Here is the solution to the danger Trump and his cult of MAGAtRepublican traitors are putting all Americans in…..

If SCOTUS rules that a

President (e.g. liar, fraud, con, traitor, criminal Trump) is immune from prosecution for crimes the President commits, in other words, rules that a President IS Above The Law, then I would be in favor of President Biden ordering the immediate charging, arrest, trial, conviction and detention of all Supreme Court Justices on the take, all Supreme Court Justices who lied to the American People, Liar, Fraud, Con, Traitor Trump, every criminal that Trump pardoned, and every MAGAt cult member in the Senate or House responsible for putting Americans in harms way.

No bail.

Make Guantanamo Useful Again.

The Clean House Action of 2024.

(Writer for The Onion)

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Include the traitors from the congress and I’m all in.

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...I second that motion!

(Reader of The Onion)

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Count me in! 🤚🏻

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This is the argument Jack Smith should be making, not that the Defendant could act with impunity while president, but that Joe Biden cannot. "Your Honor, the appellant, Donald Trump, claims that Joe Biden may do whatever he chooses as president, with impunity, so long as he has the support of 34 senators." But, of course, the Defendant probably expects to lose his appeal on the merits, precisely because even his five (the three he appointed, and the two for sale) may not go along with that. He just wants to string the process out for as long as possible, to prevent a verdict before the the election.

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Perfectly stated

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You got it Clifford. It's a no-brainer. The Trump legal team knows he's guilty of the charges, and more (seditious conspiracy). As the delay continues, it becomes more and more clear that is exactly what they are up to. And it's all public, there for all to see. Including MAGGAT's. Everyone loves to hate defense lawyers who protect a guilty client, one reason why lawyers are not very popular in this country. It is the essence of dishonor, of unethical behavior. Anyone conservative or progressive should feel the same way about this sham. It's the same thing. Get him off on a technicality, or in this case delay until after the election, where they hope he wins, and it all goes away anyway.

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My, my.. I do rather enjoy your creative thinking here, "Dark Joel" 😎

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Herre, here! All in favor, say "Aye."

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That would be nice, Joel, IF the President had that right, HE DOESN'T. There is an absolute separation of the three branches. The Legislative Branch, if we had real Legislators in both Houses, which we don't. We only have a Senate, the House is run by a bunch of partying 7th graders. The only adults in the House of Representatives are in minority. But in normal times when we have adults in both Houses; the House of Representatives could bring charges of impeachment against ANY judge (including Aileen Cannon, and SCOTUS judges) for failure to discharge their Constitutional duty. Then, if they are indicted (impeached) by the House of Representatives, the Senate then tries those justices and, if found guilty they are removed from office.

The Executive Branch's duty is to approve or veto any legislation presented to it by the Legislative Branch and to see that passed and approved legislation is faithfully executed. Other duties are Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces, to make treaties and diplomatic appointments, present the State of the Union address, and with the advice and consent of Congress, to appoint other officers of the Executive Branch, and members of the Judicial Branch.

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I loved my eighth grade civics class decades ago, and thank you for the 60 second refresher!

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Back in the day when it was called junior high school instead of middle school, our school didn't offer civics that year because they couldn't find a teacher. Sounds like a lame excuse to me. Joyce would have been such a wonderful teacher.

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The only problem with this is that President Biden is too decent a man to do that. He embraces democracy and what you and I would gladly do isn’t exactly democratic. If it was me, I would put some Marshals on a government plane to Florida and bring Cannon back to DC in cuffs.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

There in lies the nightmare. The SCJ MUST know that, no? Or do they really think they are immune from the wrath of that orange traitor? I don't think they will choose to hear the case. A dictator has no use for a court and their power as an equal branch would disappear.

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I certainly hope you are correct, Celeste.

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Sounds like a fantasy. So far, I get the impression that Biden is STILL expecting the Repugs to start acting like a political party that operates with honesty - in a democratic fashion.

