At just under two weeks to go before the inauguration, Trump is still fighting pitched battles in court to prevent the final evidence of his criminality from surfacing.
Alito obviously knew that Scump was going to appeal to Supremes this week yet Alito took the call from Scump for a favor by hiring his former clerk! Couldn’t wait to next week?Now indebted to Scump as he participates in ruling on Scump’s appeal?Corruption folks! They don’t care!
In NO other court system in this country would this communication be in any way proper. A judge could be fired for taking the call from a frequent-flyer defendant (or even not a frequent flyer) in ANY other court. But not this corrupt and arrogant jerk. He should lose his law license if he still has one and be impeached from his position. This behavior is disgusting.
You might want to contact Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's office to discuss this. The Supreme Court ethics is an issue he's been working on for a while now. Here's the link to his office website for scotus ethics issues:
This is exactly what I don't understand--why haven't lawmakers taken action against this brazen SCOTUS behavior already? What's keeping Sen. Whitehouse from simply presenting a bill that holds these maniacs accountable? I actually sent a letter addressed to Sotomayor, Egan and Jackson expressing how sorry I am at how they must feel every day they have to go to work....
Thanks for the link. As an aside, why is it that only Senator Whitehouse seems to give a damn about SCOTUS ethics?! Schumer and Durbin certainly don’t seem to.
The People's March is in Washington on Jan 18 10 - 3 and also in many other cities including New York Manhattan on Center St in front of the state Supreme Court. I will proudly perform my anti trump songs to wit:
The march has no cause. Abortion issue is over for now, election is over, I fail to see what effect the march will have at this time. I think the march should be after the inaug and THEY start doing stuff. We can march against XYZ....
So, I'm a legal tyro here. Won't Alito be obliged to recuse himself from participation in consideration of Trump's appeal? (If so, then whoever leaked the occurrence of the phone conversation dropped a two-ton dime!)
I really like the name Scump. But I find that President Scum is so much more appropriate as it clearly describes the wildly dangerous undertakings between him and some SCOTUS members.
The actual problem, underneath it ALL, is that of 260 million adults in this country, you wouldn't find one million who would understand your reference to Icarus.
The Constitution didn't always provide immunity. But, if people are going to try to operate based upon a set of Principles (the Constitution) they have to have the moral intelligence to understand the principle, that some on SCOTUS are simply lacking.
Who does the Supreme Court answer to, especially in today’s corruption? What mechanism can have removed? They are the Neo Pharisees before Christ defrocked them
We, the collective, had two chances to avoid setting up these Neo Pharisee, the Constitution and placing them on the court. We still have the power to defrock them, we just haven't used it yet.
I also saw the news about this phone call and that the former alito clerk, when contacted by the media, wouldn't answer the phone. Could be both things are true. Yeah, alito called trump about the clerk but we can be dead sure, trump, who is very frantically pulling out all the stops to halt the Friday sentencing, wouldn't miss this critical opportunity to compel alito to take his case. This case has the same feel to it as the immunity case did back in June. We thought no way could SCOTUS get him out of being tried. Alito then actually did trump's lawyers a big huge favor by reframing the issue trump was bringing to them into a novel issue which then needed to be ruled on. I was listening to alito begin by insisting on his alternate view of the issue - not the one presented to the court in the brief. I've got a queasy feeling alito will do the same thing in this hearing because there's nothing for trump to argue except that the finalizing of sentencing will etch in stone forever that he's a convict. That permanent designation will make him feel inferior. This is sheer delusion. The entire world already knows he's been indicted by several juries and then found guilty by even more juries. I love how the conservative "justices" run a drive-thru window just for trump to hand them his flaming dumpster fires to put out for him. I'm disgusted that they think we're so stupid we don't know that they are, of course, talking openly about how SCOTUS can be of service. Give me a break. I hope it's too short a time frame to be able to fit this nothing-burger of a case into their schedule. Don't bet on it, though.
Grifters and zealots have no conscience. Here, you have one of each. Trump, the quintessential grifter's grifter, and Alito, an unprincipled zealot who wants to leave a mark on history, even if it will be a s*&t stain.
Agree. This is shocking. I also question why Trump would be vetting candidates himself, not his Chief of Staff or her staff? That further throws the nature and content of the call into suspicion. Kudos to the reporter(s) who found this out.
Looking for a silver lining here... Perhaps Robert and Barret will be sufficiently mortified by this Alito stunt that they join Sotomayor et al in declining to pick up the case.
Hey: how do we know so quickly about the Alito call anyway? Was that leaked?
Per NBC News' Lawrence Hurley the Judge Merchan sentencing hearing is still on the Friday 1/10/25 Docket. SCOTUS has ordered New York State Prosecutor to respond to the "Emergency Life Line" call from Felon 34X by 10 AM this `1/9/25 Thursday morning.
