Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I think there is a big difference between Comey and Hur, and their respective reports. Comey simply was foolish in his attempt at what he perceived to be fairness. Hur was intentionally mean, vindictive, and spiteful; his remarks were aimed specifically at denigrating the president.

I am hoping that one or more diligent reporters will look into his bank accounts (or free trips on billionaires’ yachts). His behavior was right out of the Republican playbook.

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I believe Comey knew exactly what he was doing. He'd have revealed the investigation into Trump's ties with Russia/Putin if he'd wanted to be fair. It was a hatchet job on Hillary.

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I agree. Comey knew what he was doing and did it fully knowing it was against DOJ policy.

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And as no good deed goes unpunished he ultimately lost his job and credibility.

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And having done Trump a service, what was his reward?

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His reward was not being prosecuted.

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A place in his future administration

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That’s what I think

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Correct, COMEY put himself square on a stark pedestal of attention 10 days before a national election followed by a pathetic (effort oops ...) 72 hours before election attempt to correct course.Permanent & well deserved shame.

HUR's job is to report to DOJ meaning to report to MERRICK who could have & should have controlled the release of public information. We need a new head of DOJ after Biden's win this November. No garlands for a poor discharge of DOJ duties.

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Comey said in interviews he was certain Hillary Clinton would win. I suspect Comey's actions were more of a proactive move by FBI to warn Hillary "watch what you do, woman". A little reminder, a tap on the shoulder, so she wouldn't mess too much with FBI when she was President.

I suspect Comey got played, and played badly, by his New York FBI director Charles McGonigal. Charles McGonigal, our top counterintelligence expert on Russia, turned out to be on the dole to Putin's top oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, taking $225,000 in bribes from Putin's bagman. He even tried to push to remove sanctions on his benefactor.

Comey realized too late that he was a pawn in Russia's little game, and it could flip the election, which it did. That is why he got Mueller involved, to try and correct his error. Mueller got hamstrung as well, though.

Our media wrote articles about McGonigal's sentencing (for example, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/14/nyregion/mcgonigal-fbi-sentencing.html) without mentioning even once that McGonigal was intimately involved in Comey trashing Hillary Clinton's reputation weeks before the 2016 election. (https://www.creators.com/read/joe-conason/01/23/what-does-charlie-mcgonigal-know-about-2016, and https://newrepublic.com/article/170328/charles-mcgonigal-throw-2016-election).

Comey took the unprecedented step of announcing the investigation just before the election. Was this all really just happenstance? Highly unlikely.

If I blame Comey for anything, it was for deciding FBI's reputation was more important than our country's Democracy. He could have immediately revealed his suspicions--that treason of a very special, misogynistic sort had been conducted.

Instead, he tried to wriggle away from the embarrassment to him and his beloved agency. And America never got the full picture of what was going on under the covers.

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“America never got the full picture.” Gee! Where have we seen that before? (Rhetorical question, of course.0

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Is this the fall back comment of all misogynists? Comey went after the most vetted candidate to ever run knowing full well there was a major investigation on going against the Republican candidate and that just happened to be his party of choice. He knew full well what the was doing. Full well.

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Maybe he knew full well what he was doing, and maybe not.

I am doubting he was a full-on traitor trying to influence the election, in large part since he brought in Mueller--who failed, but the reaction from the right was such outrage and panic, I concluded (rightly or wrongly) it wasn't something a Russia supporter would do.

I don't underestimate the stupidity and arrogance of guys like that. In a way, it is sadder if it was simple foolishness. I would almost prefer he knew full well what he was doing.

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It would explain a lot. I could never understand why Comey did what he did and when he did. It also confirms my feeling that Putin was behind 2016. Everything just fit together too nicely.

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Hur was so cruel and so obviously biased.

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I hate to risk sounding like Turnip with his “they’re all biased against poor little me when I’m always perfect,” so I won’t say Hur is biased, but the unnecessary meanness that he included in his report says to me that he wants, and needs, and maybe has been tasked with pleasing his cult master.

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No worries you will not sound like Trump when you point out that Hur is loyal to his cult leader.

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He's planning for good things to happen to his career. Stabbing Biden is almost a requirement in today's GOP.

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Sure, this is a bell that can't be un-rung, even though it was undoubtedly politically motivated. Voters need to be reminded that Trump mistook E. Jean for Marla Maples.

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Well Trump is desperately in need of sycophantic lawyers, so maybe Hur’s auditioning.

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Trump has confused Haley with Pelosi and also Obama with Biden: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna134863

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Atrocious Garland selection. Again.

