I have already subscribed to this. I’m so glad you will be part of it Joyce.

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I subscribed also. Because of Jennifer Rubin.

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Me too.

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Me too. And glad to know you are part of this new endeavor. How do you do it all. Chickens will miss you more.

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Me too!

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Me, too!

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It’s too bad Walter Cronkite wasn’t alive today…he would be a great addition. Lester Holt, are your ears burning?

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"That's the Way it Is".

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Me too.

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Count me in.

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Count me in too.

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Me three signed up.

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We're part of a growing crowd, unsurprisingly.

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I see that a lot of people are joining. Here is the link. https://contrarian.substack.com/

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Appears that most of us here will also be "there"!

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Thank you for putting the link in! Going there right now to sign up.

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Thank you for the link!

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Thanks for the link, Linda. Many of the Substack writers that I follow are recommending this.

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Thank you Joyce for telling your readers about this exciting new venture. Tens of thousands of loyal WAPO and NY Times readers have cancelled their subscriptions over the past several years, but we can ill afford to support the oligarchs takeover of the media.

Please do what you can to bring Catherine Rampell and Maggie Haberman into the Contrarian family.

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I cancelled NYT after 2016 and my WaPo sub is running out. I'm doing well with the Guardian, both US and UK editions. Also -- I haven't followed Rampell, but I'm curious why you think Haberman would be a good addition to the Contrarian project.

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(I'm glad both Jennifer Rubin, and Ann Talnaes recently bailed, and are now both available independently. They were our last links to WaPo. Like you, we bailed a while back (for us, April), but as you say, we have to let the subscription run out.

The Trump washing coverage has just become too much to take.)

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Maggie Haberman -- not a good choice, in my opinion. She's too eager to maintain relations with Trump.

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I have too! ❤️

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Me too!

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I did as well.

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I've also subscribed and am looking forward to seeing the Democracy Index. Thanks for your commitment.

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Me, too!

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Me too!

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I just joined

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Me too!

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Me too!

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I am already a subscriber and glad you and others are there too. I have long admired Jen Rubin. I read her religiously until I gave up my Post subscription. Was wondering when she’d jump ship. I emailed her years ago at the beginning of the Trump Administration, and she personally answered. I will never forget that!

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Trump reminds me of a street fighter who uses talk strategically. As long as your attention is primarily on what Trump is saying he can distract you from what he is doing. He can try to make you focus on ten issues at once, which no one can do. Thus, we must put our attention on reacting to what Trump actually does.

Joyce and the democracy index will be primary sources for alerting us to what trump does and how we can push back. I also rejoice that the attorneys general of 21 blue states are consulting with each other on how they can challenge Trump in the courts.

I wrote a post on when it's safe to ignore Trump. You may wish to check it out.


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I am looking for exactly that - a way to push back. Last time around the constant stream of lies and "new lows" of outrageous claims was exhausting to keep up with. This platform should enable us to pace ourselves. "They" want to overwhelm us again, so that we feel powerless to act. Outrage fatigue is a very real phenomenon. Thank you for pointing the way toward keeping us focused and strong.

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Thanks Kathleen. And I’ll read your post in when it’s ‘safe’ to ignore T.

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Thanks for your link. I predict the tariffs will be implemented "very soon, we'll see them in two weeks..." just like everything else!

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Just like infrastructure week…

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And peace in Ukraine on Day One...if not sooner. lol

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The Bezos/Will Lewis Titanic-on-the-Potomac had hit the iceberg in November, still slowly sinking, but allowing hundreds of survivors to man lifeboats and eventually getting rescued by other media that are still proudly afloat.

But the Captain and his First Officer? Going down with the ship, with few mourners.

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I don't see the captain going down. 233 billion bucks is quite a life preserver.

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Not to mention his $450 million "super-yacht." With sea levels rising I'm sure it'll keep him high and dry.

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I subcribed today—it wasn't like I needed another substack—I've already subscribed to too many. But it seemed like one of the most important I could possibly follow.

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I think we are all having that problem, but Joyce has just given me another reason to subscribe to the Contrarian. I have been reading Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post for a long time, but unfortunately she has decided, along with other important writers, that she can no longer work for a paper owned by Jeff Bezos. I fear many others will follow her out the door. So I will add another Substack to my list. Good thing I'm retired!

