How is this not horrifying to everyone in the country?

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North of 50% of Americans, and growing, are horrified, however 218 weak R’s in the House after ignoring reality.

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I know this was not smart, but if General Miley and other good generals had suspended the constitution and placed Trump in a military prison at Guantanamo, I wouldn’t have lost any sleep over it. Fuck it, an eye for an eye.

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I know I shouldn’t cuss but there are times. And now is one. Speaking of cussing, enjoy my song to Trump: "The Shithole Song" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BSaG6I77RU

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Fuck trump and everyone who voted for him. You have permission to say it

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like I have said before, anyone who supports trump in any way is guilty of treason

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I honestly just read a text message that says swearing is linked with increased pain tolerance and strength. So cuss away Bill!

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tell that to your mother...

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My mother hasn't spoken to me for 30 years because I broke open the family secret so it might be a good way to start a conversation with her!

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Well said. But Gitmo is too nice a place (I've been there - the weather is good) so I'd opt for the Supermax (Colorado?). There's not enough of a population in Gitmo to put him in jeopardy.

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Supermax it is. With one exception. No one hour outside cell every 24 hours.

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Why not revisit the policies in place for traitors to or nation that existed following the founding of this nation? I mean even our SCOTUS is a fan of "Original intent".

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They executed the Rosenbergs for much less…

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Patrick Harris: Er, you do not mean, like the British, to draw and quarter!

Certainly, you do not mean that!

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Yes put him closer to me. I'll figure a way

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His kind of people! I know they will make him feel welcome that is what Colorado is all about:)

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Sorry, but for me, this is not the right answer. Destroying our constitutional form of government leaves us without any rule of law. It may sound stupid to you but I fear that MORE than in fear Trump.

Can we recover from this frontal assault against democracy waged by Trump and his henchmen? I don't know. But honestly i'd rather risk that than simply throwing it all away by joining the opposition in the destruction of our firm of government.

If we try to hold to the rule of law, we have done the right thing and if we fail, maybe at least posterity can look back and say we did the right thing. If we do the WRONG thing, then we have lost the one good thing we do have left which is that we were on the side of righteousness and we did not sell out to evil.

Sure it sounds idealistic but in the end THAT is what makes us good, not mere success.

If we give up on democracy in order to "win", we may never get it back.

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The problem is that the rule of law has been broken. SCOTUS broke it when Roberts and his cronies ruled that the sitting President is above the law. When the rules are not being followed by the ones in power, continuing to follow the rules as if they still are intact isn't effective. We are in uncharted terrority. During the Civil War, President Lincoln broke some rules as it was what was needed at that particular time. We have to be very careful and intentional in what we decide to do, of course. I hope to God that the non-MAGA and Trump officials in DC (including the military) are planning what to do when Trump refuses to obey a SCOTUS court order (he's already refused to obey a lower court order and there has been no consequences) OR SCOTUS gives Trump absolute power to break the law.

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Well said. We need to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight. I don’t care what it takes. These motherfuckers need to be taken down. We’re not going to get brownie points for playing nice.

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The problem is that if it becomes a war, it will NOT be a "gun fight" but rather a major "war" with jets, tanks, artillery and bombs, possibly nuclear bombs. Bringing a knife to that fight will be pathetic but what other weapons could the "rabble" (i.e. us) bring?

This isn't 1861... it's not even 1961. The war power of our military is HUGE and the ones we cast as the bad guys are in charge of the military now.

Will Americans fire on other Americans even under order? Well history says YES if you consider Kent State, the various civil rights riots, the antiunion battles in the 20s, etc.

I urge anyone who thinks this battle has to become violent to think back and to consider the imbalance of power today. We need to find better ways or if this mess because engaging in battle isn't going to lead to a "good" ending... for ANYONE.

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But that's precisely why you SHOULD fear Trump, as he is tearing apart the Constitution, and his aim is to destroy democracy.

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Did I EVER say that I did NOT fear Trump? He is the worst president in my lifetime and his actions are horrific. That is not the same as saying we have a right to assassinate him or overturn his government which WE elected.

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We did not elect this govt! It is the J6 coup completed. Nobody voted for what he and musk are doing. Nobody. So do you just lie down and die at the hands of traitors?

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Or maybe it’s time for the nation to split up. I don’t want to be connected with those piece of crap southern states. Btw, when is Luigi getting out we could use a guy like that.

