DeJoy worries me. I don't trust him. He should have been gone long ago.

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He reminds me of a mafia Don just like the other Don.

I’m perplexed by the MAGA mind that can’t be moved. They just don’t understand what’s at stake. In a way, I do understand that Biden through all of his good legislation proposed and passed, that he couldn’t understand the border issue. He only responded when he saw his numbers going down. We wouldn’t be in this pickle had he responded forcefully early in his administration. I’ve repeated this ad nauseum. He could have invoked the Insurrection Act or created an executive order. Anything if only to show he was in control but he didn’t.

It’s hard to believe that the people are not listening to former Trump administration officials that have warned against a 2nd Trump administration. Or maybe they are.

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Please help flip some of them. Please repeatedly post "not suckers or losers" comments in social media. According to Facebook, there are 4 million veterans and active duty members on Facebook, as well as 12.5 million family members and 242 million friends with veterans or active duty members. Military sites, veterans' organizations, historical sites.

Vote vets has already flipped many 2016 and 2020 Trump voters.

It's up to people like you who are on social media.... when you comment you'll see what I mean. Many of the people involved are dependents, family members, friends and neighbors who are interested in the military and or national security and for whom this is news. Takes repetition and substantiation by people they trust.

I am a Vietnam combat veteran -- probably the lone survivor from my units. I have been a "veteran" since Jan 21, 1968. The grandchildren (or great-grandchildren) of my late colleagues want to hear from someone like you.

When you post on say a FB history site, you may start a conversation with potential who may flip on this basis.... Yesterday was a big day.... positive comments.

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Dan, though I have no social media presence I engage with some of the local t***p voting vets where live. It's difficult and most disappointing when I engage with these young vets have been inculcated with the maga drek but I persevere. If you're a veteran and a t***p voter, you're on the wrong side.

U.S. Marine Corps 1968 RVN

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This venue is social media. So is Youtube. Comments sections in virtually all media.

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Yes, this is a platform but not toxic as is Facebook et al.

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Dan and David: thank you and stay with it. US Army (drafted) 1958 vet

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Got my elect Kamala sign from "Vote Vets" up for weeks. Periodically, I call-out the troll bots and Putin puke contaminating social media. I already voted for saving our democracy. I give modest donations to select candidates; watching Cruz panic in Texas is rewarding.

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Hooray for Cruz panicking!🇺🇸💙🇺🇸

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Thank you for your post, Daniel. As a sister of a Vietnam POW, I am baffled, to put it mildly, that the “suckers and losers” comment has not been a deal breaker for more MAGA supporters. Vote Vets is doing a great job and I fully support their efforts. What terrifies me should Trump win is that he would try to use our military to go after us—or that Trump would on some late night whim, send our military men and women to fight and die on behalf of someone like Putin.

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The reason is they DON"T KNOW ABOUT IT. It's up to you to educate them.

The Republicans are aware they are losing the active military vote and attack VBM. https://www.npr.org/2024/10/20/nx-s1-5150095/overseas-voters-military-lawsuit-pennsylvania-republican

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Lots of people willfully CHOOSE to not know about a lot of things, including Trump, Harris, their own city council, their governor, all politics - topics that require thought, time, and effort.

"Politics is an argument about the future." -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan, US Senator, diplomat, and social scientist

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Never up, never in.

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Thank you for your service!!

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Thank you for your continued service!!

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Just be aware the "border issue" is pretty much fabricated. The amount of migrants coming through is way less than it was until Bush Jr tanked the economy, as is the damage they do to the environment. There are only 12 million illegal immigrants in this country, about the same as when tRump took office. Also, the Democrats, along with Republican members of the Congress, created a bill to adress these issues and add 2,700 more border agents only to have Cheetolini order it killed through his influence with Mike Johnson and MAGA house members. That bill was even endorsed by the border Patrol union, but Republicans wanted to keep the issue alive.

