💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼Who said we're helpless? Democracy Forward is the group that managed to put a halt to Trump's order to stop all federal government payments. I believe in rewarding resistance that is fast and determined. I sent them $50. 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂


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I can’t handle this dysfunctionalism day after day just like in 2017. I may be forced to shut it all out of my fricken ears and eyes. Oh God.

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Bill,I’m with you. It is overload on steroids, which is their sinister plan.

One. Day. At. A. Time. Is my way of coping.

Hang in there and keep fighting!

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Nah I’m not out of it sorry if I sounded like it.

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Hey, Bill, remember that scene in Saving Private Ryan where he is sitting on the ground looking half dead as Nazi tanks are closing in on him? What does he do? He fires his pistol at them. We have better options, but I think it's good to remember that some things are worth fighting for, down to the last 'bullet.'

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We won this round Leigh! Trump rescinded the funding snafu at 6:13 PM Eastern this evening 1/29/25.

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Democracy Forward provided the lawyers that made that happen. Please support them

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Wreck gave Up!

The funding debacle has been officially rescinded at 1/29/25 6:13 PM. Eastern.

Fight Back! Kick ass.

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No, we cannot shut it all out, as painful as it is. We must bring it up everyday to make the cumulative impact impossible to ignore.

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While I agree with you for myself, I do understand that for some people it is just too overwhelming and affects their mental health. If that is the case, they must care for themselves so that they may, at some point, step back into the arena and help fight for democracy. It's all very draining but I'm here for the fight.

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Care for themselves, yes, but what might we do for those perhaps ill-prepared to adequately do so? How might you provide them some tiny degree of comfort? I find complementing someone's smile works every time. The clerks at the grocer sure do. Life is pretty much a do-it-yourself proposition. Howling at the moon, cursing your luck, is a loser's gambit. What can be done in your wheelhouse that is truly actionable? We are all farther out of our comfort zones than we've ever been before, ever. Try reading Mary Oliver's masterful poem, The Journey. You'll find poetic medicine there which they can never have. Knowledge is indeed, power. We are a knowledgeable lot, they are not.

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Excellent advice, Joanna.

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Go that right Joanna!

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Got that right Mike N! Trump got his ass kicked in DC Court.

Orange Face quit.

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Congress is preparing to vote on The Save Act which would make registering to vote more difficult. With all the chaos in DC many, Americans aren't even aware of this bill's existence and it may sneak thru.

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They somehow think this will solve a non-existent problem. They point out that California doesn’t require voter ID but when you register to vote you have to prove you’re a citizen. They need to see your birth certificate to get a driver’s license. When you vote by mail there’s only one ballot mailed to you. If you go to the polls you have to surrender that ballot or vote on a provisional ballot while they check to see if your mail ballot has been counted. The people spreading these lies know the facts but again they’re pulling in the uneducated and those who lack common sense and critical thinking skills.

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They do not care that they know better because the gullible people believe anything that they are told by those who want to control them. Sadly, many of these people are not uneducated or poor.

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This right here is the reason for all of the outrageous distractions. We should know by now that the really harmful stuff is going on behind the scenes.

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Time to call the press.

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The MSM only say what dear leader tells them to now. They are afraid of that bully trump.

FUCK TRUMP. I hope he chokes on a Big Mac.

(That made me feel better for a nano second.)

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Trump the bully simply choked today at 6:13PM Eastern.

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The image of it made me laugh. So there's that. :)

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Call Jim Acosta -- he's one of the truly good guys!

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DD. Call them “what?”

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hehhehheh...that made me chuckle--thank you, I needed one!

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What good would that do? The legacy press has become extremely Trump-compliant and will either edit your letter to the editor or won't print it at all. We have to create the pressure ourselves.

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Okay, baby. Then what?

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Gee...I guess I would write, call AND email all my Senators and Congress critters (which I already do)and continue doing so until they get the idea. I also send money to Democracy Docket and Democracy Forward and have joined Indivisible and join in with my fellow members in doing what we can. Baby.

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Bill, if you do that, you are giving in to them, doing just what they want us all to do. Take a break, work on a hobby, listen to music, read a mystery novel. But don’t give up!!!

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I know how you feel! It's totally exhausting! But it's like a trainwreck! You don't want to watch but you can't look away in case you miss something! And there are so many things to keep an eye on! Gawd I despise this depraved orange waste of flesh!

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Trouble is, that might be one of the reasons the powers behind the scenes chose Trump for their front man. He is so totally easy to despise. Let's try to remember he's nothing without their backing, let's find out who they are, and mobilze ourselves to DOX them, big time. We will need help, which is where people like Joyce come in.

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The Heritage Foundation boys are no doubt behind Trump pushing as hard as they can. Russell Vought and Stephen Miller are salivating at seeing their craven agenda come to life! And Musk is their biggest fan!

