President Joseph R. Biden delivered the State of the Union, tonight, and did he deliver a Barnburner!

When last did The United States of America sound so bright, so strong and so ready to defeat its enemies?

They shall go unnamed at this time, except to say that the President did refer to The Supreme Court and his predecessor.

He woke up the House, the whole House, your house and my house.

Welcome home to the best economy in the world and our Democracy that will blossom more fully with spring as it grows stronger.

Some old dudes are better with age and experience.

Thank you President Biden.

'My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. A future based on the core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, dignity, equality. To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor.'

'Now, other people my age see a different story: an American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. That’s not me. I was born amid World War II, when America stood for the freedom of the world.'

__President Joseph R. Biden

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

It was fascinating to watch the cowardly Republican Members of Congress do the bidding of their leader when he's not even in the room. They refused to applaud Biden's non-partisan pro-America statements; they w booed, heckled, and checked their phones; some even left the chamber during the speech. They disrespected President Biden, their colleagues, and America.

Historian Timothy Snyder warns us to not obey tyrants in advance. The GOP begs to differ. It's so much easier to obey, and besides, they're afraid of Trump. Don't look for leadership from the Republicans. It's all about following - and obeying - their leader.

So, let's get back to work! We MUST defeat Trump and MAGA. We must re-elect President Biden and Democrats up and down the ballot.

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He knows what to say and when/how to say it. I love when he gets fired up and then whispers. Even Rev Warnock (sp?) said to President Biden that he sounded like he was preaching tonight👏🙏🏼☮️

I agree that hope has returned to the cause of democracy tonight☮️☮️☮️

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We're damn lucky to have Joe Biden. Let's keep him.

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I heard someone greet the President after his address who said "Sir, you spoke like a Baptist Preacher"!

Another said "You were fired up"! It was wonderful to see and hear and really showed up the decency on the one side, and the rot on the other. I sent a message right away to https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ addressed to our President to tell him what a fine job he did and ended with "Four More Years"! I always like to recognize someone for a job well done, so I'd also like to thank Joyce.

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Thank you Joyce, this makes my night to read your analysis. We are in a fight for the soul of the nation.

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This is one Democrat who hasn't HAD any concerns about the incumbent!!

("Biden’s performance tonight should calm many of the concerns Democrats had about the incumbent’s ability to deliver during the campaign.")

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Fired up, ready to go!

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GOP cannot speak about what they don't have planned... They're known as "The Do Nothing's" for good reason.

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To quote Simon Rosenberg a few hours ago, The President is Kicking ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slice it,dice it, hook it whatever, Joseph R. Biden hit it out of the PARK!!!

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Biden's Address made me proud to be an American! He did indeed defy all expectations. I didn't watch the rebuttal. My stomach had been upset, so I didn't want to take any chances of making it worse by hearing a bunch of ridiculous lies.

One thing I really DO want to see done is an OVERDUE punishment or fine levied on MTG for her elementary-school behavior. Not unlike last year. Except last year she was dressed for Halloween. This time, she chose to wear her disgusting MAGA gear. I did read what Jamie Raskin said about her choice of apparel. It does violate rules. At we know too well, Mr. Ed always violates rules, and has yet to be disciplined. Ed needs to go back to the stall and chill out for another year or so. If nothing else, Johnson needs to call her out for being so disrespectful towards Biden, and everyone watching at home or from the audience, but especially Biden. It was uncalled for.

Oh, one more thing. I'm happy for E. Jean Carroll and would LOVE to rub that in Trump's face. It occurred to me that if he hadn't been so OBSESSED with false reasons to be POTUS, wasting time AND money ad nauseum trying to convince judges, special counsels, pitiful (for Trump) attorneys that he is above the law, unlike every other citizen in the US., he might just be able to pay those rather hefty --- and growing more each day --- fines and other fees. But then, his priorities have been messed up since he was a spoiled brat, which is almost eight decades.

Seriously, though, Joyce, I can't get over how quickly you were able to get to your computer in order to once again "translate" for us. Bravo for a job well done!!!

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I felt very proud of Biden. He really socked it to the dumbass meanie MAGAs.

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Best SOTU speech I have ever heard, and I am 81 years old. The best thing we democrats can do is let Biden be Biden. He is raw honesty and has empathy for all.

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A) Outstanding speech and breakdown.

B) Margorie is filth

C) New Yorker's are great. Gotta love that punctuation! (The comma).

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I cannot find enough superlatives to describe President Biden’s speech. This night won’t soon be forgotten. On 6 November we’ll say, “After SOTU, this great victory was ensured.”

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We watched with our 17 yo son, while texting with our 23 yo. And then we celebrated with pizza! Go Joe! Your recap was perfect, Joyce. Thanks as always!

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