Kaboom! What a great letter! It's resignations like these, speaking truth to power in significant ways, that give me hope and courage. Which is difficult to find these days. Especially now that the GOP is trying to pass the SAVE act, targeting women especially, to prevent us from voting. Thanks for this post, Joyce! Courage, everyone. Dang.

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Courage is something we can build together. Increasingly, I think that's what we need to do right now. Build the capacity for courage.

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I’m being courageous today. 73 year old grandma heading to a Tesla dealership this morning with a group of like minded people to protest unelected president musk! 🤬

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Good for you and your posse! Let 'em have it!

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Back at it again! Going to the 50501 National Day of Protest today! The anti musk rally at the dealership was fantastic. Almost 300 people showed up! Can’t wait to feel the vibe downtown today! #resist

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I was thinking of doing the same thing here. One problem we have is that the dealership is on tribal land (funky NM law) and their LEOs are a little scary.

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Thank you for taking action!

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Yea! Joanne!!

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I appreciate your courage in reporting on all that is happening as well.

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Not to be trite, but from your lips to God's ears and those of caring Americans. I am hanging on to hope.

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It’s possible that only one voice that will stand up to the bully to turn the tide of an entire crowd of bullies who standing alone are only cowards. Thank you Hagan Scotten for your service to our country in your many roles and most especially as a man of true integrity and unafraid to speak the truth! I will always remember your name as I’m sure many others will also. This is one of your most inspiring messages, Joyce, and it has made my day and given me hope that has been sorely sagging. We must never give up hope

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Ditto! You said what I think but am unable to put into words.

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So totally agree. We are the majority.

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But this story gets worse, Joyce! I heard Friday evening (2/14) that there is talk of DOJ "investigating" Sassoon! Seriously?? Investigating her for what? For having integrity? This is outrageous! It strikes me, a non-lawyer, as a clear case of weaponization of justice. Is this behavior of DOJ acceptable in any way? If not, what can be done about it?

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Thank you for being here with us, focusing on significant current events as they happen and taking the time to provide the background and explain the why and how of these activities. Stay safe.

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Amd stock up on shelf-safe food - food shortages are coming, for sure.

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Also, stock up on CASH

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I spoke to my broker who is a Republican and a NEVER EVER TRUMPER and he said not to stock up on CASH. He said that he didn't believe the banking system would fail, and if it was going to, we'd see it coming way before it does. He has been my broker since 1996, and has never steered me wrong.

With that being said, I do have more cash on hand than I usually do. Better to do what Paula suggest and stock up on shelf-safe food (and water).

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Feb 15Edited

I'm also hoping the banking system would never fail. But I never expected our federal government to go into a state's financial holdings, either, and illegally claw back money they feel is rightfully theirs. I also never expected to hear that the FDIC may be in doge's crosshairs at some point.

As someone who (up till now) never has cash on hand, I'll have some squirreled away at home for the future. Not a huge amount. But just in case. (And Paula's suggestion on shelf-safe food makes sense too)

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I still have my low interest credit card but now use cash for more purchases. I do not mean…Hoard cash… but purchase when can.

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I call it stashing it into my “coffer”.

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Please ask your broker who's the likely Fed Chair after May 15, next year. If Rump wants to trash-can Powell and may try to fire him before then, what might we expect in 15 months?

And while I'm at it, do you have a "basket of currencies" or Fednotes in your reserve? I inherited 3 Krugs from my mom 10 years ago and they've doubled.

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Stock up on PPE, i.e. masks and face shields. The avian flu may mutate into pandemic-causing virulence and we can’t depend on the ‘government’ to warn us or protect us. This site has a wide range of masks & other PPE. They are reliable and prompt. https://n95medicalsupplies.com (Note: I have no financial or other stake in this company. I’m a satisfied customer only.)

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We are really on our own now.

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Thank you. I will check out your suggested website. I have also stocked up on isopropyl alcohol.

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I fear that under our current leadership, the number of and quality of senior officers like Scotten and Sassoon will decline, not increase. Pretty soon, there's a real risk that all the departments eviscerated by DOGE will be run by the JV; the Varsity players will be retired from the field.

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Why is Musk still allowed to be anywhere near anything? Why are the republicans not impeaching the cause of all the problems. He has to be removed fir medical reasons as his actions need inspection.

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Two reasons why this is allowed or even encouraged: He has more money than anyone else in the world (Putin being unknown), and Citizens' United benighted ruling enabled unfettered money to pour into the coffers of preferred politicians' campaigns.

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Just about all Rump does is transactional, so here is my equation: Musk "donated" a 1/4 Billion bucks to buy him the presidency. How much of the US Govt that Rump controls (but doesn't own), will Musk tear up or gain the control codes to, before he figures the debt is paid?

A prospective "get outa jail free" pardon to Musk doesn't actually count unless the DOJ/USA still functions like it's run by ethical people.

