I have not turned on my TV today. I will do so later for Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell. I did my volunteer work today at the JCC, making hygiene kits for the immigrants that included, Body lotion, Chapstick, nail clippers and socks. It was very satisfying. We also spoke about MLK Jr and what it means for today!
I speak my peace in song. Here is a song I wrote exactly 4 years ago today titled, "Broken Roads and Broken Trails -- Inauguration Day" For whatever it is worth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf7KHm3nLzA
Sharon, yes, there's another pile of crap, Greg Abbott. He has no sense of humanity that I can tell. I think for him, since he has been limited in what he can do, he has to keep finding ways to hurt others to make them suffer as he supposedly has as a wheelchair user. What a jerk. Why would anyone vote for such a creep? Cruelty is his thing and I guess it is for those who voted for him too.
Trump will throw a trumper tantrum and blame the Democrats. Thank G-D, I watched the classless cur's uncouth, bellicose speech *ALONE. More (F) bombs dropped than in WW2.
My Mother used to use the word " uncouth" to describe " a low life!". Very old expression..." he ain't got no couth!)...trump looks in a mirror...but only a blank mirror greets his eyes...nothing to see here...nothing!
Lynn, maybe that's why Toddler-Trump is so evil; there is nothing there to show him how to act in the world, so he goes for evil because for him, cruelty at least lets him feel something.
My age & my nursing background sometimes cause.me brief moments of pity for such an unhappy & flawed individual. Quickly though, reality shines again...brightly. Just difficult to wrap my head around his depravity. How do you " treat" a rabid animal?
We're in for a long period of " Mr Toads Wild Ride" 🙄🙄
I too am a retired health care worker and I too sometimes feel pity for the orange blob and a lot of his cohorts . Plus some of my family members , who have similar traits.
I feel sorry that they have to live with themselves. So destructive, so angry, so mean
Lynn, I suspect you are right about being on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Trump is a catastrophist who has to be complaining about, whining about, or causing something that will keep him in the limelight when he is one of the people who should least be in any limelight. He has nothing positive to offer anyone, even the billionaires he showed off yesterday and they all greed to bow and scrape to him. That is shameful, but just what toddler-men do, those who get rich when they are too young to have become a full human being. There are a bunch of them around, Toddler-Trump at the head of the "troop," It is almost as though they are toys being moved around by someone who likes to interfere with things, then sit back and laugh and gloat at the problems he has wrought. I am thinking of Leonard Leo, the mastermind of The Federalist Society, a toddler-boys' club with a few women who have proven they are equally manipulatable as the little boys in the club are. None of them is worthy of any position of significance because they have no moral compass or code of ethics, which is why Leo chose them in the first place. And they can be found everywhere throughout our Court system, even 6 of them on our Supreme Court.
Why Leo, this creepy old man is allowed to mess as he has in our politics is beyond comprehension, but he is after all, white, male, and rich, probably do to his questionable activities encouraging corruption and deceit while calling it "conservatism" or whatever his word of the day is. Toddler-Trump loves all the attention and is excited, almost orgasmic over the pain he is about to cause the people of this nation. The whole troop is dripping with glee, rubbing their hands together to see what trouble they can cause without getting into any trouble themselves. I say, thank you racist, misogynistic America for choosing chaos, anger, fear, pain, and destruction in November, over love, caring, joy, progress, and advancement. I just hope we can get the word out that this chaos will all, ALL be caused by Toddler-Trump and his toddler playground supervised by people like Leonard Leo. Shame on We the People for allowing a tainted Supreme Court to decide that an insurrectionist had to be on the ballots in every state even allowing him to run at all.
Dorothy, and it fits so well since he is Toddler-Trump expressing his regular Trumper-Tantrums. I wonder who is going to soothe their Baby Donnie when he goes off onto one of those Toddler-Trumper-Tantrums.
Ned, my wife and I watched the Boston Bruins and made sure to tune both tvs to the game, to be sure that his ever-so-important ratings wouldn't get a boost from our household. And I love the F-bomb line. I reckon that if I put a dollar into a swear jar I'll be a millionaire by the midterms. Now I just have to find a million $1 bills to keep handy.
