But Joyce, what would happen to, oh, ANY other citizen who violated a gag order and put people's lives at risk? I know I can't be the only one wondering why there never are any consequences for this. So what if he waits out his trial in jail? Is that really what he "wants"? So he'll get more press, more pity, and more of his people riled up? What other consequences would work? Because fining him apparently doesn't work. So please help us understand what a consequence would actually look like.

I'm grateful for the Federal judge (and others) speaking up. But what actually gets T to shut up?

Sorry to be so blunt. I really want to know what consequences are for him. Thanks.

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This former President gets more unpresidential every day. I remember in his administration in a meeting with Nancy Pelosi after the 2018 election and he insulted her and she told him off. He is a bully and coward. And 35-40% of the people in the United States thinks this is alright. The problem is not Trump, it’s the 35-40% who enable this. There needs to be a massive change in this country. Will not happen overnight.

Thanks Joyce.

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What he’s doing is what pisses me off the most. When one of the MSNBC people show a video of him (thank God Nicolle won’t) I yell at the tv “you can just die Mo fo!” I’ve resisted tossing things at my tv cause I don’t have the money to replace it.

Today was over the top with the video of him speaking about the NY cops funeral he attended (at the request of the family) and I thought for a minute then I wanted to write a WaPo Op Ed but it wouldn’t be published. That’s fine he attended and I’m sorry for the families loss but to the family, “How effing dare you make the loss of this officer political because you can’t stand having a black mayor in charge! Apparently you are under the misguided impression that TFG cares about cops, well I got a pair of gold sneakers to sell you. He was 100% responsible for the cops in DC getting injured and killed on 1/6 and he thinks those that did it are political hostages while he sings a jailhouse version of the national anthem. FU to the family! You need to quit drinking the foolade that right wing media offers up on a daily basis!”

Ok I’ve spoken my peace for now, gonna cuddle up with my cats and try to sleep.

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I’m curious why Judge Merchan didn’t include his own family in the gag order. I can see why he considers himself fair game, but I can’t envision a situation where protecting his family - who have no role in this case - would open the case to an appeal. Does anyone have any insight on that?

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There is a dichotomy with the psychopath that results in repeated and consistent favoritism. Good people determine to act good. Like the Judge allowing his child to be threatened bec he is taking one for the purpose of preventing a mistrial.

What I have yet to hear or read is that doing good means the psychopath gets privilege of which he takes great advantage. It seems the media and good people in politics and the judicial system have not made the correlation.

I was given several months of intensive training on how to interrogate and close on psychopaths who are highly functioning and embedded in society with protection.

There are well defined techniques to attack and psychologically deregulate psychopaths. These strategies do not include being a good person and taking one for the team which effectively strengthens and emboldens psychopaths and their enablers. Goodness is not winning by being good and long suffering. That is simply martyring one's self and the team thereby giving advantage to the psychopath and its followers.

If people like judges and prosecuters and law enforcement are to prevail agaist the psychopath and its enablers then the art of war must be deployed by them.

It is glaringly obvious being good and taking one for the team is not working. Strategic offensive strategies designed to destroy the psychology of the psychopath and its enablers will succeed. That has been proven by history.

A first effective step is for EVERYONE to STOP referring to the psychopath as President in some form. Call the psychopath what it is and degrade its position by referring to its actual status: Mister. A common citizen.

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Around 1994, I was finishing up a prosecution on an individual charged with a violent felony. The defendant made a comment, loud enough for everyone to hear, about seeking revenge on me and any family I may have. Our court deputy, a County Sheriff Deputy, looked at me. I wrote down an address on a piece of paper. I gave it to the defendant and told him to stop by for his last day on earth. The deputy told the defendant, “And he means it.”

The defendant was murdered in prison allegedly for making violent threats against another inmate. Saved me any trouble he may have harbored towards me.

P.S. The address was the Sheriff’s Office.

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OMG this guy is such a parasite on humanity. Why, WHY, WHY do they put up with this criminal? If Al Capone (trumps favorite criminal) was this blatantly threatening to any Judge he’d have been in jail long before he was eventually convicted.

It just makes ALL the rest of us recognize the 2 Tiered “justice system” where the Orange One is on top of the heap along with his cronies. ? When is Bannon going to jail…? He’s a convicted criminal who’s still out while Navarro has begun his prison stint.

It’s maddening and SCOTUS - OMG…are they considering “this guy Is above the law”?

