Daniel Solomon, I wanted to bring to your attention a 2/25/24 Elon Musk X rant to "impeach judges". Musk went on to post his criminal intent by explicitly stating "That is what it took to fix El Salvador. Same applies to America".

You may recall but, other Readers may not, the 1978 ambush Murder of of an El Salvadoran Judge, ALBERTO SERRANO, at the front of his home.

As a resident of CA, I will be reporting this death threat to Nick Brown the WA AG & Rob Bonta my CA AG who both have federal case filed 1 against Musk-Trump circa 3/7/25 among the active cases.

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I think that it may be actionable.....goes to whether he had any further conduct....

Joyce's father in law was a judge in the 11th Circuit murdered by a KKK'er who never had any cases before the court. Murdered due to propaganda.,.. Several other federal judges have been murdered...

I had a couple of near misses, myself.....

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🙏 Per Associated Press, now barred from White House, a Maryland Judge Deborah Broadman issued a TRO the day before2/24/25 to stop OPM trying to give our personal information to 'DOGE'. No need to know!

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Musk can take his impeachment hopes with him to Mars.

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Depressed. The only way to stop Trump and his followers is through public activism.

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No one else is coming to our rescue. No institutions…no politicians…no wealthy men…

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See Feathers of Hope.

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This Index is a brillant idead- its concise- spots the important parts of the weeks chaos and tells the story of who was harmed and who benefited

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Someone sent this -- needs verification. "On the HHS Leadership call today: 1 employee from CMS (Center for Medicare/Medicaid Service) and 2 employees from SSA (Social Security Administration) have died by suicide after their firing." On BlueSky.

If theis is accurte and they were wrongfully terminated, could be criminal under state law.

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Dear heavens! What a tragedy. I hope Musk can be curtailed and forced to make restitution to everyone whose job he cut. What better use of all those billions?

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Thank you. We must stand up and get out so that our voices are heard. Trump is trampling all over the Constitution, threatening to withhold fund from universities when their students exercise their right to protest. It will not end unless we end it. I read a horrible story about a Trump supporter arguing that lynching should be brought back. Well for this moron's information it never stopped. But I suspect he was referring to the method where a rope is used. All this hate speech from the right is acceptable to Trump and his minions but anyone including college students and staff who engage in opposition to such hateful speech and threats will be silenced by taking away much needed federal funds. We are indeed living through a nightmare.

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"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."

--- Edward Abbey

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I listen to Swiss radio. Good discussion today about readiness, money and neutrality. The uncertainty of Europe brought about by this Trump induced new world order is front and center with the parliamentarian being interviewed. Friends want to know what the heck is happening. Syria and Serbia also escalating.

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Totally recommend the March 4 speech of French statesman Claude Malhuret. I have this link from the Atlantic, but it’s available in other places too: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2025/03/claude-malheuret-speech/681947/

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I listen to Radio Swiss Classic when I want to relax in the evening.

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And Radio Swiss Jazz. SRF.ch is the way to go

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I'm afraid the anger with Muck and his co-president expressed in increasing violence against Tesla dealerships, charging stations and Teslas themselves is likely to get worse. Violence too often takes on its own meaning. Understandable, but wrong, since it barely affects Muck himself but does put many innocent individuals in harm's way.

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a good reminder to all. Thank you.

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If a leader would learn about how fascists started this by taking over education we’d have a chance to stop it. I’m a teacher who’s tried to teach this to the public since 1995. My website WhiteChalkCrime.com explains it.

Once they understand how fascist-like administrators paved the way for Trump, a democratic leader can close off that path. Understanding how fascists have been running education for decades is the key to turning this around. A leader who studies this can win the power back. They hollowed out education and created the forgotten men who would support them. A hero who learns what’s really going on in education can bring authentic education back and win those people back. However, they must learn it from whistleblowers since everyone inside the system including the unions have become their puppets.

We’re not powerless. We can make a difference by helping make this truth go viral. That way a hero will look into this and turn this country around. Education needs you to help.