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What if we pay attention to one or two topics each. I've chosen immigration and voters rights. As far as voters rights. My donations will go to Marc Elias who spearheads voters rights legal rights. I'm contributing my time to a local immigration support group.

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Mark Elias & The Democracy Docket are high on my list as well.

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Hey Bill,

I have to take news vacations myself for about 10 - 14 days every so often. You should treat yourself to several fun, unusual things until you feel like you're recharged. Take extra walks (you'll be surprised at all the non-news thinking you can get done in a 40-minute walk). Get immersed in the things you love to do (or need to do - organizing the garage, bathroom cabinet, kitchen cabinets). I've watched "Fisk" on Netflicks which is a totally funny escape. Hopefully, the weather is improving enough that you can make a local trip to a museum, farmers' markets, or a botanical garden. Maybe your local online newspaper has a section that tells you all the neat things going on in your area over the weekend. There are always walking areas around some body of water. Be around other people who also aren't watching the news, farmers' markets, visit the grocery store to get food for making a dinner that you're looking forward to. You'll discover even more things as you get rolling and you'll feel better.

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I’m quite alright.

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That's what the f**kers want and damned if I'll give in to them. I've sent my now-daily emails to my senators and am continuing my morning reading, but will be practicing self-care this afternoon and hope you do the same. Stay safe and stay strong!

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I know -- this is so hard. When you feel better, please try to at least contact your rep. or senator to let them know how you feel. My husband wrote to our Republican congress person (VA 1st district) to express his outrage about the 1500 pardons of J6 attackers. To our great surprise, the Rep. wrote back saying that he agreed with my husband!!! I couldn't believe it. So please make your valuable voice heard. And do take care of yourself and those close to you. As Joyce says, We're in this together. Please don't feel isolated or alone, or powerless.

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At the end of last week my back went into a severe spasm for no reason I can discern except fury and outrage and stress. I have had to limit my news consumption - or try to - in an effort to remedy this, but it’s not working too well.

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Bill, here’s my current method of handling it; Does it affect the way I currently live my life? Is there anything I personally can do to change what’s happening? Soldier on, change what I can and hope people wake up.

These people are obsessed with the gender of others and educated people who are caring and compassionate. Trans people have zero effect on their daily lives. The world would come to a tumbling halt if “woke” people quit caring about others. You have to laugh at their irrational fear except they’re forcing that fear onto others who imagine they’re being harmed.

White men are tired of having to be as intelligent as women and POC. They have so little self esteem they’re worried some LGBTQ person is going to rip away their masculinity. They want everything handed to them.

I read a Politico article this morning about how impossible it will be for Trump to change prices. Suddenly, after the election where they supported him and sane washed everything he said they want to tell us it can’t be done. They claimed Trump wants to raise wages instead of lowering prices. Unfortunately Congress has no interest in raising the minimum wage, Trump himself is trying to kill overtime benefits and no tax on tips won’t raise everyone’s wages.

People in this country massively lack critical thinking skills and can’t see what an idiot he is.

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This is exactly what Trump intends by flooding the news cycles. The goal, in my mind, is to overwhelm. Reminds me of a child who wants something and continues to repeat the same thing until the parent gives in from sheer overload. I’ve been there as have most parents, I suspect. Stay strong my fellow Americans.

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It's tough. Stay with us and hold hands. I keep trying to remember, this person does not think like anyone I know.

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That won’t help, Bill.

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That won’t help.

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BREAKING after the Eastern 6 PM News Hour precisely at 6:13PM.

Trump has RESCINDed "Impoundment"' BS!

Maybe the sharp drop in Wreck's favorability percentage helped but, all credit goes to the "Democracy Forward" team.

Yes, democracy forward & as the Professor says, "We are all in this Together".


Lead Counsel who signed the 3 Count Complaint was JESSICA ANNE MORTON.

Civil Action No. 25-239 (LLA). Very good job counsel, Trump rescinded the bogus 'order'.

Two (2) prominent Plaintiffs were the American Public Health Association & the National Council of Non-Profits & others. Good named plaintiffs that can show irreparable harm at the upcoming hearing.

Count One: Straight forward allegation of the arbitrary & capricious violation of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA). That's section 706(2)(A).

Count Two: Constitutional Violation of the the First Amendment that includes all of Congress' duties & powers not merely "power of the purse".

Count Three: Another straight forward violation of the APA specifically Section 706 (2)(C).

Defendants are, of course OMB but, also Matthew Veeth. Six bogus "orders" (NOT) are targeted in the Complaint at paragraph 24 subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) & (f).

"Plaintiffs are ready Your Honor".

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Fantastic information! Thanks so much! Just one little correction— Congress is Article One not the First Amendment.

