Today, Judge Aileen Cannon in the Southern District of Florida finally ruled on the special counsel’s request to hold Garcia hearings to resolve potential conflicts of interest the lawyers for Trump’s two co-defendants in the Mar-a-Lago case may have, based on their representation of other witnesses.
Thanks for your clear analysis, Joyce. I truly can’t decide if Cannon is really that stupid, knowing what happened the last time her decision went to the appellate court, or if she just doesn’t care as long as it protects trump for as long as possible. I guess I need to stop trying to make sense of the far right cultists.
That is hard to do, Dianna. (Trying to make sense) since there is absolutely no sense in tfg to begin with. Now after today’s threatening statements re: Millie and that all the Democrat Senators need to resign... I’m thinking Her Honor (Cannon), should be replaced ASAP... I trust Jack is watching closely and will do the right thing. We must have faith in him he is our only hope (No Pressure, right)? This is very very ugly stuff. Thank you Joyce for all you do for us. This is truly an emotional Roller-Coaster... and I hate Roller-Coasters...🇺🇸
Too many here are trying to rule on Judge Cannon. It's a fool's errand. We have no idea what's going on. It's important to note that the judge had no practical experience before becoming a District Court Judge. She's a babe in the woods.
It seems to me what we need to know is what sort of staff she has working for her. She must be leaning on them heavily since she's so completely inexperienced. (If the staff is not up to the task then that explains everything.)
I vote for her not having much of a clue what's going on and what's possible. Hopefully the Appelate court will figure this out and replace her. We can only hope.
Meanwhile it's a legal course in how NOT to be a US District Court Judge. Law schools take note!
I’m not getting the scared part. I think she’s cunning and knows what she’s doing because she believes his craziness and she’s a cultist. I hope her career doesn’t last that long.
Orders from whom? Come on, there's enough conspiracy theories out there already. Deal in facts. A judge does not work alone but has a staff of law clerks. clerical people, researchers etc. If anything, she is more likely to have fallen on her face again because as usual, Trump finds the most incompetent dummies and gives them jobs.
It's certainly possible. But it may be she is getting bad advice/being manipulated, and is not competent enough to realize the full implications. Or what you said.
Something just doesn't add up. I think we will be hearing more before this hearing ever takes place.
At this point, those of us interested in justice being served will be thankful that *Judge* Cannon hasn't as yet begun to dismiss charges outright, even though she is making hash of the most routine of motions, and she is either (1) betraying her general inexperience, or (2) confounding the prosecution in expecting procedural competency. Engineering for an appeal on 6th Amendment grounds looks too transparent, but SC Smith must keep Cannon on a short lead to avoid a calamitous dénouement at trial's end, in whichever decade it may be.
Cannon is still a baby judge And arrived on the bench with in dequate experience for the position she has.
She's in way over her head, she doesn't know what to do, and she seems to be trying to please everybody. She simply fumbling her way through this case, which is far beyond her capabilities.
BREAKING Friday aT 4:52 PM, per Reuters score a Big Victory for NY's AG, LETICIA JAMES in NY's lawsuit against Donald Trump, DT Jr, Eric, Ivanka & the Trump Organization. Judge Engoron ruled that the Trump Family defrauded banks & insurers with fraudulent property valuations. Judge Engoron ordered all TRUMP ORG Biz Licenses rescinded & appointed an independent receiver to wind down Trump Family Fraud in New York. TRUMP org is now a stationary target. Lodge your claims with NY & the appointed Receiver.
Trump overstated Trump org properties more than $2,,000,000.00.
Bryan Sean McKown: Tonight we had vivid example told by CASSIDY HUTCHINSON of the imperative need for undivided loyalty of a Witness' Attorney whose Client has evidence of criminal intent to obstruct Congress, to conspire with other felons to 'hang Mike Pence' & destroy democracy. Cassidy heard: "hang, hang, hang".