...dyslexic....in all functioning areas of his misbegotten life. Perhaps the almighty used old spare parts on the assembly line ( or Union members?) when putting him together??? One can only ponder..." What must they be have been thinking?????
PS....don't believe for one moment he ever opened a childs Webster's in all his born days!
Now, if Hugh Heffner has a dictionary out...?????🤔🤔
A thief, a liar, a rapist and a traitor walk into the White House, and the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court says, “are you ready to take the oath of office, Mister Trump?”
President Biden demolished the classless cur's inauguration address in one-sixth the time. And I am a conservative by temperament, formerly by politics. 🤝
EDIT: oops . . . I forgot to thank you, Coelle. So, ¡thank you! 🤝
In fact and indeed President Biden defines greatness in our day. ⚖️ Though I was not a fan of him in my younger years, what has impressed me most is his continuing to grow up and inward even into his eighties. ❤️ His basically charitable nature has come home to me BIG-TIME, likely as I have matured spiritually. 🙏 A perfect role-model for this unbudgin' curmudgeon (i.e., me). 🤫
God to Americans: I created the most crass, lewd, evil human possible and, with the free will I gave you, you voted for him to be your president.
Then, I made him even worse, removing the guardrails and surrounding him with the most heinously inept hypocrites I could conjure up, and you voted for him again.
I am still adjusting to the fact that I truly no longer know who the American people are…💔. I understand the frustration with what has been happening to our government: Congress no longer represents “We the People” aka constituents since the Supremes passed Citizen’s United, allowing the flow of dark money into the political process. We know Clarence Thomas has been very open to receiving $$$ & gifts as his due; like Trump, it’s a quid pro quo deal. Just did not realize how many members of the highest court were willing to throw out their ethical responsibilities as Jurists to effect a political agenda. Trump succeeded in lowering expectations, normalizing outrageous behavior, hatred, sowing distrust & despair, hurling threats to specific people as threats also to anyone who dared to stand up to him. So far, it has been primarily women confronting & irritating him and a handful of men who knew there would be a political cost but doing what was right was more important. So yes, there are still profiles in courage…..they just don’t get the media recognition that negativity does.
I know who I am, I am not giving in to this new regime by withdrawing (much as I would like to create my own little nunnery) - I will resist, I will support those courageous Congresspersons still speaking truth to power. I will not be alone - I know you are out there too: this is still our country! ❤️🇺🇸💙
Priscilla, whenever I start to doubt the voters, I correct myself and say, as bad as the choice some of them made, there were 90 million eligible voters who didn't cast a ballot -- that's more than either candidate received in actual votes, and it's shameful.
That is an amazing number of non-voters! I wonder how many schools have dropped Civics/US government classes…..sadly I think a lot of youth do not see a place for themselves in our current culture. I remember JFK’s call to give back to our country - my generation certainly responded to volunteering in the Peace Corps, in public service positions…..It was a positive message to actively participate; no longer are we telling the younger generation that they are needed.
You are preaching to the choir so you know we are all with you. But there is reason to be hopeful for a change of perception on the other side. There is already a schism as MAGAs are beginning to realize (because he said so) that along with mass deportation the price of eggs is not coming down. Actually, hearing farmers being interviewed there may not be eggs at all....
You certainly are not alone. I suspect that at least 99% of Joyce Vance's subscribers are with you, and in reality, it's more likely to be 99.9% of her subscribers.
His sentence is commuted not pardoned. Perhaps he can apply for a new trial if he can he will be found not guilty because there was no evidence and the FBI withheld evidence that would have found him not guilty in 1977. Our great FBI.
I think that a risk for all FBI directors is that they become captive to the institution. I worked for DOJ in a FOIA unit, and the FBI was well known for doing shoddy work, and when sued,turning in boiler plate legal documents. They often were slapped down by judges who became exasperated with the FBI's recalcitrant attitude.
I love the frozen cords! We couldn't bear to watch today, but we'll catch up on the bullet points. Biden also freed Leonard Peltier today. Thank you for this summary, Joyce.
