On the strength of your email, I've made a donation to The Civics Center. Thank you so very much for all of your work.

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I’ve been retired for a while but our senior government classes would register qualified students every year. I too donated, thank you for the information.

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I too made a donation. Sounds like a great idea. Thanks, Joyce!

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Donation made! Thank you Joyce for recommending and sharing this information!

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Me too.

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I am a VDR and a couple of years ago I helped register high school voters at a high school in Austin. They were so excited about registering. As soon as they finished registering, they got out their cell phones and started calling their legislators. It was fun to watch. There is supposed to be at least one person in Texas high schools who is elgible to register voters.

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As a very shy teen who lacked confidence I made the mistake of thinking 'other people know better about politics than I do' and did not vote for many years, hindsight being 20/20 I had no idea how far peoples moral compass had slipped and the fuckery the Republican party was up to in the 70's. I'm sorry. On a brighter note, the great Isaac Hayes prevailed in court with preliminary injunction against the convicted felon, Copyright infringing, all-around POS.


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The Civics Center does great work! Thanks for the resources and cheerleading, Joyce.

On a personal note, and working for the same outcomes on an individual level, I just had this dialog with a Kaiser rep on the phone (toward the end of a contentious call about misinformation Kaiser had emailed members earlier today):

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Eric?"

"Sure, yes: For you, and all of us, be sure you are registered to vote and have a plan to vote."

"Yes sir!"

"And: Go, Kamala!"

The rep laughed out loud...totally surprised, and pleased. Good interaction, after all.

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Eric, I love your response! I plan to use it from now on. Thanks!

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Fladems has contacted all recent graduates in Florida, and co-sponsors with FT 6 to reach the same population. We also support March For Our Lives. https://marchforourlives.org/leadership/david-hogg/


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This is so very important and I hope the September drive is very successful.

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Time Flies! I was a high school senior in 1971. We were the first group of 18 year olds to be able to register to vote. It was such an honor to get to do so. In all these years, no matter which state I lived in, I've voted in nearly every election. I think I've missed less than a handful.

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Yes! Same! We were the first wave of 18-year-olds voting!

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I’m promoting this to everyone I know because this clearly is a perfect secret weapon in this struggle for our democracy & really for humane life on this planet. It comes down to plutocracy vs. democracy.

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Unfortunately, at this time, the polarization of the country argues against the widespread reinstitution of civics and government courses in high schools. A shame, and obviously much needed. At one time there were several such mandatory courses in most states, but apart from the growing politicization of education, the movement to curriculum narrowing with an emphasis on core courses took its toll.

"Our children should learn the general framework of their government and then they should know where they come in contact with the government, where it touches their daily lives and where their influence is exerted on the government. It must not be a distant thing, someone else's business, but they must see how every cog in the wheel of a democracy is important and bears its share of responsibility for the smooth running of the entire machine." --- Eleanor Roosevelt

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Great idea giving this important work more exposure!

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I am proud to say that CA has allowed high schools to preregister students for several years! The LWVCA and local branches have actively worked with high school organization to register students! 🇺🇸

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Excellent emphasis! Civics classes were once mandatory. Learning about separation of powers among the three branches of government with government being independent of religion were necessary tenets recognized by the founding fathers. With this knowledge, a young voter can recognize false assertions and vote accordingly.

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I think that voter registration of high school students is critical and will certainly help in 2024. Yet, I cannot help but think that working for greater high school registrations must be part of a “ long game” strategy. Moreover, it has occurred to me that in order to meet with much greater success we must get civics back in schools - even if it is an extra curricula component of their high school years. Clearly, they like many adults need to learn more about how governance works in the United States.

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Critically important they have a say in how the mess we've left them gets cleaned up, where possible. It's their world and their lives.

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"Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he could do only a little." -- Edmund Burke

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