As a former Asst DA in Manhattan, and a writer/producer for the original Law & Order, I know a thing or two about televising or not televising trials, real and fictional. There has never been a better reason for televising a trial than to broadcast the truth about USA v Trump, as elicited from testimony and evidence at trial, to everybody who cares to be informed. Imagine the coverage: just a camera or two, with a judge calling balls and strikes, and no FOX blathering lies about what went on during the trial. YOU watch, YOU decide. It is the critical question of the day.
Thanks. Seriously, can you imagine if the average FOX viewer sat through 4 or 5 hours of the trial, with evidence presented by competent prosecutors, and judges making solid rulings, uninterrupted by FOX news clown (and by the way, the concept of News Clown, as far as my research reveals, was invented by Philip K Dick, the author of BLADE RUNNER and MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE). Imagine if they were exposed to FACTS instead of the inane blathering of the FOX hosts.
But more importantly, we all deserve — indeed, have the right — to see this earth-shattering event. It is a no-brainer.
I wholeheartedly agree. Not since the Watergate Hearings has there been a more important event for US citizens to be able to watch. Trump and Fox I believe will put their own spin on the trial with out right lies and innuendo. We must be able to watch the trial. Our Democracy is at stake.
Watergate seems so clean looking back. Was there the same fog of lies? Were half the men in their nice suits in fact, men with crooked minds-- determined to put something over on the world? That's what's before us now.
While I wholeheartedly agree that the public SHOULD have the ability to see the trial (if it ever happens), I'm sure that years of Fox News, social media disinformation from domestic factions and foreign powers, and general grievance among Trump's followers means that there will always be people who will be unable to accept that the trial was anything but another witch hunt, a conspiracy, a plot against their Dear Leader. But I also think that presenting the facts without interpretation or speculation is a huge first step in restoring faith in our institutions and the truth.
Televising the trial would help those who are exposed to the Trump & Fox lies by way of a family member being part of the cult. It may not impact the cult member, but could provide a pathway to the truth for those living with the cult member.
It would also provide an historical record of the evidence and the testimony presented without the interjection anyone else’s perspective.
If 30% of viewers can’t let facts change their minds, so be it. I’d like to see us make no effort to turn them and spend all our time and energy keeping the 70% of us informed.
I'm afraid you're right. Remember Trump's impeachment hearings? While we won't have the shenanigans from the crackpots in the House in a federal trial, what we WILL hear on Fox is commentary during recesses, and THAT will influence Fox viewers. The same thing happened during Senate Judiciary hearings for Trump's 3 nominees for SCOTUS, esp. Bret Kavanaugh.
I'm with you on being cynical. But here's the thing: I've spent the last nearly 4y reading mostly central and eastern European history of the 19th and 20th centuries + the writings of Soviet dissidents like Václav Havel; and the "Kolyma Stories" of Varlam Shalamov, based on the time he spent in the gulag. Havel himself was arrested in 1979 and sentenced to 4.5y in prison. Reading Soviet history has changed the way I look at everything.
Damn it, Michèle, I know it's hard. There have been times when I've wanted to throw my arms up in the air; when I sit on my couch late at night with my face buried in my hands, thinking about this country as well as the war in Ukraine, which I follow very closely. But I force myself to think about the Ukrainian people, who refuse to give in because they know that if they do, they will live under occupation, which means routine torture and murder. When Ukraine's most famous living poet and novelist Serhiy Zhadan, "the Bard of Eastern Ukraine," refused to kiss the Russian flag when ordered to do so by a Russian soldier in 2014, he paid for it with with a fractured skull. He was beaten over the head. In my darkest moments, especially when I feel like I've been transported to a different, weird, and irrational world, this is what I hang onto.
Sometimes we feel like we're barely hanging on, yes, but hang on we must. It is our duty to do just this.
Thank you, Rose. I know we need to stand up to all of this & shine the light in the darkness.
My father was a Ranger in WWII (2nd Battalion, D Company), and my mom was from Germany & was young when the war ended, so I was raised with the idea that the US is worth fighting for & that fascism must be vigorously opposed.
That said, I live in a very red area of rural SoCal & the craziness is everywhere here. It’s disheartening, to say the least.
Your parents sound like they were such interesting people!
I live in a blue city--Austin--that is surrounded by an ocean of red--Texas. For that reason, my situation is different from yours, in that if you're a liberal and you meet a stranger in Austin, the chances that stranger is an R are quite small. But I do fear for us if Trump is re-elected. The state government is right here in Austin, and they've been threatening us for years. They and Texans in general refer to us as "The People's Republic of Austin." They really do think we're communists. I've been saying since 2019 that one day the citizens of Austin could be in real danger if right-wing paramilitaries are allowed to do what they want with us. It's been nearly 5y since I said that, and I believe that even more strongly now. My reading of 20th-century history, esp.1918- 1933, confirms this.
Here's what I would recommend, based on my knowledge of this history: Be careful what you say to others. Know who you can trust and not trust. Know that if right-wing paramilitaries are let loose, people you know are likely to turn on you. And know this, too--and this is very hard to contemplate, but we must--that *you* might also point the finger at one of your neighbors. Do not think that would be impossible. Unless you've experienced it directly, or are familiar with this history, it's hard to envision what life would be like under such circumstances. Do not imagine yourself a savior. We know that most of the Jews of Europe were saved not by ordinary people, but by diplomats who provided them with temporary visas. Knowing this helps me to toughen myself so if it comes, I may not be ready, but at least I will know what to expect. If we do manage to save people in danger, it will be an exception, not the rule. I'm afraid that is a frightening but hard fact.
The reason we imagine ourselves as saviors in a situation like that is because we control the story in our minds. In our imaginings, nothing interferes with our noble efforts. But that is not reality. I remind myself of this every day. I do not permit myself that lie.
Something else I tell myself: Know that if it happens, all reliable communications will be severed and will be replaced by propaganda (Poland, 1939-1945). We can count on a compliant media to help the Trump administration in this endeavor. We should resist that propaganda with all our strength.
There will be hundreds of political assassinations. There were 376 political assassinations in Germany alone between 1918-33. It's unlikely you'll hear about any of them, but know that it will happen.
Prepare for an economic collapse. Know that food, prescription drugs, and other necessities will be hard to find, so individuals will have to resort to bartering. Local organized crime might flourish. Plan ahead.
Michele, then rest, my friend, remove all the discord from your life as best you can and refresh YOUR LIFE. It all matters, and there are millions of us, and quite a few here, who will and do pick up the baton and run with it while those who need to find some peace do just that. That's part of what anyone is fighting for, the right to a peaceful existence. REST!! No one thinks less of anyone who has had it "up to here", least of all me. Please, don't be harsh with yourself, you're a great human from great "stock" and I'll gladly write two letters more! xo
I sat next to a man in the airport the other day. He was watching Fox News on his tablet. I just could not imagine. No one I know watches Fox News. In fact, most people I know do not watch the news at all, they listen to the news, or read the news. I watch news in Germany, but not in the USA. He did not watch very long. I assumed short attention span.
I know a lot of people who watch FOX. I can tell by what they say when I ask something. They don’t give the same answer that a person who watches a variety of newscasts or even ABC, NBC, CBS etc answers because they are being fed disinformation or other information. To confirm this, I will asked them if they watched Fox. They all did.
I'm 82 and don't drive anymore. Today a friend's boyfriend drove me to a pharmacy, and he had his radio tuned to talk radio. The talking head was saying something about Democrats being "afraid to download Truth Social." He said we were prejudiced against Trump and feared what he had to say...that we are cowards who shrink from Trump's powerful words.
I didn't want to have an argument with a fellow I barely knew and who was doing me a favor. Besides, he's deaf in his right ear, and he can't hear anything I say when he's driving. And I didn't want to have to get out and walk, but it was all I could do to keep my mouth shut. How I wish I were young and strong enough to be fearless, or to drive myself!
I dunno. Fox will find a way to spin the prosecution of DJT so as to stoke the fires already burning (if no raging) in the hearts and minds of so many of its viewers. I’d like to have the benefit of others’ views regarding televised courtroom proceedings against DJT.