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Isn't there a catch-22 here. Trump has ordered ALL departments to only hire 1 replacement for 4 terminations. I assume that also includes the DOJ.

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It'll surely hasten the decline since loyalty will be chosen over quality every single time.

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In giving minions the boot, remember, 1 in 4 is only his rule of toe, safely encased in a jackboot.

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Could you help us out by explaining why resignations are necessary in the first place? Why is there no process in place where questionable directives/orders can be adjudicated (in the public's eye) before that? I think this is why so many Americans are upset and/or confused by the intersection of law and politics.

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I too wonder why resignation is the move one makes to protect the integrity of one's self and the system. As I've posted elsewhere, I wonder why the better strategy isn't to force the official to fire you? You get to tell your story to the press, your congressperson, spread it on the internet, plus sue for wrongful termination. In some cases you might have a union and a collective bargaining agreement to back you up. Does it have something to do with preserving health, pension, or other benefits? Is it because people do not want to have to put "Fired" on a CV? Seems like resigned or fired, when either happens defending ethical behavior and/or an overarching principle like the rule of law shouldn't negatively impact one's chances for future employments. I understand that some writers refer to there being a "tradition" when in public service of resigning to protest one's superiors from making a very bad decision. I don't understand why not simply refuse to obey an unlawful order and force your superior to do the unlawful deed (or force them to fire you and/or to find another lackey).

To those out there who have experience or a better understanding of the nuances of this type of thing, I'd appreciate learning your thoughts.

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Legally, they can't be fired. Resignation gives Trump and the GOP what they want legally. With Musk footing the bill, I'll bet, while both his hands and helpers are robbing the till.

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The SAVE Act, if passed, will prevent over 60 million WOMEN in the US, from voting!!! WTF? Women were granted the vote in 1920. We will not lose that right in 2025!!!

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This is another page ripped out of the nazi manual. Germany 1933-45 was against women going to university or being independent. They wanted women to stay at home with their husbands and raise children.

Ivana told us that Mein Kemph sat on Donable Lectors night table.

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My guess is that he liked the cover. Can't imagine he actually read more than a sentence or two, at most.

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Yesh, he doesn’t have the intellect nor the attention span nor the, should I say, ability.

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Orange than read Hitlers book more than he ever read the Bible

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He can't even hold the Bible right side up.

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because he's the devil....I'm surprised he can hold it at all.

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Hold it? He can’t even place his hand on it, as seen in his swearing in ceremony.

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ooh I forgot about that

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It was a book of Hitler's speeches.

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Hitler’s book is not his speaches, it’s his autobiography, his “struggle”, written from a prison cell that he landed in for five years after trying to overthrow his government. Mein Kampf is the early thinking that fed his speaches and then lit the world on fire. His book lays out his feelings on Jews, propaganda, everything.

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Apparently there is also a collection of Hitler's speeches, apart from Mein Kampf. That is what's being mentioned here.

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Very funny, thanks for the random laugh.

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Don't fool yourselves...he isn't illiterate. He's lots of things, but not stupid.

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Tony, he is very base with delusions of grandeur hence all the stupid stuff about Canada, Gaza,Greenland, Gulf of Mexico,Panama Canal,every mcdonald's in America. He is stupid enough to be bankrupt 6 times and he will do the same to America.

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He's willfully ignorant and I do think he is functionally illiterate.

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Exactly right.

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He's cunning, a different kind of intelligence. We know he can read, but that he hates to, and won't even read the daily intelligence reports. And he is not curious or interested in learning; he thinks he learned everything he needs to know from his dad and Roy Cohn. And he has no respect for facts, i.e. his sharpie revision of the path of the hurricane.

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However, his intelligence is overridden by his narcissism that controls him.

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Is there an illustrated child's version? You know like those kiddie Noah's tales that don't mention millions of kittens and puppies being killed.

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Actually, according to Ivana, it was a book of speeches, "My New Order," in translation, which would have been much more manageable.

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Okay...Thanks for that....I am reading this book abou the "White Rose Pamplets." This is what resistance to authoritarian rule is all about.

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If you’re interested, small enamel white rose pins are available for purchase from the Holocaust Museum in DC. I wear mine every time I leave the house.

The members of the White Rose gave their lives to fight Hitler and Naziism. Hopefully, we won’t have to.

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Thank you so much for that......Wll be following up on that.

My sad journey into Nazi attrocities grows more distressing.

Keep learning similarities to 2025....the GOP cult.....ICE=Gestapo

Selecting women "who look good'.......sound familiar Trump??? and sending them to the SS brothels.

Is this where Musk is leading America??

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I need to re-read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

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Once was enough for me. UGH! Schudder!

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Fantastic way to catch up with the 2025/Trump/Musk axis of evil

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Cool. I never knew.