CASSIDY had no money, no job near or short term, her rent was overdue & had no funds for counsel when she obtained truly independent counsel who accepted her representation pro bono. Full Truth (without omissions) came shortly thereafter.
Cannon's October 12, 2023 Hearing must be scrutinized for Judicial competency much less the "colloquies" on the debilitating conflicts of interest of tilted Counsel which in my opinion cannot be knowingly waived as a matter of law.
As an attendee of the Vance & Weissmann School of Law.. It seems to me, from a 6th Amendment standpoint this decision falls short of a Constitutional ruling..Her Garcia hearing denies the defendants the full protection of the 6th Amendment, in terms of having their rights explained to them by a fully independent council..unencumbered by even the appearance of conflict..As was the case in D.C. Please pardon my potty mouth, but how many times does a federal judge get to fuck up before the prosecution asks for them to be yanked off the bench by the Appellate Court? Or have I not studied well enough?
Thank you Joyce for all this carefully crafted conversion to "layman-speak". Talk about complicated... this scenario is daunting for most to understand the twists, turns, and ramifications along the way. At least now I have some sense of where this is going. I think Joyce is in line for a "Teacher-of-the-Year" award for all of her "disentangling and clarifying" efforts. 💯🔝
Having worked for a judge for 5 years, I'd be ashamed to have work for Judge Cannon. Judges play such a critical role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring that the justice system functions fairly that when she acts like this, the public's trust and confidence in the judiciary is diminished.
Hmmm, SCOTUS Judges Scalia, Alito, Thomas and Roberts have already considerably diminished my confidence in the Judicial System. Thanks Leonard Leo, you slimy little scumbag.
I say let this loose Cannon pound sand and just go hell for leather on all the other cases. She couldn’t make it any clearer that she’s in the tank for trump so just let her swim in her own juice. This is a deadly serious case but she is not a serious jurist. Too bad too. Trump really needs to pay big time for this horrible breach but it appears that he won’t anytime soon thanks to Cannon.
I don’t think Jack Smith will let this slide, and I’m glad. I think he is playing a long game here with the thought that Judge Cannon is both biased toward Trump and enough of an amateur that eventually the 11th Circuit judges take her off of the case. It makes this case the slow one, but with Adair judge, it’s likely a slam dunk.
Oh I don’t think he’ll let it slide either but he’ll also do nothing to let her hold things up. It appears that he’s giving her just enough rope to hang herself. In the meantime, he’s pushing things along I DC.
It’s more than a “breach” or “mishandling of classified information”. This case manifestly proves Trump is unfit for public office because he can’t pass a security clearance. Period. Add it to his other crimes against America — election interference (Stormy Daniels payoff) and attempted coup (fed and GA) — and he must never be in the presidency again.
So agree, Mary! And what about key cabinet or administration staff, too? Jared Kushner was denied a security clearance, for obvious reasons I suspect, yet he was still allowed to represent the US in key negotiations. This access ultimately resulted in billions of $$$$$ to Kushner from Qatar and the UAE. Illegal and shameful, but he hasn't been prosecuted by the DOJ.
She may be trying to delay things for Trump, but her incompetence got her reversed on appeal to the 11th Circuit last year and will likely lead to a similar result now. She may be an evil Trumper, but she is a MAGAt moron.
This judge has disqualified herself - and she did it blatantly and on the public stage long ago. She cannot act in an unbiased fashion. Her allegiance to trump is a clear conflict and I hope Jack Smith gets a bit aggressive in elevating this to a higher authority sooner than later.
Cannon was just one of several judges, confirmed by Mitch et. al.,and who was completely unqualified for the bench or much of anything else apparently.
Most definitely. Are you familiar with their PROJECT 2025? If not, go on YT, look up Leeja Miller(I think). She will go into depth about how this “project” will completely dismantle our country.
She will be the foot dragger but at least there are some competent judges in some of the other cases. She is an idiot and it's obvious what she is doing.