I celebrated by canceling Amazon prime and audible today with the reason "Bezos capitulation to Trump". I pledge no purchases from Bezos businesses in 2025, which I can manage because I live in NYC (lots of alternatives).
Better than that blow-up doll that he's engaged to. She who put herself on display for all the men to gawp at. These people have absolutely zero class and less breedin.
Oh my lord I wasn't going to go there but she was 100% ridiculous. I know we're done with all the norms but you'd think anyone would know better than to wear visible undergarments to the Inauguration of a President? For God's sake, show some respect for the office, at least. And don't get me started on how many starving people in Appalachia, or Gaza, or anywhere else, for that matter, you could feed with the amount of work she's had done on her face. What Would Jimmy Carter Do?
Not watching any TV today, even my beloved MSNBC, because I cannot stand Trump's hypocrisy, hyperbole, lying and cruelty, which are just a few of his loathsome traits. Instead , I will watch Notre Dame womp the Buckeyes, even tho I attended OSU for one fun-filled year .You are too young to know !
I couldn't watch Trump's inauguration. In honor of a real King i listened to a recording of 1967 speech given at Stanford University on Two Americas by MLK, Noble laureate. I couldn't listen to a wanna be King, draft dodger, convicted of 34 Felonies lies. Roll tide. Peace. We are in this together.
Thank you, Joyce, for keeping us apprised of the day’s events, thus far. It is critical for us to take time for ourselves to recover, regroup and reinvent how we’re going to stand up to all the negative actions that are proposed in this new presidency. Inundate your elected representatives and let them know we will not just rollover and obey. Not happening… there are a lot more of us, and we will stand up and be heard!!
And Mike Pence should never have shaken Trump’s hand at Carter’s funeral. I was actually shocked by it. Good for his wife. She has more backbone than he does. I can only imagine the conversations in that house!!!
Giving up, that is not a consideration for people who care about America. Giving up is not an option if our very survival is on the table. I have no time to feel sorry for myself. Peace good people and hang in there.
Oh, and if one more person tells me to pray for him I'll bop them.
If I was forced to pray for someone so despicable I could say the OM prayer: May the light in me see the light in you (since I can's see the slightest glimmer of light in you.)
I will offer a pray that we survive someone this despicable, and reading about Elon Musk Nazi salute convinced me that apathy is not acceptable in the face of his monstrosity. I feel the same I have no prayers or tears for Trump. You cannot bargain with evil. Take care.
Sadly, I think that is what attracted people to him, at least we know Trump is after money and having a Nazi saluting racist is obviously no obstacle to greed. I think for a lot of people Musk flew under the radar, but those of us that followed his commentary, lies, and double standards about free speech it is true the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Musk could not do this in many European Countries that is why he is in America.
Pray for the Office of the President. Or send it good vibes. Or whatever. That it still exists in four years and that we're not a theocracy or an oligarchy or a dictatorship.
As always, many thanks, sister Joyce. May the fun and love and care you share with your lovely hens flutter around you like the wings of angels. Think of this as poetic license or a prayer from the heart.
I have not turned on my TV today. I will do so later for Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell. I did my volunteer work today at the JCC, making hygiene kits for the immigrants that included, Body lotion, Chapstick, nail clippers and socks. It was very satisfying. We also spoke about MLK Jr and what it means for today!
We have our tv in Pandora & are listening to some great jazz music. It is a pleasant day here in Hawaii.
I speak my peace in song. Here is a song I wrote exactly 4 years ago today titled, "Broken Roads and Broken Trails -- Inauguration Day" For whatever it is worth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf7KHm3nLzA
You rock, Lisa!
What state are you in? Will the migrants stand a chance of getting these kits?
I saw Abbott was trying to shut down the charities that help them in Texas.
Sharon, yes, there's another pile of crap, Greg Abbott. He has no sense of humanity that I can tell. I think for him, since he has been limited in what he can do, he has to keep finding ways to hurt others to make them suffer as he supposedly has as a wheelchair user. What a jerk. Why would anyone vote for such a creep? Cruelty is his thing and I guess it is for those who voted for him too.