I’m just so tired of this crook, scam artist and male whore getting away with Everything just because he’s a bully.

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The silence from the GOP leaders and from Justice Roberts are deplorable.

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I don’t have words for how despicable trump is. My hope is Judge Walton will continue to speak out and get others to do the same.

I don’t understand the people that continue to follow him especially the so-called Christians. He is the antithesis of one.

The only thing I can think is that Republicans in office are afraid of him hurting them or their families.

He seems to know how to go to the very edge and realizes he will be able to appeal.

This is like a bad dream and I want to wake up now.

I’ll end with it was great to see President Biden with former Presidents Obama and Clinton.

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If judge Merchan’s daughter gets killed because he allowed Trump to target her, he’ll wish to god he’d been “unseemly” and chose to protect his daughter. Today Trump again gave out her name, Loren Merchan, to his followers in a post and called her a “rabid Trump hater!”

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In a courtroom far from quiet, amidst the circus and the riot,

Stands a figure, quite defiant, with a history none can deny it.

Oh, the tale is rich and sordid, of a payment poorly recorded,

To a star whose tales afforded, scandals that could not be boarded.

Enter Judge, with gavel heavy, in a case that's rather heady,

Imposes silence, firm and steady, on the lips that were too ready.

"Enough!" declares the magistrate, "Your words, sir, do more than agitate.

They threaten, inflame, and denigrate, this I can no longer tolerate."

Trump, the subject of this action, with a penchant for distraction,

Finds himself a main attraction, in a drama minus satisfaction.

Charged with falsities in ledger, for a sum to quiet a bedder,

Pleads not guilty, claims a wedger, in a plot to oust him, ever clever.

The gag order, oh how it bites, restricts his fiery rally nights,

No more can he air his fights, against those he claims obstruct his rights.

Yet, on Bragg and Merchan, he may speak, a loophole, so to speak,

To criticize, to lambast, to critique, in this legal game of hide and seek.

Merchan's daughter, not spared by fame, dragged into the social media frame,

By Trump, who never plays the game, without ensuring he spreads the blame.

Security heightened, fears abound, for those whose names in files are found,

As threats and anger do surround, the courthouse, now a battleground.

So here we stand, in anticipation, of a trial that grips the nation,

With a gag order in place, a limitation, on a saga that defies simplification.

Oh, if you were here today, what fiery words might you say?

Would you laugh, or would you bray, at the spectacle on display?

For in this courtroom drama, so bizarre, where truth and fiction blur and mar,

We find our characters, near and far, tangled in a web that scars.

And so we watch, with bated breath, as this tale unfolds its self,

A story of power, lies, and wealth, in a nation's quest for moral health.

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Thanks for this tonight, Joyce!!

But please, clarify that he's not the president now. I'd love to see you add FORMER in all caps, as in "...no prosecutor, judge, juror or witness signs up for is being threatened by the FORMER president of the United States."

He's hawking for $59.99 (rather than $69)...and from what I understand, they can even be read upside down. What a bargain!!

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Where are the "supposedly decent Republicans" on this issue. What on Earth, can this slug slime do to them that would be worse? Why isn't George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, Kevin McCarthy, an all the Republicans who have walked out of their posts joining ion a statement to condemn the trumpster for such unamerican behavior? We, on the Liberal Progressive aside are always calling him out, if what's left of the Grand Old Party doesn't get on the wagon soon there will be no decent people left to form a new party from the wreckage trump leaves behind.

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How far can Trump go in attacking a judge’s family? Is there an obstacle to the judges daughter not seeking redress in court? In other words sue him for intimidation, slander, threats via implication (surely there’s something akin to that but I’ve no idea tbh). (As in “who will rid me of this troublesome priest” language)

Judges do understand what they may be subjected to, though it’s often horrific as we know. But his daughter should be off limits.

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worst blowhard on the planet. an evil, cheating golfer. if her were on the Apprentice, he'd be fired. I yield back my time...have to read my novel. Peace.

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Thanks once again dear Joyce for your clear and concise commentary. I still cannot understand why he is walking free when anyone else would be behind bars by now.

It seems, however, he is getting more desperate by the day. I can only hope he implodes before November. I just pray no one else gets hurt or injured while he self-destructs. May God keep everyone safe and Go Joe and Kamala!!

Thanks again Joyce!! We love you!! Thanks for all you do. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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