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I accessed the complaint, National Council of Nonprofits vs. Office of Management & Budget [OMB] linked on a free article in the NYT written by Michael D. Shear & published at 8:52 PM Eastern, 1/28/25.

Michael Shear summarized Democracy Forward to the points that they "... argued the directive [only a 2 page memo] violated the 1st Amendment and [statutory] law on how executive orders are to be rolled out."

I agree with Professor Vance that at the hearing, Plaintiffs must prove-up "irreparable harm". I am not familiar with the Judge's law & motion practice but, I intend to monitor her docket. Civil Action No. 25-239 (LLA).

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So- NYT Michael Shear’s typo on 1st Amendment ( instead of Article 1)?

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Long time member of APHA in my public health nursing days. I know first hand what the loss of this funding will do to the health and wellbeing of U.S. citizens. Thank You for your service now, Bryan.

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Skye L. Perryman is a DC Bar Member & co-counsel for APHA in the case.

Contact: sperryman@democracyforward.org

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Thanks for sharing, Kathleen. I just donated & I’m making this a monthly one.

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Me, too.

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I did too

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Me too- hope more do!

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What a great organization! Democracy Forward is to be congratulated for its swift movement to call a halt to the chaos

of Trump! I have joined them!

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Done! Thanks for the tip.

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Thanks Kathleen,I just contributed.

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Time for the blue states to break the bank-transfer links from employers to D.C.; to collect the taxes in their capitals; and, withhold tax funds. Release to D.C. AT MOST the receipts from D.C. in the previous year (to eliminate the overage that blue states send to D.C. to subsidize red states). 🛑

Additionally, when Trump tries to drumpf a blue state of disaster relief funds, for example, then that state applies withheld tax funds to fund said relief. and forwards the net balance to Washington. Many people, will undoubtedly blow a gasket. (Like the Trumpanzee fake news about water released in California.) ⚖️

They may not understand human nature and conflict. They fail to account for stated Trumpian behavior and to anticipate where that authoritarianism is headed. 😵

The hearing for the nominee to direct the O.M.B. revealed open talk within the M.A.G.A. brain-drain, if not yet practice, of impoundment (e.g., suspending or ending F.E.M.A. operations). 😲

Now, with his diktat from the O.M.B., that practice has started the Trumpian attempt to shred the Constitution in favor of divine-right insanity. Where will funds for grants and agencies relegated to formaldehyde go? 🤢

Theorizing about what might cause a civil war over a wire transfer mechanism, when such civil disorder has likely started, is as brilliant as trying to bail out the Titanic with a tea-spoon. The Great Civil War of the nineteenth century did not start at Fort Sumter or even with secession; its started five years earlier with Bleeding Kansas. 😰

Now, this particular idea may not work. But some form of it can at least support initiatives. We need ideas to break down and re-assemble or refine in muscular non-violent responses if we are to avoid civil war. Or, maybe John Brown was right, after all. 😱

Attacking someone's proposed response right now is about as helpful as Florence Nightingale handing out LSD for a head cold. 💔

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A great idea theoretically but it is ABSOLUTELY unconstitutional and could result in the round up and jailing and then prosecution of the state leaders who do this. Fighting this fight with unconstitutional means is counter productive from where I sit.

The old adage "two wrongs don't make a right" seems to apply here.

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The way to do it is to seek court approval via a writ of mandamus. Here in Baghdad By the Sea we have a governor and state legislature getting away with similar things, like keeping and pocketing federal grant money

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Great idea. Much superior to simply trying to withhold required federal payments without authorization.

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How is changing the collection of taxes unconstitutional? I recall no mention of the method of collection. I suspect the mere threat would be push-back enough. Two wrongs from each side do not make a right. What about one wrong versus a dozen?

The point is we have to try something. Bullies keep pushing until their victims push back firmly. We are not in the area of debate. A protest will get attention, but how effective was the million women march in 2017?

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Interesting... you wrote another comment which appears to be deleted. In it you made the absurd comment that states have the right to resist. Seriously? Do you remember a little thing called the Civil War? I believe the right of states to resist was resolved in that skirmish. Oh. A few hundred thousand dead peoplr of course. But the states were ABSOLUTELY NOT given the right to resist. You don't have to like it but the federal laws are still operating, and if Trump is violating then the solution is to go to court, not start ANOTHER insurrection.

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Well, the Republicans do not think so; so, apparently that question is not resolved with little incidentals like segregation starting in 1866. Resistance across the South after Brown vs the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.

Your linear thinking does not surprise me one byte. What I propose is that give the oncoming tyrant a taste of his -- and 'their' for the craven quislings -- own medicine.

So, go ahead and concede the argument by going ad hominem. I thank you for the compliment.

