I'd like to take this opportunity to wish a Happy Trump Indictment Day to all who are celebrating!

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Thank you, Miriam. I am Happy about Trump's Indictment, too. May it be followed by more of them.

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From your mouth to God's ears, as my people say!

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Our mouths... there are many millions of US!

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While not a traditional perp walk, it IS a perp walk! TFG is not free to go wherever or whenever he chooses. First time in his life he's not in charge. I'll take it!

"Do not pass go. Do not collect $200." Only thing missing is "Go directly to jail." That comes later.

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To Catch a Thief; a liar and bully; a rapist, misogynist, racist and cruel beyond measure; children in cages; incompetent and ignorant; to catch the insurrectionist ex-president who paid a porn star with hush money; to actually indict him, the real-estate hustler, former president, Donald J. Trump and the porn star, Stormy Daniels, now that’s a story!

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Let's not forget the hundreds of thousands of Americans who became ill with Covid due to his buffoonery surrounding the Pandemic. Many suffered, many died and many still suffer. And for every one of those who fell to a disease he denied and then downplayed, there are loved ones, families who lost a member - who lost an "earner". The pain, the damage and the collateral damage is immeasurable. But we know it is huge and still ripples through our whole society.

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I haven't forgotten, Bill, and neither have my NYC brothers and sisters. Rather than calling Trump guilty of 'buffoonery' as you did, he lied to the public, while aware that COVID is spread airborne and by droplets. He also knew how lethal COVID could be. That was made clear in Bob Woodward's tapes of their conversations. Trump is guilty of deception and negligence.

This city was like a cemetery filled with minority group members and seniors. Some of us took protective gowns and other equipment to the hospitals. On the streets and from our windows we cheered, sung, whistled and banged on pots to thank the healthcare workers, nurses, therapists and doctors. It is a painfully fresh memory. Thank you for remembering.

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COVID tore at our hearts, decimated families, and changed our world. If you didn't keep a diary during COVID, please take time to record your thoughts, fears, and how COVID affected your family. This is extremely important. The Spanish Flu gave us some information about how to handle a pandemic. It had similar features as COVID, like economics driving politics driving perception driving behavior. It is the family memory that must be widely captured to detail the variety of why people reacted the way they did. These memories will be invaluable to historians and by extension policy makers. We can't make the same mistakes in the next pandemic. We must educate people so they have the tools to save the lives of their families and communities. Critical thinking, understanding the motivations of others, and when it's down to the wire and you don't know who to trust how to choose the between them are our arsenal to combat the chaos.

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I still have PTSD from only hearing ambulance sirens for months and seeing the refrigerator trucks with dead bodies outside of Bellevue. To say nothing (and by that mean A LOT) about close friends working at many of the NYC hospitals. They will never be the same. All because we have incredibly selfish, stupid, maniacal people in this country.

My heart will forever be broken by what we are witnessing. Some people are celebrating, but this is a dark time in the history of the U.S. The racism and bigotry was always there. We always had cockroaches living in our midst, but he allowed them to live in the sun. So that people like a close friend's daughter has to fear for her life as a transgender woman. Or kissing our children good-bye each day sending them to school wondering if they will come home.

I know first hand that there is another tier in the judicial system for white, rich men. I've seen it first hand and how it impacts all of us. This is the tip of the depravity iceberg that's coming our way from him and his minions.

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I'm celebrating because this indictment means Democracy is alive and well!

A little battered and bruised, but we survived! No one is above the law!

As a (retired) board certified Infection Preventionist RN, I was beyond outraged at how TFG mishandled the COVID response. I volunteer for the Ohio Medical Reserve and gave thousands of flu shots '08. People were willing to stand in line for hours to protect their children and themselves.

That the public was misled about the efficacy of COVID vaccination and Repubs floated conspiracy theories to frighten people, IS criminal. Over a million needless deaths. I wish TFG could be charged with 1,000,000 counts of voluntary manslaughter.

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700,000+ people have died while Biden is president. And he is not renewing the public health emergency as of May 11 which means no more free tests, no more free vaccines, and over 10 MILLION people kicked off of Medicaid. That's not better. There is nothing to celebrate. These are dark times.

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Medicaid is administered individually state by state. States will decide who stays on Medicaid and who gets kicked off.

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'President Donald Trump acknowledged the “deadly” nature of the coronavirus earlier this year in a series of recorded interviews with The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, even as Trump publicly sought to dismiss the disease’s threat to Americans.'