They just arent. So do Dems continue to pretend that we have two honorable parties?

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There is no longer a 'Repub' party. It has been killed by its successor, the AFP - the American Fascist Party. And that will be, from this day forward, their new monicker. So it is written; so it shall be.

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Works for me

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My understanding is that it's not ALL crimes that a president could commit, but rather those that are within the "outer perimeter" boundaries of their official duties (with the proviso that they had been convicted in an impeachment). I don't think even Trump is asking for a total carte blanche.

The comment from a Trump lawyer about shooting someone on 5th Avenue being immune was a disastrous own goal.

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don't kid yourself; nothing but nothing suggests he wants to be constrained in any way, for any reason.

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This thug and con artist has thought he should be able to do whatever he wants his entire life. He's still a three year old brat, now in a bloated orange faced carcass.

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You're too kind. He's nothing but a slimy dirtbag.

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A scum bag worm meat idiot. Thanks for letting me laugh.

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I know.....let's ask young Jack Teixeira what HE thinks. That is, if we can get access to him from his holding cell.

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I vote Joe Biden order Seal team(any number) immediately execute his top political opponent. You know, the one who claims in any forum that he is the only candidate for president.

Of course I am being facetious and only print this as an illogical conclusion to trump’s position. .

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I like the way you think. PRESIDENTS(NOT ex-criminal presidents)with total immunity can do what they damn well please if that’s the case. Agree?

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Just the thought of ANYONE (in the USA) being "ABOVE the LAW", whether a current President, a former President, or, for that matter, ANYONE(!) gets me totally pissed off. In June 2023, I wrote a multi-page letter to AG Garland to express my thoughts about the concept of "anyone" being above the law and encouraged him to "do the right thing" (meaning, if there is evidence of a crime (or multiple crimes) that the DOJ MUST indict, even if the alleged criminal was formerly President of the US. I would imagine (and I certainly hope) that my letter (about that) was not the only letter AG Garland received.

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Considering the US constitution and the rule of law (no one is above the law), I can’t see any reason for the SCOTUS to even hear the case, much less rule that a President of the US has immunity after committing a crime! If that happens, our government is “down the drain!” Trump is trying to run out the clock!

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I concur Anthony.

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More and more true Americans are seeing the light, hopefully!

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And so are those who are "all in" on Project 2025. Traitor wasn't able to put 3 liars on the Supreme Court all by himself and load the lower courts with those loyal to him, not to the oaths they swore. McConnell, in office for way too long is still doing what he does best. None of these people are working in the best interests of our country. Now, Mike Johnson is on TV blatantly taking his marching orders from Traitor as if the guy is still the President and we're all the kooks for not understanding this. It's mind boggling.

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Remember Tom Sawyer's brother Sid?

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If they weren't planning to hear it, they would have declined already.

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Joyce, you are a treasure. With due Respect to you, thank you for being here with all of us through these very stressful times in all of our lives. This has been no small feat for you going over and above your pay grade. Bless you, somehow we have to reward you some thing special, maybe a new Chicken with the name of “Dis Course” or we could have a naming party when tfg gets “fired”. Be Well.🇺🇸🆘

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Amen, Amen, Amen!!!

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Are there fat bright orange chickens with flattened bouffant hairdos on their heads? Let the naming begin.

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To everyone, keep seeing who are interested. Honestly, I would love to do this at some point. All good ideas so far. Seussl, this is hilarious..love it. Keep searching. Not sure how we would go about it but, I’ll be researching… for the fun. This is going to be an interesting week for “Justice”… lots of Hope here on Discourse. 🇺🇸

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Ruth - All kidding aside, I would be willing to contribute $50.00 towards a fund initiated by yourself to present to Joyce a token of our appreciation for her legal expertise and knowledgeable posts ..

