Nice piece on another scuzbag, Roman. He's been a dirty shyster since the 90's for those rich Koch brothers who buy politicians like Crow buys Supreme Court Justices. We have to overturn Citizens United if we win in 2024, period! Gee, I just finished reading yesterdays posting, and this one popped. Rest, Joyce. carry on
Hi Bill, I didn’t want to seem instructive or that I said below: ‘you meant to say ‘when’ we win in 2024.’ I hope I’m not being overly optimistic, but it seems to me we would have to lose several million registered voters to lose. I’m only guessing but I think we will have a cohort of GenZ who will be first time voters - and millennials who didn’t vote in the last election go round who will vote Democrat. Not so much because they like the Democrats more than Republicans but they’ll vote against Trump. And the reason I’m saying this is because Taylor Swift has a huge following. When she goes to her concerts, she informs her Swifties that she speaks up politically against the behaviors of ‘certain politicians.’ (And we know who she’s talking about). She has encourages her fans to become active in politics as well, to express their unhappiness by speaking up. According to a Morning Consult poll, some 53% of all US citizens consider themselves to be Taylor Swift fans; more than half of the fans are millennials and Democrats and consider themselves to be. Swifties. This includes a lot of young folks who aren’t able to vote yet, but it includes a lot of young folks who are ready to register and vote the crumb bums out. So if you check the cities where she has concerts, hotels are packed and she’s bringing in a lot of money for these communities, whether they are red or blue. People love her and consider her a truth teller. So if that’s any indication of a boost to a Dem voting trend, we may succeed in 2024.
Honestly, I’ve never listened to a single one of her songs, and I am a fan as well.
Crumb bums!! My sister, the librarian uses that! (I personally go for the more colorful euphemisms). You’re correct about getting the Swifties to vote. I can see how hard she works to treat her fans with respect and cares about their wellbeing. She is a huge talent force with her head on straight. Young men and women need to understand what’s being done to personally harm them, taking away their constitutional rights, and motivate them to vote.
I love your last paragraph, here! Popular culture trog that I am, I barely know who Taylor Swift is besides her dominant presence in any media I happen to peruse, and I’ve always been leery of cult like followings (even the Beatles when I was a kid - GAWD! did I admit that?).
But if she is a much needed positive force in a dark time, jam on! Thanks to your post, I’ll definitely learn more. Thank you. ❤️
I took a brief moment to try to find the Taylor Swift concert clip on YouTube but could not, I will keep searching another way for the Texas concert w comment to ‘get involved’ and ‘oppose what is happening among your politicians.’ It was either her first or second stop (Texas), most likely is somewhere on Google. What I did find on YouTube are loads of videos and comments by Taylor Swift from 2018 forward on the need to vote, Democrat, and her political views. I also noticed several foreign countries, including Chile and Canada are asking her to schedule tours in their countries (most likely economics). She truly is a force. Hoping to find the actual Texas concert link later today and will post for you then.
Fwiw, the real problem with the OP is that "we" can't overturn Citizens United. It's taken, what, 20? 30? 40? years to get a SCOTUS that's this pro-corporation and anti-democracy, and it's not going to be undone in one administration. Which is not, of course, to deny that we have to start *somewhere*.
I’m not a Swiftie but agree she has a great following. I suspect mostly women, and many of them Millennials or GenZ. So I think if she talks about a woman’s right to choose and student loan forgiveness it will definitely move the needle.
The Koch brothers, now just Charles, are usually described as conservative, but Charles is a radical robber baron of extreme libertarian views. It seems to me that Koch funding of Roman's activities borders on treason, trying to tear our government down.
We are in this together to overturn Citizens United. Slight correction to above - I know you meant to say 'when we win in 2024.' It's been a long day:))
Isn’t there only Charlie Koch left? I believe the others are all dead.
My sister lives in Wichita and while she’s no liberal has no love for this scoundrel. His home is one walled square mile and he does nothing for the community but wield his money like a weapon.
Of the “Koch Brothers,” Charles and David, you are correct. David died in 2019. There are two other brothers, Frederick Koch, who died in 2020, and Bill Koch, who is still living. While both were billionaires, neither Bill or Frederick were involved with Koch Industries after their father died and were not directly part of the “Koch Brothers” efforts to subvert democracy with dark money, etc.
