The GOP may call it "paying off a porn star," but let's call it what it is: Election Interference, a Trump specialty.

• Pay off Stormy Daniels to avoid affecting '16 election

• Get Zalenskyy to probe Biden to affect '20 election

• Minimize Covid-19 to avoid affecting '20 election

• Call Brad Raffensperger to affect '20 election

• Encourage Jan 6 to affect '20 election

• Discourage Border Bill to affect '24 election

Trump screams ELECTION INTERFERENCE, but he actually performs such actions himself.

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There's no accusation he has ever made that doesn't apply to him, first. It's a sure fire way to find what he's been up to, including his miserable actions at the border.

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With some people, for example DJT, "Every accusation is a confession."

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Yes, I totally agree. I have said before that every accusation that Trump makes is in actuality a confession.

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With El Fatass Del Mar A Lardo, it's *always* projection.

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Lol. You have such a way with words.

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And those were just the HIGHLIGHTS of his "to-do" list.

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Ha! Yes Diane, you are on point tonight💙

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Thanks. I must have had my Wheaties for supper that night.

How are you doing?

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I am well, thank you:)) I am busy - and grateful for this community:)

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That's good to hear. I'm also grateful for this community! I've learned so much in the past few months, and the best part is that Joyce is always there to help us better understand what's happening, and what we can expect.

Without her knowledge and insight, I'd definitely still be as uneducated about these issues as those who continue to be in denial about what's REALLY going on in our country.

At least those of us who "are in this together" ARE educated, and working to make sure Trump never comes within one mile of the White House, and that Biden can continue calling it HIS home for four more years.

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Trump is not getting near the White House. He’s going to jail. And he’s also driven the Republican party off a cliff in a bus. I hope his crony, Steve Bannon goes to jail because he’s doing his psyops War Room hypnosis of Republicans show as a podcast six days a week: he’s still pounding out the message that Trump won. However, Bannon has a trial in May for the border fraud. DOJ indicted him and Trump pardoned him. But because he allegedly committed the fraudulent money collections in New York State, as well as other states, New York, hammered down and brought an indictment against him from New York. Think about how much work and impact New York has had in all of these cases: don’t think for one minute that they don’t know even more about Trump than these cases show. He is bad to the bone and is being exposed more and more every day, and I am hoping he can’t set foot again in New York to do business. I’m hoping he’s bankrupt from his bad deeds. He is trying to get money from Putin: sending messages out such as “I would support Putin doing anything he wants to NATO.”

You have to kind of read between the lines of everything he’s doing, but that was a clear message to Putin: send me money. He’s trying to raise money to save his properties and he has to pay off E. Jean Carroll (almost $90 million total).

I’m going to bed and it’s early for me but I’m kind of tired tonight. Take care and I will talk to you again. I hope your physical therapy is going well. Period

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"I did nothing wrong and they indicted me"

It's useful to remember what the personality disorder narcissism really it. It's the inability to admit you did anything remotely wrong. It's a crippling flaw. It's always someone else's fault.

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Please add ALL to your last sentence "but he actually performs ALL such actions himself." Isn't it funny that his 'Big Lie' was all about fraudulent elections, when the only fraud occurring was from trump and his minions.

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Tfg’s lawyer today said in Judge Merchan’s court when discussing jury selection that “half the country” believes the election was stolen. That is THE biggest lie. I wish the prosecution had said something. This is exactly why polling reports have to include the number of people who were polled and not say “voters” or “Americans.” A sampling of 1000 is meaningless when most of the eligible voters don’t even turn out for the primary.

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Bravo, Gigi, my thoughts exactly on polls. Even 3500, is about 1/1000% of our total population. At best the trump MAGAts make up 10% of the voting population. I ignore all polls.

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Nothing like a pattern of corrupt conduct to demonstrate criminal intent. Mueller noted it, Barr ignored it, but a bad penny ever returns.

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All these examples of election interference by the orange monster, and then some, should be published daily on the front pages of the MSM, and on social media, over and over again, like he, the former guy, constantly repeats his lies. There is not enough 'headwind' out there; it's only ever El Fatass, as someone commented below.

