Thanks for working so hard for your fellow citizens’ best interests, Joyce. I hope you know how very much you are appreciated, for this blog and your many public appearances on MSNBC and live panels. I am in awe of your energy and dedication. Thank you!

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Yes Becky….you speak for me, as well. Thank you Counselor.

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Joyce, reading your posts is keeping me (almost) sane.

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Thank you so much Joyce for keeping me informed on so many facets of so many investigations.

I don't know how you keep up with all of it. You're amazing.

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The news today had me breaking down and crying in frustration. It’s like being a helpless kid on a playground

where a bully has been picking on kids at recess every day for months or years and the playground teachers just laugh and do nothing to stop him.

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It's much more... this bully has the power of the principal... to expel you for caring about the helpless kid(s). Half the staff and school newspaper egg him on.

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When Trump was 10 years old, he supposedly threw a rock at a smaller neighbor kid who was in his playpen in the yard next door. Trump is very mentally ill. Why do so many people help and enable him?

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He is simply a useful tool, bought by the highest bidder, who will be gone when his use wears out. And, the power of subtle advertising/public relations, bought and brought to you/them buy the same buyers. Have you read Project 25?

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Mar 16Edited

Yes, have read Project 2025, and all voters must! It is a chilling blue print for the possible Trump administration that could strike our nation down late this year.

Most of all, look at the people putting this chaos project together. These are the likes of Steve Bannon and Steve Miller. Kohn Bros. money supports the Heritage Foundation and is backing this project.

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Project 2025

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The word that comes to mind…DESPICABLE…all of it!

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As a (retired) elementary school teacher, I concur. On reflection, I had MUCH more patience with elementary-aged humans than I do with these "adults". With these adults, I find that just when I think I have no more top to blow, they pull another stunt and I realize I'm becoming a never-ending volcanic eruption.

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Kerry, I too am a retired elementary school teacher, and I have NO patience with "adults" such as Trump and his MAGA disciples. I appreciate Joyce's explanations of the machinations of the courts, and also her humility to confess when she is clueless as to how others (even judges, who ought to know better!) can be thinking. The kids I taught were much more open to logic and recitation of facts.

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It’s so sad that trump and his minions have stolen 8 plus years of our country’s life. It feels like an eternity. The only good that will ever come of it, will be if decent women and men in congress pass some laws with teeth that prevent an individual like him to ever serve the people of our great nation again.

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We desperately need a statement of expectations like businesses do before hiring for a position. Age and Citizenship are a mere starting point. I'm sorry but the Presidency IS NOT AN ENTRY LEVEL JOB. Even a Congress person should have a modicum of prior experience. By age 25 they should at least have served on a Board of Education, or Parks and Recreation, County Supervisors, etc. AND at the very least read the Constitution cover to cover.

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Read the Constitution cover to cover and pass written and oral exams - like grad school.

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or Naturalized Citizen exams, which I took in 1967

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Indeed! That, too!

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And they’ve stolen so much more than time; they are playing ball with our country’s very soul and laughing about it.

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D.O., are you thinking a background check? There surely needs to be some kind of competency test.

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I couldn’t agree more with competency screening. There should in-fact be some sort of political experience requirement on every candidate just to run in an election. Just think if that had been a requirement in 2016. People knew how indebted Trump is to Putin and no one raised an alarm at the more than likely possibility that Trump would certainly defer to Putin about American policies around the world.

I’ve never heard of a background check for elected officials or candidates. I have, however, heard of them for lunch ladies, all teachers, support staff, PTA and homeroom mothers who take time to help with throwing Halloween and Valentine’s Day parties at elementary schools.

I think we would wise to apply this procedure from top down instead of bottom up.

Top on my list is random drug testing for all sitting members of Congress. Something, anything to give us a heads up on exactly who we are voting for.

Let’s take TX for instance. Gov. “I like to watch babies drown, plus I hate women” Abbott. We know plenty of Texans are horrified by this man. When states start harming people by hiding behind policy, there must have a recourse to stop these crimes.

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As a Texan, I couldn't agree with you more about our governor. My area tends to vote democratic, but I have a neighbor who always puts out Abbott signs. She seems nice enough, but my stomach churns every time I see those signs. I don't know how someone can be seemingly nice and still support someone so hateful.

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Yes more than just being a personality..previous leaders have had visable experience that vetted them, other than being actors, wrestlers, and software hacks

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Joe Biden for example. Born to be president. No one knows more about foreign policy, national and international intelligence (he had decades of briefings in senate hearings, as vice-president for Obama - and now as president. Trump flipped the first page up every day and walked out of the room. Biden has had the breadth and depth of policy and diplomacy experience needed to restore our international image.