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Would you have used the same reasoning when Adolf the meat tenderizer came to power yes or no?

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Well you know I won't fall for that trap. Germany and the US have different governmental systems and there were other options in Germany. But also it is a question that can easily be answered in retrospect because at know what Hitler did. So obviously someone should have done something to save the world. We do NOT yet know what Trump will do and i do not believe it is correct to PRESUME what he will do.

I do not like what he is doing so far but ib do not think it rises to the level of "Hitler equivalence". There are no concentration camps, no attempts to invade other countries (altho his behavior last week with Zelenskyy was definitely heading towards the edge).. his deportations, like it or not are completely legal (we DO have a massive illegal immigrant population here and while my way of solving it would be radically different than Trump's, no one elected ME president LOL).

So right now we are on the edge and at some point he may cross over into territory that DOES require extra legal action, but I don't think we are there yet and I do not support the idea of using extra legal remedies until it is clear we are part the point of reasonable recovery.

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He is appeasing Russia on all fronts. has abandoned Ukraine. Has attacked Canada, China, Mexico. Threatening to seize Panama and Greenland. Fired JAGs, generals, FBI leadership. Did Hitler accomplish this much in his 1st 5 weeks?? What action needs to occur for you to see this is a traitor leading a coup, aided in real time by super villain Musk and the GQP cult.

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Congressional Republicans can save us (and themselves).

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth ordered U.S. Cyber Command to stop all activity against Russia, including offensive digital actions.

… Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) seemed surprise to learn about Hegseth’s new cyber security directive on Fox: "I don't know why he's doing that, the Russians are attacking us every single day. I don’t think you signal to the Russians that we are going to unilaterally withdraw from this space. I really don’t understand where that’s coming from. This is a mistake.”

"On Face the Nation ...., Representative Mike Turner (R-OH), a strong supporter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Ukraine, contradicted that information. “Considering what I know, what Russia is currently doing against the United States, that would I’m certain not be an accurate statement of the current status of the United States operations,” he said. Well respected on both sides of the aisle, Turner was in line to be the chair of the House Intelligence Committee in this Congress until House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) removed him from that slot and from the intelligence committee altogether.


… Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) “I’m not interested in calling on the resignation of other world leaders. Frankly, I think that would spiral Ukraine into chaos right now, trying to find who is the negotiator.”

… Sen. John Curtis (R-UT) also disagrees: “Diplomacy and statesmanship seem to have been checked at the door of the Oval Office today. Ukraine is an ally in pursuit of free markets, free speech, and free people—Western values that align with our own. A win for Putin, on the other hand, does not. I am hopeful that our countries can get back to the table and advance the prospects of a just and lasting peace.”

… Sen. Lisa Murkowski also disagreed with Trump: “This week started with admin officials refusing to acknowledge that Russia started the war in Ukraine. It ends with a tense, shocking conversation in the Oval Office and whispers from the WH that they may try to end all US support for Ukraine. I know foreign policy is not for the faint of heart, but right now, I am sick to my stomach as the admin appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and US values around the world.”

Lots more like this.

Impeach the bastards. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/to-stop-the-coup-impeach-the-traitor

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Bill Katz. "Would you have used the same reasoning when Adolf the meat tenderizer came to power yes or no?"

We held to international law and defeated Adolf Hitler and the axis.

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But Bill is pointing out the cost was great. Millions of people died (including many of my relatives) because no one in Germany in the 1930s decided to take Hitler out.

So it is a quandary. I just don't think at this moment we know for sure the cost of moving legally as opposed to extra legally. The latter approach might save lives. But for now I think we aren't there yet.

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Jon Rosen, amen! "Don't become a monster to fight a monster." -- 2021 Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa.

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Thank you. I'm g lad there are at least some who agree with me. People seem to think I am naive or complicit. I am neither, I just very strongly believe in the rule of law. His decision yesterday to pull all support for Ukraine is the first thing he has done that I believe is extralegal enough to consider stronger action than mere political protest. Fortunately there! Appear to be at least a few Republicans who agree.

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We give the rule of law all that we can give it.

After that we may have to relive the history of our founders, or the reconstruction following the Civil War.

I fear we are closer than we think.

Musk has been handed power. He won't likely go away peacefully.

Putin and Orban are sharpening their knives for the feast.