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"Cheetolini" Good one

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Some don't want to understand, some don't believe it will actually happen, and more than a few simply don't want to admit that they've been wrong for 9 years. I've become convinced that there is no "key log" that will break through the wall that jams these folks in the Trumpista world.

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Trumpanzies are Cult Member's and they're Addicted to Trump and the Absolute Garbage spewing from HIS MOUTH!

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Tom Nichols has an excellent and disturbing essay in The Atlantic analyzing why MAGA America doesn’t flip. Highly recommended.

Trump’s Depravity Will Not Cost Him This Election

Many Americans know exactly who Trump is, and they like it.


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"I’m perplexed by the MAGA mind that can’t be moved." I am not. Constancy is often the province of idiots trying to look tuffy.

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I don't understand why the Biden presidency didn't do anything about De Joy. Should he not have been convicted by now or at least removed?

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Per wikipedia: "The PMG is selected and appointed by the Board of Governors of the Postal Service, which is appointed by the president. The postmaster general then also sits on the board. The PMG does not serve at the president's pleasure and can only be dismissed by the Board of Governors.[3] The appointment of the postmaster general does not require Senate confirmation.[4][5] The governors and the postmaster general elect the deputy postmaster general."

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And the rest of the story is that Biden delayed filling a couple of vacancies on the Board until last year. No idea why, there has been very little public discussion of the USPS.

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Biden should have fired him. President Harris will do so right away. And President Harris will appoint an new, energetic Attorney General who acts with a sense of urgency.

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Per wikipedia: "The PMG is selected and appointed by the Board of Governors of the Postal Service, which is appointed by the president. The postmaster general then also sits on the board. The PMG does not serve at the president's pleasure and can only be dismissed by the Board of Governors.[3] The appointment of the postmaster general does not require Senate confirmation.[4][5] The governors and the postmaster general elect the deputy postmaster general."

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Marilyn, you are right about DeJoy. How is it an attempted election saboteur is still in office anywhere? That should have been a crime to be tried, but somehow Trump and Kump get away with anything they do, then keep on doing their damage to this nation. What is wrong with us that we keep letting it happen?

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Ruth, what I remember hearing is that DeJoy has to be ousted by the board that governs the post office. When Biden took office, there were lots of republicans on the board, and their terms had to expire before he could replace them. I'm not sure what's going on now, but I'm pretty sure that Biden doesn't have the option to fire DeJoy, although I very much wish he did.

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Agree - that as what I read. I suspect some postal board terms will be expiring next year, when Kamala could replace them with people who actually support our postal service (or trump could put in even more traitors).

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It would definitely be nice to see her replace some board members. It's past time to restore the post office. We are actually lucky where I live because our postal workers believe in doing their jobs, and doing them well.

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I still have to make sure I mail birthday and anniversary cards a week in advance to make sure they arrive on time.

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Just read that a mail collection box in Maricopa County AZ caught fire with some ballots damaged. Let’s see how rigorous the USPS handles this. If perpetrators discovered, they should get maximum penalty. Sad what our election process has become.

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It’s ironic how the party that claims to defend democracy is working overtime to make sure fewer people actually get to participate in it.

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What are you talking about? Both parties claim to defend democracy, but only one of them is actually doing that while the other is actively undermining it.

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News from the PENNSYLVANIA Front, over 1,208,000 Penn voters have mailed in their Ballots.

Per the state of PENN, over 726,000 are registered Dems, over 350,000 R's & nearly 121,000 are "Others".

I voted already. The CA Secretary of State confirmed my Ballot was received & COUNTED. Hey Folks, it's 2024.

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We were just in Pennsylvania and the enthusiasm for Trump, as measured by the number of Trump signs on lawns and billboards, was a fraction of what it was in 2022. That's only an anecdotal observation, but it gives me hope. The same is true where we live, and, like Charlie Brown who believes Lucy won't take the football away, I have hope that Trump is toast.