Regardless of what the right wing nut-o’sphere tries to do with their spin, there’s nothing like having it all laid bare, live on TV to get people’s attention. We all saw how public opinion of him plummeted after the J6 hearings in Congress. The public needs clear, living reminders of his heinous transgressions, and a televised trial is just that. I’ve written to my Senators and Representative already this morning. I urge everyone to do the same. Talking about it here is not enough.
Marcia, Let's try to schedule something earthshattering right up to November 5, 2024 (so the opinion plummet will occur as 'they' are on the way to the polls:) I'm sure he will shoot himself in the foot and will let us drum up a hearing to schedule. We also have six unnamed co-conspirators waiting in the wings (or the faux 'think tanks') ❤🤍💙
Hi Arlen, I think you can do it yourself - if you are at a laptop. Poke on the three dots at the bottom right side of your original message. Two words appear: 'edit' and 'delete.' Select edit. Then go to your original post and make the change. Then click 'save' at the lower left side of the original message. I believe this works on laptops and computers (PC), not sure about ipads. And I think it does not work on iphones.
Perhaps not too many, but some, would watch. And if we can pick away at the few remaining sane Trump supporters — even just carve off 1-3% of them with a remaining semblance of sanity — it might help prevent the rise of his Hitlerian figure.
I’ve always wondered that too. Today a maga tried to tell me that Trump was not guilty in the documents case because “I haven’t heard anything bout it in a long time.” (Maybe cuz you watch newsmax all day bro??) and the trial hasn’t even started yet, my dude.
The lack of knowledge of how the legal system works is apparently a thing for MAgaga. Whoosh.
As a citizen, an interested party, and a victim of Donald Trump’s actions I would like to be well informed as the trial unfolds. However, having the appropriate language to make such a request to the legislatures that represent me would be valuable. Any thoughts on how such a letter could be drafted, and key points that should be in it to put for a compelling argument?
Joyce asked that we contact our elected officials. Many have asked for examples of what to say or write. The Substack CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER has great examples:
With apologies in advance to Ms. Vance for strongly borrowing from and paraphrasing her work, I will be developing my email to two senators and a congressperson in South Dakota where I cast my absentee ballot:
• In the interest of informed civil discourse,
• Referencing the current example of S. 3250,
• Firmly recommending a similar measure for the case of United States v. Donald J. Trump,
And including a few arguments like
• It is more difficult to pass off disinformation about a proceeding that the public has full access to.
• It is in the best interests of the country to provide it.
• It must happen here, with Trump.
And closing with the fact I cast my vote regularly in their district.
also identifying any other particulars that seem worthwhile sharing with a lawmaker as bona fides
• public service
• military service
• voice in community …
Use your own language, grammar, your misspellings, and mistakes. It's authentically, uniquely, your voice to your paid-for-by-taxes elected representatives. Encourage them to take a break from attempting to impeach Biden and instead doing their real work.
Here is what I wrote, with a subject line of “S. 3250, but for all federal trials of the former President:”
“Dear (Senator, Congressman, etc),
I’m writing to request that the Connecticut delegation of Senators and Members of the House work together with your colleagues to bring bills to your respective floors similar to S. 3250, allowing all Federal trials of former President Donald J. Trump to be accessible to the public via live television and streaming. The transparency that would be achieved in so doing is critical to ensuring the public’s trust in the proceedings, and will serve an important need to dispel disinformation that will surely otherwise be spread by various sources without such transparency. Clearly, it is possible, as S. 3250 demonstrates. Thank you!!”
Yes, short and clear-- that's what I'm always being told. Because I always have long, special, fascinating arguments I feel no one else has yet thought of!!!! That's probably not true!!!!!!! Trying to be a good soldier I try to say the bare thing with the vote I favor spelled out.
For the House, i suggest calling the DC office. They all answer the phone and take notes. First ID yourself as a constituent by name, town and ZIP. (I always offer my address and phone -- sometimes they take it.) Then make your pitch. Write it down before you call, keeping it short and to the point. Then, follow up by mailing that same note to the local office.
Hi Sheila, And the old-fashioned fax way is fab. Then the person at the fax machine reads it, as well as the intern taking it to the rep or senator. Make it short - and large letters. Also, politeness works - as you are, as Michigan folks are:) 💙 (some of my most gracious neighbors).
Elected officials have their staffs keep a tally of communications for and against controversial proposals; only a few of them get read by the official him/her self.
He may be beyond reach, but it's highly likely that he still has his staff keep a tally of the communications received on big issues. If he only gets letters from people on one side of an issue, he will think that point of view is predominant, and can cite the numbers and claim that's what his constituents want.
My rep here in Florida is the same. He also has "kneeled to the MAGA cult." Never responds to anything I send him. Doesn't even acknowledge anything sent, whereas my two GOP senators at least respond to me, though usually with pre-scripted opinions about said topic. When I call my rep's office, I am told that if I want to know how he thinks about the subject I am asking about, I should watch him when he speaks on Fox News! Unbelievable!
Steven, As it is clear in your asking how to write a request, or better, a demand to be informed as a citizen it is just as simple to write in your own unique style letters to your Congressional legislators in the House of representatives and two Senators of your state. The pretense of holding to some form of appropriate language is valuable but only that it be civil and respectful.
Imagine the volume of mail they will be receiving on various issues, consequently I would keep it to the point as best your can.
Thank you Lawrence for your input. That was my intent, I was looking for and have received the basic talking point and do intend to draft a letter to them in my own words :-)
I wrote to my senators and rep - and drew much of my letter directly from Joyce's column above. Over the past decade, I've written or called them pretty regularly - and I write to Pres. Biden, too. Someone is tracking the correspondence. Occasionally, I get a reply.
That's a nice theory, and it worked for me when testimony during Trump's first impeachment was aired, because it revealed how smarmy his mode of working and how unethical the Republican Party have become. But I was newly retired with time to watch. My friends, relatives, and colleagues who were still working did not spend the time to watch, trusted the wrong wing media, and have not left the Trump camp. So, making the proceeding public and in real time is critical for dissemination of truth, but it's just a start.
absolutely true, Jerry, from one retired person to another.
one big benny of public live streaming is publicly available video archive that we retire peops can pull out any time we need to with peops who have "trusted the wrong wing
I was a faithful watcher of the watergate hearings. As a young man, I didn’t leave my chair an I considered it my responsibility as a citizen to watch and understand corruption at the highest levels. Maybe it had some lasting effect on me as I began writing about the horrific gift that kept giving during Trump. I put my cat manuscript aside but now it’s time to finish m cat stories.
I watched the Wategate hearings too. Riveting and important to me as an engaged citizen. We also, at the time, had excellent TV news reporting. No hype, just reporting. I miss Uncle Walter!
It would be an insult to everyone to NOT televise every minute of every proceeding related to USA v. Trump.
I would not be sad to miss my favorite programs for as long as it takes, because there's just too much at stake to ignore or deny the facts as presented. Just like the MAGA deniers who watched the events unfold on January 6th, there will be deniers who, even if they were sitting in the courtroom for each session, would still REFUSE to believe the truth. (It does make me wonder how Trump might possibly express his love for his followers once a verdict has been rendered.)
As Joyce ends each "session" of Civil Discourse, we're in this together. We have to be. There IS no alternative if we want democracy to still exist when our grandkids have grandkids.
The operative phrase is ‘have to.’ of course they don’t have to report: they will. their agenda is to sell newspapers. The more inflammatory information they can get the more people will stop at the train wreck and watch it.
The intense televised focus of the Senate inquiry into Watergate is what made that conclusion happen. Of course, back then the populace was a bit more discerning and there were fewer voices of disinformation
Will you please write us a letter into which we can plug names, so that we get it right when we email/ snail mail/ call? I've seen your work. I would trust your form letter to state clearly what we're demanding. Please?
Sorry, Writers Guild of America precludes my working for free. JUST KIDDING. I agree with Ms Frazier below: write from the heart, say what you want clearly, perhaps referencing the legislation that Prof. Vance noted in her piece.
I really think many personal individual letters would make more of an impression. It wouldnt have to be very long - maybe a couple paragraphs. No one who comments here would have any problem doing that - we all have that ability, I'm sure.
Form letters tend to be treated as just that - a form letter!
Check out Jessica Craven's newsletter "Chop Wood, Carry Water". She always has examples of letters you can write your Congresspeople. You don't even have to be a paid subscriber. Jessica Craven is a terrific source.
