As noted by others, Project 2025 may best be read in its original German

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Sw c I think it was the late wonderful Molly Ivins who originally said that.

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Molly Ivans (since deceased) was a spectacular wordsmith. Reading some of theese can bring joy to one's heart:


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I miss reading her!

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correct. "Molly Ivins had one great line, that Patrick Buchanan’s 1992 Republican Convention speech “probably sounded better in the original German.”"

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We should make a video of Hitler speeches but sub in his voice reading project 2025.

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Dub in not sub

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German or Russian?

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Do both imply racism?

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No. They imply influence.

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Cheers! Happy Birthday!

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Donald Trump was just shot in the head but not fatally.

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I can’t make myself believe this isn’t a publicity stunt to take the spotlight off Trump’s Epstein involvement and Project 2025. Maybe a fund raiser.

On a lighter take, maybe the bullet just couldn’t find a brain to lodge into.

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I'd almost like to rejoice, but it was frightening to see. I do enjoy your comment about finding a target brain.

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Reminds me of a Walt Kelly 'Pogo' strip decades ago. One of the dumber swamp animals is fooling around with a bow and arrow and speculates whether he could blow his brains out with them.

A more thoughtful animal replies: Not in your case.

Uh, why not?

(suppressing a snigger) Because to blow your brains out with a bow and arrow, you'd need THREE things.

OK, I have a bow, the arrow, what else do I need? (slow thinking....then he IDs #3 and reacts) HEY!!

Still channeling Walt, I shout from the Georgia portion of Okefenokee Swamp: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOYCE!!

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And I thought you were going to relate (paraphrased) We have met the enemy and it's us. Thanks for the new one.

My comment to an earlier reporter was: Why are so many shooters killed? If I were paranoid, I'd think it to cover up. It's "really" deficient skill and/or bloodthirstiness? By only maiming info. found. (motive, etc.)

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Next time you see the reporter, say:

I'd known where threats to Democracy lay,

Yet a new Bremer lost his way - thanks, "2A".

(This started as a tanka but it got away.)

The following is too well-known to need attribution, but Mick obviously had to be a Walt Kelly reader!~


I shouted out, "Who killed the Kennedys?"

Well, after all, it was you and me


Just as every cop is a criminal

And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer

'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me, have some courtesy

Have some sympathy and some taste

Use all your well learned politics

Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mmm yeah(.)

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Bernard, as to why the shooters are killed, I think law enforcement has decided that shooting for the kill is safer for them than shooting a leg, hand, or arm, say to shoot the gun out of the person's hand. In this case, I think they wanted to keep the shooter from killing anyone else in the crowd with his powerful weapon. Even Trumpers and Trumpettes do not deserve to be killed.

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I’ve wondered that ever since JFK was assassinated. Why are so many of the shooters killed?

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Your as bad as Dancing Fox -- Pitiful post ... BLOCKING!

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Take your ball and go home then.

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You can’t. It’s Substack.

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deletedJul 14
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Publicity stunt has come to mind here too. It's easy to see Trump using it as such. However, it was sadly a deadly stunt if that is what it was.

Of course some GOPers are claiming Biden rhetoric responsible. When you consider whose rhetoric consistently provokes violence, it's not our current POTUS. So that claim is kind of laughable.

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But the claim will be repeated ad nauseum.

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"Live by the sword" comes to mind.

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Of course they'll blame Joe. Projection.

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I loathe Trump and fear for the country if he is re-elected, but this is not right. And it will probably help him politically--especially if there is this kind of a reaction.

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Agreed. Junior is already blaming Dems- in his usual style, "radical left."

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According to reports the kid was 20 years old and a registered repub, he had a gun and found a way up to a roof top.....was the criminal his intended target? He killed someone else and the criminal will recover from his flesh wound. Many are saying it was staged, we don't have facts on this, I have never like the criminal in any way BUT won't say it was staged, someone other than the kid with the gun died too. IF they didn't have guns in their hands it wouldn't have happened. Who pushes for more guns in this country, maybe it backfired on them yesterday. A dark day no matter who was shot, we don't need more guns.

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He’s fundraising already

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Even if it wasn't a publicity stunt, it will certainly be used as a fundraiser. Love your brain comment! Thank you for a good laugh.

