That’s the only reasonable conclusion. Trump 1.0 was malignant. Trump 2.0 is insane. I keep asking myself how much the GOP Senate is willing to risk. After all, they and their families live in this country too. If they confirm lunatics to manage our health, our defense, our national intelligence and security, and our law enforcement, they are at risk too. Indeed, we’re all in this together. The Senate needs to grab hold of their Advise and Consent duties and not let go.
I have no doubt that a majority of Senate Republicans will bend the knee. Some of them are as clearly disconnected from reality as Patel. But for others who are more mainstream and still have their brains, it must be realized that they let Trump Mania - and their own quid pro quo arrangements - go on too long... for years. Now, aside from fear of being primaried out, some if not many (and some have admitted this) are toeing the line because they literally are in fear of violence to themselves or their families. It is a sickening state of affairs for the United States. A dark, putrid stain on the Rule of Law.
Indeed it is. This country has elected a criminal. Bottom line! It will be interesting, albeit scary, to see how we move forward after Trump is inaugurated.
He likes to think he is, at any rate. However, bottom line: Mob bosses do not get where they are by being stupid, impulsive, paranoid and obsessed with revenge. As in so many other enterprises and endeavors, Trump suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Marge, those Trumpers and Trumpettes were thinking, "he's rich (maybe), white, male and has a big loud mouth and his opponent was none of those things. Yep, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homo/transphobia reign here and have forever and those folks would rather whine about the cost of eggs and ignore Trump's dementia and general ignorance rather than acknowledge that these isms are controlling them and what little thinking they permit themselves to do. How sad for them and all of us too.
These folks are not Profiles in Courage. But surely some must recognize their country is at peril. Let’s really get the word out for people/voters to be in touch with them to be sure they do the right thing.
You are hopeful but those employees will not be asked to remain in new administration! Only loyalists or Trump devotees! Their actions will be reported immediately!
Who are they? The sane ones? Those retiring after this term? Those who have the money for private security to keep the militias or their “lone wolves” far from them and their staff and families?
And where does one’s oath matter? Is it now just words to brush aside?
I don’t check ‘like’ because it’s not possible to ‘like’ any of this sad use of the American (& international citizenry living in democracies) energies on following the ‘dramas’ of the many sycophants and hangers’ on
Playing with T’s newest toys: Our Way of Life, based in Rule of Law and basic humane interaction with each other. Be well dear friends of Substack.
Michael, you are right about Senate Republicans' fear of violence, but they helped to create the insanity that leads to such violence. Then letting incompetent ignoramuses run important security departments will put them and their families in even more danger. I hope enough of them wake up to see what they are doing and stop their ridiculous behavior to bow and scrape to a man who was only elected because he is rich (or pretends to be), white, and male and his opponent is none of those things. This nation is still a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homo/transphobic enclave of people who can't admit it and don't want to do anything about it. If Republicans don't wake up soon they won't have anything to wake up to.
However their immediate calculation is that this lunatic will investigate and prosecute them to get even! That’s why about 40 of his former colleagues would not speak up about him unless guaranteed complete protection from disclosure of their identity! This will certainly test the loyalty of each and every Senator to the Constitution rather than to loyalty to the two vengeful tyrants!
All the more reason to stop the Patel nomination in its tracks. Start the investigations now. Truly make him the new Matt Gaetz. Then Hegseth, Gabbard, and RFK Jr. Remind Trump that as much as he wants to be a dictator we still have three branches of government.
Traitor will decimate the three branches of government. And here we are passively handing over our democracy to dangerous nut jobs without a fight. What the hell is wrong with us? Where's our common sense? Where's our patriotism?Call the Supreme Farce's bluff. They were so darn sure that Traitor would have absolute immunity, but I take it as any current President could as well. While we still have the time and hopefully the guts to save our democracy, our fellow humans, and ourselves. Our current President is supposed to protect all of us. He needs to use his Presidential powers, declare a state of emergency, utilize the military still under his control, and declare the election a fraud. Due to 8 years of non-stop Russian interference with constant propaganda spread by Traitor, Musk using his billions and platform, and Traitor's continuing the Big Lie. Round up all the congressional insurrectionists who should have immediately been jailed when they failed to keep their oaths to the Constitution and try them like the others have been tried and convicted. Anything less is a dereliction of this President's duty to keep us safe.
dereliction of duty by voters is why we are here....we are the ones who have to say to Ben Franklin...sorry we couldn't do it, but the price of eggs was just too high
Yes, Patricia. Media reported eggs were expensive. Media did not explain that the president does not control this. Wishy-washy media said voters blame presidents. Media did not say presidents do not usually deserve the blame—or the credit—for the state of the economy.
Not for long. Once Traitor and his sycophants are in power there won't be any going back. No, I "wish we had" or "we could have" or "we should have had the guts to do what was necessary to save our democracy." So good luck with that.
I have heard that Biden is just as capable of ordering background investigations as the incoming orange cocksplat. Of course the effing or on can order info not be released to the senate.
What is the President doing? He isn't helpless. Or maybe he thinks he is
And let's be real, it's the third of the population who lives here and never got the message thst along with the privilege to live here comes the responsibility to pay attention, think, and govern, if only every other year.
They live in this country too. They have a personal interest in maintaining their own power, and putting lunatics in charge puts their own safety and security at risk. Hopefully they’ll be thinking about their children and grandchildren when they decide whether to approach Trump on their feet or on their knees.
If Republicans love democracy and this country, they would want the very best. However, I think they are afraid of the consequences to their families and to their re-election if they defy Trump. Most are very wealthy and they will be able to get the vaccines they need, their children will go to private schools and be admitted to the Elite Universities, and their taxes will not be prohibitive. I do not think they will suffer under Trump and his toadies.
How many of these Senators know the Constitution. Do you really think Ohio’s new “Senator” (a used-car salesman!) knows, or cares, anything about the Constitution? And he’s just one. We know where their loyalty lies.
I concur Dr. Quest on all the names you identified who must be removed from any Trump II position. Good news, TULSI GABBARD may not make it to hear January 2025 hearing.
Last week, Michael Isikioff in Spy Talk detailed Tulsi's AGIT-Prop for Bashar al-Assad in 2017. This Weekend, the armed Syrian opposition the "HTC" (Haay'at Tahir al-Sham) took over ALLEPO. Gabbard supports al-Assad, & friends, specifically Putin & Iran.