They'll either die along with the rest of us as the planet blows up or they could have an epiphany and throw their collective fortunes into saving the planet from extinction, which imo is a better chance for survival than hoping Musk can build a spaceship to take all of them to a safer Planet B. Thank you for working in medicine. I retired 5 yrs ago from the BBB after being in banking mostly. Surely these uktra rich buffoons see that their Republicans have no ideas how to do anything but cheat on their taxes, take money from donors, talk about how bad ACA is etc. Why don't they back the party of science and ideas instead? They could be heroes instead of hated jerks.
Trump’s regime was, and still is defined as a “Transnational crime syndicate masquerading as a government.” His father was in bed with the Russian mob developing Brighton Beach, and of course tRump too. Witness protection, something is needed to get folks to flip. tRump is the dictator we must defeat.
It would also be interesting to ask him which members of the House and Senate he was colluding with to overturn the election since he seems to be a central figure in that scheme.
Where are the Members of Congress like Gaetz, Hawley, Greene, and others who appear to have supported the insurrection on J6 as well as the overall plan to overthrow the election? Are they among the unindicted conspirators? I wish we could lock up all these traitors, including Trump, and throw away the key.
The speech and debate clause, which appears in Article 1, section 6, of the U.S. Constitution, protects legislators for speech in Congress concerning legislation .
Does it allow them to show dick pics of a private citizen who did not consent for them to be used and sent thru media to all of a certain bitch's computer that has no age limit ???
I note in passing that Mr Trump has cancelled his much anticipated news conference scheduled for next Monday. It seems he has done this on the advice of council. Does this indicate that he finally realises just how much doo dah he’s in?
Patrick, I think dump knows exactly how much and how deep is the doo doo he is in!!! Such good news he cancelled. He had nothing to say, in any event. I am hearing this first from YOU! Ty.
Actually, he told the whole world he was going to be revealing a 'REPORT" at a press conference on Monday that would "EXONERATE" him (caps are his). I guess his lawyers talked him out of exonerating himself LOL
it reminded me of the extraordinary and perfect health care program he personally developed to replace the ACA that he promised then to unveil "in 2 weeks" - to this day, we've never seen it.
Definitely doo dah, real doo dah Patrick, otherwise Fani Willis would have filed a 1st Amended Complaint the day after his false news conference or should I say tfg's continuing racketeering enterprise his criminal organization. Joyce made some real news tonite; she must have been a real prosecutor for at least 20 years I'd say.
I'm about 99% positive he never meant to have the news conference in the first place. But he got a TON of attention for announcing it! I likened it to "On Thursday I'm giving everyone a pony!!! Come see me, put it on your calendar! Yay, free ponies!!" Three or four days of that followed by,
"Oh, too bad, my mean lawyers say I' can't give away all those ponies. So sorry."
Meanwhile he's sucked up 3-4 days of media oxygen. Good job, tfg! We know he never ever listens to his lawyers anyway. I bet they had no idea about the pony giveaway until he announced it, and they just rolled their eyes. The whole deal was the promise, the sucking up of attention, then, the let down. Also, he managed to convey to the suckers that he did in fact have all that secret exonerating evidence - otherwise known as free ponies.
darn. I was having a schadenfreude-type moment, hoping he would publicly show how bonkers he is and how laughable his 'evidence' is. Wonder if any of his lawyers abandoned ship after this latest crazy stunt.
Mill, I had that exact thought. Stone was around for the Nixon treason. This guy, Roman (ironic name, no?) has been around since the 90’s doing exactly what dump needed him to do to steal the election: create false electors. OMG.
Thank you Joyce for keeping us informed. It helps a lot to have your explanations without puffery or blatherskite or regurgitated 'opinion.' Just solid facts we can trust. 💛
Back in the Nixon/Watergate era a key player, G Gordon Liddy, took a prison sentence rather than rat out his boss, as prosecutors could never shake any crucial testimony out of Liddy regarding the break-in, the "Plumbers", and any direct ties to the Nixon WH..Liddy was loyal to the core.