Regardless, a Friday 1/10/25 SCOTUS "Conference" was already on the Justices' Calendar.
It may have been innocent. It was not certain that Trump would go to the Supreme Court. The two may have discussed a job reference. In any case, Justice Alito would have been smart to wait until after the inauguration.
You’re being too kind. The phone call was completely improper for a justice of the Supreme Court to accept for any reason from a defendant in a case. And of course he knows the case will appear in his court. We called them frequent flyers in my court.
"Innocent call?" My foot! Completely improper is what it was.
"Alito said he didn't know Trump was headed to SCOTUS, which is really odd, because the whole rest of the legal world knew it was coming. He also said they didn’t talk about any of Trump’s legal matters." Looks like Alito has taken lessons in lying from trump, and is well paid for it, but results are not really convincing.
What I am saying is that we do not know for sure and that we do not read minds. In any case, some type of investigation might be in order. Finally, the whole question brings out into bold relief that the Supreme Court sorely needs strong ethical standards.
Yeah, for sure. I listened to Trump's bloviation fest in which he complimented Judge Cannon as courageous and brilliant. Fortunately, I was alone and no one heard the F-bombs careening off of my walls.
You obviously are not a lawyer or otherwise connected to any court! There is no excuse for a judge (and certainly a Supreme) to have ANY PRiVATE CONVERSATION with a litigant or potential litigant! NONE because it shifts the exclusive boundary between judges and litigants that ALL communications must be public either in court or on paper! ALITO IS CORRUPT BY Definition and Scump is laughing!
Thank you for clarifying that ethical norm, Ira. I am not trained in the law and now regret speculating on Alito's motives. As explained elsewhere, I drew an incorrect analogy between the yapping yappies triggered by President Clinton's meeting with Attorney Lynch days before the report about Secretary / Senator Clinton was released in 2016.
I am recalling the meeting President Clinton had with Attorney General Lynch at the height of the investigation into Senator / Secretary Clinton in 2016.
Though I am not a fan of President Clinton, I disagreed with the popular suspicion that he was tampering with that investigation. The findings were to be released shortly thereafter.
I always believed that President Clinton wanted to find out if his wife would be indicted. That was fair enough, at least for this conservative (i.e., me).
The point you raise is REALLY important, Randy. That Justice Alito did not recuse himself from any potential review of the case inclines me, decisively, toward his lack of integrity. Thank you for that observation.
I thought the Supreme Court had worked out some ethical standards, but they are not enforced, and there is no oversight or accountability if those standards are violated. With a supremely unethical leader coming into office soon, why should the supremely unethical justices be held accountable?
Interesting, Daniel. Thank you, as always. At this point, my appreciation must seem hackneyed. It is not. As read through the linked, I did not see whether this review and administrative structure applies to the Supreme Court. I saw a reference to the Supreme Court setting guidelines, but they seem to be directed toward lower courts, not the Supreme Court itself. Maybe I missed something; I often do.
If Justice Alito knew it was going to the Supreme Court. Dislike Trump as I do, the business of state -- in this case the transitional staffing of an incoming Admin. -- has to proceed. In any case, Justice Alito should have known that there would be a possibility of the case ending up in the Court. He should have waited.
Yeah, true, but they for people who don't have any shame with being in photos and paintings of clearly unethical junkets, what's fixing a case to them? No consequences for anything they do and they know it. They're patronizing the country with their barely believable pretexts.
Amen to that on Justice Alito. As my Dad quipped fifty years ago about politicians caught up in scandals, "Most people get in trouble when they start believing their own horse-scheiße."
Yepper, Trump lost in New York 408 (i.e., 12 x 34) to ZERO. I watched his press conference and he has the temerity to say the Democrats are weaponizing the justice system!
In a book edited by Dr Bandy Lee, a psychiatrist specializing in human violence and defusing it, one writer claimed that Trump says he sees things as he saw them in grade; that he has seen no reason to change.
Having been married to a malignant narcissist (I had never heard of it), I have to be grateful for the education I have received about this mental illness. Trump does all the things my ex did, and the amazing thing is his family is so blind. He died a couple months ago at 65, and this weekend they're pulling out all the stops for memorials for the ass.
Liars get away with lies when the lied-to never get a chance to hear facts. In my little microcosm and in the United States at large, the lies get you to do a thing you would not do if you knew the truth.
It's really that simple. Congratulations to the biggest con artist the world has seen. It really doesn't have the means to protect itself any more.