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Jennifer Rubin was one of the main reasons I still checked in on the Washington Post until my subscription ran out. But now that she and Norm Eisen have started a new media venture, I don't feel bad about putting the Post in my rearview. I feel for the good reporters and writers who are still there, but I just can't morally justify supporting an organization that's abandoned its core mission. And for what? To curry favor with a Felon? No thanks.

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Their self-fulling prophecy: "Democracy dies in the dark."

Let's hope it's not too late!

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The only way back, as far as I can tell, is a complete change of ownership, board, and administration. Last I heard, Bezos is digging in his heels refusing to sell.

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I'm retired too. It doesn't help. Too many smart. educated, funny people writing on Substack. Even those who comment fall into those categories. Try setting time limits. Doesn't work, but it does make you feel like you are in control. Fantasy, fantasy. All is fantasy.

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I agree. But it seems that this is the only way to "get the straight skinny" (as my husband would say!) given the plans of the incoming administration.

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I hope it is not a fantasy. It became a community. We are members of a main tribe and multiple subtribes. Together we can figure out a way to save our democracy.

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Likewise on too many substack subscriptions, but if I have to drop some to be part of something this important, I'm OK with that.

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I'm having a hard time figuring out which Substacks to unsubscribe from All the ones I get are very important, but my time/span of attention is limited…

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I agree. I just don't have the time or attention to put into some of the great substacks I signed up for, so I've decided the ones I often end up skipping or rarely get around to reading will be the ones I drop.

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That’s what I am struggling with as well 🤷‍♂️

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I'm in the same boat, with so many Substacks every day. But I try to get to as many as possible every day.

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I subscribe to -- i.e., I pay for -- 10 or 12 Substacks. I don't read every issue of every one closely, and several I mostly skim. I continue to subscribe (i.e., pay for) them because I want to support the writers, especially the ones who don't have a gazillion followers. I'm a freeloader on several other Substacks, either because I'm trying them out or because they do have a gazillion followers and I don't feel an urge to comment on their posts.

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Sounds familiar! After the first of the year, I came to the conclusion that I needed to trim my substack subscriptions, so I've started letting go of ones I always mean to get to but somehow never do, or rarely do.

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I know I agree. But I will be forcing myself to be witness to the great monster of our time. And to write about it. We are about to slip into a dark chasm.

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Me too.

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Yes, now my number is 17. Good that I am retired. Eventually it has to morph into something more manageable.

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This PLUS the new venture announced by journalist Jennifer Rubin and former White House ethics guy, Eisen , fills me with hope and optimism!

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We’re in, Joyce. Thank you. Get some rest.

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Congrats, Joyce! The Democracy Index is exactly the kind of resource we need to navigate these turbulent times. A brilliant initiative to make civics relatable and democracy accessible—shining that essential light! Substack readers, don’t miss this!

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It is a great idea! I signed up and will be sending it to my friends and family.

Truth and Clarity. Something we've all been starving for over many years.

The opposite of what "Incoming" spreads around every time he opens his mouth.

This sounds like a breath of fresh air, regardless of the seriousness of the content. Thank you to all involved in this project.

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Joyce you hit the hammer on the nail head. Yes we join pods. We reenforce each other until we lack ability to think for ourselves. That secret weapon that Trump spoke of was pitching data to young white men who spend too much time online getting info from social media like Tik Tok. They become brainwashed.

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I am somewhat a contrarian more than somewhat I a one. I’m not partisan although I sail into safe waters of democratic ideals during storms. But I’m afraid that our side has become inflexible and we don’t even realize how so. We need to reevaluate why we have lost so often and broaden the platform. If I get nitty gritty I will most definitely encounter criticism from you guys. But we don’t need to going off the divisive cliff. The problem is we don’t even realize that we do it.

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I hope to be a subscriber to The Contrarian since I am one myself.

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Try it. I'm going to.

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I could comment on this space in particular, but why.

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I haven’t offered much to chew on. I kept it bland. But my cynical side says that we rarely learn from our shortcomings and are doomed to repeat them. We have experienced a perfect storm. One side the MAGA who have no motive other than more money through power. They lie all day long because in politics, you do as you are told or you are out. That is power politics. I saw it play out locally when only one person behind the scenes wanted to close a small regional airport and all the local politicians backed it. They didn’t get their way because it was an impractical idea. But no one objected. I shouted down our mayor who yapped endlessly at the last community meeting. Suffice to say he doesn’t like me, lol.

