As an alum of the Manhattan DA’s Office — under Mr. Morgenthau — I cannot tell you how proud I am that the Office is pursuing the pathological liar and sociopath that is Donald J. Trump. If the Office ends up convicting him, I hope that he receives a substantially longer sentence than as was imposed on Michael Cohen.

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I agree. Cohen had Barr go after him cause of the book too. I’d love to see the judge remand TFG to custody when he’s found guilty just like normal defendants. No waiting on a sentencing report.

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And consequences for Barr.

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I recall Barr wanting to get the SDNY Attorneys Office to dismiss the charges against Cohen but it fell on deaf ears. It was too late in the process but it demonstrates Barr’s forward looking protection of trhump. After, he tried all manner of legal(and illegal) options to shut Cohen down. Now the chickens have come home to roost.

Unfortunately Barr will escape any accountability for his actions protecting his furher. When he described the Mueller report and put his spin(and future Republican talking points) in advance of the formal release, he should have been excoriated even to this day.

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I may be a tad behind the times but what does TFG mean with respect to Trump?

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The Former Guy

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Thanks. I thought it was The Fat Guy.

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Everyone is much more polite - I thought it meant That F**king Guy. My bad

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Lately I've seen "TFFG."

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I typically add a second F..

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It might be rude to refer to a sociopath rapist thieving traitor by body-shaming him….

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My bad. I recall his White House doctor, Ronnie Jackson, claiming TFG’s weight was 215. In 2008 I weighed 295. Now I am 203. I thought at the time there was no way TFG weighed under 300 especially with his diet of fast food.

He appears to have lost a few pounds since but I bet he goes 275 pounds.

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And water is wet, so what?

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good one! needed that laugh.

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That could apply also.

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Both work

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OR TFFG! That one is "fat" either. I bet you can guess what it is.

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sorry - ISNT fat!

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Also, TFG serves as shorthand for "oathbreaking insurrectionist." Let those two terms of identification never be sundered.

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The former guy as Nicolle Wallace refers to him cause she hates saying his name.

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She also hates showing anything TFG has to say.

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I wish they would put a disclaimer up before showing his video cause I yell “die MF” and make a hand motion with my hand at his face 🤣.

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I never knew what TFG meant, either! I always refer to him as the orange traitor. Both are accurate.

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Actually it’s shorter than the twice impeached, 4x indicted, fraudster, traitor and rapist.

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I use TFG exclusively when referring to TFG. I think Biden may have been one of the first to refer to him as The Former Guy.

Sometime around 2016 John Oliver offered a free extension that, whenever it encountered TFG's name in text, it would print is as Drumpf. Somewhere along the line I've lost that extension, but I religiously use TFG. I just can't bring myself to say, or type, of TFG.

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The former guy

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I like Cohens crude name for Donald John : Donald Von Shitzispants.

Whenever I hear one of his fascist rants, I can't help but think of his draft dodging pimp grandfather. That one would likely have been an enthusiastic SS guard had Germany let him back in the country. If they had we'd have been spared Dolt 45.

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You mean Michael "Still Grifting" Cohen?

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I'm hoping they can reference SCOTUS decision denying 'absolute immunity' from May '20 hearing, during the investigation stage of this case, if the issue is raised with asked and answered.

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Seeing the DA put his foot down and saying, finally, "no more of this guy's bullshit excuses, get on with it" is long overdue. Good work. Thank you Manhattan DA's office for doing your job.

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It's hard for me to remember a guy as deserving of conviction and imprsonment the trump.

Ya gotta go unibomber or Sirhan Sirhan or some other high-profile killers.

Orange dude needs to go to prison. Juat my opinion.

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If only Morgenthau had clipped Fred. We might not be here.

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If I remember my history correctly, it was the AG of NY who went after Fred and Donny way back when. But my memory is not what it never was.