'Recounting a conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump told Woodward on Feb. 7 that the coronavirus is “more deadly than your, you know, your — even your strenuous flus.”

'Woodward conducted 18 on-the-record interviews with the president between last December and July to gather material for the veteran journalist’s forthcoming book on the Trump White House.'

'Trump says comments in Woodward audio tape were meant to reduce panic'

'When asked why didn’t take more preemptive measures based on his understanding of the virus before the disease spread in the U.S., Trump said: “You didn’t really think it was going to be to the point where it was.” But Trump acknowledged to Woodward in February how easily transmissible and deadly the disease was.'

Gifted detailed article in WAPO of what Trump knew about COVID below.

'Woodward book: Trump says he knew coronavirus was ‘deadly’ and worse than the flu while intentionally misleading Americans'

By Robert Costa and Philip Rucker

September 9, 2020 at 11:55 a.m. EDT


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I've often wondered why there was not a huge outcry that over a million US citizens died of covid during the fg's presidency. That represented a huge proportion worldwide. At the time it was 1/5 of the entire world's deaths. (That may have been modified currently by China's unposted deaths by Covid since the lockdowns were ended.)

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Ironically were it not for Covid and his mind-bogglingly catastrophic handling of it in the early months, TFG would have been re-elected. No doubt Putin was counting on that, with the intention of taking over the government of Ukraine once the election was over.

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True Fern. Often we are on the same page. I wrote a comment that I think E. Jean Carrol's trial for Trump's alleged rape is also soon. What a moment of potential "just desserts" if Trump is brought to justice by his misogyny.

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I will be throwing a party when E.Jean wins her case. The champagne is already in the fridge.

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I'm on my way to your home!!

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It's always the extra-curricular activities that bring down losers like him. And what she does/did for a living has nothing to do with it. To your point all of the other things should get him convicted, alas.

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100% agree!

Capone burned down businesses, extorted owners for "protection" money, fixed boxing matches and horse races for gambling money...in addition to dozens of murders. It was tax evasion that finally got him.

For TFG, Stormy's and E. Jean's cases are small potatoes, but exactly the things that bring criminals to justice. Like a Greek tragedy, it's the protagonist's own failing that ruins him. If TFG wasn't so arrogant and greedy, he would have paid Stormy with personal funds, not campaign funds, and this case would be a nothingburger.

Stupid, stupid man.

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With all the books about TFG, once he passes on I hope a modern day Robert Penn Warren will write an All the King’s Men worthy novel about him. But give him a soul.

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Good news day March 30th. In other really good news, Finland was voted into NATO! Now, we need Sweden to be approved. Need Turkey to stop dragging their feet. As for Alvin Bragg & the naysayer who wrote a book after quitting the defense team, well, possibly he was wrong in "judging" Alvin Bragg. The wheels of justice turn slowly comes to mind. Collective sighs can now turn to the "watch what trump does next" fears. He does know how to play the game, just like a mob boss, which is what he is. Lest we forget, he was an awful President, the polar opposite of Jimmy Carter. He stole, he lied, he cheated when playing hundreds of rounds of golf at our expense. He grifted from folks who probably couldn't afford to send him money, but he didn't care, he kept lying and getting more. He deserves to be in an orange jumpsuit the rest of his life, but how long it will take to get from here to there remains to be seen. Fingers crossed we live long enough to see it, and to run enough Republicans out of Congress and the Senate to bring some saneness back to the country. Bless us all for sticking around to enjoy a small joy. The end.

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My sentiments exactly, Bill. We can assume from his prior behavior that he will encourage his loyal kool-aid sippers to cause as much violence as they can in support of his greedy agenda.

I do not think he will ever be jailed, but I do think the rest of his life will be on the miserable defense, a fate he has earned.

Now, we have to get major participation by voters in the 2024 election in order to run the republicans out of both houses of Congress. I hope those who supported the insurrection will see charges of their own in the future. Like the orange traitor, they deserve it.

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Starting with Mo Brooks and Gym Jordan!!

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Yes, excellent news about Finland!

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My heavens, so much going on and I didn't hear about Finland! Well said, Bill!

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Very well said, Bill.

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I am so tired of giving this man part of my mental space, which is almost impossible not to do. But my first priority is not revenge, as much as part of me longs for that bittersweet elixir, it is the well-being and continued legitimacy of our time-tested political and legal institutions. It is the country I love.

Now for a celebratory shot of Jameson.