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Me, neither. Will check this out.

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Or just find the No Nazis buttons from the 80's – swastika with a red line thru it. Still got mine, 'cause I know nazis.

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Anti-Nazi pinback 3 button set.....anti-fascist $2.84 Canadian

Sykoticbuttons..........order on Ebay.....has swastika with red line through it

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Getting rid of Nazis is similar to trying to kill giant Scorpions in Arizona..one can beat them with a golf iron and they still manage to survive.

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But iis it fun to swing the club?

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That’s a great idea to bring back the white rose. The 1982 movie “The White Rose”, about the German collage students who started to question Nazism is excellent.

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I have been reading Victor Klemperer's book "I will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years" as form of stress innoculation. He was a Jew who lived in Dresden and only survived because his wife was not Jewish. Almost every Jewish person he knew was eventually deported to the death camps. He kept a secret diary of his experiences during the 12 years of the Third Reich. It depicts the increasing and relentless cruelty of Nazis. We in this country are in the process of going down a similar road. Reading the book, the historical boundaries between now and then often dissolve for me. One of Klemperer's lessons is that we should never underestimate the depths of depravity that can be inflicted on the "enemies" of a government when it has absolute power.

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Thanks...will make a note on that book......2025/Trump/Musk form up this axis of nazi evil.

Geddy Lee......the lead singer/bassist of RUSH wrote a bio. Chapters 2-3 relate the story about how his parents survived the Nazi death camps in Germany/Poland. Geddy is and always will be a proud Canadian citizen.

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Again, one or two sentences, max.

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Yes, I dreamt of rail cars full of people.

All of us.

Be afraid. Very afraid.

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Be awake. Be very awake! (NOT the same as "woke"!)

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Hitler's speeches.

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Thanks for the correction in spelling! I fixed my typo! And I agree, WTF?!?

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Protest, Lori, in the streets time! Million Moms March again. I did this in the 70s!

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I will! Thank you for your work for all of us in the 70’s. Without you and many like you, we wouldn’t have enjoyed the freedoms we have today. We just CAN’T lose them.

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When did this insane “Act” pop up?

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All of these anti constitution acts are straight out of Project 2025

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The Save Act, might save the Republican tushes, but it will disenfranchise women who took their husbands name. As I did 56 years ago. It requires a lot of legal maneuvers to change your name back. And I learned about it on Substack!

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I believe it started in the last session of Congress. It has passed the House.

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Thanks, Lori for the info - I heard something about this, but looked up the news.

Idiocy!!! Too many people just dont do any research! Easier to believe the bs.

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The 19th amendment prohibits the federal government and States from denying the right to vote based on sex. It takes 2/3rds of the House and Senate to amend the Constitution and, if passed, must be ratified by 38 States to become Law. Trump does not have a mandate in the House or Senate.

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I understand the provisions of the SAVE Act that is so alarming to so many women.

I would like to suggest that the assault against voting rights has an additional front: state-by-state variation in requirements to provide proof of US Citizenship for voter registration. Too few people possess US Passports. Too few possess (or can obtain) notarized copies of the their birth certificates. NO birth certificate indicates the citizenship status of the mother, in particular, let alone the father (who may or may not actually _be_ the biological father). The people who will be affected are the poor, the poorly educated, black & brown, and those less fluent in English.

I think this is the real reason for the unconstitutional executive order about birthright citizenship. Even if it's overturned (when it is overturned!), it will have helped soften the ground for these proof-of-citizenship voter registration laws.

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How very “Nazi” of the Republicans.

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This is in the MT legislature

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Seeing courage and integrity in action is deeply inspiring. That is what makes some people great leaders.

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Because we have heard the false narrative that this is to prevent non-citizens from voting and realize it may disenfranchise millions of women, we need to organize and educate how to obtain the necessary identification for as many women as possible and as soon as possible.

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Republican politicians really, really hate women, in general. One has to wonder why this is?

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because most of them are losers and they feel they can only be above women because they know ALL men are above them. also, it's an ancient problem

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I think everyone should try to get a passport.....before they close that dept

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Do you really feel all cult-conned female voters last November read / heard, understood " the small print" message BEFORE they cast their vote, Judy? Do even " they" wish to give up the rights women have fought for so many long years? Have walked that forward hard won path for over 90 years...am not best pleased at the thought of a muzzle & relegated to the back porch kitchen ever again by a white male Neanderthals frightened that women must be put down...again. In a best of all worlds milieu...male/ female relationships should complement each other...so as to strengthen the whole....not weakened by supremecy...one gender over another. ..or is that too simplistic to wish for? When the women marched with Pankhurst long ago...the die was cast....we're not going back!

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The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act could prevent many married women from being able to register to vote.