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Are you just spouting nonsense here for no reason Ned? You are WAY smarter than that. The Constitution gives the Congress power to Levy taxes and there are federal laws mandating how federal taxes are collected and I am sure you know that too.

Any state which decides unilaterally to "collect" and impound federally owed income taxes is so obviously violating the law that it shouldn't require comment. If the GOP had ever suggested that it's red states should refuse to send in their federal taxes I can guarantee that everyone here would be jumping out of their skins crying "foul" as well they should.

You can't have it both ways.

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Jon, watch this: it makes up most of the case I lay out below. https://youtu.be/-KIqqOsqq8A

Brown versus the Topeka occurred in the good old days when people resisted but still had respect for the Supreme Court.

¿Do you really think we are in your relatively halcyon days where sitting on your hiney and pontificating and not contributing to the resistance -- outside of calling for a prissy protest -- when Trump and his Admin. are:

> impounding funds?

> coercing blue states by withholding funds mandated for them?

> suppress agency data from the American people to control the information space?

> support red-state governor in diverting funds?

> revoke equalitarian executive orders and freeze civil rights cases creating witch hunts?

> drum out civil servants by weaponizing agency rosters (e.g., train-wrecking the field prosecutors of the D.o.J.)?

> withdrawing protection for senior civil servants (Messrs Bolton,

> decimating the diplomatic corps? (¿Remember the destruction of F.S.O.s like John Carter Vincent and John Paton Davies in the early 1950s eliminating meaningful dissent in the run-up to the ghastly war in Viêt Nam?)

> Federal criminal charges pending against sanctuary cities -- themselves an exercise in states' and local rights?

> using unprotected speech (e.g., lies about California water supplies) to corrode the culture?

https://nedmcdletters.blogspot.com/2016/05/letter-116-b-getting-historical.html (much worse todat than 2016)

You win, Jon; congratulations. Enjoy your gold medal in the urinary olympics while Hamlet enjoys his silver and Casper Milque-toast his bronze.

So, while you sit on your hiney pontificating about the --Constitution we both care about but one side ignores -- during the political violence and tyranny to come, hopefully I will garner the courage to get mine shot off while I fight back preserving that Constitution.

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Done. Thanks!

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What a great organization! I have joined them!

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I just checked with the Charity Navigator and the Democracy Forward Foundation is a 4-star charity (97% of our donations are spent on moving Democracy Forward). That's the highest rating given by the Charity Navigator. Might I suggest that the American Civil Liberties Union is another organization fighting against tyranny.

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Thanks for posting this. It's hard to know which are the most effective groups to donate to!

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Just Donated..

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Democracy Forward is indeed wonderful

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Just donated! At least it makes me feel a little less helpless! Thanks for the info!

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We are not helpless. There are some sharp angry lawyers out there.

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since according to the new power running the country there will be no government i therefore don't see why i should be taxed.. my money will not go to fund government programs only the pocket of the ceo/dictator.. i am proposing we all put our tax money into escrow accounts for use later when there is a government

my payroll deductions i can't control but all other taxes to the former federal govt.. i can..


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No taxes without representation. I live in California. California sends billions to the government. We should stop.

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California sends billions more, maybe 93 billions more to the Feds than it gets back. Keep your money, California, and rebuild after these fires!

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Agree. Screw the Trump tyranny. Cali is the 5th,I believe, economy in the world. Use that power baby 🥰. We love you all!

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Also, if minorities and women are no longer going to be represented with funding cuts…the tax issue is a great one.

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My kids have already said they’ll mot make pay their federal taxes.

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Is it complicated to put tax $ into an escrow account? Don't you need a lawyer or something?

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We're America's produce department and 40% of shipping containers go through the Part of LA, let's impose tariffs on anything going over the state border. Including the water, Nestle steals from us.

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They're also major polluters in 3rd world countries. They are huge and have their fingers in everything.

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Post catastrophic fires in California we’re all tired of the insane lies regarding FEMA and the “water faucet”— we must write and call our representatives to demand action.

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Likewise, with no government to submit monies to California can start the rebuilding by using money meant for taxes?

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can we give our federal appropriated money to california? why not?

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It won’t hold up in court. But when there is a Will there is a way.

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it has to be a movement

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When I said when there is a Will there is a way, read between the lines.

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Actually I'm still confused.

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My husband keeps saying we need to act like the French. Stay home and do nothing.

No taxes, no work, no nothing.

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no, we work, we all keep contributing to maintaining our society, our civilization, stitching and mending what they are tearing..we just do not contribute to a destroyed government.. it makes no sense to give our money.. to what and to whom?? but to keep on the right side of the law (as long as have laws) we have to put our tax money aside for a later date when we have a government .. that will surely need our help..

it feels like a science fiction story but it's here and now...