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It’s amazing that every day is filled with Trump and to think there was a time that this was not the case. Perhaps I have nostalgia for a time that was not continual trauma but perhaps in our contemporary world trauma is created by those who want to control the narrative of our society and culture. Thanks Joyce, you are the clear water of a mountain stream.

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I believe in my bones that Trump fatigue is the reason the US isn't such a happy place anymore.

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Could not agree more

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MAGA cult members are the unhappiest of all but would never “see” that it is all because of tffg.

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A b s o l u t e l y !

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I agree. We are all exhausted. I often wonder how Trump and his MAGA followers manage to sustain their rage.

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Well, since Trump fatigue comes on the tail of Reagan fatigue, Bush I and Bush II fatigue, and I'm not discounting Bill Clinton fatigue either, or the 2008 recession or the pandemic, I'm not blaming it all on Trump or the way the media cover him. The effect is cumulative, and it's been going on almost two-thirds of my life. Plenty of today's adults have never known anything else.

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I would agree but expand that to MAGA fatigue.

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I imagine in Germany in 1930 Hitler was in the news constantly.

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Can you imagine what it would have been like if there were TVs and the Internet when he was in control?

If we could have JUST ONE DAY without Trump's name being mentioned, that would be a wonderful 24 hours!

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There was radio, and Hitler used it as effectively as Trump uses social media. Radio then was a giant change is public media.

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I forgot about radio. I bet the propaganda scared people to death. We lived there in the late 60's and early 70's, when Germany was still divided. Every Wednesday at noon, AFN (Armed Forces Network) would broadcast a "test" tone to make sure it worked, just in case something unsavory could happen. The Vietnam War was still going strong.

We never listened to East German stations.

Even though Hitler had died years before, there was no way to forget what he had done. My BIGGEST fear is that should Trump become President again, our country will soon look like all the European countries that were never really the same again.

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Yes, his speeches were constantly blasted over the airwaves.

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My dad was a kid back then. Told me drumpf reminded him of Hitler.

Then voted for hm. Twice.

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That's sad.

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Or having to see his ugly face!

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True. Or having to hear his horrible voice.

Speaking of that voice, is it just me, or have you also noticed that whenever he gives one of his rants/speeches/fundraisers, that he seldom says the specific name of a person or group of people. He'll refer to them as "him" or "her," or "them" or "they" or "nobody" or "somebody" while spewing insults and/or lies.

I wonder what's up with that? Could it be that he thinks he thinks he's above giving others the courtesy (?) of saying their actual name or, might it be that he can't or doesn't want to remember? I mean, he can't remember the names of his wives at times. I can understand that, since he changes them so often it could be hard to keep track.

Sadly, one name he DOES seem to say quite often is Obama's. Another big example of his messed-up mind is that Trump still thinks he's POTUS.

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I always imagine what both of my parents felt during that time. Not just fatigue, but constant fear as they each made their way of Poland & Germany in the mid and late 30’s.

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He even had his own Newspaper "Der Stürmer". Which people grabbed at every opportunity.

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Hard to believe that it's been 9 years non-stop of his name in the news, with the past 3 years due to his KNOWN transgressions and crimes - who knows how many others are buried or paid off in his past. He will be notoriously featured in history books for decades to come.

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A whole Ph.D. industry just on his criminality, and another on the fallout from his destruction of civility. Perhaps a third on the psychological damage, both long and short term, from his presence in our public life.

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I don’t know enough about legal scholarship to imagine what (if any) major effect 45 might have on that field. The sub-fields of Constitutional law and the Supreme Court…

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I have a meme of Captain Picard and the words "Damage Control." During his term in office it was like that every morning: "Damage Control." What had the orange one tweeted over night?

Now every day he has to ask "Damage Control." How long can he delay his house of cards from crashing down?

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Every day I ask myself “How is he not in jail?” You or I (or anyone else) would already be tried, convicted, and serving a long sentence. Equal justice under the law? Not so much!