For those of you who live in “Red States”… perhaps a little reverse psychology is in order. Appeal to your representatives’ fealty to trump. 😃
In your letter State emphatically that televising the trial would once and for all expose the truth the trial is nothing more than a witch hunt meant to bring trump down. Say you want the trial to be televised to show/ expose the corrupt justice system in action being weaponized against trump. Say it would expose for all to see the truth it’s crooked Joe Biden and his corrupt Justice system attacking trump for political reasons. State it’ll expose the truth of these and so much more the radical left is using to bring trump down. End the letter saying televising the trial would once and for put an end to all the lies of the radical left, it’ll be last nail in the coffin to the radical left. Televise the trial so the whole country, no not just the country, but the whole world will know the truth.
Perhaps even some of the conspiracy theory nutcases like MTG will jump on board and demand the trial be televised. 😉
Smashing idea. I hope everyone writes to their representatives, Senate and House, Democrats and Republicans and demands access. We should no longer be relegated to the back of the bus.
William, you and Joyce would be an excellent team to carry this forward as each reader reaches out to their Congressional delegation. I have been wanting to see such a “call to action” as Joyce suggested and you seconded.
Simple. Go to and look up your senators and write them. I like to send a handwritten letter every once in a while to Sen. Collins to remind her that she was lied to by Kavanaugh the beer guzzler, and the other justices who doomed ROE. But a simple email in your own words, from the heart, about the need and right to see the trials may help, as well as calls to the White House. As Arlo Guthrie sang, “imagine if a million people walked into the draft board and sang a bar of Alice’s Restaurant…” Oh, wait, wrong generation…. But imagine if ten million people demanded tha the trials be televised. And then imagine the networks salivating at the thought of the coverage (with breaks for commercials)……
I first I thought you meant Alice Waters....but googled. I'm going to listen to him later. But yest to imagining ten million folks demanding the trials be televised. I think the Viet Nam war was stopped with 1 million names on a petition. We can do this:)) 💙
The Guthrie song was played on Thanksgiving Day in its 27-minute entirety by one of the NYC FM radio stations when I was growing up in Brooklyn, and I and my brother listened to it every Thanksgiving, and still do to this day. It’s funny, it’s poignant, and for the people of my generation it sums up the insanity and stupidity of the Vietnam war. But more importantly, it also conveys the notion of solidarity in a movement with humor and intelligence and it’s just damn fun. It’s the musical version of Professor Vances, “we’re in this together.”
Arlo is the son of Woody Guthrie, the famous folk/protest singer of many generations ago. Alice’s Restaurant was about Arlo getting arrested basically for littering, and, when he had to go to the draft board for his physical, being put on The Group W Bench, with other criminals. It is an absurdist, anti-war masterpiece in the vein of Duck Soup and Catch 22.
William, you seem to be quite experienced in this, so I'm asking you.
This will be the first time I've written my senator and all I can find is an online form at his website to fill out. I can't find an email address. You said, "But a simple email in your own words..."
Is there a way to send an email, or must I use this contact form?
Oh, sloppy wording on my part. Just use the form — I do. But I assume there are a number of offices listed, and perhaps one has an email address. But his local office might have a phone number. Suggest a call, and ask for the name of the intern answering the phone, and follow up to ask what the Senator said. Bug the interns. Write a hand-penned note, too. As I said, I write Susan Collins once a month or so to remind her what a fool she is, and how her entire legacy will be the overturning or ROE thanks to her incompetence.
Which to this non-lawyer was the reason the Jan 6 Committee broadcasts were so powerful. After having SEEN with our own eyes what happened to OUR Capitol on that awful day, we saw and were able to judge for ourselves the meticulous work of the Committee as well as the powerful evidence and testimony presented.
That is PRECISELY the articulation that should be put into letters to your senator, congressman/woman, and the WH. Beautifully said. So concise and simple and powerful.
As part of the Pan Am family in 1988 I will be watching that trial. Part of my letters to my Congress folks will demand to know why we are being denied access the 45's trials in federal court. Given the hogwash I hear from supporters of tfg the light of a camera is desperately needed.
My little brother’s childhood best friend was on that flight. I am most appreciative that his family-4 sisters, his parents now deceased, will be able to witness the trial.
I did, they are all Dems and I also sent a message to Attorney General Garland. I know our Congress people are very busy, but I think they like to know that we are engaged. At least that's what they say in their replies to me.
Barf. You know how Trump never stops talking and is never challenged properly? I think it would be easy to puncture that pink face, but anyway it would be funny just to say 'Donald. You make me want to barf.' Anyone can use those fancy words.
I'm happy for you Tracy that you have good congress people karma. My senior senator has endorsed Trump....but I shall write him anyway. I am also making an email chain to friends, family, colleagues with names of senators/representatives for them to request that the events are televised.
What you're doing is awesome, and maybe this year will show some of your fellow voters that Republicans don't care about them & America.
I live in a very red area of NM & am expecting all the ugly signs & pick ups with their flags again this year. So, I expect, if he's not kick off the ballots, my county will vote for PO1135809.
Keep your head down Paula… and don’t put any of your blue signs up. We will do this, and New Mexico is going blue anyway. So please don’t risk yourself. Are you near Couy Griffith or up north? I lived in New Mexico for a couple of years, so I know the territory, politically, and figuratively.
SE, Couy is in the SW area. I never put signs up, I know better. New Nexico is blue, with pockets of O&G folk & ranchers. They're the red folk. Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Albuquerque are the majoity blue & have a denser population
This is the 1st I’ve ever commented on a political newsletter. This seems both super important and doable. I’ll contact my senators and representative.
Joyce, I suggest you ask your friends with similar platforms, e.g., Heather Cox Richardson to amplify this message/call to action. Thank you.
Last couple nights have had a lot of this on HCR's Letter. Lots of likes and comments. Stick with it Linda, these are groups of serious and solid folks. Many frindships forged in these comment trails.
You are absolutely correct Joyce. Jessica Craven has all the phone numbers, emails etc for all the Congress Critters (per HCR) on her Substack. Simple, boom, done and sent. All our congressional reps should be told to follow this significant lead. Thank you dear councel.
Joyce asked that we contact our elected officials. Many have asked for examples of what to say or write. The Substack CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER has great examples:
Yes. I brought this up in comments to HCR's Letter last night and mentioned it it to Jessica in the morning. She got right back to me with "so that's where all those new subscriptions came from." She is an amazing resource and and a very great person.
I feel compelled to tell you that I have plastered high profile Substacks with her information and have over 300 combined responses so if you post the information on “restacks with note” the word reaches a wild amount of readers.
I'll run this by Jessica in the morning. She will be interested in having this on her site. She follows Heather and Joyce. She'll probably followup herself.
Are you holding voter registrations at these rallies? Are you going to send detailed information to your subscribers on how to get the vote out? A list of dates for each state’s election days? Why not partner with Jessica as well as your nerd avengers?
For example:
If you want to help Biden, Katie Porter, and other Democratic candidates, navigate over to CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER.
Jessica's Substack is a sacred space, a whiteboard that holds the wisdom and knowledge needed to ignite change in the upcoming 2024 elections. It is a platform where the power of information and action converge, where the importance of getting the vote out is passionately emphasized.
In a world where voices often go unheard and the significance of civic engagement is overlooked, Jessica's Substack stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment. It serves as a guide, a roadmap that navigates through the complexities of the political landscape, providing invaluable insights and strategies to mobilize communities and ensure that every voice is heard.
Just as the ancient proverb reminds us to "chop wood, carry water," Jessica's Substack embodies the essence of diligent work and unwavering commitment. It recognizes that change is not achieved through mere wishes or passive hopes, but through the persistent effort to educate, inform, and inspire.
With each article and post, Jessica's Substack paints a vivid picture of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It delves deep into the intricacies of voter turnout, unraveling the complexities and shedding light on the importance of active participation in the democratic process.
But it doesn't stop there. Jessica's Substack goes beyond mere information-sharing. It fosters a sense of community, a collective spirit that unites individuals with a shared vision. It encourages dialogue, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas, recognizing that true change is born from the collective efforts of many.
Through her Substack, Jessica becomes a trusted guide, a mentor who empowers her readers to take action. She provides practical tips, actionable steps, and resources that equip individuals with the tools they need to make a difference. She reminds us that the power to effect change lies within each and every one of us, waiting to be unleashed.