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MAGA members of my family are eager to get rid of democracy. Yeah, they’re THAT loony. Democracy and Democrat are synonymous in their feeble minds. I asked my brother if he was truly willing to vote to end democracy. He got up in my face and responded “ABSOFRIGGINLUTELY!”

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So sorry to hear that Linda. My family calls me woke to my face (not sure why they think that would upset me lol) but I know they say other things when I’m not around. I feel sometimes like I’m living in Germany in the 1930’s and I just don’t understand why they can’t see it’s the same. Scary and very very sad times. I’m even at the point that I’m thinking to have other things to do on thanksgiving. Just to avoid the heartache. Praying for better times!!! Voting for joy - voting Blue!!

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Tell them it’s “not the waking,it’s the rising” (hosier song “Nina cried power” with mavis staples…)

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I know what you mean. With ever-widening gaps between family members, I've decided to take friends up on their offer to have a small potluck with like-minded others. It's so sad how this political disease is growing.

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Yikes! It is so painful when family members, especially, get aggressive with their beliefs. It happened with my grandson, voting for the first time, who shouted, "I Hate Democrats!" knowing full well I am one.

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I think he meant “a@ party ….

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If you think about it, they haven't really been about democracy-- at home anyway-- since the Voting Rights Act.

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Jayne, I think it was before that with their "anti-Communists" actions. They wanted to claim anyone who had ever been involved with anything that Republicans might have thought could possibly have been "Communist" or "Socialist" weren't really Americans and hinted they shouldn't be voting as REAL Americans. That was in the 1950s. They have just over time, refined their practices to do as much harm to as many non-Republicans as they could, trying to make it look like they were "just being patriotic." They weren't and aren't anything close to patriotic.

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Excellent point, Ruth! I was thinking in terms of Eisenhower being the last true Republican president. But you are right that others in the party were already trying to dismantle our democracy.

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You're right Jayne. The R's Party stands for recidivists.

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good one!

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How true, except they don't want democracy - they want fascism. See Robert Reich's post today.

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And that other party is wasting huge amounts of money on their fruitless efforts to take away our voting rights.

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It would be wise for everyone to check to see if their ballot was received and counted. I voted absentee by mail over three weeks ago and it has not been received by the Clerk. Ballot tracking is available in some if not all of the states.

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Fortunately I can still vote in person if my ballot doesn't arrive. But I would not know that I had to vote in person if I hadn't tracked my ballot. Check online or with your local clerk.

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I voted at an early voting location. I don’t trust Texas with my mail in ballot.

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Done. My E-Mail vote is in and accepted.

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Not aware anyplace had email voting....ballots are not connected to the internet....are you sure someone didn't trick you ?

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I think Bruce misspoke.

You cannot vote by email, but in many civilized states you can go online and find out if your mail in ballot has been received and if it has been counted

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Well, Patricia...I've been doing it the same way for 6 years. But, do I have positive proof other than what the Charleston County registrar sends me, no. If you have more info let me know, please.

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No state allows voting by email. This is being proposed. Please confirm your ballot was received and counted. Your county election officials can tell you if you can vote with a provisional ballot in person in case they don’t receive your original ballot.

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did.that, and yes

Election Date Election Status - Click for Details

11/5/2024 Statewide General Election Voted

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No I do not have more info...just thought it sounded off and wanted your vote to count !

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...and I thank you for your concern. Much appreciated, Patricia.

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What about the physical ballot that accompanies an electronic vote?

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No need in South Carolina, Kathy

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Are you for sure certain ?

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I get my ballot in the mail, but then I deliver it in person to my township office. This way, I don't have to stand in line -for some reason there are always lines and problems at my precinct voting place- and yet I give it to a person so I know it is not lost in the mail.

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Thanks for the reminder -- just checked and, happily, my ballot and my husbands were both "approved and counted".

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ditto my wife.

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A postal service blue collection box was purposely ignited; It contained some ballots.