Now, how many in the tRump circle, from insiders to those on the periphery, would take the fall for The Don, eschewing coöperation and facing certain hard time by doing a Liddy? Meadows? Eastman? Rudy? Powell? Well, quite honestly, NONE of them. They all lack "the right stuff", and veteran prosecutors such as Fani Willis and Jack Smith can suss out weakness and fear, there is no doubt about that. In the months to come there will be changes in the indictment roll call, pre-trial pleas, etc., all strengthening the charges against tRump, "loyalty" be damned.
Sauve qui peut will be the order of the day, bank it.
He sounds like a capo taking the fifth. And while we know an accused is not to be considered guilty until convicted in a court of law.....would an innocent one use 'the fifth' in every response?
Could one such as Roman who is charged by Fani Willis in Georgia make a plea deal with her and with Jack Smith? It seems that it would be most useful to have him make two plea deals: but especially with the Jack Smith trial that is probably going to be heard first. And thank you again Joyce: I wondered who the courier was for the fake elector ballots. I thought they were returned to the White House because the Republican Committee did not want to receive them? I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he had lunch in the park and traded paper bags when he got up to leave. The greasy french fries are tossed and the rolls of $100s go home (with someone). Capo. Not watching movies....this is how they do it in a large city in a western state. What a lap dog he is.
I don’t think the questions that Joyce copied and pasted for us to read, wherein Roman took the fifth, we’re the case of Roman sitting in a corner, watching Trump discuss false electors to turn over the election results. Nor did those questions concern any kind of eavesdropping he may have done. The questionnaire was asking him about his direct and active involvement in arranging for false electors to overturn the election results. Quite a difference, from your example of witnessing your personal banker committing a crime. That’s just my opinion and I’m not an attorney. Perhaps an attorney, or a legal scholar, would have a different opinion but that’s my take on it (since you responded to my comment). My other opinion is (kind of tangential, but having to do with the result of these kinds of nefarious, shenanigans - and this is, perhaps what Fanni Willis will say) Trump and company violated the Fourteenth Amendment when they interfered in Georgia’s voting. Thus, their actions were foundational to creating a social justice issue specifically impacting Georgia voters. Again I’m not a legal scholar, but my sense is that what happened in Georgia is so egregious because Trump and his cronies were so callous to the voting rights of Georgia citizens. They were jerks to all of us, but they particularly attacked Georgia citizens. Trump did that because he thought he could and it is so offensive. My other question is where was Marjorie Taylor Greene during this campaign to take away the votes from her fellow citizens? She is suddenly silent and seeming to shimmy around the issues. She must feel like she’s been dancing with a gorilla and she wants to stop but the gorilla doesn’t. I’m waiting to see when her own indictment comes. I haven’t read the Georgia indictment. I shall today and I hope someone legal weighs in on your question. In a nutshell, Roman took the fifth because he was an active participant. Not a witness.
Trump is more and more getting his own words back to him. Remember “if you are innocent why take the fifth. Only the mob takes the fifth”. And HE took it. Incredible that millions of that alt right false christians maga base still do not realise what they are doing and how deep they got it from Don the Con. Pathetic.
I'm thinking about the huge savings and loan scandal back in the 80's. Many of the bank fraudsters who created the crisis had very soft landings with cushy, well-paying jobs, just as we saw with the 2007-08 crash. I imagine some of Trump's conspirators, indicted or not, will land similarly, after prison, with the GOP funders like Mercer, Koch, Crow, etc. So I hope these scumbags get long, unpleasant prison time for their treachery against democracy. Rikers?
I'm hoping they have no 'soft' landings - and that they are treated as the pariahs they are. I think Georgia has prisons/jails comparable to Rikers. And I hope as well that Merer, Koch, Crow and cronies are ostracized.
E. Jean Carroll was afraid for her life. She said so in court and I believe in her book (sorry, not sure about the book - but she did not report Trump's rape for decades because she thought he would kill her.
Fear is a powerful motivator. Indeed, Mike Roman may have some fear. He chose to get on the wrong side of the law. I wondered why the minions trotted to Mara Lardo in droves after January 6. It was as though they were on their knees, kissing his ring - even while most of the United States suffers collective PTSD from the trauma of seeing images and listening to witnesses' accounts of the havoc and destruction of January 6. Mike Roman may seek a plea agreement, and perhaps be eligible for a witness protection program (not sure if threats from don Don apply); and then jerk up his family and move to the dessert to live in a two bedroom condo next to thieves and drug dealers. Or go to jail. But hand-delivering falsely made ballots?? He has no conception of voter integrity.