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Jon Rosen. I don't know that your rejection of martial law in favor of holding to the rule of law is idealistic. In the pejorative sense implied.

It is certainly a correct analysis and practical course of action.

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We did and we defeated him.

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I understand your reluctance, but don't agree with your reasoning. At this point when the WH Felon Cabal, including its congressional and judicial henchmen, has abandoned the constitutional guardrails and rule of law, spit in our face as they declare "divine right of king," expecting us to bend the knee and kiss their ass, it's become a legitimate matter of self-defense.

We are in the middle of a counter-revolution run by gangsters. So, how does doing what's necessary to stop their wanton destruction of an economic and political order that millions depend on qualify as "selling out to evil."

If you believe the rule of law has been lost in the bully-coup, then keeping your hands "clean" as a matter of righteousness seems more like cowardice.

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I would argue, and Gandhi would have agreed, that it takes much more courage to resist the temptation to fight evil in ways that violate both actual and moral law than it does to give in to anger and pick up the sword.

Call me naive if you wish but I don't see violence against this regime providing us with a net gain. Non violent resistance is a much better course of action. It's not as satisfying in the instant and it takes longer but the end result is usually far superior.

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My "doing what's necessary" is not meant to imply the only recourse is violence. By all means, non-violent, civil disobedience is always preferred, but if the authoritarian regime--be it colonial imperialists or an elected political mafia -- do not concede as the British did in 1947, then what? And of course the epilogue to that was to be continuing violence between Pakistan and India. I'm wondering what your perspective is on our Civil War?

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If we allow Republicans to keep.on speed walking us into tyranny we will certainly never get it back.

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Breaking the law, to stop a law breaker? Yeah, not a good plan. If our society fails as a result, its a pretend society at best

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I held the same hope, but didn’t want to express it. I was hoping something like that would happen.

I love General Miley. I knew he was a true patriot!

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What? The military cannot suspend the Constitution. That's incorrect. There are very few provisions for it, and only in wartime.

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Bill, you are my hero, because you said the BEST (and one that I find myself saying more and more as this evil piece of dung continues to survive), most appropriate, well-deserved verb that exists these days, as far as I'm concerned.

Miley never deserved to make general, as far as I'm concerned. I was never impressed with is facade.

There has to be a prison somewhere that's worse than GITMO. One that's far from being a "country-club prison" for white-collar criminals. He deserves one where he would have to actually do real work. To him, that would be cleaning toilets not made of gold, scrubbing floors, and more. That would be fun to watch.

He can also forget about sleeping in a real bed for the rest of his repulsive life. Beds in the two jails I worked in (in a civilian capacity) were cold, metal bunk beds with very thin mattresses. If/when he's incarcerated, I hope his roommate is Bubba, because he'd show Trump how to live out his remaining years,

Sorry for rambling, but I enjoy your comments. It's like you can read our minds.

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I/3 voted for frump. 1/3. And 1/3 must have voted against Genocide, or stayed home and made popcorn. The rest voted for joy and hope and women who know how to run

anything better

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Actually more than 1/3 of eligible voters did not vote. Around 77.2 million voted for Trump, around 75 million voted for Kamala, and around 93 million eligible voters did not vote.

Of those 93 million, some might just be too disorganized for the level of concern they had to get a mail in ballot, if they could not take off from work, but some are arrogant young men who feel that it does not matter who is in power because they will be fine. I know some of these people. Their wives and girlfriends voted but they did not, saying their vote does not count, but really meaning it makes no difference to them. Let us see if they at some point understand that it does.

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I know a young man that didn't vote because he couldn't see through all the noise of the Right. He didn't agree with all of it, but the noise paralysed him.

Some of that is on us for being unable to come up with a clear and concise messaging that cuts through that noise and to get it on the news that they listen to.

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Let's cut to the chase here. Of those 93 million people who did not vote at all: a LOT of people in this country are still so prejudiced that they would not vote for a woman. And a Black woman (in their minds) didn't have a prayer you-know-where! Sad but true for a lot of people.

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Not so much ignoring reality as facing reality. Trump, with Musk's $$$ behind him, with Robert's Citizens United ruling opening the floodgates, and with the success of 2010's REDMAP, they are scared of their jobs and maybe, though I hate to add it, scared of the thugs that the Proud Boys will unleash on their families and friends.

This is not the America we all grew up in.

