
thank you, Joyce!

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We are all really hoping he takes the stand! Couldn't imagine a more fitting end!

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Apr 22Liked by Joyce Vance

I appreciate the short post focused on one topic. But I did stick with and read yesterday's long post - you make it so interesting!

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I know the prosecutor can't point out that the defendant is not taking the stand, but I wish the media would. List all the times Trump said people who aren't guilty will testify, and list all his quotes urging his followers to fight.

Urge him to show the courage of his convictions! Make the jury of public opinion realize that Trump’s afraid to stand up for himself.

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I too doubt he will take the stand. If, and only if he does, it will be because he thinks he is so much smarter than anyone and that he can sway the Jurors to seeing things “his way”. His hubris will be his biggest downfall.

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You wouldn't expect him to testify or that his lawyers would want him to but Trump's ego could get the best of him.

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Alright, let's dive headfirst into this Trumpian circus, shall we? Judge Merchan's ruling on what skeletons can be dragged out of Trump's gold-plated closet is a real doozy. It's like watching a high-stakes poker game where the dealer just revealed Trump's hand is full of jokers.

Now, the burning question on everyone's mind: will the Don himself take the stand? Trump's ego is as inflated as his bank account, so part of him probably believes he can talk his way out of anything. But even a man with an orange tan and a questionable hairdo can see the writing on the wall. His lawyers will be begging him to keep his trap shut, and for once, he might just listen. Trump's best bet is to play the victim card, whining that the government's case is weaker than his last failed business venture. It's a strategy that might placate his die-hard fans, but to the rest of us, it'll sound like a broken record stuck on "fake news."

If Trump does decide to grace the witness stand with his presence, it'll be like watching a slow-motion train wreck. The man has a tenuous relationship with the truth, and under cross-examination, his lies will be laid bare like a bad toupee in a windstorm. He'll try to stick to the script, but his fragile ego won't allow it. It'll be a spectacle, but not the kind he's used to.

Sure, there are some things the prosecutors can't touch, like the E. Jean Carroll verdict and the Trump Organization's criminal case. But they've still got plenty of ammo to work with. It's like going to war with a slightly smaller arsenal – you can still do plenty of damage.

I've got a gut feeling that if Trump takes the stand, he'll be his own worst enemy. The jury will see through his bluster and send him packing faster than you can say "you're fired." And if that happens, it'll be the beginning of the end for the Trump political dynasty.

To be blunt, I'm obsessed with this trial. It's like a soap opera on steroids, a slow-motion implosion of a man who thought he was untouchable. "Who Shot J. R.?" from the 80s nighttime extravaganza "Dallas" was a mere sideshow compared to this main event.

It will be fascinating to see how this high-profile case unfolds and whether Trump ultimately decides to testify. The consequences of his decision could have far-reaching effects not only on the trial's outcome but also on his personal and political future.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just a girl with a keyboard and a wild penchant for the absurd. One thing's for sure – this trial is going to be one hell of a ride. So buckle up, pour yourself a double, and let's watch the chaos unfold. It's going to be a wild one, folks.

Popcorn, anyone?

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Well at least Trump's family will be at the trial supporting him.

... Oh, wait

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Apr 22Liked by Joyce Vance

Joyce, I agree with your prediction. I also believe there is the possibility of a mistrial.

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During the coming weeks the uber conscientious Prof. Vance may want to tag-team here with Barb McQuade or another of her coterie to keep up with the torrent of info that will be pouring out as the result of Orange 1 infamy. I note that the defense got into trouble already with its opening statement requiring a conference with Merchan, who sustained several objections from the prosecution. And the point to be made about the defense contention that "influencing an election" is not a crime is that while that may be true (as far as it goes), the fact that crimes were allegedly committed to do so is the core issue here --- and especially relevant to the necessary compelling "story" the prosecution will attempt to tell the jury. Also --- apparently that appeal bond business has been settled (for now) with promises and stipulations to be memorialized in an agreement this week by Orange 1's mouthpiece.

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I would dearly love to see him on the stand especially if he's not sedated.

What's the over/under for how many days before he does his first night in jail?

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I hope he takes the stand because unless the jury is made up of morons, he'll hang himself.

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Fascinating. Lock him up!

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Once again, thank you for helping clarify all this for us laypeople. I have questions regarding the (closed to cameras!) trial. I recently read that there is a protocol for transcripts that they must be purchased directly from the court stenographer and not used for publication. Two questions: 1.) Outside of this protocol, are the transcripts filed into the public record? If so, when are they made available to the public? 2.) Failing this, is there a way for someone (WaPo? Legal advocacy group?) to negotiate some sort of compromise to pay for these transcripts and make them available publicly? As we all know, the importance of this trial for our country cannot be overstated. Do you have any thoughts or insight to share with on this? Thanks!

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I hope he just gets up on the stand so that his attorneys can’t say because he didn’t there is reasonable doubt.

He is so prideful and arrogant that the prosecutors will easily catch him in lies.

Pamela Tracy informed there’s a new grift. “Melania is pitching a Mother’s Day necklace. For $245 you can buy some kind of charm on a chain that has her name on the back.” He will probably turn your neck green. Next up trump will sell a cuff link set I’m assuming getting ready for HIS cuffs.

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He’s a coward and won’t take the stand. First he would want to spin every answer cause he can’t stick by yes or no. If his lawyers tried to rebuke those questions he would be allowed to go off on his tangents. Second I’m surprised he behaved in court today. Now onto the MSNBC Andrea Mitchell or whoever was on and carried TFG speaking after court, they sure don’t have the integrity of Nicolle or any of the hosts after her. I’m really disappointed. Plus it made me accidentally break my beloved 16 oz kitty coffee mug and Pfaltzgraff doesn’t have anymore of them. (My clumsy self bumped my side table).

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