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Not really! His selection was to shut up Trump and the GOP ! I dont think he expected the petty nastyness of any of those who work in any way with Donald!

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I believe that any move to head off up-front attacks by Republicans, by getting them involved early, invariably backfires. I think the ultimate backfire was waiting as long as DOJ did prosecuting Trump, just as I understand it to ward off any appearance of partisanship. Look where that got us. You just cannot be nice to these fu_kers. They will stab you in the back every time.

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It used to be you wanted aggressive evaluation so put at minimum a fair arbiter in place. I don't know how garland rids us of maggots.

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The good news is no charges! Now this whole story can fade away while the msm chases its next shiny object.

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We all KNOW the Repubs & their faux news will not let this fade away - they've been throwing this particular "tar" at Biden for a long time. Seems this bunch never really listens or comprehends what their tarnished idol says or does - just worships him. Sad - right?

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Maggie; I agree with that.

I was just referring to this story in particular, and not the fact that they will keep the “Biden is old” story alive in their stupid narrative.

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Biden has his wits about him. He made a joke of Steve Doocy’s question, “How bad is your memory?” (So bad that I let you speak.) Speaking for myself and probably others, any wit I possess would disappear with my anger at being treated the way Biden is treated.

Btw, The word Mexico slipped out when he meant Egypt. It was clear he was discussing the Middle East, with Sisi of Egypt, the Saudis and the Qataris. He did not repeat “Mexico.” Unlike Trump who repeatedly said Nikki Haley when he meant Nancy Pelosi.

Has Trump ever made a joke, or smiled a real smile?

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Hur is now in the same disgusting category as Aileen Cannon.

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Except "Lose" Cannon is with us forever. Hur is just a petty liar and in that rôle, a traitor. Truth is not part of his DNA.

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I wonder who Hur works for? If I did something like that it would get me fired. If anyone wonders if the FBI and law enforcement in general are part of the" liberal deep state", here's the evidence they're maggots too.

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Hur was biased and stupid — like other ageist persons who have more power than justified by their lack of intelligence.

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Hur has no qualifications to diagnose or offer medical opinions. Pres Biden heroically overcame a speech disfluency as a child. He has the small occasional pauses in his speech that might be expected in someone who stuttered as a child.

Shame on anyone who dares to ridicule.

Hur had the awesome spotlight of history upon him and he blew it.

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I would like to point out that IMO Biden is indeed showing signs of some dementia, or at least significant memory loss. Why do I say this? First, I am getting pretty old myself, and I sometimes experience scary moments where I draw blanks trying to recall things. Like "crap - where am I driving right now?". Or, "why did I walk into this room? I know it was for something!" Funny perhaps, but I know it's going to get worse and it scares me. It happens to most of us eventually. I see it in Biden more and more. Also, I lived with an aged mother in law for five years and watched her dementia progress from mild to severe, until her passing. Now that said - he was and still is the man for the job. But I fear the hoped for second term. Four years is plenty of time to go from mild to more than mild. Remember how Reagan declined in his second term? I wish Biden and the DNC had decided to limit him to one term and endorse a successor. We have an embarrassment of riches of potential successors. But it didn't happen. What to do. Things are going pretty well right now - if Biden has some major gaffes in the coming months due to an aging brain, it is going to hurt us come November. Republicans will pounce like a lion.

And preventing the orange dumpster fire from getting back into office must be done at all costs. What if anything to do?

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I do agree regarding the moments of memory loss - and it is scary. He and a lot of us are at the age where that happens. Of course - when you think of what tfg is already like (whataboutism?) the thought of HIM back in charge is terrifying. But then look at who is second in line to the presidency RIGHT NOW!

I also believe this DOJ "special" counsel only had to investigate whether or not Biden deliberately kept documents he wasnt entitled to. Exactly why he felt he needed to comment on the impression that Biden would have made on a jury when he already stated there would be no charges? Sort of obvious what his intention really was!

And yeah - some investigation into the investigator is a good idea.

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I think, like with Hillary, the media has done an excellent job of vilifying Kamila Harris. HRC was THE most qualified person to ever have run for POTUS but she had two strikes against her. 1. She is a woman and 2. The rethugs knew she was a comer in the early 1990s and used every second to make her out to be a crook. Of course it didn’t help with her use of a private email server, not a good decision. The right wing media and the rethugs are doing the same with Kamila. She is a woman (how scary is that!!) and she is a heartbeat away from the Oval. In reality she is an intelligent, capable woman who would work hard to do the best for our nation. The office of VP is a thankless job and very few VPs have distinguished themselves, except the ones who had to step up and lead. I hope she doesn’t have to but I know she will give it her all if she has to.