Abbott, is nothing but a vengeful little gimp!
She's in NY. You can find out whatever info a person posts, by hovering the arrow or cursor, or whatever it is on their name.
You're most welcome
Naw, they will never see that chap stick!
Yes, my two go twos, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell. Both and very good shows tonight.
Rachel Maddow will be doing a nightly show: "THE 1st 100 DAYS"-- 9 PM Eastern
I will never purposefully watch Rachel Maddow again because of the way she did Hillary Clinton.
I like to imagine those frozen flag cords are a nice addition to the imagined slighs DT will feel daily. "Death by a thousand insults."
Trump will throw a trumper tantrum and blame the Democrats. Thank G-D, I watched the classless cur's uncouth, bellicose speech *ALONE. More (F) bombs dropped than in WW2.
Love that expression. We need to incorporate into our daily jargon: Trumper tantrum!
My Mother used to use the word " uncouth" to describe " a low life!". Very old expression..." he ain't got no couth!)...trump looks in a mirror...but only a blank mirror greets his eyes...nothing to see here...nothing!
Lynn, maybe that's why Toddler-Trump is so evil; there is nothing there to show him how to act in the world, so he goes for evil because for him, cruelty at least lets him feel something.
Thank you, Ruth.
Always enjoy your sage comments, my dear..
My age & my nursing background sometimes cause.me brief moments of pity for such an unhappy & flawed individual. Quickly though, reality shines again...brightly. Just difficult to wrap my head around his depravity. How do you " treat" a rabid animal?
We're in for a long period of " Mr Toads Wild Ride" 🙄🙄
I too am a retired health care worker and I too sometimes feel pity for the orange blob and a lot of his cohorts . Plus some of my family members , who have similar traits.
I feel sorry that they have to live with themselves. So destructive, so angry, so mean
Then I am thankful that I am not like that.
Part of me feels some compassion, which ends at the exit out of Snarl a Brago.
Lynn, I suspect you are right about being on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Trump is a catastrophist who has to be complaining about, whining about, or causing something that will keep him in the limelight when he is one of the people who should least be in any limelight. He has nothing positive to offer anyone, even the billionaires he showed off yesterday and they all greed to bow and scrape to him. That is shameful, but just what toddler-men do, those who get rich when they are too young to have become a full human being. There are a bunch of them around, Toddler-Trump at the head of the "troop," It is almost as though they are toys being moved around by someone who likes to interfere with things, then sit back and laugh and gloat at the problems he has wrought. I am thinking of Leonard Leo, the mastermind of The Federalist Society, a toddler-boys' club with a few women who have proven they are equally manipulatable as the little boys in the club are. None of them is worthy of any position of significance because they have no moral compass or code of ethics, which is why Leo chose them in the first place. And they can be found everywhere throughout our Court system, even 6 of them on our Supreme Court.
Why Leo, this creepy old man is allowed to mess as he has in our politics is beyond comprehension, but he is after all, white, male, and rich, probably do to his questionable activities encouraging corruption and deceit while calling it "conservatism" or whatever his word of the day is. Toddler-Trump loves all the attention and is excited, almost orgasmic over the pain he is about to cause the people of this nation. The whole troop is dripping with glee, rubbing their hands together to see what trouble they can cause without getting into any trouble themselves. I say, thank you racist, misogynistic America for choosing chaos, anger, fear, pain, and destruction in November, over love, caring, joy, progress, and advancement. I just hope we can get the word out that this chaos will all, ALL be caused by Toddler-Trump and his toddler playground supervised by people like Leonard Leo. Shame on We the People for allowing a tainted Supreme Court to decide that an insurrectionist had to be on the ballots in every state even allowing him to run at all.
Thank you, Dorothy.
Dorothy, and it fits so well since he is Toddler-Trump expressing his regular Trumper-Tantrums. I wonder who is going to soothe their Baby Donnie when he goes off onto one of those Toddler-Trumper-Tantrums.
