Not supporting gun violence or anyone who refuses to put the assault weapon ban back in place.

Agree with Barry McCaffrey (Retired General U.S. Army). Want an automatic rifle? Join the Army, they will be assigned the weapon and trained how to use it.

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I really think it’s past time for LE to show pictures of the murdered children. And if you feel that’s too explosive for delicate people, then show the classroom after the bodies were removed. Mamie Till had the right reaction to her son’s murder 65 years ago.

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A brilliant last paragraph which puts everything into perspective, Joyce!

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So many issues--but gun safety is top among them. Thanks for this.

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Why does someone need a military grade gun like an AR 15. I’m disgusted with the number of deaths and injuries due to those who believe it is their right to own such a gun. Common sense seems to be a lost art. Thank you Joyce.

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Thank you, Joyce.

I agree with you about being "tired of watching the toll of people who are dead because weapons of war are freely available, because just about anyone can purchase a high capacity magazine that lets then shoot 30 rounds or more in a minute and makes it hard for law enforcement to disrupt them."

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To address multiple issues at once, I've been focused on getting out the vote with organizations using letter writing, postcards and promoting non-partisan fairness in elections like independent redistricting commissions, ranked choice voting and anything that get more money out of politics.

It seems to me, opponents to gun safety laws are smallish in number, loud, organized to amplify their voice, and will make it their single issue at the ballot box. Our votes can overcome their strangle hold on politicians. Someone recently said, We can take care of the second amendment and second graders."

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My unscientific observations of people I know & see posts & statements they make, have not been in the military, not all, some though. The majority of those same folks have never been to war. That’s always been glaring to me.

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I think the gun companies need to apply pressure to senators for common sense laws. Surely that won’t result in these gun crazed people not buying from the gun companies and changes need to be made from the top down. Go after the manufactures.

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I hope I am writing out of a bad dream, but I have abandoned "follow the money" in favor of "who profits?". Who profits from reckless distribution of assault weapons, promoting horse medicine instead of Covid vaccination, rewarding people who report abortions, and thereby seriously weakening faith in our Constitution and all branches of our government? Seems to me the only winners are organized crime and / or competing governments. Is that crazy? I am worried about even suspecting it.

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Excellent discussion Joyce. The time to take action is to strike while the iron is hot: now and not kick the can down the road. It worked out beautifully for Australia.

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“ I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of watching the toll of people who are dead because weapons of war are freely available, because just about anyone can purchase a high capacity magazine that lets then shoot 30 rounds or more in a minute and makes it hard for law enforcement to disrupt them”

i am so tired and sad. i couldn’t watch hearings live but my heart breaks every time i hear about the young child who smeared blood all over to fake being dead. thinking about her going through that thought process 😢😢

and yet another this afternoon in Smithsburg, MD - at a manufacturing plant - 3-4 dead; officer injured/hospitalized; believe multiple injuries.

why is this country accepting this?

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It occurs me R playbook which has been highly effective, is to create the false narrative any discussion about Trump and “Trumpism” efforts to prevent Biden from taking office and all the other efforts prevent the transition of power after the election is yet another example of divisive politics. I now believe too many, media included, have drunk this Koolaid that everything eminating from our lawmakers is the product of extrmeme divisiveness in our politics. So much so that any effort to air important issues that require back and forth, be it this efforts overurn election or bring about reasonable gun safety reforms, the media, journalism and the public seem to be distracted by the false message on how our society is so dividied rather than focusing on facts, priorities and compromise. So every effort to call this out becomes just another example of divisiveness.

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