Pence is the guy those traitors wanted to hang on Jan. 6. Why is he so opposed to telling the truth about what transpired on that shameful day? Because he’d lose votes from the very monsters who wanted him dead. It’s twisted: Keep your mouth shut and never rat on your … enemies?? That’s some kinda sick, Mike.
Yes, Jennifer, some kinda sick...don’t forget what the did to the AIDS community by pushing conversion therapy and claimed tobacco did not cause cancer and heart disease as a shill for the smoking industry. He is an evil man. Not a Christian drop of blood runs through his cold, dead veins....
Not to be offensive, but “AIDS community” is like saying “cancer community.” Conversion therapy promotion was directed at the entire LGBTQ community. Not just the sick people. And, AIDS is now entirely preventable. My son ran the NIH-funded study to reduce incidence rates of HIV infection until recently.
If you are interested in how the AIDS epidemic was handled, here is a quote and a link. “Big point: Much like COVID, it wasn’t just a medical crisis; it was a political crisis. Reagan didn’t utter the word “AIDS” until 1985, and he didn’t make a policy speech until two years later — by which time there were 32,000 cases and more than 18,000 people dead. Except for the occasional frightening headline, the disease went unnoticed in the mainstream press and little information was publicly available in a world before the internet. The reason behind that neglect: vicious prejudice against LGBTQ people.”
I'm not at all offended, that was typically how the people affected by AIDS were referred to. I was in a music conservatory in New York in the early 70's. Some of my dearest friends and musicians I was I awe of, died of AIDS, as well as several professors, not long after I finished my education there.
During these past 7 years, the guy has creeped me out. I didn't know about the crimes you are writing about. They are horrific. Not a drop of Christian blood is in that cruel, judgmental man's veins, I agree.
After writing my above comment about conversion therapy, I rewatched a fine film (The Imitation Game) with Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, he as the real-life figure, Alan Turing, who "decrypted German intelligence messages for the British Government during WWII". Because Turing was homosexual, he was given the choice (after his excellent work which saved thousands of lives) of being jailed or having conversion therapy, aka, chemical castration. He choses the conversation therapy which lead to his physical and mental deterioration and lead him to take his own life.
I'm not at all religious, but I think Pence has a lot of nerve to invoke God in the title of his book.
First off....that Pence might be trying to fend off the subpoena because he thinks that having to testify against Trump will impact his political future is laughable in the extreme. Not questioning your analysis, Joyce. Just saying that Pence is delusional if he thinks he HAS a political future. He barely has a political past.
Mike Pence has no political base. Many people see him for what he is, a total fake. At those Cabinet meetings where the press was brought in, he was the Sycophant-in-Chief. As for the Trump MAGA base, they would rather hang him than vote for him. The only policy issue he stands for is banning abortions completely.
Pence should wake up from his daydream and step up and testify. Perhaps he could save a scrap of his honor and reputation, rather than flush it down the toilet that currently contains the legacy of Donald J. Trump.
Hey, Mike. Do the right thing and maybe at least Mother and the kids can be proud of you some day.
It is a sign of where we are today that in the R-party, Pence clearly is still angling for his political future rather than exposing the truth. Book: sure, yes. Testify: fight not to, to the gates of hell. Power corrupts. Any notion —- likely advanced by people or party or media supporting him would say —- his religion is a demonstration of ‘good moral character’ makes me want to puke. One of a long string of failures: positing that religion and faith is the (only?) indicator of good character and the bedrock of good guidance. The argument is cut short, it becomes an echo or a facade. But then that’s between him and his maker, I guess.
[ I must add, however... WRT faith, to each their own. My late mother would be turning were I not also to say, faith is all some people had and have to get through, find solace, endure hardship, find a common ground. For my atheist fellows, CF slavery and the church in the South. How such houses of worship hold polar opposites as the A.M.E. and whatever church where Pence worships, I cannot fathom. But I cannot denigrate or detract from the struggle of hard work of any church that was central to the struggle for peace, equality, democracy, opportunity, and deliverance from opression! ]
Ironically, Pence's political career was in the dumpster when Trump offered him a lifeline in 2016. He was an unpopular governor who ruined Indiana and had no chance of serving another term. Trump used him as a way to attract the evangelicals. Subsequently, Pence was one of the least visible vice presidents in modern history.