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That is so nice. I will have to find some contacts that can help me find a place that we can have it delivered to her. I am going to work on this before it gets out-of-hand! I have no idea how much Chicks cost so that could surprise me, your offer is kind and it may be needed (again, no idea $). Will do my best to keep you posted. It will, in the end be from “All of us at Civil Discourse” for sure.

Thank you Ivan… to be continued. 🤣🤣🥰🇺🇸

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Keep us posted on what you find out. I would be happy to contribute to this token of appreciation. I like the fluffy nes that do not look like chickens!

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Well said 👍.

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I vote for a naming party!

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Me too. 🤣 a little humor would be great. Thanks for your vote, JoJo. Be well, we need to hang in there. I think (hate to say it out loud) things are about to get “Good” for our Country. We have just got to believe it and vote no matter what.🇺🇸

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Trump is keeping with his mantra of delay, delay, delay…

I hope SCOTUS will not even want to hear his case as his requests are inane.

I found it interesting that Judge Cannon called Trump former president and not Citizen Trump.

Happy for the excellent news about Tom Suozzi flipping Santos seat. Let this bet best art of something big and long lasting. Vote Blue. Up and Down the Ballot.

Everyday has been full of news. ThankYou Joyce for your expertise in explaining it to us.

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We really needed this win.

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Poor Santos is blaming everyone else. I addressed a comment to one of the media outlets, telling him that it's nobody's fault but his own. He's probably crying on his pillow because someone told him what he refuses to believe. Meanwhile, the GOP is whining, but I'm loving the fact that there's now one less Trumpublican in the House!!!

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Whining & lying are two of the GOP’s best skills!

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The delay game is definitely working for trump and it’s a slap in the face to justice being served. There is virtually no one else on the planet who would be given this deferential treatment. I worry that this slow walking is going to have as big an impact on Americans’ trust in the judicial system as Trump’s overt attempts to discredit all our institutions.

Thanks for keeping us so informed!

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My trust in the judicial system is pretty much gone already. They do whatever they want under guise of "due course" or "proper consideration",when all they are is frauds.

Maybe I'll feel better after more coffee.

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I'd add plenty of others get special treatment- such as the traitor scum in Congress that helped enable 1/6, all of whom not only were allowed back into the building but like the odious MTG are enabling the orange rapist to control 1/2 of the legislative branch.

Also too garbage like Gaetz, who has been caught soliciting underage prostitutes and continues to 'serve'. All Republicans and so far, all above the law.

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Yes, it is!!!

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Trump accuses European allies of not paying for NATO, but is about to get a multi-million dollar judgement against him by Judge Engoron for his tax reporting? What's wrong with this picture?

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How many times did the orange fascist scab not pay his bills to contractors who ended up loosing everything, some committing suicide. The bank/insurance/tax fraud sentence is for those people and their families. The orange fascist scab deserves to lose it all, heartless SOB.

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Not only does he deserve to lose, so do his maggat voters. He can't ruin what's left of democracy here, alone.

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I thought about that too.

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Hypocrite is his middle name.

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In NATO, There Are NO dues like at Mar-a-lamo.

NATO countries (US included) are Asked to spend 2% of Their gross domestic product (GDP) on Their Own Military Defenses.

There are no dues, there is no pool of money! It’s Their GDP. Their Commitment To THEIR Countries military. There are countries who don’t have large GDPs or need to fight climate change floods & fires and instead of 2% on some new planes, they’re only spending 1.25% Of Their Money on Their Military.

NATO is an Alliance of countries committed to standing up for One Another. The only, ONLY time the NATO alliance came to The Aid of Another Country was: 9/11 and THEY Came to OUR Aid. They lost their soldiers & sailors fighting With US in Iraq & Afghanistan when We were the country attacked!!

God, I wish Education, TRUTH In REPORTING (not just sensationalism) & TRUTH in Education were more valued & important in this country!

Maybe we wouldn’t be such an ignorant and vulnerable population to all lies, conspiracies & especially the fascist BIG lie!