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Christopher, thank you for this. A few weeks back, I shared a video among friends, colleagues, and students I teach at a community college. This was produced in 2015 before our world turned upside down and inside out by the human aberration known as Trump. Watch and turn up the sound. It will make you and everyone you know feel good even for a few moments away from our current situation. https://youtu.be/ZbZSe6N_BXs?si=dJiybEwa3Te3_UHZ

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Dana - thank you for the video. For about 4 minutes I felt joy!

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Thank ou for the smiles….I am keeping this and will watch it again when trump is convicted in the Manhattan trial….and the others when they come up….AND when President Biden wins a second term!! :)

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I tried it... it works!!!!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if you-know-who and all his followers were absolutely struck at the same time with this feeling and ended up being happy for just a few minutes?!? Thank you, Dana!

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Hi Dana, My go to favorite. My daughter and I were in separate locations when Biden was inaugurated January 20, 2021. We both played Pharrell Williams' 'Happy' on inauguration eve. And we will play it on November 3, when Biden is re-elected:) I'm glad to find another 'Happy' fan:)

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Thank you, Dana Jae Lebrecque! You made my day. I hadn’t heard this in A While and it is such an antidote to ttf and all that goes with him. The music and dancing on the clip are transcendent! I’ve saved the clip so I can watch it often. Yay, you, for sharing it with your peeps and all of us! Kudos!

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I also have nostalgia for a time that was not continual trauma. Wouldn't it be great again to see such time return?

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The irony is that here is a man who so lusted to be an object of news coverage that he would attempt to disguise his voice to call in personal news tips. His dream must have been to have his name fire-hosed from every news source in the world. It appears that his dream has come true and I suppose it is a caution to be careful of what you wish for but I have this nagging image of him sitting in a McScrooge type vault on top of a mountain of news coverage with just a hint of a smirk on his face. I want that image to go away and to find more interesting stories in media.

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“perhaps in our contemporary world trauma is created by those who want to control the narrative of our society and culture.”

Yes, and achieved this via a non-stop “firehose” of propaganda. (In our case it’s propaganda that favors trump, etc)

The following explain the “firehose” “technique” quite well. (A reader of HCR’s LFAA posted the links). Both are Well worth reading.

The firehose strategy.



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What is similar in all of Trump’s cases is his defense that Trump has a right to decide that ordinary legal requirements don’t apply to him.

His positions:

I lied about the value of my properties but it doesn’t matter.

My financial records on paying hush money were lies but it didn’t matter.

I took government records but it didn’t matter because I have the magical power to make them personal papers.. I lied about sexual assault and when I insisted on lying after I got caught it was an outrage because I have the right to lie.

And I lied about losing the election and tried to overthrow a democratic election and that doesn’t matter either.

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You forgot “And I took away women’s right to choose and access to reproductive healthcare - making them 2nd class citizens and that certainly doesn’t matter.”

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Great positions!. I think you left out the part where he brags about being able to walk on water.

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Unfortunately, Trump would have no idea to whom that reference is describing.

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True. I didn't think about that.

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With the amount of fat in his bloated body I think he would float…..

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Like a big orange beach ball.

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Donnie, in 2024 truth will matter, justice will matter, democracy will matter. And freedom will matter the most because you won’t have any. Bye bye bully.

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☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 = 𝕐𝔼𝕊.

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Thank you. Justice is served. Obey the law and you will be fine. Break it and you will be fined! no one shall be above the law. The law and the constitution is what makes our country great and keeps us a democracy. It’s that simple. Be compassionate, be strong, be kind, be vigilant. Vote blue.

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Alvin Bragg to tRump: "You should've learned by now, having spent a bunch of time in Manhattan, that if you f**k around with the Manhattan DA, you will find out about a world of pain. Boy."

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Yes, call t-Rump “boy”

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Don't think you'll get a fair trial in NY? Don't commit fraud, sexual assault and defamation there. Simple.

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Dale, you're right! It's a no-brainer, but the operative word here is "brain." Since Donnie was spawned, he has no heart and no brain.