The act, reintroduced by Texas Republican Representative Chip Roy, is intended to amend the National Voter Registration Act to ensure that all people registering to vote are U.S. citizens. It would require people to present in-person documentation as proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

Much of the documentation listed under the SAVE Act is based on having a birth certificate that matches the person registering to vote. However, as many as 69 million married women in the United States have changed their legal name since getting married, meaning their name does not match their birth certificate, according to the Center for American Progress.

The United States has millions of residents who have entered the country illegally and are ineligible to vote. Conservatives fear that they do, in fact, vote while liberals say there is no evidence that they do. Liberal politicians have tried to make it more difficult to weed out ineligible voters, including with some laws that make it unnecessary or even illegal to verify voter ID. The SAVE Act was proposed in response to these efforts. Liberals say that the measure would make it harder for some groups of eligible citizens, including Black people who have suffered a history of voter suppression, to cast their ballots.

All citizens, with the exception of children and some felons, have the right to vote in the United States. The SAVE Act could make it significantly harder for married women, as well as others in the population, to exercise their right to vote.

If a voter does not have a passport, which nearly 146 million people in the U.S. don't, it could be much more difficult for those who have changed their name to register to vote under the SAVE Act.

DO NOT ALLOW MAGAt Republic legislators to suppress women's voting rights! Shout this out to your Senators and Representatives!!!

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It is people like Hagen & Adam who have honored their oath of office to defend the Constitution. Ex military Seals like /Sheehy & Zinke in MT has chosen not to honor their oath & are complicit in the Coup

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Unbelievable! Kaboom is my favorite bathroom cleaner too!

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Yes there are so many courageous attorneys. I would like though to bring up on this platform the issue of eliminating or drastically cutting Medicaid so that millionaires can have their tax breaks. It wreaks of eugenics! Deprive poor, old and disabled people of their care. I am the mother of a 38 year old severely intellectually and physically handicapped child who lives in a gp home and I need these services. What cruelty and arrogance and greed of the republicans to try to do this!

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It is greed. When one has $50 billion plus and lowers himself to support Trump because:

he can make much more with tax cuts, we are rotten to the core in this nation, because

those cuts and the 4 trillion in debt will be paid for by you and me.

It is sick,it is wrong and people need to revolt now.

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Oh Deidre....well said! Spot on!

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Please join me in calling your reps and sens to preserve medicaid

Thank you! Nancy

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You bet! It's my secondary insurance, after Medicare, and without it i'd be up the creek without a paddle.

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Cruelty is their selfish objective. For people so lacking in grace, compassion, or integrity putting themselves on pedestals is deeply disgusting. May your son be well.

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Grace, compassion and integrity will be added to my trump DEI list. (Don’t Expect It).

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It’s called “Recreational Cruelty” — evil for fun… these vile people are evil for the sheer fun of it.

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They get their “jollies” from being cruel to others.

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america is now run by 2 abused children...vance and trump ....hurt people, hurt people

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Nraecohen, you should know that polling shows a majority of Americans do not favor cutting Medicaid; in fact, they want funding increased. It will be political suicide for republicons to persue. I have a 41 year old child (Down syndrome) who relies on Medi-Cal as well so I share your pain. You can draw strength from all of us in the same situation as you.

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There are a lot of courageous people who were in the Military who are now serving in the government. Their oath means something to them!

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"But, it was never going to be me". Words to live by and remember. I just love repeating this phrase over and over again. Thank you Hagan Scotten.

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Barbi, that is a perfect statement for all of us to remember, most especially when it’s spoken easily but the weight of the situation is so hard and heavy

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We should print these up and circulate them. Thank you for reminding us.

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Yes, that was an excellent statement! Way to snark your boss! 👏

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Kind of like “Let’s Roll”!

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Hopefully it’s not going to take much more for the Trump house of cards to fall. Trumps picks are already making fools of themselves as they have no idea how to do the jobs they have so incorrectly been picked to do. The rot will soon smell sooo bad that a lot more people will notice and want a change.

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And the best thing is that Vance and Hegseth were making fools of themselves on the international stage!

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And Germany is not having it. I watched the end of Vance's speech on DWTV. The assembled crowd was not at all amused.

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HIs attempt at a joke fell like a rock. Reminds me of desantis when he was attempting to run for President and people in other states found out he didn't have any people skills.

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They cannot even get their stories straight….plus, Pete will fall off the wagon soon enough..

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Is anybody else thinking that, along with being unqualified, Hegseth is detoxing in plain sight? Imagine going off your drug of choice, (and inevitably detoxing for a couple of weeks), starting a job you know you don't understand, then being on the public stage for all the world to watch as you totally screw it up.

I think he'll want a drink.

Anybody paying attention to whether his willpower-dependent vow to stop drinking is still working?

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Emilie, With all due respect, a showing of our representatives on the international stage, now aligned with rulers who oppose the post World War II international order, will exact a toll that neither protects our national security nor the security of other people around the world.