As readers peruse the pages of Jessica's Substack, they are not just passive consumers of information. They become active participants in a movement, a force that strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society. They are inspired to engage, to educate, and to mobilize, knowing that their actions have the potential to shape the future.
So, let us embrace the wisdom of Jessica's Substack, let us heed the call to action. As we chop wood, carrying water, let us also champion the cause of voter engagement, knowing that our collective efforts can pave the way for a brighter, more democratic future.
You nailed it Gloria. Have you conctated Jessica? I'm sure Robert Hubble (poor guy has Covid, but feeling better) and and TCinLA, Tom Cleaver, read both Joyce and Heather, as well as Jessica. Robert at least. There are many Substackers who deal with all of this with interested readers.
so important to reach out — and send along to others — and continue to weave the connections into the fabric of our refurbishing society. We are not so broken … yet!
Isolated and feeling alone maybe. Over the past few years, comments lead to other Substacks a new networks of comments....Serious friendships have developed along with encouragement. You see the trails of back and forth develop into serious relationships each and every night. Several that I became close to this way shared our emails to be able to keep abreast of other interests as they pop up. From all corners of the country.
Beautiful arguments Joyce for having the trial of Donald J. Trump’s January 6 case ( insurrection) before Federal Court Judge Tanya Chuthan made available to all Americans! Such a televised trial would break all records for real TV and be very educational.
Thank you Joyce, this is excellent. We need to have access to the court proceedings instead of being subjected to media spin. I will contact my representative and ask others I know to do the same.
Mine are Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey and Katherine Clark, all prominent Dems. Usually when I sign a petition I get a note back that one of them sponsored the bill. But this is too important.
Aren’t you fortunate?! My Senators are Bill Hagerty and Marsha Blackburn. My Representative is Tim Burchett. MAGATS all. I plan to encourage their support of public access to AUDIO broadcast so we can see tfg’s innocence demonstrated by the proceedings in real time. How can they argue against that?
I was a flight attendant for Pan Am long ago and a friend's daughter was on the Lockerbie flight. Those families need to see this. But in Trump's case, it could be that the DOJ is trying to avoid the circus atmosphere and the melodrama some participants might display. We have seen how Trump ignores rules; the publicity could impact the outcome and affect justice? Think Mad Hatter Tea Party. Never have we seen such a mental case take hold of the system with his outbursts and pathology.
It is truly heartbreaking to hear about your personal connection to the Lockerbie tragedy and the impact it had on your friend's daughter's family. The pain and grief that these families have endured is unimaginable, and it's understandable that you would want justice to be served.
When it comes to high-profile cases like this, there is always a delicate balance between ensuring a fair trial and managing the potential circus-like atmosphere that can surround them. It is possible that the Department of Justice is taking into consideration the potential impact of publicized proceedings on the outcome of the case. While it is important to maintain transparency and accountability, it is also crucial to ensure that the judicial process is not unduly influenced by external factors.
As for the mention of Trump and his behavior, it is indeed true that his presidency was marked by a unique style and approach to governance. However, it is important to separate political opinions from the pursuit of justice. The legal system should operate independently and impartially, regardless of any individual's actions or behavior.
In times like these, it is crucial to trust in the integrity of the legal system and have faith that justice will be served. While it may feel like a Mad Hatter Tea Party at times, it is important to remember that the legal process is designed to navigate through complexities and deliver justice in a fair and impartial manner.
I absolutely agree - I would love it to be available to all. But if the DOJ can see any backfire to it or feels the process could be sabotaged, I want the best outcome for the country. I hope we can have access to objective and complete records somehow but contain the crazy if possible.
Bonnie MacEvoy, your comments are true descriptions but also the very reasons to shine a light on the proceedings to dispel what can be made up or twisted, or spun by seeing our justice system at work and to hopefully show us all that no one is above the law or how it is administered. THIS idea will hopefully give all of us the justice we seek. Please remember everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. I’m for letting the chips fall where they may but more importantly see what the chips really are and where they will really fall. The future of our Republic and very freedom depend on this truth. My letters to be in the mail very soon. Thank you Joyce, your best letter yet.
It would be very helpful if you wrote a short word for word script for people to use when calling congress. Most people are intimidated and worried that they won’t know what to say. Thank you.
I'm not sure "convert" is the appropriate noun. I appreciate and support her work. I've toned it down a bit in the last forty years, if that's what you mean. My stepson organized home healthcare workers in WI singlehandedly for SEIU thirty-some years ago. He was a labor union organizer and lobbiest to the WI legislature and had many stare downs with Paul Ryan when he was still a pup. His Christmas party was the one to be at. Hot politicos and even the governor showed up sometimes. He also made the best beer in town. I raised him right.
Anyone who was anybody was there. He towered over the suits along the boardroom tables, looked the CEO in the eye and would ask "Any questions?" They always signed on the line.
Thanks so much Joyce and I will do so!! Unfortunately I also live in Alabama ( just recently moved here) so I’m anxious to do what I can to support democracy in a pretty strong red state! So I’m open to any other suggestions you have lol! I’m a big time follower of you and your sisters in law!! Thanks so much for all you do!!!
Even though it would be broadcast while those of us in Hawai'i are still sleeping, I fully support this idea and will send emails to my senators and representatives. Mahalo!
Ed and Audrey are friends:)) I've known them both since his very first run for office - way back - when he ran for office to replace Patsy Mink. I always wanted him to be governor (and told him so:) He would be fabulous; and she is the epitome of grace. And a former Pan Am... I'm in a red state - with my business. Aloha, Valere
I disagreed with the government position on this for the trial in DC. Yes trump will try to make it about politics, but the court can do everything in its power to shut that down. Its more important for the people of America to see and understand what is going on and that justice is being served. I love reading Jack Smiths filings for the most part they are super easy to understand, but I just can not understand why he's against letting the process be televised.
As a former Asst DA in Manhattan, and a writer/producer for the original Law & Order, I know a thing or two about televising or not televising trials, real and fictional. There has never been a better reason for televising a trial than to broadcast the truth about USA v Trump, as elicited from testimony and evidence at trial, to everybody who cares to be informed. Imagine the coverage: just a camera or two, with a judge calling balls and strikes, and no FOX blathering lies about what went on during the trial. YOU watch, YOU decide. It is the critical question of the day.
4 hearts for you!
Thanks. Seriously, can you imagine if the average FOX viewer sat through 4 or 5 hours of the trial, with evidence presented by competent prosecutors, and judges making solid rulings, uninterrupted by FOX news clown (and by the way, the concept of News Clown, as far as my research reveals, was invented by Philip K Dick, the author of BLADE RUNNER and MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE). Imagine if they were exposed to FACTS instead of the inane blathering of the FOX hosts.
But more importantly, we all deserve — indeed, have the right — to see this earth-shattering event. It is a no-brainer.
I wholeheartedly agree. Not since the Watergate Hearings has there been a more important event for US citizens to be able to watch. Trump and Fox I believe will put their own spin on the trial with out right lies and innuendo. We must be able to watch the trial. Our Democracy is at stake.
Watergate seems so clean looking back. Was there the same fog of lies? Were half the men in their nice suits in fact, men with crooked minds-- determined to put something over on the world? That's what's before us now.
Yes there was and they were.
That's a relief then. Truly.
While I wholeheartedly agree that the public SHOULD have the ability to see the trial (if it ever happens), I'm sure that years of Fox News, social media disinformation from domestic factions and foreign powers, and general grievance among Trump's followers means that there will always be people who will be unable to accept that the trial was anything but another witch hunt, a conspiracy, a plot against their Dear Leader. But I also think that presenting the facts without interpretation or speculation is a huge first step in restoring faith in our institutions and the truth.
Televising the trial would help those who are exposed to the Trump & Fox lies by way of a family member being part of the cult. It may not impact the cult member, but could provide a pathway to the truth for those living with the cult member.
It would also provide an historical record of the evidence and the testimony presented without the interjection anyone else’s perspective.
I wish I believed facts would make a difference to Fox’s usual audience.
I didn’t use to be so cynical. The past 7 years have broken me.
You are not broken.
As Joyce says:
We’re in this together.