Of course. Trump would never tolerate anyone who could potentially overshadow him. Trump couldn't win in 2016 without a religiously conservative running mate who would be the ultimate lure. Trump was a guy with a past they presumed was rife with all sorts of crimes and debauchery, so a holy roller was needed to "civilize" the bad boy Trump. And of course Trump was advised that Pence was probably the only person on earth who would actually want to be his running mate.
He gave up kids being proud of daddy when he accepted the position of VP and pulled off the Carrier stunt before taking office. Ugh ugh ugh ... it can happen here.
I have a question for Joyce: If per chance judges rule against Jack Smith & say that Pence doesn’t have to obey Smith’s subpoena, can Smith use the many taped interviews Pence gave while promoting his book as evidence?
I realize that Pence wasn’t under oath when he gave those interviews, but Pence related many of the conversations he had with Trump after the 2020 election, even telling about their conversations in the days before the Jan. 6 insurrection. What’s the law on using that public information as evidence?
I am looking forward to hearing more right wing criticism of Smith and these "fishing expeditions" and "prosecutorial misconduct" and "weaponized DOJ" from the people who belong to the "Kenneth Starr is protecting our country" and "Hunter Biden is a threat" brigade. Let us never forget our mortal peril brought about by Benghazi.
Thank you for an excellent synopsis - again. I had read briefly about Pence’s proposed “exception” to keep him from testifying. I knew you would flesh it out a bit more. I truly don’t understand how you can write a book, go on a speaking tour, and then claim some ridiculous privilege against telling the truth!! I guess that means his book is a load of BS because he can’t really tell people anything about his time in office because it’s all privileged. But then I fully expect his book is a work of fiction. On a side note - I can’t wait to see that new coop!! Those girls are going to love it!
Joyce Vance, braved addressing 'principle' in the land that appears to have abandoned it, along with the rule of law.
'Principled would have been coming forward in advance of Jan. 6 to prevent what was about to happen. Principled would have been sharing what he knew with the country during impeachment. But refusing to tell Americans the truth about the president he served alongside two years down the road in order to protect himself and his career is tawdry. Pence’s effort to cloak himself in both executive privilege and legislative privilege, while leaving the country to fend for itself, offends the oath he took to serve.' Vance wrote.
NOT SO FAST, MIKE PENCE! '...Pence may not fully appreciate who the special counsel and his top lieutenants are. Although Jack Smith has worked in a number of different positions at DOJ, he once ran its public integrity unit.' Vance at it, again!
'...the lawyers in public integrity are good prosecutors. They’ve had lots of institutional experience with difficult cases that backstops their work. They know the law, they know strategy, they know how to litigate questions like this and get the evidence they need. It seems very unlikely that they issued this subpoena without fully anticipating what Pence would try to sling back at them.'
Professor Vance, I imagine that Pence does not understand fully what he is up against. He has always struck me as a man with little worldly experience and therefore less imagination than those that do have it. By worldly I mean exposure and experience with diverse people and divergent ideas. Experience whether from books or otherwise drives imagination. Pence seems to lack both. This can be a problem in general with fundamentalists running our country and world. He sits squarely with the conservative members of the Supreme Court who also have this problem, which I think disqualifies them experientially from deciding the cases that come before them. They are not really able to understand the cases. It sounds like the team Pence is facing has much more experience and imagination. Let us hope they put it to good use here. Pence should not be able to treat our national safety as something to either convenience or inconvenience his running for office. I do sympathize with the fear he might be feeling as he relives the call for him to be killed by the former president when he did not do his bidding.
It is truly disheartening and disgusting to know there are so many in our government in the highest, most important positions, who stand and take an oath to uphold laws they continually break or ignore when it serves their selfish purposes. And these criminals are running for the highest positions in the country, again.
I will never understand how anyone could even consider voting for someone who would destroy their very freedom for political and monetary gain.
The fact that pence does not want to testify to the truth of the matter after being threatened with hanging tells me he is an idiot, and has no business in a position of authority.
Thank you for your explanation. Lawrence Tribe also made it very clear that this new Pence strategy is not valid at all. Every attempt Pence uses now to avoid testimony
screams self serving motives. His desire to protect Democracy or the Constitution is long gone.
But they can delay and delay for how long and does it go to scotus? Does it bring us into the no bad news about politicians cycle that Comey ignored 60 days before the election?
It's also always about playing to the fox and right wingnuts not the sane.
Let's drop the Comey dissing. Seriously. It's not like he didnt' understand the rock and hard place decision he had to make. Even he didn't like it, and has said so.
