Liz and Dick Cheney also endorsed Colin Allred in his campaign to replace Ted Cruz while you were in Texas. Truly country before party.

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..which is as big a deal. Allred too must win. All who can donate or help in any way should.

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Totally agree! I've donated to him from NJ and will again.

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To oust Cruz would truly be a big deal, and I will believe it when I see it. The Cheney endorsements whouyld help. I can think of a few others in Congress where ousting them would be just as big a deal. Do not rely on Texans to do anything right.

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I’m Tx Native and so agree.

Texas Is an oversized, Cherry Pie territory-wise.

AND interestingly with a rapidly repeating increase in BlueBerry major CITIES. In Fact = ALL of them.

Unfortunately, it is HUGE territory and still with a LOT of change-resistant rural areas.

As an encouraging off-set:

…We DO have a LOT of educational entities here - and our grads at all levels are now pushing families to READ + FOLLOW repercussions re their voting & how.

A First indication was when grown children have children they no longer want to bring to family gatherings . That starts to reveal the impact of political divisions they do not want.

Instead, the trend now is to bring the elders to the homes of the progressive younger.

It Totally changes the table talk & the views expressed and who they are expressed by - as the anomaly that no longer serves the kiddos.

I am a Family Therapist by background and for years we have been (recommending/prescribing!) this to begin to shift embedded family prejudice. Shift where Holidays are honored…

It gradually works and Houston, Dallas, Lubbock, and a large # of other college towns helps it be effective due to distances to travel to reach each.

Remember all those beloved car vacations. A reason is close proximity that many miles = reminders as to what matters in families.

Once Grandparents are consistently doing the holiday traveling TO the Grands, it makes other new ways easier to establish, including politically.

Texas has been a quick study and consequently has consistently shifting politics.

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Why are you assuming that it is the grandsparents who need to have their opinion changed? In our house hold, it is our son and grandson who are staunch Rump supporters...sadly. I apologize if I have misunderstood.

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While my faith in our young voters is not strong at all, I do believe that your situation is an exception to the rule. If our young voting block actually did their duty and showed up to vote in the numbers that ought to be, this race would be over.

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If Ianyone had told me 20 years ago that Dick Cheney planned to vote for a Democrat, I'd have thought they'd lost their mind. I guess we're not in Kansas anymore. Down is up, and up is down these days.

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Indeed. I keep repeating to myself that I feel like we are living in a Christopher Nolan film.

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I just recommended Liz Cheney's book to yet another person. As I say when making the recommendation, I doubt that Liz and I have ever voted for the same things in our entire lives. But her book is not to be missed. And yes, it will keep you up nights wondering how our system became this corrupt, this amoral, this unable to take down the thieves that tried and are still trying to destroy this country. And double yay to her father....I have never been a fan at all, but now I see him and his daughter as modern day heroes . And we are desperately in need of those now.

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Agree about the book and vote. A friend posted on fb that voting the same as the Cheneys is nothing he ever imagined doing. Me too.

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Correction: The Cheneys are voting the same as we do.....just sayin"

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Hi Judith - I am going to push back just a little bit. Before Trump, and even early in the Trump years, these two were front and center with the neocon Republican narrative, which was very very bad for the country and very bad for the world. I still recall pretty clearly the Dubya administration and how far that set us back. And Dick Cheney was part and parcel to that. Bad times. Even if you compare that to today's risks that Trump and today's MAGA Republicans pose, which are worse still, those days were bad, and that Republican idology was bad. While I welcome these never-Trumpers as Harris voters, I would hold them at arms length. They still hold onto the climate-denying, golden shower economics, unfettered capitalism world view that will doom us all if we don't eradicate it. The only reason we are united is the autocracy vs democracy issue - a huge issue but the only one. Adversity makes for strange bed fellows.

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I'm another fan of OATH AND HONOR, and I was very impressed by her performance on the 1/6 committee (not to mention her willingness to be on it). Before that, I admired the way she came around to accept her sister's lesbian relationship. I'm very, very interested in where she goes from here. If anyone undertakes to write a 21st century "Profiles in Courage," she should be included.

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I did this, too ~ hoping to change a mind. Unfortunately/unbelievably, I got back, "It's 'he said, she said.'" Denialism at its best, or I suppose, worst. I hope others are having better luck.

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Thanks for this!!!!

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Fantastic photo and excellent company— thanks Joyce

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I want to link with a volunteer group in Pennsylvania to work on Election Day and perhaps a day before. I’m not needed in Connecticut. Eastern PA. Any suggestions?

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This is a WPa group, but they can refer you. https://paunited.org/

This is my contact in the Casey campaign. Jack Inacker


FT 6 has a phone bank to Pa. When you call in they can help you. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/event/581992/

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Daniel, I finally was able to talk to a volunteer in Wisconsin who scheduled me for hours of volunteering when I was not committed to something else.

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Thanks I’ll call them.

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Ask Joyce Vance from Alabama - she knows all the progressives and neutrals everywhere.

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Tell Frank he’s looking 👀 good there! But honestly a great looking bunch trying to keep us informed and fighting for TFG justice!

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Thank you for all you do Joyce! What a great Saturday!

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Great picture Joyce and gang. As usual am looking forward to your post tomorrow.

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You all look great, especially the smiles! In Texas spreading good vibes...

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Extremely intelligent group!

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Great photograph of your panel. I’m sure you’ll have outstanding information to share with us when you get back. Thanks for taking the time to post this.

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What, no chickens? (hahahaha, I miss them)

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No they probably ate chicken!

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I am glad to see the NYT still has reporters with integrity; their leadership certainly has none. Thank you Joyce!

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It would be nice to get their take on why corporate media jumped on a stutter of Biden’s yet leave the lies, racist and misogynistic comments and extreme and unworkable positions alone as well as white washing Trumps gibberish alone!

Thanks Joyce!

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I love seeing all those great people with you, Joyce!

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The palpable enthusiasm of your post makes me think this was a good way to recharge your professional batteries after recharging your personal ones in Scotland. Good for you!

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I sounds like you and many others had a great time. Rick Wilson was almost giddy! I'll be looking forward to the Insider podcst with Preet. Enjoy the great food while you are there.

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Imagine being there to absorb the good energy from good people even with scary messages shared. Not the DNC tho I imagine darn close in feeling. The crowd’s roar when Liz announced her dad’s position was joyous!

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I live in Austin and was happy to see two of your sessions at the Texas Tribune Festival— always interesting and fun. Loved you with Jeffrey Goldberg and Preet Beccarra (sp). If Trump elected again ( Heaven forbid) I can’t believe there will be any rule of law. Goodbye first Amendment. I don’t recall Trump being upset by the Turkish journalists death. Yes, chilling.

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