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I agree with you Francie. It does feel like a dystopian movie - which I don't like to go see because you can't figure out what the remedy to the problem is because it's chaotic and nothing is logical.

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The French are masters of holding government accountable. Their protests are legendary.

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You're so right! Whenever the French have a problem with their government, we all see their protests and know what their issues are, don't we?

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The privileged may be able to do that. I'm privileged. Most people can't.

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Well of course it’s the claim of Musk that this is where we’re headed as his robots will be doing all jobs.

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A general strike is an action that the media could not ignore. I doubt there is the will for that in this country though. Lacking the emergence of a charismatic leader on our side, things are going to have to get much, much worse before anything of any consequence happens. Until they are affected personally, most of the populace will do nothing. Not giving up, just stating the facts.

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Barter system?

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From another angle, I have been saying since Roe was overturned that women of America need to withhold all sex, just like "Lysistrata." If you read or have seen this play, it is how the women of Sparta and Athens withheld all sex until there was peace and ended the Peloponnesian War. It costs us women nothing but men sure will not like it. Use the power that we have.

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Remember Leonna Helmsley; “Only the little people pay taxes.” Of course she went to prison for a stretch.

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I was inside our CT State Armory yesterday and I asked someone if we would be calling up the Connecticut National Guard to protect us against ICE agents.

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and.. will they?

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That was then. This is now. The little people still pay the taxes but the big boys don’t go to prison any more.

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I sure do remember her and her court battle and having to go to jail.

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I have wondered about this too. Is it legal? I particularly feel that Californians should do so after the threats to delay funding.

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It's perfectly legal not to prepay taxes. There could possibly be a small penalty for not paying estimates or withholding until April 15th, but I figure I'll earn enough on the set aside in my investment account to cover that. I can decide later if I want to file or pay federal taxes. At the rate we're going, there won't be a federal government by this time next year. Felon34 is reducing the fed activities to the point that all they'll be doing is collecting taxes from the 99% and paying it over to FOTUS and Elon.

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I’m not willing to test that. I’ve been involved in too many criminal trials involving people refusing to pay their taxes or cheating in one way or another, and they always lose. It’s not worth it. It’s a felony when it gets to that level.

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Even Al Capone was brought down by tax evasion.

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Trump is a modern Capone and has not been fined.

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CA can have retribution by just pursuing what they need. I'd like to see trump being hauled into court and forced to give CA all the help it needs. We know he'll lose and then do something ridiculous like 25th Amendment-ish or impeachment-like. That's what I wish for.

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I'm with you. I've already stopped my federal tax withholding, and I'm putting it in an investment account. We'll see how things are a year from now. As much as I really do support the IRS, and the people who work there, I expect an EO soon that will redirect massive amounts of funding from the IRS toward Border Control. Felon34 has said as much. If that happens, they won't have the personnel at IRS to chase down the unpaid taxes.

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I feel the same way, why should we support a government that doesn't support us or abide by the constitution. However, that would give the IRS reason to audit us and force us to pay or put us in jail. And trump would definitely approve of putting his opposition in jail.

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on the one hand.. no IRS - he tried to 'defund' it last go round (so HE couldn't get audited..) but on the other hand the prospect of rounding up any opposition and stuffing us into internment camps is probably causing them to salivate.. we could be easily identified.. if you don't file and pay, you get.. tatooed? the nightmare scenarios are endless...

but my question remains, if there is no government where is our tax money and what will it be used for? no government is the project 2025 goal..

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well, the danger is if you don't pay your taxes they will confiscate everything you have.

Otherwise, I agree.

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I was actually thinking the same thing. That's our tax money. We have the right to decide how it is spent.

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People don’t know how to follow illegal orders. I watch the unfolding of the assault on our Federal system. While most look at the carnage, I see the impact on the Treasury. The Executive is making way for a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. That is what I see. Money being laid up to be stolen. The confirmation of Hegseth indicates the gamesmanship in the Senate is at a high level. The max number of no votes was 3 to get Hegseth confirmed. It is magic. Drama. Clearly there is a lack of empathy and caring that is so prevalent with Republican Senators. Focused on our service members, their lack of empathy and caring shows they suffer psychopathy. Their support of their neo-fascist leader makes them all neo-fascists. Do you need any other proof that we face an army of psychopathic neo-fascists (PNFs)? I appreciate those that do not like the name and will not support it; however, the name is deadly accurate. Odd words like misogyny and xenophobia are fine, but psychopathic neo-fascist is not fine? Fine! But I beg to differ. Psychopathic neo-fascist is their specific medical malady and political ideology! So give me a break. Enough with inaccurate labels. Knowing exactly who and what they are is critical to knowing their tactics and how to fight them. “Know thy enemy” is a phrase that comes from the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu's The Art of War. The full quote is, “Know thy enemy and know thyself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.” I suggest we learn the term, psychopathic neo-fascist, because that is exactly who we fight. We must raise, rouse, and rile our army to fight ONE demon, not ONE HUNDRED. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/fight-psychopathic-neo-fascists?r=3m1bs