This is huge! Wonder what names have benefitted from their corruption over the past 40 years. Like Reagan, was Trump just a greedy puppet doing as told while stuffing his pockets with ill-gotten gains? I have thought Trump was too ignorant, just a bully, making it unlikely he ran anything. This is ugly.
After the dust settles, let’s make ERIGA, end racketeering in government act. The pendulum has swung too far, allowing corruption in the candidates and parties. Flush it all out!
Nice piece on another scuzbag, Roman. He's been a dirty shyster since the 90's for those rich Koch brothers who buy politicians like Crow buys Supreme Court Justices. We have to overturn Citizens United if we win in 2024, period! Gee, I just finished reading yesterdays posting, and this one popped. Rest, Joyce. carry on
Hi Bill, I didn’t want to seem instructive or that I said below: ‘you meant to say ‘when’ we win in 2024.’ I hope I’m not being overly optimistic, but it seems to me we would have to lose several million registered voters to lose. I’m only guessing but I think we will have a cohort of GenZ who will be first time voters - and millennials who didn’t vote in the last election go round who will vote Democrat. Not so much because they like the Democrats more than Republicans but they’ll vote against Trump. And the reason I’m saying this is because Taylor Swift has a huge following. When she goes to her concerts, she informs her Swifties that she speaks up politically against the behaviors of ‘certain politicians.’ (And we know who she’s talking about). She has encourages her fans to become active in politics as well, to express their unhappiness by speaking up. According to a Morning Consult poll, some 53% of all US citizens consider themselves to be Taylor Swift fans; more than half of the fans are millennials and Democrats and consider themselves to be. Swifties. This includes a lot of young folks who aren’t able to vote yet, but it includes a lot of young folks who are ready to register and vote the crumb bums out. So if you check the cities where she has concerts, hotels are packed and she’s bringing in a lot of money for these communities, whether they are red or blue. People love her and consider her a truth teller. So if that’s any indication of a boost to a Dem voting trend, we may succeed in 2024.
Honestly, I’ve never listened to a single one of her songs, and I am a fan as well.
Maybe this is how I get my 20 year old Grandchildren to vote. Thanks for the tip!
Crumb bums!! My sister, the librarian uses that! (I personally go for the more colorful euphemisms). You’re correct about getting the Swifties to vote. I can see how hard she works to treat her fans with respect and cares about their wellbeing. She is a huge talent force with her head on straight. Young men and women need to understand what’s being done to personally harm them, taking away their constitutional rights, and motivate them to vote.
I love your last paragraph, here! Popular culture trog that I am, I barely know who Taylor Swift is besides her dominant presence in any media I happen to peruse, and I’ve always been leery of cult like followings (even the Beatles when I was a kid - GAWD! did I admit that?).
But if she is a much needed positive force in a dark time, jam on! Thanks to your post, I’ll definitely learn more. Thank you. ❤️
I took a brief moment to try to find the Taylor Swift concert clip on YouTube but could not, I will keep searching another way for the Texas concert w comment to ‘get involved’ and ‘oppose what is happening among your politicians.’ It was either her first or second stop (Texas), most likely is somewhere on Google. What I did find on YouTube are loads of videos and comments by Taylor Swift from 2018 forward on the need to vote, Democrat, and her political views. I also noticed several foreign countries, including Chile and Canada are asking her to schedule tours in their countries (most likely economics). She truly is a force. Hoping to find the actual Texas concert link later today and will post for you then.
Fwiw, the real problem with the OP is that "we" can't overturn Citizens United. It's taken, what, 20? 30? 40? years to get a SCOTUS that's this pro-corporation and anti-democracy, and it's not going to be undone in one administration. Which is not, of course, to deny that we have to start *somewhere*.
I’m not a Swiftie but agree she has a great following. I suspect mostly women, and many of them Millennials or GenZ. So I think if she talks about a woman’s right to choose and student loan forgiveness it will definitely move the needle.