Ned, my wife and I watched the Boston Bruins and made sure to tune both tvs to the game, to be sure that his ever-so-important ratings wouldn't get a boost from our household. And I love the F-bomb line. I reckon that if I put a dollar into a swear jar I'll be a millionaire by the midterms. Now I just have to find a million $1 bills to keep handy.
Thanks, Doug. Love the slum-mouth millionnaire line!
Ned....that " F bomb" usage today...???
Among the few books the " pretender president" has read in his sordid life is certainly even the child's version.of Webster's Dictionary. Dislexiv ooo
...dyslexic....in all functioning areas of his misbegotten life. Perhaps the almighty used old spare parts on the assembly line ( or Union members?) when putting him together??? One can only ponder..." What must they be have been thinking?????
PS....don't believe for one moment he ever opened a childs Webster's in all his born days!
Now, if Hugh Heffner has a dictionary out...?????🤔🤔
Ned...there is a special place for democrats in the jaundiced ones cabinet...called spell check😜
Haha, Lynn! Being an absent-minded curmudgeon (i.e., me) does have its humor.🥳
You do it soooo well, my friend 🤗
Well you know when hell freezes over even Satan doesn’t get everything he wants.
It was obviously God. /joke
I may be a slackadaisical agnostic, but that statement offended me as sacrilegious.🤢
And so the federal government Wabble begins! MAGA should most definitely abandon the DOGE doctrine BS.
Robert, whenever I see the acronym DOGE, I pronounce it "douche".
HCR pronounces it 'doggie".
I prefer mine 😄
Say "doggy"; think "douche" :-)
Yes, I heard her say that yesterday and thought it was marvelous!
When I saw that Vivek had been booted, I decided that must be - get out of Dodge!
Teresa, that’s a good one too!
A thief, a liar, a rapist and a traitor walk into the White House, and the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court says, “are you ready to take the oath of office, Mister Trump?”
Somebody who could not be hired at Home Depot....
...his hand above, not touching...the Bible.
a moment of inate fear, perhaps?????
how not surprising ... he has no intention of abiding by that oath. Didn't the first time and won't now. God help us all.
Spot on, Emille....do believe you've got his number...down pat!🤗
How do the Evilgelicals reconcile that?
A Chief Justice who no longer has credibility and has helped bring down SCOTUS swears in a dishonest man he helped become POTUS.
That's priceless!!
He said:”what is in it for me. My people don’t care about the oath, do you care about your pension?”
Well said!
Pathetic isn't it. Know full well that oath doesn't mean a thing to him.
“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” - Henry David Thoreau.
Let’s see better days…
President Biden demolished the classless cur's inauguration address in one-sixth the time. And I am a conservative by temperament, formerly by politics. 🤝
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA_mKeM-e4g ✌🏽
G-D bless President Biden; Thank you, G-D, for President Biden; Thank G-D and G-D bless you, President Carter. 🙏
Thank you for posting Pres. Biden's speech at Andrews Air Force Base today....what a 'giving person he is'!!!!!
EDIT: oops . . . I forgot to thank you, Coelle. So, ¡thank you! 🤝
In fact and indeed President Biden defines greatness in our day. ⚖️ Though I was not a fan of him in my younger years, what has impressed me most is his continuing to grow up and inward even into his eighties. ❤️ His basically charitable nature has come home to me BIG-TIME, likely as I have matured spiritually. 🙏 A perfect role-model for this unbudgin' curmudgeon (i.e., me). 🤫
And if you don't "see" you don't learn....
God to Americans: I created the most crass, lewd, evil human possible and, with the free will I gave you, you voted for him to be your president.
Then, I made him even worse, removing the guardrails and surrounding him with the most heinously inept hypocrites I could conjure up, and you voted for him again.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....
Good luck these next four years and beyond!