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Agree...good point, Barbara Jo!

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Trump just wanted to put an obedient circus-grade minion in each of those agencies. He'll give the orders, they're expected to do as he says. They don't need to know what they're doing. I agree with you, Mike, that trump has set himself up for failure. It's going to take a period of time before the loss of experienced federal personnel finally trickles down to regular people who then need something essential and urgently. Unfortunately, they won't be able to count on their republican senators or congressional reps. because they're way too busy doing the bidding of trump to care about their constituents.

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Are you sure Trump isn’t just the minion of Russ Vought and Eloony Musk?

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I believe Felon 47 is the demented puppet of the Heritage Foundation & Musk. They bought majority shares of DJT so they are the drivers of policy while they prop him behind the Resolute Desk with a sharpie.

When Bannon made himself too noticeable in 1st term, he was ejected. Musk stood over the addled Felon 47 & gave a press conference in the Oval!

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And who was it that met with Modi yesterday? Not VP Vance, who was off in Europe, insulting our NATO allies and selling out Ukraine. No. It was the Space Nazi.

Why is he holding a meeting with a head of state, here in the US? Why wasn’t Orange meeting with Modi? Where the hell was Vance? Or maybe Rubio as Sec. of State?

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With a bratty kid, no less. Every time we say..wow..that is crazy…something more insane comes along..and we get numb..

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I agree, Trump is the mouth piece for Project 2025

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Circus grade? At least circus folks can perform. I will be a little more crass and say his people say the stupidest things and have sh*t for brains.

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They are certainly stupid. And they are certainly dangerous.

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More like brain worms

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There are smart people..in spite of being Republican MAGGOTS…who could have, at least, understood how to do their jobs..in serious positions…but TheRump does not like those types…not subservient enough…

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The word describing the new " brain trust cabinet is

KALISTROCACY... the least competent politicians running government.

Setting this nation up for failure...ripe for takeover by the moneyed of this world...( my words).

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I hope to god you’re right.

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That may be true, but what breaks my heart is all those who are suffering because of what Trump and Musk have ALREADY destroyed.

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We can only hope this will happen. When you see how much orange has got away with, you have to wonder

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That is why it is important to keep up the calls emails postcards, what ever , to keep facing them with their own rot

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It seems to me they’ve been singled out to destroy the agencies into which they’ve been inserted.

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I see good work for those courageous, high integrity lawyers. And I can help fight back, with them. I worked the Federal bid market for 40 years. Trump anticipates kickbacks from Elon on Federal contracts. Run this up the flag pole. Inside government information now impacts every single Federal BID that Musk currently has in progress, and also every potential future bid. At issue is insider information undisclosed to all bidders. You cannot bid if you hold insider information, or if the appearance is the same. Bid protests by the dozens should be filed. I see an opposing attorney revenue feast from bid protest work.

Every bidder competing against Musk has recourse outside of the bid-letting agency. When a bidder suspects there will be an unfair bias in the agency, they can bypass GAO and file in federal court to disqualify Musk, a Musk company, or a Musk team (via subcontract or joint venture). Federal court judges will decide on the insider information issue, not the Executive Branch employees.

What I foresee is no more Federal contracts for Musk. I don’t even see how he can be awarded a sole source extension to an existing contract. I see $ for lawyers. Jeff Bezos has a strong protest play here.


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And right on cue, from Axios:

"Musk, State Dept. push back on reports of plan to buy $400M of armored Teslas

State of play: The State Department's 2025 procurement forecast states that the administration is set to purchase $400 million worth of "armored electric vehicles."

The entry on the procurement forecast — which was initially published last December, before Trump took office — shows that it was edited Wednesday evening.

Yet a previous version of the forecast viewed by Axios showed an entry for the same amount listed as "Armored Tesla (Production Units)." The description appeared to point toward Tesla's steel-covered Cybertrucks.

Tesla did not immediately respond to Axios' request for comment."


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Wow, Tesla cars and the cyber trucks blow up, space X rockets blow up, starlink satellites blow up (? 4-5/day) so let’s be sure to spend 400 million more of taxpayer $$$ on products that blow up, a lot! No more subsides to that bidder until he gets his act together.

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Hmmm ... a 2025 $400M procurement for "armored EV's" followed by a spaced out 'NDD' Musk's non-denial denial. We already have Musk's take on incoming fiery streaks of rocket debris as "entertainment". Good one Axios & nice catch lin.

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Armored Tesla CYBERTRUCKS. Just stop and really consider this, folks. Really.

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They all must live in fantasy land… a gaggle of weirdos who come up with anything to cheat Americans.

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Cyber attack & hack

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All the maggots who disc electric cars here in MT re they dont work in the cold etc etc . The steel with the tariff?