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When the orange blob comes to New York court, I’m going to get a seat inside the courtroom as I did for the first go around. It was fascinating because seeing him in person made me realize that he is sub human. And I’ll be stimulated to add more stories to my book. I guess I won’t have thoughts of standing up in back and yelling something nasty to Trump. No, I’ll think about it but prefer to remain outside of Rykers Island.

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Would you like to wear one of my T-Shirts in court?:

Bestselling T-SHIRTS!


(reserved only for Fraud Trump supporters)


(black and white stripes)


(has a photo of a prison guard tower with a sign on it that says “Trump Tower”)

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When I happened to be in the booking area in one of the two jails I worked at years ago, the two most common things I recall the new inmates yelling were "I didn't do it!" and "I was set up!" Sometimes, I heard both.

I can almost guarantee that when Trump is FINALLY booked in for REAL, he'll say both those things, and will be crying actual tears at the same time.

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I would love to see tears raining down Fraud Trump’s cheeks!!!!

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I wonder if the orange makeup would run.

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That was my first thought too! Perhaps a Guiliani moment but in a halloweenish shade of orange instead of brown hair dye.

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I'd pay to watch!

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Orange tears🎃👍🏻

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Or perhaps what (I think) one of the Three Stooges always said: "Iʻm a victim of circumstances!"

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I have my own tee shirt thank you listing some of the traitors of American history ending at Donald Trump. Have one x large left for sale. I will thrust it in front of the cameras as well as my book hoping for an interview.

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What's on the cover of your book? If it weren't for the fact that the area where I live now is way too Red, I'd love to wear that T-shirt. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy body armor.

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I wear my “Rum-Make America Great Again” with the “T” and the “P” blocked off, and Johnny Depp dressed as a pirate, regularly in our California Central Valley town. It’s not as blatant as Mr. Katz’ shirt, some people have mistaken me for a supporter.

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You have more courage than I do. If I were there in your place, I'd be arrested five minutes into the hearing for yelling all the obscenities I've kept bottled up all this time! I wouldn't be stupid enough to do something physical. Besides, I'm an old lady so I wouldn't have the strength.

Trump's much worse than subhuman, if that's possible. He has no heart or soul, which makes me doubt if he. has a speck of humanity in that creepy body. Actually, I believe he was spawned by an unknown entity.

Please let us know when your book comes out. I made a mental note to look out for it.

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It’s been out and updated and will continue to be updated. Self publishing and on demand allow for frequent add-on. It’s found on all platforms.

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I'm still new at this. What platforms are out there, and how can I access them? Sorry for being so naive. I do love the title, BTW!

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Get out in your car and yell, no scream, all the obscenities you’ve bottled up. It’s quite cathartic! It can even be done daily!😉

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Good call, Bill. Sure wish I were there, would love to see him and the procedure. I used to take court notes for the Circuit Clerks Office. Very interesting for sure. Keep us posted! Be Well.🇺🇸

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I sure will. I live in CT and I usually take the first metro out of New Haven at 4 AM to grand central then subway #6 train

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Looking forward to your report, Bill. I can’t make it from NM.

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Great, thank you. I will look forward to your comments for sure! 👍

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I bet it WAS interesting! How long did you work there?

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Your assessment of trump is similar to E. Jean Carroll’s when she finally saw him in the courtroom. While she states she was hesitant, even reluctant to even look at him, when she finally did she said he was nothing. Nothing! Without his cavalcade of supporters around him to make him feel like he’s a “big man on campus” he’s nothing. If you’ve seen him there I’d love to hear your perceptions of him in a courtroom.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

These are her actual words. Looking at him from the witness chair she said:

“[he]…. is not even there. He’s nothing. Amazingly I looked out and he was nothing. He is like a walrus snorting. A Rhino flopping his hands. He is not there. That was the surprising thing to me.”

“….he was nothing, he was a phantom. It was the people around who were giving him power, but he himself was nothing.”

“We don’t need to be afraid of him. He can be knocked down.”

You can watch the interview here:


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And so many are so angry that the cast their lot to him. Here is where I take a detour. I ask what are we doing WRONG to make these people flock to him? I always ask myself these questions when things don’t go my way. It’s healthy to do.