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Once not long ago we had a functioning government, where The Constitution, Rule of Law and our agreed upon norms of personal conduct and that of our institutions reigned supreme. Where one's oath of office was sacrosanct. However, this is no longer the case. The actions, interventions, attacks and conduct of the executive, with the other two branches of government have all but for some completely abandoned these principles, with the help of partisan held majorities in the legislative branch and the same in our judicial branch's highest court in the land. Creating two opposing sides, where one cares not for the afore mentioned Constitution, Rule of Law and agreed upon norms, they who are in power and one who still does. While the one who still does fights back through the courts to stop and hold to account the recklessness being waged upon the American people and the world. I might add, the courts for now, seem to be the only thing giving this country a fighting chance. But that is not going to last forever. And I do not see where anyone is developing the strategy to combat that next level threat. When SCOTUS really comes around in all of their rulings ands says, "Well, they won't listen to us anymore, sorry." Who is going to enforce court orders, who is going to arrest those held in contempt of court and take them into custody?

You see, there must be incentive for people to change their behavior, without it, why would they? We have been betrayed, attacked from within, lied to by the Republican Party and the right with all of this as planned for years. And on the other side mismanaged and gaslit by an out of tough Democratic Party asleep at the wheel. To the point of electing twice mind you, DJT and all that comes with giving him the levers of power. We are in a bad place, without a solid strategy to extricate ourselves from the disaster that is metastasizing. Below I offer up a post that was sent to me by my brother for your consideration. It is stark, brutal and happening now in real time.


For years I have been posting these two phrases, "Desperate times, desperate measures." "A fish rots from the head, cut off the head and the body withers and dies." Standing on their own and also part of larger messages to those in elected office, those with positions in the media those in the legal community and others with resources and wherewithal and a platform of influence. They have been for there most part that I can see completely ignored.

Now we are in the thick of desperate times, I don't know what else to call it. What and where is the plan?

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I want to drink coffee from this coffee mug each morning as I read CD, HRC, Marc Elias, etc...

Where can I get one?

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Another busy, expensive weekend but who cares when you have trucks full of top secret documents to sell.

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I appreciate all the information about where we are and who did what. That only talks about what we see and hear and it's implications for the future. Meanwhile, Congress seems to be sitting still. What efforts are going on to identify and bring pressure to bear on Republican members of Congress whose past votes might indicate they can be influenced to vote with Democrats to save our nation from disaster. Those who are wealthy might forego re-election campaigns thus nullifying the threat of primary challenges.

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There are efforts all over the country (eg: Indivisible) encouraging us to be in direct contact with our elected Representatives: expressing our concerns, insisting they act to protect our country & people from an over-reaching wannabe oligarch & his unelected buddy, Musk. We must keep the pressure on our politicians so that they will respond to our concerns/fears.

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This is the best analysis I've ever seen on trump


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Totally recommend the March 4 speech of French statesman Claude Malhuret. I have this link from the Atlantic, but it’s available in other places too: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2025/03/claude-malheuret-speech/681947/

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I am so appreciative of the immense work being done to save our Democracy. As Joyce says, keeping up with the chaos is a daunting task on the part of

many very bright people.

In my dreams there is another group of like minded, very bright people who are looking forward to the Democracy we want to recreate after the stool-pidgeons of Putin have been stopped or finally self-destruct. Something along the lines of Project 2025, but of course with “liberty and justice” for all as the foundation for the design. It could be called Project 2026 and beyond. I’m certain the world will look very differently by 2026 and it will be important to have a new vision ready that includes the values, goals, protections and priorities that most Americans (excluding the right-wing whackos) are at least comfortable with, if not enthused about.

I kind of hope I’m wrong about my prediction that it is all going to crumble, but assuming I’m not, then there must be an outline/white paper with a vision to give the many confused and traumatized people something to look forward to and strive toward.

Of course there are many parts of the traditional system that can be recycled, as they have worked pretty well over time. But there’s plenty of room too for improvement. If there is a

group working on a new paradigm for America, I think it’s not too early to start taking suggestions.

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Thank you all!!!

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