I understand he was stuck between a rock and a hard place as much as any sane person. But I won't ignore the choice he made during an election cycle tat was clearly between a criminal and a democrat. I
f Comey followed what had been practiced for how many years HRC's chances of slipping in even with Putin in the middle of our election, the outcome could've been different. We'll never know.
I like Comey a lot and would have trusted him more than Wray. But this was a major, major mistake. It's like the Challenger disaster to me. I remember where I was standing when I first heard about it. With Comey, I remember exactly where I was and where I quickly went ... HRC's headqtrs to see how everyone was.
It takes courage to sacrifice your career to a higher cause. We ask our military to unquestionably put country over their own self interest. Pense testifying is political suicide and he knows this. The GOP will abandon him, call him a traitor and worse . I think we will all remember people like Cassidy Hutchinson way beyond Mike Pense if he continues to fight this. For a man of deep faith in Christianity he should understand that sacrifice is at the real center of this faith. I hope he realizes what his higher duty should be.
I wouldn’t count on it, he’s in way over his head, even the flies have temporarily left his coifs for safer places to alight and feed. If he was truly a devout Christian he’d be willing to speak the truth no matter the consequences because the truth matters and in the end that’s all that counts. He’s a hollow fraud with his finger in the air trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing, the only principal he’s willing to stand upon is so much gas. He’s despicable now and probably has been for most of his life. No wonder flies have found him so attractive.
It could, but he claims he won't honor it, so I think he's aiming at the sound bite and donate crowd. That's fine with me. The more they give to T and P's PACs to spend on attorneys (and sanctions!), the less there is for GOP legislator campaign funds.
I can't shake the image of Pence during the Muir/ABC interview. His body language is an advanced-level Psych course. The man keeps busy 24/7 trying to say exactly the right things to keep all his deceptions and loyalties and religiosity spinning. It must be terrible to be Mike Pence. And I am pleased to watch him journey through hell on earth. Take your time, you deserve your misery.
And that was probably the nastiest thing I ever wrote down. I am not, however, sorry in the least.
“Principled would have ... “ Pious Mike has no principles, his political future is non existent and at the rate he’s going, his afterlife will be more Dante than pearly gates.
Writes a book with title of “in god we trust” but doesn’t want to appear before a grand jury where he can says those words out loud. $$$$$ comes first . Doing the right thing comes in dead last everytime in his case.
This from today's piece is priceless "In the Graham matter, the courts ruled that legislative investigative activity was protected, but that conversations about ways states could avoid election outcomes that favored Biden didn’t fall within his Senate work."
It's interesting to think about how Pence's 'strongly held Christian beliefs' will play into his testimony. Should he not, as a devout Christian, keep an oath to tell the truth? Or is it more important to boost book sales and a 'promising' political career.
Lesson learned. Don’t unsubscribe from Civil Discourse with Ms. Vance, her chickens, and her German shepherd if you continue to read the letters. It doesn’t work :) . I thought I was taking a break but couldn’t.
In Decemberish-2016, just before Putin put trump in office, he pulled his public con game with his crony, Pence, who still hadn’t resigned as Gov. of IN. They went in unison to Carrier which was going to shutdown its factory in IN and move to Mexico.
Trump and Pence thought they were playing off the old-enough manager by being able to tell the public they made a great deal! Carrier wasn’t going to move (my memory is getting hazy just here and I’m too lazy to look it up, sorry) to Mexico! Yay, we were saved except the manager knew he was being played (he told us) and it was all one big hoax.
Pence plays games. It goes back aways. Before that ... I'll shut up.
Pence is the guy those traitors wanted to hang on Jan. 6. Why is he so opposed to telling the truth about what transpired on that shameful day? Because he’d lose votes from the very monsters who wanted him dead. It’s twisted: Keep your mouth shut and never rat on your … enemies?? That’s some kinda sick, Mike.
Yes, Jennifer, some kinda sick...don’t forget what the did to the AIDS community by pushing conversion therapy and claimed tobacco did not cause cancer and heart disease as a shill for the smoking industry. He is an evil man. Not a Christian drop of blood runs through his cold, dead veins....
Not just ignored the AIDS community, but fervently backed "conversion therapy".
He also was a shill for the tobacco companies, claiming that smoking didn't cause cancer and heart disease.
I could go on and on, but suffice to say I spent four years fighting the tobacco wars.
Marycat, I added that also to my original comment. Thank you so much for the information.