Thank you, Jen, for a moving story. It gives me the tinglies, about the closest I can come to detecting the presence of G-D. Prayer your way via FedEx. 🙏
My cousin was married to a similar personality; she died young. To see my lovely, perky Susie walk on egg-shells 24 / 7 was very painful for all of us who loved her. 💔
So, while I am too limited emotionally to empathize with you directly, I can imagine the heart-felt pain you must have endured. Glad you got the HELL out of there; I salute your fortitude. 🤝
Sam Alito? Oy! One second, he seems to think he is the very voice of authority; the next, he is unaware of his Master’s intentions. This is a Supreme Court Justice who lied before Congress (about Roe), lied about the flags, is the very image of disingenuousness.
Because they get away with spectacularly publicized unethical feats which they seem to think is humorous when they're exposed. "Look what I can do with your tax dollars - and take a good look at the gifts my owners give me". It's a demonstration of corruption, utter arrogance, and greed.
As always, I am gobsmacked at how this buffoon does it. At least, Adolf and Benito had commanding facades. Trump is old, faltering, unkempt (how does a billionaire look like he wears off-the-rack?). He commands no army but a bunch of rubes he does not respect.
I sincerely hope that a patriot leaks the classified documents report — and that The Times and The Post have the courage to publish it. But I was happy to read that Trump’s on the horns of a dilemma. I think it’s clear that we will soon be reading Jack Smith’s incredible legal work. Guilty, El Presidente — you’re guilty!
Part of the huge, horrible problem is that "we're" the only ones who read the Times and the Post. There are far more effective media outlets, now, to spread important news such as this, and we need every single person we can find to read it.
Yes, William, I saw that article too and loved reading that he at least has a "dilemma" out of all of this effort by so many people for so many months to try him and then make it through all the never ending appeals.
My guess is he never will be held accountable. He's got this god-like idea that he should be given everything he wants & the republicans are determined to give it to him.
I somewhat agree, but history often matches the demagogues cruelty with their own demise. Eventually he’s gonna get what he has coming. A lot of events, either external like the pandemic, war, terror, markets crashing, there will s so much that can and will go wrong under his mismanagement. So many variables no one can predict. If not, it will be extraordinary luck.
Ted, he seems to have more good luck than the average bear. Bad debate night for Joe, didn't get fatally shot ... On and on. I hope I live long enough to witness his comeuppance!
I don’t mean to sound like I’m dipping a toe into the conspiracy pool, but I’m not convinced that the attempt on Trump’s life wasn’t staged. The FBI came right out and said that it probably wasn’t a bullet that grazed his ear as was claimed, it was probably flying debris from some object that was hit. And in spite of Trump trying to keep the incident front and center by wearing a comically large bandage on his ear for an extended length of time, the buzz died down quickly.
It could also be said that Republicans are using Trump for their own selfish ends. They certainly get what they want by elevating Trump to King, which is to put straight rich Christian white guys back in charge with dominion over everyone else.
"When the hurleyburley's done, When the battle's lost and won" That will not be ere the set of sun in 4 years hence. Until then, we shall "hover through the fog and filthy air."
If the ex-president was so irreparably harmed by the election interference conviction, maybe he should have thought about that before he defrauded the country. Kind of hard to feel bad for him...
I cannot believe Chief Justice Alito. All I’ll say is this. Liar, liar. Pants on fire. This is like icing on the cake. don-old was tried and found GUILTY by a Jury. Friday is about the sentencing. There is no jail time or money retribution to be paid. don-old asked if it could be after the election. For goodness sake, someone has to just say NO to him. This has been frivolous and a waste of time and money. I hope to see him in front of Judge Merchan on Friday morning.
He couldn't be sentenced until after the election because it might negatively impact it. Now he doesn't want to be sentenced because it would finalize the proceedings and he couldn't rewrite the outcome to make him innocent. Give me a break, he's never going to think it's a good time to be permanently labeled as a criminal.
Amazing that the next President of the USA is fighting to stay out of Court and/or jail days before being inaugurated......but it is not a surprise, of course, if you put a convicted felon on the ballot. Time for SCOTUS to confirm whether they are in Trump's pocket, or not.
"Trumpscum" that is one I hadn't heard but it certainly applies to some of them. Especially the ones in government and media that show no remorse about promoting trump's lies.
I did not vote for this and don’t believe for a second that any of this crap is done in my name. I believe in personal responsibility, but none of this is on me. I think that is what is helping me maintain some semblance of sanity.
I didn’t vote for this, either, and roughly a third of eligible voters didn’t even bother to vote, yet in the eyes of the world we’re all being painted with the broad brush of bigotry, arrogance, bullying, and corruption.
Surely you're not blaming the world for what we fairly elected? I despise him, too, and am looking for a way to live elsewhere, but the whole world naturally draws its own conclusions.
Alito is a real piece of work! What nerve. And the chief Justice whining and complaining added to Alito’s ballsy move is the topper. I certainly have never lived through a more corrupt court in all my 77 years and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any less so in my lifetime at the rate we keep electing stupid, evil people into positions of kingly immunity.
