I'm proud to say that I was one of those Ohio voters who voted "NO" in the special election. Of course I voted by mail as I generally do AND I mailed my ballot in by mid -July!

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Hooray for you, you should be very proud that not only you, but a majority of your fellow Ohioans stood firm for your right to be treated as intelligent adults, capable of making your own decisions, without some daddy telling you what you should think and do.

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Thank you, Karen A! Thanks to ALL the Ohioans who voted for DEMOCRACY! You are heroes in my book ♥️!

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I'm in Virginia, Karen, and I feel like I won, too! Thanks from the rest of us who don't live in Ohio!

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Same here! Amen!

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So true! Women won all across this land. Let’s make sure we all VOTE them OUT.

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Thank you. Thank Heavens for the outcome. Now...on to November. Watch for further trickery.

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Thank you.

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As a text and phone bank volunteer from San Francisco who, along with countless other volunteers from beautiful Ohio, and all over the United States, worked to ensure that Ohioans understood both the changes in the voting laws *and* got out the vote, I want to convey my thanks to colleagues who worked tirelessly to make sure this thing went the right way. Thank you, Ohioans, for turning out and giving yet another destructive, undemocratic attempt at thwarting democracy a kick in the butt!! You guys all ROCK! If you have time, maybe consider volunteering a few hours to help out another set of voters in peril, in or out of your beautiful state. It's easy, and a great way to channel your energy into something positive!

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Thank you!!!!!

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Thank you to Karen and the other Ohioans who voted NO. We all have to stand up. We cannot let them run our lives.

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Thank you and congratulations!

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Thank you! Aside, I also do mail-in and I check before each election to make sure I haven't been pronounced dead or moved! Caught it once, too. Give yourself a full 90 days!

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Thank you Karen!

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Thank you Karen! Thousands, probably more like millions, of us are cheering Ohio voters for saying "NO"! Sending love from AZ!

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Its my fervent hope that the kick ass voters in Ohio will be the beacon for every single right thinking voter in the country!! Thanks to all there, for kickstarting my faith in my fellow country-persons!! You give me hope

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“It’s only Tuesday...” says it all! Someone must put a stop to Trump’s defamation, at his rallies and on Truth Social. He is blasting Judges, prosecutors, DA’s and their families in such an offensive manner. It’s ‘will be wild’ on a different level. I hope the Judge reins him in, quickly.

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I would hope for a gag order but that would provide Trump with what he looking for— better yet he’s already committed other crimes with his posts and unprotected speech, so jail him. That too plays into Trump’s narrative. So I don’t don’t imagine the judge would call him on this and issue a gag rather unless Team Smith motions for one which I don’t think he will do.

Smith wants the protective order in place- so discovery can begin as well as a trial date set that I am hoping for as early as February.

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And that's exactly what the orange pustule's team always does....delay delay delay. It's designed to gain time, but also to enrage judges/prosecutors so that they make a mistake. I doubt seriously that Jack Smith is going to make any of those kinds of mistakes. I am so thrilled he's at the helm.

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Of course, TFG can’t help himself so whatever restrictions are put in place will be instantly broken. Then the judge should put him in Supermax until the trial starts. He and Noriega could be friends.

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Actually, Trump could control himself if he wanted to, otherwise I like your sentiments. Locking him up however may work better for him than Smith (the judge) allowing him to continue to commit crimes not protected by free speech as more evidence against him?

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I'm not certain he can, but it's a kind thought.

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Saw you on MSNBC & as I was about to head to bed, decided to take a quick peek. I agree that Judge Chutkan will have to nail trump Friday. Every day he's spouting lies and demeaning the Judges, the DA's, the DOJ, the juries, the witnesses and Jack Smith. He must be reigned in. First off, he's GUILTY! We're tired of his 3 yr old acting antics. Thanks, Joyce.

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If Judge Chutkan can/will hold him in jail until the trial, I bet this nonsense would stop pretty quick

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I think it’s wishful thinking that A.) He’d be put in jail. B) He will ever stop. Defamation is his in his DNA -it’s his lifeblood.