Not to be offensive, but “AIDS community” is like saying “cancer community.” Conversion therapy promotion was directed at the entire LGBTQ community. Not just the sick people. And, AIDS is now entirely preventable. My son ran the NIH-funded study to reduce incidence rates of HIV infection until recently.
If you are interested in how the AIDS epidemic was handled, here is a quote and a link. “Big point: Much like COVID, it wasn’t just a medical crisis; it was a political crisis. Reagan didn’t utter the word “AIDS” until 1985, and he didn’t make a policy speech until two years later — by which time there were 32,000 cases and more than 18,000 people dead. Except for the occasional frightening headline, the disease went unnoticed in the mainstream press and little information was publicly available in a world before the internet. The reason behind that neglect: vicious prejudice against LGBTQ people.”
There is also promising new research of a vaccine based on the mRNA technology: What on earth will the anti-vaxxer homophobes going to say about THAT?
I'm not at all offended, that was typically how the people affected by AIDS were referred to. I was in a music conservatory in New York in the early 70's. Some of my dearest friends and musicians I was I awe of, died of AIDS, as well as several professors, not long after I finished my education there.
Grotesque hypocrisy. We see who he is. Hateful man.
I edited my comment. You are absolutely correct! Thank you, Joanna!
During these past 7 years, the guy has creeped me out. I didn't know about the crimes you are writing about. They are horrific. Not a drop of Christian blood is in that cruel, judgmental man's veins, I agree.
It also is twisted and sick to don a pair of blue jeans, scuffed boots, and plaster your face on a book titled “So Help Me God”. He’s a hypocrite!
I had the same reaction. Appealing to the base in his scuffed boots and jeans.
the man is deeply conflicted and IMO does not deserve an ounce of our respect.
Mike Pence is a pathetic little man.
More than pathetic, I think he is dangerous.
After writing my above comment about conversion therapy, I rewatched a fine film (The Imitation Game) with Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, he as the real-life figure, Alan Turing, who "decrypted German intelligence messages for the British Government during WWII". Because Turing was homosexual, he was given the choice (after his excellent work which saved thousands of lives) of being jailed or having conversion therapy, aka, chemical castration. He choses the conversation therapy which lead to his physical and mental deterioration and lead him to take his own life.
I'm not at all religious, but I think Pence has a lot of nerve to invoke God in the title of his book.
First off....that Pence might be trying to fend off the subpoena because he thinks that having to testify against Trump will impact his political future is laughable in the extreme. Not questioning your analysis, Joyce. Just saying that Pence is delusional if he thinks he HAS a political future. He barely has a political past.
Mike Pence has no political base. Many people see him for what he is, a total fake. At those Cabinet meetings where the press was brought in, he was the Sycophant-in-Chief. As for the Trump MAGA base, they would rather hang him than vote for him. The only policy issue he stands for is banning abortions completely.
Pence should wake up from his daydream and step up and testify. Perhaps he could save a scrap of his honor and reputation, rather than flush it down the toilet that currently contains the legacy of Donald J. Trump.
Hey, Mike. Do the right thing and maybe at least Mother and the kids can be proud of you some day.
It is a sign of where we are today that in the R-party, Pence clearly is still angling for his political future rather than exposing the truth. Book: sure, yes. Testify: fight not to, to the gates of hell. Power corrupts. Any notion —- likely advanced by people or party or media supporting him would say —- his religion is a demonstration of ‘good moral character’ makes me want to puke. One of a long string of failures: positing that religion and faith is the (only?) indicator of good character and the bedrock of good guidance. The argument is cut short, it becomes an echo or a facade. But then that’s between him and his maker, I guess.
[ I must add, however... WRT faith, to each their own. My late mother would be turning were I not also to say, faith is all some people had and have to get through, find solace, endure hardship, find a common ground. For my atheist fellows, CF slavery and the church in the South. How such houses of worship hold polar opposites as the A.M.E. and whatever church where Pence worships, I cannot fathom. But I cannot denigrate or detract from the struggle of hard work of any church that was central to the struggle for peace, equality, democracy, opportunity, and deliverance from opression! ]
Ironically, Pence's political career was in the dumpster when Trump offered him a lifeline in 2016. He was an unpopular governor who ruined Indiana and had no chance of serving another term. Trump used him as a way to attract the evangelicals. Subsequently, Pence was one of the least visible vice presidents in modern history.
The tyrant (TFG) chose a weak person. Scraping off the barrel bottom so’s to achieve his corrupt purpose.