That’s MAGA on one side. Our side talks the talk on diversity and personally, I’m really tired of hearing it. We have elevated diversity against majority humans and guess what, the near majority voted against us. No kiddin’.

It’s not that diversity is bad. It just doesn’t sell. We have adequate laws in place to protect all of us. Mostly. But what we need to do is stop alienating the near majority. As I said, I’m a contrarian. This is sometimes how contrarians think. Oki Doki Smokie?

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Thank you for this important piece and recommendation. Is there a way a regular citizen can help with civics education? Ironically, I had a public school education that taught me civics in the 6th, 9th, and 12th grades in school. Are there avenues to help reinvigorate this curriculum? I’d be interested in helping on the ground.

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Same, Steve! I find it shocking how many Americans apparently got no civics education in grade school and high school. That's a disservice to our country.

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Great idea, Steve. I’d suggest checking in with the history and American Government teachers at your local public high school. Public school teachers often appreciate a committed volunteer in their classroom.

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Volunteer at a local school. It's easy.

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VERY excited about The Contrarian and became a paid subscriber today. One of the biggest reasons I was willing to pay basically sight unseen is because I've read and followed Jen Rubin and Norm Eisen for years, but finding out experts like you and Barb McQuade among so many others will be contributing sealed the deal.

Don't know how you find the hours in your day to do all you do - and bring us chicken joy, too - but thank you! I'm happy to call the pro-democracy movement my tribe.

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At least for me, it's really hard to trust anything when there has been so much gaslighting for the last several years. We were told by legal scholars, that no one is above the law, when we already had multiple tiers in the judicial system and KNEW that he would get away with everything. Six months in to Merrick Garland's tenure, I knew we were in trouble and again the legal scholars said wait and see.

At 55 as a GenXer I've lived through three elections that should have turned out differently, the subprime debacle, and the boomers "greed is good" we made our money in the 80s and 90s and are pulling up the ladder behind us.

As a single income earner, I am staring down losing health insurance on the NYS exchange, which is already the most expensive in the country. So while I'm not giving up, I also don't have another rebuild in me.

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I disagree with your statement re: boomers greed. A mass generalization such as yours fails to take into account the boomers who marched against the Vietnam War, fought for civil rights and brought women’s rights into the 20th century. It was this generation that was at the forefront of reproductive rights. Broad generalizations such as yours fails to account for those of us who made this nation better. Why not speak to those who have given to making this country better from each generation. I dare say there are citizens from each generation that have let this country down. We are better together no matter our age, sex or social status.

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Well put. 👏👏👏👏.

I would add, we know what it's like to not have abortion as a right. It's scary that we're back in the 1960s. We will help you anyway we can because we are fucking in this mess together.

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Sorry, we are in this mess together.

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Ha! Try watching this shit since Nixon.

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I lost Al Gore, HRC, and Harris.

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I realize that. We all lost. Wasn't trying to minimize your experience. Just saying that these awful people have been ruining our country for a long time. For me, the whole show has been painful. Now it's unbelievable.

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I am one of those boomers. Did you notice what Pelosi and McConnell have done? The both recognized that their time is almost up. And are in the process of passing on the torch to a newer generation. Although I wish McConnell had just crawled back into his shell and just gone away.

In 2026 and 2028 there should be a newer generation. The ones in their 60's and beyond that had better get the message and retire. The mantra the upcoming elections is to tell the boomers in Congress "Your too old! You are out of touch!! Get out of the way!!! Term limits for all!!!!" Term limits for both Congress and SCOTUS.

Which is one of the problems. They get too used to the money and the power. They become addicted to it.

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I'm a boomer. I feel financially secure. While I understand your "greed is good" comment I'm not sure I agree with you totally. I have complained for a long time that money has too much value in our society. Money and power seems more important in our society than people, but it didn't start with the boomers. Greed has been here since the founding of the country. Regan contributed a lot to the mindset. I've often said that these oligarchs have more money than they can spend in a lifetime. Why don't they use it for something good? Instead of "contributing" 1M$ to the inauguration fund they could contribute $100,000 x 10 to help with housing for the homeless or medical payments or education or... so many things come to mind. I remember hearing the story (I don't know if it is true, but I like to think it is) of a very rich man from Sweden who was asked why paying very high taxes in his country doesn't bother him. He replied "because I don't want to live in a poor country".