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I waited 3 hours before I heard, “God saved him.” Of course I only waited about 30 seconds on FOX to hear it.

Now that I have my minute of FOX for the month I can go back to watching MSNBC.

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I was disappointed MSNBC carried NBC's reporters.

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Lester Holt is a good guy. I like him a lot more than some of the chaff on MSNBC. Most of it, actually.

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Ok. That's why multiple stations exist, right?

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trump is protected by the devil.....part of their pact.

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Oh, my conspiracy-loving heart!

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Hum…. I’m not going to respond. But I did need to go pee.

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Agree! Now he gets the sympathy vote because he's switched from Victim to Martyr.

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His preferred perceived status.

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A bystander was killed.

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Thanks Ted, that 1 fact is correct but, not the entire recitation of relevant known facts now.

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Two others wounded. Shooter was killed by law enforcement.

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Just my thought!! A distraction from what you just said plus consuming all the oxygen available. Besides, wouldn’t ketchup do the same on his ear/head? All theatrics.

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Theatrics? Shooter shot dead. Man in crowd shot dead. Two others in the crowd seriously injured by gunfire.

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Yeh, I had posted something earlier about it being suspicious that a Republican kid was willing to die to create a great photo opportunity for Trump... but then I read that a guy behind Trump got killed, so I deleted my post.

For sure it is frustrating how goddamn lucky Trump is. All of his court cases get washed away; Trump spends 4yrs making fake videos about Biden's mental decline and then in last stages of campaign Biden goes and makes Trump dream come true; Trump survives assassination, gets nicked on the year and has the wit to stand for powerful photos; and now the Reps get to claim that Dems started the violence.

Sigh. Maybe a Clooney/Whitmore ticket could turn this around, but I'm pretty much giving up at this point.

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Protected by the devil.....

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And they are already asking that all of the trump accusations be thrown out to prevent more violence. Terrible that many people immediately went to the “stunt” thoughts. And now we have that fist raised and bloody face image everywhere (no thought for the myriad of agents trying to keep him down). I try very hard not to hate people, just focus on their actions, but I’m afraid I’ve lost the battle with this one.

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Just heard this also. I wonder what that portends now that he’s been wounded/shot whatever?

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The projectile if found will one day be auctioned off at auction.

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T-shirts were available online within 3 hrs of the shooting. Don Jr's XTwitter post took less than an hour.

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D.FOX - This is a terrible comment. So BLOCKING YOU so I don't have to read your pitiful posts again !!

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I agree. This is shocking. It was a dumb remark. The repercussions are unknown but we don’t need to have a martyr who isn’t a martyr. But now he is being made into one. This doesn’t portend good tidings for the nation. I don’t know what to think.

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Okay. Bye.

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Bye Felicia.

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You can’t. It’s substack.

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Evidently it was for real as one of the people in the stands was killed and another shot but not killed - seriously injured. The shooter is dead. Per NBC, no ID so will have to rely on fingerprints and facial recognition to try to ID him. And also it appears that the venue was not as secure as it could have been. I just hope that this doesn’t open up justification for trumpers to have a go at Biden!

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No the supreme court did that....

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By all reports the shooter was 20 year old registered repub. I saw a copy of his voter registration floating around on social media. It was on an account of someone that is known for sharing factual reports. He died for his acts, not sure why he did it but if he didn't have a gun none of this would have happened.

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They have already started politically. See JD Vance.

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Thank you Barbara; your comment an accurate factual report. but, more is actually known as investigators do not conduct criminal investigations in public.

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He was distant; not at the venue. IIRC 20 and an antifa, but that may be right wing propaganda. Also, IIRC, some one spotted him and tried to convince a police, but ignored. Much swirling about -- give it a week and then read the alternate media.

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Alternate facts will have run around the world before the truth could get its shoes tied.

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Nicked on the ear isn't exactly shot in the head! Others died. But anything to "win." It looked kinda staged to me. Very dramatic. And just in the nick of time to ensure his election as martyr.

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Looks like it wasn’t serious.

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If he was shot at all, it wasn't his head just grazed his upper ear.