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The realities not being ignored by the House and Senate Republicans is that right wing media will severely limit how many Americans even become dimly aware of the GOP’s support for Russian aggression and totalitarianism, and the obvious fact that the Democratic Party is too stupid and feeble to make good use of the GOP’s traitorous capitulation.

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My guess is that we are moving closer to a "Seven Days in May" scenario, with almost daily attacks by tRump and his so-called government upon US national security, trashing our Constitution, blowing up the Civil Service, etc., etc. Can't believe that there isn't a coterie of patriotic officers in the Armed Services who soon will answer the call of duty, because this lawlessness domestically and selling out our interests abroad cannot be sustainable without mortal damage to this country.

Remember "Stand back, and stand by"? Well, the shoe is on the other foot now, and the time for action is closing fast.

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I fear you may be right. A physical response. At some point in time there may only be, regretfully, one response. I did not live eighty years to watch a twelve-year-old bully, liar, and unprincipled fat man-child take the best thing the United States of America has to offer, Democracy, and flush it down the drain in exchange for his foolishness.

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Exactly. That's why first day he had to release his paramilitaries, so they can join with Blackwater mercenaries and be a large armed extra-legal force against Americans. Who knows, the signal to go forth may be given tonight... glad I've got my CDN passport and am near a border.

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Will it become necessary for the Democratic Party to encourage all of those who value freedom, decency, honesty, and democracy to take up arms? Will we only become hopeful when there are waiting lines round the block of every gun shop composed of Democrats? Is that what the GOP is driving us towards?

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However, are there a group of Seven Days in May generals and officers who support the convicted felon? I could see a group of retired generals and officers standing up for our Constitution. As an aside: I loved reading the novel & have watched the movie numerous times!

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yes, and where is gen flynn right now and what is he doing ?

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It's not? I think the problem is that too many who are horrified are remaining silent or complicit.

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What I can’t understand is how people - anybody - can look up to this man! He knows nothing of Russia … and two of his wives were born, and lived, in the Soviet Union.

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There's no dumbfucks like American dumbfucks. As H.L. Mencken observed 101 years ago, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

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What endlessly dumbfounds me - as an old-fashion Aussie Leftie - is the fact that in the US people who are utterly, totally, blatantly, certifably guilty - nearly always seem to get away with it and never ever go to prison. I've taken to calling it the OJ Syndrome.

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Same rules apply in the UK. More accurately it is that the individuals in the ruling classes in both countries are always above and outside of all laws. Hence the socially and politically acceptable convention to define your life’s purpose simply by your desire to ‘expand your portfolio’ in perpetuity no matter what the environmental or human costs.

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I know ! Even if you murder someone and get a life sentence you almost always get out in like 5 years !

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The dumbing down of America? Mission accomplished!

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He knows nothing of the United States! Plus, one thing about Russia, you pay your debts, no bankruptcy there. You don't pay, the subcontractors eat you, take your wife, and vomit on your house. The second time? They just kill you, slowly.

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Or out the window with you, young man!

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I agree. Many years before he ran for president almost nobody thought good of him. Oh there were a few of the richest of the rich who thought he could help them increase their wealth (just like some now). It was well known that he stiffed contractors and that many of his companies had to file for bankruptcy. But not unlike a mafia don, HIS hands were not the ones that got dirty!

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I lived in Manhattan during the Eighties—he was an amusement, that’s all.

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It is also horrifying to those Americans who are living abroad in countries who are allies to the US as part of NATO. Right now I am living in Europe. Is the US government now the enemy of the country I am living in? I know with the advent of Trump back into the White House Americans here have been applying for citizenship here, which takes a while. We are allowed to have dual citizenship. Everyone is also looking at what it takes to give up US citizenship. It costs a lot of money, and one still has to pay taxes to the US for a long time, like 10 years. So, even if you don't want to fund the US government under Trump, you are forced to.


Everything with Russia was about Ukrainian minerals and that is why they went in. I could see that on the maps in the beginning. Not just the minerals, but the great farm land. Russia has nothing besides oil and some minerals too that anyone would want, and Putin realizing this went in to Ukraine to take the land that has the best farming and mineral deposits. I could see that on maps I looked at of resources in Ukraine at the beginning of the war. Supporting Russia, is like supporting Iran and North Korea. It is bad, bad, bad!

