Trump looks like he has finally gone too far. If he violates this revised gag order, my hope is that the judge acts swiftly and strongly. Let justice be served. Witnesses as well as jurists should not be threatened.

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It's not that trump has finally gone too far; it's that the people finally have a judge who believes firmly in the law and isn't afraid to invoke that law. Good for Judge Merchan.

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I couldn't agree more! It is like there is finally a judge with good judgment making a sane & deserved ruling to try to reign in the orange menace. I just hope he follows through should tffg go astray.

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Well, we know he trumpster is incapable of keeping his mouth shut, he's got two weeks to go before the trial begins, he should be wearing orange before that,.

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Maybe wearing orange will make him disappear? One can dream...

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He's had an orange face for years - hasnt worked yet!

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Yes, but he wasn't wearing the orange jumpsuit...

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Trump has no regard for ‘our’ justice system , it ..the justice and judges have been made a mockery .

The only ‘thing’ left is unequivocal ousting 11/5 (AND EVERY VOTE THEREAFTER) . MAGA loss after loss until ‘they’ are gone gone gone…there can be NO doubt left

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Yes indeed! Joyce pointed out something that too often gets pushed aside: "In the cases against the former President, the rights of the people are every bit as important as Donald Trump’s." The prosecution is representing "we the people," and Trump is doing his best to intimidate us and shut us up.

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Agreed, Susanna. Something else they forget, trump has, maybe, 30,000,000 diehard cultists. BUT, there are 300,000,0000 of us backing the government, that is ten to one, they'd better darned well consider the majority.

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Truly! But unfortunately it often works out that if a tiny fraction of, e.g., 30 million is well armed and undeterred by law (or reality), numbers don't matter much. The crowd on the Ellipse was estimated at more than 50K. About half of them refused to pass through the metal detectors. Trump was furious because this made the crowd look smaller. He insisted that everyone be allowed in, and they were. I'm not sure how many of them marched to the Capitol, but at least 2,000 *entered* the Capitol. Those 2,000 shut the government down and might have kidnapped the VP if they'd had the chance. (Info from chapter 7 of the January 6 committee report: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-J6-REPORT/pdf/GPO-J6-REPORT-2-7.pdf)

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True, but, remeber trump was still the sitting president from January 6 until January 20 - two full weeks. He refused to call the National Guard. Washington, Dc has not been granted Statehood, (they have more permanent residents than the two smallest States) so they do not have a National Guard. DC did send some of its Metro police Force. Maryland and Virginia both offered their State Police - trump adamantly opposed so we were woefully unprepared. That will not happen in 2025, Biden will be the sitting President and we will be prepared. Yes, trumps thugs are armed and some of them even had military training, but Biden will have the right to call on the Guard from all 50 States if need be, plus State troopers. Also I think this will be the same situation as 2021, Biden will win trump will lose, so he won't have the White House from which to order his thugs.

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And it's about time ! There isn't a Defendant of any stripe who would not already be confined in jail for any of Trump's transgressions while out on bail.

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Agreed, and it's a fine example the justice system is setting for younger people, run for public office and you can get away with demanding the murder of those who oppose you.

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After everything the psychopath has done and had absolutely nothing done to him, do you think he will actually be held accountable now? If so, why?

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Yes, he's stepped too far and this worried but thoughtful Judge is ready to inflict fair and appropriate punishment. This desperate defendant may encourage some of his reckless supporters to take violent action, so buckle your seat belt; it may get dangerous for our Democracy!

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I think you're right. Even if trump can control himself, which I doubt, he will have everyone else saying what he would like to say and can't.

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You may be right, but 1) It is time to enforce the law and regulations, which might have a sobering effect. 2) Since he pulled his stunts on Jan 6, one thousand participants have been accused, and over one hundred are in jail. Others have lost their jobs. Even Evangelicals consider T's behavior as straying from the commandments. That leaves bullies and instigators, all of whom rarely go to battle.

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Ira, they'll do their violent crap no matter when he is finally held accountable. Let's get it over with now!

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He should be prohibited to stick his fingers in the vagina of any woman. Any woman should vote for Mr. Biden, a gentleman.

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'merica land of the grifters

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Like slapping him with a paltry $15k fine?

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What do you mean it MAY get dangerous??? Our democracy is already on the brink because of the Orange Turd and his enablers. Wake up!!