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That "private email" was suggested to her by Colin Powell. Funny how everyone one forgets that. Just like they forget her spouse's server was vetted by the Secret Service. You don't think hers wasn't monitored too? Let's stop with that nonsense. Ah, but they did find out all about Chelsea's upcoming wedding.

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I’d forgotten that it was Powell who suggested that server arrangement to HRC! Sigh.

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Wow Dianne - we are exactly on the same page. I recognized literally decades ago how the right went after Hillary. They suspected she was going places, and saw her as an existential threat to their world view. God almighty what a different country we would be had she eaked out a win against Trump. Personally, I do not think a whole lot of Harris. I mean - she is a good progressive for sure, in the same league with HRC, Biden, Obama. But she is not real popular, and unfortunately there is only one HRC. It certainly appears that our horse is going to be Biden/Harris again. We can only hope nothing catastrophic happens between now an November. Republicans will make every effort to manufacture something if it doesn't happen on its own. Or to amplify beyond recognition any small gaffe.

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@james wheaton I have experienced some of the symptoms that you describe from as young as age 12. Yet I finished a doctorate at age 50. So memory lapses are not necessarily age related.

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I don’t know how he can live with himself

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DW- Agree! Deep digging into where this evil is coming from by an aggressive journalist is in order. He/she must be courageous too. This feels very creepy.

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WRONG! If Comey were truly “fair”, he would have brought up the fact that the Russians were interfering in OUR election. He did NOT mention this and it would have been a MORE SIGNIFICANT investigation. But Trump had STOPPED the investigation. Comey should have brought that up.

Plus, Comey was a Republican.

Robert Hur should be DISBARRED for these egregious statements. He couldn’t get President Biden criminally, so he attacked him POLITICALLY.

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Ironic the court would deem to protect trumps rights to get votes even as he moved to nullify the votes of millions of Americans in 2020.. it is also interesting that colorado cant speak forthe whole nation, when texas was doing the same thing with the SCOTUS on the abortion issue.. how’d that turn out?

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Our Supreme Court is really not ours. It has morphed into a body part of the far right.

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Follow the money....

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So many questions, so little time. VOTE BLUE 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸

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This is the point I've been thinking about. If one state can't prompt a decision by the Supreme Court that applies to all of the states, how can we get him off the ballots? He should not be allowed to run for President!!!

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Colorado was only keeping him off their ballot. I hope Justice Brown Jackson is not drinking the koolaid served in the SC dining room.

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Frankly, I was a disappointed in the women justices.

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Channel Taylor Swift.

Register people to vote.

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Joyce's report on the comments from the bench about 45's ability to appear on the Colorado primary ballot was the best I've read so far. But there's yet something that troubles me that I haven't seen covered. Chief Justice Roberts' remark that the 14th Amendment was created to reduce the power of the states was at odds with everything I've been reading about the purpose of that amendment. Which is basically along the lines of what Joyce quoted form Justice Jackson; " [T]he 14th Amendment...revolved around preventing former confederates from infiltrating state government and legislatures and reclaiming power." In other words, if the amendment curtailed the power of the states, it was only as an outcome of the desire to keep confederates out of power, rather than being the whole point of the amendment. Roberts" statement struck me as being hostile to the amendment itself. And that brought to mind Justice Thomas' boasting after the Dobbs decision was handed down that the rights earlier courts had confirmed over the years under the equal rights clause were in the current court's cross hairs. Apparently, this is the Federalist Society's agenda. So when we talk about originalism, I have the feeling that liberals and conservatives have two different ideas of what that term means. I suspect that liberals hear originalism as referring to the whole constitution, whereas conservatives hear it as referring to only the original part of the constitution, sans amendments. Maybe the Federalists would include the Bill of Rights, in order to preserve some of their favorite political shenanigans, to say nothing of carrying guns. But at a minimum they seem intent on rescinding the rights and constraints afforded by the post Civil War amendments.

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Correction: "under the equal rights clause" should be "under the equal protection clause."

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The moment I read what Hur had said about Biden, I said, “It’s like Comey and Hillary.” I soon knew I was not alone in my assessment.

But how do we put out the raging fire of lies that continue decimating the landscape of our democracy? The country I love and barely recognize now.

