Oh, this was so very much needed tonight. Thank you and I'm glad you're back home, safe and sound.

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Thank you for this. They are all so adorable. They have such unique personalities. Glad you have some time at home. Thank you for sharing this with us tonight.

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Their voices are so soothing.

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Don't be fooled. Chickens swear like sailors. I spent years doing "chicken chores" as a child and remember the vocal assault when I approached their egg laying boxes.

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I couldn’t blame the hens. eg my Border Collie is silent until she perceives potential threat to me, then she sounds like a vicious 100 lb. German Shepard upon attack.

You have your nerve, taking their eggs!

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thank you for the infusion of chickens in action and your update- exactly what i needed this evening....

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Yay! Love the chicken news, glad you are home again! Thanks for

Your hard work!

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Thank you for sharing your fine feathered friends. I very much enjoyed their company tonight. Goodnight. Sleep well everyone. We’re in this together.

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Thank you Joyce, much needed a down to earth article this evening.

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So love it when you share these beautiful chickens (I haven't used that descriptor before for chickens.) Thanks for the video too! What a rooster, will love to see the whole of him one day as I have only found you/was referred to you by a good friend in the last few months. It has been such a wonderful complement to my other morning reading Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American. I am blessed with both; they keep me sane and focused.

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Your chickens are beautiful! 🤩

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Joyce, we needed this. Despite the storms on the political scene, the rest of the world carries on.

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Who wouldn’t have a smile seeing these creatures?!

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It’s miraculous how we can be sustained by simple chores and nurturing our animals. Especially these days with so much to worry about, the sweet murmuring of chickens is so soothing. Very glad you have this respite, and that you share it with us.💕💕💕

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I love all the pictures, but particularly that opening photo of Leeda. The expression said it all before I even read your narrative. Beautiful chickens all.

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I’m an Alabama girl who grew up with chickens both as pets and to eat, gathered eggs as a girl. Live now in Texas with the stupidest Governor and Attorney General in the US. Love your beautiful chickens, and the daily news you give us.

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You have my sympathy regarding the lack of human leadership in your state.

When I was around 10 years old, my parents bought me two little chicks for Easter. One was dyed purple and one pink. The pink one died before I named it, but I had the purple one long enough to have grown in all its white feathers. By then, my parents said I had to give it to a farmer who lived at the end of our street. I cried all the way home.

From the first time I saw Joyce's chickens, I stopped eating chicken!

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Me too, but I dropped chickens as food decades ago. Joyce’s peeps confirmed my commitment

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After seeing the pictures, I bet that others here have stopped eating them. Whenever I see cute little calves, that makes me re-think beef, too.

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Loving your chickens! They give me hope, as does my kitty! ❤️

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Sandy Sears,

I also love your kitty! Unknown personally to me, but she/he must be a wonderful cat!!!!

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You can’t possibly know how much I needed to see your chickens tonight. Emotional survival therapy chickens. Gratitude, Joyce.

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It is wonderful to see a post that makes me smile so much. thank you (for ALL your posts).

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Yes, smiling is therapeutic.

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