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I think this Judge would do it if trump crosses the line. But you just know trump will test that line.

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Progressive discipline, with clear reasoning is in place to avoid appeal challenges. When this goes to the Supreme Court, the question becomes “How would you Six have stopped him?”

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That’s easy - they wouldn’t have.

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He has finally met his match. Merchan is determined to have a fair trial for all involved.

Trump WILL violate the order. Less than 24 hours is my guess.

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NO. HIs enablers are far too interested in protecting his fat orange ass.

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Looks like article posted two hours ago. Order been violated yet?

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Stay tuned: someone will surely alert us to his yap.

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I sure as shit am not getting a Lie Social account to find out.

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Don’t. You mean Lie Psychopathic?

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In this household we refer to it as "Sh*t Social".

Crude, but accurate.

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It's also within the realm of possibility that Trump is too nutsy koo koo to stand trial. Grandiose ideation. Disoriented X 3.


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But he’s not too nuts to be elected president? I’ve thought for some time he needs to examined by a team of psychairtists that he didn’t choose.

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Hi Michele,

Have you read/watched any of the reports or interviews by Dr. Brandy Lee, a Yale forensic psychiatrist, who with a team of colleagues made a diagnosis of Trump from the data available on video recordings? You can find one on YouTube, 1-7-2024, on The Weekend Show on You Tube. The APA discounted Dr. Lee and colleagues work because it was not a traditional 'in-person' exam of a client. Dr. Lee's contention is that a client will lie in a session and they had literally hundreds of videos from which to make their observations - so they were more authentic. They determined he was a sociopath, not fit for the job of president of the United States. Dr. Lee is a brilliant, respected and grounded psychiatrist, so if nothing else it might be interesting for you to watch. It is perhaps an hour - I watched it a while back and other interviews by Dr. Lee as well.

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I am not a psychologist, or psychiatrist, but I would be happy to offer my unsolicited opinion, that Trump is indeed pathological and has induced a kind of hypnotic pathology in millions of his American supporters.

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Thank you Valere, I'd heard of Dr. Lee's diagnosis but now I know where to look at the work.

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She initially worked with some ten or twelve colleagues from other institutions - but they were tenured. Dr. Lee was not tenured with Yale and the APA (the president was a Republican Trumper) exerted enough pressure that the excellent study was determined to be outside the APA parameters - and with enough pressure from the APA, Dr. Lee lost her academic (non-tenure) appointment at Yale. She is very sound, grounded, fabulous credentials.

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Hopefully when a little time has passed, Dr. Lee will be lauded, exonerated and restored, and the APA parameters will be redefined to explicitly recognize the validity of her and her colleagues study. This could be an important defense for the future now that this previously unimaginable threat has manifested itself.

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I saw this! You are right, it was very convincing.

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Hi Have The T,

I also read the group’s published report. It was written by some of our most prestigious psychiatrists. I think there were about 20 of them who had collaborated and written opinions. If I find the publication (I filed it) I will post it here on this Substack.

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I would like to read it.

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I heard Dr. Lee interviewed -- very compelling case about Trump's deteriorating mental and physical state.

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Her book on her website, written with 37 colleagues (all prestigious MD psychiatrists) spells it out www.bandylee.com

(Sorry I misspelled her name in my original post. Go to ‘books’ 2019 version of ‘ the dangerous case of Donald Trump’

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He's definitely too nuts to be President. Used to be he was just incompetent and self serving, now he is really certifiable!

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I don't know who's nuttier, his fans who tell him he's the chosen one. or him. He really seems to believe it!

I wish he'd get into handling snakes like some of those religious groups do. He could get bit and die, save everybody a lot of trouble.

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If he did get a snake bite, it's most likely the snake that would die.

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True! He has more venom than any snake!

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Well you remember he arrogantly looked at the last eclipse after belligerently ripping off his glasses to prove how strong he is. Think he’ll pull that stunt again? Maybe lightning will strike during the eclipse as a sign to all his believers that he’s not the chosen one.

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Though it's hard to see, check out the attached to see the depths to which Trump's "Lawyers" will go in honor to the king:


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I'd worry about him getting off like that, but i doubt the "stable genius" would ever allow his lawyers to go there.

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Also no one should be threatened. Damnit, humanity, grow up!

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He always seems to skate. Dissing war vets, making fun of disabled people, whoring while his wife sits at home pregnant...

