How sad is it that THIS is where we are in America today. Another example for never again voting for a Republican.

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Repubs years ago were admitting that the only way for them to win ANY election was for fewer voters participating in the voting process. Here are some of the ways they have gone about making this so:

One strategy was to discourage voting

Another was to disenfranchise voters. (Purging voters from registrations).

Another was to make voting onerous by reducing the number of polling places, then outlawing even bringing water to voters stuck in deliberately long lines. I shit you not.

Yet another was for Postal-sleaze General Luis DeJoy to remove Post office boxes from streets and to dismantle sorting machines.

Another was to require poor people to spend money, time, and effort in acquiring ID they did not have.

Another was to eliminate ballot drop boxes to about three in cities as large as Houston, Tex-Ass.

Then there's the infamous "Gerrymandering" by drawing boundaries of legislative districts so that as many seats as possible are likely to be won by the MAGA candidates.

This is where the Trumpublicants have been for a long time. A L-O-N-G time.

Many Americans are finally realizing it. That is a good thing.

Just in time.

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Absolutely this. If all voters who wanted to vote were allowed to, the GOP would never win.

(Ooops, I forgot about gerrymandering.)

Anyway now we're left with this: democrats try to vote for democrats, and Republicans try to prevent it.

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A number of states have eliminated "gerrymandering" by using independent methods -- independent from partisan manipulation.

As has been posted & replied on Civil Discourse before, Michigan is one of those states with new fairly drawn representative districts. In some cases the concept of "contested" states has been replaced with a much fairer body politic.

Intense litigation in some states have led to new districts, districts that will now have representatives that mirror their communities. GA has 2 new districts that have not existed since the Civil War perhaps not since 1776.

Another major factor is a new Campaign paradigm the politics of 'joyful warriors'.

YES, we Kam-a-la; let's dance, let's Walz.

Vote! Vote at the top & all the way down the ballot. "We're in this together".

Stay connected, stay safe All.

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I think that Danielle Allen's point that we are supposed to grow the House of Representatives as our population gets larger, which has not happened for a long time is an important one. She says that we cannot represent the people well with this small a house. I think we should do this too.

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Me makes 3. Thank you Danielle & and thank you Linda Weide for many of your comments. I am certain there are millions more in my state, California that agree as well. There also populations that have grown smaller.

Representative democracy --a work still in progress -- the next 3 months more than ever but, this time with enthusiasm.

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I believe it is incumbent for us to make it happen. Yes, let's Kam-a-la

and dance with Walz! Wonderfully said!

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It seems to be a good idea, but if you look at the article below, you might change your mind about how affective or efficient this might be,


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And wasn't there a bill or an act to end gerrymandering that was shot down by (checks notes) the Republicans?

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Got the right David. I get Alerts from from congress.guv.

The proposal is "S.3750 - Redistricting Reform Act of 2024" introduced by Senator Amy Klobuchar. Tel: (202) 224-3244. FYI, Senator Klobuchar also sends out 'Alerts" www.klobuchar.senate.guv

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This Act does not propose increasing the number of Congressional districts, it simply ensures greater accountability and remedies for non-compliance with provisions of the Act.

Growing the HoR to past representational size wouldn't help much. Take a look at the Pew Research article below.


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David, check out ProPublica's outing of 14 hours "Inside Project 2025's Training Videos". These propaganda 'training' videos advise operatives to "eradicate references to climate change" & another video advises "don't leave a paper trial".

The propaganda originates from an entity that P25 labeled the "Presidential Administrative Academy". Coach Walz says "when somebody draws up a Playbook they plan on using it."

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Positively utopian. From the link below:

"[C]limate change [is] merely a cover to engage in population control. 'I think about the people who don’t want you to have children because of the ... 'impact on the environment.' She adds, 'This is part of their ultimate goal to control people.'"


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Please provide PROOF? Your opinion or feelings AREN'T PROOF.

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The Troll's violations of Substack Inc's 2024 Terms of Service (TOS) as a contractually defined "Author" & "Reader" have been reported.

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In 1978, my husband and I moved to Ohio. I had to jump through many hoops to get registered to vote, but I had time to complete all the steps. I had to run all over town to get everything done. In 1986, we moved to Michigan. I was thrilled to be able to register to vote at the same place and at the same time as getting my new driver's license, no hoops to jump through. Being young and naive, I never thought about voter suppression, but suppressing votes was absolutely what Ohio was doing. The haves have been stealing people's votes for forever.

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Thank you Jenn. I do recall Chrissie Hyndes' song after she returned in 1981 from New England to her hometown of Akron, OHIO. The Pretenders later released her lament, "My City Was Gone". 'My City' is more of a eulogy than an elegy.

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Chrissie Hynde had a Canadian connection....moving to Toronto at 18. Had a small job and an apartment. Went back to the US.....was accepted at the Ontario College of Art......did not go.