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I expect you are correct. Our history with Trump has not done anything to build confidence in democracy; still, I tend to lean more toward "never say never", "keep the faith", etc. Here, I'm sending you a hug and hope it helps buck you up. We all need that now days.

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It's also part and parcel of his mental illness.

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Mimi, “Crazy like a fox...” my mother used to say. 🥲

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I doubt any judge would risk throwing him in jail. Politically, it would be construed by many as a move guaranteeing Trump will win a second term. I think admonishing him and his attorneys about shutting his big fat ugly piehole should put him in his place, at least temporarily.

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Nah... to him, it would just prove his point that they are trying to take away his first amendment rights (and political interference).

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"If Trump's lawyers think it's important to get the evidence in the case out to the people, let’s do it. Let’s have a trial without any more unnecessary delays."

And, may I add, televise the trial.

If trump and his attorneys believe "the American people in a campaign season have a right to know what the evidence is in this case," then trump and his attorneys should have no objection to televising the proceedings.

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Trump <wants> to be jailed. Mayhem would ensue among his followers, and make him a martyr. he'd love that.

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Unfortunately, you are right; he WANTS to create as much drama as he can--it helps with the grifting fund-raisers and feeds red meat to the base. BUT...Trumpy is playing with fire and eventually he will get burned.

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Trump knows that he can get away with it! Close him down. Show Trump who is BOSS!

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NOHIO! I learned something tonight that I did not know about Amendment 1 on the Ohio ballot. The proposed amendment wasn’t just a 60% threshold for the state. It also required all counties in Ohio to individually meet that threshold as well. Every single county. You can’t make this shit up. My friends across the river in Cincinnati and throughout the state told the Ohio GOP where to shove it. Actually, many of them told the GOP to “F-bomb” off. I did too. Thanks for the recap and what’s ahead snapshot. Get some sleep, Joyce. You’re gonna need it. Cheers from Newport, KY!

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It deserved a big NO. Assume that this abomination had passed, then when the GOP wanted another amendment to the state constitution that would allow the Democrats to bomb it with just a 41% minority. I suspect that this would mean no more amendments for Ohio. Worst than the Senate filibuster. This was just plain dumb and stupid on their part.

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This proved another thing: The republicans were right to reinstate the voting August opportunity. Voting on an issue that stirs public and they will come to the polls.

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You are so right!!! Ohio showed up. Big time. GOP used this as means to an end, that end being a sure fire win for Ohio “conservatives” in November where they were hoping to use their abuse of the their power grab of this special August election to stave off the passing of a ballot initiative in the general election. Ohio voters will have the chance to enshrine reproductive rights—including abortion rights—in their state constitution in November 2023. And it won’t take a 60% super majority to do so.

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Yes Michael some Voters will "go the polls" or vote early in July or by other lawful methods but, vote TOTALS are still significantly lower than in NOVEMBER elections. Recall that a certain Texas Senator exploited this pathway. Other examples are too numerous to list.

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WOW! Crazy!!!

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It’s only Tuesday and this little gem comes along in NYT...

A lawyer allied with President Donald J. Trump first laid out a plot to use false slates of electors to subvert the 2020 election in a previously unknown internal campaign memo that prosecutors are portraying as a crucial link in how the Trump team’s efforts evolved into a criminal conspiracy.

The existence of the Dec. 6, 2020, memo came to light in last week’s indictment of Mr. Trump, though its details remained unclear. But a copy obtained by The New York Times shows for the first time that the lawyer, Kenneth Chesebro, acknowledged from the start that he was proposing “a bold, controversial strategy” that the Supreme Court “likely” would reject in the end.

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Marg, you got that "overt act" right . "Chesebro" (can't make that name up) is an unindicted

Co-conspirator right now but, who will be a named defendant in the next Jack Jack Smith trial when additional admissible evidence will make him a Toasted Chesebro.

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So are you saying the Grilled Chesebro will then get Toasted? 😂

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Better punchline than me, have you considered stand-up, the 'Marvelous Ms Sanguedolce'? :)

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Oh thank you Bryan. I was just building on to your great comment. You’re a funny guy!

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Thank you. 30 years of litigation & trial work in NorCal taught me humor can be truth telling.

