Proud to be a Washingtonian & supporter of our new AG!

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Me, too! I am grateful that AG Nick Brown and Governor Bob Ferguson are leading the charge to foil the MAGA grab for power.

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AG Brown a worthy successor to Bob Ferguson, who had his own history forcefully dealing with intrusions into the people's liberty.

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YAY for Nick Brown, YAY for Bob Ferguson, YAY for Washington State!!

(from Tacoma)

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Yay for the rule of law! May it win every time. Thanks Joyce for your hopeful posts in what has been an abysmal week!

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I really appreciate the no-nonsense, no hysteria, no despair attitude in your and his approach to the situation. You set great examples!

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This was such a beautifully executed move by AG Brown. It took a lot of guts as well. Thanks Joyce, and thank you AG Briwn.

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Will Trump fire AG Brown tomorrow or Monday? Just as he fired all the US Attorneys early in his first presidency.

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AG Brown is an elected official and can only be removed from office by impeachment or recall by the people of Washington State.

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Nor can the autocracy summarily "fire" Inspector Generals. Statutory battle dead ahead.

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I don't believe state AG's can be fired by the CONVICT, I refuse to use the WH title.

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Love the sentiment!!

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On the Other Hand, Trump may try to fire Brown, but I suspect the people of ?Washington will have something to say about that since he is not an employee of Toddler-Trump.

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Yes, and the Governor of Washington is a Democrat, so not susceptible to White House pressure.

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Trump has no jurisdiction over AG Brown.

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Thank all that is right that the Constitution still stands!!!! And there are those who understand how to uphold it even if the current administration is trying to bastardize it

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I believe my state of Illinois AG was also in on the lawsuit. Let's face it, Blue states are going to be bombarded with vitriol and hatred from the Trump administration. He has people to please, and as Profs. Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Brook Harrington said in discussion in a Zoom on Friday at Lucid Substack, Putin is on that list and he comes first because he gets rid of people who betray him. So, it is imperative that they stick together.

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Did Trump admit that Musk fixed the vote in Pennsylvania?

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I hadn’t heard that, so I googled it, sure enough:


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I’m a lifelong Pennsylvanian and wrote to our Governor, Josh Shapiro, about this over the weekend. Waiting to hear back from his office!

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“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” ― Joseph Stalin.

During a rally Trump said that his political ally Elon Musk had an advanced understanding of the voting machines used in Pennsylvania, a critical swing state that was key to Trump's victory in November.

"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."


"Did Donald Trump just say that Elon Musk helped him rig the election?" journalist David Leavitt asked. Jasmine Crockett of Texas also took to X to ask if Trump was "confessing to yet another damn crime." Another Democratic congressman, Daniel Goldman of New York, also called for an investigation.

Trump claimed that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats. However, he has not made allegations against the results of the 2024 election. Musk openly said it was easy to rig election computers. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/114387655.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Election Truth Alliance (ETA), a self-described nonpartisan nonprofit organization that was founded in December 2024, said its analysis in Clark County, Nevada, produced results "consistent with vote manipulation." https://fox4kc.com/business/press-releases/ein-presswire/776992724/analysis-of-2024-election-results-in-clark-county-indicates-manipulation/

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According to Greg Palast and Thom Hartmann if all legal ballots were counted, Trump would have lost the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Vice-President Kamala Harris would have won the Presidency with 286 electoral votes.

This does not include effects from Russian psy ops to intimidate, scare, threaten voters and election officials. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2024_United_States_elections#:~:text=Russia's%20efforts%20represented%20the%20most,society%20and%20foster%20anti%2DAmericanism.

Conservatively, hundreds of thousands of potential registered Democratic voters did not vote. This can be established via expert witness testimony. That conduct constitutes crimes -- election intereference under state and federal law.

And it doesnt include the admissions. The Russians admit, even brag about it.

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This has to be investigated asap. Elmo Leon needs to get out of the business of government and stay out.

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It is important that citizens, elected officials and the courts do what is necessary to prevent the GOP, djt and his minions from denying us our rights. It will not be easy nor without "costs" but it must be done

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We all must stand together to fight for our hard earned rights. rump is not king, but he and his minions are acting like it. It literally makes me sick that he got back there.

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Joyce, are you keeping an eye on birthright citizenship and immigration sweeps catching up indiginous Americans? I am deeply disturbed about what I've heard from the Navajo Nation.

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Your comment prompted me to do a little research, and what I learned was that it affects Navajos who don't live on the reservation. I, too, find it very disturbing that ICE doesn't choose to recognize any of their documentation. This is not the first time I've gotten the impression that ICE is pro-trump. I live in El Paso, which has a huge ICE presence, and I've long been disturbed by the way they've treated immigrants. ICE should know enough to recognize appropriate documentation of Native Americans.