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I have an insecure set of feelings about the next 10 days. Psychopath's statements on Sat says he is up to something we can not see at the moment.

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"an insecure set of feelings" applies to many of us Sabrina!

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Sebrina, I've had the seem feeling for a long time. But since Saturday, it's become more like a really more like an overwhelming sense of doom. The name Psychopath is so fitting. I love it!

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My feeling is that the guy who is “up to something” is Michael Moore. Moore is a patriot and a talented documentary filmmaker. I expect his next production to be good. Very very good. In our faces good. And America will deserve every bit of the wake up call that I expect Michael Moore to deliver.

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You mentioned him doing another documentary. What were his others, and how can I access them?

Thanks for the info about him. I hadn't heard of him until just now.

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Thanks again, Joyce for your detailed explanation. 👏🙏🏼☮️

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Yes, indeed! (I still would love to know how to add the emojis.)

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When you are in the comment box (here) right-click your cursor. The box that appears will have "Emoji" at the top. Click on that to get/add the emoji of your choice😉

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Thank you! I never knew that was possible! I thought that all the people who added emojis were using their phones to add comments. I'm always using my laptop so never bothered. I love this site - people are so helpful! I learn something new every day. Thanks, Lynell, and thank you, too, Dianne, for asking the question! 🩵

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I can't take credit for this, but I've gotten a few responses, which was nice! Can you imagine asking someone making comments on one of the media outlet blogs to help? The odds would be quite small, if at all, that someone would help. That's one of the most refreshing parts of Joyce's Civil Discourse -- there's no hostility or criticism like on other sites.

Let us know how your emojis work outl

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Just a caution: sometimes it is hard to get that window to pop up. My computer's cursor is that flat "box" right on the computer, not a mouse. So it can be a struggle to get the window that has the emoji choice to pop up.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14


After being consistently frustrated by the “flat box” on my computer and upon the advice of my grandson, I bought a wireless mouse. I love it!

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You're so progressive, Jojo...LOL but pea green with envy!

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Thanks, Lynell! I appreciate your help! I'll try it later this morning when I can see straighter than now. I'll write back using an emoji. Wish me luck.

Dianne (VA by way of another part of VA)

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Hi Dianne,

If you are responding on your iPhone, just go to the emoji on the keypad area. It might be a smiley face next to a numeral. or if you are on a laptop, press Windows key plus period (dot). Click the emoji you want to use and it will insert.

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You are the kindest person. Always helping people out. 👍

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Monica, Valere is DEFINITELY one of the nicest people I've found on here. Actually 99.9T% ARE! She explains things that are over my head.

I'm hoping that the emoji works. This time of night, or I should say morning, I'll probably kill my laptop trying this. I may be the only person in the US who doesn't have an iPhone! I still have an old flip-phone, unfortunately, but at least I have something to use. It doesn't have an app, Internet, or the cool things y'all have but it does allow me to call 911 or receive a short message or two.

Have a good Valentine's Day!

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PS - joyce vance is the kindest. She never lets us down when we wait up at night to read her posts. I couldn’t sleep last night until her post came in and then I fell asleep without reading it.😳🩷

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Valere, it may have been just as well that you didn't read it in bed. There was so much information to process. I have no idea how Joyce "translates" all of it, in such a short amount of time. Plus, her children outside need some with their Mama! Yes, Joyce is kind!!! We could use more people like her.

Speaking of kind, have a good Valentine's Day!

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Hi Dianne, I miss my LG. It was duct taped together for seven years. Finally got to the point where I could hear everyone just fine, but they couldn’t hear me. I was working in another state at a University — and one day, FEDEX arrived at the door with a box. Inside was an iPhone. That day my LG no longer worked because the kids had shut it off and sent the iPhone. They were tired of not hearing me when I called. For the first six months, all I could do was answer it. It was so complicated. I could not call out and when I picked it up, I would say “ this is day 67 with the new iPhone. If we get cut off, please call back because I do not know how to dial and send a call.”