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Wow. All the curbside collection boxes in front of our POs in Burbank are locked to "avoid theft". 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Fortunately Florida allows me to return my ballot by fax, so I have nearly instant confirmation that my ballot made its way to the Supervisor of Elections' office. Just waiting now for that office to confirm my ballot was received and counted.

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Accepted and counted!

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Received confirmation from the Supervisor of Elections office that my ballot was received, accepted (no issues with the signature, etc) and counted.

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Louis DeJoy, at it again, eh? Our mail delivery made the local news this week here in College Station/Bryan, TX. Lot of complaints about people not getting their mail on time, missing Rx's magazines, etc. It's why I stopped taking the Austin American Statesman newspaper, a daily, because I stopped getting them in a timely fashion. Some would show up a week or 2 late. I've often wondered how come it's the Republicans who CHEAT? The answer is easier now: they cannot win without all the shenanigans and dirty tricks, but they are also, to a much larger degree the ones ON THE TAKE. I admit a few Dems have been caught, but it seems they are taken to task a lot quicker, unless that is my imagination. In a sane world, a guy like trump would never have been noticed had the show I never watched, The Apprentice, never been made. I read that the producer apologized for making trump into a fake successful business man. Thanks, but much of the damage has been done, so too late, pal. I intend to stay encouraged by President Obama's energy helping on the campaign trail. Just goes to show ALL OF US just how important he KNOWS this election is. Happy to see that a few celebrities are starting to show up on the campaign trail, too. Much needed. I saw something earlier today that said: "Voting is not about perfection; it's about direction. Harris is pointing forward, trump is pointing backward (to the 1930's, specifically. Vote for the direction YOU want to move in."

I'm happy we are successful in so many of the voting cases. I yield back my time & head to bed.

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As a native TXan, now an infiltrated CAn, I hear ya!

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Beth, no need to infiltrate. CA takes reverse migrators & welcomes longhorns. :---)

PS: CA citizen enjoy a state Constitutional right of Privacy, Article 1 Section 7. et seq.

Try it, you'll like it.

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Living in a Blue state, with long-time VBM enjoying complete buy-in, it's simply incomprehensible to me that many of our fellow citizens are up against so many voting hassles and speculative lawsuits potentially invalidating one's vote. Is it too much to ask that some day, there would exist a NATIONAL standard for voting/vote processing, rather than voting guidelines being subjected to the thousands of county entities, each with its own individual rules and regulations, and each subject to challenges and interferences by a determined minority?

When do we call an end to this ridiculous prerogative of "federalism" and "states' rights" and transition into a more transparent AND universal voting system NOT subject to manipulation and traducing by malign local actors?

The US Constitution does NOT provide for the RIGHT to vote per se, only that DENIAL of a vote to a certain class of citizen is prohibited...not the same thing. If in fact the Constitution were amended to include such an explicit RIGHT, then Congress could in principle enact such laws that WOULD prescribe national standards that would both guarantee the right to vote, and standardize the process.

Has not the time for such an Amendment and adoption of a national standard arrived? History suggests YES.

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All those Republican lawyers filing frivolous suits—are there no sanctions a court can impose? Whatever happened to malicious prosecution? A court’s time and the defendants money all squandered with these sad attempts at delay and/or partisan verdicts. No remedies? No dismissals with prejudice? The obstructors get off scot-free?

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I too want to thank you for bringing this up. I don't know whether or not Joyce has the time to read any of our posts, but it would be interesting to know if there isn't some remedy for the flood of lawsuits with no merit. I think of the time and money spent tying up the courts with this. I guess the attorneys must be getting paid, perhaps with campaign money? Otherwise, how? And would that be legal, using campaign money, that is?

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Nancy, see my comment to the sharp David above. You're on the right track ... following the money which may lead to an outside-the-jurisdiction PAC and/or malevolent would-be oligarch.