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He gets every break. Much more than we'd get. We'd be in jail awaiting trial if we acted like him.

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It’s enough already. He is dangerous.

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Let's imagine the scenario: he makes one of his usual adolescent tirades against the judge's daughter. The judge say, "Arrest him." Who is going into Mar Lago to get him? Are they going to get in a gun fight with the Secret Service? His private security guards? Maybe they could grab him at one of his rally's. Have a gun fight there. Or are you supposing he would turn himself in? How long would be be in jail before his attorneys bailed him out? Just another case against him.

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The Secret Service, unless they go rogue which is not going to happen, reports to the Department of Homeland Security. They are not a stand alone division. They do not get to decide anything on behalf of a four times indicted probable felon. If Trump is arrested, these government employees are going to assist the police as instructed by the DHS, not pull out their guns and defend some wannabe dictator with overt fascist tendencies. They have families. Homes. Pensions. Jobs. And they swore an oath to defend the constitution, not Donald John Trump. So unless they want the cell next to Donald, they will do their job.

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"They" would be duly appointed Federal law enforcement, perhaps the FBI. The Secret Service would have no authority to resist them, nor would they!

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Thank you Ira.

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Thank you for your comments. Nobody knows what will happen so we are all in Neverland, aren’t we, and a potentially dangerous place that is! Normally, I would surmise that he would restrain himself (as he has done for brief periods), but the 77 uppercase tweets all through the night has me shook up because that is undoubtedly insanity! No other polite words to describe it, is there? What are your thoughts as I’m really at a loss for predictions? Thanks

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To start with, it was merely his obnoxious strategy to verbally attack any and all opponents with lies and innuendo as well as refusing to take responsibility for any of his crimes. However it has grown to be a reflexive defense strategy to behave in this way regardless of the strategy's actual utility for him. That could amount to crazy, if you like, or simply maladaptive.

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This. Very well said.

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I think the judge should order him stripped down to his wet, dirty diapers and locked in a padded cell. Then his supporters wouldn't be able to say he was in jail: he was just in a big, safe playpen. With TOYS. Dirty ones.

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He pushed the wrong judge too far!

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How? Trump remains totally free.

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Having nailed down the particulars, maybe at last there would be sufficient justification to hold Trump accountable for his continued attempts to avoid responsibility for his actions and to cast aspersions on those trying to rein him in.

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Perhaps a $175 million fine when he goes off his meds again.

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Dear Monica,

T went too far a very long long time ago. What a farce we’ve allowed to be made concerning our “Rule of Law”!

We have allowed there to be “NO” rule of law concerning a dangerous and immature , spoiled brat child bully.

My god, any adult could not continue to let this mar our Republic. Not only does it say tons about us, it says more about us to the rest of the world.

Since t doesn’t know how to use his words he should go “ stand in the corner” until he can . That corner is a prison cell. Because someone did help this bigot become the president of amerika once being the piss poor one he was should stand in for a huge check mark against him. My oh my do we seem to have an on going need to beat our very own country up!

Are we truly just masochists?

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It is very concerning that people are afraid to be jurors, and rightfully so. I am wondering what "prepared for the latter" is actually going to be. Seems to me the only effective result of any violation on the part of Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump is for him to be put in jail by himself for a period of at least 24 hours. Fines are no deterrent because he does not actually pay them with his own money.

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Not likely…

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Trump needs to be put in a jail cell until trial for stochastic terrorism for using his platform to post an effigy of a kidnapped, hogtied president. Any other defendant would have had their bail revoked for this threat…but not this guy. Why? There cannot be two systems of justice in this country. He cannot be above the law. He is not a king.

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Apr 2Edited

There Cannot be? Sorry to have to break the sad news, there is. And always has been. We’re just seeing it now marching proudly led by a brass band.

Timidity only emboldens a bully. Arrest him. And be prepared for war.

I suspect it won’t last long. Most of his supporters have only the courage of a mob. I’m more concerned about police and military that are drunk on Russian kool-aid.

After making the above comment I read this, which says it even better:


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Thank you Stan for the link. Well said by the author. I truly have felt that he has become worse from being coddled. He is acting out to gain more contributions. Detain him in Rikers (not house detention). He loves staying home where he can waddle around in splendor.