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Curious how IRS will be able to garner overseas wages in its current state, especially from ex-pats who renounce citizenship... hoping to be such an ex-pat and return to my homeland soon.

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Curious who will risk not paying their taxes overseas. I assume all of Trump's billionaire buddies have a reprieve, and the rest of us will end up paying the double taxes that we have because of the billionaires that hide their money.

Social security is just one thing that can be held from you, I am sure there are many other things that they can hold from expats, or permanent residents that don't pay their taxes.

I have thought that there will not be enough people in the IRS to go after people living abroad, but if Trump or Musk decides that is the group to go after, then that will be the group. Not just citizens but permanent residents have to pay taxes too. One also has to pay taxes on all US investments, properties etc... It makes sense. That one is forbidden to invest in countries where you live that are not the US does not.

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“Ask not what your country can do for your, ask what is your country doing TO you”

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The Democrats are and the Republicans are turning. BTW, Elon Musk is also a liar. He didn’t refund the Ebola aspect. Those funds never got unfrozen. He must have learned the “Art of the Lie” from Donald Quack.

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It's a little like the frog in boiling water axiom. Most folks are unaware, feel nothing, find it too complicated, or admire someone who "moves fast and breaks things." Not until the day after will they notice they are out of underwear and someone stole the clean laundry from the line. Seriously, it sickens me, and sometimes, I think I have to stop watching it.

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I suggest you take a look at Repub pols social media posts. And the CULT comments.

Also, look at Fox on FB. The commenters are all trump CULTISTS.

Every comment I posted was taken down (by Fox/an algorithm that targets certain words. The cult lives in a FAKE news environment.

One of the red senators in my state is posting nothing but kudos for everything trump does and lies about what he, my senator, has down for our state.

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My Rep in congress still had working phone lines this morning and i gave a message to staffer. Jam those phone lines, people!

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Thank you Joyce. The man in the Oval is a Russian asset. We need to take the House, in

the next election (way too long, ugh) and go for a third impeachment. He and his VP sidekick

are enemies of the United States, siding along with those threatening our nation.

Protests/peaceful riots/town Halls need to be packed from now on.

I believe there is a big Capitol March in WDC on Friday, March 14. My husband and I plan to attend.

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I fear November 2026 is going to be too late. Tight control of the elections, gerrymandering, and disinformation will be the norm more widely and irrevocably. We all may have to take to the streets before that.

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Not to mention his goal to take over the Federal Election Commission. The Democratic party is suing him, but if it fails there will not be any more even remotely free and fair elections. Welcome to Hungary, Project 2025 thought of everything. And we have a person in the White House who is probably too dumb to be a Russian asset, but he's certainly a useful idiot for Putin.

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Thanks for pointing out that Project 2025 thought of everything. The order in which things are happening has been carefully thought out to eliminate checks on power before actions that would have triggered those checks. It's working, mostly.

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Let’s not forget Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence. It is all so blatant.

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There are many elections this year, mostly at state and local levels, and Democrats (and independents) need to start mobilising effectively to win some of them and give the Republican party a bloody nose before the mid-terms. As those mid-terms draw nearer, House Republicans will become more skittish. Consider the RNC's panicked reaction to those stormy town halls that have gone viral on social media. Consider also the fact that Elise Stefanik's appointment as US ambassador to the UN has been put on ice because of fears that her loss may harm Trump's agenda in the House. This is especially important with the budget negotiations in the next few days likely to be fraught and possibly even risking a government shutdown (there were three shutdowns during Trump's first term).

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I think it's a long way off. Who knows what the situation will be then.

There's a nationwide protest tomorrow evening, March 4, 2025. I will be participating in my community. Here it will be between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm.

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Participating in one in Sacramento, California.

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Marches are supposed to be happening tomorrow.

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Yes, nationwide!

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Trump, and the Republicans need to quickly pay the price for supporting and following this criminal into the office. Before this criminal is done, the US government will be in alignment with the Russian government, and Putin. You should be seeing the evidence being put in front of you now. Why are you not seeing this?

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I am more and more certain that we must have a revolt in this country in order to stop Mr Trump and his minions from handing our country to Russia. This is one time I think I would approve of the military acting on American soil. If it all happened very fast the militias wouldnt have time to gather up their toys and make things bloody.

How many beds do we have ready in GitMo?

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Do you SERIOUSLY believe the US military is going to support an actual overthrow of the elected government?