Blaming voters for this outcome isn’t really fair. Give credit where credit is due. Republicans have masterfully played the long game over four decades in their takeover of our government. Americans have been groomed by Reagan with his feel-good narrative that convinced us that trickle-down economics would be good for us, by Rupert Murdoch with his Fox “News” empire that convinced us that day was night and up was down by a steady stream of lies and propaganda, by Mitch McConnell and his Republican predecessors in the House and Senate who manipulated the system to their advantage, including stacking the Supreme Court, by the Jerry Falwells, the Rush Limbaughs, and Alex Joneses poisoning the airwaves with their self-righteous, hateful, crude, and often false screeds that demonized certain individuals and groups, by the constant Republican battering of our government and institutions, including our educational system. Throw in gerrymandering, voter suppression, and Russian, Chinese, and Supreme Court interference in our elections and you have a recipe for a takeover. All politicians try to use the system to their advantage to some extent, but the Republicans have outplayed the Democrats, who have been hampered by having higher ethical standards. I’m not saying that Democrats should lower their standards, but that Republicans should be forced to raise theirs.
All of that is true, but blaming voters for this outcome is absolutely fair. Democracies require an informed electorate to survive, and we ALL share that responsibility.
Alito is disgraceful but in a sense very childish. It’s like he’s that little boy on the beach trying to change clothes under a towel that barely covers his shoulders thinking all along NO ONE can see him doing what he’s doing.
He’s so not worthy as one of the formerly revered members of SCOTUS; his behavior is destroying our belief in the whole system with each year. Thomas sullied his name during the Anita Hill hearing for most women who watched and most able-thinking men.
Finally, I agree with Mike; Don tha Felon is guilty! The felon of at least 34 crimes should go before the USA citizens and APOLOGIZE, go to court and accept his big boy consequences. He is incapable, of course, of doing the right thing.
The Alito call was utterly brazen and outrageous. Nobody’s bothering to even try to hide their corruption. They’re that secure…
Alito obviously knew that Scump was going to appeal to Supremes this week yet Alito took the call from Scump for a favor by hiring his former clerk! Couldn’t wait to next week?Now indebted to Scump as he participates in ruling on Scump’s appeal?Corruption folks! They don’t care!
In NO other court system in this country would this communication be in any way proper. A judge could be fired for taking the call from a frequent-flyer defendant (or even not a frequent flyer) in ANY other court. But not this corrupt and arrogant jerk. He should lose his law license if he still has one and be impeached from his position. This behavior is disgusting.
You might want to contact Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's office to discuss this. The Supreme Court ethics is an issue he's been working on for a while now. Here's the link to his office website for scotus ethics issues:
This is exactly what I don't understand--why haven't lawmakers taken action against this brazen SCOTUS behavior already? What's keeping Sen. Whitehouse from simply presenting a bill that holds these maniacs accountable? I actually sent a letter addressed to Sotomayor, Egan and Jackson expressing how sorry I am at how they must feel every day they have to go to work....
Thanks for the link. As an aside, why is it that only Senator Whitehouse seems to give a damn about SCOTUS ethics?! Schumer and Durbin certainly don’t seem to.
Schumer and Durbin are lazy and/or don't care. (I've heard of another senator complaining about them.)
The email address is not going through for me. Any other suggestions? I can't reach him on his page because I'm not from RI.
The People's March is in Washington on Jan 18 10 - 3 and also in many other cities including New York Manhattan on Center St in front of the state Supreme Court. I will proudly perform my anti trump songs to wit:
Broken Roads and Broken Trails -- Inauguration Day:
The Shithole Song:
Blue Daze:
Thank you for listening. This is all I can do which is to write, sing and spread the word.
I gotta appreciate the use of music to express political indignation, so here’s one back at cha
The march has no cause. Abortion issue is over for now, election is over, I fail to see what effect the march will have at this time. I think the march should be after the inaug and THEY start doing stuff. We can march against XYZ....
I agree. Bout they are, at lrastv4 of them, bought and paid for.
If anyone believes that Alito and #45 didn’t talk about 45’s case, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Trump only operates for himself.
Actually, whether or not they talked about the case is irrelevant. All that is required is the *appearance* of impropriety.
A bridge o'er to Brooklyn's incredibly swell/And to you, for just two thousand dollars, I'll sell!
So, I'm a legal tyro here. Won't Alito be obliged to recuse himself from participation in consideration of Trump's appeal? (If so, then whoever leaked the occurrence of the phone conversation dropped a two-ton dime!)
You would think so but I doubt Alito would ever recuse himself from something connected to Trump.
Hilarious, of course not, Alito refuses to recuse when he has clear conflicts of interest.
I really like the name Scump. But I find that President Scum is so much more appropriate as it clearly describes the wildly dangerous undertakings between him and some SCOTUS members.