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D.O., I am also thinking that anyone running for federal office should submit their tax returns for the past three years and statements about any criminal events, and civil and criminal prosecutions in which they’ve been involved, along with a description. The public has the right to know who they are voting for. And I think it should be for federal office at every level. There needs to be more transparency. I don’t believe that Trump has ever submitted his tax returns for public review.

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Whom our system did not protect this last 8 years is me, and you. Sadly, we're in the same boat as other societies that have suffered years of cruel and despotic government officials. 250 years hence, we're still searching for that "more perfect union".

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Using the term “serve” quite loosely!

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D O Olson, agreed except “he”!has served no one except his own greed and hate.

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It’s maddening to think how many of these problems could have been avoided if our utter coward of an attorney general had summoned the courage to appoint a special counsel in January 7, 2021.

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I agree with you. But, Mitch McConnell ALSO could have stopped Trump if they'd have voted to impeach. If I could ask Mitch just one question, it would be:


(yeah, I know, but it's Mitch, so probably not)

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Mitch only believes in power, not the Constitution or our democracy or honor.

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Janet Carter -- Well said -- and let's throw in Mitch's clever ignoring of the Constitution when he did not allow Obama to appoint a Supreme Court candidate when there was 11 months left of Obama's four-year term. I hope he pays for that one at the Pearly Gates . . .

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He said when announcing his retirement as the longest serving leader of repubs in the senate like it's a good thing. He believes his legacy is golden when in fact it is only to those that DO NOT support democracy but the almighty dollar at all costs to democracy. May he burn in hell some day.

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I could not "like" your comment, but it is true. Sadly, true.

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I understand, D Deakin.

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And apparently he wasn't always like this. !!??

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Yesterday lame duck mitch was on air (somewhere) telling Chuck Schumer that it's not the job of the US to decide the fate of Israel but the people. Wonder if the same goes for russia and china and anyone else interfering in our elections. I thought that was so rich even from the despicable moscow mitch as he could have done so much more to help save democracy but HE DID NOT.

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What are you going to tell your god you say you believe in?

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Just getting around to catching up here....

🐢🐢 McConnell will most likely NOT Even see the Partly Gates, let alone get a chance to explain himself!! 🤣🤣

He'll be on the 'express elevator' to Hell 👹...... along with so many more of his colleagues😉.

They've ALL sold their souls for power and/or money!! 😎

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F only there was a hell, or a god.

Time to rid ourselves of such nonsense.

WE take responsibility for allowing evil. There is clearly no magic sky daddy which does.

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Not saying there is, just putting it in the vernacular which most people can understand.

My mom has ALWAYS been a HYUGE hypocrite when it comes to religion -- as in she HAS to be there whenever the sure are open, making sure my sister & I HAD 2 b there too.

Using bribery (in a sense) even AFTER I married & had a family!!

She even TRIED to get me to "come back to Christ" 🙄 after my husband died!! Not like anyone really cared if he were there or not, lol.

Mom even outright asked me how I 'worship',😂😂.

FINALLY! I was able to tell her MY thoughts about church...

I said, "I do not Believe a person needed to be " inside" a building to 'worship'. My way of doing so is simple, Mom. In nice beautiful sunny days with blue skies & just a few white puffy clouds. THAT is MY worship way and times!"

She has NOT brought it back up since that day ~ 6-7 years ago! 😂😂😂

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Not to mention the duplicity of Mitch McConnell and the Republican senators who were afraid to vote to convict on the impeachment trial, as well as the travesty of a "trial" in the senate in the first place, for which you can thank the Chief Justice. I have had more than a few thoughts on this subject https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4560120

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This is all Mitch McConnell's fault for pushing a 'not-guilty' verdict after the second impeachment, a verdict which should have been 'guilty'. And he knew damn well what he was doing.

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President Trump didn't leave office until 20 January 2021 - so his pet AG was in the chair on 7 January 2021. But Garland should have initiated strong action by about May 2021 ... any time after that was too late - as we are now realising, with anguish. I assume Biden said go easy.

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Ugh. I hope that Joe Biden voiced no influence to M. Garland, doing so would violate the separation between the executive and judicial branches and would be ridiculously bad judgment. I believe that Garland failed to act on his own. I believe that President Biden knows that his expertise lies in legislating, not in litigating.

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I think DOJ had a hangover from the thug Bill Barr, and with their whiplash over compensated.