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Agreed. Introspection/ looking in the mirror when things don’t go our way is more than healthy. It helps to take a step back and revisit what we’ve done (or not done). Doing so may confirm our choices as being what was best and/ or confirm they need to change.

Things not going our way doesn’t always mean what we’ve done was wrong. It may simply be others were not ready to hear, see, we were right.

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Bravo! Love it. Thanks for sharing. Glad I wasn't there, because I would have literally "rolled on the floor laughing."

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That quote from E Jean is one of my favorites so far this year, and I bet it will be at year's end too. I feel mountains move when I think about it.

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You betcha. Why I’m going in order to write or be inspired to write. And hopefully to rangle an interview called promotions

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A spitball or a rubber band to the back of his head would be fun.

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I would love to see a big messy cheeseburger catapulted towards the back of his head.

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Half-paperclip from a rubber-band paperclip is a little more … noticeable.

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On mobile app - can’t edit. I meant rubber band sling-shot.

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I’m so grateful for your voice, Joyce. Your analyses make things almost make sense to us laypeople. Happy Valentines Day and hugs to the chickens.

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Ditto, Mark. Thank you Joyce, as ever. I am so grateful to both you and HCR!

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And give Bella a hug. But most of all, give your hubby a hug. He has to be the nicest man around, and smart, because he married YOU!

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Thank you, Joyce always so enlightening and informative but I live in Kansas City. A really great communal city and a darn good town but as everybody probably read, we had a horrible act of gun violence that put a mark on our city. A stain. One that won’t rub off. It cut deep and will leave scars. And the people of Kansas City are very compassionate. We’ve seen it all over the country and you can empathize with those who have witnessed it but you experience it yourself it’s a whole different emotion, there are many of us rally to make a stand. We ask everybody’s help and advising us how to move forward to make some changes for the better. We don’t know what happened to common sense the day that was meant for celebrating with Walk life because that’s how we are in Kansas City to see this of behavior takes so many people down. We are suffering but we still wish everybody out there. Happy Valentine’s Day and a happy day. Thanks I hope you think kindly about us today.

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Condolences to your community Mike. The horrible reality is that this gun violence and its attendant tragedy could have happened anywhere in the United States today.

Gun control. It’s the only solution.

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Mike, this is off topic, but I felt compelled to address your comments, because they touched me.

I'm having one of those rare moments where I'm at a loss for words. So many GOOD things have been said about Kansas City and the people who live there. I'm sorry that this senseless action happened.

As someone who used to be an advocate for crime victims, all I can say is that the lives of everyone there --- whether civilians, law enforcement, or medical and fire personnel --- were forever changed today. God bless them all, especially the injured and the family and friends of the one who paid the ultimate price.

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My sympathies for you, Mike, and all affected.

To take action to prevent more such tragedies (Mass shootings should be called "Republican-Endorsed Killings"), there are many organizations and campaigns. Here is a new angle to me, posted today by Democracy Labs:


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Totally thinking about you and your wounded community, Mike. I don’t understand these states that give carte blanche authority to its citizens to run around with weaponry. The inevitable always happens, unfortunately, and usually it’s children who get the brunt of the tragedy. Honestly, I send you many many virtual hugs and just suggest that you inundate your governor and reps with phone calls, letters, tweets, that you are hurting and you want their rhetoric and the laws to change. You want protection and action! My best to you.

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Heartbreaking. Last night on MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell had a guest who is also a gun control advocate who said the key to stopping the killings is to revoke an exemption that Pres. George Bush put in place that exempts gun companies from being sued by victims, like tobacco companies and other manufacturers can be, for injuries with the use of their products.

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I think O'Donnel's guest is from Kansas City. Compelling argument.

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I am sending love and healing thoughts to you Mike. I truly believe that when we re-elect Biden and elect a Blue bicameral Congress, we can enact the gun control laws that we need💙🙏🏼

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Do to gun companies what we did to cigarette companies: make them liable (and sue-able) for the injuries and deaths their guns cause.

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My SIL and nephew were at Union Station! Thankfully, they are both physically safe, but they are traumatized. There are many types of injuries in these gun-violence crimes.