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Y’all don’t forget that if Judge Merchan places Trump in custody it will probably be house arrest, and Trump will just keep tweeting away. Plus could he appeal the order? Tick tock.

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Both good points.

One has to think through probable consequences of enforcement.

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"I am sorry that the Merchans are in the crosshairs. But circumstances beyond anyone’s control have chosen them to be our first line of defense against MAGA World’s reckless ringmaster. They will find they do not stand alone."

True this, Stan. We must be prepared to stand with "the Merchans."

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Thanks for the link, Stan. I thought I would quote a bit for the people who don't visit the site:

"If Trump is sent to jail for contempt, and if the MAGAs are going to rampage because of it, then it’s better for them to do it now — and over a relatively minor outrage.

Let’s see what they do and what they’ve got. It will tell us a great deal about what is waiting for us down the road when the outrage goes BIG. Think of it as a beta test, or perhaps a safety valve.

Because we’re sitting on that keg whether we like it or not. Denial will do us no good."

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Good article Stan; thanks. I like the idea of a "beta test".

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Good article! If the MAGAts are going to start shooting, let them do it now. It will only get worse when tfg loses the election.

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Agree, he is a million times more of a risk, than most, given his cultivated links with terrorists.

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And he owes so much $$ to bad players, probably including the one who just posted the bond for him, that he is an incalculable security risk. And one who may soon be provided classified briefings as a courtesy.

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Out of curiosity, I queried online whether the term stochastic terrorism has ever been used in a prosecution. A fragment of the response:

"The Department of Justice could theoretically charge a perpetrator of stochastic terrorism with “indirect murder,” similar to hiring a hitman"

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Stochastic Terrorism. The following description defines it best:

“Stochastic terrorism refers to political or media figures publicly demonizing a person or group in such a way that it inspires supporters of the figures to commit a violent act against the target of the speech. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence. [….] A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.”

Using Speech as a form of Stochastic Terrorism:

“Speech: A public figure or group disseminates violent, inflammatory rhetoric via mass-media, directed at people or groups of people, sometimes suggesting or legitimizing the use of violence. This speech tends to be protected due to the use of ambiguous coded language, dog whistles, jokes, hints, and other subtext in statements. Other themes identified include black and white good vs. evil narratives as well as painting an enemy as a mortal threat, which have been compared to the radicalization techniques used by terrorist groups.These attacks are often repeated and amplified inside a media echo chamber.”


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Maybe I'm missing something but the Apellate court appears to have interfered with justice being done. I remain disgusted and very active in pursuit of excellent elections in Nov.

As to the gag order. I find it hard to believe it will be enforced, but would love to see that happen, harshly and swiftly, when he breaks it.

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I believe he will violate it as he has no self-control, but I also believe that this judge will enforce it, first with fines, which may be enough but probably not. See, the point is that the orange turnip only cares about the sound bites and getting them out there, not with any punishment. Now, if it got to the point of fines not stopping the behavior, custody is the next step, and ye gods, how will that be managed with Secret Service detail and all?!

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We figured out how to get to the moon over 50 years ago, so we should be able to figure out how to jail him - secret service and all. And no mar a lago home detention with golf outings…nope…a real cell. With his own aluminum toilet 2 feet from his head. That needs to be flushed dozens of times…just like he likes it.

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100% Karen. No waddling around Mara Lardo in splendor. Rikers: he can find out two things from that. The meaning of the word 'no' and secondly that he does not rule Judge Merchan's courtroom.

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Exactly, if he is ordered to jail, the government can figure out how to get it done.

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I, too, am wondering how this plays out, and whether there is an option that would not play into Trump’s hands (greater free publicity through which he angles himself as a victim). Are the options a cell in NYC and home detention? Could he be kept safe in a cell? (This is supremely important for our democracy.) If home detention, are there means to ensure he doesn’t tweet or golf to make a farce of it? Can his lawyers be sanctioned for not controlling him?

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I’m thinking Alcatraz.

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On March 21, 1963, USP Alcatraz closed after 29 years of operation. It closed because the institution was too expensive to continue operating.

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"Now, if it got to the point of fines not stopping the behavior, custody is the next step, and ye gods, how will that be managed with Secret Service detail and all?!"

I think this is extremely unlikely ... Judge Merchan is writing orders that are mis-trial appeal-proof I expect, rather than actually planning to fine or incarcerate Trump. This is all Roy Cohn zone-flooding for distraction from the actual trial, and the judge knows that.