Alito obviously thinks the coup is in the bag. Over confidence and hubris may be the coup's undoing... we all know what happened to Icarus.
You’re right. Alito is an arrogant SOB!
I wish though that there was a check on scotus. That's the problem, they can do whatever in the world they want - and they know it.
We all know what happened to Icarus??
The actual problem, underneath it ALL, is that of 260 million adults in this country, you wouldn't find one million who would understand your reference to Icarus.
But they answer to no one. The Constitution provides absolute immunity
Nowhere in the Constitution is there absolute immunity for anyone. The founders presumed that we would remain a nation of laws, not of kings.
The Constitution didn't always provide immunity. But, if people are going to try to operate based upon a set of Principles (the Constitution) they have to have the moral intelligence to understand the principle, that some on SCOTUS are simply lacking.
Who does the Supreme Court answer to, especially in today’s corruption? What mechanism can have removed? They are the Neo Pharisees before Christ defrocked them
We, the collective, had two chances to avoid setting up these Neo Pharisee, the Constitution and placing them on the court. We still have the power to defrock them, we just haven't used it yet.
Lynn, However, I think the coup has been very effective.....
Who wore it better, Alito's call or the wife's flag?
Alito can go to Hell.
He's the Maitre D there . . .
...and take Scum and his cronies with him!
I also saw the news about this phone call and that the former alito clerk, when contacted by the media, wouldn't answer the phone. Could be both things are true. Yeah, alito called trump about the clerk but we can be dead sure, trump, who is very frantically pulling out all the stops to halt the Friday sentencing, wouldn't miss this critical opportunity to compel alito to take his case. This case has the same feel to it as the immunity case did back in June. We thought no way could SCOTUS get him out of being tried. Alito then actually did trump's lawyers a big huge favor by reframing the issue trump was bringing to them into a novel issue which then needed to be ruled on. I was listening to alito begin by insisting on his alternate view of the issue - not the one presented to the court in the brief. I've got a queasy feeling alito will do the same thing in this hearing because there's nothing for trump to argue except that the finalizing of sentencing will etch in stone forever that he's a convict. That permanent designation will make him feel inferior. This is sheer delusion. The entire world already knows he's been indicted by several juries and then found guilty by even more juries. I love how the conservative "justices" run a drive-thru window just for trump to hand them his flaming dumpster fires to put out for him. I'm disgusted that they think we're so stupid we don't know that they are, of course, talking openly about how SCOTUS can be of service. Give me a break. I hope it's too short a time frame to be able to fit this nothing-burger of a case into their schedule. Don't bet on it, though.
Grifters and zealots have no conscience. Here, you have one of each. Trump, the quintessential grifter's grifter, and Alito, an unprincipled zealot who wants to leave a mark on history, even if it will be a s*&t stain.
If these bozos are impeached guess who gets to fill the spots with more bozos! Good job America. You voted for all of this!
Agree. This is shocking. I also question why Trump would be vetting candidates himself, not his Chief of Staff or her staff? That further throws the nature and content of the call into suspicion. Kudos to the reporter(s) who found this out.
Looking for a silver lining here... Perhaps Robert and Barret will be sufficiently mortified by this Alito stunt that they join Sotomayor et al in declining to pick up the case.
Hey: how do we know so quickly about the Alito call anyway? Was that leaked?
Per NBC News' Lawrence Hurley the Judge Merchan sentencing hearing is still on the Friday 1/10/25 Docket. SCOTUS has ordered New York State Prosecutor to respond to the "Emergency Life Line" call from Felon 34X by 10 AM this `1/9/25 Thursday morning.
Regardless, a Friday 1/10/25 SCOTUS "Conference" was already on the Justices' Calendar.
It may have been innocent. It was not certain that Trump would go to the Supreme Court. The two may have discussed a job reference. In any case, Justice Alito would have been smart to wait until after the inauguration.
You’re being too kind. The phone call was completely improper for a justice of the Supreme Court to accept for any reason from a defendant in a case. And of course he knows the case will appear in his court. We called them frequent flyers in my court.
"Innocent call?" My foot! Completely improper is what it was.
"Alito said he didn't know Trump was headed to SCOTUS, which is really odd, because the whole rest of the legal world knew it was coming. He also said they didn’t talk about any of Trump’s legal matters." Looks like Alito has taken lessons in lying from trump, and is well paid for it, but results are not really convincing.
What I am saying is that we do not know for sure and that we do not read minds. In any case, some type of investigation might be in order. Finally, the whole question brings out into bold relief that the Supreme Court sorely needs strong ethical standards.
What we really need are JUSTICES with "strong ethical standards". Wouldn't hurt if lower court judges had them too. Like, maybe, Aileen Cannon??
Yeah, for sure. I listened to Trump's bloviation fest in which he complimented Judge Cannon as courageous and brilliant. Fortunately, I was alone and no one heard the F-bombs careening off of my walls.