Gabbard must go the way of Gaetz.
NYT Sunday 12/1 Update 8 AM Eastern:
"Syrian Rebels Take Aleppo Airport & Attack Hama Officials and a Monitor Say"
Dr. Steven Quest -- I agree with you but it's pretty obvious that they don't believe there will be consequences for them, their family, their friends. It's a disconnect that is both fascinating and terrifying.
They very well may not...therein lies the problem, Trump will be watching and counting the votes...he is inordinately vindictive so I'm not all that hopeful. Of course it would be a red letter day if they stood up to the cabinet insanity and showed Trump what this country is made of...but with the Rethugs, who the hell knows.
I believe you are correct, Tim A. Parrott. Moreover, given that these appointments are wildly incompetent they will create chaos while Trump sits back, watches, and says, “I don’t know anything about it. I have spoken with him or her and haven’t seen the proposal, etc, etc,
And the cult of supporters never thinks "hmmm, as the President Elect, shouldnʻt this guy know something about something?" So sad that critical thinking skills are so lacking.
Here’s my question: “What are we going to do when he pardons all the “political prisoners,” people who heard us call, “Come to D.C. on January 6, it will be wild.”?
And a bigger question is: “What will they do?” Will they become his foot soldiers, exacting revenge and retribution?” How will law enforcement step up to protect citizens and property if they become a violent and destructive?”
I hope you’re writing/speaking in more places than here. Vital inclusion, ‘breaking barriers’ of mistrust, misinformation, disinformation have to be overcome to invite SAFE interaction, KIND, Generous Spirited, conversation. To REBUILD a TRUE DEMOCRACY.
Place for ALL ideas, exchanges to be invited and heard peacefully.
At least Caligula’s Senator had horse sense. Most of these nominations are simply donkeys pulling the cart filled with whatever garbage the man with the whip piles on.
If we had a dollar for each time we whispered WTF in a typical day.... choose from sexism, misogyny, mansplaining, ageism, bigotry, and the list goes on, sadly. Hard to believe we haven't come very far from the era that the MAGAts would like to return our country to..
His father, Fred Trump and mentor, Roy Cohen, made him what he is - lawless with no regard to anyone or any laws, fully focused on his wealth and real estate.
If we do not resist; if senators do not resist, we are toast..... Trump needs to be caged BADLY. Contact your senators!!!( especially Republicans). if we do not resist, Trump will have all these gangsters working for him... and THEY will hire gangsters.
You got it right, Potter. Most importantly, we must aggressively be in touch with our Congressional delegations regardless of party. Concurrently we must be demanding that our state and local leaders stand up to DJT and his operatives.
He is always testing the boundaries to see what he can get away with. And if his 'first choice' appointees don't get approved, it makes his 2nd choice more likely to.
Maureen, I believe you are exactly right. He has to pick guys who will do his bidding because he won't remember any others and won't have the ability to train more folks to kiss just the right places.
I have read that even if the Senate doesn't approve Patel, he can be placed in as Interim for 200 hundred days without approval, long enough to do serious damage.
Perhaps it is time for Attorney General Garland to send a stern memorandum citing the lack of decorum in appointing key employees within the Justice Department. That'll straighten out these MAGA thugs, huh?
Well, when you have the Prime Minister of Canada flying down to MAL to kiss the ring, I'm losing hope. Why didn't Trudeau call him out and make Trump come to him? I'm so disgusted by the appeasement. Yes, it would affect Canada but really? At least the FEMALE president of Mexico is calling him out on his lies.
Our Prime Minister is super worried about the effects of Trumps high tariffs on our country. And so is everyone here. Tariffs will have drastic effects on our economy. I’m glad he went down to get the dialogue started at least. Trump loves making deals as everyone knows. The President of Mexico did not meet with Trump in person. Face to face is always better. And no, felons are not allowed to cross the border into Canada.
Really what does it matter that he visited trump at Mira Largo? He had “business “ to discuss with the next president and if a one on one in person conversation is preferred, so what. Trudeau probably accomplished what he wanted. Trudeau is no dummy.
PM Trudeau didn’t go to MAL to ‘kiss the ring’. That would be what Conservative Pierre Pollievre would do, if his repeated attempts to unseat Trudeau had succeeded…he didn’t.
You just can’t make this stuff up…. Sheesh. It’s getting crazier and crazier. Dear senators (esp the patriotic “wise republican 5” who rightly said hell no to Matt Gaetz — history and the constitution are watching you.
Thus, Bill Katz, your will awaits and my headache grows worse. I’ve stopped watching news. Substack essays and the communities’ discussions are my sources. Yes I read publications selectively and fear far more. My Inauguration expectations: uglier and more bleak than ‘17; the expected roundup of immigrants including those with TPS & DACA status, and even like WWII Japanese American citizens those here who are, with live feed to the Mall (to further enflame MAGAts in attendance and at home), eliminating MLK Day on which Inauguration falls, and taking away more rights from DC citizens, perhaps PR and other territories.
Will former Presidents attend? Will dear Pres Carter who held on to vote for Harris hoping to see her inaugurated live to give the middle finger to the TV? Would from his mouth “fuck you” ever occur?
Another predictable nomination from the loyal and unqualified sector of the incoming administration. Sending apologies as well to France for the nomination today of convicted felon Charles Kushner as Ambassador to that nation. This barrel has no bottom; the bottom clearly rusted out ages ago. Grateful we still have leftover pumpkin pie for distraction this evening.
Anyone else think that trump makes these outlandish picks just to get everyone in an uproar. And than where he proposes someone less problematic we all breathe a sigh of relief and don't look hard enough at the new person? I've read comments from people who are all set to accept Pam Bondi, just because she's not 'as bad' as Matt Gaetz.
One observation I read in the last day or so -- sorry, can't remember exactly where -- said that it's very much the orange criminal's style to set up ten or a dozen little fires, to get everyone rushing around madly in reaction mode, while he sits back, revels in the attention, and decides which one or two, if any, of the flares he will actually follow through on.
Further, he's clearly nominating anti-establishment people, clearly in line with Project 2025's burn-it-all-down philosophy. As Yale professor Timothy Snyder put it, the nominees aren't just underqualified or even unqualified: they're anti-qualified. That is, they're deliberately chosen as completely antithetical to the roles and responsibilities for which they're being nominated.
