Someday there will be a Hollywood movie, and the script should be based on Civil Discourse. We live in interesting times. There are truly remarkable people out there fighting for democracy and you Joyce are one of them.

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I was thinking the very same thing about this past six years being like a movie: the outrageous conduct in plain sight, the constantly adoring base no matter what, the high stakes being fought for, the compressed time frame, the evil, not very smart yet always resourceful comic book villain, and the hero - a legal Jedi, very intelligent, vigilant, articulate, tenacious, and lightyears more resourceful than the villain. Oh, and lots of people, some we know, some we don't just yet, who are working hard to keep our democracy in place.

It's hopeful to see that SCOTUS responded so quickly and the appellate court is also amenable to expediting their procedure, if needed, as well. I suspect, perhaps, the justices would also like to continue living in a democracy themselves.

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Trust me (I'm a screenwriter) - anyone coming in with a script that was anywhere close to the truth would be thrown out of the studio office and told never to show their face there again. There's no games to be developed from it, no sequel (hopefully), no action figures to sell.

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I wouldn’t watch it anyway. I don’t do horror films.

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Having written a "cult classic" horror film, they're much better than this one would be. :-)

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Jack Smith versus villain trump, video game would be fought with classified documents and absurd court delays

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An interesting concept.

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TC, as a screenwriter, I think you are likely aware that trends change. In our lifetimes we've seen that happen several times. I think the time will come when there will be a great interest in telling stories like this. Maybe (probably) Hollywood will not be involved, and the form may not fit our idea of "movie", but I'm willing to bet it will happen. The audience is already forming and they are involved in the events they will want to see explored. There are already documentaries, but fictionalized portrayals can explore aspects of things in ways documentaries can't, especially as personal materials become available and archives are opened.

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I rarely watch movies, but I'd love to see this one if it were made.

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Hunger Games

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It never ceases to amaze me how tfg's brazen, rude, and frivolous behavior rubs off on his 'unnamed spokespersons'. With utter shamelessness he or she has the nerve to call tfg 'president'. NO, he is NOT president! He was a colossal insult to the American people as # 45, never behaved in a presidential manner for even one day, and we must thwart his attempts to become # 47.

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Trump's spokesperson of the month is Steven Cheung., who is always rude and disrespectful to anyone he speaks to. This "statement" has his fingerprints all over it. The whole crew is revolting. There isn't one saving grace on it.

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I wonder how long it will be till he learns that not being white means he will be high on the list for being thrown under the bus? A POC in favor of Trump is like a Jew voting for Hitler.

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I thought it sounded like punkinhead dictated it. He’s cloned a mini-me?

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I always look for the random capitalized words. There's only a few and Trump would have NO idea what the McDonnell case was -- he'd think someone sued his favorite restaurant.

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True that.

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Plus it’s difficult to imagine The Loser putting together that many cogent thoughts in a single post sans countless inane run-on bromides ...

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Bravo Marli!!

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This was totally written by TFG himself, or at least dictated by him. No one talks like that except tRump!

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Oh 100%. He's dodging around his gag order.

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Marli, what is interesting to me is that the “spokesperson” writes like a 7th grader yet to take any class in Composition aka as Herr Trumpz

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You noticed that too.

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His dumbimitity is palpable

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Hi Marlo, Trump himself is the one calling himself ‘the President.’ We have all heard plenty times how narcissistic he is but he might be a bit delusional as well. He truly is not bright. I doubt that he is dictating. I think he is composing on his cell phone because he doesn’t use a computer. Jack Smith just reported that he has an expert who has now analyzed Trump’s phone and the White House phones from January 6. - and the expert will testify at the trial. The expert will be able to discuss pertinent things such as linking the time that calls were made to individual 1 (Rudy Giuliani); Websites visited, and when the phone was unlocked for accessing the Twitter app. So that expert can use the same technique to look at Trump’s phone with his messages to Truth Social now. With Trump, it is not ‘if’ but it is ‘when’ he will go over the top. As to the scribe, should Trump think he can pull one by making a blatant threat that he attributes to this ‘spokesperson,’ the expert likely can look at Truth Social records to see who was using their app on the second, minute, hour, and day that the ‘over the top’ or ‘threatening’ message or messages came in. Trump should know by now that Jack Smith does not tip his hand or ask questions until he knows he has all the answers. And he now has the answer to how to examine his phone. Let the party begin!