You obviously are not a lawyer or otherwise connected to any court! There is no excuse for a judge (and certainly a Supreme) to have ANY PRiVATE CONVERSATION with a litigant or potential litigant! NONE because it shifts the exclusive boundary between judges and litigants that ALL communications must be public either in court or on paper! ALITO IS CORRUPT BY Definition and Scump is laughing!
Thank you for clarifying that ethical norm, Ira. I am not trained in the law and now regret speculating on Alito's motives. As explained elsewhere, I drew an incorrect analogy between the yapping yappies triggered by President Clinton's meeting with Attorney Lynch days before the report about Secretary / Senator Clinton was released in 2016.
That's why we have recusal on the mere "appearance" of a conflict of interest. Mind-reading is not required.
Great point, there, Randy. Thank you.
I am recalling the meeting President Clinton had with Attorney General Lynch at the height of the investigation into Senator / Secretary Clinton in 2016.
Though I am not a fan of President Clinton, I disagreed with the popular suspicion that he was tampering with that investigation. The findings were to be released shortly thereafter.
I always believed that President Clinton wanted to find out if his wife would be indicted. That was fair enough, at least for this conservative (i.e., me).
The point you raise is REALLY important, Randy. That Justice Alito did not recuse himself from any potential review of the case inclines me, decisively, toward his lack of integrity. Thank you for that observation.
I thought the Supreme Court had worked out some ethical standards, but they are not enforced, and there is no oversight or accountability if those standards are violated. With a supremely unethical leader coming into office soon, why should the supremely unethical justices be held accountable?
By way of Daniel Solomon, you are correct:
Honestly, I do not know, Marli.
Roberts issued an order incorporating the Judicial Code in November, 2023. The Judicial Conference should have jurisdiction.
Interesting, Daniel. Thank you, as always. At this point, my appreciation must seem hackneyed. It is not. As read through the linked, I did not see whether this review and administrative structure applies to the Supreme Court. I saw a reference to the Supreme Court setting guidelines, but they seem to be directed toward lower courts, not the Supreme Court itself. Maybe I missed something; I often do.
Well, I am surprised the neither Alito nor Thomas have been, at the very least, reprimanded (if not impeached and removed). Thank you for the reading.
If Justice Alito knew it was going to the Supreme Court. Dislike Trump as I do, the business of state -- in this case the transitional staffing of an incoming Admin. -- has to proceed. In any case, Justice Alito should have known that there would be a possibility of the case ending up in the Court. He should have waited.
Judges are not permitted to act as an agent for former clerks. PERIOD. Can send a letter, THAT's IT.
Thank you for setting me straight on that, Daniel. So taking the call really WAS out-of-bounds. Well I live and learn . . . and get heart-burn.
Yeah, true, but they for people who don't have any shame with being in photos and paintings of clearly unethical junkets, what's fixing a case to them? No consequences for anything they do and they know it. They're patronizing the country with their barely believable pretexts.
He's not very smart. But he is arrogant
Amen to that on Justice Alito. As my Dad quipped fifty years ago about politicians caught up in scandals, "Most people get in trouble when they start believing their own horse-scheiße."
Ned, nothing any of them do is innocent.
They shouldn't be.
Trump is not irreparably harmed; he is GUILTY!
Right. Trump was not irreparably harmed by guilty verdicts from a jury of his betters. Rather, the United States was irreparably harmed by Trump.
By a 12 person jury, and it's a state case, no less.
Yepper, Trump lost in New York 408 (i.e., 12 x 34) to ZERO. I watched his press conference and he has the temerity to say the Democrats are weaponizing the justice system!
He shifts blame as if he were a child. That’s what ye’s always done.
Just like a 6-yr old. “I didn’t do it, you did”.
In a book edited by Dr Bandy Lee, a psychiatrist specializing in human violence and defusing it, one writer claimed that Trump says he sees things as he saw them in grade; that he has seen no reason to change.
Having been married to a malignant narcissist (I had never heard of it), I have to be grateful for the education I have received about this mental illness. Trump does all the things my ex did, and the amazing thing is his family is so blind. He died a couple months ago at 65, and this weekend they're pulling out all the stops for memorials for the ass.
Liars get away with lies when the lied-to never get a chance to hear facts. In my little microcosm and in the United States at large, the lies get you to do a thing you would not do if you knew the truth.
It's really that simple. Congratulations to the biggest con artist the world has seen. It really doesn't have the means to protect itself any more.