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I am so sorry that this has happened to you and your community. Everytime this happens, people from the affected community say they are going to change the laws re: guns. After hearing about the lax controls in your State, I am not surprised this happened. I hope that at some point, our country stands up and says that "WE WON'T TAKE IT ANYMORE ". I have all the children and people who are affected by this in my thoughts tonight.

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I am so sorry this happened to your city. I hope the Kansas City Chiefs organization (and their bully pulpit) might use this incident to advocate for gun control. (I can dream, can't I?)

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I'm so sorry this happened in your city. I keep asking:


How long?

How many?

We should have already responded- but we still can.

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My hope is we are set for a criminal trial for citizen Trump.

Loved and was touched by the last paragraph of your post. This does matter so much for all of us. I think you speak for all of us wanting to live the lives we want to live, enabled by the rights of the Constitution makes available to us. Here’s to the Republic!

The only Sturm und Drang (turmoil and upheaval) would be from Trump.

Thanks so much for preparing us for what is coming up.

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Monica, no worries abut turmoil, upheaval or trouble even if Co-conspirator No. 1, Citizen Trump, throws spaghetti or pizza 🍕 at the wall -- none of it will stick

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Great summary Joyce. So many cases happening simultaneously in so many venues makes it hard to sort out, so what you do is greatly appreciated.

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Happy ❤️ Day Dear Joyce ..my appreciation for you is immense.....your substack has kept me "off the ledge" many a nights in how you deliver THE FACTS!!...THANK YOU just doesnt feel like its enough!...hugs to you and the chickens!!

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Dee, I can relate. Joyce and HCR ‘s group and the discussion have been keeping me sane throughout this process.

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While still not completely sane yet, my therapist told me on Monday that I'm getting there! I owe it to Joyce, AND the "support team" here in the Social Discourse classroom!

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Dianne! Not only are you sane and then some, but also knowledgeable, wise, and witty! We readers on Substack love you and look forward to your pearls of wisdom and your great sense of humor!

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Thanks, Pamela! I appreciate your kind words. It means a lot to me, to tell you the truth!

Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day.

Looking forward to getting Joyce's take on all the Trump News for today. How about you?

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A lot going on! When I'm home I keep MSNBC on hoping that Joyce will pop up and enlighten us.

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Thought I was the only one who does that! At least she doesn't have to fly to New York every other day or so!

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I’m with you, Dianne. I feel the dark veil of insanity beginning to gently lift, and the breeze aloft is freshening.

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Wish I could feel that way, but the very thought of Trump being in control scares the living daylights out of me. I'm glad I found this Civil Discourse and Joyce. I've been a "fan" of hers since first seeing her on MSNBC and was very impressed. It seems to be such an honor to be able to be part of all of this, especially at this time in our lives.

I worry a lot about my grandkids, because of what life will be like for them. It'll be quite a while before they'll be able to vote, and what scares me is that when they ARE able to vote, there may not be such a thing like that anymore.

I used to have a positive attitude but that changed shortly after Trump took office. Something told me right away that he was one of Putin's puppets, put there for the sole purpose of serving him and only him. Not our country.

We weren't brought up hating others, so now I feel guilty by going against what I learned many years ago. I'd love to hear one day soon that he lost every case and will be spending his final days in prison, and that his MAGAs roll over and ................

Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I appreciate it. I'll start tearing up that dark veil and see what happens!

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For the first time in our lives, we’re watching the future of democracy in this country teetering near the brink of destruction. That’s serious business. It may have taken eight years, but the pendulum is starting to swing back toward Justice.

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With all that is in the courts at the end of the day the Alvin Bragg case might be the most consequential because of the possibility of a felony charge but also not only is Trump convicted as a “rapist” but it reminds people that he betrayed his wife with a porn star. There is both a criminal and political problem for “Citizen Trump”.

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Melania will be accompanying her husband to support him in court today.

……oh wait….no, she won’t.

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If she's smart, she'll be busy draining his checking account.

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She'll probably be at the spa, as usual.

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Didn't he betray the first three wives, too? (Sorry, but even thinking about that grosses me out so much.)