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“Armored” Tesla truck sounds like a joke. The sheet metal on these is not armor. What is the GVWR of this vehicle? And what weight of armor is needed to make it useful to the military, a half ton, a ton, I couldnt say. But the GVWR tells you the amount if weight said ‘truck’ can carry.

Tell you what: Issue an armored one to the secret service to replace “the beast presidential limo” that carries the vip. If the service won’t have it, that will tell you it isn’t up to spec.

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And the scheme won't stop with Musk. Now that all those pesky anti-corruption and foreign-influence and anti-money-laundering rules have been nuked, be assured that the orange criminal will be demanding tributes, kickbacks, or huge favors from every foreign actor, whether a government or an individual, who wants something. The discussion will not be about whether they can get it but rather about the size of the number on the price tag. It's an old-fashioned mob boss scheme, just on a much larger scale and with fancier window dressing taped onto it.

That will be the orange criminal's focus, interrupted occasionally by some gaudy, tasteless ceremonial stuff, presidential cosplay, and idiotic political theater here and there. While that goes on, the fanatic ideologues and religious zealots will continue working feverishly behind the big curtain to cement themselves in power permanently and impose a harsh, Dark Ages-level theocracy.

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I agree totally. This is a new and possibly more public version of organized crime. Individuals forming syndicates in loose alliance and affiliation who will eventually divvy up territories or areas of influence. Eventually, this apparent cooperation will show the predictable signs and cracks of dissolution, as one or more will take the fall for those who have manipulated and gained more power over others. But, for now at least, it serves them all to kiss the ring, keep a close eye on each other, and vie for eminent apparent status.

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Where is Eliot Ness?

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Sad but true… tho I believe evil trumpies are going down (but not as quickly as we would like)

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agree, but they have set themselves deep in the gov over many years. a lot rests on how the farmers react to trumps ditch of them, the rank and file maggots might never come around...

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Kinda like the rise of Putin and the oligarchs dividing up the remnants of Russia.

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Perfect description of what felon 47 and co. are doing. At times it feels overwhelming (as obviously intended) but, after observing them these past few weeks, have this strong feeling that felon 47 and his little crew of yes men are going to implode from their own hubris. Their arrogance, cruelty, greed and lawlessness will do them in with any luck. Then, was rather surprised to read a good article on how F-47 and co. this evening by Michael Moore, of all people. He makes a good argument, helped me to feel a bit hopeful and srsly hope he’s right! (He’s on Substack if anyone is interested)

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Sometimes Michael Moore is full of it. I remember reading a scathing put-down of Trump that Moore published right before the election. He was assuming that Kamala Harris was going to win and in essence was saying nana nana boo boo to Trump. His current article struck me as ill advised.

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Would you mind elaborating on how you see his article as ill advised? Am not a fan of his but maybe liked the idea of them doing themselves in 🤞🤞🤞

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He ran his mouth off prematurely right before the election. He's exhibiting the same "we've gotcha now" attitude. It seems to me ill advised for him to say the Joint Chiefs of Staff could march in and, in essence, arrest Trump, which would be like waving the proverbial red flag toward a raging bull. Trump, getting wind of that possibility, would accelerate his plans to fire all the current chiefs and replace them with his toadies, thus cutting off that avenue of resistance / opposition.

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Thanks, ill advised is right, what a dumbass.

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I see good work for those courageous, high integrity lawyers. And I can help fight back, with them. I worked the Federal bid market for 40 years. Trump anticipates kickbacks from Elon on Federal contracts. Run this up the flag pole. Inside government information now impacts every single Federal BID that Musk currently has in progress, and also every potential future bid. At issue is insider information undisclosed to all bidders. You cannot bid if you hold insider information, or if the appearance is the same. Bid protests by the dozens should be filed. I see an opposing attorney revenue feast from bid protest work.

Every bidder competing against Musk has recourse outside of the bid-letting agency. When a bidder suspects there will be an unfair bias in the agency, they can bypass GAO and file in federal court to disqualify Musk, a Musk company, or a Musk team (via subcontract or joint venture). Federal court judges will decide on the insider information issue, not the Executive Branch employees.

What I foresee is no more Federal contracts for Musk. I don’t even see how he can be awarded a sole source extension to an existing contract. I see $ for lawyers. Jeff Bezos has a strong protest play here.


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Brava and bravo! May we see ever more people with integrity take a stand and speak the truth.

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Two brave DoJ attorneys stand up to say words of truth MAGA will never hear because they refuse to listen.

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MAGA won’t, but a lot of other folks will.

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I’m over caring about MAGA. I need to find the folks who believe a better world is possible.

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A valuable goal.

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I agree with you: I recently replied to a maga comment trying to explain the value of democracy, rule of law, and giving examples of how trump is trying to blow everything up. Maga responded by saying this is what they all voted for, and could care less about democracy and/or rule of law. I will contunue to post actual facts, but am done trying to rationalize with the empty heads.