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My favorite rendition of "My City" was at the 🎶Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame 🎶performance Chrissie Hyde performed with Neil Young on guitar.

Circa 2004-2008.

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This should work everywhere. https://voterizer.org/

Make a blue tsunami. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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Big thank you Daniel. I checked out voterizer.org & the site has lots of secure functionality:

1. "Want to Confirm You're Registered" in a any state? DONE.

2. Sign up for "Ballot Tracking"? DONE.

3. Confimed my ballot acceptance in last 2 elections in CA. Confirmation is accurate.

Good one Daniel 🙏🏻

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You are so correct. I live in WNC and never realized how Red(ched) it is. I check my registration every year and will do so again.

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Don't leave out refusing to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

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Technically it was bound to come to this eventually. The GOP has lost all respectability, has zero policy short of enriching the rich, and all that remains is voter suppression and election stealing based on non-existent voter fraud.

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That's some very slick shit.

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The RethuGlicans Party is pathetic and loathsome. They have to cheat to win and they're not shy about it. How ANYONE could vote for these deSpicable cretins is beyond my comprehension.

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This is the REPUBLICAN'S fault? How? Please explain?

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I've been checking my voter registration regularly and since we had a primary in MO this past Tuesday I know I'm registered since I voted in it. However, it is amazing that Republicans who say they're only working on freedom are more than willing to take away people's freedom to vote. Thanks for the reminder.

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Check out EVERYTHING if you want to vote by mail, so you can correctly complete the requirements. I am on the southeastern NC coast. Our mail delivery has become SOOO erratic that I don't trust mail in voting. Ex-hold mail orders result in some days mail is held, some days not. I always need neighbors to check my mailbox because of postal issues. This situation is the result of Louis DeJoy screwing up the postal service, and Republicans in Congress passing onerous, burdensome requirements on the postal service to make it not competitive with entities like UPS, etc. I vote early at a time of day that working people can't. I don't want to make their lines longer.

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I voted by mail in 2020 but in person in 2022 because of what Louis DeJoy did to the postal service.

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Although I live in NM with a D government, I check weekly.

To those with R governments & SOS's please check daily!

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Even Democrats Abroad, a voter support organization is telling everyone to check their voting status. I had an email from the person in charge of my voting from abroad ballot that I am registered for the year since we registered for the primaries. But I told my daughter, who is also voting from abroad that we need to check our registrations this week. I also want you to know that this is what my regional leader told us about the methods for voting abroad from each state. I also need to check that I can get my ballot by email like I did in the spring, because otherwise it comes too late for me to get it back. It has been taking 3 weeks each way. So, if I get it by email I still need to send it by mail. That is too bad, because it takes a long time from the country I am living in. Returning by fax is not great because who has a fax machine anymore, unless they are a business. The best is if you can return by email. I am going to pressure my state to make that change. It won't happen in time for this election. My state is a blue state and it is less convenient to vote from abroad than many red states. I assume that is because they know a lot of people voting from abroad are in the US military.

- Postal Mail Return States: AR, CT, GA, ID, IL, IA, KY, MD, MI, MN, MO, NH, NY, OH, PA, SD, TN, TX, VT, VA, WI, WY

- Fax Return States: AK, CA, FL, LA, OK

- Email Upload Return States: AL, AZ, CO, DE, DC, HI, IN, KS, ME, MA, MS, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OR, RI, SC, UT, WA, WV

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I just checked my and my wife's status. I found we're both Active, and not only that, but our mail-in primary ballots were received and Counted!

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In California we receive email notification at least a month ahead of the election when we should expect to receive our ballot including links to the voter guide. There are lots of places with drop boxes where we can deposit our completed ballot before or on Election Day (until the posted cutoff time), or we can drop off at polling stations or in the mail. And then we get an email telling us our ballot has been received and counted. And the state pays return postage if we use USPS to return our ballot. All very civilized.

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Dear Joyce, you must write about Vote.org. It is THE most effective voter registration resource in the country where every one in all 50 states can register, confirm whether they are registered, where to vote, when to vote, how to vote, and more. It is nonpartisan. It’s the best! Vote.org Vote.org Vote.org

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Yes, I just used vote.org to check my voter registration in Massachusetts, and it was so easy and gave out a whole lot of other extra information about who current officeholders were, etc. Excellent resource. And yes, share with everyone who needs that kind of help.

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I’m sorry, it is vote.gov, as Joyce points out. Darn AutoCorrect.! I’ll blame it because I couldn’t possibly have made a mistake ha ha

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I’m going to put that on post cards I’ll be sending out soon. Thank you Maureen. And as always, to the keeper of chickens, who also happens to be an astonishing writer-lawyer, a huge thank you for this info.