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He was in the rack with Stormy Daniels while Melania was pregnant with Barron. I forget which wife he was cheating on when he was banging Marla Maples. Hard to keep up with the guy’s cheating. When you throw in all the business cheating, the tax cheating and grifting of his supplicants, you run into cheating overdose. I don’t think there’s a Narcan for that. Usually fatal.

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The Narcan box I have comes with two doses (the second one's to use if the first one isn't effective). The King of Cheaters would need a case.

A while back, I stumbled upon a U-Tube showing that video from Entertainment Tonight, where he used the "p" word, bragging about his conquests. I suddenly had an urge to take a long shower and then throw up.

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He's a Cheat-o

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Yes and now he is betraying America and the world

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Hi Christopher, It reminds people with a moral compass that Trump needs to be defeated. Shockingly and distressingly his minions, many of whom profess to be Christian nationalist evangelicals will not change their vote away from him, even while he is convicted of crimes. They have said so. He has co-opted the Republican party, he’s driving it off the cliff. We must get every single person to the polls and be able to.Inform them that, while he is morally corrupt, he is a danger to the entire world.

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Love the sinner, hate the sin. Isn’t that how they justify their hate?

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Hi Dave, the Christian nationalist evangelical minions do not recognize that Trump has ‘’sinned.’ They are convinced that we have lied at every turn, as we have confronted with evidence that he tried to steal our votes. Most of them do not recognize that he went to court 69 times between November 2020 and January 2021, and lost in every case including when the cases went from state court to appeal. They don’t even have this information in their playbook. That’s not the kind of thing they pay attention to. Rather they have been told by their Evangelical leaders that Trump is, indeed the “orange Jesus“ Messiah. When female, Republican evangelical leaders have been asked whether the fact that he has been convicted of sexual abuse matters they say “no not at all because the only thing that matters is the Republican Party.” They are a cult by every definition and the cult leader is not a sinner; thus, no ‘sin.’ I personally feel sorry for some of them, because they really don’t read. They watch and listen to easy to construct and fabricate videos. Soon they are convinced of the conspiracy theories. We also have Steve Bannon, who is a specialist in psy-ops, bleeting his hypnotic diatribe from his war room, directed at Republicans. Bannon will be in court May 27, 2024 for the $15 Million ‘we Build The Wall’ campaign - already indicted by the DOJ for fraud on that case but Trump pardoned him. Charges were brought by Leticia, James, New York, AG and Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg. And he will be in the same court room with the same judge that Trump is a defendant now for fraud. The pardon covered federal cases, but since the money was also taken from New York utters, they filed charges in New York. His buddy in the case has already been found guilty and sentenced to four years in prison.. if Bannon is convicted, he will get 5 to 15 year prison sentence. And why I believe this is important for people to understand is Bannon founded Cambridge Analytica in 2015 and received 75 million Facebook accounts without FB account owners knowing he had received them. Cambridge used an API that Steve Bannon had directed Cambridge University to create. This API took the Facebook data, gave it to Cambridge Analytica, and every single bit of the metrics used by Trump in his election came from this data. The engineers who worked with Cambridge Analytica, and Facebook were Russian computer scientists. They also supplied data for Ted Cruz before he shut down his own campaign from the same sources. Then Bannon went to the White House as a senior advisor. Suddenly, when he needed a pardon, he founded his War Room podcast, sending ramped up conspiracy theories that include the election was stolen. out into the ethers. When Zuckerberg was required to testify about Cambridge analytic at congressional hearings, he ‘knew nothing’ and ‘ couldn’t remember.’ in fact, he said, “I can’t remember” so many times during the hearing that one of the senators finally looked at him and asked him if he could remember where he had stayed the night before he came to testimony. Everyone in the room left, and his response was a flimflam answer of he didn’t need to disclose where he stayed anyway. Such a jerk. Charges were brought against Cambridge Analytica. Everyone who was part of the inner circle said that the project was ‘Steve Bannon’s baby’ and everyone knew it. Bannon was living in London at the time and had several million dollars tied up in the company. They paid him off. The government made an arrangement for Cambridge Analytica to dissolve. The agreement was that charges would be dropped if the company dissolved and that’s exactly what it did with Steve Bannon receiving his full benefits. New York is the only place that has any cajones. That’s where all the convictions are coming from. Anyway that’s my take on it that they are the only ones who are being effective. I could be 100% wrong and. I love that Jack Smith and Fanny Willis are bringing their expertise to the game as well but Leticia James sent those judges in New York are doing a fab job. Leticia James has always said she’s not afraid of Trump or any of his cronies. She has received bomb threats and death threats and she has said she is not backing off. I think Steve Bannon is the worst of the bunch because I think Donald Trump has a very low IQ. Bannon is smart. He’s been running the show. There aren’t too many sharp pencils in the group. Sydney Powell, Rudy, Giuliani (who has allegedly spent his brain on alcohol), Trump, who spent his own father’s money by being a mafia bully are no match for Jack Smith, Leticia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis. Steve Bannon needs a conviction. And a long-term sentence because he has damaged our Republic. So the Christian nationalist evangelicals are listening to the podcast from an alleged fraud hate-monger. That’s their choice. As many crooked swamp dollar dwellers as possible need to go to jail. And by the way, thanks to Trump, we’re all getting exposed to all of them. We had no idea what their characters were until he started shining the light on them. We didn’t know the names of half of them. We sure do now, and they’ll be like rats swimming from a sinking ship.