Seems to me doing trump bidding by drawing this case out for as long as possible. She has been sitting on this long enough.Just had a thought maybe her online course on how to judge hasn’t gotten to the Garcia chapter yet
So, a question: if a judge commits willful. malfeasance that would provoke a declaration of mistrial on appeal, what courses of action would prosecutors might have available to try to forestall that outcome? For instance, consider that Judge Cannon makes pronouncements and/or errors in conducting court process that are grounds for mistrial; i.e., Garcia hearing features abandoned or ignored with no apparent reasoning.
At least we can be confident that Jack Smith knows what he's doing and will be able to forestall the possibility of a mistrial. Sooner or later he's going to need to take something Cannon has done to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Thanks! I seem to vaguely recall that he’s also run down that path once before. It was the instance that led to Cannon’s slap down before although I don’t clearly recall the particular issue that was at hand.
Thanks for your clear analysis, Joyce. I truly can’t decide if Cannon is really that stupid, knowing what happened the last time her decision went to the appellate court, or if she just doesn’t care as long as it protects trump for as long as possible. I guess I need to stop trying to make sense of the far right cultists.
That is hard to do, Dianna. (Trying to make sense) since there is absolutely no sense in tfg to begin with. Now after today’s threatening statements re: Millie and that all the Democrat Senators need to resign... I’m thinking Her Honor (Cannon), should be replaced ASAP... I trust Jack is watching closely and will do the right thing. We must have faith in him he is our only hope (No Pressure, right)? This is very very ugly stuff. Thank you Joyce for all you do for us. This is truly an emotional Roller-Coaster... and I hate Roller-Coasters...🇺🇸
Too many here are trying to rule on Judge Cannon. It's a fool's errand. We have no idea what's going on. It's important to note that the judge had no practical experience before becoming a District Court Judge. She's a babe in the woods.
It seems to me what we need to know is what sort of staff she has working for her. She must be leaning on them heavily since she's so completely inexperienced. (If the staff is not up to the task then that explains everything.)
I vote for her not having much of a clue what's going on and what's possible. Hopefully the Appelate court will figure this out and replace her. We can only hope.
Meanwhile it's a legal course in how NOT to be a US District Court Judge. Law schools take note!
I have figured it out. There is no Wikipedia article labeled Garcia Hearing. Thus she is a ship without a rudder.
I’m thinking the latter. She knows exactly what she’s doing.
I think she's just following orders Too stupid or perhaps too scared to do otherwise.
I’m not getting the scared part. I think she’s cunning and knows what she’s doing because she believes his craziness and she’s a cultist. I hope her career doesn’t last that long.
I hope her “stupidity” gets called out, by Jack, before it ends up he is acquitted. God forbid.
Orders from whom? Come on, there's enough conspiracy theories out there already. Deal in facts. A judge does not work alone but has a staff of law clerks. clerical people, researchers etc. If anything, she is more likely to have fallen on her face again because as usual, Trump finds the most incompetent dummies and gives them jobs.
It's certainly possible. But it may be she is getting bad advice/being manipulated, and is not competent enough to realize the full implications. Or what you said.
Something just doesn't add up. I think we will be hearing more before this hearing ever takes place.
It seems she is being manipulated and maybe paid well enough to forfeit her career
I agree!
At this point, those of us interested in justice being served will be thankful that *Judge* Cannon hasn't as yet begun to dismiss charges outright, even though she is making hash of the most routine of motions, and she is either (1) betraying her general inexperience, or (2) confounding the prosecution in expecting procedural competency. Engineering for an appeal on 6th Amendment grounds looks too transparent, but SC Smith must keep Cannon on a short lead to avoid a calamitous dénouement at trial's end, in whichever decade it may be.
This is blood red Trump land 🤢
And there you have it......
Cannon is still a baby judge And arrived on the bench with in dequate experience for the position she has.
She's in way over her head, she doesn't know what to do, and she seems to be trying to please everybody. She simply fumbling her way through this case, which is far beyond her capabilities.