Thank you, Jen, for a moving story. It gives me the tinglies, about the closest I can come to detecting the presence of G-D. Prayer your way via FedEx. 🙏
My cousin was married to a similar personality; she died young. To see my lovely, perky Susie walk on egg-shells 24 / 7 was very painful for all of us who loved her. 💔
So, while I am too limited emotionally to empathize with you directly, I can imagine the heart-felt pain you must have endured. Glad you got the HELL out of there; I salute your fortitude. 🤝
Sam Alito? Oy! One second, he seems to think he is the very voice of authority; the next, he is unaware of his Master’s intentions. This is a Supreme Court Justice who lied before Congress (about Roe), lied about the flags, is the very image of disingenuousness.
Add bribery from Paul Singer to the list.
I will never understand why these clowns think they are so superior!
Because we have been raised to think they are.
Perhaps … I was born in 1950, Minneapolis, Jewish. I was raised to try to ignore what others think, one’s own opinion is equally valid.
Because they get away with spectacularly publicized unethical feats which they seem to think is humorous when they're exposed. "Look what I can do with your tax dollars - and take a good look at the gifts my owners give me". It's a demonstration of corruption, utter arrogance, and greed.
Oh yes, Donald Trump’s famous sense of humor: He was just making a joke … and yet, no proof of anyone actually laughing.
They're really in a tiny bubble. And beleive the moniker "supreme".
As always, I am gobsmacked at how this buffoon does it. At least, Adolf and Benito had commanding facades. Trump is old, faltering, unkempt (how does a billionaire look like he wears off-the-rack?). He commands no army but a bunch of rubes he does not respect.
He does wear off the rack, and doesn't even have the basic fitting.
And those tie lengths! Does a man who so totally adores himself not look in the mirror?
He thinks it makes him look thinner. One of his other delusions.
And with such great success! Oh, my svelte master, command me!
He is in denial. If only he would drown in the Nile.
Probably Goodwill. Not off the rack that he actually has to pay full price for. Plus tax.
And he’s become increasingly orange!
Yes! This is a man who thinks people of color are subhuman … yet he pretends he has a healthy (?) deep tan.
David- I was looking for the word gobsmacked and thank you for it- we know that Trump will prevail- does anyone else think differently?
Thank you. I think not so much prevail as override.
Why in the world would SCOTUS do the right thing now? Don't count on them for any fairness or justice when Trump is involved.
Can Justice Sotomayor stop the appeal for injunction by the Supreme Court dead in its tracks.
I hope she can exercise that prerogative for once. We'll see in the morning. If it does go to scotus, trump will win - we know that.
I have two words to explain the clusterf*#ck we are about to enter: Mitch McConnell.
On so many levels.
The devil incarnate.
I sincerely hope that a patriot leaks the classified documents report — and that The Times and The Post have the courage to publish it. But I was happy to read that Trump’s on the horns of a dilemma. I think it’s clear that we will soon be reading Jack Smith’s incredible legal work. Guilty, El Presidente — you’re guilty!
the Times and Wapo are hopeless. There are other, more relevant places now.
I Recommend the no-BS "TAFM".
I can't find TAFM, Brian, what does it mean?
Part of the huge, horrible problem is that "we're" the only ones who read the Times and the Post. There are far more effective media outlets, now, to spread important news such as this, and we need every single person we can find to read it.
Yes, William, I saw that article too and loved reading that he at least has a "dilemma" out of all of this effort by so many people for so many months to try him and then make it through all the never ending appeals.
Press send for some kind of justice.
When will justice be served? When will Trump finally be held accountable?
My guess is he never will be held accountable. He's got this god-like idea that he should be given everything he wants & the republicans are determined to give it to him.
I somewhat agree, but history often matches the demagogues cruelty with their own demise. Eventually he’s gonna get what he has coming. A lot of events, either external like the pandemic, war, terror, markets crashing, there will s so much that can and will go wrong under his mismanagement. So many variables no one can predict. If not, it will be extraordinary luck.
Ted, he seems to have more good luck than the average bear. Bad debate night for Joe, didn't get fatally shot ... On and on. I hope I live long enough to witness his comeuppance!
I don’t mean to sound like I’m dipping a toe into the conspiracy pool, but I’m not convinced that the attempt on Trump’s life wasn’t staged. The FBI came right out and said that it probably wasn’t a bullet that grazed his ear as was claimed, it was probably flying debris from some object that was hit. And in spite of Trump trying to keep the incident front and center by wearing a comically large bandage on his ear for an extended length of time, the buzz died down quickly.
I am in your game room, Ted. What goes around, comes around…eventually.
You're right, Ted. Eventually, though.
It could also be said that Republicans are using Trump for their own selfish ends. They certainly get what they want by elevating Trump to King, which is to put straight rich Christian white guys back in charge with dominion over everyone else.
When will justice be served?
"When the hurleyburley's done, When the battle's lost and won" That will not be ere the set of sun in 4 years hence. Until then, we shall "hover through the fog and filthy air."
If we are lucky a d do have elections in four years. The second richest man in the world owns Trump.