The huge downside is the intimidation of potential jurors and witnesses - and this is a very real concern that the judge so far has not really prevented from happening. This is all tough - Trump is powerful.

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Wish the gag order could extend to others repeating his nonsense.

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Believe it.

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Never gonna happen.

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I get the shakes just thinking about all of this. I pray Judge Merchan takes that step to imprison and take away Trump's ability to communicate in any way, if necessary, if Trump doesn't cooperate. This cannot be a bluff by the Judge. He needs to follow through. This horrible situation can't be permitted and it must be stopped. If it doesn't happen here, we are all lost Thanks for your clear presentation of the material, Joyce.

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Deborah, Judge Merchan is not bluffing. If you read the 5 page order, the Judge is using the Attorney Bragg's request as guidance for the order. Attorney Bragg wants protection for the potential jurors. Threatening the Judge's daughter to frighten the jurors is precisely Trump's aim. The Judge spelled it out in the order.

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I taught 6th grade outside of Washington, DC, and raised three boys. During a principal internship later on, I volunteered to guide teachers who needed help understanding how to manage behavior in their classroom. One of my sons, when a senior in high school, was picking on his younger brother right in front of me. Younger brother said, “See Mom, this is what he always does when you’re not around.” I told older kid to stop. He said “no; he needs to toughen up,” and kept hitting him in the upper arm. I said again to stop. He didn’t. I said, in my most authoritative and firm voice, “one!” He waved a hand at me and said, sarcastically, “oooh” with an outstretched wiggling hand like “try to stop me.” I stood up and walked toward him as I said “Two!” He threw up his hands and said, “Okay.” He stopped. Discussion ended. We moved on. No further lectures. About a month later he came to me and asked me why that worked. I told him it’s because I was consistent. I started early, didn’t reward whining, stated the rules and expectations up front and ongoingly, and consistently acknowledged decent behavior. He said it had been so weird because he knew I couldn’t physically do anything to him but he just thought he should stop. He’s a good parent himself many years later.

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That was my approach too from the git go! Rarely, if ever, did I reach “three!”

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I think he will.

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While the Judge stated his opinions and intentions and limits in definitive terms, he actually DID NOTHING. Words are words. The psychopath continues to do whatever he wants and every time he does something vile, like posting a truck wrap of our President being shot in the head, gagged and bound in the bed of a truck, NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO HIM. Words, more words and lots of strong intentions. No action. No one will ever do to the psychopath anything of merit they are too frightened of him. Just imagine what would happen if you or I put that wrap on our vehicle. How long do you think it would take before a Federal Marshall detained you for the Secret Service who then would remove you to be interrogated? He will continue to get away with everything he does. No matter what words anyone in the judicial system writes or says. Portraying executing and abducting the President of the United States is a threat to the President. BUT NO ONE HAS DONE ANYTHING.

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Sabrina, do we know that no one has done anything? I think one of the most important parts of a Secret Service member’s job is confidentiality, and it’s very possible that the person who put that thing on the truck has been ‘talked to.’

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This was my thought right after the truck posting happened. The secret service may be quietly doing its work. After all, it is the ...secret service.

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I also hope that the enablers - the "business", as well as the chain of resources that made this gruesome wrap job possible - applying it to the truck for the purpose of public consumption - for all to see and become intimidated by it - also gets a visit from the FBI, and are prosecuted by the DOJ as well. Things like this don't happen in a vacuum - the driver apparently knew where he could go and whom he needed to see to get this done. I'm curious as to how this person's workplace supervisors, coworkers, and neighbors felt about seeing this display on his truck?

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I think their ad for it has disappeared.

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I'd like to know if that vehicle is still on the road. Sightings?

Plates anyone?

Or was it AI generated?

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Sabrina, I worry this extended gag order won’t be enforced, like you. Justice does depend on this.

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Is it bad that I want rtump to go batty on his rtuth social tonight? Nah! I would LOVE to see him fined and jailed. I seriously can’t believe he hasn’t been yet.

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He’s gonna get his lunch handed to him when he steps out of line again. Americans are fed-up with his BS. So’s the JUDGE. Here comes the Judge.

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This Judge does seem to be on it and over his BS!

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I can’t believe anything will be enforced

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He gets by with everything. I bet he was a pain in the ass to raise. LOL

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He wasn’t raised!