Sending hugs from Boston
If 30% of viewers can’t let facts change their minds, so be it. I’d like to see us make no effort to turn them and spend all our time and energy keeping the 70% of us informed.
I'm afraid you're right. Remember Trump's impeachment hearings? While we won't have the shenanigans from the crackpots in the House in a federal trial, what we WILL hear on Fox is commentary during recesses, and THAT will influence Fox viewers. The same thing happened during Senate Judiciary hearings for Trump's 3 nominees for SCOTUS, esp. Bret Kavanaugh.
I'm with you on being cynical. But here's the thing: I've spent the last nearly 4y reading mostly central and eastern European history of the 19th and 20th centuries + the writings of Soviet dissidents like Václav Havel; and the "Kolyma Stories" of Varlam Shalamov, based on the time he spent in the gulag. Havel himself was arrested in 1979 and sentenced to 4.5y in prison. Reading Soviet history has changed the way I look at everything.
Damn it, Michèle, I know it's hard. There have been times when I've wanted to throw my arms up in the air; when I sit on my couch late at night with my face buried in my hands, thinking about this country as well as the war in Ukraine, which I follow very closely. But I force myself to think about the Ukrainian people, who refuse to give in because they know that if they do, they will live under occupation, which means routine torture and murder. When Ukraine's most famous living poet and novelist Serhiy Zhadan, "the Bard of Eastern Ukraine," refused to kiss the Russian flag when ordered to do so by a Russian soldier in 2014, he paid for it with with a fractured skull. He was beaten over the head. In my darkest moments, especially when I feel like I've been transported to a different, weird, and irrational world, this is what I hang onto.
Sometimes we feel like we're barely hanging on, yes, but hang on we must. It is our duty to do just this.
Thank you, Rose. I know we need to stand up to all of this & shine the light in the darkness.
My father was a Ranger in WWII (2nd Battalion, D Company), and my mom was from Germany & was young when the war ended, so I was raised with the idea that the US is worth fighting for & that fascism must be vigorously opposed.
That said, I live in a very red area of rural SoCal & the craziness is everywhere here. It’s disheartening, to say the least.
Your parents sound like they were such interesting people!
I live in a blue city--Austin--that is surrounded by an ocean of red--Texas. For that reason, my situation is different from yours, in that if you're a liberal and you meet a stranger in Austin, the chances that stranger is an R are quite small. But I do fear for us if Trump is re-elected. The state government is right here in Austin, and they've been threatening us for years. They and Texans in general refer to us as "The People's Republic of Austin." They really do think we're communists. I've been saying since 2019 that one day the citizens of Austin could be in real danger if right-wing paramilitaries are allowed to do what they want with us. It's been nearly 5y since I said that, and I believe that even more strongly now. My reading of 20th-century history, esp.1918- 1933, confirms this.
Here's what I would recommend, based on my knowledge of this history: Be careful what you say to others. Know who you can trust and not trust. Know that if right-wing paramilitaries are let loose, people you know are likely to turn on you. And know this, too--and this is very hard to contemplate, but we must--that *you* might also point the finger at one of your neighbors. Do not think that would be impossible. Unless you've experienced it directly, or are familiar with this history, it's hard to envision what life would be like under such circumstances. Do not imagine yourself a savior. We know that most of the Jews of Europe were saved not by ordinary people, but by diplomats who provided them with temporary visas. Knowing this helps me to toughen myself so if it comes, I may not be ready, but at least I will know what to expect. If we do manage to save people in danger, it will be an exception, not the rule. I'm afraid that is a frightening but hard fact.
The reason we imagine ourselves as saviors in a situation like that is because we control the story in our minds. In our imaginings, nothing interferes with our noble efforts. But that is not reality. I remind myself of this every day. I do not permit myself that lie.
Something else I tell myself: Know that if it happens, all reliable communications will be severed and will be replaced by propaganda (Poland, 1939-1945). We can count on a compliant media to help the Trump administration in this endeavor. We should resist that propaganda with all our strength.
There will be hundreds of political assassinations. There were 376 political assassinations in Germany alone between 1918-33. It's unlikely you'll hear about any of them, but know that it will happen.
Prepare for an economic collapse. Know that food, prescription drugs, and other necessities will be hard to find, so individuals will have to resort to bartering. Local organized crime might flourish. Plan ahead.
Michele, then rest, my friend, remove all the discord from your life as best you can and refresh YOUR LIFE. It all matters, and there are millions of us, and quite a few here, who will and do pick up the baton and run with it while those who need to find some peace do just that. That's part of what anyone is fighting for, the right to a peaceful existence. REST!! No one thinks less of anyone who has had it "up to here", least of all me. Please, don't be harsh with yourself, you're a great human from great "stock" and I'll gladly write two letters more! xo
Facts are a liberal hoax!!!
Indeed. It’s truly sad.
Millions share your pain,I’m sure.
As Ronald Reagan once said, “ Facts are stupid things”
Yes facts are such a nuisance. Especially when you live in some parallel Universe
I sat next to a man in the airport the other day. He was watching Fox News on his tablet. I just could not imagine. No one I know watches Fox News. In fact, most people I know do not watch the news at all, they listen to the news, or read the news. I watch news in Germany, but not in the USA. He did not watch very long. I assumed short attention span.
I know a lot of people who watch FOX. I can tell by what they say when I ask something. They don’t give the same answer that a person who watches a variety of newscasts or even ABC, NBC, CBS etc answers because they are being fed disinformation or other information. To confirm this, I will asked them if they watched Fox. They all did.
I'm 82 and don't drive anymore. Today a friend's boyfriend drove me to a pharmacy, and he had his radio tuned to talk radio. The talking head was saying something about Democrats being "afraid to download Truth Social." He said we were prejudiced against Trump and feared what he had to say...that we are cowards who shrink from Trump's powerful words.
I didn't want to have an argument with a fellow I barely knew and who was doing me a favor. Besides, he's deaf in his right ear, and he can't hear anything I say when he's driving. And I didn't want to have to get out and walk, but it was all I could do to keep my mouth shut. How I wish I were young and strong enough to be fearless, or to drive myself!
An arborist worked for several hours injecting an ash tree in our yard. He listened to Rush Limbaugh the entire time.
👆🏼👆🏼THIS!!! ❤️🤍💙
I dunno. Fox will find a way to spin the prosecution of DJT so as to stoke the fires already burning (if no raging) in the hearts and minds of so many of its viewers. I’d like to have the benefit of others’ views regarding televised courtroom proceedings against DJT.
What say ye?
Regardless of what the right wing nut-o’sphere tries to do with their spin, there’s nothing like having it all laid bare, live on TV to get people’s attention. We all saw how public opinion of him plummeted after the J6 hearings in Congress. The public needs clear, living reminders of his heinous transgressions, and a televised trial is just that. I’ve written to my Senators and Representative already this morning. I urge everyone to do the same. Talking about it here is not enough.
Marcia, Let's try to schedule something earthshattering right up to November 5, 2024 (so the opinion plummet will occur as 'they' are on the way to the polls:) I'm sure he will shoot himself in the foot and will let us drum up a hearing to schedule. We also have six unnamed co-conspirators waiting in the wings (or the faux 'think tanks') ❤🤍💙
Let them spin. If the trial is televised, it will be out there for all to see. Fox will only make bigger fools of themselves.
In my preceding comment, I respectfully ask that you change the words in parentheses to (if not raging) vice (if no raging),🤨
Hi Arlen, I think you can do it yourself - if you are at a laptop. Poke on the three dots at the bottom right side of your original message. Two words appear: 'edit' and 'delete.' Select edit. Then go to your original post and make the change. Then click 'save' at the lower left side of the original message. I believe this works on laptops and computers (PC), not sure about ipads. And I think it does not work on iphones.
FOX viewers wouldn't watch the trial, they would probably just wait for the Faux recap.
Perhaps not too many, but some, would watch. And if we can pick away at the few remaining sane Trump supporters — even just carve off 1-3% of them with a remaining semblance of sanity — it might help prevent the rise of his Hitlerian figure.
I’ve always wondered that too. Today a maga tried to tell me that Trump was not guilty in the documents case because “I haven’t heard anything bout it in a long time.” (Maybe cuz you watch newsmax all day bro??) and the trial hasn’t even started yet, my dude.
