Three cheers for a “no-nonsense judge”.

Judge Chutkan you have made my day! Thanks for the breaking news, Joyce.

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As we all expect, the Professor was on this development very soon.👏🏻 I got my notice at 5:10 PM Pacific because I read the Substack 'The Breakdown' 🎯aka 'MuellerSheWrote' no spaces. (muellershe wrote@substack.com). I received two (2) posts from The Breakdown today, the 2nd one titled: "Delay DENIED!"

As Judge Chutkan dryly notes dryly, "Setting aside the oxymoronic proposition that the public's understanding of the case will be enhanced by withholding information about it ...." "Legal trials are not like elections, to be won through the use of the meeting-hall, the radio, and the newspaper" or by lies on truth Anti-social".

I am certain that Kam', the ex-District Attorney, will make good use of the evidence in her current 'case'.

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Judge Chutkan...maintaining HER courtroom, and HER rulings...and, NO, defendant tRump's campaigning for office means dick in MY courtroom.

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May this cause the Bouffant Buffoon to have another 39-minute, playlist-dance-fest meltdown!

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Love the moniker...Bouffant Buffoon.🤣

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Lucy - I’ve been collecting:

James Carville: Mike Johnson-MAGA Theocrat

Impotus Americanus

Napoleon Boneaspur

Pork Chapo

MAGA Theresa

Baron von Shitzenpants

Commander in Thief

Douchebag in Chief

Don Snoreleone

Insurrectionist in Chief


• Don Poorleone

Dozo the Clown

Da Donald.

• Ronald da Donald.

• Dump da Trump.

• Donald Dump.

• Donald da Duck.

• Donald Chump.

• Donald Grump.

• Adolf Trumpler.

• Donald Plump.

• Commander-in-Grief.

• Emperor Rump da Trump.

What instrument did the president play? The Trumpette.

• Agent Orange: A pun on the chemical weapon and The Donald’s skin color.

• Cheeto-In-Chief: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.

• Lord Donaldump.

• The Dumpster.

• Teflon Don.

• The Human Corncob.

• Emperor Trumparius.

• The Trumpinator.

• The Bouffant Buffoon.

• Damien Donald.

• Der Trumpkopf.

• Don the Con.

• The Lyin King.

• The Donaldmeister.

• Donald the Menace.

• Donnie Darko.

• Sir Don of Orange.

• Powder Puff Don.

• Forrest Trump.

• The Great White Dope.

• The Lone DeRanger.

• Scrooge McTrump.

• Pocatrompass.

• Orange Julius.

• Agent Orange: A pun on the chemical weapon and The Donald’s skin color.

• Cheeto-In-Chief: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.

• Lord Donaldump.

• The Dumpster.

• Why did Melania marry Trump? A million dollars and high cholesterol.

• Why does Donald Trump take anti-depressants? For Hispanic attacks!

• Donald Trump wants to ban the sale of pre-shredded cheese. He wants to make America grate again.

• Trump’s medical records were just released. According to the brain scan, the left side of his brain has nothing right, while the right side has nothing left.

* The Pope and Donald Trump are on stage in front of a huge crowd. The Pope leans in towards Trump and said, “Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? Trump replies, “I seriously doubt that. With one little wave of your hand? Show me!” So, the Pope slapped him.

• The Queen was riding in an open carriage with Trump, when one of the horses let out an enormous fart. The Queen turns to the American president and says “My goodness, I do apologize!” “That’s OK Ma’am, Trump replied, “I thought it was the horse”.

• “Donald Trump has had several foreign wives. It turns out that there really are jobs Americans won’t do.” – Mitt Romney

• Abraham Lincoln couldn't tell a lie. Richard Nixon couldn't tell the truth. Donald Trump can't tell the difference.

• Why does Trump like to be seen in public with his wife Melania? Because all of his other wives support Joe Biden.

• Trump is out for dinner at a French restaurant with Putin. The waiter asks Putin what he would like to order. "I will have the chicken," says Putin. The waiter replies, "And for your vegetable?" "He will also have the chicken."

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Thanks. I needed those laughs.

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I feel the same, Monica. I almost didn't check my email before bed. I'm so glad I did! I'll have sweet dreams tonight!

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I just opened this from Joyce Vance and now I’ll sleep well tonight.

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Let the people read the information. The late date of the release of the appendix lies in the dilatory tactics of candidate Trump's legal counsel.

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I love it when karma is a good bitch.

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With all due respect . . . . 😳

I must correct you . . . . 🤭

. . . . ¡when karma is a GREAT bitch! 🥳

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

So refreshing!