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Wow... I’m impressed Joyce. You are the absolute best to get this out here so fast. Very informative as always, thank you so much for working so hard to keep us sane and on top of things, by one of the BEST. Yes, I saw you today on Ari w/Neal and his introduction of you both was great. Congrats you deserve such praise. 🇺🇸 🙏🏻 be well, our friend.

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I was really impressed withe Jack Smith taking this writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court and requesting an expeditious determination. I'm hoping for a 7-2 determination in favor of the Government because no one should ever be placed above the law. Why even have a government if some blowhard narcissist can do whatever he likes with no consequence. There is nothing in the Constitution - and I have read every word so often I can quote from memory - that suggests or implies that any officer of the government at any level of government can break the law with impunity.

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I'm hoping for a 9-0 determination. Anything less will be another stain on the SC.

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7-2 is probably the best you can hope for, and I don't need to name the two, do I?

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It is a smart thing for the 2 to break from 45 now and save their reputations as shills for autocracy. If they can't win they should join. If per chance SCOTUS rules that the president cannot be charged with crimes....well the party is over. Full stop. No more democracy. Although I can't imagine Biden betraying the Constitution, wouldn't he now be able to do any darn things he wants? Any decision that allows the president to be unaccountable for crime means any president, not just Trump. Am I missing something in what is actually being decided? It should have been put to bed a long time ago and spared us Barr's willy nilly interpretation.

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7-1. One recusal.

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While I like to think there'd be a recusal, it is my jaded opinion that will occur on the 12th of Never.

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In your dreams.

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I wish - that would involve that person actually having a conscience.

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Nah. You don't.

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They are already stained. Maybe this isolates the contagion to Alito and Thomas

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Any vote that gives the win to Jack is fine with me.

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I wouldn’t count on that. And I’m an optimist!

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Hi Fay, but I believe the question that’s roaming around with the 14th amendment challenges is whether Trump is an officer since he’s elected and he appoints the officers. It’s too bad the narcissist was able to appoint two of his lapdogs to the court, because they know what their marching orders are. So far they (and Thomas) have voted in line with the wishes of the Christian nationalists.

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That question of "officer" is hogwash, The framers of the Constitution in several places refer to elected and appointed officials as 'officers' without exact delineation. That is just an excuse to let trump of the hook. Jack Smith's charge is no person is above the law.

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Hi Fay, it is not my opinion that the folks who are supporting Trump in the question of the 14th amendment are correct in their statements that Trump is not an officer. I’m repeating what they have said. I just wanted to clarify that to you. Of course, we know that Jack Smith, and all of us who abide by the law believe no one is above the law. However, Trump, his minions and his family believe he is above the law. I’m just repeating what the opposition has said.

Even attorneys from the Federalist Society want to get rid of him - but he is twisting and turning ☮️

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It isn’t the 14th amendment at play here anyway, although I am wondering what the Colorado Supreme Court will do with this. Soon.

I think Punkinhead is too disgusting even for the federalist society. They like his intent but not his style.

They may be content to wait for Mike Johnson to be installed as president. He’s smarmy enough and just as evil, but more to their taste. Pretends to be an attorney and all.

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The good news today is the Supreme Court is willing to hear Jack Smith's case the the ex- president is not above the law expeditiously. So Amendment 14 findings are moot.

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Do you think Amendment 14 findings will be important in the case our democracy faces a future challenge? Will this case before the Supreme Court be enough for a future challenge? Not an attorney, just wondering. Our founding fathers did a wonderful job, but I don't think a Donald Trump was in their headlights. Just as he was not in ours💙

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I am not a lawyer either, I just love the Constitution and have read it so frequently my edition is held together by plastic tape. As to the Supreme Court findings, with the exception of Alito and Thomas who are sure they know the minds of men 200+ years dead better than they knew them themselves, I expect the rest of the court to rule that no one is above the law. They would be self defeating if they found otherwise.