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NorCal! I really love and miss that place. We moved from the East Bay SF to NC four years ago. I have one word to say: HELP!!

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Sounds like evidence to me.

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And smells like it, too!

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It does.

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I refuse to type his name...tfg isn't excercising his first amendment guaranteed freedom of speech. He's continuing his borderline, even blatant disregard for the spirit AND the substance of judicial rulings and the law. He's continuing his criminal behavior ala mob boss, but not even as strategic and untouchable. His own visage and voice are broadcast nationwide, providing increasing increments of evidence against him; he's literally taunting the justice system to finally lower the boom on him, knowing he'll only get ever increasingly frenzied allegience from his storm-troopers who follow him like Dead-Heads from venue to venue on his "campaign" trail. It's actually more like a "cult of personality" performance tour. I'm surprised he doesn't have a contract with Ticketmaster and a direct deposit to one of his PACs. He is absolutely getting preferential treatment as federal district courts have literally asked his attorneys if surrender of his passport is necessary. No one has impounded his plane. The judicial system is walking on eggshells to avoid even the slightest appearance of violating his right as a defendant to the presumption of innocence even as the litany of public misbehavior stacks up. Who in their right minds would disagree that the combination of seemingly endless financial resources, a national megaphone, threatening language and an "army" of unpredictable white supremacist militia members, not to mention utter crackpot loners with private arsenals doesn't add up to a massive form of witness intimidation, prospective juror disqualification/tampering? As stated over and over here and elsewhere, he continues to make a mockery of the judicial system. Someone needs to put the man-child in time out. He needs to be separated from his smart-phone, any other devices, personal access to his social media platform and potentially even public speaking events because the press is perfectly willing to broadcast his words verbatum across the country. If remanding the defendant to custody for violating the terms of his bond is common procedure for the little people, it should be equally applied to the silver spoon "politician" without fear of additional claims of victimization and politicization of the pursuit of justice. Call the bastard's bluff and slap some irons on him, then watch just how fast his attorneys will attempt to bring about a prompt trial date. When is our justice system going to stop being played for a patsy by this schoolyard bully?

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"...the press is perfectly willing to broadcast his words verbatim across the country."


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Ever since the money loving justices decided to give corporations the same rights as citizens when it comes to campaign money......money has taken a huge bite of our democracy. SAY NO to those that seek to destroy our norms, rule us by the super wealthy desire to tell us how we will live. They get to keep all their precious money. They haven't figured out in all the wealthiness that when you die you can't take the money with you. Or figured out a world where climate change doesn't care how much money you have will destroy us all, IF WE LET IT.

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Agree! The money in politics in the US is unfair to regular voters and is the root of evil in our politicians. Not to mention a grotesque waste of money! Election reform would bring us better candidates who are committed to helping their constituents not just their big-money-donors. And no more annoying tv ads for months on end!

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"And no more annoying tv ads for months on end!" Wouldn't that be loverly, Susan!

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As they did in 2015-2016!

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I like that “slap him in irons” idea.

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I'd pay to see that!

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Nice summary. Well done. Consequences remain a mirage.

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A “nail on the head” opinion! Perhaps a real gag could be used on his orange face to shut him up! Ditto to all you said!

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I so agree. He has received preferential treatment from day 1

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First to the loneliness of young white men: This screams the failure of our education system to say nothing of the failure of their parents. If we put in place - nationwide, an individualized education system, every student in the United States of America would feel valued. Every kid would receive education needed to give them a goal, a purpose for being. Maybe it wouldn't be the career their parents hoped for. but it would be an avocation that fulfilled the needs of the child.

Leaving young people with no sense of their own value is criminal neglect. And worse it leaves in a position of being preyed upon by con artists like Bannon and Trump.

Second, I am so glad Trump will be tried in Washington, DC. This is the site of his criminal behavior. These are no nonsense lawyers, judges, and juries used to dealing with this kind of criminal behavior. Trump is entitled to present his defense - no matter how untruthful. But the injured party is we, the law-abiding citizens of the United States of America and we are entitled to our day in court too.. And a speedy trial.

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‘…failure of our educational system…..’! Please do not indict millions of classroom educators who strive each day to provide effective and motivating lessons.