The once revered Supreme Court is less than a shadow of what it once represented and was. Once a trusted institution, I no longer believe they will do the right thing. I still have moments of hope, but like a dying heart, the beats are fading.

I’m so tired of all the drama.

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And Clarence Thomas didn’t recuse himself today.

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Thomas will never recuse himself because of his self-righteousness. It would be admitting that we are all right about his bias.

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We are all right about his incompetence.

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Of course he didn’t. He wouldn’t sell out his puppet masters. I didn’t say “white” puppet masters although I sure did think it.

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No surprise there.

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Ginni/Clarence enjoy flying in private planes too much to bite the hand that bribes them. Even his pathetic ‘parking my RV at the Walmart’ story was a brazen lie The expensive RV was a gift from one of Leonard Leo’s sidekicks.

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His half million dollar T

RV. Getting down with the common folk, right?

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Isn’t it IRONICAL that Clarence Thomas would NOT be on the Supreme Court if not for Biden. Thomas was dead in the water after Anita Hill until he came back shaming everyone saying with his “lynching” statement.

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Ironic that they'd be high on the "can't let one state decide an election" when three of the scumbags on the Court ( and yes, I have no respect for any of them), represented the moron W and put him in the White House based on one state.

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Yes another good example of contradictions..

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Aren’t they supposed to know history?

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I keep remembering one of the Supremes asking (paraphrased) "So, you think one state should determine who becomes President?" and my immediate thought was, "HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE?"

I'm disgusted and full of naughty words in my reaction to both of those events today, as mentioned.

Sleep tight, there's work to do.

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One could also add, “Have you heard of the state of Florida?” Bush v. Gore

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SPW- Hell, yes!!

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Apparently, several justices actually were involved in the Bush v Gore case.

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And Kavanaugh and Comey Barret were sent down to Florida as law students by the Federalist Society to recount ballots in Bush W v Gore. Between Roger Stone and Leonard Leo, this country was sold to the highest OIL bidder.

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I turned it off when one of the "supremes" referred to the failed insurrection as "a dust-up, down the road."

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OMG. I missed that . Ugh!

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Yeah, dust ups that are planned, I call insurrections

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I agree and I’m so angry.

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Sometimes naughty words are appropriate. 🤬🤬🤬

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I have been told by friends here that it upsets and offends them so I do my best to remember that. I fail to remember on occasion. I don't like upsetting others and I don't like feeling that I failed to honor a request. But you'll have a"like"from me if you do! Lol

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Mimi; you are very kind! And the highest form of wisdom is kindness.

Me? Not so much. I hope in 9 months we run that orange rat bastard out of our lives forever. So sick of this.

There you go. I don’t mind being your surrogate for “naughty words! 😳🤣

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And now I feel you and I are blood kin. Xo

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Mimi; Happy to be your bro!

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Likewise! We Who Will Not Be Scolded WWWNBS, arise! Seriously, though, who ever responded well to scolding? It sets my jaw akilter, or some such word. Meanwhile, being a great manager of people (eyeing David) is pretty fun to watch. I'm learning everywhere I go!

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This is Joyce's "Civil" Discourse. Please use respectful language here. There is another platform where you are welcome to post "naughty" words to your heart's content. X would be a better fit for the use of profanity.

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Naughty words? Really? I'm sorry - but sometimes polite or civil discourse doesnt cut it. I'm betting there arent too many here that visit that other "platform". I never have & have no intention of doing so.

I apologize if this isnt respectful - but quite honestly - my language has deteriorated a great deal since 2016 - and continuously having that orange face and those idiotic rants daily whether any of us want them or not is just too much.

Moving on.......

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Pamela, I’m sure Joyce Vance is grateful to have you as the arbiter of naughty words.

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I agree Mimi, but I'm wondering if the question was trying to help inexperienced Mr Murry come up with better answers than he was giving. Is that possible, usually she is so sharp?

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Is that how it seemed? I didn't get that at all.

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We have to do all that we can to get the vote out and stop this clown. I got an email today from the Secretary of State for the state of California saying my mail-in primary vote was received and counted. I’m working on my neighbors now. It’s the only sure-fire way to make it happen. Get out there.

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In previous years the bag men would come around with their capo and if you didn’t pay the protection money they would burn down your store. Now Trump demands his loyalty payment or he’ll burn down your country.

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Me too, Bill I got my ballot yesterday and mailed it today. One thing California does right.

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It’s so simple. As a former security professional I can vouch for the safeguards that they have in place to prevent fraud. And if all of those fail they still have paper ballots that are digitally tied to the voter rolls.