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It truly isn't worth the time it takes, but sometimes I call them out in hopes that others, who may just be uninformed/misinformed might see a glimmer of truth. The magas are the ones who have been schooled by the likes of Alex Jones, Rush Limbough, etc. and have been saying "We're a republic, not a democracy" for years. Imo, they are unreachable, and I don't care about them.

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This scathing condescending letter will be part of someone’s dissertation 100 years from now when scholars review the insipid time of Trump in office as he is compared with the scum of society or old style second rate neighborhood mafia Don.

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Wonderful letter!

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Thanks Bill, I love your optimism we will have a country of laws in 100 years.

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Exactly . . . and that assumes there will be historians in the future who are truth-tellers.

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His letter totally schooled Bove, Bondi,Trump, and they or anyone trying to argue with it's message will only look foolish in comparison. It is the best thing I've read in a long time, and can't believe how much reading one letter can positively change my outlook on things.

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These attorneys who resigned are my absolute heroes. Talk about courage under fire!

I’m sickened by what is happening in our country. How are we going to get out of this mess?

And the arrogance of JD Vance lecturing European leaders on democracy. What the hell happened to him?

My late dad would have wished a case of the “Tass-Assy” on them all. That’s when your tail bone curls up to your face, you get diarrhea, and live for 1,000 years. Yes, dad had a way with words. I’m with him on this one.

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I missed JDVance lecturing Europeans on democracy while he and his cronies as busy burning it all down at home. Breathtaking arrogance.

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I'm sure all the European allies sitting there at the Munich Security Conference today also thought Vance was a hypocrite as they had to sit there and listen to him praise European right wing politicians. Hard to believe that eight years ago he called trump an idiot and compared him to Hitler. But then Vance had this VP opportunity fall into his lap and now he's suddenly all in for trump, making sycophant right wing speeches to our right-wing-adverse NATO allies. Just three days ago, trump said something embarrassing for Vance when trump was asked if he saw Vance as his successor and he said "No", but patronizingly added that "he's doing a fantastic job" and "it's too early to think about the 2028 election". Right, because if we do have that election, he'll run again and doesn't want competition from a younger man, like Vance - because he knows Vance could be elected over him on his youth alone. This is why he had to diss him as not seeing him as a successor. I wonder how Vance felt about that comment as he traveled to Europe being trump's mouthpiece.

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Vance is spineless.

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abused child

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one of yale's finest

they need to lower the tuition at that school !!

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Have to wonder if this is how HE really feels or is just a puppet..not that it matters, does it?

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no religion is all

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Nothing happened to him. He’s been an arrogant little prick from the beginning.

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bravado from being an abused child......

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JD telling European leaders they can put up with ELMO a few months, OTT for sure… I used to think he was bright after reading Hillbilly Elegy but now wondering if he fell down and bumped his head.

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I had the complete opposite impression of him re: his book. I thought he was an arrogant, lying little jerk then and morphed into an arrogant, lying prick now.

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You’re right, was much more naive and positive 9 years ago. Now know he’s a smug, arrogant, lying prick but didn’t recognize those qualities in the book.

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I am so heartened that there are more “Liz Cheneys” in the GOP that have, not only

personal integrity, but the love of something greater: this democracy.

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Tred lightly with Cheney......check out her voting record before singing praises...

She is still a Republican as far as I know.........Kamala should never have trotted her out there........Kamala was rolling along just fine

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She was a Republican of the Lincoln variety that stood up for a democratic system of government where we have differences that are worked out rather than a puppet to a political power agenda

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Adam Kissinger is another! He was on Meidas podcast

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Joyce, thank you for your strength and conviction in posting this and all your posts supporting our democracy and our Constitution. Thank you, too, to all the attorneys who made the difficult and painful decision to stand up against tyranny. You are all an example and inspiration to the American people to end this coup.

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I am a retired attorney very proud at the moment of these 7 Prosecutors who chose the high road when the road forked —this is the strongest resistance I have witnessed yet to Trump’s assault on the rule of law & the dismantling of American democracy as we have known it. The Judge assigned to the motion to dismiss should set an evidentiary hearing on the motion to dismiss & require Bove, Adams & the resigning Prosecutors to appear & testify under oath regarding the issue of the “quid pro quo” raised by Sassoon & her colleagues & Bove’s stated reasons justifying dismissal in the Motion he signed & filed with the Court. There are discrepancies in what was said at the meeting when Mr Bove gave Ms Sassoon her marching orders. All present at that meeting should testify and, the note taker with Ms Sassoon at the meeting with Bove whose notes recording what was being said at the meeting were taken away by Bove , should testify & Bove should be required to produce the notes he took away from the note taker. While it is rare that a Judge denies a Prosecutor’s request to dismiss a case, this case is likely that rare one since it appears the reasons given to dismiss the case by Mr Bove & his camp are unrelated to the evidence, the facts and the law and could be found to be unlawful and another crime. And, lying to a federal Judge under oath is a serious offense which can result in a criminal prosecution as well as disbarment & loss of a lawyer’s license. This DOJ uprising is a pivotal moment in Trump’s assault on the rule of law and could result in a significant unraveling. I hope the Judge hearing this motion to dismiss has the same integrity & courage as these 7 Prosecutors to hear evidence & under oath testimony by the key witnesses.