The lack of knowledge of how the legal system works is apparently a thing for MAgaga. Whoosh.
As a citizen, an interested party, and a victim of Donald Trump’s actions I would like to be well informed as the trial unfolds. However, having the appropriate language to make such a request to the legislatures that represent me would be valuable. Any thoughts on how such a letter could be drafted, and key points that should be in it to put for a compelling argument?
Joyce asked that we contact our elected officials. Many have asked for examples of what to say or write. The Substack CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER has great examples:
Great information!! Thank you for providing it!
You are welcome 🙏
With apologies in advance to Ms. Vance for strongly borrowing from and paraphrasing her work, I will be developing my email to two senators and a congressperson in South Dakota where I cast my absentee ballot:
• In the interest of informed civil discourse,
• Referencing the current example of S. 3250,
• Firmly recommending a similar measure for the case of United States v. Donald J. Trump,
And including a few arguments like
• It is more difficult to pass off disinformation about a proceeding that the public has full access to.
• It is in the best interests of the country to provide it.
• It must happen here, with Trump.
And closing with the fact I cast my vote regularly in their district.
also identifying any other particulars that seem worthwhile sharing with a lawmaker as bona fides
• public service
• military service
• voice in community …
Use your own language, grammar, your misspellings, and mistakes. It's authentically, uniquely, your voice to your paid-for-by-taxes elected representatives. Encourage them to take a break from attempting to impeach Biden and instead doing their real work.
Well done, Bill.
Thank you!! A great hrr we lo!
Here is what I wrote, with a subject line of “S. 3250, but for all federal trials of the former President:”
“Dear (Senator, Congressman, etc),
I’m writing to request that the Connecticut delegation of Senators and Members of the House work together with your colleagues to bring bills to your respective floors similar to S. 3250, allowing all Federal trials of former President Donald J. Trump to be accessible to the public via live television and streaming. The transparency that would be achieved in so doing is critical to ensuring the public’s trust in the proceedings, and will serve an important need to dispel disinformation that will surely otherwise be spread by various sources without such transparency. Clearly, it is possible, as S. 3250 demonstrates. Thank you!!”
Fab Marcia. I have saved this.
My experience has been that lawmakers (and other public officials) value authentic thoughts from citizens more than detailed arguments.
Yes, short and clear-- that's what I'm always being told. Because I always have long, special, fascinating arguments I feel no one else has yet thought of!!!! That's probably not true!!!!!!! Trying to be a good soldier I try to say the bare thing with the vote I favor spelled out.
This, and there are some excellent points to share from our allies here in today’s comments section.
My representative does not respond when I write. I am from Kansas and he has kneeled to the MAGA cult.
For the House, i suggest calling the DC office. They all answer the phone and take notes. First ID yourself as a constituent by name, town and ZIP. (I always offer my address and phone -- sometimes they take it.) Then make your pitch. Write it down before you call, keeping it short and to the point. Then, follow up by mailing that same note to the local office.
Hi Sheila, And the old-fashioned fax way is fab. Then the person at the fax machine reads it, as well as the intern taking it to the rep or senator. Make it short - and large letters. Also, politeness works - as you are, as Michigan folks are:) 💙 (some of my most gracious neighbors).
Thanks, Valere, and good morning!
Elected officials have their staffs keep a tally of communications for and against controversial proposals; only a few of them get read by the official him/her self.
He may be beyond reach, but it's highly likely that he still has his staff keep a tally of the communications received on big issues. If he only gets letters from people on one side of an issue, he will think that point of view is predominant, and can cite the numbers and claim that's what his constituents want.
My rep here in Florida is the same. He also has "kneeled to the MAGA cult." Never responds to anything I send him. Doesn't even acknowledge anything sent, whereas my two GOP senators at least respond to me, though usually with pre-scripted opinions about said topic. When I call my rep's office, I am told that if I want to know how he thinks about the subject I am asking about, I should watch him when he speaks on Fox News! Unbelievable!
Steven, As it is clear in your asking how to write a request, or better, a demand to be informed as a citizen it is just as simple to write in your own unique style letters to your Congressional legislators in the House of representatives and two Senators of your state. The pretense of holding to some form of appropriate language is valuable but only that it be civil and respectful.
Imagine the volume of mail they will be receiving on various issues, consequently I would keep it to the point as best your can.
Thank you Lawrence for your input. That was my intent, I was looking for and have received the basic talking point and do intend to draft a letter to them in my own words :-)
I wrote to my senators and rep - and drew much of my letter directly from Joyce's column above. Over the past decade, I've written or called them pretty regularly - and I write to Pres. Biden, too. Someone is tracking the correspondence. Occasionally, I get a reply.
Write them letters to Congress.
That's a nice theory, and it worked for me when testimony during Trump's first impeachment was aired, because it revealed how smarmy his mode of working and how unethical the Republican Party have become. But I was newly retired with time to watch. My friends, relatives, and colleagues who were still working did not spend the time to watch, trusted the wrong wing media, and have not left the Trump camp. So, making the proceeding public and in real time is critical for dissemination of truth, but it's just a start.
I LIKE "wrong-wing" media.
absolutely true, Jerry, from one retired person to another.
one big benny of public live streaming is publicly available video archive that we retire peops can pull out any time we need to with peops who have "trusted the wrong wing
I was a faithful watcher of the watergate hearings. As a young man, I didn’t leave my chair an I considered it my responsibility as a citizen to watch and understand corruption at the highest levels. Maybe it had some lasting effect on me as I began writing about the horrific gift that kept giving during Trump. I put my cat manuscript aside but now it’s time to finish m cat stories.
In full agreement with you.
I watched the Wategate hearings too. Riveting and important to me as an engaged citizen. We also, at the time, had excellent TV news reporting. No hype, just reporting. I miss Uncle Walter!
It would be an insult to everyone to NOT televise every minute of every proceeding related to USA v. Trump.
I would not be sad to miss my favorite programs for as long as it takes, because there's just too much at stake to ignore or deny the facts as presented. Just like the MAGA deniers who watched the events unfold on January 6th, there will be deniers who, even if they were sitting in the courtroom for each session, would still REFUSE to believe the truth. (It does make me wonder how Trump might possibly express his love for his followers once a verdict has been rendered.)
As Joyce ends each "session" of Civil Discourse, we're in this together. We have to be. There IS no alternative if we want democracy to still exist when our grandkids have grandkids.
Dianne, He will express that it was a 'witch hunt.'
He can say whatever he likes. The news media doesn’t have to report it!
The operative phrase is ‘have to.’ of course they don’t have to report: they will. their agenda is to sell newspapers. The more inflammatory information they can get the more people will stop at the train wreck and watch it.
Yes! And now the “story” is how much people are disengaging. Hmmmm. That’s loss of viewership.
No talking heads making comments? We would be alone with our thoughts? What a clever and radical idea!❤️❤️❤️
The intense televised focus of the Senate inquiry into Watergate is what made that conclusion happen. Of course, back then the populace was a bit more discerning and there were fewer voices of disinformation
Will you please write us a letter into which we can plug names, so that we get it right when we email/ snail mail/ call? I've seen your work. I would trust your form letter to state clearly what we're demanding. Please?
Sorry, Writers Guild of America precludes my working for free. JUST KIDDING. I agree with Ms Frazier below: write from the heart, say what you want clearly, perhaps referencing the legislation that Prof. Vance noted in her piece.
I really think many personal individual letters would make more of an impression. It wouldnt have to be very long - maybe a couple paragraphs. No one who comments here would have any problem doing that - we all have that ability, I'm sure.
Form letters tend to be treated as just that - a form letter!
Check out Jessica Craven's newsletter "Chop Wood, Carry Water". She always has examples of letters you can write your Congresspeople. You don't even have to be a paid subscriber. Jessica Craven is a terrific source.
Thanks. I write them every week for years, but was thinking of others who have said they didn't know how or how to phrase it. You're very kind.
Thank you!
For those of you who live in “Red States”… perhaps a little reverse psychology is in order. Appeal to your representatives’ fealty to trump. 😃
In your letter State emphatically that televising the trial would once and for all expose the truth the trial is nothing more than a witch hunt meant to bring trump down. Say you want the trial to be televised to show/ expose the corrupt justice system in action being weaponized against trump. Say it would expose for all to see the truth it’s crooked Joe Biden and his corrupt Justice system attacking trump for political reasons. State it’ll expose the truth of these and so much more the radical left is using to bring trump down. End the letter saying televising the trial would once and for put an end to all the lies of the radical left, it’ll be last nail in the coffin to the radical left. Televise the trial so the whole country, no not just the country, but the whole world will know the truth.