Here in North Carolina Boss Berger and his side kick little Timmy Moore have over more than a decade passed budgets that conspire to keep the public education system wallowing in mediocrity! Funding for vouchers to ‘private’ schools has soared.

The right wing politicians throughout the country have underfunded public education causing a severe shortage of people applying for teaching positions.

Recently the Florida state board of education adopted curriculum that indoctrinates students and bashes our democratic principles!

Yes, the right wing politicians are failing to provide our students with a through and efficient education!

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I too, was an educator. For a little over 18 years I taught science classes, BUT not all States are or have been equal. Education has been left to the whims of the State. Progressive States, and good teachers try their best, but even in California (where I live and taught) we are at the mercy of the school boards and money. I said I taught science, at one point I had 40 students in a chemistry class, and it was supposed to be a lab and lecture class. I am not blaming the teachers, I am blaming our educational system.

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➡️ "Please do not indict millions of classroom educators who strive each day to provide effective and motivating lessons." ⬅️

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I believe in looking for solutions but scapegoating teachers does not feel right to me. The vast majority of teachers are dedicated professionals who work extremely hard to help their students grow academically and emotionally.

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It's not teachers that are the problem. It's administrators and school boards. Also the defunding of public education.

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YES! THANK YOU! (retired teacher here)

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You're welcome

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I agree with that! I believe there is a movement to create enough chaos in public education that the public gives up on it and allows for privatization which will benefit the most wealthy. I just believe the issues are nuanced and we need to fight back on multiple fronts and not resort to blame games.

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Agree--this isn't teachers at all, but it seems they get the blame for it all the time. Teachers rock, and although I'm sure they don't feel seen, this parent and grandparent sees them, and really appreciates them.

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Colleen, Louis, others. I agree totally that our educational system and teachers are NOT the cause of loneliness. Nor are they the cause of violent behavior in young white males and signs of racism, antisemitism, misogyny, neo-fascism, etc. I do NOT agree with the Surgeon General, Clinton, or those who might blame our social problems on “loneliness” or our educational system. Focusing on “loneliness” is a gross oversimplification of social structural and cultural sources of contemporary social problems, racism, sexism, neo-fascism, and/or the effects of dark money on our Supreme Court, gun laws, and social inequities.

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I think the internet and smartphones have created a new generation of lonely, isolated people who never learned how to make personal connections with actual people. Look around, what you'll see everywhere are people, including children, staring into electronic devices.

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saw a bit of trumps rally today in NH. He was sweating like he was in a hot tub. Perspiration visibly noticeable cascading down his face. Suggests he is really feeling the heat of his indictments

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Thank you for watching some of that rally so I don’t have to, but that must be a visual that’ll be really hard to unsee.

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Was it like Rudy Giuliani when he sweats? Pouring down his face and turning orange, instead of brown?

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Weather update: it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity. We’ve had record rains in the Northeast for the past month & 1/2. Our basements, like our moods, are soggy. More than ready to be done with this. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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The weather yesterday in the region was quite cool, in the low 60's, so he wasn't sweating from the heat, I think the stress is getting to him. Remember, he's elderly and overweight, under 3 indictments so far and is waiting for the fourth one to come down in Georgia. His PAC has been bled dry to pay his lawyers. His wife and daughter want nothing to do with him, and his 2 older sons have been quieter than normal. The Donald is getting very little emotional support, apparently. I'm watching for a collapse to take place soon.

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Trump's face was gleaming with sweat, but he couldn't wipe it as the tissue or handkerchief would have turned orange. Very funny!

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Or of all the cheeseburgers.

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“If Trump's lawyers think it's important to get the evidence in the case out to the people, let’s do it. Let’s have a trial without any more unnecessary delays.” WITH CAMERAS!! “You’re fired, Donald!”

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Contact SCOTUS and tell them you want cameras at the trial(s)!


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I just sent a message, very easy to do! Thank you Lynell!

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All righty then, thanks, Pamela!

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Just wrote them! Thanks!

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I will , thank you

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Great, Helen!

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I just sent a request for cameras. Thank you! I've often wondered how to contact the court directly.

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You bet I did! Thank you for this.