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I am also a retired atty, keeping my fingers crossed that somebody (you?) has forwarded your comments on to Judge Ho. Good stuff, Brenda!

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Wrong again on Judge Ho’s Bio— another Judge Ho, I was looking at bio info of Judge Ho an appellate Judge on 5th circuit & Trump appointee — Judge Ho on Adams case a Biden appointee & prominent civil rights attorney . Sorry for confusion!

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I just checked & was wrong— my apologies. Judge Ho is the Judge hearing the underlying Adams case & a Trump appointee who is rumored to be a favored future Supreme Court appointment. I was confused because I read the motion to dismiss was filed in DC & signed by Bove as authorizing it. Judge Ho has denied several other motions to dismiss by Mayor Adams. Sorry for misinformation unintended.

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Sorry sent too soon— I haven’t seen the letter but it is highly likely the Prosecutors’ letter focuses on the issues I raise & Judge Ho should see the necessity of an evidentiary hearing immediately. He’s young & newish to the bench

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Thank you— the Motion was ultimately signed by Bove & filed yesterday in DC, not before the NYC Judge hearing the underlying case & the resigning Prosecutors sent a a letter to the court

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Robert Hubbell wrote today that Bove gathered D. C. U. S. prosecutors in a room and told them to select one to sign the dismissal, or he would fire them all. And one of them did it. A look at the document on Pacer will tell us. Herman Goebbels would have admired that tactic. Yes, Judge Ho must hold.an evidentiary hearing on all of this, with charges of some kind to be brought against Bove and others.

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Thank you for this, Joyce, and bravo to those voices and faces of courage.

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Truth to power. Pass it on!

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We are looked upon by our allies with derision now that Hegseth & Vance have insulted those same allies that came to our aid after 9/11 they sit in horror at what we've become.

We are no longer trustworthy either at home or abroad. All because a spoiled child in an old man's body was put back in power after everything he'd done & said in the 4 years he was president & more so the things he did at the end of the first term all the way through the 4 years after his first term. The country saw it all & thanks to the lack of critical thinking skills & the sheer gullibility of electorate & the guile & greed of the Republican party we are left with what we are dealing with now.

I hope we can save the country before it's too late.

The clocks ticking;

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Let us remember he didn’t get there without the support and silence of Republican senators. They are a disgrace to the Senate and their constituents.

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Good point. I live in a red state and I don't feel like I have any representation. I agree with you that republican legislators are a disgrace. I wonder when musk will give them their invitation to resign? Think of the money we could save.

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I’m also in a red state but keep calling and emailing them if only to take up their staff’s time. You never know when a staffer could be changed by something they hear or read from a voter.

It’s hard to watch people who are supposed to be statesmen support incompetent nominees and stay silent when Musk is destroying not only agencies but American good will and diplomatic relations. And, by the way, American farming and rural communities. Perhaps worse is the total disregard for our laws and the constitution with obvious intent to replace them with authoritarianism and oligarchy. This is why we the people have to stand up, speak up, and stay strong!

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And Trump insults the very closest ally of the US, my country, Canada. Tomorrow is flag day up here, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the adoption of our red maple leaf flag in 1965. All Canadians will be flying our flag tomorrow. It’s the only good thing Trump has ever done—unite a country as it hasn’t been for some time.

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It's a good story of people with integrity. Unfortunately neither Trump, nor Musk (assistant president) nor VP Vance nor any of the Republican representatives have a moral or legal spine. They have all bowed down to the oligarchs and their money. Now, while Trump ignores court orders in another case, and Vance publicly backs him (and he HAS been to law school!) the whole court system is now in complete disarray. The Democrats expected the courts to stop Trump, but Leonard Leo and his dark money followers have bought the Supreme Court already. No matter who executes this dismissal of Adams, Trump will continue to override the entire court system because somehow (in his demented narcissistic and infantile logic) he can do anything he wants to, according to SCOTUS. The law is stopped, and democracy is non functioning. It's a coup!

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It does not seem true that the entire court system is in disarray. There have been numerous rulings against Chump, and likely more to come. How to enforce them seems to be the issue. SCOTUS gave Chump immunity for presidential acts, meaning he cannot be prosecuted for breaking the law in his official acts. But this does not say that he cannot, and should not, be stopped. Don't resign yourself to more than is necessary here!

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It is COUP II…it succeeded this time.

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