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It's a strange concept, speaking as an Australian, where the Cabinet is part of the Prime Minister's inner circle - and EVERY decision by a cabinet minister is "political". This is doubled down because every cabinet member has been elected to the House of Representatives (and occasionally the Senate). They are political animals firstly.

I don't understand how or why a president can appoint a whole bunch of cabinet secretaries - and expect that they have free reign. Apart from the oddness of such an idea - I expect it's a chimera - presidents since 1789 I suspect have advised their cabinet secretaries on precisely what to do.

And I also have doubts about the "separation of powers" meme between a president and his attorney-general - they are political creatures and always in cahoots, I would have thought.

Is there a "separation of powers" between the president and - say - the secretary of state, or the secretary of the interior, or secretary of defence? Of course not - cabinet secretaries are not free agents - they undertake the president's agenda - that's why they are appointed.

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AS a US citizen I have some of the same questions.

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With all due respect, I don’t think the DOJ is in the judicial branch; it’s in the executive.

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I'm pretty sure Biden said nothing.

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How about the utter cowardice of the Republicans who twice failed to convict this thug? That's where the blame lies.

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All the more reason for Garland to have promptly sought to bring Trump before a jury. The GOP had already decided Trump could do no wrong.

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Somehow it helps to hear that all this is overwhelming for you and other pros, Joyce. I don't think, though, that it's the quantity of Trump Trials news that is so debilitating. At least for me, it's seeing how broadly and deeply the justice system can be subverted. The sense that justice is being defeated is depressing, exhausting. How can our justice system have so many damn holes in it? How can Judge Delay get away with this sneaky move of "dismissing" the Trump charge, but inviting him back in to make it again? How can there be so many sleazy back alleys for the crooks to take - how can this system purport to defend the rule of law??!

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You nailed it Cynthia. Did Trump incite a riot? Of course he did. Did Trump take a bunch of classified material with him when he left and then try to hide it? Of course he did. Did Trump try to pay off a hooker to keep it quiet before an election? Sure. What we’re witnessing is not the rule of law or even the rule of common sense. What we’re witnessing is the triumph of sophistry over the rule of law. The triumph of bullshit over the rule of law. The result is a heaping pile of shame being dumped on the concept of sound lawyering and sound judging. For all the world to see.

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Yes exactly!

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I keep thinking of the damage done to our judicial system by the GOP and the Federalist Society!

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That is exactly what 45 is going for to move us into hysteria and fear. Question is… will we let him win? We can stop him at the ballot box.

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Yep, it's looking like the ballot box is our ONLY way to stop him this year. That's where I'm putting my energy. Once we've won there, I'd like to see some closing of these judiciary loopholes. A girl can hope, right?

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Cynthia, your one sentence…

seeing how broadly and deeply the justice system can be subverted…is the arrow in my broken heart. I fear for this country.

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Aaagh "arrow in my broken heart" sure captures it, Christine!

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Extremely well said. Would be wonderful to hear a great answer.

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Thank you & yes I'd love to see/hear a response from Joyce or one of our other esteemed legal beagles.

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Judge Cannon temporarily dismissing the Trump motion to dismiss, but doing so in a way that his legal team can re-raise it at trial, leads me to think, that she intends to sustain/uphold that motion at trial so that Trump is found defacto, "not-guilty" and then will not be faced with a trial on these charges. That I fear, is exactly what Judge Cannon, intends to do.

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Who let the gremlins and gnomes out of their restricted dimensions? There's an element of science fiction to this garbled mess.

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Seems more and more like there is a concerted effort by one, or more, of the conservative legal "think tanks" threading the needle to ensure our judicial system collapses.

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Corruption is firehosing democracy. I'm losing faith in the leadership (including judiciary) of this country to try Trump on the indicted charges. How can so many court cases (federal and state) be scuttled?

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If the law fails, anarchy takes its place.

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I’m wondering if it hasn’t already collapsed.

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AL is a 17th century society heading toward the 10th century. I know well of what she speaks.

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Yes. I'm actually wondering when the wearing if the Scarlett letter and witch burning will begin...and The Crusades.

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WTF???? 🤬

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Yeah. We are really getting hammered down here.

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Sometimes my head just wants to explode in frustration.

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I hear you. I'm with you there Leanne. I told my oldest daughter the exact same thing. If I make it to November without my head exploding or I don't have a heart attack it will be a miracle. Stay strong. We've got to keep fighting. This is all up to us now with all these delays. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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If you can make to November it will be a real accomplishment. I may break out into a primal scream before then. At that point I may be committed. We are indeed all in this together.