I think anyone who truly believes that is crazier than Trump.

And without the military, any attempted "revolution" is doomed.

Can't we stop talking nonsense and try to come up with rational responses to this situation?


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Would you say this about Adolf Hitler? After all, he came to power by election. Didn’t he.

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I think I answered this elsewhere. I do not consider the two situations fully equivalent... YET. That could change but at this point I don't consider the situation appropriate for, say, assassination.

Do I think we could get there? Yes but that time isn't here yet.

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Not asset ! A true blue Agent and Open Operative!

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Absolutely. Halting monetary aid to Ukraine and lifting monetary sanctions on Russia is effectively financing Putin's war against our ally.

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And he is getting help from his DNI, SecDef, and DOJ Bondi!

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and the entire GQP

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Thank you once again Deidre LaMotte.

The "sidekick" J.D. VANCE, a creation of billionaire, Peter Thiel, is not a Hillbilly from Yale Law School; Vance is transactional looter who is still trying to confiscate Ukraine's minerals. As I explained yesterday over at LFAA Ukraine's proven mineral deposits in order of abundance include Titanium, "Rare Earths" & Lithium. One of the largest U.S. LITHIUM deposits is in Thatcher Pass, Nevada but, General Motors (GM) has first access to that Thatcher Pass Lithium.

The Guardian U.S. Edition has reported good detail on Zelenskyy's meeting with Euro leaders. The U.K. & other Euro countries have already put together 2.8 Billion Dollar Ukraine funding. Ukraine needs more than money. To Hell with Trump. The Guardian has a rundown on Vance's treacherous conduct in the last 36 hours.

The Guardian's 3/3/25 articles authored by Andrew Roth from their Washington DC office is titled , "U.S. has suspended all military aid to Ukraine White House Officials says, in wake of Trump-Zelenskyy [ambush].


Here is Andrew Roth:

"Before Friday’s [ambush] meeting, a minerals deal was meant to establish a joint fund between the US and Ukraine that would receive revenues from the mining of rare earth metals and other precious minerals in Ukraine, as well as some oil and gas revenues.

Later in Monday’s [Fox News] interview, Vance doubled down on his criticism on European leaders over on
 free speech and democracy. The vice-president [Vance] claimed that the Biden administration promoted censorship.

“These ideas are going to destroy western civilization,” Vance said. “They’re going to destroy Europe, and they would destroy the United States of America if we allowed them to fester.”

He [Musk-Trump-Thiel-Vance] went on to repeat anti-immigrant rhetoric, claiming mass migration poses a major threat to Europe. By the end of the [,Fox News] interview, the conversation had turned to anti-trans topics, just days after Trump signed an executive order barring transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports.

End of Andrew Roth quote.


Yes Deidre, we need confronts the Russian assets on all fronts.

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" ... and go for a third impeachment."

It may have strong symbolic value, but the Constitution makes impeachment extremely difficult to achieve - almost in the same class as Amendments.

You would need control of both houses to gain an impeachment - including 67 Senators - and you would have to go for JD Vance as well, to prevent his ascendancy. You need a Democrat Speaker so they get the gig. But all a dream, sadly.

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There are two special elections in Florida on April 1: Gay Valimont (the leader of Moms Demand Action in Florida) and Josh Weil. I'm donating to both their campaigns, writing postcardstovoters.org for Josh. Our Democratic Party of Evanston is phone-banking for both candidates. These are deeply red districts, but with the musk/trump/vance regime attempting to implement Project 2025 (over 80 court cases now) we are a little more hopeful, but not much. In addition, the week-end before the April 1 election there will be probably 300 people from here canvassing for Judge Susan Crawford for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice. We're also phone banking for Judge Crawford here. We have to Do Something.

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Good one Linda, Evanston, Illinois! Yes, the're a number of Elections across the Country in progress this Spring.

Also, the state of Virginia is the only state that has "off year" state Elections. Early voting for the Virginia state office PRIMARY is about June 6, 2025. D-Day.

Go for it.

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He's been a Russian asset since the 80s

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There may be 5 seats available through Special Elections in 2025.

April 1st, 2 seats are available in FLorida: Gay VALIMONT and Josh WEIL

Let's support them!

Meanwhile, a representative just died, another is in an assisted living, and Stefanik's seat in NY will be available when she resigns.