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They would never elevate the 99%. They like being elite and controlling countries. Shame on our electeds for allowing them to get there. But then again Pelosi is right there with them continuing to kibosh politicians being allowed to own stock in the very companies they govern over.

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That said... why does that excuse them from showing compassion? Why are their "accomplishments" so self focused. Why not show some benevolence? Just because people need help doesn't mean they are lazy or incompetent or not trying. I grew up during a period where I experience a lot of discrimination... just for being a woman. I can relate to the difficulties and preconceptions many people face. Theses attitudes wear on a person and makes you wonder what's wrong with YOU instead of them. It seems to me, many ultra wealthy people have lost their humanity and compassion.

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Thank you, Joyce. Please do not wear yourself thin by taking on too many tasks. (We on Civil Discourse do very well, meeting the ladies of the chicken coop one and certainly more times a week)

A word on the 'teaching' of Civics. As a former Science teacher (long retired) I tend to think of Civic and Civil as two sides of the same coin Like physics - which is the most intuitive science and thus the easiest for children to learn; civics/civility is quite intuitive and can be taught to children as young as three years old. Sharing, listening, helping are all part of civility and part of civil rights. I insisted on students being civil and considerate of each other as part of my astronomy/chemistry/physics classes in 8 the grade. Children raised on the concepts of civility and civil rights adapt more easily to duties like voting and helping each other through life.

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I have to say that I disagree about physics, but totally agree about Civics. The fact that we don't each Civics, Geography, Current Events, Critical Thinking, or History beyond the early 1960s (though we waste a year in 6th grade teaching pre-14th century history) until 11th grade is infuriating to most Middle School teachers. That's a 60+ year gap in crucial information and understanding. And as a result, Trompe and Project 2025 is what you get.

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Actually the reason people think physics is so difficult is they equate it with complex math; but I assure you even 3 year olds understand that their wheeled toys run faster and farther on smooth surfaces than on carpets, sand, or gravel - that is acceleration and friction. Also they know that running them down a board also increases the acceleration (inclined planes) What we fail to teach is the words describing these intuitive concepts of mechanical physics and you don't need the mathematical proof to understand them. If we build on what children can see and feel they can learn way more subjects before they get to the point of requiring axioms.

Like wise with civics and civility. Teach what they already know and build on that.

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I don't think I had a particularly unusual public school education in NYC during the 1960s & 1970s but I remember learning about "simple machines" in 2nd grade. Pulleys, inclined planes, screws, levers & fulcrums, and the like. Strong on everyday experience & analogy. OTOH, my class (one of six in each grade) was subjected to "new math." We got a _very_ early introduction to set theory, unlike most kids in the school.

Maybe what was most unusual about my working-class upbringing was that my parents never said "no" when my sister or I asked them to buy us books.

Regarding civics & current-events education, a lot took place at home. My parents subscribed to a daily newspaper. We watched the nightly network news and, on Sundays, "60 Minutes." I remember my mother taking me along when she voted. She explained how the mechanical-lever tabulators worked, why there was a curtain to conceal us as she voted, and (before we arrived) who all the candidates were.

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This was my experience, too, which is why it drives me crazy to see how far behind we've fallen in how and what we teach these days.

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Than k you, Mark for confirming that young children can and do understand the principles of physics, I taught 8th Grade for 15 years but I had another 3 years experience teaching from kindergarten through senior year of college. I found the same thing. Children are open to learning new names for what they already know and understand, so by the time they get to junior and senior years of college they're ready to add the mathematical proofs of what they already know and understand.

You were fortunate to have parents who were willing and anxious to share their knowledge of the world with their children. More parents should follow their example.

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Good point.

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We are the light! Thanks for being our guide, Joyce! We're in this together!

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Thank you Joyce. I count on you and your reports. I am signed up for The Contrarian. Glad to know your work with be there too.

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I'm signing up right now, and will spread the word. Thank you for your vigilance, Ms. Vance.

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I just subscribed after reading this post. Gotta support reality based journalism!

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Me too!

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What’s the saying “the truth will set us free”. This is a great step in the right direction.

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To me it feels more like 'finally, more light than heat' and it feels good!

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