The Koch brothers, now just Charles, are usually described as conservative, but Charles is a radical robber baron of extreme libertarian views. It seems to me that Koch funding of Roman's activities borders on treason, trying to tear our government down.
Agreed, but then it seems to me the transgressions of tfg and most other recent indictees were treasonous, the opposite of the patriotism they spout.
We are in this together to overturn Citizens United. Slight correction to above - I know you meant to say 'when we win in 2024.' It's been a long day:))
Isn’t there only Charlie Koch left? I believe the others are all dead.
My sister lives in Wichita and while she’s no liberal has no love for this scoundrel. His home is one walled square mile and he does nothing for the community but wield his money like a weapon.
Of the “Koch Brothers,” Charles and David, you are correct. David died in 2019. There are two other brothers, Frederick Koch, who died in 2020, and Bill Koch, who is still living. While both were billionaires, neither Bill or Frederick were involved with Koch Industries after their father died and were not directly part of the “Koch Brothers” efforts to subvert democracy with dark money, etc.
They'll either die along with the rest of us as the planet blows up or they could have an epiphany and throw their collective fortunes into saving the planet from extinction, which imo is a better chance for survival than hoping Musk can build a spaceship to take all of them to a safer Planet B. Thank you for working in medicine. I retired 5 yrs ago from the BBB after being in banking mostly. Surely these uktra rich buffoons see that their Republicans have no ideas how to do anything but cheat on their taxes, take money from donors, talk about how bad ACA is etc. Why don't they back the party of science and ideas instead? They could be heroes instead of hated jerks.
Trump’s regime was, and still is defined as a “Transnational crime syndicate masquerading as a government.” His father was in bed with the Russian mob developing Brighton Beach, and of course tRump too. Witness protection, something is needed to get folks to flip. tRump is the dictator we must defeat.
Trump was PINO if ever there was one.
Hi David,
Did you mean ‘Rino’?
No, I did not.
Hmmmm. Thank you. I looked it up – – – new word for me:))
It would also be interesting to ask him which members of the House and Senate he was colluding with to overturn the election since he seems to be a central figure in that scheme.
Where are the Members of Congress like Gaetz, Hawley, Greene, and others who appear to have supported the insurrection on J6 as well as the overall plan to overthrow the election? Are they among the unindicted conspirators? I wish we could lock up all these traitors, including Trump, and throw away the key.
Scott Perry is actually mentioned in the GA indictment.
This is what keeps me up at night....
The speech and debate clause, which appears in Article 1, section 6, of the U.S. Constitution, protects legislators for speech in Congress concerning legislation .
My question is, does it protect speech advocating insurrection or unlawful acts?
Does it allow them to show dick pics of a private citizen who did not consent for them to be used and sent thru media to all of a certain bitch's computer that has no age limit ???
Ms Vance, you always come up with the most fascinating information. Thank you for shining a light on another criminal aiding and abetting Trump.
I note in passing that Mr Trump has cancelled his much anticipated news conference scheduled for next Monday. It seems he has done this on the advice of council. Does this indicate that he finally realises just how much doo dah he’s in?
Patrick, I think dump knows exactly how much and how deep is the doo doo he is in!!! Such good news he cancelled. He had nothing to say, in any event. I am hearing this first from YOU! Ty.
Perhaps a busload of his Whistleblowers called in sick, or are lost somewhere in Cuckoo Land?
Actually, he told the whole world he was going to be revealing a 'REPORT" at a press conference on Monday that would "EXONERATE" him (caps are his). I guess his lawyers talked him out of exonerating himself LOL
it reminded me of the extraordinary and perfect health care program he personally developed to replace the ACA that he promised then to unveil "in 2 weeks" - to this day, we've never seen it.
What we got is the usual old stale NOTHING BURGER.
Now I'll have to send all the popcorn back and find something else to do with my day.
You could save the popcorn for when he is convicted !!!! Just saying !! Cheers !!😂😂
Not sure, but Trump shutting up would surely be a red letter day. Attorneys must have visited the jail.
"Attorneys must have visited the jail".
And smelled it?
Yep. Exactly. And then they crawled back to report to him, using clear descriptors.