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I’ve been watching the news for Judge Chutkan’s decision. Tomorrow will be quite a news day! Thank you Joyce for your synopsis of the Judge’s order.

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If the lame-stream media reports on this issue it will be quite a news day but so far they've been reluctant to report anything negative about The Former Guy. It's incredibly frustrating watching TRump lie about absolutely everything and not be pushed back against. It's actually infuriating!

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Let us not forget that Kamala Harris is a seasoned attorney and prosecutor. I believe she will tell it like it is, and so will Liz Cheney. Donald can't hide from prime time any longer.

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Yes. In any world in which the truth matters all of the material released tomorrow would be on every front page, headline every newscast, and be publicized on YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok. Trump lied about everything about January 6 every day this week. The truth needs to told over and over until even Fox News can’t hide it anymore. It isn’t election interference, it is vital information that Trump has managed to hide from, with the help of other courts, for almost four years. It is the truth and that is what matters the most.

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Maybe she just have a responsive reading from the dossier at her rallies.

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Strongly concur. The complicity of the media is stunning. I wish the Newseum were still running. I’d like to see the headlines after this is released. I’ll search but too many print papers are gone & too many paywalls even for front pages.

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Now, if only WaPo could reach more than 1% of the voters.

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What's the source for that 1% figure? In any case, it would obviously be better if any good outlet had more followers. Did you have other "lamestream media" in mind? Comic books maybe?

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I confess: I made it up.

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Now don't you feel better?

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Just a quick note: no, you cannot read the WashPo article because it is behind a paywall. And no, I will not pay up just to read what is already known.

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Quicker reply. Didn't ask you to. It's just evidence of media coverage. See above.

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Frankly aren’t we all just exhausted from all the gaslighting. Nah…..now that it’s being called out I have a little spring in my step.

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Yes, it has been a tough sled witnessing this clown show, but tfg's time is coming very soon and tomorrow just accelerates his demise. Yopu GO Judge!

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I’m glad that the courts are working as the backstop for our democracy, but I’m sad to think that only the courts have been willing to stop the former president. How I wish that Congress and the Republican Party and individual Republicans would have done their job.

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Some of the courts!!

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And that the GOP still existed in a form that was like the Watergate hearings.

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Yeah look at the bullsh*t coming from the limp McConnell in HIS NEW BOOK! that he'll flog, saying Drumpf is guilty.

You had your chance, Moscow Mitch. Thanks a bunch.

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Woohoo! This will be fun to read. I suppose it's really sad, but it is good to finally have the evidence come to light.

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Too funny! I didn't see your comment before I also wrote WOO HOO! Great minds! 😁

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Why does she use the term "President Trump" in her Order, rather than the more accurate "Defendant Trump"?

Finally, I have this fantasy of a President Harris appointing Jack Smith as AG and nominating Judge Chutkan to a seat on the SCOTUS when one opens up. It would be fun to watch the collective heads of MAGA World explode all at once like the Hezbollah pagers.

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I just reread the portions Joyce included here, and I can’t find a place where the judge referred to him as “president,” just “Defendant.” I do see in the defendant’s own papers he is referred to as “President T****” but not in her order. I bet that will be an issue that will be argued (pretrial) in motions in limine, i.e. whether the defense will be able to call him “President” during the trial.

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You're correct. Thanks for straightening me out.

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We're just mad

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The man is a traitor. He failed to uphold the oath he took as president, and has not earned the respect of the court or Americans. NO ONE should ever call him President again.

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He never cared about an "oath". Much less understand it

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Oh, he understood. He had no intention of living up to it. The man is a liar and a scammer. He saw power and dollar signs.

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I had to double back and re-read that passage to make sure it was the defense’s argument, not Judge Chuktan’s, so it just wasn’t you.

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Biden needs to fire Garland now in case Harris loses the Senate. She’ll never get anyone decent confirmed by a Republican controlled Senate.

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Too late for firing Garland. There’s never been a good time though really. Way too much going on at a likely buggered Justice Department from the start. Let’s just hope VP Harris chooses, if not Jack Smith, someone as good, as thorough and fast.

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And how does she get that person confirmed unless we deliver her a Democratic controlled Senate?

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I'm one of those who still long for Sally Q. Yates

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Borrowing your fantasy to put in a dream. Thank you.

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Oh I love that!

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I love your fantasy!!

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WOO HOO! The judge is spot on writing that not making this information available to the public could also be seen as election interference. BAM!

