Ms. Joyce, what you may not realize is that your audience here at Civil Discourse is just like your chickies; but we huddle around our Inboxes everyday. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. Enjoy a pleasant weekend at your favorite place. Penny

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Mar 10·edited Mar 11

The sharing of her wisdom with us here makes me feel safer and a bit more in control. Sharing her knowledge gives us power.

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Wow! How very true this is!!! You said it ALL in so few words!

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Well said!

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Thanks for the chick pics 💜

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Seriously? No pics of the blue eggs?

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😂I was thinking the same thing!

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So was I!

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Me three!!

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Me four.

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What makes the eggs blue? Asking for a friend!

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Look up Araucana and Easter- Egger chickens. It's a genetic thing having to do with different pigments deposited while the shell is being made. :-)


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I LOVE that the chickens come out to greet you!!! People don't give chickens enough credit!! ❤️

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My guess is most people do not think of them as smart.

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Most people are not smart - look at our politics. ;)

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There aren't many animals that don't figure out where there food is coming from. ;-)

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As I step through the gate, a welcome sight:

Pickles leads the charge, tail wagging bright.

Toot struts behind, her feathers all afluff,

Proud of the blue eggs she laid, sure enough.

They pause their gardening to greet me here,

Preparing soil for planting, spring is near.

The chickens cluck and preen and circle round,

Their joy at my return is clear and sound.

No place can match the feeling of coming home,

Where roots run deep and love is always known.

Among these feathered friends, my heart is light,

Their presence warms me like the sun's soft light.

We're in this life together, come what may,

Finding contentment in the everyday.

Simple joys of garden, eggs, and companionship,

Fill my soul with gladness and kinship.

Though I may roam afar, my heart remains

Nestled in this haven, bound by love's strong chains.

A place to rest, recharge, be fully me,

Accepted, cherished, embraced completely.

Home is where we see each other clearly,

Intertwined with trust and graciousness dearly.

In sunshine, rain, and every kind of weather,

My chickens and I stand strong together.

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Gloria -- Such a dear, thoughtful piece, with just the right words of description ! I truly value that you share your ability to use your talent to tell stories.

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It’s so heartwarming to see a place of joy and happiness. Thank you 🙏

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There will be a book.

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Your chicken pix and reports are always a welcome diversion.. Thanks!

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Joyce… your obvious friendship with your chickens tells me that they are, maybe, a source of balance for you in the complex life you must be living. I love it! The more chicken pictures the better.

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My husband and I have 4 chickens. Chickpea, chicklet, chickory, and chickweed. We had another one, Chick Filet, but sadly, he went to that great henhouse in the sky.

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So glad you are home and decided to share these pictures with us. Rest and recharge. You have educated me and many others. Thank you for that,

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There’s no place like home…

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Even for us in Alabama

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As long as you're not living in South Gilead with your junior senator. :-)

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I second that!! 🤣😂

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Family trumps…well, you know❤️

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for me, it's about friends too.

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Seriously, an embarrassment to women everywhere.

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Many wonderful homes in Alabama.

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Home, sweet home. Relax (a bit). Say hello to “the ladies”. We need you- thank you for all you do to teach and enlighten us 🇺🇸✌️🇺🇸

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Home is where the chickens are.

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This is the best post. Thanks again for the view inside your life.

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What a colorful welcoming party for Joyce. They were not arguing about our Rule of Law, the

relationship between some secular, progressive Jews and Israel or the life of trans children and adults in Florida. They were simply happy to see their great friend Joyce as she was to see them.

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Of course they met you at the gate! The airport gate, right? 😉

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A new movie: "Chickens at the Gate". Bock Bock.

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Of course!

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Glad you made it home, Joyce, after that lovely trip and annoying unplanned holdover - your chickens have so much personality, I enjoy when you share them with us!

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Glad you made it home ok and the kids (Pickles, Toot and company) were there to meet you. Enjoy the rest of the weekend🙏🏼☮️

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