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My husband and I cracked open a bottle of champagne. I’m thinking alcohol sales will be up this weekend.

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Slainte! Jameson was my choice too. Because I too love this country and this indictment is a small step towards equal justice under the law.

Today, its back to work texting Wisconsin voters. Tuesday will be a big day here in the Heartland as well as NYC. Lots to do to balance the scales of justice in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election.

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Looks like the chickens have come home to roost!!

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You provide a refreshing perspective to these sordid and by now well-worn scenarios, Joyce. The he-said, then- she-said, then-he-tweeted of it all is sick-making after months and even years of predictable reactions and outcomes. Since I spent a part of my adolescence and young adulthood classified as a weirdo, it is strange to feel that the far right and their leaders are weirdos. I don’t even want vengeance for all the noise, disruption, and violence we have suffered, just some peace. Thank you for helping me to learn patience with the slow wheels of justice.

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I agree. I just want peace. No vengeance.

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I did my indictment dance and sang a song when I heard the news. Think my basset thought I was nuts. His dance card is getting rather full in New York . Time to get another one for Georgia (I hope)

But I will not allow him to take up all the oxygen in the room. With all his news another very important thing happened in (where else) Texas where a “shopped judge” called part of the ACA that has preventive care- cancer screening, diabetes screening, hiv meds, etc unconstitutional. Brought on by Christian (?) businesses. Thanks Joyce for all you do to keep us up to date and informed.

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Thanks for this news about Texas, Christine. I spent yesterday reading about the State of Maryland pursuing a constitutional referendum to codify abortion rights; and how one person's opinion that SCOTUS "ignored" the Ninth Amendment when it struck down Roe v Wade: https://www.timesunion.com/opinion/article/Commentary-U-S-Supreme-Court-ignored-Ninth-17305673.php

Many states are putting their version of abortion rights on the ballot. Interesting that they are seeking to protect women and doctors from being "extradited" by other states who have banned abortion.

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I hope in the process they clear up the messy language surrounding pregnancy. Insurance companies drive all uncompleted pregnancies into an abortion coding tree. Yes, miscarriages, unviable, and other complications of pregnancy are categorized together with other reasons that pregnancies are ended. Writing legal language that only uses the umbrella language of abortion confuses the situation when a woman faces pregnancy complications that can permanently change her future and the societal stigma that may attach to her. The psychological, pre-existing conditions, economics, and the myriad of other unconsidered reasons for a termination of a pregnancy must also be considered. When I have been thinking of this question, war had never crossed my mind. The women of Ukraine are facing this issue now.

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Pure madness. Off the rails.

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Thank you for your wonderful synthesis of facts & events. 

The GOP is out with bull horns claiming DJT is being wronged. 

Claiming Trump is being abused blatantly ignores the ABUSE that TRUMP,  the GOP & HIS CLAN have inflicted on the American people!  ENOUGH ALREADY!

DONT SING US HIS SAD SONG!  He's entitled to HIS Day in court.  Americans are entitled to JUSTICE!

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Boy, howdy, SJ...I'm with you!

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I heard an interesting quote this evening... about "justice finally coming". But you know, all this time we've been anxiously waiting (and sometimes whining about it?) prosecutors and investigators were (and btw, still are) doing the work of justice. An indictment is certainly a heartening land mark. Viva this (ongoing) effort and the ones upcoming.

And give the chickens some extra celebratory scratch!

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Well said, Kathy. IMO, Justice via the Rule of Law demands time for those seeking it.

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Mealworms for all!!😂

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"It’s appalling that neither the Trumps, nor apparently DeSantis, understand that real people can fall victim to careless language."

Their incitement to violence is appalling, yes. But I think they understand it very well, and use it to their advantage. Why else would we have experienced the nightmare of January 6th? It's a feature, not a bug.

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I agree. I think they understand their language and its impact very well.

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It's my belief that they understand perfectly well--they just DON'T CARE.

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It’s all about the money they are all raising.

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"It's a feature, not a bug." ✅

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Yes, they understand it and do it on purpose. It is well past time to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt about that.

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Everything Trump does is transactional. Everyone else is just strutting around like a peacock. I have met George Soros as many times as the NY DA, as in never. We have been waiting for this third act to begin for years, let’s savor the long arm of justice and democracy and ignore the hecklers from the cheap seats!

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Deep breath all. It’s going to be a long bumpy road to toward justice. I’m concerned about potential for violence and greater political chaos.