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and no courage. He's a walking wizard of Oz caricature.

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Scare crow and tin man….

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Isn't it ironic that the suppression of Trump's lechery and infidelity by the payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels through the Trump organization, and the doctoring of its books to cover it up right before the 2016 election, which he narrowly won in the Electoral College, is now being splayed out before the public right before the 2024 election?

Given the $91 million in judgments against him for the sexual molestation and defamation of Gene Carroll and his promiscuous fling with a renown porn star while married to poor Melania, not to mention the $450 million fine imposed on him for his pervasive business frauds, Donald Trump is probably the most morally dissolute candidate ever to run for President of the United States.

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“Poor Melania,” my butt. 🙄

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I was being sarcastic when I referred to "poor" Melania. She was well aware of Trump's highly publicized cheating long before she married him.

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What’s even more remarkable and outstanding is that women and men of color are bringing him to his knees!

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👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 🤣😂 absolutely loving this irony so thoroughly!! poor Donald, no wonder he hates the USConstitution-Equality and justice for all.

I hope there is some way that the spirit of John Lewis can appreciate the power for good brought forth by James, Willis, Bragg…

It really does feel like tffg is Hitler reincarnated.

Anybody ever watch “Fallen”?

Scariest movie ever.

“While evil might rear its ugly head each and every day, Fallen reminds us that we all have a choice whether we give in to its seductive voice or reject it completely, clinging rather to goodness and truth.”


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"Donald Trump is probably the most morally dissolute candidate ever to run for President of the United States."

In a tough field too!

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Yes, he’s in good company: Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Rick Scott (defrauded Medicare of millions as CEO of Humana, I think.)

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Yes he did, Carol. And Florida was so impressed with that crime, they gave him a seat in the US Senate. One thing that has always bothered me is the 2020 down ballot. Trump was “cheated” out of his 2nd reign of terror over the U.S. Constitution, but the down ballot had some very questionable wins in the House and Senate. That’s my opinion of which there are no researched facts, but it still raises the hair on the back of my neck. That’s been my B.S. indicator my entire life and though it has been wrong before, (rarely) it’s my first indication of a lie.

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Well said. Gaetz, DeSantis and Scott (and now comes Aileen Cannon) have turned the spotlight on systemic corruption in Florida. The so-called Republican Party machine is reforming itself in the image of Trump at its new HQ at Mar-a-Lago …. that is, so long as Trump can continue to live on the proceeds for rents and golf fees. NY AG may freeze the income.

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He would LOVE that distinction. Probably would want a medal to wear on his lapel.

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Melania is just as bad as her sugar daddy.. I remember seeing her on Joy Behar's old CNN show back when tffg was spouting his racist birther lie. She spouted it too. She's always been complicit and deserves no pity.

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So true about the psychopath. However, Melania was a highly paid sex worker when the psychopath purchased her. She has accomplished what she planned. She is not a victim.

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I certainly agree with the US attorneys, Enough is more than Enough. It's time to set the trumpster and his attorneys blustering efforts to stall, aside and get on with the trial./ No more excuses get it over and convicted and put his sorry fat orange body in a matching orange jumpsuit. Let him rally his troops through facetime.

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Try him! Try him! Try him!

And let a jury decide whether he had committed jail-worthy crimes.

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It could happen! This trial is criminal

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It’s time for us to get a break. No phones, no computers, no visitors for the first 2 months.

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Professor, good to hear Judge Barbara Jones has "enhanced monitorship" powers which she will surely be needed over the next 48 hours as Trump seeks cash, a Letter of credit or a mythical bond.

Senator Whitehouse pointed to MUST read written bt MOLLY REEDEN at Huff Post on 3/19/24.

Molly explains a new billionaire developed "tool" to provide Leonard Leo Judges with instant faux "historical references " to dress-up opinions with ahistorical sophistry.

