Thank you, Joyce, for as always explaining everything so clearly, especially about the charges against Hunter. It is sad for the Biden family but what family doesn't have some degree of dysfunction? As for tfg, nothing compares to his and his family's crimes, proven or suspected.

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This has been the Republican playbook since 1995, when the first investigations were opened into the sitting president’s wife because she was too smart and capable. From Whitewater to the death of Vince Foster to Benghazi, investigations were weaponized against Hillary Clinton. So much so that people born during or after that time could, by 2016, only say vaguely that Hillary was corrupt, but couldn’t point to a single thing she had actually done wrong. Trump took this strategy and honed it, but the strategy was there even when Bob Dole was party leader.

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The tragedy of Benghazi happened because the Republicans slashed funding for security to protect the embassy and Ambassador Stevens.

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This coincides (surprise, surprise) with the period when Newt Gingrich rose to dominance in the GOP. Dana Milbank's book THE DESTRUCTIONISTS: The Twenty-Five Year Crack-Up of the Republican Party does an excellent job of laying out the timeline. It's true, though, that the conditions for Newt's rise (and the GOP's decline) were developing before many of us knew his name.

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Evening Joyce: I believe the nation overall understands there is no comparison between the actions of Hunter Biden and TFG’s kids’ behavior. It’s an apples and oranges situation. President Biden has the courage of three lifetimes in what he has endured to date and the grace that sets the example for us all. He refuses to stand in the way of justice even if it’s his own son and loves him enough not to interfere. Biden is a crusader for all the people. It’s time the bullies in Congress stop embarrassing us and the entire world with their empty performances. Thanks Joyce for your endurance. You run a marathon for justice every single day and I’m with you as we all are 🗽🇺🇸

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Thank you Ms. Vance, for telling us how the Trump trial may proceed, Justice may be slow, but in this Country Justice must be the same for all. I have absolute faith in the lower courts and the appellate circuit courts. I hope the Supreme Court will uphold the Constitution and Justice.

As to Hunter Biden, I have true empathy for the Biden family. For his own sake and his own future, Hunter must go through this ordeal to keep himself on the path of recovery. (referring to the gun charge based on his prior addiction). As to the IRS, From what I read in other articles, he has apparently paid his taxes, late, and was very late in filing and apparently did not request an extension. From that I assume he did his own taxes (why?). In 2021 my taxes weren't filed until September, because my tax lady got sick and had too much catching up, but she filed for an extension so all was well.

The Biden family has faced a lot of tragedy, Hunter being the younger son may not have been able to handle the death of his mother, sister, and then the cancer and death of Beau. I'm sorry Hunter turned to chemicals to ease his pain, but having seen the effect of tragedy on my youngest daughter, I fully understand. I'm so glad the President and First Lady issued the statement that they love their son and will stand by him. But neither has interfered with the legal process, tried to buy the system or denied culpability. So refreshing after all the lies and manipulations of Trump.

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About Hunter's taxes -- active addicts and alcoholics are generally not known for planning ahead, paying attention to detail, or asking for help when they need it. This is one reason the 12 Steps and other recovery programs involve acknowledging the harm one has done and making amends for it. Hunter's actions since he, in effect, hit bottom suggest to me that he's taking his recovery seriously, one day at a time.

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You are not alone Fay. Thank you for your significant contributions to the good.

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Thank you Joyce for your needed insight into the chaos that swirls around us all. And thank you again for your commitment to engaging with us in Civil Discourse.

I don’t know what Lady Liberty will have to do to balance the scales between TFG, his state and Federal cases vs the perceived Biden Crime Family. I do know that we continue to be blessed with a president that actually loves this country as a whole vs TFG who is still trying to game the system while trying to get back in to power. Prayers and peace are indeed needed to keep us all safe.🙏🏼☮️

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Go hug a chicken for me Joyce, please. If republicans weren’t engaging in puffery about Dear Leader, inveighing against Democrats for anything that jumps into their tiny brains or otherwise behaving more like their tantrum prone Golden Calf we could see even better results for this country. As it is, there’s no more self-centeredness in the world(well, maybe I exaggerate just a bit)than in todays republican party. What a damn shame too.

