat and sit in the corner of the courtroom.

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Joyce: another non criminal lawyer here; can you explain how he will refute these personal charges without taking the stand? And do you think they will risk putting him on the stand for publicity purposes?

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He can’t, and they won’t. The aim is chaos.

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45 will do everything he can to create a spectacle as a martyr because he knows it will raise millions for him. OMG the irony.

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Except going to jail; he doesn’t know who he is dealing with here! We will see!

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Two GREAT questions

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Related to Yale prof?

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Retired lawyer here but I stayed on the civil litigation side; Joyce’s writing is so informative and helpful in this orange morass.

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I feel a strong sense of the dawning of a new day with this latest indictment. And Fani is in the wings to add weight to that.

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So many tangential thoughts. Don’t know why this feels so personal, but it just does. My husband and I followed everything from its awful beginnings, Art joining in on television panel discussions like he would coach a televised basketball game. Then he became ill last summer and passed away in April - man, he would love to have known it is raining indictments at last. Another example of being in this together. Deepest condolences, Joyce, and also, deepest thanks.

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I am sorry for your loss Karen.

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Karen, I am sorry for your loss. Maybe Art knows about these indictments from another dimension? Still, so sorry.

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My condolences on your loss.

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Sending big hugs to you. I hope you have a strong support system. I have no doubt he would have loved all of this.

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Condolences to you and your family!

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My deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved husband.

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Same here. My husband passed on April 25. I pray he’s watching the craziness and helping any way he can to get us free of this horror of a human.

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Marcia, hugs 🤗 to you!

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I'm so sorry for your loss, Marcia!

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Thanks so much, Harriet.

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My deepest sympathies, Karen.

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I am sorry for your loss Karen. I was fortunate to have my dad live until 96. He died late 2021 and we spent many an hour discussing all the horrific behavior. Never once was his faith in the American system of justice shaken. He would have been so happy to see these indictments rolling out.

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And deepest condolences to you.

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May Art’s memory be a blessing 💗

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My best to you, Karen. I will keep you in my heart.

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Karen, I'm so sorry for your loss. My late husband and I used to follow politics closely, and I feel his loss acutely during this election season. It leaves a might dark hole in one's life.

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I’m not sure how sane I would be without your detailed Substack posts. You are clear, concise, and informative with a few cheeky phrases thrown in to keep it oh so enjoyable! Thank you, Joyce.

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Ahhh, yes, the cheeky phrases! I LIVE for those cheeky phrases!! Kinda like the icing on the cake, for me. I come for the knowledge, but stay for the sass!

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And the chickens. More please ....

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Brilliant! No one delivers ‘sass’ better than a wronged sister!

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Same, Barbara.

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Totally agree...I have also learned a couple new words... keep that dictionary handy.

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Wow! Another bumpy week ahead. Thank you Joyce for the complete synopsis. But I don’t think TFG is going to shut his mouth anytime soon. Too many extra chances to continue to grift off his followers.

Continued peace and prayers for our country.☮️🙏🏼🙏🏼

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This is exactly why we need to update many of our laws to protect the American people against a mob boss mentality of a sitting President such as 45 and update the constitution on originalism which to date has been grossly misinterpreted.

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Wouldn't spending some time in jail encourage the defendant to request a speedy trial? Win-win.

I don't know how anyone avoids drama with this guy. But if he's been warned not to threaten anyone associated with this trial (or be put in jail) and he's already making threats, then the court needs to follow through on its promises. I mean on its consequences. (Although it does feel like a promise to some of us.)

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Not if he's using his "victimization" to pull in millions of donations. gigantic eye roll emoji here

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He'll do that anyway. He already is.

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Agreed. When he's finally behind bars, the checks will double. I don't understand this insanity that surrounds him and always has, but I sure know the shape of it, as you've said, we KNOW what he's going to do. I feel it's a promise, as well, and one that damned well ought to be delivered on, if not for you and me specifically, for the entire country.

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The madness of folks who would give up rent money and car payments to keep this satanic monster "billionaire" floating, is mind boggling. They see him as a fellow victim who is the mouthpiece for their miserable lives and victimhood. So weird.

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45 wants to be put in jail to raise more money.

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Fine as long as it doesn’t delay his trial. And no phone.

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Please tell me that Jack Smith has a whole lot of bodyguards surrounding him.

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He surely does.

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The media is once again giving Trump free publicity. Trump’s lawyer’s statements to the press are not evidence. This is not news. It’s simply “aspirational”. The media is just being lazy.

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....and greedy. Very, very greedy. And blindly stupid.

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Joyce is one of a handful of voices these past few years, that have kept me sane and trusting that justice will prevail. If you’re not already, subscribe to #SisterInLaw podcast. 🤍

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LOVE the SIL podcast!

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Thanks for this clear explanation of the craziness! It sure does seem like Trump is trying to see how far he can push. I hope a gag order follows!

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Yes, he wants a gag order so he can scream about his first amendment rights being taken away from him.

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On the flip side, letting the orange creep blab, helps incriminate him further. Think of how many lawyers have quit his cause and legal cases. His arrogance and mouth destroy any legal defense strategy.

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However, he is likely to reveal the names of witnesses, thereby putting those people at risk. One reason he is not supposed to talk about things. I think the only thing that would keep him from doing that is the certainty that he would be in contempt of court and could very well end up in jail.

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Excellent point

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Thank you Joyce for giving us this legal briefing. It is because you so well prepare us that we so eagerly watch each event even during weekends.

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Again thank you Joyce. The Defendant’s comments are outrageous. I know it’s wishful thinking, but i wish Judge Chutkan would throw him him in jail to await trial sans McDonalds and his media megaphone. A few months with him in isolation would

Be good for everyone.

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And maybe a mental health evaluation

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Great summary of the weekend’s events lined up in order of occurrence. Thanks so much!

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