Given Senator Whitehorse's recent success getting the Judicial Conference to investigate unethical jurisprudence, I think we can expect deeper investigation as to where & when & how funded this "new tool" has been used at posh "vacation" spots.

For fuller context see, Lawrence O'Donnell's interview of the Senator on Friday's MSNBC 10 PM Eastern show. 🎯

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Lawrence O’Donnell was on fire tonight. The Sheldon Whitehouse interview + the Bill Bradley interview were not to be missed. It will be interesting to see where his unethical jurisprudence investigation goes. Whitehouse is remarkable to bring this to the public.

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I was stunned by the opening segment on "corpus linguistics" & turned off the TV & watched Sheldon Whitehouse's 30th talk, 'The Scheme 30' on the "Captured Supreme Court". I am still thinking about the implications of "corpus linguistics" this Friday morning and whether the "tool" has been used by any Justice's on the Bench now in any of the recent notorious opinions. Sheldon Whitehouse is the right person do that job.

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Bryan, I just responded to your post - Saturday morning. Wow! I do not have television, but read Molly's Huff Post article. How not surprised I am that Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Barrett use this falsifiable program that requires no intellectual analysis. The only positive is there is a traceable track of their 'opinions' when they use this program: just as with ChatGPT or any other AI program. We need to expose them. The SCOTUS is supposed to have intellectual scholars, not trained monkeys using computers.

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Agreed - watched his lectures on the floor of the Senate, bought his book.

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Look forward to each and everyone of Lawrence's episodes on MSNBC.

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Mar 22
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He is the best!

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Yes, love Whitehouse and Lawrence together! What did you think of Lawrence having Bill Bradley on? I thought that was a real treat!

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Oct 23, 2023 New Yorker - “Under the Carpet Bag” - John McPhee writes about his 60 year friendship with Bill Bradley also “A Sense of Where You Are” a 1965 New Yorker Profile of Bill Bradley by John McPhee

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I felt badly that Bradley was not elected President or at least did not get closer to the Oval Office.

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Proof that the nomination never goes to the most qualified person to run the country, only to the person who can win votes😢.

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A Sense of Where You Arehttps://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1965/01/23/a-sense-of-where-you-are

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That was a great article on Bradley! You have to love basketball to realize the love of the game. He was a wonderful example of a politician and just a nice guy.

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Bryan, thank you for pointing us to this must read by Molly Redden, Huff Post.

Corpus linguistics combined with AI’s ChaptGPT is the quick and dirty answer for low intellect SCOTUS justices and federal court judges: they need to only pick and choose whatever it is they wish to include in the software program and bingo: they have their results. But that work is traceable and refutable. Everything that is input into a ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence program stays forever. Anyone who is writing truly original stuff never uses artificial intelligence because it never can belong to the writer. It becomes public domain. While corpus linguistics may appear to be the answer low intellect or lazy justices and judges have been waiting for, just because it is being used by them does not mean it can stand up to scrutiny. The terrible result of corpus linguistics is there is no apparent need for organic writing (or intellectual rigor) involving reading books, writing drafts, conducting research, analyzing reaching logical conclusions: all one’s work is done in a computer search, putting into the software the results you want in advance. Then go for a hike (or a drive in your motor home). But for anyone who is capable of doing strong law and writing their own opinions, corpus linguistics is no match. The program can come up with a lot of data, but it cannot analyze or reach a logical conclusion. Ms. Reddens pointed out that Clarence Thomas has used corpus linguistics in opinions. I have never thought Clarence Thomas had the intellectual ceiling required to analyze the world in a logical and fair way. So I’m not surprised that he is using such an intellectual crutch to cheat the system.