Perhaps even some of the conspiracy theory nutcases like MTG will jump on board and demand the trial be televised. 😉
You know, MTG and her ilk are so dumb it just might work….
Smashing idea. I hope everyone writes to their representatives, Senate and House, Democrats and Republicans and demands access. We should no longer be relegated to the back of the bus.
So simple to find your senators and write them, or call, or both.
William, you and Joyce would be an excellent team to carry this forward as each reader reaches out to their Congressional delegation. I have been wanting to see such a “call to action” as Joyce suggested and you seconded.
Let’s make it happen!
Simple. Go to and look up your senators and write them. I like to send a handwritten letter every once in a while to Sen. Collins to remind her that she was lied to by Kavanaugh the beer guzzler, and the other justices who doomed ROE. But a simple email in your own words, from the heart, about the need and right to see the trials may help, as well as calls to the White House. As Arlo Guthrie sang, “imagine if a million people walked into the draft board and sang a bar of Alice’s Restaurant…” Oh, wait, wrong generation…. But imagine if ten million people demanded tha the trials be televised. And then imagine the networks salivating at the thought of the coverage (with breaks for commercials)……
This Alice approves of this comment.
I first I thought you meant Alice Waters....but googled. I'm going to listen to him later. But yest to imagining ten million folks demanding the trials be televised. I think the Viet Nam war was stopped with 1 million names on a petition. We can do this:)) 💙
The Guthrie song was played on Thanksgiving Day in its 27-minute entirety by one of the NYC FM radio stations when I was growing up in Brooklyn, and I and my brother listened to it every Thanksgiving, and still do to this day. It’s funny, it’s poignant, and for the people of my generation it sums up the insanity and stupidity of the Vietnam war. But more importantly, it also conveys the notion of solidarity in a movement with humor and intelligence and it’s just damn fun. It’s the musical version of Professor Vances, “we’re in this together.”
Love this William. I protested Vietnam… I’ll have to listen to the song, but honestly don’t remember the name.
Arlo is the son of Woody Guthrie, the famous folk/protest singer of many generations ago. Alice’s Restaurant was about Arlo getting arrested basically for littering, and, when he had to go to the draft board for his physical, being put on The Group W Bench, with other criminals. It is an absurdist, anti-war masterpiece in the vein of Duck Soup and Catch 22.
William, you seem to be quite experienced in this, so I'm asking you.
This will be the first time I've written my senator and all I can find is an online form at his website to fill out. I can't find an email address. You said, "But a simple email in your own words..."
Is there a way to send an email, or must I use this contact form?
Oh, sloppy wording on my part. Just use the form — I do. But I assume there are a number of offices listed, and perhaps one has an email address. But his local office might have a phone number. Suggest a call, and ask for the name of the intern answering the phone, and follow up to ask what the Senator said. Bug the interns. Write a hand-penned note, too. As I said, I write Susan Collins once a month or so to remind her what a fool she is, and how her entire legacy will be the overturning or ROE thanks to her incompetence.
Which to this non-lawyer was the reason the Jan 6 Committee broadcasts were so powerful. After having SEEN with our own eyes what happened to OUR Capitol on that awful day, we saw and were able to judge for ourselves the meticulous work of the Committee as well as the powerful evidence and testimony presented.
That is PRECISELY the articulation that should be put into letters to your senator, congressman/woman, and the WH. Beautifully said. So concise and simple and powerful.
I apologize if I missed it, or maybe I am just ignorant, but are there any details about how we contact our reps to get this to happen? TIA.
And for House members:
Thank you Steve and William, We can send these links to friends, family and colleagues with an explanation for the CTA.
The more sunlight there is, the more we can see and the less we can be influenced by misinformation!
Sunlight is a disinfectant.
just don't follow the orange Julius Caesar's advice and drink bleach ;)
And it kills MOLD!!!
As part of the Pan Am family in 1988 I will be watching that trial. Part of my letters to my Congress folks will demand to know why we are being denied access the 45's trials in federal court. Given the hogwash I hear from supporters of tfg the light of a camera is desperately needed.
I am so sorry for your loss Lynn and send you a big hug.
My little brother’s childhood best friend was on that flight. I am most appreciative that his family-4 sisters, his parents now deceased, will be able to witness the trial.
I don't think I need to write my Congress people, I know they agree. They're all Democrats & they want 45* gone from all our lives.
But, I will.
Thank you, Joyce!
I did, they are all Dems and I also sent a message to Attorney General Garland. I know our Congress people are very busy, but I think they like to know that we are engaged. At least that's what they say in their replies to me.
They appreciate hearing from their constituents
The good ones do. Others... not so much.
It’s the ones that don’t appreciate it who should hear from you.
Follow E. Jean Caroll’s example and Speak Truth to Power.
Yes, letters to all. Democrat, republican and independent.
It’s better to annoy red state congress people. Flood em with voicemails.
They'll just say thank you, but you aren't my constituent. And, if you flood them, they turn off their voice mail.
They don't work for the American people nor America.
That's true- they're too busy passing hate bills that hurt people. barf.
Barf. You know how Trump never stops talking and is never challenged properly? I think it would be easy to puncture that pink face, but anyway it would be funny just to say 'Donald. You make me want to barf.' Anyone can use those fancy words.
They work for Putin and possibly Satan but that still needs verification.
I'm happy for you Tracy that you have good congress people karma. My senior senator has endorsed Trump....but I shall write him anyway. I am also making an email chain to friends, family, colleagues with names of senators/representatives for them to request that the events are televised.
What you're doing is awesome, and maybe this year will show some of your fellow voters that Republicans don't care about them & America.
I live in a very red area of NM & am expecting all the ugly signs & pick ups with their flags again this year. So, I expect, if he's not kick off the ballots, my county will vote for PO1135809.
Keep your head down Paula… and don’t put any of your blue signs up. We will do this, and New Mexico is going blue anyway. So please don’t risk yourself. Are you near Couy Griffith or up north? I lived in New Mexico for a couple of years, so I know the territory, politically, and figuratively.
SE, Couy is in the SW area. I never put signs up, I know better. New Nexico is blue, with pockets of O&G folk & ranchers. They're the red folk. Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Albuquerque are the majoity blue & have a denser population
Gives them support when they debate this bill.
If it's ever brought to their floors.
Where do you live? Looking for either a blue state or 2 party state🤢
New Mexico
This is the 1st I’ve ever commented on a political newsletter. This seems both super important and doable. I’ll contact my senators and representative.
Joyce, I suggest you ask your friends with similar platforms, e.g., Heather Cox Richardson to amplify this message/call to action. Thank you.
Last couple nights have had a lot of this on HCR's Letter. Lots of likes and comments. Stick with it Linda, these are groups of serious and solid folks. Many frindships forged in these comment trails.
You are absolutely correct Joyce. Jessica Craven has all the phone numbers, emails etc for all the Congress Critters (per HCR) on her Substack. Simple, boom, done and sent. All our congressional reps should be told to follow this significant lead. Thank you dear councel.
Joyce asked that we contact our elected officials. Many have asked for examples of what to say or write. The Substack CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER has great examples:
Yes. I brought this up in comments to HCR's Letter last night and mentioned it it to Jessica in the morning. She got right back to me with "so that's where all those new subscriptions came from." She is an amazing resource and and a very great person.
I feel compelled to tell you that I have plastered high profile Substacks with her information and have over 300 combined responses so if you post the information on “restacks with note” the word reaches a wild amount of readers.
I'll have to try that. I have a couple of hour at night before bed. Like right now, Heather just posted.
I'll run this by Jessica in the morning. She will be interested in having this on her site. She follows Heather and Joyce. She'll probably followup herself.
I posted this on Mary Trump’s Substack:
Are you holding voter registrations at these rallies? Are you going to send detailed information to your subscribers on how to get the vote out? A list of dates for each state’s election days? Why not partner with Jessica as well as your nerd avengers?