You enlighten! You explain! You entertain! You are extraordinary, Joyce!
Thank you for your extraordinary courage, EJC.
Agreed! Cheering EJC s courage and tenacity!
Ms Carroll and Robbie Kaplan have led the way to hold the hideous Orange Cancer to account...BRAVA! say all of us!
BREAKING Friday aT 4:52 PM, per Reuters score a Big Victory for NY's AG, LETICIA JAMES in NY's lawsuit against Donald Trump, DT Jr, Eric, Ivanka & the Trump Organization. Judge Engoron ruled that the Trump Family defrauded banks & insurers with fraudulent property valuations. Judge Engoron ordered all TRUMP ORG Biz Licenses rescinded & appointed an independent receiver to wind down Trump Family Fraud in New York. TRUMP org is now a stationary target. Lodge your claims with NY & the appointed Receiver.
Trump overstated Trump org properties more than $2,,000,000.00.
Trump's defenses were "fantasy world." Per Judge.
Unbelievably complex issues illuminated so clearly. Thank you Joyce.
Bryan Sean McKown: Tonight we had vivid example told by CASSIDY HUTCHINSON of the imperative need for undivided loyalty of a Witness' Attorney whose Client has evidence of criminal intent to obstruct Congress, to conspire with other felons to 'hang Mike Pence' & destroy democracy. Cassidy heard: "hang, hang, hang".
CASSIDY had no money, no job near or short term, her rent was overdue & had no funds for counsel when she obtained truly independent counsel who accepted her representation pro bono. Full Truth (without omissions) came shortly thereafter.
Cannon's October 12, 2023 Hearing must be scrutinized for Judicial competency much less the "colloquies" on the debilitating conflicts of interest of tilted Counsel which in my opinion cannot be knowingly waived as a matter of law.
Cassidy showed once again, what it means to "be an American ". No matter what party you affiliate with!
As an attendee of the Vance & Weissmann School of Law.. It seems to me, from a 6th Amendment standpoint this decision falls short of a Constitutional ruling..Her Garcia hearing denies the defendants the full protection of the 6th Amendment, in terms of having their rights explained to them by a fully independent council..unencumbered by even the appearance of conflict..As was the case in D.C. Please pardon my potty mouth, but how many times does a federal judge get to fuck up before the prosecution asks for them to be yanked off the bench by the Appellate Court? Or have I not studied well enough?
She obviously knows the risks to tfg’s case if Nauta et al switch counsel. Who does she think she’s fooling?
This! How many times DOES it take?! Cra cra is alive and well
I’m thinking restocking the end caps at K MART may be a better fit. SMH.
I don't think she can even handle that.
Thank you, Joyce. Regardless of case, Cannon appears to be so unqualified. It’s awful.
Thank you Joyce for all this carefully crafted conversion to "layman-speak". Talk about complicated... this scenario is daunting for most to understand the twists, turns, and ramifications along the way. At least now I have some sense of where this is going. I think Joyce is in line for a "Teacher-of-the-Year" award for all of her "disentangling and clarifying" efforts. 💯🔝
Having worked for a judge for 5 years, I'd be ashamed to have work for Judge Cannon. Judges play such a critical role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring that the justice system functions fairly that when she acts like this, the public's trust and confidence in the judiciary is diminished.
Hmmm, SCOTUS Judges Scalia, Alito, Thomas and Roberts have already considerably diminished my confidence in the Judicial System. Thanks Leonard Leo, you slimy little scumbag.
I say let this loose Cannon pound sand and just go hell for leather on all the other cases. She couldn’t make it any clearer that she’s in the tank for trump so just let her swim in her own juice. This is a deadly serious case but she is not a serious jurist. Too bad too. Trump really needs to pay big time for this horrible breach but it appears that he won’t anytime soon thanks to Cannon.