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I agree with you, Carl. I wonder if these actions are to cut as much money out from the budgeted amount and then put it away somewhere, into some account where it cannot be recovered, to be used only by trump, (and his cronies?) then he'll have people bend the knee and promise him something in order to get only some of it back. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw on Friday (the 24th) that Rubio announced an immediate halt to all foreign aid. Then days later, trump shuts down most federal grants, payments, etc, already budgeted out by Congress. He's clearly following some playbook - the Project 2025 most likely. There's no other reason to block the funding except to use it and to extort things from people needing it. He's not going to have a friend here or in any country on Earth. I think he's totally gone over edge (like he hadn't already been?). Glad today, to see a harmed party that was able to get in front of a judge in DC so fast (Biden appointee, Judge Loren AliKhan). There's just no logical reason to halt all of our domestic and foreign spending, except for his taking it.

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Yes, you could be correct. I look at Trump as nothing but a human auto-pen

that signs these orders without any understanding. He is nothing but a mouth piece for people dictating, I believe, nefarious policy.

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You're right, everyone can see how easily led he is and are using him to get what they want from the government. Remember all the Covid cures he pushed on national tv like injecting Clorox, going outside to open your mouth and get ultraviolet light into your lungs? Yeah, it looked like he was in over his head while signing all of those "blank checks" that he had no idea what he had actually signed into law.

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That’s the usual playbook in an autocracy. I get to keep all the money. This has been happening in authoritarian countries across the globe. Much foreign aid does not flow down to the citizens.

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The impact on foreign spending is HUGE. There are NGOs all over the world seeing there budgets stripped of money secured for labor rights, food aid, healthcare, etc….

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Carl: I agree. Money being laid up to be stolen. I agree. DJT and his cronies are all going to plunder our country.

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Carl, agree totally.

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I love you.

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Keep it up friend! I now believe that people are so startled at the velocity

of Trump’s hatred, we all just may have a chance for democracy.

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Excellent advice.

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I’ve used the term because messaging needs to be accurate.

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A few days ago, I left a reply regarding a response I viewed somewhat less or not as Antagonist as yours, but was sumwhat easily defused and not allowed because some might not like it.

The someone who might like it, might be one who should not be able to apply their own opinions to comments made from others.

Does Joyce or her friends have the right or ability to censor my comments, or use my comments as an excuse to prevent a possible legal action?

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Why ask me on Joyce’s Substack? Let me ask, did you say something about fried chicken? Not the place for that kind of sacrilege.

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I'll say it again. Russell Vought is Trump's most dangerous nominee. He wrote the Project 2025 chapter on 'The President's Executive Office.' Note, not 'the Executive Branch of Government.' It is the playbook for the 'unitary executive.' L'etat C'est Moi. Law be damned. Illegal firings, unconstitutional impoundment, and now every federal employee on notice 'leave now with 8 months pay or risk getting fired with nothing.' Call every senator you can - Democrats too - to Vote No On Vought.

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Vought is to executive power what Stephen Miller is to immigrant deportation.

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TweedleDee TweedleDum

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I think you may be right! He even looks evil!

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Didn’t he say he would be a dictator only on Day 1? I can’t believe he lied. 😆

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I do know you are being sarcastic about the Liar in Chief, but he told his truth. A dictator only needs one day to seize control. He never said that on Day 2 he would then become president of our democracy.

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Don’t mean to sound alarmist, but I fear the Trump gang is preparing to take their impoundment case to SCOTUS. If they lose, would they then invoke Andrew Jackson’s line: “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”

Would Trump be willing to challenge the third branch so directly? And would the Republicans impeach and convict him if he did? It’s all unthinkable, right?

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The Rs will do nothing until Trump and Musk are history. The Rs are nothing but a bunch of sad, deluded and easily intimidated men/women who lack what makes a true person:


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We can be pretty sure the Republicans in Congress will not confront this or any other unlawful act by Trump. They have made that clear since the first attempt to impeach the criminal in the White House from 2017 to 2020. To many of them are culpable of working with Trump to overturn a fair and certified election.

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Will SCOTUS play along because they have no enforcement power and they don't want to be shown to be worthless? If IQ47 defies a court order, who will take action, like removing him or impeaching and convicting?

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That's a great question. I also wonder who would step forward and take the steps to impeach him - and this time get it done. He released all of those oath keepers and proud boys because he wanted folks that weren't afraid to clash with police and would do his bidding - like finding the homes of those people he's publicly announced the removal of their security details.