Eventually, a light went on, but it truly was about month six. I wouldn’t be without it now. Still miss my duct taped LG though.

Are you reading Joyce’s from your PC or laptop?

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I have a laptop. I would have preferred a PC like I had always had before, but couldn't find one when I went to Staples and Office Depot. I missed being able to play CD's and recording documents, etc.

I think I'm the only person left who doesn't have an iPhone. Have never even seen what an app does, which means no discount for a coke at McDonald's, and other things, too. I have an old flip-phone, but it works when I need it, so I don't take that for granted.

Speaking of duct tape, I have thin pieces holding my TV remotes (2) together because I have hardwood floors, and cheap plastic doesn't survive a few drops (or throws) on wood.

It just occurred to me why Joyce's emails are usual late for me. I'm on Eastern time, and I think that Alabama could be on Central time. I could be wrong.

Have a good St. Valentine's Day!!!

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Valere, please read Monica's message to me (below). I agree with what she said. You've always been helpful to me. Hope you are doing well. I'm still hanging in there. Mostly hanging OUT there because I keep eating like a pig! Lent starts today so I have to start being good now.

Have a good Valentine's Day!!!

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

I have seen all of the comments in response to your query. For me on my Mac laptop, I don't have the ability of adding emoji's. I don't have the ability to right-click. That's why I use my iPhone to respond most of the time.

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Thank you Joyce for keeping track of all this and explaining it so well. I truly look forward to reading you!

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Thank you, saw elsewhere that he had the audacity to say his trials shouldn't be held in an election year. The ‘privilege’ delays he and his ick created during the investigations, and subsequent filings submitted since the charges were made, caused the timeline to extend into ‘24, so it is of his own making and that should carry weight. The article below is from Sept.’23 and another delay (still in place) was implemented in Dec. ‘23. We know delay is his MO so it shouldn't also get to be his excuse. On a brighter note, Dems win in PA & NY, Thank you voters!!!! 💙


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I know you meant "his ilk" but his ick is better.

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Thank you, ick was intentional, shitty swamp cesspool bottom dwellers takes up too many characters but aptly describes the GOP, IMO.

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Sorry sycophant criminal buttstink douchebags.

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Very creative!

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You're welcome.

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You could use SSCBD. we'd get it

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The creative interpretations of SSCBD people come up with could be a fun thread too!

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Thanks Joyce for your very succinct and well articulated commentary on the prospective courses of action among the parties involved.

Trump has 3 clear strategies, and the extent to which any of the parties advance his strategies they themselves become active abettors of those strategies, which are Delay! Delay! and Delay!

Contrary to interfering with Trump's campaigning, it is in the best interest of the American people to enable juries of Trump's peers to resolve the criminal allegations filed against him before the November election. This will enable the entire country to have the full benefit of knowing the nature and extent of what, if any, misconduct he engaged in which would have a bearing upon his fitness to serve as President of the United States.

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I wonder if anyone will have the nerve to say to the Supreme Court that upholding Trump’s immunity claim literally means granting him a license to kill — and that given his adoration of dictators notorious for killing their opponents, and his openly stated contempt for and hostility towards our form of democracy, it is not far fetched imagining him using that license.

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Gonna be hard to do when Joe throws him in Guantanamo for insurrection. Make gitmo useful, let the elected traitors from congress reside there as well. They damn well deserve it. That’s the problem with the court agreeing with djt- he’s not the president.

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It literally means giving any president the license to kill. They are all banking on Traitor to win, but they should take a really long pause and think again. I believe Justice is on our side in all of this convoluted mess.

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I will agree, but justice is sure taking its good old time to get here! Signed, Impatient.

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I believe the Court doesn’t want to be in a political thicket and considering that the 3-judge Circuit delivered a very strong unanimous decision written by the senior Judge who is a relatively conservative Republican jurist: “stay denied”! Go back to trial!