When he’s burning in Hell. That’s when he’ll finally be held accountable. And Alito can join him.
Ronnie/ to think that he will ever be held responsible for his actions is like Joan Didion 's book The Year of Magical Thinking
When? When? When???
If the ex-president was so irreparably harmed by the election interference conviction, maybe he should have thought about that before he defrauded the country. Kind of hard to feel bad for him...
I cannot believe Chief Justice Alito. All I’ll say is this. Liar, liar. Pants on fire. This is like icing on the cake. don-old was tried and found GUILTY by a Jury. Friday is about the sentencing. There is no jail time or money retribution to be paid. don-old asked if it could be after the election. For goodness sake, someone has to just say NO to him. This has been frivolous and a waste of time and money. I hope to see him in front of Judge Merchan on Friday morning.
He couldn't be sentenced until after the election because it might negatively impact it. Now he doesn't want to be sentenced because it would finalize the proceedings and he couldn't rewrite the outcome to make him innocent. Give me a break, he's never going to think it's a good time to be permanently labeled as a criminal.
Amazing that the next President of the USA is fighting to stay out of Court and/or jail days before being inaugurated......but it is not a surprise, of course, if you put a convicted felon on the ballot. Time for SCOTUS to confirm whether they are in Trump's pocket, or not.
Do you have any doubt that they will continue to enable the psychopath though?
Oh, I think it’s already clear that the illegitimate (thanks to McConnell) Republican majority on the Court is in Trump’s pocket.
Does anyone else resent that all this corruption, bribery, and lawlessness are being done IN OUR NAME? Did anyone think they were voting for THIS?
No one with a brain, but that excludes all the Trumpscum.
"Trumpscum" that is one I hadn't heard but it certainly applies to some of them. Especially the ones in government and media that show no remorse about promoting trump's lies.
I did not vote for this and don’t believe for a second that any of this crap is done in my name. I believe in personal responsibility, but none of this is on me. I think that is what is helping me maintain some semblance of sanity.
You're not the crazy one; neither are we.
I didn’t vote for this, either, and roughly a third of eligible voters didn’t even bother to vote, yet in the eyes of the world we’re all being painted with the broad brush of bigotry, arrogance, bullying, and corruption.
Surely you're not blaming the world for what we fairly elected? I despise him, too, and am looking for a way to live elsewhere, but the whole world naturally draws its own conclusions.
The 76 million people who voted for him in Nov don't see corruption, bribery, or lawlessness because Fox doesn't report it.
Alito is a real piece of work! What nerve. And the chief Justice whining and complaining added to Alito’s ballsy move is the topper. I certainly have never lived through a more corrupt court in all my 77 years and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any less so in my lifetime at the rate we keep electing stupid, evil people into positions of kingly immunity.
Blaming voters for this outcome isn’t really fair. Give credit where credit is due. Republicans have masterfully played the long game over four decades in their takeover of our government. Americans have been groomed by Reagan with his feel-good narrative that convinced us that trickle-down economics would be good for us, by Rupert Murdoch with his Fox “News” empire that convinced us that day was night and up was down by a steady stream of lies and propaganda, by Mitch McConnell and his Republican predecessors in the House and Senate who manipulated the system to their advantage, including stacking the Supreme Court, by the Jerry Falwells, the Rush Limbaughs, and Alex Joneses poisoning the airwaves with their self-righteous, hateful, crude, and often false screeds that demonized certain individuals and groups, by the constant Republican battering of our government and institutions, including our educational system. Throw in gerrymandering, voter suppression, and Russian, Chinese, and Supreme Court interference in our elections and you have a recipe for a takeover. All politicians try to use the system to their advantage to some extent, but the Republicans have outplayed the Democrats, who have been hampered by having higher ethical standards. I’m not saying that Democrats should lower their standards, but that Republicans should be forced to raise theirs.
All of that is true, but blaming voters for this outcome is absolutely fair. Democracies require an informed electorate to survive, and we ALL share that responsibility.
In Australia voting is mandatory
It just never stops. Every f***ing day since June 16, 2015. 🙇🏻♀️
Better living through prescription drugs.
If anyone had suggested that several SCOTUS members would ignore the law ten years ago, I would have laughed. Now I just shudder.
Alito is disgraceful but in a sense very childish. It’s like he’s that little boy on the beach trying to change clothes under a towel that barely covers his shoulders thinking all along NO ONE can see him doing what he’s doing.
He’s so not worthy as one of the formerly revered members of SCOTUS; his behavior is destroying our belief in the whole system with each year. Thomas sullied his name during the Anita Hill hearing for most women who watched and most able-thinking men.
Finally, I agree with Mike; Don tha Felon is guilty! The felon of at least 34 crimes should go before the USA citizens and APOLOGIZE, go to court and accept his big boy consequences. He is incapable, of course, of doing the right thing.