It is not ALL federal law. Musk's money-for-your vote violates the state's statutory prohibition. I expect state action against Elon in addition to the Federal warning.


MUSK has been COMMUNICATING extensively with PUTIN per today's Wall Street today. Per CNN NASA Chief investigation over satellite communications and related favors for Chi/China.

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I donʻt know a lot about campaign finance law but a lot of these cases are being funded by the RNC. Thatʻs one of the reasons Lara Trump was installed and McDaniels booted out. McDaniels wanted more funds to go to supporting down-ballot candidates and Lara Trump wanted to keep the pot of money to support her father in law.

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Thanks for bringing this up. I was asking the same thing to myself as I was reading through Joyce’s newsletter.

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Often a motion for sanctions will be filed by the pro-voting attorneys when a court tosses out a particularly frivolous suit. And attorneys have been sanctioned financially, suspended and in a few cases disbarred. Marc Eliasʻ Democracy Docket team has been doing amazing work stopping these election-meddling cases.

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No they do not David; the general rule is that 'for every wrong there is a remedy'. Many court's have applicable case law on-point & Standing Orders policed by Presiding Judges.

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Well Joyce, "I hope we are in this together" for longer then this election. If the Farce of Nature wins, we need to stay in the fight for Freedom to have a democratic Republic back, against the provisions of "Outrage Project 2025". We will need to organize public disobedience and other resistance campaigns.

If we win..."d'ja thunk the Broligarchs are going to stop"? Did Hitler stop in 1923? No, he and his enablers did not, and the RichBros are not going to either. It took Hitler 10 more years of convincing the German population that his rule was/inevitable and even then he staged a coup. Then it took 6 more years of terror and Propaganda to go to War. And, even in 1939 the then TechRich Broligarchs of Germany said it was too soon, they were not ready yet. We seem to think the democratic forces in Germany just all followed along. No, they resisted, were beaten, locked up and died first in the Concentration Camps around Hamburg. But still Hitler/Goebbels prevailed. These forces we are fighting are strong, evil and longwinded. So, we need to make sure that we see this election as a necessary but not sufficient step, together. Then we need to stay at work "together" to fix what is wrong in our country, and yes, if possible, for every one for the long term. I estimate that it will take a generation (20 years) of "Full Court Press".

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Your argument is convincing and based on fact and your plea that we organize and know @we’re all in this together” for up to 20 years is convincing must be taken seriously. We need to look at the democracy movement in Russia and other countries but especially Russia. I’m reading Navalnaya’s and Alexi Navalny’s book just out. The first page and last page give hope. And there is hope. We are worldwide fighting against oligarchs and repression.

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I will remember your phrase, "strong, evil and long-winded." We all need to remember that a Harris/Walz win is not going to save us forever from those who espouse the evil words and sentiments coming from DJT and his hyped-up, jumping around, rich followers. Your reminder about the persistence of the German evil is important. Ultimately, it didn't prevail, but after how many lives were ruined. I guess my wonder is now to keep that persistence from overwhelming us here.

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Georgia poll worker here! One notable difference in this election is the turnout of FIRST TIME VOTERS! Loads of them. 💙

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As a CA poll worker for a final four day shift, I'm anxious to see how many first timers here. In the center where I usually work, there are usually 2-3 a day. And happily brand new citizens voting for the first time. The pride and joy is contagious. I can't wait to start on Saturday!

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Wow that is encouraging news!!

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Great News!

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Believe it or not, voting is one of the most important means of asserting and exercising our sovereignty as "the People." So please vote, even if you think your vote might not count for all purposes. As Joyce emphasized, it might count for other purposes.

Our Constitution was designed by people who were profoundly influence by Montesquieu, and he clearly explained the relationship between sovereignty and suffrage. “In a democracy the people are in some respects the sovereign, and in others [the people are] the subject [i.e., of the laws they create].”  Montesquieu emphasized that the “exercise of sovereignty” in a democracy is by citizens “by their suffrages.” Suffrage is truly the speech of sovereigns.