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Last time I tried to hug what I thought was a chicken, it bit me (about 64 years ago). Was it just me? Did I offend that rooster? Do chickens like to be hugged? This traumatized city boy is still wondering after all these years. That's a larger issue than tfg's supporters' hearts and minds.

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You’ll have to ask Joyce about hugging chickens. My grandparents raised chickens and sold eggs back in the ‘50s and I remember hugging the baby chicks but never a layer. Those hens knew what their job was and they did it very well. They weren’t to be messed with. I think Joyce’s birds lead a bit more pampered life from what she’s shown us. Her Fancies are really rocking the life.

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That's a whole new insight into the phrase, "hen pecked!" I never had an affinity for chickens until I saw a YouTube video of a chicken who ran to the school bus stop every afternoon to meet her "girl." I think it is still available if you like. But despite Joyce's unquestionable chicken love, they can be feisty.

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Joyce, I have long valued your legal opinion on what's going on, but until I found your newsletter, I had NO IDEA how sharp your sense of humor was! And, I LOVE the chicken photos! I enjoy your newsletter and am happy to be here! I'm learning so much, and am thankful for the time you put into this.

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"The Biden crime family" is just so ridiculous. President Biden has been in politics for half a century. All of a sudden, he's a dirty politician taking bribes according to the idiots in the House, most of whom know better. The fact there is NO evidence of this, but plenty of evidence of "The Trump crime family" just proves their deception and useless "investigations" that are nothing more than a witch hunt for evidence that doesn't exist, all at taxpayers expense. Republicans are fascists. All they want is power to make America like Russia. I say hell no!

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Another feature of our justice system is the space it provides for compassion when flawed human beings assess other flawed human beings and recognize an opportunity for enforcement of our “one set of laws” to be applied without creating even more problems than the original offense. I know someone whose crime hurt only themself and PTD allowed the felony to become a misdemeanor. This radically improved their life’s trajectory and negatively impacted/nor denied restitution to no one.

Thank goodness for the American justice system.

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I have a son who is a heroin addict (clean and straight in recovery for two years now.) ? years ago he received a PTD for some offense (don't remember which one.) It wasn't what turned him around, but he received a lot of good supervision and therapy, including diagnosis and treatment for bipolar disorder (that I believe was a consequence of his drug use) that I think laid groundwork for his later commitment to recovery. The last thing that turned him around was the intervention of a hospital social worker (God bless her.)

I heart goes out to President and Dr. Biden. Their statement is written in the hearts of many parents dealing with this.

I suppose there are readers out there dealing with this in their own families. Stay strong, grieve, and hope, all @ once. Tough duty.

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So, Hunter Biden was charged under a rarely used provision that prohibits anyone “who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance” from having a firearm. Who’s going to tell DJTJ that this is a thing? I mean c’mon, am I the only one who thought this?

That aside, you do not need to thank me for being a subscriber to your newsletter. I need to thank you for allowing me to be without requiring me to have all of the necessary college credits to do so. I’m not quite ready to take the state bar exam, but I’m definitely heading in the right direction. Thanks, Joyce. Happy to be in this with you. Cheers from KY!

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“That aside, you do not need to thank me for being a subscriber to your newsletter. I need to thank you for allowing me to be without requiring me to have all of the necessary college credits to do so.”

Yes. Exactly!

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It's another useless law that does nothing to make us safer. It just makes people believe they're safer when they actually aren't.

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The problem is not Hunter Biden being addicted and having a gun, the problem is guns in general. Did he run into a school and shoot children? No, he just possessed a gun. This is so ridiculous!.

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The whole GOP being angry that Hunter Biden wasn't punished MORE for having a firearm is hilarious to me.

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He possessed a gun until his girlfriend discovered it and threw it in the dumpster, no? Within two weeks of said purchase?