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Assuming the State Governor and.or Legislature, behaves lawfully. I have read of a few States with a Republican trifecta who have stated that Trump will win their State, if the voters vote otherwise the ballots will be "thrown out" and they will certify Trump as the winner.

Like you, Bill, I expect Joe Biden to win, he is the best person suited for the job at this time in our history. But, I also expect literal fighting with weapons, from the trumpster crowd.

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Yikes! You’re right. These are the times that try men’s (and women’s) souls.

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Thanks, Bill, you made me laugh

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Yep, mine is filled out and will be placed in the bin today!

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I'm still waiting for mine.

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I assume you mean encourage your neighbor to vote.

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How are you ‘working on your neighbors’? Mine are mostly Republicans. They would slam the door in my face.

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I get that, too. One of mine (at least) owns an AR-15 but I only know because I saw the box by the curb on trash day. I mostly strike up conversations while walking my dog. I don’t know that I’m getting through but I’ve heard all of the R talking points as though each of them has an internal PowerPoint slide deck.

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Put my primary ballot in our township box today! (By the way, the new box is built like a tank!).

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Listening to the supreme court today was devastating... I can't believe these people have a lifetime job deliberating, "weighing well," the fate of a nation. They couldn't seem to note the elephant on one tray and feather of liberty on the other tray. Truly blind.

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I was surprised as I listened to realize these justices didn’t seem as bright as I would have hoped. They failed to ask the right questions.

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In my working life I came into contact with a number of (Australian) federal judges.

They weren't stupid or ignorant - they were pleasant to have a beer or meal with - they just had an extremely narrow set of experiences and set of skills. They all had the same life path: privileged families, private schools, law school, law firm, lower court judge for a decade, maybe a professorship somewhere, then ultimately federal court (and even the high court).

They covered their lack of real-life experience by flooding the zone, and holding an almost idolatrous devotion to the 'rule of law' and the legal purity of their decisions.

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In thinking later about my reaction to the questions justices were asking Mr Murry, I wondered if they were trying to evoke a better defense from an inexperienced lawyer... not expressing a side in the argument.... i.e. Justice Kagan asking about a states' role in determining who is on their ballot. Can someone help me think about this?

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"The most likely consensus or near-consensus path for the Justices to reverse the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision is one that rejects the business of a single state to decide a candidate isn’t eligible to hold a federal office. There was lots of technical legal argumentation around this point, but it was Justice Kagan who put it into plain English, telling the lawyer for the Colorado voters that he needed a persuasive argument for why Colorado should get to decide the issue for the country. He didn't have one."

This is not my understanding. No one is/was arguing that the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court had to apply to every state; it is a case about whether the CSC applied its own Constitution and legislation correctly and lawfully; it was not implying a national disqualification.

The Federal Government doesn't conduct federal elections - the individual states construct procedures for the election of Representatives, Senators, and President / Vice President, according to each state's laws, so long as they are consistent with laws passed by Congress. A state can't hold an election in October just because it wants to.

But for the SCOTUS to now claim that "states' rights" do not or cannot apply to presidential elections would seem to fly in the face of their recent decision in Dobbs - arguing that there was no Constitutional right to an abortion that over-ruled the right of states to decide this according to their own politics and laws.

And on the basic issue, setting aside the very fluid states' rights arguments - and as eminent commentators have said - if the 14th Amendment Disqualification Clause does not or cannot apply to Donald Trump for this election, after his behaviour in November 2020 - January 2021, then it cannot apply to anyone - the provision is dead.

I would be very sad if the purportedly 'liberal' Justices side with the egregious majority on flawed grounds.

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You are smarter than the Supremes. They must know that each state runs its own election, and what one state does doesn’t apply to other states.

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Disappointed in Justice Kagan for making that comment

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They had no problem putting the moron W in the White House based on the bare majority (and the NYT tally said he actually lost) in one state, Florida.

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I wish you had been the attorney arguing for Colorado.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

But I'm a retiree in Australia ... so that nice Mr Garland might not offer me a work visa!

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We Americans have too many rules that prevent good from happening. Thanks for your insight.

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That Kagan comment seems odd in that she is in the “we only interpret the laws” camp. Isn’t that exactly what the CO Supremes were doing; interpreting and applying the nations constitution?

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"Isn’t that exactly what the CO Supremes were doing; interpreting and applying the nation's constitution?"

Yes. Applying the nation's constitution within the framework of the state's constitution. Anyone who has a problem with that is a Trump partisan.