To see who is sovereign in America, look at the plain text of our Constitution regarding who is a “citizen” (Amendment XIV, Section 1) and who has the right to vote (Amendment XIV (Section 2); Amendments XV, XIX, XXIV, XXVI).  Pretty nearly every citizen regardless of creed, color, race, sex, wealth or age (above 17) is part of the sovereign citizens with the power to vote on our public servants and our public measures. A big part of the reason SCOTUS justices (and state legislators) pretend to have the power to rob people of their rights is that they think we don't know that we're the sovereigns, not them.

Fourteen years ago, in Citizens United v. FEC, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) (in an opinion by Justice Kennedy in which Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas and Alito also joined), SCOTUS re-emphasized that in our “republic” clearly “the people are sovereign” and “the ability” (the power) “of the citizenry to make informed choices” about public servants and public issues “is essential.” Suffrage is the speech of sovereigns.

“Speech" (including voting) "is an essential mechanism of democracy, for it is the means to hold officials accountable to the people.” “The right of citizens to inquire, to hear, to speak, and to use information to reach consensus is a precondition to enlightened self-government and a necessary means to protect it.” Thinking and speaking about government is the primary purpose and duty of government. Thinking and speaking about government is the primary power and point of sovereignty.

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Jack, I need a sanity check here. You said that Citizens United emphasized sovereignty. My memory says that decision is what decided that corporations are people and that money is speech. Please help!

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Susan, the comments regarding sovereignty by the (no longer as far as I am concerned) Supreme Court in 2010 were spot on. However, the decision that corporations are also people that has f**ked us for the past 14 years was a disgraceful travesty of justice. It really runs counter to “the people are sovereign” comment.

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Agreed. IMO, it makes corporations sovereign because they are so much bigger than us humans.

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SCOTUS didn't say corporations are people. SCOTUS said that for corporations and people "the freedom of speech" and "press" is the same (except with respect to actual voting). It's fair to dislike Citizens United for some aspects of that decision, but it's unwise to ignore the parts of it that help us as individuals. Sometimes (as in Citizens United), SCOTUS justices provide their best insights about our Constitution (in ways that help us) in decisions that many of us think hurt us. Some SCOTUS justices sometimes like to show (their friends) that they really do understand our Constitution much better than they let on in other decisions (like Dobbs).

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Excellent question and excellent point! Sometimes people tell us what to think about SCOTUS precedent (or our Constitution) and they don’t tell the whole story. That’s perfectly natural because telling the whole story would obscure the point being made. Often, people criticize Citizens United because of its effect on campaign finance. Fair enough. But that part of Citizens United is irrelevant to what I’m talking about. We (also) should see Citizens United for how it protects us. You may not know how rare it is, but trust me, it is.

First the fairly straightforward protection (which might not mean all that much to you unless somebody wants to put you in jail, e.g., for speaking up at a city council meeting). The First Amendment secured “the freedom of speech” and “press.” It secured one freedom in two forms. SCOTUS made that clear when it said that corporations have the same freedom of speech and press as we have (excluding actual voting, which is a form of speech). One reason that’s important for us is that many of the best SCOTUS decisions under the First Amendment actually were about the freedom of the “press.” A second reason Citizens United is important to us regarding that issue is that a lot of judges don’t understand the simple truth that whatever SCOTUS said protecting the freedom of the press also protects us. The freedom of the press protects us as individuals as much as it protects any media conglomerate.

More importantly, however, Citizens United is one of the few SCOTUS decisions that makes a hugely important point: our freedoms under the First Amendment do not depend on the scope of the First Amendment. (Too often, judges have focused on particular words of the First Amendment to DENY protection.) Our “liberty” (in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments) is derived from our “sovereignty.” From time to time, SCOTUS does acknowledge our sovereignty. But SCOTUS very seldom acknowledges that our freedom to think and speak for ourselves is a function of our sovereignty.

