Jun 23, 2022Liked by Joyce Vance

Thank you your daily insights! I and my husband are retired (80 years old) and we so appreciate your emails. It truly helps us sort out shat see on the news (msnbc). And since we live in rural Eastern Oregon, have raised 2 daughters on a small farm, we love the pictures of the chickens & dogs! I'm a spinner and weaver and I've heard you knit and/or crochet! Me I knit some but mainly weave! Again, thank you for your emails! Hopefully the DOJ will bring charges from the top down!

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I knit. I'd love to see pictures of your spinning and weaving! And yes, same hope here.

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Thank you, Joyce, for your insights and picture of your dogs! 😀

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I know y'all are only here for the pictures of the chickens and the dogs :) I'll do my best to keep them coming!

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Joyce, I also appreciate your insights, too!

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Also a Puperoni household here 🐶🐾

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My hope is that DOJ will aggressively pursue this matter with the ultimate objective of bringing the full measure of justice to the leader of the plot to destroy democracy.

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My first thought: "Smile. You're on candid camera!" Who would have ever guessed our country would be run (ruined?) by a crime syndicate family? Not surprised, but still recoiling in disbelief.

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You said it, Joyce! You live it, Joyce:


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Thank you for ALL you are doing to add your voice—always logical and within the guardrails of the law—to an unprecedented barrage of current events. While it's clear that legislative changes to strengthen the Electoral Count Act, etc. may help prevent a future Trump coup, we are learning that a president bent on evil wields frightening power. Most important will be good people honoring their oaths of office, voters voting, and reasonable agreement on what the truth actually is. Still, there is encouraging acceptance that Trump's deeds warrant prosecution, and hope that the law will play a pivotal role punishing the guilty and vindicating the innocent. Nixon may have been pardoned, but his henchmen fell like dominoes and went to jail. You are a wonderful guide for grateful readers with an insatiable need to know. I find that the latest installment of Civil Discourse actually calms a churning stomach when it arrives in the inbox! Thanks for being you.

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Regarding Ivanka Trump’s testimony to the Committee under oath versus her words/thoughts on the video, my take is that she told the truth to the Committee. The video is/was to be a documentary honoring (?) her father’s time as President. She would not want to record for posterity that she knew her father was lying about winning the election. The Trump family never has had any problem with lying. I’m sure that’s not the only restatement of truth on tape.

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And Greenies 😂

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Tuesday's testimony was gripping. Clearly, Trump and his syndicate cruelly and deliberately victimized innocent Americans. Traumatizing Shaye and Lady Ruby was intentional--I recognized the threats, the violence. As a woman who came of age in Jim Crow South Carolina, I was in tears more than once.

Hearing Michael Steele say the GOP line would be "There was nothing dispositive, it was all emotional" made me sick. Thanks for your commentary. Invaluable.

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Another excellent synopsis of what we learned and what we have coming. Thank you. It strikes me how often people want to rush this process, likely because any night of the week you can watch an episode of a police procedural or Law & Order and think the process is well established, linear, and quick. But it's not and really, probably shouldn't be. We need it to be thoughtful, complete, and consistent with our values. I know 'values' is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence and that many believe that a divergence of values is the very real thing we are at odds over in this country. I agree.

I value the rule of law and when we find that laws no longer reflect what we want in a civil society they must be changed, updated, retired, and enforced equitably. That is our job. We the people. We set the standard and we cast the ballots. Through this hearing process we are seeing both the bad actors and the very good actors like Shaye Moss and Lady Ruby. My brothers and their sons are also poll worked (in PA). Good people make a difference, so lets watch and learn and be better from it.

The puppers are adorable and I'm sure are excellent companions for watching the hearings. Thank you again for doing this. It is very much appreciated.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

I’m sure the discrepancies in Ivanka’s filmed comments reflect a kind of group think/ family loyalty. We are herd animals and tend to go with the flow do we not? Besides filmed interviews by a commercial documentarian are different from testifying under oath for a Congressional committee. But then, from what I’ve observed, it’s not surprising that Ivanka speaks out of both sides of her mouth. She is after all very much the beneficiary of nepotism but also very much wants to be seen as a force in her own right.

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Oh and thank you!

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Hi Joyce, can we get a class action law suit for women to fight todays ruling of Roe V Wade regarding Religion becoming a reason

SCOTUS overturned this? I’m a 63 yr old who has always believed in pro choice! Pleas get a class action suit going for us!

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So appreciate your commentary, Joyce. Love to see your pets - especially the chickens!

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Wonderful photo of you and Fig and Bella. BTW I realized who their names honored when FF started appearing in post hearing discussions!

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