Further still, consider the notorious "flood the zone with shit" strategy. By sending the most awful, unacceptable crop of nominees possible out there, he's increasing the possibility that at least some of them will get through, and even if magic happens and most of them don't, he'll have any number of not-as-bad-but-still-really-terrible replacements, who likely won't face scrutiny nearly as intense.
It's called Creating CHAOS. It's classic trump. While we're sputtering about the insults he hurled at Harris he's off telling bigger lies about Haitians stealing/eating cats & dogs.
Plenty of good analysis here. We’ve seen the lighting fires everywhere before. So, as our family often says, “In the words of Paul Simon, what are we going to do about it? That’s what I’d like to know.”
Shirley, you are so right. It's part if his sophisticated CHAOS plan. Keep people looking one way while he's screwing us over some other way completely unrelated. Until we get as cagey as him (taught by Roy Cohn) we're just going to look like fools.
The media laps it all up like a thirsty dog (no offense, dogs) and drools over the clickbait headlines they can write. Our strategy? DONT CLICK THE HEADLINES. IGNORE THE DRAMA. Follow Joyce, Tim Snyder, Heather Cox Richardson to find out whatʻs going on.
That's what I'm doing. Heather, Joyce, Robert Hubble are my main news sources. I read the Guardian and (cautiously) NPR. I avoid any headlines from other sources (so I'm not even opening my newsletters from The Week for now).
Mainstream media I treat with the same disdain that I have for supermarket tabloids. The only news I see on Facebook is what my friends repost (and I cleared my friends list out in 2016, so very rarely do I see any of the drama.)
They aren’t outlandish to him. And frankly we are better off giving him enough rope to hang himself. We’ve endured his obnoxious behavior long enough. Let the Roberts court have the pleasure of dealing with him and his crazies while the Republicans who still have shame hang their heads in it.
I came here to say the same. Get all the uproar and rejection energy expended on a sacrificial clown decoy so someone awful yet frighteningly capable of performing towards awful goals slides in easily. Also, let’s note what happens to the decoys later. Is there a plan/reward for them? Or are Rs cleaning house of their own problematic members?
Is it possible that he ever runs out of "worse than" nominees? There has to be a limit on the number of psychopaths in MAGAt land. Do we need to find them one by one? Is the media up to that task? Or more to the point, is the Senate up to that task?
He truly wants to destroy our country. I’m so angry at MAGA supporters I see a red hat & 😡😡😡😡 at least they have their cult gear on. FAFO is what they did & will do
You're not alone in not knowing the acronyms of the texting world. Seems like you've & I probably need a cheat sheet handy so we can understand what's being texted!!! ☺️
Trump is neither demented nor stupid, like his son, Eric. He is cruel, hateful, and plain old mean. He doesn’t care who he’s appointing to his cabinet as long as they are smacking their lips on his hind-end. Look at Hegseth, for instance. His mother stated to TIME that she is embarrassed that she wrote that email to him accusing him of cheating on his wives, etc. She now wants it retracted. Uh…too late! The damage is done but will he and Tulsi and numbskull Patel be approved? We know “we” can’t stand his picks but are there enough R’s to challenge him? That remains to be seen. We can’t count on them doing anything perceive as being normal. It will be a virtual shit-show. You know it and I know it, so what are we going to do? Shall we just sit back and let them have their way with us? HELL NO!
Make sure you ask your MAGA neighbors, in a nice way, why they expect Elon Musk will reshape the government in any way that will make their lives better? Maybe the idea of lower wages no overtime, more expensive healthcare, and never receiving Social Security is what they want from their government.
Kash Patel’s nomination as FBI director ranks among the very worst of Trump’s appointees. The NYT, in an October 14th article, describes what a Trump flunking and dangerous ‘judicial’ person Patel is.
Fiona Hill, an admirable member of the National Security Council, highlighted what a devious danger Patel was. He was sucking up to Trump even then. Earlier he has lied as a member of Nunes’ congressional staff.
Trump, in his final presidential months, endeavored to put Patel in positions of major responsibility. Various top administration members pushed back strongly.
Patel has stated that he seeks to ‘clean out’ the. FBI and prosecute prosecutors. He is Trump’s patsy in seeking to prosecute the ‘deep state.’ At a minimum, he could bankrupt a number of people who could be obliged to finance legal fees against unwarranted Patel prosecutions.
Iʻm surprised that the Republican governor of Virgina hasnʻt had an "aha" moment and realized that property values in Northern VA will plummet when all those government employees and beltway bandits no longer have jobs and have to relocate due to Muskʻs big plans.
Yes, that’s why I have been advocating people who want to save democracy focus on running for school boards on a save democracy platform. That way we keep the light of democracy shining. We can turn our schools into the foundation of democracy they were supposed to be but haven’t been for decades now. They are why we have so many people who thought a criminal was a good idea. Check out and learn what boards have been rubber stamping for decades when you could have controlled a board and saved us from Trump. That is something we can fix. He isn’t worth our thoughts. Boards are local. The evil ones are trying to end public schools so people like us have no power. Charter schools are a way around boards. They know if they don’t control the boards we hold power. You don’t need to have a child in your district to run. Run in groups. Overwhelm them while teaching voters why they must vote for you. Spend your energy on this not on his appointees. The crooks who’ve hijacked our schools cleverly got you to not trust teachers. When this nation stopped listening to its teachers it was the beginning of the end of democracy as called to teach teachers are the keepers of democracy and the producers of citizens. Now they’re whistleblowers at and at
Well, Trudeau may just have been coming down to have a look see as to the real state of things, ie, how out of his mind is the Felon? Is his health as bad as it seems? How long will the real world have to put up with him? Of course, the Felon made it known that Trudeau was the mendicant - I know, he wouldn't know that word - and he, the Gollum of the 21st century, was, as usual, the true God. Nope. Ring wasn't kissed, but assessment was made and now can be reported back to the real countries what they will be dealing with. Was the Muskrat part of this?
Starting to look like a demented version of one of those Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney musicals: "Hey, let's get a gang of incompetent buffoons together and put on an administration." Or, in the immortal words of that great American, John McEnroe, "You cannot be serious!"