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My political memory starts with Richard Nixon; I have heard many stories of prior political eras and their presidents, but events current with my own life started with Kennedy. The stories of political misbehavior have been sprinkled throughout that interval; not sparing any administration or political party. In all likelihood there were some events and behaviors that crossed the line into criminal behavior that didn't reach the level of public scandal. There has been a constant and steady deterioration in the decorum amongst politicians, and an increasing willingness to make statements that are outright lies, attempts to create scandal out of nothing, to use every conceivable political mechanism to punish members of the opposition. In the most recent era it has been the radical edge of the GOP, with a general spread of silence, complacency and complicity of the whole of the GOP which has been deeply staining our system of governance. The simple fact that most of the popular press reporting during the entire current administration has focused on the GOP controlled House and the GOP party's leading figure, as well as mid-term election results bears witness to how political misbehavior is taking over the public discourse in our country. I am trying to imagine how I, how we, will navigate the coming decade or two (after which I won't be here to fret about it) in this reality. I should be concerned for the 60-70 years that my son will endure the same system, and the 100 or so years that his children, should he be so blessed, will endure the same, if something dramatic does not happen to turn the tide back towards civility and a common respect for truth and facts as the currency of political conduct. To observe today's politics is to stand holding one's nose at the edge of an open sewer. Maybe it was never a pristine stream or river, but the possibility exists for something other than what currently substitutes for a government of the people, for the people and by the people. We have a government substantially made up of fools, in office for themselves, who managed to bamboozle enough of us into believing lies to elect them, who then twist the levers of power to perpetuate their existence in power over us. The House political cycle is only two years; the ONLY means of cleaning up the swamp is by the power of voters, irrespective of gerrymandering and suppression of voter rights, to sweep the scum out of Washington, not for their political convictions, but for their political misbehavior. We can survive a diversity of views, even thrive in it, but we can't survive as a nation when our leaders are allowed to lie, cheat, steal, slander and otherwise debase the rule of law and rules of decorum in the political process. We have to pay attention, register, show up and vote. Vote for decency, self respect, respect for others first and foremost, then for political views secondarily. That would result in a radical transformation in our political landscape and by association in the quality of governance of our nation.

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This is a new kind of political misbehavior -- attack on constitutional processes and our government institutions. Even Nixon only wanted to be sure he won an election, don't think he wanted to overturn one.

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I so appreciate your calm way of breaking down difficult concepts in a way that non attorneys understand.

The Republicans won't be satisfied until they're in complete control of everything and everyone in the country.

I get so frustrated when my relatives share republican talking points. One earlier this evening was something about no democrats in handcuffs yet (referring to Hunter). To be fair, Trump hasn't been in cuffs either. Rant over.

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Thanks, Joyce, again and again! Mccarthy said that Hunter Biden got a “sweetheart deal.” Dumpty got a “ sweetheart” Presidency peppered with lies, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and insurrection. Failure to pay taxes, and an illegal gun for a bit, is in no way comparable to anything that Humpty Dumpty and his family touched. A misdemeanor certainly does not compare to the crimes of Trump and HIS greedy and reckless family!!!

My heart goes out to the Biden family. I am truly hoping that Hunter is moving toward getting his life together and finding his peace. His family has experienced so much heartache for many years. I truly know that President Biden has the most empathetic heart of most.

Thank you Joyce for providing this forum ! So much better than Therapy !!! xx

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Every time a Republican opened its mouth today, it proved itself even dumber, more malicious, more mendacious, more malevolent, more hypocritical. How I wish they'd all catch COVID and Make America Great Again with their permanent departures.

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And they call themselves Christians

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More like anti-Christians: driven by hate and worship of a hateful liar.

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Caution on July 4, as the Omicron subvariants are still out there XBB.1.5 is about 40% of current inflections. The Next BOOSTER iis likely to be Omicron only. Check with CDC and /or your County Health Officials if you are in CA or TX.

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I’ll get as many vaccinations as are offered. I heard vaccine number seven will be available in September 2023. Count me in, buttercup!

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Spoiler Alert, serving up a straight line:

"Buttercup"? Very cool Retro but, I've moved on to plant based "butter".

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Professor, thank you for attaching the Court Orders.

Isn't a good time for Jack Smith to file a Request forJudicial Notice as Trump admitted retaining "some" classified documents in a Fox interview?

I admit Chris Christie was right about the Fox interview, Trump's words immediately flew out the window seeking to escape.

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