Now, take that understanding of our sovereignty to the next logical level. It’s not hard (even for a SCOTUS justice) to see the implications (which is why some SCOTUS justices do not like to connect our liberty to our sovereignty). There is a reason that SCOTUS justices write about our sovereignty in places we would not think to look (exactly like Citizens United). Our sovereignty--what SCOTUS justices know about our sovereignty--very clearly confirms the rights of women regarding what happens with their own bodies. And that, to tell the truth, is as much my point as our freedom of speech.

The original Constitution emphasized our political sovereignty (over each other and over our public servants) and subsequent amendments emphasized our personal sovereignty (each person over herself). Amendments I, XIV, XIX, XXIV and XXVI emphasized that political sovereignty and personal sovereignty belong to all citizens, regardless of creed, color, race, sex, wealth or age (after 17).

The First Amendment, for example, emphasized each person’s sovereignty over her own thoughts, beliefs and conscience (“religion”), communications (“speech,” “press” and “petition”) and associations (“religion,” “assembly”). Making a woman (or a couple) bear and raise a child for 18-19 years, at the very least very obviously tramples all over freedom of association and freedom from "involuntary servitude." The Thirteenth Amendment emphasized the sovereignty of each person over her person, time and energies by outlawing any form of “involuntary servitude.”

The Fourth Amendment also emphasized the sovereignty of “the people” over “their persons" as well as over their "houses, papers, and effects.” The Third Amendment emphasized the sovereignty of “the Owner” over her “house.” The Second Amendment emphasized that each person’s sovereignty included even the right and power to take another (actual) person’s life in self-defense or for self-preservation. See, e.g., District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008). So it necessarily implies the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy for her self-defense or self-preservation.

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Thank you, Jack! I'm afraid my brain doesn't get legal stuff much better than it gets physics. But it's good to have your explanation, which is a lot more thorough than anything I heard about Citizens United on the news. The one part I truly don't understand is how they could be positive about women's right to control their own bodies and yet come up with the Dobbs decision. I do realize that who is on the court has changed drastically, but Thomas and Alito have been there all along. Were they okay with Citizens United? If so, I think they went over the edge with Dobbs (please forgive me if my wording isn't the best - my brain seems to have deserted me this evening).

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That's perfectly alright, Susan. It's a lot to take in all at once. But I think you might have misunderstood my writing. The justices who were in the SCOTUS majority in Dobbs were not "positive about women's right to control their own bodies." I made that point based on (1) our sovereignty over ourselves and (2) the text and purpose of Amendments I, II, III, IV and XIII. Justices Thomas and Alito were, however, fully on board with the concept of "the sovereignty of the people" stated in Citizens United (and fully on board with the link between our sovereignty and our freedom of speech in Citizens United). They also have used the expression "the sovereignty of the people" (or something very similar) in their own opinions.

My point is simply this: our sovereignty has substantive meaning. It means, in part, that we are sovereign over ourselves and if the government wants to take away any liberty, the government must bear the burden of proving that the Constitution permits that.

The SCOTUS majority in Dobbs did the opposite. They pretended that sovereign citizens must bear the burden of proving that a particular right exists. SCOTUS completely flipped the script that they knew they were required to follow to comply with our Constitution.

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It's difficult to understand a supreme court that is happy to throw out precedent. I find myself wondering about Alito and Thomas, if they were sane for Citizens United and insane with Dobbs. (I hope I understood you correctly this time.)

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Yes, you understood just fine. Part of the answer goes back to the fact that they hid this gem in a decision that people love to hate. So nobody even looks at it. People also have just forgotten about this whole huge issue, I think (about what it means for us to be “sovereign”). That’s why I’m highlighting it.

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I’m glad I live in Colorado. Rock solid vote by mail (drop box the only way to go), early voting and in-person voting. I get notified when my ballot arrives and processed - no shenanigans!