Wannabe's activities are more sensational and sexy. Our POTUS is doing wonderful things the latest of which is gaining a permanent ceasefire in the Middle East!! His gifts to us need to be broadcast in such a way that all of them are made public and he is given full credit for all he gave us. These are no where as sensational as wannabe's. Says where media's priorities are.
Yes--the great deeds need to be shouted from the roof tops---but that won't happen with T's daily tidbits of excitement---he knows what he is doing..... Biden needs some people around him who can grab the initiative and run with it to broadcast the news. Alas that will never happen . The MAGA media control the narrative---and will continue to do so until someone devises a way to break their hold.....ALAS
Right? It's mind boggling to me. My Dad was a Navy fighter pilot and served 30 years. He enlisted at age 17 in WWII. Years later in the early 1960s we were on Whidbey Island, WA. HATRON 4, heavy attack squadron, for a couple of reasons and one being Russia. My Dad passed at the age of 90 a number of years ago. Although I miss him terribly, I wouldn't want him to see what's become of our country.
Trump has drained the swamp and replaced it with a cesspool of creatures that can’t exist in a normal society. He has surrounded himself with billionaire bros who think they are geniuses and should run the world. They are in it for the money, and to make sure that they get to keep all of theirs, and strut around like the princes of old.
But, the really scary ones are the creatures from the depths of the pool who would never get to see the light of day in a normal world. They are the crazies who have been rejected by the world from the beginning of their sorrow filled lives, and now they are given the power to seek revenge against enemies which are more imaginary than real. This is how Trump wants to make the world fear him. He loves to present himself as unpredictable, unmanageable, and devious. He wants to be like Putin: don’t challenge him or he will blow up the world (maybe).
This is the new development of the American Oligarchs! Money to be made. Fame and fortune packaged with less regulations, huge tax breaks, and democracy be damned!
His appointments all seem to be made primarily as a "fuck you" to all who oppose him.
That’s the only reasonable conclusion. Trump 1.0 was malignant. Trump 2.0 is insane. I keep asking myself how much the GOP Senate is willing to risk. After all, they and their families live in this country too. If they confirm lunatics to manage our health, our defense, our national intelligence and security, and our law enforcement, they are at risk too. Indeed, we’re all in this together. The Senate needs to grab hold of their Advise and Consent duties and not let go.
I have no doubt that a majority of Senate Republicans will bend the knee. Some of them are as clearly disconnected from reality as Patel. But for others who are more mainstream and still have their brains, it must be realized that they let Trump Mania - and their own quid pro quo arrangements - go on too long... for years. Now, aside from fear of being primaried out, some if not many (and some have admitted this) are toeing the line because they literally are in fear of violence to themselves or their families. It is a sickening state of affairs for the United States. A dark, putrid stain on the Rule of Law.
Indeed it is. This country has elected a criminal. Bottom line! It will be interesting, albeit scary, to see how we move forward after Trump is inaugurated.
He is, IMO, a mob boss.
He likes to think he is, at any rate. However, bottom line: Mob bosses do not get where they are by being stupid, impulsive, paranoid and obsessed with revenge. As in so many other enterprises and endeavors, Trump suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect.
A malignant narcissistic demented criminal. WTF were those voters thinking?
Marge, those Trumpers and Trumpettes were thinking, "he's rich (maybe), white, male and has a big loud mouth and his opponent was none of those things. Yep, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homo/transphobia reign here and have forever and those folks would rather whine about the cost of eggs and ignore Trump's dementia and general ignorance rather than acknowledge that these isms are controlling them and what little thinking they permit themselves to do. How sad for them and all of us too.
It’s beyond my comprehension
Obeying in advance. Like cowards do with authoritarians. Grow some, Senators.
I think that explains the many resignations and decisions to not run again by various poiticians.
These folks are not Profiles in Courage. But surely some must recognize their country is at peril. Let’s really get the word out for people/voters to be in touch with them to be sure they do the right thing.
they haven't so far
Michael H: And yet I’m hoping some of them will do the right thing by considering their children’s futures and speaking up for justice.
You are hopeful but those employees will not be asked to remain in new administration! Only loyalists or Trump devotees! Their actions will be reported immediately!
JA - It will take a lot of courageous in whatever way presents itself. But just to succumb? Maybe alternatives will appear.
Yes to all you write. This is a terrifying state of affairs. This really is the revenge tour---and it is going to get more than "messy".......
Who are they? The sane ones? Those retiring after this term? Those who have the money for private security to keep the militias or their “lone wolves” far from them and their staff and families?
And where does one’s oath matter? Is it now just words to brush aside?
I find it difficult to breathe through this.
I share your horror--this is one of the scariest things I've read. These people voted the anti-christ in....
I don’t check ‘like’ because it’s not possible to ‘like’ any of this sad use of the American (& international citizenry living in democracies) energies on following the ‘dramas’ of the many sycophants and hangers’ on
Playing with T’s newest toys: Our Way of Life, based in Rule of Law and basic humane interaction with each other. Be well dear friends of Substack.
Carol, I think we need a better batch of buttons to show how we feel. I’ve thought that for a long time
VOX POPULI! Make sure they hear yours loud and clear.
Michael, you are right about Senate Republicans' fear of violence, but they helped to create the insanity that leads to such violence. Then letting incompetent ignoramuses run important security departments will put them and their families in even more danger. I hope enough of them wake up to see what they are doing and stop their ridiculous behavior to bow and scrape to a man who was only elected because he is rich (or pretends to be), white, and male and his opponent is none of those things. This nation is still a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homo/transphobic enclave of people who can't admit it and don't want to do anything about it. If Republicans don't wake up soon they won't have anything to wake up to.
However their immediate calculation is that this lunatic will investigate and prosecute them to get even! That’s why about 40 of his former colleagues would not speak up about him unless guaranteed complete protection from disclosure of their identity! This will certainly test the loyalty of each and every Senator to the Constitution rather than to loyalty to the two vengeful tyrants!
All the more reason to stop the Patel nomination in its tracks. Start the investigations now. Truly make him the new Matt Gaetz. Then Hegseth, Gabbard, and RFK Jr. Remind Trump that as much as he wants to be a dictator we still have three branches of government.
