13 hrs agoLiked by Joyce Vance

What an amazing and wonderful letter from Governor Barnes. Reading it brightened my day! Thanks you for this and every day's Civil Discourse.

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The last Democratic governor of Georgia, 21 years ago, before the "Tea Party", Newt Gingrich, and MAGA took over the state with hard-right extremism. But, since those dark days, two Dem senators have been elected, and Joe Biden just squeaked by tRump in 2020.

Let's hope that Harris-Walz continue pushing GA purple!

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I'd pay Cash American Large to watch Governor Barnes read that letter aloud to Jungle Jim live and in person!!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Joyce Vance

This letter from Governor Barnes is just the appropriate response to Jim Jordan, especially with the reminder of more serious things needing to be addressed by Congress. More individuals need to stand up to this pugnacious bully!

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13 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

Former Governor and Attorney Barnes’ letter to Jim Jordan should be framed and hung in the corridors of the Capitol for all to read. It makes an a$$ out of Jordan for those who didn’t already know it and puts him squarely “in the corner with a dunce hat on”. Joyce, thank you for providing this breath of fresh air.

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You go, Attorney Barnes! I would definitely hire him to represent me, “in all the capacities in which” I exist.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Joyce Vance

I really enjoyed the discussion. Thank you. I realize that after the election the fascism and false narratives don't magically disappear. I believe work like yours will be very important long-term to continue identifying and counteracting the anti-democratic forces. Democracy takes work and we tend to be a comfortably lazy people. I hope we can expand civics education and increase engagement to a healthier level than we have had for a long while.

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Yes, I'm beginning to try to think, without getting ahead of myself, what it would take to restore democracy if Harris wins. I think that's a responsibility all of us have to take on at the local level and it won't be an overnight project, but I've always known I was in it for the long haul!

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Your dedication is noted and appreciated immensely.

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Joyce, it is an ongoing project for every American and those who wish to become American citizens to participate actively in the working of our democracy. We the People can't sit back in the future, hoping everyone in office is of good character, letting them take chunks out of our rights. We need to call folks out who are doing harm to others for their own benefit, and we have a lot of them out there right now. We can do this!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Joyce Vance

Hello Joyce,

I didn't attend your discussion session with Judd Legum, but on another note...

Thank you for sharing that letter from Governor Barnes. What a cracker (as we say in the UK)! It's about time someone told Jim Jordan where to get off. He really is a piece of work.

And what a bright spot in another week of highest-stakes political tension, which is so fatiguing.

Best wishes from Spain (since moving here from Edinburgh in 2019) 😎

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You gotta love it. Jim Jordan exceeds all olympians in his ability to miss the forest for the trees. Former Governor Barnes makes Jordan out to be the little squirmy worm he is. Ohio would do us all a great favor if they would send him back to the hustings and keep him from forever again darkening the doors of Congress.

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Worm is such a descriptive name for Jordan. Wiyld be heaven to squish him under a bid man’s shoe!!

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Although it's a bit unfair to worms, since we actually need them

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Earthworms, yes, it's unfair. But how about parasitic worms like tapeworms?

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Jordan is one of the many coconspirator, insurrectionists who should have been charged, tried, convicted and in jail instead of walking the halls of Congress.

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That letter is pure gold.

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Will the video be presented for those of us who missed the conversation???

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We've got clips coming! I'm going to try and post some of them later today!

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I read somewhere they can't release the video because of Joyce's TV contracts or something, but there will be a transcript.

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Disappointing but grateful to have access to a transcript! Thank you for the information!

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Perhaps even an audio version???

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Wow, about time Jordan was dealt with.

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Jordan is one of the many coconspirator, insurrectionists who should have been charged, tried, convicted and in jail instead of walking the halls of Congress.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Joyce Vance

The best part was the flow of conversation and ideas between you and Mr. Legum. The worst was the Substack app. You were placed on the bottom and all the messages ran over the top of your face, rendering both you and the messages unreadable.

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We're all still learning, so this is a very helpful comment; I'll pass it on!

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I was unable to access the video with an iPhone 16 and up to date app. Nothing was clickable, on either your or Judd’s Substack. Looking forward to the transcript. Please use Zoom so we aren’t stuck on phones.

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Concur! Ruth Ben-Ghiat very effectively uses Zoom! On a laptop or desktop you can see the chat to the right of the video feeds. She records her and her guests comments and then stops recording when she opens it up to questions. Kinda cool to see others as they ask questions.

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It's a new feature, so I'm sure they will be working to evolve over time.

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It was sad to miss this because it was unwatchable

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That letter recalls Joseph Welch's statement to McCarthy:

On June 9, 1954, McCarthy again became agitated at Welch’s steady destruction of each of his arguments and witnesses. In response, McCarthy charged that Frederick G. Fisher, a young associate in Welch’s law firm, had been a long-time member of an organization that was a “legal arm of the Communist Party.” Welch was stunned. As he struggled to maintain his composure, he looked at McCarthy and declared, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” It was then McCarthy’s turn to be stunned into silence, as Welch asked, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”

It's about time.

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My wifi caused so much pausing (caching) that interrupted the conversation mid-sentence that I had to ditch. I can't be the only one with that problem. Please make the conversation available as a video or transcript.

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Yes here too

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Concur. The app kept freezing. I'd have to close the stream and reopen it and occasionally force quit the app on my iPhone 15, relaunch and reselect the stream.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Joyce Vance

Thanks for the excellent explanation of the proceedings today. The letter from Barnes is uplifting!

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I truly like the fact that Judge Chutkan is showing impartiality in the Smith/trump case. She is wise. In a "just" world, trump would never even been allowed to run for any office again & would be spending all of his non-golfing hours in courtrooms. But, here we are. I've already mailed in my completed ballot having voted for judges who are Republicans and for every Democrat running for office in Texas. My concern popped up yesterday because of Louis DeJoy, US Postal General or whatever his title is. I wonder with all the MAGA Republicans scheming if it includes DeJoy having been ordered by trump to tamper with mailed ballots in one way or another to help trump win? I DEARLY hope somebody has been in touch with DeJoy to remind him of the laws against that, etc. Loved the letter to Gym Jordan. Truly deserved and appropriate. I yield back my time.

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An appropriate golfing venue would be 3 balls, a putter and a Dixie cup in his cell at some federal camp for white collar criminals, serving out his 15 years.

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Throw his wife under that bus too, the one that tried to end public schools!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Joyce Vance

Joyce, as ever, thank you so much for all the info, keeping us up to date.

I've enjoyed reading Roy Barnes' letter to Jim Jordan so much -- every time I see it, lol!!! :D Was happy to see it here -- enjoyed that, and it's fun to know Jordan's still getting called out by someone on his own non-compliance with Congressional subpoenas.

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