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That is my take on it too, Ira. The 3-panel justices seemed to make their decision rather iron-clad for SC. I really do not know how they could ignore their opinion.

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Because this is a historic opinion and their egos won't let them keep their hands off of it, even though the exceptional judges on the panel said all there is to say and said it very well.

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Joyce I've been waiting for you!!

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Pamela, I’m with you. I stay up late to catch the latest dispatch!

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

I love living in Australia for lots of reasons (not the least is that our politics ranks way down the list of things that excite the people, well below sport and celebrity-watching) ... however collateral benefits include dispatches from Joyce usually reach my Inbox around 4:00 pm "the next day" ... just in time for happy hour! 😄

Taylor Swift hits here in Melbourne in a day or two ... I can barely stand the excitement either!

But more seriously, I so wish this complicated schedule of Trumpian court dramas were occurring a year ago - and they so easily could have been if the Democrats had displayed a bit more mongrel.

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"just in time for happy hour", that sounds nice!

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The benefit of different time zones!

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Cargill, I can't drink, so please have one for me, okay?

BTW, what are the Aussies saying about what's going --- or not going --- on here?

Enjoy your happy hour!!

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"BTW, what are the Aussies saying about what's going --- or not going --- on here?"

Not a whole bunch - it gets reported in a very straight way mostly - "Donald Trump has appealed to the SC for blah blah blah ...". Not much analysis involved on top of that.

We can barely keep up with cricket and Taylor Swift - although the Super Bowl was pretty huge here - street and pub parties everywhere.

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Thanks for the input. My favorite part was the blah blah blah! It's very appropriate for the end of every sentence written or said about him.

Thanks again.

p.s. How was happy hour? Did you have one for me? It's a good thing I can't drink, or I'd have the biggest ulcer and liver around!

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Most watched Superbowl ever, 123M viewers!

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‘street and pub parties everywhere’-love it. Say hey to Taylor for my granddaughter, she adores her.

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Wish I could have y'all over to my place for happy hour! Tucson Mountains sunset . . .

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I'd love to come! Don't know if my old car would make it. Let us know where and when.

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We'll have mocktails available for you Diane!

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Gooday, Cargill! Some people believe that it is ignorance of politics here, as in what's going on, that put us in the predicament we are in these days.

That said, say hi to Taylor when you see her LOL!

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Yes, I sleep better once Joyce checks in!

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Me, too. But, I count CHICKENS instead of sheep! :-)

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Counting chickens instead of sheep!

Love it!

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Glad you liked it! The way things are right now, I find that if I don't laugh about myself, and life, I get depressed. Ironically, NOTHING is funny about Trump.

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Our entire system of government was built on checks and balances. If the President is immune from prosecution, this upsets the whole apple cart. I sincerely hope that SCOTUS takes everything into account. These are dangerous waters we find ourselves in!

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"Our entire system of government was built on checks and balances."

In theory - and it was nice in theory - but it has actually been based on powerful vested interests getting the desired laws, courts, government and systems that power and big money can buy.

Very simple procedural rules in the Constitution could have helped avoid 250 years of trauma. For example, the Senate has three months only to confirm an appointment - if they don't act in that time it goes through automatically. And many others.

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Well said. Heather Cox Richardson on Lincoln a few days ago said Lincoln thought the country was based on the Declaration, not the Constitution, since the latter document is a protection of property, snd the former a declaration of rights,

Which is why I wish Roe had been decided on the right of a woman for the pursuit of happiness..

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Allowing 5 Catholic fanatics onto the USSC put paid to the idea women get to decide if a rapist's spawn geows in their bodies or not.

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With dotted I’s and crossed T’s, I hope the delayed decision of the appeals court stands. Where are the unicorns?

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Being Valentine's Day it is possible that Unicorns 🦄 could make an appearance. : )

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