Talk about flooding the zone with shit……
Traitor will decimate the three branches of government. And here we are passively handing over our democracy to dangerous nut jobs without a fight. What the hell is wrong with us? Where's our common sense? Where's our patriotism?Call the Supreme Farce's bluff. They were so darn sure that Traitor would have absolute immunity, but I take it as any current President could as well. While we still have the time and hopefully the guts to save our democracy, our fellow humans, and ourselves. Our current President is supposed to protect all of us. He needs to use his Presidential powers, declare a state of emergency, utilize the military still under his control, and declare the election a fraud. Due to 8 years of non-stop Russian interference with constant propaganda spread by Traitor, Musk using his billions and platform, and Traitor's continuing the Big Lie. Round up all the congressional insurrectionists who should have immediately been jailed when they failed to keep their oaths to the Constitution and try them like the others have been tried and convicted. Anything less is a dereliction of this President's duty to keep us safe.
dereliction of duty by voters is why we are here....we are the ones who have to say to Ben Franklin...sorry we couldn't do it, but the price of eggs was just too high
Yes, Patricia. Media reported eggs were expensive. Media did not explain that the president does not control this. Wishy-washy media said voters blame presidents. Media did not say presidents do not usually deserve the blame—or the credit—for the state of the economy.
I wish. ☹️
So you're suggesting Biden declare martial law? Yo ct illegally bc Trump et al are acting illegally? We're still the US of America.
I have no idea what that 2d sentence was supposed to say.
Not for long. Once Traitor and his sycophants are in power there won't be any going back. No, I "wish we had" or "we could have" or "we should have had the guts to do what was necessary to save our democracy." So good luck with that.
You are right but until he is formerly before the Senate there is no official way to do the investigating other than by media!
I have heard that Biden is just as capable of ordering background investigations as the incoming orange cocksplat. Of course the effing or on can order info not be released to the senate.
What is the President doing? He isn't helpless. Or maybe he thinks he is
And let's be real, it's the third of the population who lives here and never got the message thst along with the privilege to live here comes the responsibility to pay attention, think, and govern, if only every other year.
Is 47 able to castrate congress thru moves like putting the House & Senate on recess?
I don't think so. "Separation of powers."
Trump rules all three branches of government. He will do whatever he wants and te Repibs and Supreme Court will applaud
They live in this country too. They have a personal interest in maintaining their own power, and putting lunatics in charge puts their own safety and security at risk. Hopefully they’ll be thinking about their children and grandchildren when they decide whether to approach Trump on their feet or on their knees.
If Republicans love democracy and this country, they would want the very best. However, I think they are afraid of the consequences to their families and to their re-election if they defy Trump. Most are very wealthy and they will be able to get the vaccines they need, their children will go to private schools and be admitted to the Elite Universities, and their taxes will not be prohibitive. I do not think they will suffer under Trump and his toadies.
How many of these Senators know the Constitution. Do you really think Ohio’s new “Senator” (a used-car salesman!) knows, or cares, anything about the Constitution? And he’s just one. We know where their loyalty lies.
Look at coach tommy tuberville - Ugg!
Several years ago, if Congress had only impeached, we would not be going thru all of this! The first time would have settled the matter.
Unfortunately, we have this and many more threatening issues with this Trump bag of tricks.
Which is why I will forever hold Glitch McConnell in contempt for sacrificing America. A special place in Hell awaits him.
And I am not at all confident that their individual nor group loyalty lies with the Constitution.
I concur Dr. Quest on all the names you identified who must be removed from any Trump II position. Good news, TULSI GABBARD may not make it to hear January 2025 hearing.
Last week, Michael Isikioff in Spy Talk detailed Tulsi's AGIT-Prop for Bashar al-Assad in 2017. This Weekend, the armed Syrian opposition the "HTC" (Haay'at Tahir al-Sham) took over ALLEPO. Gabbard supports al-Assad, & friends, specifically Putin & Iran.
Gabbard must go the way of Gaetz.
NYT Sunday 12/1 Update 8 AM Eastern:
"Syrian Rebels Take Aleppo Airport & Attack Hama Officials and a Monitor Say"
Have not heard much about “Recess Appointments” recently, and not sure why.
The rules are in the Constitution. See also, Alexander Hamilton Federalist No: 76. No matter the Senate would not go to technical "recess" any way.
I think that you would be surprised at how low they are willing to go.
Dr. Steven Quest -- I agree with you but it's pretty obvious that they don't believe there will be consequences for them, their family, their friends. It's a disconnect that is both fascinating and terrifying.
They very well may not...therein lies the problem, Trump will be watching and counting the votes...he is inordinately vindictive so I'm not all that hopeful. Of course it would be a red letter day if they stood up to the cabinet insanity and showed Trump what this country is made of...but with the Rethugs, who the hell knows.
So true!
But are they too afraid of Trump 2.0 to stand up and say NO?
but they won't
I believe everything he does is geared to creating as much CHAOS as possible. Look at his record the answer always is: CHAOS
The more chaos the better because then he can sneak boxes out while people are flapping their jaws about some other trumpish behavior.
Until Dems learn how to counteract his chaos actions we'll never beat him at his game.
I believe you are correct, Tim A. Parrott. Moreover, given that these appointments are wildly incompetent they will create chaos while Trump sits back, watches, and says, “I don’t know anything about it. I have spoken with him or her and haven’t seen the proposal, etc, etc,
And the cult of supporters never thinks "hmmm, as the President Elect, shouldnʻt this guy know something about something?" So sad that critical thinking skills are so lacking.
His voters could not pass 5th grade in a mediocre school district. So no worries there for Criminal in Chief.
The Trump answer and attitude regarding - Project 2025?
Know nothing about it? Then he packs his administration with the Project 2025 authors and supporters? The guy who wrote the Preface is upcoming VP!
Perfect, thank you...
Sociopaths gotta sociopath.
Not just Dems. Other reasonable members
They are a “fuck you” to all Americans - red and blue. The MAGAts just haven’t figured that out yet.
The magats bend over and spread them with a big smile on their face. They love the ugly and the cruel of trump against the OTHER.
For themselves however, they are expecting manna (not from heaven) but from dear leader trump.
What they will get is a colonoscopy without anesthesia.
The rest of us will end up standing in a lot of shit.
Here’s my question: “What are we going to do when he pardons all the “political prisoners,” people who heard us call, “Come to D.C. on January 6, it will be wild.”?
