I didn’t know you are from LA, and East LA at that.

For those who don’t know, Joyce is delicately making the point that she came up via a part of our country that is heavily minority majority, labors under gang influence, and struggles/d thru underinvestment.

Another reason to be awed by you. 👏🏼

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I had no idea that the number of legacy/donor kids was that high at Harvard. It gives pause to the value of a Harvard diploma. The irony is that large donors provide the school with ample donations that could fund scholarships for the students who can't afford the Harvard tuition, but are likely much more qualified. To boot, Harvard has an endowment of over $50 billion. As the wealthiest university in the world, they can afford to give "full rides" to any student that needs the financial support.

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I must plead guilty to a deep feeling of glee at your closing comment:

"If Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been upset about the use of critical race theory to explain discrimination in the legal system, just think about how this is going to set him off!"

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Thank you, Joyce, for breaking this down to the nitty gritty. I feel a little more hopeful that these attorneys will prevail. Roberts and his illegitimate court jesters’ rulings must be overturned. I certainly hope these lawmakers make them sweat. Must fight fire with fire!

By the way, loved that you referenced your husband’s tweet!

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The non revenue sports cited here where also a key strategy for the Varsity Blues scam. Fake polo players, big donations equal admission. People of average means, who work two jobs, whose kids work hard, no matter what race are behind the eight ball in these situations. Access to high quality college level education changes lives and the oligarchs have closed the door that allows those without means to lift themselves and their heirs to another level. We are at the end of a 40 year cycle to reverse the advances that have been implemented during my lifetime. We are facing a have / have not world but one where everyone is heavily armed.

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Special consideration deserves special recognition. Time to put a foot note on the diploma along with the GPA and a WARNING LABEL such as “Do not trust. May not be competent.”

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I always go back to this: if the law doesn't permit society to work to remedy and cure the injuries of historic white supremacy and class exploitation, there's something wrong with the law -- not the attempts to heal the damage, however fumbling and awkward.

This country only works if we share.

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If I can’t be forced to utilize my free speech against my religious beliefs (303 Creative), and money is speech (Citizens United), then Quakers can withhold paying taxes to support wars, right?

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The college and private education system is a mess. Politicians like desantis are making a mess of the public education system in Florida as well, and other states seem to be following suit.

Getting an Ivy league education isn't all it's cracked up to be. Just look at the crazy right-wing politicians who have Harvard degrees. And who can afford one?

I got my ADN at a community college. It was a first rate nursing program that was tough to pass, but I cherish what I learned, the people I went to classes with, and the Professors who taught there. The student body was diverse, and there was an atmosphere of inclusion.

But I agree that "legacy admissions" are a form of discrimination to others who don't fall into that category. Good luck to those who are fighting against it.

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One small point: There is a reasonable argument to be made that tuition remission for the children of faculty help colleges and universities recruit and retain better teachers, and save money that would otherwise have to be spent on higher salaries to have the same effect. (I do not know whether there is any evidence to show the actual worth of such programs.) And to the extent that faculty is more diverse than the ranks of alumni, such programs are also of some benefit to diversity.

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I will use the google machine later, but my sense is this Court would like nothing better than to strike down statutes that recognize disparate impact. Vote, vote, vote, vote, and vote.

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Always heart warming to see there are people with the knowledge to fight injustice of those trying to chip away at democracy

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University endowments have been granted a(n) unique non-profit status. Elite institutions have multibillion dollar endowments which essentially are untaxed funds of vast, under-utilized capital. Why is this tolerated? Certainly this is a distortion of the capital markets that affects admission policy. It should be scrutinized and corrected. Suggest you might bring an economist well-informed in endowments onto your guest feature to address this issue.

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The Supremes need to change out their robes -- to white.

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Your husband’s a keeper

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Your last comment about DeSantis made my morning!

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