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Thank you. Yes we are. My daughter btw who is a licensed Psychologist reminded me once again to practice good Self-care through all of this. Take News breaks when necessary, get good rest and have a good support system. I'd say primal screams are OK too. I know I swear a lot. 😆

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Me too, a whole lot. 🤷‍♂️

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I hear you there Dick. I gave up trying to quit. Except when I have to take my Mom to Church. 😆

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I couldn't watch any more news today - I'm now watching Seinfeld reruns. :)

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Come help.

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Go get someone elected. Somehow I ended up on the vacancy committee to nominate a candidate for the special election to replace Ken Buck. We decide who in a week. I never thought being a PO might give me the opportunity to be a big voice in replacing Pious Mike " Dobby" Johnson.

Come help.

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I love Snarky Joyce just as much as I do Serious Professor Joyce!!

Having spent 10 years of my 30+ years as an attorney in a job we old folks called an "elbow clerk" to both state and federal judges, I pity the poor law clerk who either has to draft gibberish for "Judge" Cannon to sign, or has to stand by silently and watch as her/his "Judge" mangles the best legal work product he/she can produce as a newbie lawyer. Or maybe she/he is simply a MAGA True Believer. Sigh.

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It seems as though "Judge" Cannon is auditioning to be a Supreme Court Justice. If she can't get a deal on Fox News.

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And my stomach just turned at the thought. That will not happen though because Biden will win.

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Hmmm…I still have the same feelings I had when I woke up to the news that Trump was our new president. I have never recovered. Biden MUST win. But after this week, there are no guarantees. How much more concrete evidence does the justice system need to recognize that Trump is a criminal and should be treated as such.

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Christine, I have never recovered either.

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Come help. It feels better.

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As much as I believe Roe v Wade being codified into law should be the one of the first official acts of Biden’s 2nd term, expanding the USSC should be first. I believe not only will Biden win in November, I also believe the down ballot will purge enough Republicans in the House and Senate to give Democrats a super majority. The ability to derail a nauseating corrupt USSC Increase it by at least 7.

Trump has had a lot of help from judges, they know how to create loopholes. But judges like Engoron and Kaplan have 0 patience with Trump’s courtroom antics. Although these were civil suits, we will learn more of Trump’s criminal fetish for “getting over” on the legal system and it’s maddening what he’s gotten away with so far. But I believe after all the loop holes and appeals have been exhausted, he’s only postponed the inevitable, Trump will end his days in a jail cell.

I expect there will be no trials before November as we hoped, I hold Merrick Garland completely responsible for all of this, should replaced in 2025.

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I think that if Trump wins, Judge Cannon will get appointed to a higher level court. Trump loves "his" judges that give him favorable judgements. Trump is such a transactional guy. One of many reasons, why we need to defeat him at the polls this November!

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As a former federal law clerk, I'm with you and Laura McElroy. Gibberish. All of it. An all day hearing that should have wrapped up before lunch. Only to leave us with word salad and the worst possible outcome. I have a hard time even imagining what goes on in Judge Cannon's chambers--do they ever get any real work done? Are there myriad motions in other cases at issue long past 60 days? Are all of her pending cases unnecessarily ridiculous messes, some without even a scheduled trial date? Or just this one? I try not to entertain cynicism but today I'm gobsmacked, head in hands.

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Clearly Judge Cannon is NOT qualified to be a Judge. It galls me to no end that “somehow” she managed to get this case assigned to her.

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You wonder who she's talking to. Roger Stone is down her way.

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SMurf888, as a former law clerk to a federal district judge, I can attest that no self respecting law clerk would compose that gibberish. Judge Cannon probably reached out to Rudy and Sidney for advice.

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All I needed to deal with all the awful news of today was your final note about the Boss endorsing Biden and saying nice things about that decent man. I’m just so sad. But I still do my bit with every person around me and for them to leave a conversation with me that helps them to know truths, to know I’m “kind of a scientist and an educator who studies medicine, education, and history …” and people trust me and so can you.” And they do! And some of the great information I can share comes from people like you, Joyce. We are indeed in this together.

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It appears Merrick Garland is in over his head in lacking political smarts and possible even lacking the ability to manage/control pro-Trump, anti-democracy staff members. Or he truly believes that Trump and his attorneys are good guys who play by the rules. What does he do all day?

How did our law schools turn out so many attorneys and judges who don't believe in the rule of law? Is the law just a big con game to them, a way to power and profit?

So many questions! I wish there were answers that made sense.

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It’s easy to look for blame to ease the frustration without knowing all the facts, a scapegoat if you will. As Americans we understand that unsubstantiated facts only harm everyone. Isn’t that what we are fighting against, malicious ill intent? We don’t want to follow 45’s blind example of blame shaming anyone to divert the whole truth scenario.

