Linda, did you hear that Russia has been planting incendiary devices on planes to disrupt flights to here on US and Canada-bound planes? Obviously, they have Russian agents creating sabotage. CIA and Interpol and multiple security agencies, I believe, have working together for more than 6 months to identify the evildoers.
Linda, did you hear that Russia has been planting incendiary devices on planes to disrupt flights to here on US and Canada-bound planes? Obviously, they have Russian agents creating sabotage. CIA and Interpol and multiple security agencies, I believe, have working together for more than 6 months to identify the evildoers.
No Marlene. It hasn't come up in Spy Talk or Counterintelligence, or I missed it. I agree that it is obvious that there are agents doing all sorts of things in all sorts of elections. I am grateful that Moldova prevailed. I really would like to see the EU nip Orban in the bud. Making things unpleasant enough in Hungary that he gets outsted would be good.
Linda, did you hear that Russia has been planting incendiary devices on planes to disrupt flights to here on US and Canada-bound planes? Obviously, they have Russian agents creating sabotage. CIA and Interpol and multiple security agencies, I believe, have working together for more than 6 months to identify the evildoers.
No Marlene. It hasn't come up in Spy Talk or Counterintelligence, or I missed it. I agree that it is obvious that there are agents doing all sorts of things in all sorts of elections. I am grateful that Moldova prevailed. I really would like to see the EU nip Orban in the bud. Making things unpleasant enough in Hungary that he gets outsted would be good.
Yes, wouldnтАЩt that be nice? I think CNN reported the Russia device story. One of my daughters told me about it.
Oh, I just saw it on the WSJ along with Ukraine fighting North Koreans. Things are escalating on the eve of our election, and that is no coincidence.