For example:
If you want to help Biden, Katie Porter, and other Democratic candidates, navigate over to CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER.
Jessica's Substack is a sacred space, a whiteboard that holds the wisdom and knowledge needed to ignite change in the upcoming 2024 elections. It is a platform where the power of information and action converge, where the importance of getting the vote out is passionately emphasized.
In a world where voices often go unheard and the significance of civic engagement is overlooked, Jessica's Substack stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment. It serves as a guide, a roadmap that navigates through the complexities of the political landscape, providing invaluable insights and strategies to mobilize communities and ensure that every voice is heard.
Just as the ancient proverb reminds us to "chop wood, carry water," Jessica's Substack embodies the essence of diligent work and unwavering commitment. It recognizes that change is not achieved through mere wishes or passive hopes, but through the persistent effort to educate, inform, and inspire.
With each article and post, Jessica's Substack paints a vivid picture of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It delves deep into the intricacies of voter turnout, unraveling the complexities and shedding light on the importance of active participation in the democratic process.
But it doesn't stop there. Jessica's Substack goes beyond mere information-sharing. It fosters a sense of community, a collective spirit that unites individuals with a shared vision. It encourages dialogue, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas, recognizing that true change is born from the collective efforts of many.
Through her Substack, Jessica becomes a trusted guide, a mentor who empowers her readers to take action. She provides practical tips, actionable steps, and resources that equip individuals with the tools they need to make a difference. She reminds us that the power to effect change lies within each and every one of us, waiting to be unleashed.
As readers peruse the pages of Jessica's Substack, they are not just passive consumers of information. They become active participants in a movement, a force that strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society. They are inspired to engage, to educate, and to mobilize, knowing that their actions have the potential to shape the future.
So, let us embrace the wisdom of Jessica's Substack, let us heed the call to action. As we chop wood, carrying water, let us also champion the cause of voter engagement, knowing that our collective efforts can pave the way for a brighter, more democratic future.
You nailed it Gloria. Have you conctated Jessica? I'm sure Robert Hubble (poor guy has Covid, but feeling better) and and TCinLA, Tom Cleaver, read both Joyce and Heather, as well as Jessica. Robert at least. There are many Substackers who deal with all of this with interested readers.
so important to reach out — and send along to others — and continue to weave the connections into the fabric of our refurbishing society. We are not so broken … yet!
Isolated and feeling alone maybe. Over the past few years, comments lead to other Substacks a new networks of comments....Serious friendships have developed along with encouragement. You see the trails of back and forth develop into serious relationships each and every night. Several that I became close to this way shared our emails to be able to keep abreast of other interests as they pop up. From all corners of the country.
Beautiful arguments Joyce for having the trial of Donald J. Trump’s January 6 case ( insurrection) before Federal Court Judge Tanya Chuthan made available to all Americans! Such a televised trial would break all records for real TV and be very educational.
Thank you Joyce, this is excellent. We need to have access to the court proceedings instead of being subjected to media spin. I will contact my representative and ask others I know to do the same.
And….my senators are Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith (both Democrats).
Mine are Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey and Katherine Clark, all prominent Dems. Usually when I sign a petition I get a note back that one of them sponsored the bill. But this is too important.
I am a bit jealous of those names, Paula.
Aren’t you fortunate?! My Senators are Bill Hagerty and Marsha Blackburn. My Representative is Tim Burchett. MAGATS all. I plan to encourage their support of public access to AUDIO broadcast so we can see tfg’s innocence demonstrated by the proceedings in real time. How can they argue against that?
Lucky you! I tried to swap Ted Cruz for Amy with my friend in Minneapolis, but he wouldn’t go for it.😂
I was a flight attendant for Pan Am long ago and a friend's daughter was on the Lockerbie flight. Those families need to see this. But in Trump's case, it could be that the DOJ is trying to avoid the circus atmosphere and the melodrama some participants might display. We have seen how Trump ignores rules; the publicity could impact the outcome and affect justice? Think Mad Hatter Tea Party. Never have we seen such a mental case take hold of the system with his outbursts and pathology.
It is truly heartbreaking to hear about your personal connection to the Lockerbie tragedy and the impact it had on your friend's daughter's family. The pain and grief that these families have endured is unimaginable, and it's understandable that you would want justice to be served.
When it comes to high-profile cases like this, there is always a delicate balance between ensuring a fair trial and managing the potential circus-like atmosphere that can surround them. It is possible that the Department of Justice is taking into consideration the potential impact of publicized proceedings on the outcome of the case. While it is important to maintain transparency and accountability, it is also crucial to ensure that the judicial process is not unduly influenced by external factors.
As for the mention of Trump and his behavior, it is indeed true that his presidency was marked by a unique style and approach to governance. However, it is important to separate political opinions from the pursuit of justice. The legal system should operate independently and impartially, regardless of any individual's actions or behavior.
In times like these, it is crucial to trust in the integrity of the legal system and have faith that justice will be served. While it may feel like a Mad Hatter Tea Party at times, it is important to remember that the legal process is designed to navigate through complexities and deliver justice in a fair and impartial manner.
I absolutely agree - I would love it to be available to all. But if the DOJ can see any backfire to it or feels the process could be sabotaged, I want the best outcome for the country. I hope we can have access to objective and complete records somehow but contain the crazy if possible.
Bonnie MacEvoy, your comments are true descriptions but also the very reasons to shine a light on the proceedings to dispel what can be made up or twisted, or spun by seeing our justice system at work and to hopefully show us all that no one is above the law or how it is administered. THIS idea will hopefully give all of us the justice we seek. Please remember everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. I’m for letting the chips fall where they may but more importantly see what the chips really are and where they will really fall. The future of our Republic and very freedom depend on this truth. My letters to be in the mail very soon. Thank you Joyce, your best letter yet.
Maybe just having real time audio with transcriptions would be sufficient? Rather not be exposed to that much tfg video.
Indeed, Jack Smith wants to try to avoid the circus - and has said so. Trump may be in a padded room somewhere in the courthouse by then.
It would be very helpful if you wrote a short word for word script for people to use when calling congress. Most people are intimidated and worried that they won’t know what to say. Thank you.
Good examples of what to say or write:
Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Craven. Her substack is chock fullof all contact info and actions.
Hmm, looks like Gloria put it all right below.
Glad you are a convert of hers! We are in the fight together.
I'm not sure "convert" is the appropriate noun. I appreciate and support her work. I've toned it down a bit in the last forty years, if that's what you mean. My stepson organized home healthcare workers in WI singlehandedly for SEIU thirty-some years ago. He was a labor union organizer and lobbiest to the WI legislature and had many stare downs with Paul Ryan when he was still a pup. His Christmas party was the one to be at. Hot politicos and even the governor showed up sometimes. He also made the best beer in town. I raised him right.
I would have liked those parties ...
Anyone who was anybody was there. He towered over the suits along the boardroom tables, looked the CEO in the eye and would ask "Any questions?" They always signed on the line.
Joyce asked that we call our elected officials. Here is an easy way to locate the people in Congress who work for you!
Thanks so much Joyce and I will do so!! Unfortunately I also live in Alabama ( just recently moved here) so I’m anxious to do what I can to support democracy in a pretty strong red state! So I’m open to any other suggestions you have lol! I’m a big time follower of you and your sisters in law!! Thanks so much for all you do!!!
The Sisters in Law podcast rocks big time ❤️🇺🇸
Even though it would be broadcast while those of us in Hawai'i are still sleeping, I fully support this idea and will send emails to my senators and representatives. Mahalo!
Ed and Audrey are friends:)) I've known them both since his very first run for office - way back - when he ran for office to replace Patsy Mink. I always wanted him to be governor (and told him so:) He would be fabulous; and she is the epitome of grace. And a former Pan Am... I'm in a red state - with my business. Aloha, Valere
Thank you, Joyce. You are the key to access for all Americans, for information and our liberty.
Excellent idea!
I disagreed with the government position on this for the trial in DC. Yes trump will try to make it about politics, but the court can do everything in its power to shut that down. Its more important for the people of America to see and understand what is going on and that justice is being served. I love reading Jack Smiths filings for the most part they are super easy to understand, but I just can not understand why he's against letting the process be televised.
Hi Russ, Jack Smith wrote that he did not want a circus. Now that we've seen two circuses, everything is relative, isn't it?