I am still adjusting to the fact that I truly no longer know who the American people are…💔. I understand the frustration with what has been happening to our government: Congress no longer represents “We the People” aka constituents since the Supremes passed Citizen’s United, allowing the flow of dark money into the political process. We know Clarence Thomas has been very open to receiving $$$ & gifts as his due; like Trump, it’s a quid pro quo deal. Just did not realize how many members of the highest court were willing to throw out their ethical responsibilities as Jurists to effect a political agenda. Trump succeeded in lowering expectations, normalizing outrageous behavior, hatred, sowing distrust & despair, hurling threats to specific people as threats also to anyone who dared to stand up to him. So far, it has been primarily women confronting & irritating him and a handful of men who knew there would be a political cost but doing what was right was more important. So yes, there are still profiles in courage…..they just don’t get the media recognition that negativity does.
I know who I am, I am not giving in to this new regime by withdrawing (much as I would like to create my own little nunnery) - I will resist, I will support those courageous Congresspersons still speaking truth to power. I will not be alone - I know you are out there too: this is still our country! ❤️🇺🇸💙
Priscilla, whenever I start to doubt the voters, I correct myself and say, as bad as the choice some of them made, there were 90 million eligible voters who didn't cast a ballot -- that's more than either candidate received in actual votes, and it's shameful.
That is an amazing number of non-voters! I wonder how many schools have dropped Civics/US government classes…..sadly I think a lot of youth do not see a place for themselves in our current culture. I remember JFK’s call to give back to our country - my generation certainly responded to volunteering in the Peace Corps, in public service positions…..It was a positive message to actively participate; no longer are we telling the younger generation that they are needed.
You are preaching to the choir so you know we are all with you. But there is reason to be hopeful for a change of perception on the other side. There is already a schism as MAGAs are beginning to realize (because he said so) that along with mass deportation the price of eggs is not coming down. Actually, hearing farmers being interviewed there may not be eggs at all....
You certainly are not alone. I suspect that at least 99% of Joyce Vance's subscribers are with you, and in reality, it's more likely to be 99.9% of her subscribers.
None are so blind as those who will not see.
Ah, but dieties are always interfering in the lives of humans...why should TFG be immune from their wrath?
Hard no from me to a deity who would be so cruel.
I think you got it backwards. God wanting to open up our eyes is not cruel--He didn't impose trump on us. The voters cruelly imposed trump on us....
God has been testing us. We failed the test. Twice.
Republicans love the Old Testament because of all the smiting
Better days ahead, not backwards.
Something I read years ago but can't remember who wrote it: "We see what we look for, we look for what we know."
Leonard Peltier is going home.
At long last! I was so upset when Obama did not pardon him. Thank you, President Biden.
Yes, Biden granted Leonard clemency.
Biden has also issued "preemptive pardons" to his siblings & their spouses.
His sentence is commuted not pardoned. Perhaps he can apply for a new trial if he can he will be found not guilty because there was no evidence and the FBI withheld evidence that would have found him not guilty in 1977. Our great FBI.
I think that a risk for all FBI directors is that they become captive to the institution. I worked for DOJ in a FOIA unit, and the FBI was well known for doing shoddy work, and when sued,turning in boiler plate legal documents. They often were slapped down by judges who became exasperated with the FBI's recalcitrant attitude.
I wasn’t aware of this.
Bill, still time to sue?
I hope he is let out tomorrow. His first breath of freedom since 1977.
I love the frozen cords! We couldn't bear to watch today, but we'll catch up on the bullet points. Biden also freed Leonard Peltier today. Thank you for this summary, Joyce.
I celebrated by canceling Amazon prime and audible today with the reason "Bezos capitulation to Trump". I pledge no purchases from Bezos businesses in 2025, which I can manage because I live in NYC (lots of alternatives).
Bezo's wife, MacKenzie Scott, owns a stake in Amazon and gives half her wealth to charity with no stipulations.
I’m glad to hear that, and I wish there was a way to make sure my spending on Amazon would go straight to McKenzie!
Former wife.
Better than that blow-up doll that he's engaged to. She who put herself on display for all the men to gawp at. These people have absolutely zero class and less breedin.
Oh my lord I wasn't going to go there but she was 100% ridiculous. I know we're done with all the norms but you'd think anyone would know better than to wear visible undergarments to the Inauguration of a President? For God's sake, show some respect for the office, at least. And don't get me started on how many starving people in Appalachia, or Gaza, or anywhere else, for that matter, you could feed with the amount of work she's had done on her face. What Would Jimmy Carter Do?