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I overlooked the “nationalist” bit in the original post.

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Exactly: the xenophobic maga minions’ excuse to practice racism, ageism, sexism and all the ‘isms’ as they have been doing for five decades. They finally were able to put an orange Jesus Messiah in the White House to do their bidding. He serves them, and they serve him: and the evangelicals in the mix have no idea that orange Jesus has no belief system at all, except he believes in himself. The leadership in the Christian nationalist evangelical movement certainly knows the deal they made with that devil: “You bring us Rov v. Wade on a platter and we will bring you the White House.” Trump did his part of the bargain by stacking the Supreme Court with his lapdogs. The minions got pictures of Trump holding hands in prayer circles. “How can this guy be wrong? Look at him praying with our leaders.”

Steve Bannon got what he needed: a get out of jail, free card from Trump and Trump’s last day of office 2021 so he could continue beating his psyops War Room drum directed at Republicans about “the election was stolen.” I’m an old hippie dippy, Kumbaya and didn’t even believe people should be incarcerated prior to January 6 (which I didn’t see on television because I was caring for my soulmate with his stage four cancer and didn’t know it was going on until I took a break at 10:30 that night). I don’t know about the rest of the bunch and what kind of sentences they will get: but Steve Bannon belongs behind bars for a long, long time. He is a traitor to our republic He was guided by the DOJ, and pardon by Trump. Now someone with some cojones, and New York is going for him because some of the money he

(allegedly) stole from the We build the wall’ scam came from New Yorkers. Laticia James , and Alvin Bragg are not afraid of Trump or him and they have pressed charges. The same judge who is sitting on the bench for Trump’s hush money trial (election interference), Juan Mecham, will be the judge at the Steve Bannon trial. He is no nonsense. Steve Bannon is one of the greatest traders who has ever enjoyed the freedom of living in the United States. He needs that taken away from him. His trial begins in May. But he should be tried for much more than that. He needs to be tried for the traitor he is for Influencing the 2016 and 2020 elections. He is a treasonous criminal (testimony has already been given in court about his role in Cambridge analytica and a settlement was made). Criminal.

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How long just how long are we Americans going to put up with an indited criminal and a convicted sex predator running around Our country stirring up civil disobedience and unrest which he is trying to use to take over our rule of law constitutional democracy by force and or traitorous sedition and turn it into an oligarch dictatorship! Law enforcement and the judicial system needs to get some guts and say enough is enough and prosecute this traitor and crook. Enough is enough. THIS JUST EMPHASIZES THE FACT IF THEY WANT ACT WE MUST IN NOVEMBER AND PUT THIS CRIMINAL AND TRAITOR DIWN AND REMOVE HIS REPUBLICAN TRAITORS AND ENABLERS OUT OF OFFICE. GET OUT AND VOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE AND YOUR CHILDREN’s life depend on it—IT DOES. VOTE DEMOCRATIC IN ALL ELECTIONS AND ESPECIALLY FOR JOE BIDEN.