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Don't think you're alarmist. Trump is pushing toward this juncture since ultimately it is the 5th vote on the Supreme Court that potentially stands in his way on all of his desires (he knows he has 4 in the bag after 4 of them voted yes to shield him from the NY state case, which has no basis in any precedent). He intends to use his tech & media friends to whip his MAGA loyalists into a frenzy - rioting if necessary - if the Supreme Court does not give him the green lights he wants, so he can claim a mandate to disobey their ruling.

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So…his minions will turn against him if it endangers their jobs. In every state we should be keeping track of all of the votes and statements of our own legislators. We the people can vote them out and if they fear that their fealty to Trump will dissolve.

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What a clown show! This should be a wake up call that he cannot run a country. He is a loser, weirdo and a piece of 💩 all rolled into one.

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He’s not interested in running the country except to run it into the ground .

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Add “bully.”

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Great adjectives. I keep alphabetical wordlists and had none of those. Have you tried Narcissist sociopath and morally corrupt putz?! 🤡💩🎃🐍 I am not being sarcastic here. Sometimes words just fail me and it’s only week 2.

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“Webster” is going to need a companion edition by the time DJT is through.

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Thx Mike,

Love this!

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You are welcome. Just to quote our Captain “ We are all in this together”

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Specifically, malignant narcissist. They have all the stellar qualities of the narcissist plus the sadism of the anti-social type.

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Tonight Rachel Maddow'a first segment dealt with Curtis Yarvin, a far right wing wing nut who apparently came up with the idea of getting rid of 2 million federal employees. Marvin thinks we should have a nation CEO( read dictator). Yarvin is another creature of Peter Thiel,and has also influenced JD Vance.

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Allow me to repeat myself:

Curtis Yarvin, who gave them the idea to delete the federal government, didn't realize that he and his buddies won't be able to get rich any more after they've turned the people into the walking dead. But it gets worse. They dream of Treasury Bond default to eliminate the debt. Once treasury bonds and the dollar collapse, what's left? Crypto, which they are pushing the federal government to buy. This is their ultimate wet dream: a currency designed for grift, crime, and world domination by dictators without the nuisance of democracies, constitutions, and laws.

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Several weeks ago, in the Sunday NYT, David Marchese had a long interview with Curtis Yarvin. I couldn't find a link to it, but I found the entire interview by going to Google. It's frightening that this man has any influence in our government.

Marchese pushed back hard on many of Yarvin's ideas, & I recommend reading the interview. We need to know what our enemy is planning.

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Melania has her crypto now too!

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That guy, Curtis Yarvin was creepy and high on his own idea that the country needs a CEO and a CEO is a dictator.

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Hey bbb, I caught the segment, too. The DNC needs to get her on their communications team. She manages to find all the “golden nuggets”.

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She's got quite a number of experienced researchers who back her up.

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That's interesting to know. I haven't been able to see her show lately and miss it. Thx.

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Rachel Maddow is on MSNBC every week night for the first 100 days of the new administration. 6 pm on the West Coast.

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She’s gonna have to make it permanent.

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At this point all funds to support the Trump Administration’s Secret Service and security must be impounded as their protection is a total waste of money.

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The solution is clear: abuse of power, breaking his oath to defend not destroy the Constitution, and rampant and blatant corruption up and down the new administration. Let’s raise the cry to Impeach and convict!! Yell it louder every day until it’s done. Nothing could be clearer.

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We first have to get a favorable number of Dems in each house to do an impeachment. Let's see if the constant chaos and no results for the economy-voters will give us a turnaround in Congress in the '26 midterms.

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William- When Hitler took power in 1933, he was 44 years old. Germany encompassed 181,000 square miles and had a rather homogeneous population of 66 million. They were in the midst of a huge economic catastrophe perpetrated by the harsh sanctions placed on them by the allies following WWI. Germany had a 15 year history of democracy after Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated in 1918. The United States of America is not nazi Germany and it’s our job to keep it that way. Our wannabe dictator is not exactly in his prime, and we are not helpless. Join us in the fight. There’s plenty to do.

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Vance is in his prime.

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Listening to Rachel Maddow on Vance history with Peter Theil and their guru Yarvin who advocates for destroying our democracy. Chilling and worth listening.

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Yes, but as with someone who's out of their depth, crooked, ignorant and not well liked, if he takes over for trump, he'll cross himself and bring himself down. Could we possibly score two impeachments in this next four years?

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I don't think he's ever been in his prime, and is unlikely to get there now. Not to underestimate the harm he could do.

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I watched that segment with Rachel and it was indeed scary! Be warned.

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And he's scary too!

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Please be careful of too easy analogies, as in obscuring significant differences we put ourselves at risk of missing strategies we can use to resist.