Today begins the day where our TV goes dark, except for sports and streaming...done with cable and the networks.
I like Pandora myself. Beach noises, especially, keep me sane.
... and hopefully people do that with instagram and facebook, and stop buying Teslas or from Target ...
Why Target? I don’t buy there but why did you target target
Target did not contribute to T’s campaign but good ole Hobby Lobby and Walmart sure did!! Costco didn’t either…bless them!
Target is waaaay better than Walmart.
Keep in mind, Lance, that your pro sports teams are owned by billionaires, except for the Packers. And guess who they support?
Makes me happy to be a lifelong Packer fan. In fact my whole family was and my dad was buried in a green and gold casket!
I won't give up Rachel Maddow and Lawrance O'Donnell on MSNBC.
Can't give up my women's basketball now that I have discovered it! But I'm reading more books.
Us too......
I need to thank you more often. Thank you for your hard work
Not watching any TV today, even my beloved MSNBC, because I cannot stand Trump's hypocrisy, hyperbole, lying and cruelty, which are just a few of his loathsome traits. Instead , I will watch Notre Dame womp the Buckeyes, even tho I attended OSU for one fun-filled year .You are too young to know !
Watched the Meidas Network on YouTube showing adorable puppies and kittens.
I loved that. ❤️
US too.....Kept the TV off and will turn on or the big game later ......as a UM fan, we'll be pulling for Notre Dame!!! :-)
Notre Dame gave us Amy Coney Barrett.
What a wonderful article. Thank you Joyce as you said we are in this together.
I couldn't watch Trump's inauguration. In honor of a real King i listened to a recording of 1967 speech given at Stanford University on Two Americas by MLK, Noble laureate. I couldn't listen to a wanna be King, draft dodger, convicted of 34 Felonies lies. Roll tide. Peace. We are in this together.
Thank you, Joyce, for keeping us apprised of the day’s events, thus far. It is critical for us to take time for ourselves to recover, regroup and reinvent how we’re going to stand up to all the negative actions that are proposed in this new presidency. Inundate your elected representatives and let them know we will not just rollover and obey. Not happening… there are a lot more of us, and we will stand up and be heard!!
And Mike Pence should never have shaken Trump’s hand at Carter’s funeral. I was actually shocked by it. Good for his wife. She has more backbone than he does. I can only imagine the conversations in that house!!!
Thank you, Ms McKenzie for applauding the intestinal fortitude of Mrs. Pence. ! Well done, my dear!👋👋👋
Do hope her courage sends a reality message to us all!
Wise injunction from the Bible: "Be strong and have courage." That's my plan!
Giving up, that is not a consideration for people who care about America. Giving up is not an option if our very survival is on the table. I have no time to feel sorry for myself. Peace good people and hang in there.
Oh, and if one more person tells me to pray for him I'll bop them.
If I was forced to pray for someone so despicable I could say the OM prayer: May the light in me see the light in you (since I can's see the slightest glimmer of light in you.)
I will offer a pray that we survive someone this despicable, and reading about Elon Musk Nazi salute convinced me that apathy is not acceptable in the face of his monstrosity. I feel the same I have no prayers or tears for Trump. You cannot bargain with evil. Take care.
Elon is at last showing more people that he didn't fall far from his father and mother's noxious apartheid origin.
Sadly, I think that is what attracted people to him, at least we know Trump is after money and having a Nazi saluting racist is obviously no obstacle to greed. I think for a lot of people Musk flew under the radar, but those of us that followed his commentary, lies, and double standards about free speech it is true the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Musk could not do this in many European Countries that is why he is in America.
Pray for the Office of the President. Or send it good vibes. Or whatever. That it still exists in four years and that we're not a theocracy or an oligarchy or a dictatorship.
As always, many thanks, sister Joyce. May the fun and love and care you share with your lovely hens flutter around you like the wings of angels. Think of this as poetic license or a prayer from the heart.