I don’t think Jack Smith will let this slide, and I’m glad. I think he is playing a long game here with the thought that Judge Cannon is both biased toward Trump and enough of an amateur that eventually the 11th Circuit judges take her off of the case. It makes this case the slow one, but with Adair judge, it’s likely a slam dunk.
Oh I don’t think he’ll let it slide either but he’ll also do nothing to let her hold things up. It appears that he’s giving her just enough rope to hang herself. In the meantime, he’s pushing things along I DC.
Slow doesn’t matter only if Trump loses in 2024 (and fails again to overthrow the election).
Time’s a tickin’.
It’s more than a “breach” or “mishandling of classified information”. This case manifestly proves Trump is unfit for public office because he can’t pass a security clearance. Period. Add it to his other crimes against America — election interference (Stormy Daniels payoff) and attempted coup (fed and GA) — and he must never be in the presidency again.
Passing a security clearance ought to be codified in law before a person can have their name on the ballot as a candidate for president.
So agree, Mary! And what about key cabinet or administration staff, too? Jared Kushner was denied a security clearance, for obvious reasons I suspect, yet he was still allowed to represent the US in key negotiations. This access ultimately resulted in billions of $$$$$ to Kushner from Qatar and the UAE. Illegal and shameful, but he hasn't been prosecuted by the DOJ.
Sh$t, she needs to be recused!
She needs to be demoted.
She needs to be removed from the bench on grounds of incompetence.
Is it really "incompetence"? I am not so sure that is most of it - part of it, certainly. I think she's complicit.
She may be trying to delay things for Trump, but her incompetence got her reversed on appeal to the 11th Circuit last year and will likely lead to a similar result now. She may be an evil Trumper, but she is a MAGAt moron.
Call it like it is!
This judge has disqualified herself - and she did it blatantly and on the public stage long ago. She cannot act in an unbiased fashion. Her allegiance to trump is a clear conflict and I hope Jack Smith gets a bit aggressive in elevating this to a higher authority sooner than later.
Think of her actions as her initial interview for a SC appointment if Trump is re-elected.
Cannon must be removed or bypassed!
Judge Cannon seems to have been appointed by Trump for the purpose of protecting him .
She should recuse.
Which seems unlikely as its apparent Trump has a use for her wishy washy , no commitment manner.
Cannon was just one of several judges, confirmed by Mitch et. al.,and who was completely unqualified for the bench or much of anything else apparently.
All with “thanks” to the Federalist Society.
Most definitely. Are you familiar with their PROJECT 2025? If not, go on YT, look up Leeja Miller(I think). She will go into depth about how this “project” will completely dismantle our country.
She will be the foot dragger but at least there are some competent judges in some of the other cases. She is an idiot and it's obvious what she is doing.
Brilliant, thorough analysis.
Thank you.
Seems to me doing trump bidding by drawing this case out for as long as possible. She has been sitting on this long enough.Just had a thought maybe her online course on how to judge hasn’t gotten to the Garcia chapter yet
I had a similar thought. I suggested that maybe she needed all that time to get familiar with the Garcia regulations (and the 6th amendment).
So, a question: if a judge commits willful. malfeasance that would provoke a declaration of mistrial on appeal, what courses of action would prosecutors might have available to try to forestall that outcome? For instance, consider that Judge Cannon makes pronouncements and/or errors in conducting court process that are grounds for mistrial; i.e., Garcia hearing features abandoned or ignored with no apparent reasoning.
This is like a John Grisham novel I once read. Can't remember which one but the judges were all corrupt.
At least we can be confident that Jack Smith knows what he's doing and will be able to forestall the possibility of a mistrial. Sooner or later he's going to need to take something Cannon has done to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Thanks! I seem to vaguely recall that he’s also run down that path once before. It was the instance that led to Cannon’s slap down before although I don’t clearly recall the particular issue that was at hand.
Well no surprise Cannon is being advised on her unethical course by the most deranged of them all. I wonder what DOJ will do w this?
I can’t wait to find out.