Definitely doo dah, real doo dah Patrick, otherwise Fani Willis would have filed a 1st Amended Complaint the day after his false news conference or should I say tfg's continuing racketeering enterprise his criminal organization. Joyce made some real news tonite; she must have been a real prosecutor for at least 20 years I'd say.
I don't know that there was ever going to be one. Someone earlier this week compared it to "infrastructure week."
I think infrastructure week every time he makes any sort of announcement. Nothing again? Oh Trumpy, Trumpy, you’re such a tool.
I'm about 99% positive he never meant to have the news conference in the first place. But he got a TON of attention for announcing it! I likened it to "On Thursday I'm giving everyone a pony!!! Come see me, put it on your calendar! Yay, free ponies!!" Three or four days of that followed by,
"Oh, too bad, my mean lawyers say I' can't give away all those ponies. So sorry."
Meanwhile he's sucked up 3-4 days of media oxygen. Good job, tfg! We know he never ever listens to his lawyers anyway. I bet they had no idea about the pony giveaway until he announced it, and they just rolled their eyes. The whole deal was the promise, the sucking up of attention, then, the let down. Also, he managed to convey to the suckers that he did in fact have all that secret exonerating evidence - otherwise known as free ponies.
We are deep in doo dah! Well said!!!!
darn. I was having a schadenfreude-type moment, hoping he would publicly show how bonkers he is and how laughable his 'evidence' is. Wonder if any of his lawyers abandoned ship after this latest crazy stunt.
It’s amazing how deep the rot is, and for how long it’s been simmering in the background. Thank you Joyce...
Mill, I had that exact thought. Stone was around for the Nixon treason. This guy, Roman (ironic name, no?) has been around since the 90’s doing exactly what dump needed him to do to steal the election: create false electors. OMG.
Thank you Joyce for keeping us informed. It helps a lot to have your explanations without puffery or blatherskite or regurgitated 'opinion.' Just solid facts we can trust. 💛
Back in the Nixon/Watergate era a key player, G Gordon Liddy, took a prison sentence rather than rat out his boss, as prosecutors could never shake any crucial testimony out of Liddy regarding the break-in, the "Plumbers", and any direct ties to the Nixon WH..Liddy was loyal to the core.
Now, how many in the tRump circle, from insiders to those on the periphery, would take the fall for The Don, eschewing coöperation and facing certain hard time by doing a Liddy? Meadows? Eastman? Rudy? Powell? Well, quite honestly, NONE of them. They all lack "the right stuff", and veteran prosecutors such as Fani Willis and Jack Smith can suss out weakness and fear, there is no doubt about that. In the months to come there will be changes in the indictment roll call, pre-trial pleas, etc., all strengthening the charges against tRump, "loyalty" be damned.
Sauve qui peut will be the order of the day, bank it.
True. Fani Willis and Jack Smith will have to install extra phone lines to take the calls from those courir pour sauver leur vie.
They will be sliding their requests plea deals through the transoms over the doors.
He sounds like a capo taking the fifth. And while we know an accused is not to be considered guilty until convicted in a court of law.....would an innocent one use 'the fifth' in every response?
Could one such as Roman who is charged by Fani Willis in Georgia make a plea deal with her and with Jack Smith? It seems that it would be most useful to have him make two plea deals: but especially with the Jack Smith trial that is probably going to be heard first. And thank you again Joyce: I wondered who the courier was for the fake elector ballots. I thought they were returned to the White House because the Republican Committee did not want to receive them? I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he had lunch in the park and traded paper bags when he got up to leave. The greasy french fries are tossed and the rolls of $100s go home (with someone). Capo. Not watching movies....this is how they do it in a large city in a western state. What a lap dog he is.
Valere: Lap Capo of "don Dom" ... if you taught me anything.
I understand not being able to force a person to implicate themselves in an illegal act, but,
How does it cover them from testifying the truth about another person’s illegal activities?
If I see my personal physician rob a bank, how can I refuse to testify in court? I’m not involved in any way, so how could I “take the Fifth?”