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The point that if they want the evidence out in public we should have the trial as soon as possible can’t be repeated too often! Thanks for getting it out there, Joyce.

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I read on another substack where someone said to counter the “Lock her up” chant with “Shut Him Up”! I like that.

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What happens if he just defies the court by using the discovery information as he pleases? Like the prohibition against threats was promptly ignored. Seems his strategy is to get put in jail awaiting the trial... to fire up his followers.

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Not if, but when. Would be interesting to know how Vegas bookies are running the odds of him keeping his mouth shut. Million to 1? Billion to 1?

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Agree, Lynn; that's exactly what he's doing.

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The Judge might start with locking up one of his lawyers.(Lauro)

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But if he's in jail, he can't do his rallies. I think he's trying to stir up violence. He wants to see angry mobs gathering outside the court buildings and threats made against the judges and Jack Smith. Possibly against Hillary Clinton too - Bill Clinton appointed Judge Chutkan.

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I don't know Marycat, a rally outside the jail might be more effective, and 45 wouldn't have to sweat the heat. He could enjoy himself more in the cooler, just like Jan 6th, these people would be fighting FOR HIM. He would pay people to throw out chunks of red meat every once-in-a while to keep the crowd's fangs visible.

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In my day I've visited several jails and prisons, and they're not exactly comfortable lounging areas. Imagine the ruckus from both parties if any judge dared to put a former president in pretrial detention. For one thing, he's not likely to be put in pretrial detention for running his mouth; he'd have to commit a new felony for that to happen. And I'm sure the judge is well aware of Trump's manipulative tactics. Issuing a gag order also invites Trump to violate it. Instead, his attorneys can be censured and fined if they don't control their client.

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I would like to see the Senate begin approving the military promotions one by one. The Republicans will begin to lose patience with Tuberville if they have to go through endless votes and we will look like the only ones who care about our military. Just keep the Senate in session and keep voting. It would make it appear that we really do care and aren’t too lazy to begin voting to correct the issue.

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And why aren't they doing that anyhow?

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I don’t know. All I have heard anyone say is that it would mean going through multiple votes and would be cumbersome. They ought to be doing it. It doesn’t feel like they believe it is urgent if they aren’t willing to do it.

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If we really want to defend Democracy in the United States, Donald Trump should be removed entirely from the equation..permanently..

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And those sycophants that enable him.

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Totally agree with what you have written.

Somehow, it feels like the opening skirmish of the final battle.

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I wish. It feels like an escalation in a never ending battle.

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Yes, it is only Tuesday and.....

Thank you Joyce for turning us on to the Clinton article in the Atlantic. The millions of lost souls locked into gaming has frightened me for many years. I will read it tomorrow.

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The article is blah blah blah with one meaningful sentence about taxing the wealthy. The reason we have MAGA isn't loneliness, it is because back in the 80s our government under Reagan decided to gut the working class by supporting corporations to move the auto, steel, and textile industries out of the country to make room for high tech industry. It was a colossal failure for American workers and a huge gift for corporations, the Chinese, Southeast Asia, and the wealthy. The Clintons made out just fine and are worth how much, hundreds of millions. What "It Takes a Village" means to the jobless is Child Protective Services accusing them of willfully neglecting their children when the underlying cause is government policy in the first place. I don't see "gamers" at Trump rallies. They're still in their parent's basements. Put the blame where it belongs, on our leaders who believe GNP is the measure of the well-being of the people of the US. It isn't. That is the measure of how well the master class is doing. The Atlantic gives no place to comment on the article and it made me furious. Maybe the MAGA who have pent up anger and don't know what to do with it except to follow a deranged man who doesn't appear to be part of the system. As for loneliness, it's almost impossible to get a family celebration together with everybody working in the service industry seven days a week with odd weekdays off. Sorry Ransom Rideout for saying this here. I couldn't stop.

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That's what then Governor Granholm did to Michigan - denigrated an entire skilled labor force, insisting they all had to go to college so Michigan could succeed in techy computer fields. Those GOOD and SKILLED and ESSENTIAL workers naturally took tRump's bait. But at least, with Governor Whitmer, respect as well as jobs are returning.

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