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I was so glad to hear Andrew Weismann really rip the SP and Neal Katayl too. He needs to learn how to do his f*cking job without inserting his opinion! I learned how to write legal reports when I was in mandate school (no I decided being a cop wasn’t for me) and you never insert opinions, only facts! I hope he becomes unemployed like Comey. I was disappointed the justices didn’t go down the insurrection trail. The best part was when the lawyer said that Trump tried to disenfranchise 80 million voters on 1/6. I was expecting more from the CREW lawyers but I was disappointed.

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"So watch the courts, but work on the vote. It’s time for us to turn our focus there. Whether Trump will be on the ballot or not, it’s time to register, prepare to vote, and make sure our votes are counted."

Joyce is absolutely right! Plus, each of us needs to volunteer/donate/run for office with an election campaign at local, state, or federal level. Right-wing extremists and their funders have been playing the long game for 50+ years, building up a deep bench by supporting candidates for local school, rural fire, library, water district, and other boards. These people are now running for state and federal offices; many are MAGA true believers, others are MAGA cynics. Either way, they can take away our freedoms we don't get active now.

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I was contacted and asked to work our next election. I can't wait!

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Thank You for your service, Kay!

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I agree and we need to vote blue up and down the ballot. Democrats need to become the majority party holding Congress, Senate, and Presidency. That would fix em!

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Hur inserting his gratuitous trump supporting talking points into the report that exonerated Biden is despicable.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

He added the snipe to please his cult leader. And I fully agree: it was despicable. Just remember: cult leader has four indictments (thus far) with 91 counts. Biden wears tennis shoes and has zero indictments. Let’s get the blue reelection for him, blue bicameral Congress, and move past this to the very important issue of addressing a couple of impeachments from SCOTUS.

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Pelican brief. Whatever it takes.

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Today's developments plus your insightful analysis has brought me to a state of near desperation for our country.

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Thank you, Joyce. I was so angry when I read the comments from the bench during the hearing of Andersen v Trump that I immediately wrote a rant against them. One thing I missed was "is it the business of a single State to deny trump a place on the ballot" The answer can be found in Article 1, Section 4, first paragraph: "The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;" Therefor States may individually decide upon the ballots presented to the voters in that State.

Further more Amendment 14, Section 3 uses "No person shall be" not can or if then. As to whether the President is an "officer" of the United States of course he/she is, why else do we call if the "Office of the Presidency" Nor is Trump above the law. Remember Nixon's first Vice President, Spiro Agnew? He was indicted on criminal behavior and convicted of criminal behavior.

We owe the trumpster nothing. He was without doubt the worst President ever. His crimes far exceed even Warren G Harding who used to hold the title of the worst President. As to the fear his cult would riot if he is removed from the ballot; big walloping wow. Trump has said publicly that he will only accept the election results of 2024 if he wins. [Same promise he made in 2016 and 2020] So we can expect insurrection, this time with guns. But this time we had better be prepared with the National Guard and full police protection in Washington DC and every major city in the Country - with orders to shoot.

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Hur certainly doesn’t sound ethical with his opinionated report. You are right, Joyce. 45 will use all of this to his advantage. Honestly sometimes it feels like we can’t get ahead. Two steps forward and three back. Our “Supremes” are such a disappointment. Yes, we have to vote, and we have to get this DC case going!!! Thank you. I just saw you on MSNBC. Were you typing this under the table? Get some sleep, dear one.

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I am very disappointed with the arguments I have heard from the Justices. Roberts says we shouldn’t remove Trump for the ballot because Biden might be removed in other states. Does Roberts, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, not know that some cases have merit and others do not? Are we to not pursue those that have merit because a tit for tat response that does not have merit could arise? Kavenaugh thinks applying the Constitutional restrictions are un-democratic. I suppose he’d like to do away with the requirements a presidential candidate has to meet to become president. I could go on—the lines of reasoning here either are poor or they are way over my head.

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Cowardly Garland should have charged Trump with insurrection years ago. Kavanaugh enjoyed rubbing it in today that if that federal charge had been made by Garland as the January 6 committee called for, and Trump was convicted as many have been easily convicted who attacked the Capitol, that Trump would have been precluded from holding office and this whole article 3 charade today never would have happened. The Supreme Court never was going to rule in favor of the Colorado case. The fix was in and even Jackson and Kagan disgracefully feigned selective amnesia about the true intent of article 3 today.

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Kavenaugh had too many beers last night.

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To see Jackson and Kagan be intentionally negligent in acknowledging what article 3 obviously means and demands is sickening.

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