I don’t think the questions that Joyce copied and pasted for us to read, wherein Roman took the fifth, we’re the case of Roman sitting in a corner, watching Trump discuss false electors to turn over the election results. Nor did those questions concern any kind of eavesdropping he may have done. The questionnaire was asking him about his direct and active involvement in arranging for false electors to overturn the election results. Quite a difference, from your example of witnessing your personal banker committing a crime. That’s just my opinion and I’m not an attorney. Perhaps an attorney, or a legal scholar, would have a different opinion but that’s my take on it (since you responded to my comment). My other opinion is (kind of tangential, but having to do with the result of these kinds of nefarious, shenanigans - and this is, perhaps what Fanni Willis will say) Trump and company violated the Fourteenth Amendment when they interfered in Georgia’s voting. Thus, their actions were foundational to creating a social justice issue specifically impacting Georgia voters. Again I’m not a legal scholar, but my sense is that what happened in Georgia is so egregious because Trump and his cronies were so callous to the voting rights of Georgia citizens. They were jerks to all of us, but they particularly attacked Georgia citizens. Trump did that because he thought he could and it is so offensive. My other question is where was Marjorie Taylor Greene during this campaign to take away the votes from her fellow citizens? She is suddenly silent and seeming to shimmy around the issues. She must feel like she’s been dancing with a gorilla and she wants to stop but the gorilla doesn’t. I’m waiting to see when her own indictment comes. I haven’t read the Georgia indictment. I shall today and I hope someone legal weighs in on your question. In a nutshell, Roman took the fifth because he was an active participant. Not a witness.
I updated the Relationship Map of the original 19 indictees with 14 new unindicted co-conspirators (including Mike Roman) today based on info from the Washington Post and the Daily Beast. Check it out!
Thank you for your hard work Deepak.
T still looks like a demented beaver. YAY.
Trump is more and more getting his own words back to him. Remember “if you are innocent why take the fifth. Only the mob takes the fifth”. And HE took it. Incredible that millions of that alt right false christians maga base still do not realise what they are doing and how deep they got it from Don the Con. Pathetic.
Lap dog capo Roman took the fifth. Did don Don do that as well in New York?
Hope Willis has lite a fire under him! Talk about an organized crime syndicate with Trump at the helm!
...and connected to Putin's mob.
PROSECUTION: would you rather do 20 years or 5 years, Mr Roman?
ROMAN (diverts eyes:) what do you wanna know?
LOL.....thank you David. I needed that smile.
I'm thinking about the huge savings and loan scandal back in the 80's. Many of the bank fraudsters who created the crisis had very soft landings with cushy, well-paying jobs, just as we saw with the 2007-08 crash. I imagine some of Trump's conspirators, indicted or not, will land similarly, after prison, with the GOP funders like Mercer, Koch, Crow, etc. So I hope these scumbags get long, unpleasant prison time for their treachery against democracy. Rikers?
I'm hoping they have no 'soft' landings - and that they are treated as the pariahs they are. I think Georgia has prisons/jails comparable to Rikers. And I hope as well that Merer, Koch, Crow and cronies are ostracized.
No lie. Fulton county jail. *shutters*
I wonder how many, and even Mike Roman are afraid for their lives or the lives of their families or friends.
E. Jean Carroll was afraid for her life. She said so in court and I believe in her book (sorry, not sure about the book - but she did not report Trump's rape for decades because she thought he would kill her.
Fear is a powerful motivator. Indeed, Mike Roman may have some fear. He chose to get on the wrong side of the law. I wondered why the minions trotted to Mara Lardo in droves after January 6. It was as though they were on their knees, kissing his ring - even while most of the United States suffers collective PTSD from the trauma of seeing images and listening to witnesses' accounts of the havoc and destruction of January 6. Mike Roman may seek a plea agreement, and perhaps be eligible for a witness protection program (not sure if threats from don Don apply); and then jerk up his family and move to the dessert to live in a two bedroom condo next to thieves and drug dealers. Or go to jail. But hand-delivering falsely made ballots?? He has no conception of voter integrity.
If I were him and flipped, I’d be more afraid of the MAGAt zombies!
This is huge! Wonder what names have benefitted from their corruption over the past 40 years. Like Reagan, was Trump just a greedy puppet doing as told while stuffing his pockets with ill-gotten gains? I have thought Trump was too ignorant, just a bully, making it unlikely he ran anything. This is ugly.
After the dust settles, let’s make ERIGA, end racketeering in government act. The pendulum has swung too far, allowing corruption in the candidates and parties. Flush it all out!