I was just wondering Jason, if you ever had discussions with your MAGA friend previously where you said anything negative about Trump. Many people get defensive when confronted. If he knows you think Trump is terrible and still sent you that text, that's really impressive. Either way, congratulations. : )
I was just wondering Jason, if you ever had discussions with your MAGA friend previously where you said anything negative about Trump. Many people get defensive when confronted. If he knows you think Trump is terrible and still sent you that text, that's really impressive. Either way, congratulations. : )
Another exchange that was my response to a RWNJ Bidenomics is destroying America email he sent me:
Me: тАЬStock market keeps breaking records!!тАЭ
Him: тАЬHang onto your butt someday weтАЩre going to get fucking nailedтАЭ
Me: тАЬIf we deport 15,000,000 workers and slap tariffs on everything I fear you are correct!тАЭ
DonтАЩt give up on your MAGA friends! Joyce is correct! There is something in Project 2025 that will speak to them, blow their minds and piss them off once they know.
I would never want everyone else to give up on their MAGA friends. I didn't mean to imply that other people should. And I really admire people who can have those conversations without either person getting heated.
You and your 81 year old friend seem to have a more good-natured exchange than some of us have had, despite how deeply held your opinions may be. Those conversations between the two of you make me smile. Thank you for sharing a few of your chats with him.
MAGA friend responding to a MSNBC screenshot of The Don and his fellow convicted aides: тАЬI canтАЩt wait till Trump kicks ass and I can rub your nose in it ha ha haтАЭ
Me: тАЬYou really think Independents will vote for the Trump Crime Syndicate?тАЭ
Wow, now I'm really impressed...both by your friend's recent comment and your ability to tolerate his prior comments about Trump. Sounds like maybe you both have a good sense of humor about it.
I was just wondering Jason, if you ever had discussions with your MAGA friend previously where you said anything negative about Trump. Many people get defensive when confronted. If he knows you think Trump is terrible and still sent you that text, that's really impressive. Either way, congratulations. : )
Another exchange that was my response to a RWNJ Bidenomics is destroying America email he sent me:
Me: тАЬStock market keeps breaking records!!тАЭ
Him: тАЬHang onto your butt someday weтАЩre going to get fucking nailedтАЭ
Me: тАЬIf we deport 15,000,000 workers and slap tariffs on everything I fear you are correct!тАЭ
DonтАЩt give up on your MAGA friends! Joyce is correct! There is something in Project 2025 that will speak to them, blow their minds and piss them off once they know.
I would never want everyone else to give up on their MAGA friends. I didn't mean to imply that other people should. And I really admire people who can have those conversations without either person getting heated.
You and your 81 year old friend seem to have a more good-natured exchange than some of us have had, despite how deeply held your opinions may be. Those conversations between the two of you make me smile. Thank you for sharing a few of your chats with him.
Don't forget to tell them to Look it up!
CC - He knows I canтАЩt stand Mar-a-Lardo!
A recent exchange:
MAGA friend responding to a MSNBC screenshot of The Don and his fellow convicted aides: тАЬI canтАЩt wait till Trump kicks ass and I can rub your nose in it ha ha haтАЭ
Me: тАЬYou really think Independents will vote for the Trump Crime Syndicate?тАЭ
Wow, now I'm really impressed...both by your friend's recent comment and your ability to tolerate his prior comments about Trump. Sounds like maybe you both have a good sense of humor about it.