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They aren’t his lapdogs, they’re Leonard Leo’s. And while Lennie I’m sure thinks he has them on a leash, it does seem that the rest of the court somehow rubs off on some of the more odious ones and makes them behave. Doesn’t work for Clarence Thomas, alas.

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Infinitely worse than a blowhard narcissist.

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The Court broke 7-2 against the Orange Gobshite in the tax subpoena case, and no less a majority will decide against his appeals, trust me.

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Well, SC Smith is going the Full Monty here, petitioning for cert before judgment, not willing to await the DC Circuit's hearing on tRump's "absolute immunity" appeal. My sense before this action broke was that the CA would uphold Judge Chutkan's ruling with a closely- and thoroughly-argued opinion in a relatively short time frame, and that SCOTUS would deny cert. based upon the appellate court's decision, and in view of the previous SCOTUS decision on tRump's immunity claims in a criminal investigation.

What a turnabout, as it does appear that the higher courts do indeed want to expedite all appeals ASAP in order to land as close as possible onto a pre-election 2024 trial date. The Nixon ruling surely is controlling here, regardless of today's SCOTUS makeup, and the massive corpus of evidence already filed in DC points *a fortiori* to the breadth and depth of tRump's alleged criminality vis-à-vis the Watergate crimes.

No way will tRump merit an "absolute immunity" dismissal. Also, must SCOTUS also wait until early summer 2024 before releasing their decision? If they are moving with apparent alacrity in scheduling hearings on the cert petition, can they not take up tRump's "immunity/double-jeopardy" business on an accelerated emergency basis should they grant SC Smith's cert before judgment?

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Neil Katyal thinks it will come the week between Christmas and New Year.

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It is a good time to make controversial decisions. GHWB pardoned Casper Weinberger of Iran -Contra on Dec 24 and the public and press seemed to hardly notice that GHWB let himself off the hook.

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Ah, he's finally back from Burning Man, is he?

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Yes, please.

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How fast did they move in invalidating the Florida vote in Bush v Gore.? I vote for Neal Katyal. This isn’t even close to a difficult decision. It will take more time to spell check the decision than to write it.

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‘By the end of this term of court at latest.’ So ‘the latest’ would be. June or July should they agree to schedule it (I don’t know if that’s the proper term for getting it on their docket). So it is possible that they will expedite it, but it doesn’t mean they absolutely would hold it until the end of the court term. i’m wondering what is the earliest time it could be heard?

I remember that movie by the way:))

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If this SCOTUS can move its collective butts like the Burger court did, it could be a matter of weeks. Nixon was argued on 07/08/74 and decided on 07/24. Nixon resigned on 08/08.


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Will SCOTUS ruling have any effect on their own (Justices) future (taking gifts, inappropriate dealings, etc)?

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Again we approach the cliff’s edge. I like thinking your guiding us to a place at some distance so that we keep as calm as we can (with that demented bad tooth of a former president jumping up and down like a rabid squirrel in front of us).

It seems that it would be obvious that affirming dementors position of immunity would give future presidents immunity from whatever act of malfeasance they want to commit in office.

Dare I say if the court decides to implode and favors Trump that it means Biden could do whatever he thinks necessary to stop trump - however draconian - and walk into the future after his presidency with no fear of criminal repercussions?

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Wow Patrice!! I’m still blinking with the image of a rabid squirrel!!❣️🌺❣️. That is an amazing imagery.

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Especially as it would have to be a very very squirrel tbh

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I must have instinctively taken out the word “fat” after the second “very”. Ha

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Patris, Wow!

(hand slaps head)

I never thought of it that way. Hope SCOTUS can see that far ahead....

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I just saw your comment. I just asked the same question. What are we missing? This decision will make or break the back of democracy?!

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That’s an insult to rabid squirrels. Even a rabid squirrel is more sane than whack job! 😉😉

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I am ashamed. I apologize - because you’re right.