Of course. Trump would never tolerate anyone who could potentially overshadow him. Trump couldn't win in 2016 without a religiously conservative running mate who would be the ultimate lure. Trump was a guy with a past they presumed was rife with all sorts of crimes and debauchery, so a holy roller was needed to "civilize" the bad boy Trump. And of course Trump was advised that Pence was probably the only person on earth who would actually want to be his running mate.
He gave up kids being proud of daddy when he accepted the position of VP and pulled off the Carrier stunt before taking office. Ugh ugh ugh ... it can happen here.
By the unlikely chance he would become our next president, he would fulfill the predictions of The Handmaid's Tale.
Do you honestly think Mother isn’t with him on this. This is a psycho drama of the third kind. It is unfortunate the country pays the price.
I completely agree with your assessment of Pence’s political “career,” Jonathon. The Christian Nationalist party will have to find a new leader.
I feel reassured, and hopeful (but that’s just me). May seriousness prevail. Thank you, Joyce, as always.
I have a question for Joyce: If per chance judges rule against Jack Smith & say that Pence doesn’t have to obey Smith’s subpoena, can Smith use the many taped interviews Pence gave while promoting his book as evidence?
I realize that Pence wasn’t under oath when he gave those interviews, but Pence related many of the conversations he had with Trump after the 2020 election, even telling about their conversations in the days before the Jan. 6 insurrection. What’s the law on using that public information as evidence?
Great question. I'm thinking the DOJ interviews with his aides added to that and any tidbits dropped in interviews should give them a wedge.
I am looking forward to hearing more right wing criticism of Smith and these "fishing expeditions" and "prosecutorial misconduct" and "weaponized DOJ" from the people who belong to the "Kenneth Starr is protecting our country" and "Hunter Biden is a threat" brigade. Let us never forget our mortal peril brought about by Benghazi.
Thank you for an excellent synopsis - again. I had read briefly about Pence’s proposed “exception” to keep him from testifying. I knew you would flesh it out a bit more. I truly don’t understand how you can write a book, go on a speaking tour, and then claim some ridiculous privilege against telling the truth!! I guess that means his book is a load of BS because he can’t really tell people anything about his time in office because it’s all privileged. But then I fully expect his book is a work of fiction. On a side note - I can’t wait to see that new coop!! Those girls are going to love it!
Joyce Vance, braved addressing 'principle' in the land that appears to have abandoned it, along with the rule of law.
'Principled would have been coming forward in advance of Jan. 6 to prevent what was about to happen. Principled would have been sharing what he knew with the country during impeachment. But refusing to tell Americans the truth about the president he served alongside two years down the road in order to protect himself and his career is tawdry. Pence’s effort to cloak himself in both executive privilege and legislative privilege, while leaving the country to fend for itself, offends the oath he took to serve.' Vance wrote.
NOT SO FAST, MIKE PENCE! '...Pence may not fully appreciate who the special counsel and his top lieutenants are. Although Jack Smith has worked in a number of different positions at DOJ, he once ran its public integrity unit.' Vance at it, again!
'...the lawyers in public integrity are good prosecutors. They’ve had lots of institutional experience with difficult cases that backstops their work. They know the law, they know strategy, they know how to litigate questions like this and get the evidence they need. It seems very unlikely that they issued this subpoena without fully anticipating what Pence would try to sling back at them.'
'All's Well That Ends Well'!
Professor Vance, I imagine that Pence does not understand fully what he is up against. He has always struck me as a man with little worldly experience and therefore less imagination than those that do have it. By worldly I mean exposure and experience with diverse people and divergent ideas. Experience whether from books or otherwise drives imagination. Pence seems to lack both. This can be a problem in general with fundamentalists running our country and world. He sits squarely with the conservative members of the Supreme Court who also have this problem, which I think disqualifies them experientially from deciding the cases that come before them. They are not really able to understand the cases. It sounds like the team Pence is facing has much more experience and imagination. Let us hope they put it to good use here. Pence should not be able to treat our national safety as something to either convenience or inconvenience his running for office. I do sympathize with the fear he might be feeling as he relives the call for him to be killed by the former president when he did not do his bidding.
It is truly disheartening and disgusting to know there are so many in our government in the highest, most important positions, who stand and take an oath to uphold laws they continually break or ignore when it serves their selfish purposes. And these criminals are running for the highest positions in the country, again.
I will never understand how anyone could even consider voting for someone who would destroy their very freedom for political and monetary gain.