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Complete with a new, unstaged mug shot!

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Did I understand you to say on The Last Word that (as a judge) “you don’t want to jail a former President” ??? Did Harry Litman say something similar? Why? Regardless, therein lies the problem. Donald Trump is treated differently and as a result he uses the courts as a weapon and a shield. Until he is held accountable like any other Defendant out on bail, he is a danger to society. Lock him up. What are these judges afraid of? Let him FAFO.

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Hi Kimberly, I'm not sure the judge is afraid of Trump. It is so demeaning to our democracy to have to jail him. Then we truly are labeled a banana republic. We have Trump behaving just like a banana without the peel. He is unfit for the presidency.

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I think it's much more demeaning to our democracy to have him running free and getting away with all this stuff like a little tinpot dictator.

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I respectfully disagree. He’s using our democracy to protect himself from accountability. The only thing bananas is that he’s getting away with it. Lock him up.

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"It is so demeaning to our democracy to have to jail him. Then we truly are labeled a banana republic."

I respectfully (but very strongly) disagree with this. It's exactly what Trump and his legislative / legal enablers are banking on - as an ex-president and purported 2024 candidate they are claiming he's too big to jail.

It seems to me it's more disrespectful to democracy to allow him to avoid all accountability in every direction you care to look. And "banana republic" is his term, and I don't think it should be normalised as a meme - Trump is not America, he's a criminal avoiding justice through every means he can use, and can afford

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Demeaning to put him in jail? What’s wrong with you? Face it. He is charged. He won’t shut his mouth. He thinks like you: “They won’t jail me! It’s demeaning.”

Fact is, he’s delaying bc he knows he’s guilty and will go to jail. The dumbass thinks he’ll win in November and pardon himself. NOT gonna happen. He’s the all time ultimate looser. Talk to Michael C. He will confirm it.

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Excellent analysis. Trump requires tough treatment because he continues not to respect any norms, Court rules, guidelines, laws of the land, or any other boundaries, as might be expected of a true sociopath. Can’t outfox a sociopath. They are expecting us to play by the societal standards but they have no such standards. Therefore, tough is the only thing that works.

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True Michael.

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Ah! Michael, your comment made me realize what might be a real lever with this sociopath — his vanity. If he went to a cell, wouldn’t his hair “go natural?” How long would that take? And he wouldn’t have access to tanning products. If you couple the threat of what he’s look like without assistance with the promise of cameras ... we might have found something that could reign him in.

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"[A]ll citizens, called upon to participate in these proceedings, whether as jurors, witnesses, or in some other capacity, must now concern themselves not only with their own personal safety but with the safety and the potential for personal attacks upon their loved ones."

This is what I find most troubling. If America's intitutions cannot contain Trump, how can we expect all 12 members of a jury to convict him, and then spend the rest of their lives hoping nobody doxes them for having served on said jury??

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As to the expanded gag order, I don't believe for a moment that he will abide by its terms. What's the next step, Judge? What will happen next? We wait. It seems that is all we've been doing for a long time. I, for one, am sick and tired of waiting for justice to be served to tfg. Perhaps with the trial coming up in a couple of weeks, I can feel some progress is being made. Other than that, I am worn out.

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Next step is fines for a violation, which we know is pointless with this particular defendant. After that, it’s custody, and I’m interested to see how that will play out.

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Judge Merchan might impose a chunky fine, but won't incarcerate Trump - he knows (as we all do) that putting Trump in jail even for a tiny amount of time will throw his trial into chaos, and Judge Merchan wants his trail to proceed.

Having the names of jurors concealed is critical as well.

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I love that a violation will result in withholding the jurors' names from the defense. I think that should be the case right now, but not my call.

I'm sure the judge knows that he will make TFG a martyr if he sends him to jail...he's truly between a rock and a hard spot. The whining, self-important crook needs a big yank on the chain. I'm willing to risk him becoming even more of a martyr. It'd be worth it to see him handcuffed and hauled off to jail.

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Thank you Joyce, well said!

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I’d like to be a believer, BUT if the past is prelude, Donald J. Trump will not be gagged. Thus, I’d encourage the court to prepare a nice cot or similar bedding for TFG. Prove me wrong, Donald, and I’ll send you a Christmas card. What did you say that address will be? Cell #2025?

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What a reprehensible scumbag. Unbelievable that he is running for president of the United States and that 30% of the population still supports him.