And a bigger question is: “What will they do?” Will they become his foot soldiers, exacting revenge and retribution?” How will law enforcement step up to protect citizens and property if they become a violent and destructive?”
Thanks for giving me my first smile of this new month! December here we come ! 🤗
I hope you’re writing/speaking in more places than here. Vital inclusion, ‘breaking barriers’ of mistrust, misinformation, disinformation have to be overcome to invite SAFE interaction, KIND, Generous Spirited, conversation. To REBUILD a TRUE DEMOCRACY.
Place for ALL ideas, exchanges to be invited and heard peacefully.
That would be us. Trolling is a blood sport in MAGA eyes.
Isnʻt it like Caligula appointing his horse to be a Roman Senator? Malicious and insane at the same time.
At least Caligula’s Senator had horse sense. Most of these nominations are simply donkeys pulling the cart filled with whatever garbage the man with the whip piles on.
As a matter of fact, I think my horse would make a better senator than a lot of these clowns.
Oh my God, a woman cussed a “fuck you.” Atta girl, let it out.
We say Fuck you all the time. This surprises you…
If we had a dollar for each time we whispered WTF in a typical day.... choose from sexism, misogyny, mansplaining, ageism, bigotry, and the list goes on, sadly. Hard to believe we haven't come very far from the era that the MAGAts would like to return our country to..
No just joking
Difficult to tell online.
I do it all the time. It’s my Navy days to blame!
Trump's emotional growth stopped at about the early teen level.
No I think he stopped way before that, maybe 6 year old, where he knew the difference between right and wrong but just didn’t give a shit. 🤷♂️
His father, Fred Trump and mentor, Roy Cohen, made him what he is - lawless with no regard to anyone or any laws, fully focused on his wealth and real estate.
You’re being generous. Sociopathy this deep started way before the teen years, like somewhere between three and five.
Elon's as well...
If we do not resist; if senators do not resist, we are toast..... Trump needs to be caged BADLY. Contact your senators!!!( especially Republicans). if we do not resist, Trump will have all these gangsters working for him... and THEY will hire gangsters.
You got it right, Potter. Most importantly, we must aggressively be in touch with our Congressional delegations regardless of party. Concurrently we must be demanding that our state and local leaders stand up to DJT and his operatives.
Maybe Trump has secret holdings in a blood pressure medicine company. He just loves making our heads explode.🤯🤯🤯🤯
Trump does NOT care if our heads explode! Get that!
It is ALL me, me, me, me, me,me.
I, I, I, I, I, I, I.
I get it 100%.
Exactly! The man (DJT) is a nut case who will likely self destruct at some point, won’t he? WTF!!
I agree. That’s his only political language, based on his only attitude. That’s it. He has nothing else.
And finding people who are sufficiently well-known to broadcast his "greatness" across the airwaves and over the internet.
He is always testing the boundaries to see what he can get away with. And if his 'first choice' appointees don't get approved, it makes his 2nd choice more likely to.
Maureen, I believe you are exactly right. He has to pick guys who will do his bidding because he won't remember any others and won't have the ability to train more folks to kiss just the right places.
I have read that even if the Senate doesn't approve Patel, he can be placed in as Interim for 200 hundred days without approval, long enough to do serious damage.
Perhaps it is time for Attorney General Garland to send a stern memorandum citing the lack of decorum in appointing key employees within the Justice Department. That'll straighten out these MAGA thugs, huh?
PP, very funny
Well, when you have the Prime Minister of Canada flying down to MAL to kiss the ring, I'm losing hope. Why didn't Trudeau call him out and make Trump come to him? I'm so disgusted by the appeasement. Yes, it would affect Canada but really? At least the FEMALE president of Mexico is calling him out on his lies.
Is Trump allowed into Canada? I know there are many countries that don’t allow felons in.
Convicted felons are not allowed into Canada, President-elect or not
I wonder if the same applies to European countries. Will Trump not be allowed to attend G7 or G20 conferences? I hope not!
Good point.
none of us are allowed in Canada anymore
they don't want to risk polluting their blood
Our Prime Minister is super worried about the effects of Trumps high tariffs on our country. And so is everyone here. Tariffs will have drastic effects on our economy. I’m glad he went down to get the dialogue started at least. Trump loves making deals as everyone knows. The President of Mexico did not meet with Trump in person. Face to face is always better. And no, felons are not allowed to cross the border into Canada.
Wonder if tariffs are a Trojan Horse? As long as everyone is talking about tariffs, what elsethat may be even worse is flying under the radar?
Several reliable lawyers, judges, historians, political scientists have described 47’s agenda as a Trojan horse
Maybe add little old ladies to that list? Not necessarily reliable but nice to be in that company anyway. :))
I hope my dear Canada doesn’t put the rotted pumpkin above the law too and let him in.
Meeting face to face with Trump? He makes it an opportunity to sell himself plus brand himself with importance! All ends up on camera?
Really what does it matter that he visited trump at Mira Largo? He had “business “ to discuss with the next president and if a one on one in person conversation is preferred, so what. Trudeau probably accomplished what he wanted. Trudeau is no dummy.
Trudeau is quite familiar with the Beast!
Elon warned Trudeau that he’s next. That’s why. Now that Trump is above the law there is no end to this.
You must have suicidal tendencies.
WE ELECTED THIS CRIMINAL to represent us in the world and you actually expect other world leaders to tell him to fuck off!
We should have been the ones to TELL HIM THAT and throw him in jail ….. not elect him to a second term.
You’d have to be crazy to ‘stand up to trump’ when our dear leader holds grudges forever.
he is in charge of the largest most powerful military and economy in the world. He is a crazy criminal enterprise with no guard rails left.
The supreme court nutcase christians have given him carte blanche to do anything he wants as president.
Trudeau has his own problems back home.
PM Trudeau didn’t go to MAL to ‘kiss the ring’. That would be what Conservative Pierre Pollievre would do, if his repeated attempts to unseat Trudeau had succeeded…he didn’t.
You just can’t make this stuff up…. Sheesh. It’s getting crazier and crazier. Dear senators (esp the patriotic “wise republican 5” who rightly said hell no to Matt Gaetz — history and the constitution are watching you.
As are we voters.
We haven’t seen anything yet. My quill is waiting.