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Unbelievable. Or... it used to be unbelievable.

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ICE doesn't seem to know enough to carry out its raids lawfully. ICE raided a workplace in Newark NJ this week and swept up two men who are U.S. citizens along with undocumented immigrants. One of the citizens is a U.S. military veteran. Their offense? Working while Latino.

I suppose from now on every nonwhite person in America will have to carry proof of citizenship at all times. ICE is going to be sloppy because they don't care and will face no accountability for mistakes.

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At this rate it won't be long before we're supposed to wear a badge or patch to verify our citizenship, gender, ethnicity, and political and religious affiliation.

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Yes, please tell us what you've heard. The idea of deporting members of the Navajo Nation is sot twisted and perverse that in this moment, it could just be happening.

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Where would they deport a members of the Navajo Nation to? Force them to return to live within reservations? It is so bizarre it's hard to comment about.

Having said that, we had a partially relevant case in Australia - where an Indigenous Australian was convicted for a crime (in PNG or NZ - I'm not sure which), and immigration tried to bar his re-entry to Australia, and indeed strip him of citizenship.

The case went to the High Court and he won - his citizenship as an Australian could not be denied.

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Please see my reply to KEM.

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First of all, Native or Indigenous Americans are citizens and have been officially so since 1924. Furthermore, those who live on reservations and in similar settlements are most certainly subject to US jurisdiction as are those, of course, who do not live there. So birthright citizenship is absolutely not in doubt. Despite tribal sovereignty, the federal government has a good deal to say about Indian affairs and can intervene, for example, when major crimes are committed on reservations.

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"Despite tribal sovereignty, the federal government has a good deal to say about Indian affairs and can intervene, for example, when major crimes are committed on reservations."

So can state and local police / authorities - depending on the crime, and usually done with a fair amount of discretion and consultation with tribal leaders.

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Local and state jurisdiction is recognized but limited and varies by state. It depends, for example, on the offense, offender, victim, and location when it comes to crimes. South Dakota governor (and shockingly soon to be Homeland Security secretary) Kristi Noem is banned from all nine of her state reservations and could be charged with trespassing if she attempted to enter them without permission.

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You'd have to be a special kind of despicable puppy-slaughtering person to get yourself banned from every Native American reservation in your state.

And in general - one would think - tribal leaders would want to have good relations with state governments, in order to secure resources like schools, clinics, roads, water, and so on. She must be execrable.

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Very little, if any significant funding for services on what are almost all federally recognized reservations or settlements come from their states. States can provide supplemental benefits or assistance like food stamps, which is a federal program but administered by the states. State recognized reservations (which do not qualify for federal recognition), most of which are in the Eastern US, on the other hand, may receive funding in varying amounts from state governments, which can in turn benefit from tribal activities like gambling. Of course, states can cause all sorts of extra legal mischief, so maintaining good relations with them does make sense.

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"Very little, if any significant funding for services on what are almost all federally recognized reservations or settlements come from their states."

Okay - sort of dissimilar here in Oz, with majority federal funding (some housing, infrastructure, health services, employment), but a lot from the states - education, plus services like roads, police, energy, and much else.

The quality of life on Aboriginal communities does depend a lot on whether your state has a conservative versus a progressive government.

Some states get into a stew because they fund police stations and medical centres, telecoms, even pipes in the ground, but because it is Inalienable Aboriginal Land, they don't actually own or control "their" assets.

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I cannot believe that this admin is trying to go after the ONLY NON-IMMIGRANTS here!!

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PLEASE help us to understand about the question re: indigenous people....

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My guess - ICE just looking for anyone not what they consider "lily white" and rounding them up no matter what.

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“The White House is misinterpreting language in the clause that says “and subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S.”

While I understand your guest’s caution regarding this issue, let none of us make the mistake of assuming that this was an action born out of ‘misinterpretation’; this executive order was a deliberate act of DISINTERPRETATION of the law. It’s long past time for the champions of the rule of law and the Constitution to stand up and call FOUL. Project 2025 depends on our side framing our arguments around legal minutiae…but this politicized, corrupt SCOTUS majority is just waiting for that approach so it can rule against us on some flimsy premise, or on no premise at all.

Look: if we are going to win this fight, we need to bring guns, not knives, to this gunfight…and that means fighting it HARD in the court of public opinion as well. This is beyond serious now, and we on the left had better be willing to get in the gutter with the Nazis,

Or reap the whirlwind.

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I agree. Their scam probably is to plan to "disinterpret" the law on purpose to let it get to SCOTUS and then co-ordinate with the partisan justices on how they could make their decisions look legitimate. I would not put it past a majority of these justices to do this, seeing how they have already ruled horrifically on cases in the last 5 years.