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Terrifying to think that the fate of this DC case might be in the hands of the bogus "Supreme" Court. Who has any respect for that sham of a court anymore? Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson are the only three Justices worthy of the title.

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Tonight Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC did a complete show on Jack Smith’s “bold move.” It was exciting and hopeful ❤️

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Oh good! Barbara McQuade was on Morning Joe this morning along with a former prosecutor from Florida and they both think that the SCOTUS will “do the right thing” - even if Thomas doesn’t recuse himself. They said that the 3 trump-appointed justices have ruled against Trump at least 3 times regarding his various cases. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

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Once again, the Nixon case comes in handy (you know, the one where he refused to hand over the tapes).

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Thanks for your detailed insight, Joyce. We are so very lucky to have you share your expertise at this moment in history.

Continued prayers for the peace we all need🙏🏼☮️🙏🏼

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Tfg’s argument that he is immune to prosecution because he was impeached by the House (tho not convicted by the Senate) is ridiculous! Obviously that process was not “criminal” in any respect. No point in even arguing this double jeopardy issue! As an appellate lawyer in Federal court for many years, it’s embarrassing that his lawyers would even sign their names to the briefs! As an aside, it seems to me that they did so weakens their credibility with respect to their other argument as to immunity which is very weak in any event! 6-3 or 5-4 before January 31 or by February 15! On to trial!

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Ira, Chump is a legal black hole where lawyers go to die-- minus their retainers.

I do hope Her Honor Judge Cannon has crossed the event horizon....

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I doubt it!

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With the firehose of Trump crap coming down all the time, I completely missed his double jeopardy argument until last night. And I laughed at it. It's such a stupid, boneheaded thing to even try for one can do nothing else but laugh at it. I have NO legal background at all, and I probably learned about double jeopardy from Perry Mason or a movie. But trying to equate a highly partisan impeachment decision with a criminal proceeding is the most ludicrous thing I've heard in a long time. His lawyers are morons for even letting him throw that at them. The proper response would have been, "There is no double jeopardy, SIR."

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Absolutely Steve just ridiculous

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The lawyers are in it for the money. They will say or do anything to keep the millions flowing. I assume that the lawyers are being paid up front? They know he doesn't like to pay anyone so I assume they have protected their income since they don't care about their reputations.

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Thank you Ira. I was wondering about the double Jeopardy and you answered it. Thank you so much. Also thank you for your take on what the SCOTUS vote will be. Trump’s lawyers are flailing along with him.

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Thanks will be interesting

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Jack Smith is heading Trump off at the pass. I think the Nixon precedent will win out here.

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Me too 🧑‍⚖️

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Jack Smith playing chess, has moved into checkmate position, while trump continues to play dictator to be with his hordes. Surely, SCOTUS realizes how damned. bad they will look if they let trump off the hook here and now. If they do, trump wins everything, and we are making plans to move elsewhere.....maybe. Let's keep the faith and see this through. Question is: will Clarence Thomas recuse himself, and if not, which way will his wife have him vote? Yikes. carry on

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She should wear the robe....

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She should wear an orange jumpsuit.

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I doubt very seriously that Thomas recuses himself. Why would he want to have to admit his wife had any involvement in the criminal matter before them?

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Joyce--You’re remarkable to have put together such a cogent and informative piece of writing explaining Jack Smith’s filing with the Supreme Court. Smith’s move was brilliant. I hope the Court responding so quickly means they’ll take this seriously, hear the case, and decide as soon as possible. I hope, but with this Court, can’t be sure. Still, an exciting, historical day.

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Great report, Joyce. Clear as a bell and concise!

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Thank you so much for an update on this very, very important issue. I have been wondering about this and now have the answer. Going to listen to podcast you referenced. Thank you for that also

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I am so tired of the grade school level name calling from TFG. "Deranged" Jack Smith. "Crooked" Joe Biden. I worked in schools for 30 years and never heard anything as consistently juvenile and spiteful.

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Even though he supposedly speaks at the level of 4th grade, none of my 4th graders EVER sounded so juvenile and spiteful!

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It is amazing that the lowest common denominator for the United States is a former President who speaks at the 4th grade level.

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