That said, I suggest Peter Fritzsche's Hitler's First Hundred Days.

"The complicity of conservative nationalists in the Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933 offers disturbing parallels to the current American political situation."

"The crucial question for Fritzsche is what combination of coercion and consent lay behind this achievement."


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Vance is 37…

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We need to do more that confront it. We need a short and long term plan and move quickly to execute it.

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In my estimation, the immunity decision underscores how the six members of SCOTUS will vote to placate the oligarchs supporting dear leader. This entire playbook was crafted by them in a document called Project 2025. No one should be surprised by any of these actions - we were warned. Democracy Forward - yes by all means challenge him and the oligarchs. But make no mistake, this was foreseeable and the US elected this wreck of a man to be our leader with retribution as his mantra. \

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I agree they're totally nuts to have decided a clear immunity issue actually in his favor. At some point, though, they need to understand they live in the country they're assisting trump in jeopardizing its stability. If it goes bankrupt, where will they live that they can have a good quality of life? It takes years to become a citizen of another country.

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Well after 65yrs I can say I have never been here before.

The Psychopath is acting like a psychopath and no one seems sure the law can stop him. I heard from many democrats in Congress on MSNBC say they are speaking out and writing letters. Like what?

Utterly ridiculous! It is equivalent to yelling at a speeding car that is about to intentionally drive over you. The people in Congress who are smart, capable and have the creds to fight look utterly powerless, confused and overwhelmed!

Jaimie Raskin said on MSNBC yesterday "oh my oh gosh oh golly he really can't do that!" when asked about whether the IGs can be fired.

Ok Mr. Constitutional scholar what the F are going to do about it?!

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I agree Sabina.the problem is the chaos is happening at lightening speed and the D

response is 20th century speed

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So far the best responses have been from legal groups that have sued through the courts as if it's all situation normal and part of me thinks that helps restore normalcy and part thinks "but what about when the courts have been captured and the outcome won't have anything to do with the law instead of politics? Then, won't behaving as if the courts are the answer - in fact adequate to the task - backfire because having been handed an unconstitutional verdict the normal thing would be to go home disappointed... but quietly. And that's not where we are.

I really feel like we need a few states to start recall petitions for their Congressional representatives in either or both houses. They need to fear something as much or more than FFOTUS. And maybe in a case or two it would work, and there would be a little balance restored.

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That's a good idea but we just had an election two months ago so no one is fed up enough just yet. Let's see how badly the red states want to recall their senators after a hearty serving of trump's withholding of our funding. He's literally attacking the country from the "Resolute Desk". How long will it take for the republicans to see the pattern of behavior (insanity and lawlessness) and the cliff it's dragging us to?

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The only thing we can do right now without having the majority, is in the court system Without being a majority right now in Congress, we can't move any Dem-beneficial bills. Our best chance will come in the '26 midterms.

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And by then it will be too late!

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As a gay person I sure hope that some common sense kicks in up in the government. All I get are crazy fundraising texts all day. I have given quite a bit over the past few years and I wonder exactly what my money is going for. I keep hoping someone will get some guts in government and tell Chump No or we are all screwed! It’s now okay to just openly display hate against anyone. We no longer have any kind of tolerance for others or polite society now. It’s sad. This is what this election brought.

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Hey Dana, just spent the weekend with my gay cousins, male, living in Floridah.

Both were married last year and are leaving the state as soon as they can.

They have applied for jobs in Blue States. Just a suggestion. Our town in MD is

a place of acceptance.

Yeah, this is hell. We need to support one another. Good luck!

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Please don't donate to places that just show up on your texts without thoroughly checking them out on watchdog and other sites. The good ones need the money too much to waste it with charlatans. And... stay safe out there.

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This just all really sucks and it’s only Tuesday.

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This is truly frightening, Joyce. The present makeup of the Supreme Court has ruled against the clearly written words in the Constitution and Project 2025, also clearly gave its intention to dispense with the Constitution in favor of a dictatorship controlled by America's very own oligarchy.

I can understand the majority of the 77million who voted for trump I doubt most of them have ever read the Constitution and their State educational systems have assure their inability to analyze or even think beyond what channel they should watch tonight. But where in hell were the supposed leaders of the Democratic Party? Except for Joe, Kamala, and Tim the only thing I heard from the rest of them was send money.

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Fay, you are too forgiving. The people who voted for trump was not, as far as I believe,

for economic reasons but because of racism and misogyny. The Ds offer everything for working class voters except hate. They found that with Trump.

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Can't argue with you there, but I don't think the Democratic Party as a whole got that message out in 2024

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Yes, agree. How to fight against 33 years of Fox on every TV, it seems, in America.


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I so agree that it was hate not eggs that put the convicted felon in office. And all the disenfranchised who didn’t care enough to vote. Here we are.

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