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“The White House is misinterpreting language in the clause that says “and subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S.”

Of course it is - in a pathetic childlike way - and I cannot believe a single lawyer who earned their law degree in a real law school would agree with this nonsense - unless they are paid six-figures a year to do what they're told.

It is only to ensure that French Ambassadors, or Persian Princes, or Chinese Grand Poobahs, don't get their kids registered as Americans if they pop out of their wives in DC.

I would like to know how many babies born since the 1860s have been denied citizenship under the 14th, because their parents were diplomats ... would it be under 20? Under ten?

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David, you are SO right. I thank you for your insights.

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Right on, David. I completely agree.

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The whole routine sounds like the current insurance reactions of deny deny deny!!!

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My brother and I have been texting back and forth about all the new outrages of the Trump regime, so it is really heartening to read this interview reminding us that good people are still standing up for the Constitution and fighting back against the Dictator On Day One's Shock and Awful attempt to cow everybody.

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Ooooh, I like that "Dictator On Day One" label. It's so easy to turn it into an acronym: DODO. I think I'll be using that from now on - even though I'm somewhat miffed that I didn't think of it first!

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Loving the acronym! Hopefully DODO will go the way of the Dodo. Or could we swap them out -- the bird was kinda cute. 🦤

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Love that!!

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Hate to break it to you, pretty sure that orange diaper baby called himself that so may want to think of a new nickname for him.

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He called himself DODO?

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He called himself 'dictator on day one'. It's doubtful that he called himself a DODO.

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Joyce, I really wish you could un-paywall last Friday's Five Questions with Timothy Snyder, about his idea of a Citizens' Cabinet. I think it's very important that that one be seen by as many people as possible.

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The Shadow Cabinet idea is great!!

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In parliamentary systems, a Shadow Cabinet is always present - every Cabinet Minister (aka Secretary) has an Opposition equivalent, who challenges - or at least critiques - their every decision!

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Jamie raskin.

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Yes, Please, Joyce. Run your article with Timothy Snyder so ALL can read it. Love the idea of the Citizens Cabinet AND 'On Tyranny '.

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I just hope that the SCOTUS does uphold this ruling. Living in El Paso, I am very much aware of the issue anchor babies (for those who don't know, it's women who cross the border to have their babies in the US so they will be citizens), but everything considered, that has to be a very small problem. And why shouldn't people want to come here and be safer and have a better quality of life?

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Do you mean women like Melania Trump, with the ultimate anchor son?

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As a Washingtonian, I am very happy to see our state lead the charge against this blatant attack on our Constitution led, once again, by the man who got away with attempting to over throw it on 6 January.

This case is likely to force SCOTUS and every politician in the land to show their true colours and stand up as either law-abiding elected members honouring their oath of office or the seditionist and law-breakers who place their own financial gain over the law, honour, and values. I for one am not confident that SCOTUS will enforce the Constitution and uphold the 14th Amendment as they have already shown themselves to be quite happy to do the bidding of felon Trump, the rich, and have placed their own greed for money and power before the Constitution that stands in their way.

If this attempt to disregard the Constitution is allowed to stand, then the Constitution will become nothing more than a useless piece of paper and all the resistance in the world will mean nothing!

As proud as I am to be a Washingtonian and for the rule-of-law to be upheld and defended by our AT, that does not overshadow the disgust I have for far too many Americans who have welcomed and made this mess possible in the first place!

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I think we’ve already witnessed how the cowards in Congress Back the Blue. That smarmy, self-righteous little bastard Mike Johnson hasn’t even hung the plaque that commemorates the heroism of the Capitol police and the DC police that had to contend with those criminals that the FFOTUS cut loose on everyone on Jan 6.

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You could lose a lot of money betting that our current Supreme Court will follow precedent and, when there's a choice, choose decency. With the MAGA wing firmly in control, one can't help but feel that they don't give a hoot but just love the private jets and yachts and world class vacations all of which make up (mostly) for their modest salaries. So....follow the money.

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How do you define a "modest salary"? When I was working I was able to survive just fine on $33,000 a year, which is the most I ever made. I know that most salaries are higher now, but it seems to me that what the justices get should be plenty (for a normal person).

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Proud of our AG Nick Brown (and his awesome predecessor Bob Ferguson, now our gov.) Very glad that he is younger than I, and I know that he will stand up to the daily outrages for our WA and US citizens

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Breathing easier knowing people of reason are in this fight.

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What if ALL concerned Americans were to file against trumps extremes in small claims courts sll over the country?

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Joyce, weigh in on a tactic like that. I think we all need to be focused, creative, and practical. What could work to slow things?

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Yeah, let me know how that works out for you.

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