Thanks as ever to you Joyce and our diverse group of passionate folks -- who believe in the rule of law and care about our democracy. It’s a moment in history we will never forget.

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I have absolutely no doubt that Trump, DeSantis, Greene, et al, fully understand the violence their rhetoric generates. They’ve seen the damage that results from their calls for armed revolt and don’t care, because it’s exactly what they want to happen. Nothing would make them happier than to commit murder-by-proxy and bring about the savage subversion of our system of government, so they can install a fascist autocratic regime. At the very least, they’re trying to create enough fear to quell any resistance. I’m also fervently convinced that their gambit is tragically misguided and will fail. I also hope one of the 34 counts in the indictment include a charge for publicly threatening DA Bragg. Trump can’t help incriminating himself.

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I agree, and I also think that if there is a revolt of any kind, it will be met with great resistance on the part of law enforcement, and federal if need be. The country won't be caught off guard this time.

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They are raising lots of money. That is all they care about.

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Raising money, and preparing for Civil War.

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Joyce, I appreciate your mention of Soros in this article as he seemed to be a big target after the announcement of the indictment today. It's clear that the antisemitic horns are out, as are the racist horns against DA Bragg. It's sickening. Haven't we seen enough violence in the past week? This is what the MAGA group wants, more violence. I was having a manicure yesterday, the last customer and all of the workers had gone home except for the person taking care of me. I was about to leave and thinking how vulnerable she is, with so much anti-Asian sentiment in our midst. She is Vietnamese and fairly new to this country. I asked her to lock the door after I walked out, she was waiting for her husband to return. I waited till she came to the door and she did lock it. You just don't know where and when someone will become violent, out of nowhere. It has been said that all this leaning towards violence was under the surface before Trump, he just brought it out. While that is true to some degree, as the great Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote for South Pacific in 1949, You Have to Be Carefully Taught. Trump is setting examples for his 74 million followers. His sons are proof of that.

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This is a repost of a post I wrote on another thread on here, but I feel it need to be.

Well, the day has arrived. TFG has been indicted. For what, exactly? We have no idea. The indictment is sealed until he presents himself before the judge next week. So, all the speculation we are hearing on the media about the charges. It’s just that. Speculation. Period.

Now, another ‘speculation’ we are hearing. Or better yet. A lot of media time spent on discussing why this indictment first. Why not one of the other investigations being first?

This is strictly my opinion. But I’m looking at this as a type of “time line”. I always drew up a time line in every investigation. This way I knew at the end when I presented it to the State Attorney’s office, I had all my ducks in a row and my investigation was complete. Made their job so much easier.

Back to this case. This is the first step leading up to the other investigations which are all involving his time while in office, and with a future election. So, this being the first of his political criminal acts, it’s fitting that he hit the courts on this first. And, it will not surprise me if in the very near future we don’t see indictments coming from Georgia, then from Washington DC.

I suspect that the three attorneys might have been communicating just this scenario. MAYBE they all want to get him in New York, out of Florida, and then hit him with the other charges. There’s no telling what the plan is, but you can bet your bottom dollar that’s there’s a plan, and it’s being held very close to the vest.

There is two things we all do know. First, TFG is in a huge pile of deep do-do. The more he yaks now on his social media and in a microphone the deeper he’s digging his hole. Second. We all know, beyond any shadow of any doubt, that TFG, as well as his enabled Republicans in the House and Senate can’t keep their yaps shut!

One last thing, I have no idea where this came from, or started. But this nonsense of 34 charges. It’s just that. Nonsense. We have no idea what the charges are until the judge unseals this indictment next week with TFG standing in front of him prepared to submit his plea to each charge read. THEN and only then will we know how many charges, and what the charges are.

Hold on to your seats folks. Get you a huge bowl of popcorn popped, and a case of your favorite drink on ice. This show is just fixing to get good!

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I like what you said, Daniel.

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Thanks. I just wrote what I feel. I appreciate your reply.

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Paraphrasing Professor Vance, the system that led to Trump’s indictment, in many respects, demonstrates that the rule of law depends on our having institutions we can trust, a mutuality that, in turn, depends on the idea that no one is above the law. Considering that all of us at some time since 2016 likely contemplated a possible fatal weakening of our civic institutions and also a Presidency eager and able to consolidate power, wherein the rule of law could be subjugated to an individual, I say, however important other things are, I take heart from sensing that the mind of the country, for the moment, is focused on the idea that protecting the key mechanisms of American democracy entails holding everyone, as the facts warrant, accountable for their actions.

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