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Agree, and it looks like the ill intent is winning.

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But it won't. But by the time drumpf is convicted, he'll be found mentally incompetent for his punishment. And the MAGAts will still revere him. Smh

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I thought the same thing. We still haven't learned that other people fight dirty and bend every law to the extreme.

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I think he's overly cautious. I'm thinking his temperament is judicial, not prosecutorial.

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That is my opinion too. Garland would have made an excellent Supreme Court Justice. As an AG he is just too reticent and cautious. Would that Biden had picked former Alabama Senator Doug Jones as AG--he is tenacious and never gives up when it comes to justice. He would have been able to check all the necessary boxes for AG and be a real bulldog.

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"What does he do all day?"

There are a lot of nice lunches with lobbyists and the legal fraternity ... and then after sundown cocktails with the same outfits. Weekends there are dinner and soirees in Georgetown, plus the theatre, and concerts. He's a very busy man!

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LaurieOregon, sadly I completely agree with you again today. I won’t soon forget the shock and betrayal I felt for days when it was made public the Merrick Garland had no intention of investigating Trump and had to be shamed into by Liz Cheney (of all people) and Adam Kinzinger. The January 6th committee presented overwhelming evidence against so many traitors seated in the House and Senate. He did not nor did he have any intention of investigating any of the organizers of the insurrection. Only the people who participated (regular Americans citizens) have received jail time. Look at Steve Bannon, he’s never going to prison.

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Judge Delay is fluent in word salad. 🤮

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I am so embarrassed for the federal court system and all the honorable judges I worked with for decades.

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"because the Republicans have picked a crazy criminal”

Initially I read this as “a crazy animal.” That also works.

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Sorry, total insult to animals! Please don't let the chickens hear you!

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That's fair.

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Personally, I'd prefer the crazy animal. But thanks for the laugh!

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Today was a whirlwind. Joyce, you are appreciated so much.

Loose Cannon probably had written her opinion BEFOREHAND so Mr: Trump could approve it.

Statute 18 U.S.C. 793(e) is pretty inclusive and understandable except for someone who can’t read.

I have a question, why hasn’t Merrick Garland stepped up and recused Judge Cannon? Does he not read the news.

DA Alvin Bragg was between a rock and a hard spot. Thirty days is better than ninety days. I liked how he told the defense which pages were important. Only the 172 pages of witness statements and not all of the 31,000 pages.

Of course Mr. Trump wants his cake and wants to eat it too. It seems to me anyone else who says they were relying on their attorney’s advice would then have to waive attorney client privilege.

I’m grateful that President Biden continues to do amazing things. These delays are killing me and I’m sure every other Democrat. I have to say I know we have the popular vote but still concerned about the Electoral College. I’m glad we are in this together!

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"Loose Cannon probably had written her opinion BEFOREHAND so Mr: Trump could approve it."

My thoughts too. Some of the tenses are weird.

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Unfortunately Garland has no control over Cannon. There is nothing he can do. Had the government been able to appeal the decision the 11th circuit could slap her hand again but it appears she is smart enough to have figured that out. It is depressing.

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Some maggot is whispering in her ear. She has never seemed intelligent enough to figure this out herself.

I wonder if there isn't some signal, imperceptible to the rest of us, that passes between people like her and drumpf and Bannon et al, whereby they recognize each other as corrupt.

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Send in the Solicitor General ....

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Joyce, I don’t know how you analyze and write everyday, but I applaud you. I can barely tolerate hearing or reading one more thing. It’s disheartening to see our team continuing to come out on the short end of the proverbial stick. With the NY case, which had criminal consequences postponed, I could feel hope deflating. Isn’t good suppose to triumph over evil?

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My philosophy has always been, there's no rule that says the Good Guys have to win--but we do have to try!

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We all deserve a wild card that serves up justice we had not expected. And this can happen.

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P.S. it was good to see The Boss endorse Joe Cool☮️☮️☮️

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Right on - Born in the USA 🇺🇸🗽🗳️

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We’re looking at you Taylor. But so far, I can agree with her apparent strategy - encourage the young to vote and save the heavy armor endorsement for closer to the election when it will have a better chance of “influencing” more young people and encouraging them to get out to vote. She has the power to do this. Now we get to see if she does it.

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My head is spinning and I can just imagine what yours is doing, Joyce. Someday, somehow, all of Trump’s bricks will start falling. Somebody or something somewhere will grant We the People to get OUR retribution. Yu-hoooo…VOTE BLUE!

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