Everything about corpus linguistics can be summed up by former Utah supreme court justice Thomas R. Lee, the first judge to use corpus linguistics in a court ruling: “One of the great virtues of corpus linguistics is that it is falsifiable,” Lee and Stephen C. Mouritsen, a BYU professor who helped Lee first pilot corpus linguistics, wrote in a recent law review article. [Lee is calling the fact that corpus linguistics is falsifiable a 'virtue.' Is that an odd word choice? It's not a 'virtue' - it's a horrible characteristic]. Law professor Anya Bernstein said: “A lot of what legal corpus work tends to do is allow you to pick and choose your history,” she said. “You pick and choose your corpus, you pick and choose what you’re putting into the software, you pick and choose your results.” That result would be right up Lee’s ally: he can leave out women, those enslaved or the poor. How Utah of him. And how Clarence Thomas, who cannot even be called 'marginally intellectual' and a shameful replacement for Thurgood Marshall. That also can include leaving out the LGBTQ population who did not exist openly in Utah’s early history. I hope legitimate scholars reject using this kind of cheating software when it is cherry-picking for preconceived answers based on volumes of data. It is truly frightening. But so is having Thomas and the lapdogs on the SCOTUS.

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I’ve seen donald referred to as a “BINO: Billionaire in Name Only.” Karma.

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Ooooo…Good one!!

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Donald Trump is a perfect example of someone who will always lose every dollar of his scammed money. He has been bankrupt or nearly so on every project he has touched, and is now morally bankrupt. He has managed to produce a scam stock market entrance with 'Truth' Social: watch for him to lose every dollar. He always has and he always will.

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There has been a good deal of mis- and dis - information about the history of the business document falsification/election violation (aka "hush-money") case being brought by Manhattan DA Bragg --- with him originally taking a good deal of heat for pausing the broad white-collar investigation of Trump started by Cyrus Vance, his predecessor. It might do to provide the actual timeline.

* Former Manhattan DA Vance headed up a broad, multi-year, white-collar investigation of Trump, which started with the hush-money payment and was broadened to include bank and insurance fraud or a "net worth" element.

* When Bragg took office in Jan., 2022, the "net worth" aspect of the broad case had primacy. However, Bragg became concerned that there were gaps in the evidence and was also concerned, at that time, whether Michael Cohen had a sufficiently detailed knowledge of Trump's actual financial records to be an important witness. When Bragg became increasingly concerned about pursuing the business fraud element of the case, the two lead prosecutors quit with a great deal of gnashing of the public teeth.

* However, based on further research by a new Trump investigative team, Bragg warmed to the idea of focusing the case instead on the hush-money payment with which, unlike the net worth element, Cohen was directly involved. And the rest is history.

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And just to make certain no one thinks she's simply huffing and puffing, NY AG James has registered the fraud judgment in Westchester Cty., NY where Trump has several properties. She did this in anticipation of ultimately seizing them should he not come up with the required appeal bond or combination of bond and cash to forestall enforcement of the judgment --- or the NY Appellate Division takes pity on the former billionaire and stays the judgment altogether. A decision by a single appellate judge on an emergency basis previously left the financial aspect of the judgment intact.

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Well, and she wants to go after New York properties first before she ventures to Florida or to foreign countries.

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I'd assumed that there were a ton of duplicates in what the SDNY produced. Any good document software will figure that out quickly. I also heard that Trump didn't subpoena them until early this year, so the delay is largely on him.

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And if there are 300 new ones, the attorneys could read those in a day.

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Don't happen to like either guy? Well, it's really not about Biden or Trump. It's about whether you get to live your life as you see fit or as the likes of Miller and Bannon see fit. And if you ever hope to have a candidate you do like down the road --- either party --- there is only one choice come Nov. and it ain't the large "grab 'em by the democracy" guy. The rising tide of fascism sinks all ships. Not just the blue ones.

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I've never understood why people approach voting for president as a popularity contest. It's actually about which party's policies you think are better and therefore want in power.

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Fred Trump to his young son Donald, “Donny, do everything the right way. Lie, cheat, steal. But never admit it. Ok, Sonny boy?”

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Trump’s magical thinking won’t make all of this go away.

There are consequences.

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"Donny, make Dad proud of you."

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Thanks for the update Joyce⚖️⚖️⚖️

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