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I thought the decision to postpone sentencing in NY was, from one angel, problematic for the same reasons set forth here. There, it seemed that with the lack of objection by the prosecution the Judge made a call to avoid the hullabaloo.

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I love Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan!

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And Judge Chutkan is doing what normal judges do, and that is treating defendants and prosecutors equally under the law, unlike some judges we’ve seen.

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We all do. Chutkan is the mom here and trump is her pre-teen child who is testing the boundaries and she will have none of it. What a contrast to Aileen Cannon who comes off as a teenager nursing a crush. I feel so sorry for my friend who I will be visiting in Vero Beach Fl. who is her next door neighbor....

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Love your analogies!

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Pre-teen child, or toddler?

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They are the Dynamic Duo!!

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He's got to be reeling. Unless his brain is incapable of understanding what's happening to him. I hope an aide has his playlist ready.

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I can hear Ave Maria playing….

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I hear only YMCA.

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Laughter before sleep is healthy. Thank you

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and a welcome change

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I wonder who told him what YMCA is all about and who would have been dancing with him?

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Over and over and over, no doubt. 😂🤣🤣🤣

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I hear James Brown, It’s a Man’s World…

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🤣🤣 I'm dying...

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Let’s add Folsom Prison Blues to the playlist!

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Let the people read the information. The late date of the release of the appendix lies in the dilatory tactics of candidate Trump's legal counsel.

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They majored in foot dragging and faking in law school

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Agreed. About NOT foot-dragging, Patris, Ms Vance wrote a terrific essay, accessible to lay(wo)men like me. ✌🏽

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I was thinking that he might need another music session before I saw your comment.

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May this cause the Bouffant Buffoon to have another 39-minute, playlist-dance-fest meltdown!

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I can hear home screaming at his lawyers.

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His campaign staff just learned how to calm him down when the screaming begins. I can hear the roar "Someone start the play list".... Young man.... He probably thinks it's about him. I never emoji but 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😎 Last one is Biden.

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When I hear Judge Chutkan’s decisions, I feel like I’m not losing my mind. That doesn’t happen so much in our recent climate. I’m looking forward to see what tomorrow reveals.

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Thank you, Joyce. "That’s why it’s so important to have federal judges with both intelligence and integrity." This statement is priceless It should apply to every judge at every level from municipal to supreme. Frankly, it should apply to every lawyer from ambulance chasers to millionaire corporate attorneys, Judges like Sam Alito, Aileen Cannon, Clarence Thomas aren't just a disgrace, they are an indelible stain on the entire legal profession.

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I'm with you, Fay. Thomas, Alito and Cannon have done quite a lot to diminish the credibility of the courts.

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MORE than quite a lot, if you ask me! smh…

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Thank you, Trudy.

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Expect the 11th Circuit to smack Cannon down for the 3rd time (and hopefully remove her from presiding over it) when the Documents case is reinstated.

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Thank you, Tony, I certainly hope so.

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Should make for compelling weekend reading😎😎

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Once again, it's just a few people in the right place at the right time who define a culture or country and set a path for decades, if not centuries. It appears Judge Chutkan, Jack Smith, Liz Cheney, and a handful of others are willing to take a very public stand for integrity, honor, the rule of law, democracy, etc. Without them, our lives would be determined by such mediocre, corrupt, amoral, and prejudiced people as Mitch McConnell, Aileen Cannon, Sam Alito, Stephen Miller, et. al. I'm deeply grateful for Judge Chutkan's principled rulings.

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15 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

I would add to that first list the local and state officials/leaders who stood up to Trump’s team’s post 2020 election interference conspiracy.

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Yes, indeed. Lots of brave people out there. We Americans don't always take to the streets to protest government actions, and yet thousands upon thousands of Americans have become activists determined to save our democracy from Trump and MAGA. I like to think they'll all stay active, informed, vigilant about civic life.

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You forgot Bill Barr, HWs original, or ongoing, sin.

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Thank you, Professor. Here it is. The October surprise. The truth shall set us free and put him in jail. Peace and love everybody. We live in a great country with a great constitution, a democracy. Freedom.

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Finally! Now, let justice be done. It is unconscionable that people have paid far heavier prices for far less serious offenses.

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Thank you Joyce !!!

"That’s why it’s so important to have federal judges with both intelligence and integrity."

Hear, hear. 🎉🤗🤺🎉

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I think Costco just got an order to deliver a full pallet of DEPENDS to a DJ Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Thank you, Joyce, for making my evening!

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🤣🤣 The Ultra version...

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