If Republicans are yelling at their representatives at town halls, now is the time!

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For 60 years I was engaged in National Security including four years as an official in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and teaching for 15 years in Georgetown University’s Strategic Studies Program. Your assessment is spot on — the US assumed primacy as a world power rather reluctantly in the 1940s despite many tycoons and men of ilk and magnitude promoting the US remain neutral or even backing the Fascists and Nazis. With the end of WWII US leadership building on Roosevelt’s legacy took on a new role as leader of the Free World facing another implacable foe, the USSR. One can certainly argue that our policies were at times controversial and at times just plain wrong. But overall that policy kept us free, maintained global stability and with that the United States prospered as no other nation ever had. What Trumph and his abettors are in the process of doing is purposefully eradicating the very policies that made America what it is today. This is perfidy— disloyalty, treachery, betrayal.

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Thank you for your service! I think we have taken those who guard our democracy far too much for granted.

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Yes I understand one of the biggest mistakes was perpetual war almost ever 10 years. Vietnam being the biggest. But the Middle East are equal to the fiascos in Southeast Asia. Now the biggest mistake is to ally with dictators in the modern. I don’t identify as American anymore.

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It's almost as though Putin gave Trump a To Do list and each day he's checking off one of the boxes. On Earth One, Trump would be impeached (again), but we live in a different reality in which terrified Republican legislators will not even raise a finger to protest!

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After Puyin's two vicious bears mauled an honorable man.... Oh how I hope he wins... I can't think of a more debilitating, painful bruise than something I love being crushed and eaten by a monster... which the chicken, bear, snakes ( damn I wish I was a renaissance painter) have now left lying in Putin feeding trough.

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Agreed I thought I was watching an emotionally incestuous, dysfunctional family in a therapy session where the only sane person is ganged up on by the the ones who are avoiding dealing with there own sh.. and project it all on the sane, healthy person. The "you haven't thanked us even once!" was priceless. Straight out of a shame and blame family system. Not to mention abusive control.

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I was thinking "spousal abuse" as I watched the exchange.

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DemLabs infographics on how Trump delivers for Putin.

Putin’s Puppet Performs: Follow the collusion timeline


How Trump Sold Out America To Putin: Follow The 20 Step Playbook


10 Putin War Atrocities in Ukraine: Guided tour


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Thank you, Deepak.

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It's as if the entire nation is in a trance and shuffling mindlessly towards the precipice.

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As you consistently remind us, Joyce; We're in this together. The truth is typically beautiful in its simplicity. In the case of FSB agent Trump and his appointees, it seems clear that we wait for the 2026 midterms at our peril.

For me, the daily routine is now to call any reps and senators I think can help, and ask them to call Trump, Vance, Musk, et.al., out as the domestic terrorists I feel they are. IMHO, we need them out of DC before our beloved republic is irreparably damaged.🙏

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Stop calling him Trump. His Russian name is Krasnov. Use that and remind everyone evry time that he's a damn traitor.

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I’ve sent the following message to my 3 congressional representatives.

I encourage you and your Democratic colleagues to boycott Tuesday’s State of the Union address.

The speech is sure to be filled with lies, threats, self-praise, and policy positions that are un-American and unconstitutional . Do not give Donald Trump the satisfaction of seeing a full chamber from the dais. I will be one of the thousands of Americans who will not watch or listen to this appalling man spew his hate. I hope will be as well.

Margaret MacKenzie

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Done. With this added (my congress critters are Warren, Markey, and McGovern):

If you must attend, sit on your hands. No applause. No emotion save contempt. Your Republican colleagues must be shunned: they have thrown in with a traitor.

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Thank you, James. Hopefully there will be a groundswell of letter writing before tomorrow night. And hopefully, the Democrats will listen.

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Watching from Devon England deeply depressed and disgusted with the Russian asset thugs now in charge at the Oval office. Normal rules no longer apply so waiting for honest 2026 elections is waiting in vain. Massive street protests seems like the best bet right now.

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the only bet, the only available option. calling our congresspeople is pretty much useless whether Russian Red or Democratic Blue.

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Actually, KAO, that’s not true. You might get better intel on the effectiveness of pressure on your Congress members by joining your local Indivisible group. Our national leadership examines this effectiveness in weekly analysis on national calls and in fact it is working. Certainly there is more to demand and more to do. However, it will only continue working if we don’t give up.