The fact that pence does not want to testify to the truth of the matter after being threatened with hanging tells me he is an idiot, and has no business in a position of authority.
It is always about power and greed vs The People since the beginning of time.
Thank you for your explanation. Lawrence Tribe also made it very clear that this new Pence strategy is not valid at all. Every attempt Pence uses now to avoid testimony
screams self serving motives. His desire to protect Democracy or the Constitution is long gone.
But they can delay and delay for how long and does it go to scotus? Does it bring us into the no bad news about politicians cycle that Comey ignored 60 days before the election?
It's also always about playing to the fox and right wingnuts not the sane.
Let's drop the Comey dissing. Seriously. It's not like he didnt' understand the rock and hard place decision he had to make. Even he didn't like it, and has said so.
I appreciate your saying that because it’s so true. He got a bad rap.
I understand he was stuck between a rock and a hard place as much as any sane person. But I won't ignore the choice he made during an election cycle tat was clearly between a criminal and a democrat. I
f Comey followed what had been practiced for how many years HRC's chances of slipping in even with Putin in the middle of our election, the outcome could've been different. We'll never know.
I like Comey a lot and would have trusted him more than Wray. But this was a major, major mistake. It's like the Challenger disaster to me. I remember where I was standing when I first heard about it. With Comey, I remember exactly where I was and where I quickly went ... HRC's headqtrs to see how everyone was.
It takes courage to sacrifice your career to a higher cause. We ask our military to unquestionably put country over their own self interest. Pense testifying is political suicide and he knows this. The GOP will abandon him, call him a traitor and worse . I think we will all remember people like Cassidy Hutchinson way beyond Mike Pense if he continues to fight this. For a man of deep faith in Christianity he should understand that sacrifice is at the real center of this faith. I hope he realizes what his higher duty should be.
I wouldn’t count on it, he’s in way over his head, even the flies have temporarily left his coifs for safer places to alight and feed. If he was truly a devout Christian he’d be willing to speak the truth no matter the consequences because the truth matters and in the end that’s all that counts. He’s a hollow fraud with his finger in the air trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing, the only principal he’s willing to stand upon is so much gas. He’s despicable now and probably has been for most of his life. No wonder flies have found him so attractive.
Actually, a subpoena could give him political cover, if he played it right.
It could, but he claims he won't honor it, so I think he's aiming at the sound bite and donate crowd. That's fine with me. The more they give to T and P's PACs to spend on attorneys (and sanctions!), the less there is for GOP legislator campaign funds.
I can't shake the image of Pence during the Muir/ABC interview. His body language is an advanced-level Psych course. The man keeps busy 24/7 trying to say exactly the right things to keep all his deceptions and loyalties and religiosity spinning. It must be terrible to be Mike Pence. And I am pleased to watch him journey through hell on earth. Take your time, you deserve your misery.
And that was probably the nastiest thing I ever wrote down. I am not, however, sorry in the least.
“Principled would have ... “ Pious Mike has no principles, his political future is non existent and at the rate he’s going, his afterlife will be more Dante than pearly gates.
Writes a book with title of “in god we trust” but doesn’t want to appear before a grand jury where he can says those words out loud. $$$$$ comes first . Doing the right thing comes in dead last everytime in his case.
Gott title wrong”so help me god” comment makes more sense.
This from today's piece is priceless "In the Graham matter, the courts ruled that legislative investigative activity was protected, but that conversations about ways states could avoid election outcomes that favored Biden didn’t fall within his Senate work."
It's interesting to think about how Pence's 'strongly held Christian beliefs' will play into his testimony. Should he not, as a devout Christian, keep an oath to tell the truth? Or is it more important to boost book sales and a 'promising' political career.
Lesson learned. Don’t unsubscribe from Civil Discourse with Ms. Vance, her chickens, and her German shepherd if you continue to read the letters. It doesn’t work :) . I thought I was taking a break but couldn’t.
In Decemberish-2016, just before Putin put trump in office, he pulled his public con game with his crony, Pence, who still hadn’t resigned as Gov. of IN. They went in unison to Carrier which was going to shutdown its factory in IN and move to Mexico.
Trump and Pence thought they were playing off the old-enough manager by being able to tell the public they made a great deal! Carrier wasn’t going to move (my memory is getting hazy just here and I’m too lazy to look it up, sorry) to Mexico! Yay, we were saved except the manager knew he was being played (he told us) and it was all one big hoax.
Pence plays games. It goes back aways. Before that ... I'll shut up.