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The correct site is Vote.GOV .org is incorrect

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I see both Vote.org and Vote.gov as sites to register or check your voter registration. Another resource for people who need assistance getting registered, especially with a state's required ID:


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Same here! Just checked on my and my husband’s voter registration status! Very quick, easy and the entire voting history was right there! Great resource!

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Thanks! I'm sharing this on behalf of friends in red or purple states!

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Thank you, Joyce!

Thanks for the reminder to check in with my neighbor. She’s had quite a difficult year and I’m not sure she’s been able to keep up. We all need to look after each other.

xo from Boston

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So true. Being connected to our neighbors and thinking about any barriers they might face in voting strengthens our democracy.

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The Florida legislature recently passed a law that purged all vote by mail applications. Voters need to request a VBM ballot before every election. Many people are not aware of this change. We did texts, phone banking and emails to as many voters as we could to make sure they knew they had to re-enroll. Just another way Republicans make it difficult for people to vote!

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I live in Florida too ( Palm Beach County) and just moved a few weeks ago. But I changed my address and have already received my new voter registration card with the new precinct. I am also registered as a vote by mail person and have received a ballot at my new address. 😎😎😎

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That is simply appalling. Those administrators should be arrested.

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It is a shocking abuse of political power. Of course our compliant corporate owned media will never publicise this misdemeanour. They simply parrot Trump’s and the GOP’s denial of this criminality and the GOP use the media noise to distract the masses and continue rigging voting systems in their favour.

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Holy sheep! But why am I surprised by voter suppression?

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Also, check if your signature has changed. My signature is starting to get shaky because I'm starting to get arthritis in my thumbs. It's not so bad now but I'm thinking that my 100 year old aunt may need to check her signature. Just something to think about.

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Why was your friend put on the inactive list? That's scary. I checked with Vote.org last week and everything's current for me and my almost 93-year old spouse, who can hardly wait to vote for Harris/Walz. We also have Ballot Trax in CA, which emails us every step of the way, from when our vote by mail ballots are sent to us, to when they are received by the Registrar's office and counted. That is so reassuring! Each ballot has its own ID number in case of problems, which we've never experienced. I assume that ballots cast at a polling place by whatever method have a similar tracking system. Good luck to all voters this election! I'll be working as an election clerk for the first time :)

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And check again and again. There were two months between my checking. First time no problem. Second time not in the system. I called Town Clerk and checked and confirmed we weren’t in. Then she tried different variations, such as if there was a period after the middle initial. We never do, but both had periods after the M.I. Who changed it? I wonder. The Clerk eliminated the period, confirmed we are in. I’m in WI and it is a Swing State and we also have an election denier Ron Johnson. Not blaming him but he was involved in the fake electors scheme in 2020. Take no chances. Check and double check. She told me WI system is particular so when entering info on the web make sure to enter exactly how you registered.

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WOW cool!

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This is another reason we have to make sure that the Dems win every election possible, from librarian to president . We have to make sure that it becomes very clear that the MAGA culture has no place in a democracy. The Dems have to flip as many state legislatures as possible and gain majorities in both the House and Senate. Then those people have to find a way to reform the Supreme Court in every way possible, including impeachments. This culture of corruption has been growing for 30 years. We need to make sure we maintain a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, for generations to come.

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Great advice! I love the great job our Los Angeles County Registrar's Office does! This office sends us noticed when our mailed-in or drop-box ballot is received and when it has been counted! 💖🇺🇸💖🇺🇸

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I love it too, Janet!!! Thanks to BallotTrax we get our own "play-by-play" on the travels of our ballot. If anyone in California has not signed up for BallotTrax, they can sign up at WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov to receive automatic email, SMS (text), or voice call notifications about their ballot.

If you want to know if your state or county uses BallotTrax, click on the link below, then go to the left side and click on the bright red rectangle that says "Find Out Now."


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Good advice, Joyce. I checked my status before the March primary. Of course, I live in California where voter records are maintained. I wish we had a nationwide law that encouraged voting instead of suppressing it. The more citizens who vote the more even and honest the results. This is one of the reasons Project 2025 wants greater suppression - Fascism requires less public participation than democracy.

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Joyce, you are so right to send this out! In reaction to an earlier post (likely one of yours) I checked my Alabama registration and found I was NOT registered!

Due to a family health emergency I had not voted in the last one or two elections and that, I assume, is why I was dropped from the rolls. I immediately registered on the spot. Thanks for pointing out that we shouldn’t assume. 🥰

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Thank you. I used to live in Alabama: Birmingham and Mobile. It breaks my heart (and enrages me!) that the state is pulling off these kinds of shenanigans.

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Sharing! Also, go to vote.org to check your status. 💙

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I vote by mail and ballot was accepted in last primary. Gov Youngkin might like to mess with the rules so far enough Democrats are upholding our Commonwealth.

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