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I am indeed horrified. Trump and Congress have betrayed this country. All of them are committing treason.

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Here’s hoping that Keir Starmer snatches the Nobel Peace Prize from Trump and JD gets continually harassed at every vacation outing. Our garbage collection day is Tuesday and I just put out the Trump/JD containers and they are full (MTG’s boyfriend is in it, too).

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First, according to my English friends (who vote Labour) Starmer is going to have to both grow a pair and a spine before he'll be equipped to deal with all this.

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People can surprise you.

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It seems more and more like the normal wheels of change and justice are being so badly damaged and rigged that change will only be brought about by marching the streets and refusing to follow mandates that are not democratic. This could be solved by Congress before they have no power, but I fear they are all just going for the ride.

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All Democrats in the Senate and House should boycott Traitor Trump’s State of the Union address!

Show the world our disdain for and disgust with liar, fraud, con, grifter, sex abuser, scumbag, convicted felon, racist, fascist, Hitler-lover, Putin’s puppet, America’s Disgrace Trump!

Contact your elected representatives and demand that they;

- wear yellow and blue armbands to the Capitol

- walkout of the chamber 4 minutes after Liar Traitor Trump starts speaking

- carrying placards that say, “Trump is a liar and a traitor”

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All my Alabama elected officials are Trump sycophants and that robs me of being able to at least do something productive by contacting them. Phone calls to demand they not confirm Patel, Gabbard, etc. were a waste of time.

And I am not sure we will even have elections in two years. Another poster mentioned what I have feared all along: checks and balances are being eliminated so that by the time elections arrive it will be too late.

Practically everyone I know is Republican; Democrats barely exist here. I guess I could replace the American flag outside my door with a Ukraine flag as a show of support for Zelenskyy...

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Be very careful. That kind of thing can bring dangerous reactions. Be safe.

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So, it's too dangerous to fly a flag but we are not in a coup. Make that make sense.

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I am not worried about the government. I am expressing my fear for her that the MAGA crazies might take aim at her house. We live in a very rough world today. Being cautious is not inappropriate.

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I knew what you meant and thank you. I haven't bought the flag yet but I'm still thinking about it. I do live in a very peaceful neighborhood so it would definitely be a shock if somebody reacted, but I suppose you never know!

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I live in Texas, and fortunately my house rep is a Democrat - and a good one. I, too would caution you about putting out an Ukraine flag. I don't trust that you won't be harmed for doing that. (I am very pro-Ukraine, and completely understand you wanting to put their flag out.)

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I have a bannana flag

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I like that

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Perfect. I will do this now.

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when will the call for impeachment happen? Trump is a traitor and must be stopped. Please….act now!

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When there is a Democratic majority in the House and 66 Democratic senators. Anything else is an exercise in irrelevance. Impeachment is nothing without conviction. And it takes 66 senators to do that.

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Gale- Impeachment is not possible until Democrats control both chambers of Congress. Put your energy into making that happen in 2026.

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How many congressmen are up for reelection at midterms? The economy with a trade war will cause the stock market to take a big hit. That will cause Trump to lose enough of his blind supporters to turn Congress over to the Democrats. That's when we have a chance for a third impeachment, but this time an actual conviction and Trump goes to prison. Vance must also be impeached. Will we need to do something about the speaker of the house who then becomes -resident?

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I’m hopeful that we have an actual election

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Ted, EVERY House member (all 435) are up for election in 2026. That is the way it has always been. The complete House is elected every two years.

Only 1/3 of the Senate is elected every two years as Senators have 6 year terms.

The good news is that THIS next election in 2026, 21 GOP Senators are up for election and only 12 democrats. That makes it easier to gain back Senate seats.

The bad news is that most of those 21 senators are in pretty safe "red" states. We could take back the Senate (we would need to gain 4 GOP Senate seats plus win all 12 of the Dem seats up for election. However that still wouldn't get us even close to being able to force Trump from office by impeachment.

To get to 67 Dem seats in the Senate we would have to virtually "run the table" in 2026, i.e. win all 33 Senate seats up for election. That is probably impossible.

Sorry for the downer news, but reality is what it is.

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THanks for the detailed information. we always need to deal with reality. Unfortunately Republicans follow fantasy and misinformation.

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maybe some magas will have been hurt by it's policies and come around.....

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