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His ear was grazed by either a bullet or glass. Details very sketchy now. He’ll be fine.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Supposedly, a shard of glass from the teleprompter. The bystanders were really shot, though.

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About 2” to the right, and it would have been an assassination. That close.

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Project 2025 is the sort of thing that the old NYT (and WaPo for that matter) used to pride themselves on taking apart and straining, maybe an article pet chapter. What the bleep is the matter with them? They won’t benefit from authoritarianism.

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Aack! I typed too fast. They used to pride themselves on taking apart and EXPLAINING, maybe an article PER CHAPTET. Sheesh.

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And chapter, but I worries—we got it.

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It's so interesting because for some reason those publicans are ignoring the facts. If we lose our democracy, the press will no longer exist except for the talking heads with scripts of bull$%^& from the wounded leader. They won't make the money they do now yet they do what they do to make more money......madness. UNITE against this madness, VOTE BLUE

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Thank you. I had seen it on their website, then suddenly it disappeared and was replaced by platitudes.

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As I’m watching the news coverage of djt & the Secret Service doing their jobs today, he should fall on his knees & thank god for them. If only he & those of his ilk respected the service & sacrifice of the Capital Police on January 6th.

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So now will the helpless orange man call pelosi’s husband and say I am sorry for your attack by one of my supporters?

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Maybe Biden should just call off the election now as an official act.

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Happy Birthday Joyce. We are also firm believers in stretching festivities. My 65 is in two weeks. We are starting now! Cheers!

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Darryl, happy birthday 🎂

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Thanks so much. Seems funny to say 65. I still feel about 25 in my head. My body not so much! But it’s still working!

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Darryl, I feel the same way, and I'm 79. In my experience the brain tends to keep working better than the body. Keep on trucking!

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Happy Birthday! I’m also a few weeks away from 65. I am 35 in my head - I was still too smart at 25. 🤓

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Happy Birthday in advance, Joyce! Celebrate like your life depends on it!! I turned 80 last December and sharp as a tack! Go Joe!

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That’s wonderful!💕

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What if the Democratic National Committee put out the following PLAN to vote:

- you voted for Biden to be the nominee— so go to the polls and vote for Biden.

—it’s a vote for the record, the policy, the accomplishments and goodness of the people who comprise his ADMINISTRATION. And, it’s a vote for it to continue for 4. More years…

—it matters not how long POTUS can go forward how long he feels he is still in control of his faculties—the plan means we will have his back

— and it means that we will leave it to his people to figure out a peaceful transfer of the presidency over to the VP should that time come before 2028!

A vote for Biden means just a vote to keep things going in the same direction?

Huh! Whaddaya’ think?

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Happy birthday Joyce! And thank you for all you do.

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Who started this stuff.... I recall trump saying pence deserves to be hung and Mielle should be executed...just sayin'. Death threats to Shay Moss and mother etc.

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Trump will use this little performance for the Convention. Will he be wheeled in in a wheelchair? With his head swathed in bandages?

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And he’ll say that he took the bullet for America.

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You know - I think you’re right!

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No because he's terrified of looking "weak". He'll mouth off about it though, and shake his tiny little fists.

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Of course - they will play music from some tough guy movie and his little fists will have boxing gloves on them.

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I wouldn't put it past him to sell merch featuring the bloody ear. Not kidding unfortunately. Anything for a buck.

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I just saw a picture of Trump Van Gogh and laughed hysterically- but then thought “He’ll have one commissioned.” And he will!

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“we can not condone this violence” -President Biden

“ The mindless menace of violence”-RFK, Cleveland, 1968. One of the best speeches against violence ever given.


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Thank you Ted.

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Listen… Bobby. What could have been. Joe ran in 2020 because of that violence of Charolettesville. Joe Biden got into politics because of Bobby. In my heart, Joe is continuing the work of Bobby, Dr King, and of his brother John. I can see the direct line to 1968, and recognize the legacy. He is the man to help us heal, “ and remove this sickness from our souls”. I pray that every American is safe and calm and reflecting tonight.


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Happy birthday Joyce!

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Happy Birthday, Joyce. Also Trump was just whisked off the stage by Secret Service

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Sounds like overreacting to noises so far

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They just announced shots fired at trump

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