Thus, Bill Katz, your will awaits and my headache grows worse. I’ve stopped watching news. Substack essays and the communities’ discussions are my sources. Yes I read publications selectively and fear far more. My Inauguration expectations: uglier and more bleak than ‘17; the expected roundup of immigrants including those with TPS & DACA status, and even like WWII Japanese American citizens those here who are, with live feed to the Mall (to further enflame MAGAts in attendance and at home), eliminating MLK Day on which Inauguration falls, and taking away more rights from DC citizens, perhaps PR and other territories.
Will former Presidents attend? Will dear Pres Carter who held on to vote for Harris hoping to see her inaugurated live to give the middle finger to the TV? Would from his mouth “fuck you” ever occur?
Another predictable nomination from the loyal and unqualified sector of the incoming administration. Sending apologies as well to France for the nomination today of convicted felon Charles Kushner as Ambassador to that nation. This barrel has no bottom; the bottom clearly rusted out ages ago. Grateful we still have leftover pumpkin pie for distraction this evening.
Very good way in describing the rot in our country.
Are convicted felons allowed to enter France?
Trump pardoned him, so not sure how that works. Maybe the French can say no thanks.
That would make my day, if France would protest having Kushner Sr in their country
great move for "the family" they get to visit Paris anytime and stay in the American ambassador's residence
Anyone else think that trump makes these outlandish picks just to get everyone in an uproar. And than where he proposes someone less problematic we all breathe a sigh of relief and don't look hard enough at the new person? I've read comments from people who are all set to accept Pam Bondi, just because she's not 'as bad' as Matt Gaetz.
One observation I read in the last day or so -- sorry, can't remember exactly where -- said that it's very much the orange criminal's style to set up ten or a dozen little fires, to get everyone rushing around madly in reaction mode, while he sits back, revels in the attention, and decides which one or two, if any, of the flares he will actually follow through on.
Further, he's clearly nominating anti-establishment people, clearly in line with Project 2025's burn-it-all-down philosophy. As Yale professor Timothy Snyder put it, the nominees aren't just underqualified or even unqualified: they're anti-qualified. That is, they're deliberately chosen as completely antithetical to the roles and responsibilities for which they're being nominated.
Further still, consider the notorious "flood the zone with shit" strategy. By sending the most awful, unacceptable crop of nominees possible out there, he's increasing the possibility that at least some of them will get through, and even if magic happens and most of them don't, he'll have any number of not-as-bad-but-still-really-terrible replacements, who likely won't face scrutiny nearly as intense.
It's called Creating CHAOS. It's classic trump. While we're sputtering about the insults he hurled at Harris he's off telling bigger lies about Haitians stealing/eating cats & dogs.
And that is his lifelong and very typical sociopathic behavior. He can’t do anything else but create chaos for as many people as possible.
Plenty of good analysis here. We’ve seen the lighting fires everywhere before. So, as our family often says, “In the words of Paul Simon, what are we going to do about it? That’s what I’d like to know.”
Shirley, you are so right. It's part if his sophisticated CHAOS plan. Keep people looking one way while he's screwing us over some other way completely unrelated. Until we get as cagey as him (taught by Roy Cohn) we're just going to look like fools.
The media laps it all up like a thirsty dog (no offense, dogs) and drools over the clickbait headlines they can write. Our strategy? DONT CLICK THE HEADLINES. IGNORE THE DRAMA. Follow Joyce, Tim Snyder, Heather Cox Richardson to find out whatʻs going on.
That's what I'm doing. Heather, Joyce, Robert Hubble are my main news sources. I read the Guardian and (cautiously) NPR. I avoid any headlines from other sources (so I'm not even opening my newsletters from The Week for now).
Mainstream media I treat with the same disdain that I have for supermarket tabloids. The only news I see on Facebook is what my friends repost (and I cleared my friends list out in 2016, so very rarely do I see any of the drama.)
As of Nov 5, 2024, we are most certainly already there.
They aren’t outlandish to him. And frankly we are better off giving him enough rope to hang himself. We’ve endured his obnoxious behavior long enough. Let the Roberts court have the pleasure of dealing with him and his crazies while the Republicans who still have shame hang their heads in it.
I expect resignations from Alito and Thomas tout suite. They can leave and allow even less qualified and more extreme justices fill their seats.
I'm having trouble imagining "more extreme" than Alito and Thomas. Aileen Cannon?? Another Senate test.
The Federalist Society and Leonard Leon will head that committee!
Plan is set up and already developed. Stay tuned! List is on the Wall!
I agree. Perhaps if Flynn is an attorney it could be him - or maybe even if he isn’t. Roberts will want to leave too!
That's a horrifying thought.
Well, that’s awful.
Cathy, everything is awful! Stay tuned!
It is only going to get more horrible.
Remember 49% did this to our country and democracy!
That should make everyone furious?
I came here to say the same. Get all the uproar and rejection energy expended on a sacrificial clown decoy so someone awful yet frighteningly capable of performing towards awful goals slides in easily. Also, let’s note what happens to the decoys later. Is there a plan/reward for them? Or are Rs cleaning house of their own problematic members?
Is it possible that he ever runs out of "worse than" nominees? There has to be a limit on the number of psychopaths in MAGAt land. Do we need to find them one by one? Is the media up to that task? Or more to the point, is the Senate up to that task?
He truly wants to destroy our country. I’m so angry at MAGA supporters I see a red hat & 😡😡😡😡 at least they have their cult gear on. FAFO is what they did & will do
What’s FAFO? (Excuse my ignorance)
F**k Around and Find Out!
Ooohhhhh…. Thx
You're not alone in not knowing the acronyms of the texting world. Seems like you've & I probably need a cheat sheet handy so we can understand what's being texted!!! ☺️
Oooh, cheat sheet quick reference! Good idea.
Trump is neither demented nor stupid, like his son, Eric. He is cruel, hateful, and plain old mean. He doesn’t care who he’s appointing to his cabinet as long as they are smacking their lips on his hind-end. Look at Hegseth, for instance. His mother stated to TIME that she is embarrassed that she wrote that email to him accusing him of cheating on his wives, etc. She now wants it retracted. Uh…too late! The damage is done but will he and Tulsi and numbskull Patel be approved? We know “we” can’t stand his picks but are there enough R’s to challenge him? That remains to be seen. We can’t count on them doing anything perceive as being normal. It will be a virtual shit-show. You know it and I know it, so what are we going to do? Shall we just sit back and let them have their way with us? HELL NO!
