I so agree Valere with everything you said, beautifully ( And humorously). I had a dad who was a genius in economy and became well known at his time in france, but at the dinner table if my siblings or I would say of someone, 'well he is not that smart', ( in French you say, he didn't invent the powder, lol ) he would lift his finger and…
I so agree Valere with everything you said, beautifully ( And humorously). I had a dad who was a genius in economy and became well known at his time in france, but at the dinner table if my siblings or I would say of someone, 'well he is not that smart', ( in French you say, he didn't invent the powder, lol ) he would lift his finger and say, 'yes, but he is a gentle one". Gentleness or kindness, though he was brilliant, would for him override everything.
I love it that your dad knew the difference. And you do as well. Joyce’s
substack is unique in that lots of bright people show up, but as a general rule, they don’t have egos out of control and there’s really no sniping to other members. Interloper appear, but they don’t stick around. We really are here to learn, and to share that knowledge as much as possible. There is an undercurrent of fear because a few people think Trump could be reelected. I’m not one of them. I think he does post significant danger because of his control over his followers who are cult members. There are factors that make me Think he’s not going to be in good shape for very very long. everyone has free will and could certainly turn behaviors around (including diet ). We have a deeper worry than him, and it’s that there is an element of right wing Christian evangelicals, who have a co-opted our legislative branch through their revisionist history, claiming that the constitution was written by founding fathers who were ‘ ‘Christian.’ Nothing could be further from the truth. None of the founding fathers were even close to being Christian Evangelicals. They were Unitarian if they had a church membership but by and large they were Unitarian. Some were atheist. They belonged to Presbyterian and a few belong to the Congregational church. But by and large they were deists who believed God created the Earth, and then left it alone for them to run. And it’s for that reason God is not mentioned in the constitution. They did not think one needed to be religious to be moral and a patriot and they said so. So it is odd to me that the revisionist historians among the Supreme Court members and the Congress leave this important fact out of their story. Many of the laws that have affected us socially have been done with the wrong view that: “This is what the Founding Fathers wanted” and “This is what the Founding Fathers meant.“ so far as I can determine, the Founding Fathers made a social contract when they created the founding documents (The writers were generally wealthy, educated, business owners, lawyers, editors, and they represented people who didn’t have a voice or the wherewithal to take months off to work on the governing documents. Thus the founding fathers understood very clearly that they had a social contract with people who were not able to participate in the document preparation. And they left God out of it. The evangelical right wing Christian movement is imposing their beliefs on the rest of us, and Trump selected only Christian evangelical justices for the Supreme Court. I for one and pretty tired of it. They hide behind this façade of. protecting their right to religious freedom, but where is my right to not have their religion crammed down my throat? I’m hoping Biden will expand the Supreme Court to get this ship back on course.
I’m going to bed now so rest well and it’s very nice to talk to you for a few minutes. I hope I meet you again.
I so agree Valere with everything you said, beautifully ( And humorously). I had a dad who was a genius in economy and became well known at his time in france, but at the dinner table if my siblings or I would say of someone, 'well he is not that smart', ( in French you say, he didn't invent the powder, lol ) he would lift his finger and say, 'yes, but he is a gentle one". Gentleness or kindness, though he was brilliant, would for him override everything.
Great lessons to us as children.
Joyce is a treasure indeed, just as you describe.
I love it that your dad knew the difference. And you do as well. Joyce’s
substack is unique in that lots of bright people show up, but as a general rule, they don’t have egos out of control and there’s really no sniping to other members. Interloper appear, but they don’t stick around. We really are here to learn, and to share that knowledge as much as possible. There is an undercurrent of fear because a few people think Trump could be reelected. I’m not one of them. I think he does post significant danger because of his control over his followers who are cult members. There are factors that make me Think he’s not going to be in good shape for very very long. everyone has free will and could certainly turn behaviors around (including diet ). We have a deeper worry than him, and it’s that there is an element of right wing Christian evangelicals, who have a co-opted our legislative branch through their revisionist history, claiming that the constitution was written by founding fathers who were ‘ ‘Christian.’ Nothing could be further from the truth. None of the founding fathers were even close to being Christian Evangelicals. They were Unitarian if they had a church membership but by and large they were Unitarian. Some were atheist. They belonged to Presbyterian and a few belong to the Congregational church. But by and large they were deists who believed God created the Earth, and then left it alone for them to run. And it’s for that reason God is not mentioned in the constitution. They did not think one needed to be religious to be moral and a patriot and they said so. So it is odd to me that the revisionist historians among the Supreme Court members and the Congress leave this important fact out of their story. Many of the laws that have affected us socially have been done with the wrong view that: “This is what the Founding Fathers wanted” and “This is what the Founding Fathers meant.“ so far as I can determine, the Founding Fathers made a social contract when they created the founding documents (The writers were generally wealthy, educated, business owners, lawyers, editors, and they represented people who didn’t have a voice or the wherewithal to take months off to work on the governing documents. Thus the founding fathers understood very clearly that they had a social contract with people who were not able to participate in the document preparation. And they left God out of it. The evangelical right wing Christian movement is imposing their beliefs on the rest of us, and Trump selected only Christian evangelical justices for the Supreme Court. I for one and pretty tired of it. They hide behind this façade of. protecting their right to religious freedom, but where is my right to not have their religion crammed down my throat? I’m hoping Biden will expand the Supreme Court to get this ship back on course.
I’m going to bed now so rest well and it’s very nice to talk to you for a few minutes. I hope I meet you again.