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I like that you get notified about your ballot's arrival and processing. We vote by mail here in Texas (we can do that because we are old), and I just today was finally able to find out how to track my ballot. Because of how the USPS is, it was reassuring to find out that my ballot was received, and the date it was received (not yet counted).

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Same here, Susan. I’m in Austin, where the Texas Lege meets every two years and cooks up more ways to make voting more difficult for us. Our Travis County Clerk’s elections staff are phenomenal, and I’ve called them many times for information and updates. I wish we had “push” notifications for status of mail-in ballots, but I did see on their website (I check it every day) that my ballot was received, just waiting to make sure it was “Accepted.” Thanks to the Lege, state law allows only ONE dropbox per county AND you can deposit your ballot there ONLY on Election Day. As Joyce would say, it’s meshuga.

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I don't know if El Paso even has a drop box. You know that the reason there is now only one drop box per county is because they hate Harris County (Houston) which is way too diverse for them.

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You’re absolutely right, that new requirement is a blatant attack on Houston voters. And on voters in all the larger cities, the majority of whom vote Democratic.

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It's an attack on those who vote for sanity… and honesty… and reason…

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One Dropbox per county, and only allowed to be used on Election Day. Wow! For a county the size and population of Harris, that is such a flagrant voter suppression tactic, I cannot believe (well, actually, I can; it’s Texas and the GQP in charge) they have gotten away with it! How many ballots can a dropbox hold? A few hundred, maybe. And how frequently do they get emptied?

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I double-checked and I was wrong: Drop boxes for ballots are NOT ALLOWED in Texas. On Election Day, a voter can *hand-deliver* their mail-in ballot to an election worker in a designated location (one location per county). The voter must present a valid ID and sign a form. A voter cannot deliver ballots for another person. So EVERYONE has to travel to that one location and go through the check-the-ID-and-sign-the-form process. Yep, voter suppression - slowing things down, making voting cumbersome, making people give up on voting at all. “God Bless Texas,” hey?

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Thanks Joyce. You’re right about all of it. I pace myself for balance between over absorbing too much information and it does help. I am sure glad you’ll be here with us as the election votes start to trickle in. Hi to your magnificent menagerie who bring us all so much joy. Happy night too.


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Antonia Scatton has done a wonderful post in her SubStack entitled Reframing America on how to morally frame the right to vote. If you’re knocking on doors or phone banking to turn out voters, it’s a great reference. Here’s the link:


Here’s an excerpt:

"It’s not just about being free to vote. Voting is what makes us free.”

“What makes America a free country is the right of our citizens to live under a government of their own choosing.”

“If you take away a person’s vote, you take away their freedom: their right to have their say in choosing the people whose decisions impact their lives.”

Her post has great clarity about efforts to making voting harder. Republicans typically say they want to deter rare voter fraud, but in doing so, they prevent far more legitimate votes than fraudulent ones. Of course they target people who are likely to vote Democratic.

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Thank you.

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I vote, always, because my grandmother fought to be able to.

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"The Michigan case also targeted the spouses of military and overseas voters."

We spent 38 years as an active duty family. Most of those years were before the 2009 Military Spouses Residency Relief Act. We were overseas for the 2000 presidential election and I was unable to vote because Virginia had removed me from their rolls when we sold our house there. I had no recourse but to live in a legal residence limbo until we returned to the US. My personal word for this election cycle is INCENSED! I am incensed at so much daily, but throwing military spouses back to the days of being legal non-entities and all the other ridiculous hoops we had to jump thru because our legal residence changed to wherever our spouses were serving for 45+ days is more than I can politely stand. My poor husband will have to listen to me ranting all day long.

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Time for a little break. This is Keb’ Mo’ singing PUT A WOMAN IN CHARGE.


I guarantee it will recharge your spirits for this final push.

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Thank you! That was great.

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Received my ballot, completed it (all Blue!) and took it to the county offices and handed it in. BallotTrax let me know it has been received and authenticated.

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