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See Brandy Lee's analysis (MD/psychiatrist, lost her appointment at Yale for speaking out): he is unfit.

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And that base (small or not) is the scariest aspect to me!

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The tragic likelihood of violent attacks on Trump’s perceived enemies by one or more of his most vulnerable followers will greatly increase over the next weeks in my opinion. Because of the deep emotional identification with Trump by some followers- his growing hysteria, rage and panic as he faces the experience of spending hours trapped in court, will cause those followers to feel that unbearable visceral panic and rage too. They will feel frantic to stop the perceived threat that Trump faces, that is felt as a terrifying threat to their own safety too. Cult leaders don’t just blur the emotional boundaries between themselves and their followers to manipulate them- they also uncannily merge with them in ways that can prompt destructive behavior, as seen in the Jonestown tragedy. There, the mass suicide was evoked by Jones, the cult leader who was facing imminent arrest. He called for his emotionally merged followers to join him in death. 907 people drank the poison and died. 300 of them were under 17.

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Thank you Dr. Cornwall, for your analysis. You are spot on that he is a cult leader: I did not know that his hysteria, range and panic would transfer to them. I thought they would slink away without his leadership. Indeed, Jones had total control over his cut followers as does Trump.

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I'm not so sure the Jonestown tragedy is the right analogy.

The very serious decline in American life for millions of households earning less than (say) $50,000 precedes Trump by a generation at least - since Reagan won in 1980 for sure. This has been felt in small cities of the Rust Belt and thousands of rural towns, where naked capitalism has seen jobs disappear to Asia, and big employers like manufacturing, agriculture and mining precipitously decline in providing good jobs.

The decline in tax revenue and the transfer of trillions to the ruling class means that infrastructure and services (like health, housing, and education) have gone into steep decline.

Trump has tapped into this for sure, and sadly, the Democrats have not done enough to combat it. Every low-income person in America (including rural America) should be a Democrat voter, if their self-interest guides their vote. But Trump plays on their visceral fears (race, immigration, the DC swamp, transnational elites, left-leaning cities, queer politics, etc) - and does it pretty well.

Let's trust that the insurrection, abortion, and Trump's legal issues and moral turpitude do prove decisive in November.

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All of the factors and more, that you describe above caused the very ripe conditions for Trump to claim, exploit and to create a cult like emotional identity bond with his white working class followers, who have been manipulated by him to perform violence on Jan 6, and I believe will do even more violence in the coming days as Trump comes unglued in court as I describe above. The Dems tragically turned their backs on the crucial white blue collar working class for decades, focusing mainly on the upward mobility and meritocracy needs of the middle class, and on the needs of their racially diverse voting coalition. Trump easily claimed the white working class demographic as his own. The white working class believes their messianic tinged Trump has their best interests at heart, not Dem leaders like Hillary who sneered at them as “a basket of deplorables” or Bill who brought the NAFTA nightmare. So, in similar ways as the poor people from the sf Bay Area People’s Temple clung to and followed cult leader Jones to their own destruction, I see Trump’s followers following Trump.

I don’t trust that Biden can win in November- it is going to be a coin toss. Biden will be 87 during his last year in office if he wins and too many swing voters don’t believe he will serve out his term- making their vote for him turn into a vote for Harris, who Biden negligently has not given a chance to be sufficiently visible and trusted with the presidency by the public.

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I agree with SO much of what you say 😄

The same has occurred here in Australia - the Labor Party has morphed from the union-based working class champions of the 20th Century to the party of city yuppies (and cashed-up leftie retirees like me), while the conservative parties have captured the rural and regional working class almost entirely. The electoral map has totally flipped during my lifetime.

So bizarrely, the wealthiest electorates (districts) across the country now vote Labor, Left, or Green, and the poorest ones (including rural seats) tend to vote conservative. Go figure.

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I also agree that Biden will struggle to win in November - too many things have to go just right for him to do so. And I think the Dems are also almost certain to lose the Senate as well. Maybe they do okay in the House. Dobbs will be critical.

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Jen, I will never wish for the “mass annihilation” of Trump’s followers as you describe.

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Nor I. But look what happened to Jim jones' followers. I think drumpf will demand the same. He already summoned a mob to violence at the Capitol and prison time.

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Spot on Joyce . You are succinct and appreciated

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