Make sure you ask your MAGA neighbors, in a nice way, why they expect Elon Musk will reshape the government in any way that will make their lives better? Maybe the idea of lower wages no overtime, more expensive healthcare, and never receiving Social Security is what they want from their government.
Kash Patel’s nomination as FBI director ranks among the very worst of Trump’s appointees. The NYT, in an October 14th article, describes what a Trump flunking and dangerous ‘judicial’ person Patel is.
Fiona Hill, an admirable member of the National Security Council, highlighted what a devious danger Patel was. He was sucking up to Trump even then. Earlier he has lied as a member of Nunes’ congressional staff.
Trump, in his final presidential months, endeavored to put Patel in positions of major responsibility. Various top administration members pushed back strongly.
Patel has stated that he seeks to ‘clean out’ the. FBI and prosecute prosecutors. He is Trump’s patsy in seeking to prosecute the ‘deep state.’ At a minimum, he could bankrupt a number of people who could be obliged to finance legal fees against unwarranted Patel prosecutions.
Yes, Fiona Hill made a very serious comment about this crazy man.
Iʻm surprised that the Republican governor of Virgina hasnʻt had an "aha" moment and realized that property values in Northern VA will plummet when all those government employees and beltway bandits no longer have jobs and have to relocate due to Muskʻs big plans.
Russia is out there waiting for a real estate crash to then buy up more of the property of Americans destroyed by the rotted pumpkin’s bad acts.
Hungry Beast
Fifty years it has been hidden
growing slowly this menace
then suddenly it plowed
into us like a tank
brought us to our knees.
This beast who stalks
is on our back, biting
the nerves in our spine.
I want to name this beast
for you, but I don’t know it.
I can feel its teeth puncture,
smell it acrid stench, hear crushing,
taste the blood of all I love
filling the streets… while flights
of fancy dance in memory
of what we were.
This thing upon us needs mercy.
Without mercy this beast grows hungrier.
Mercy, the vitamin D of emotions,
is a substance a body cannot make,
without a mind receiving light.
Make sure as dark clouds hover
you turn on every light possible.
What is upon us needs mercy.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” —MLK Jr.
Yes, that’s why I have been advocating people who want to save democracy focus on running for school boards on a save democracy platform. That way we keep the light of democracy shining. We can turn our schools into the foundation of democracy they were supposed to be but haven’t been for decades now. They are why we have so many people who thought a criminal was a good idea. Check out and learn what boards have been rubber stamping for decades when you could have controlled a board and saved us from Trump. That is something we can fix. He isn’t worth our thoughts. Boards are local. The evil ones are trying to end public schools so people like us have no power. Charter schools are a way around boards. They know if they don’t control the boards we hold power. You don’t need to have a child in your district to run. Run in groups. Overwhelm them while teaching voters why they must vote for you. Spend your energy on this not on his appointees. The crooks who’ve hijacked our schools cleverly got you to not trust teachers. When this nation stopped listening to its teachers it was the beginning of the end of democracy as called to teach teachers are the keepers of democracy and the producers of citizens. Now they’re whistleblowers at and at
Thanks Gail, Yes, mercy is one of the forms of enlighting love.
Lynn, is this your poem???? If so, it’s beautiful and absolutely speaks of what we face. Thank you!
Thank you Cathy. Yes, I own this poem.
Well, Trudeau may just have been coming down to have a look see as to the real state of things, ie, how out of his mind is the Felon? Is his health as bad as it seems? How long will the real world have to put up with him? Of course, the Felon made it known that Trudeau was the mendicant - I know, he wouldn't know that word - and he, the Gollum of the 21st century, was, as usual, the true God. Nope. Ring wasn't kissed, but assessment was made and now can be reported back to the real countries what they will be dealing with. Was the Muskrat part of this?
Without a doubt.
Thank you for the excellent background and context notes, Joyce. It is always useful to be reminded of the devil we know.
Starting to look like a demented version of one of those Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney musicals: "Hey, let's get a gang of incompetent buffoons together and put on an administration." Or, in the immortal words of that great American, John McEnroe, "You cannot be serious!"
Love this! Great analogy
Patel = 🦇💩🤪
Oy vé! I sure wish the media would pay more attention to what POTUS is doing instead of the wannabe.
Wannabe's activities are more sensational and sexy. Our POTUS is doing wonderful things the latest of which is gaining a permanent ceasefire in the Middle East!! His gifts to us need to be broadcast in such a way that all of them are made public and he is given full credit for all he gave us. These are no where as sensational as wannabe's. Says where media's priorities are.
Yes--the great deeds need to be shouted from the roof tops---but that won't happen with T's daily tidbits of excitement---he knows what he is doing..... Biden needs some people around him who can grab the initiative and run with it to broadcast the news. Alas that will never happen . The MAGA media control the narrative---and will continue to do so until someone devises a way to break their hold.....ALAS
It's called State TV, and it's terrifying! It's one of the next steps toward authoritarianism.
For this … THIS … I spent my professional life in service to my country? For THIS??
Right? It's mind boggling to me. My Dad was a Navy fighter pilot and served 30 years. He enlisted at age 17 in WWII. Years later in the early 1960s we were on Whidbey Island, WA. HATRON 4, heavy attack squadron, for a couple of reasons and one being Russia. My Dad passed at the age of 90 a number of years ago. Although I miss him terribly, I wouldn't want him to see what's become of our country.
I am so sorry.
Me too, Arlen, the military, then the court system.
Trump has drained the swamp and replaced it with a cesspool of creatures that can’t exist in a normal society. He has surrounded himself with billionaire bros who think they are geniuses and should run the world. They are in it for the money, and to make sure that they get to keep all of theirs, and strut around like the princes of old.
But, the really scary ones are the creatures from the depths of the pool who would never get to see the light of day in a normal world. They are the crazies who have been rejected by the world from the beginning of their sorrow filled lives, and now they are given the power to seek revenge against enemies which are more imaginary than real. This is how Trump wants to make the world fear him. He loves to present himself as unpredictable, unmanageable, and devious. He wants to be like Putin: don’t challenge him or he will blow up the world (maybe).
This is the new development of the American Oligarchs! Money to be made. Fame and fortune packaged with less regulations, huge tax breaks, and democracy be damned!