And imho, it's really criminal that Trump and his co-conspirators were so fully focused on overturning the free and fair election and maintaining an iron grip on power -- there was no time for governing our nation reeling from the pandemic, and so many other urgent matters - not that Trump ever cared about much besides grifting. And still it's all a grift with him.
And imho, it's really criminal that Trump and his co-conspirators were so fully focused on overturning the free and fair election and maintaining an iron grip on power -- there was no time for governing our nation reeling from the pandemic, and so many other urgent matters - not that Trump ever cared about much besides grifting. And still it's all a grift with him.
Thank you, Joyce.
And imho, it's really criminal that Trump and his co-conspirators were so fully focused on overturning the free and fair election and maintaining an iron grip on power -- there was no time for governing our nation reeling from the pandemic, and so many other urgent matters - not that Trump ever cared about much besides grifting. And still it's all a grift with him.