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Hey did you notice III. B. states “Presented Trump”?!?!?! I don’t know,,,, but am sure they meant to write “President Trump”!!! Well,,, I think it’s funny… and indicative of the level of insanity of desperation causing mindless lack of attention to detail!! Keep up the awesome educational work Professor!! We need you!!

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It's equally indicative of how sloppy his crap lawyers are

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They'll blame it on the Spellchecker and type-ahead word suggestion ... I wood two.

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Sew would eye.

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My spellchecker is German. I call him Otto Korrekt.

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End eye wooed chew

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Bottom of the septic tank.

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The Orange Cheapskate gets what his fan club members pay for, which is probably not a whole lot. If at all!

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I read this as “Orange Cheesecake”. Must be hungry :-)

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Actually, he DOES look like a really big cheesecake. Käsekuchen!!! :-)

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Great catch! I was not even skimming properly so missed this. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Eagle eyes

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I noticed two things: one was their referring to him as "President Trump," which he was *not* at the time of the events under consideration and is *not* now. And then, a short while later, he's "Presented Trump"--which, once I got over the oddity, actually seems more accurate.

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I'd like a story / comment on the Fani Willis issues - how does her situation possibly effect the Georgia lawsuits?

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I have a really, really BAD feeling about her situation. It could lead to Trump's case being kicked out. And that's unfortunately the one he could never have said was fake, because millions of people had to have heard his conversation with Raffensberger.

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No Dianne. Not to worry because Fani Willis and her colleague were on the same side - working for the prosecution of Trump and his co-conspirators. It’s a distraction, but I think it will be handled quickly. Distractions happen, and it’s water over the dam. The case will go on, but it’s had a slight delay, so it may not end up being being tried before November. That doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things. Trump is going to lose in December and we already know that his minions have said it doesn’t matter. If he is convicted, they will vote for him. Our job is to get as many people to the polls as possible and vote blue. :)💙

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Okay, Joyce is reminding us to take deep breaths as tomorrow and Friday could prove to be a lively couple of days. I am encouraged for the Dems in that we won a major seat in NY, actually two seats and one in PA. People are tired of the Do Nothing Party. We are getting there, folks. Keep writing postcards, keep calling your representatives…let your voices be heard. Hope you all had a nice day today. Hugs to the chickens and your faithful pup, Joyce.

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Thank you Marlene as the legal net is closing!This criminal case and the civil fraud case before Judge Engoron on Friday may be close to a knockout!Judge Engoron is likely to impose a $300-$500 Million penalty and perhaps even bar him from doing business in NY for decades. The combination would deliver a very serious political message to moderate & “business“ Republicans! They make up 25-35% of their party and they are fed up with his denigration of traditional conservative values. It was they who voted yesterday in NY03 for the moderate Dem or who stayed home! No party can survive a loss of a quarter to a third of their base. My guess is that the next two week’s polling will show that he is locked into the support of only MAGA and politically ignorant Rs with Uncle Joe at 55 to 35% lead in all key battleground states? Trump is about to lock himself in a downward spiral as Jack Smith delivers the final legal blow! Good riddance indeed-he deserves all of it!

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Ira, I want to be so giddy but have to refrain myself from getting too excited. My outfit is waiting to be worn to dance in the streets!

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Ira, fab news that republicans are turning against him. And I’m hoping you’re correct about the next two weeks.

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Thank you, Joyce, for keeping me mostly sane!

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Thank you always Joyce. I’m consistently learning things I didn’t know.

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I may be a stickler for accuracy, but the Table of Contents written by his attorneys refers to the Defendant as “ President Trump”[ouch, it pains me to write that]. Is he not to be referred to as former President Trump initially and thereafter as Mr. Trump as a matter of protocol? I know, I know, Trump and protocol in the same sentence is a total oxymoron.

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"Citizen Trump" according to Jack Smith.

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This reverential reference is part of his required narcissistic psychopathology.

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Excellent Joyce, as usual…so appreciative of your clear insight & explanations. Step by step … Happy V-Day! P.S. love your beautiful fancy chickens…impressive 🐣

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