
When I listen to McCarthy, I think of the term sniveling. What a horrid little man.

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It is time for us to think positively and embrace an ever present strategy to address the most pressing nonpartisan political strategy in order to embrace and preserve our Democracy with a capital D--turnout! I respectfully submit that turnout among younger voters is most important and that you and I can address that issue positively. There is a 501C3 nonpartisan movement of thousands of high school and college students led by a brilliant Harvard junior Zev Shapiro called Turnup which is engaged right now in conducting nonpartisan voter registrations of high school seniors. They have a goal of organizing drives in 1,000 public high schools in competitive states this semester and of forming “relational” voter registration drives among their friends in 1,000 different high schools. They need to raise tax deductible contributions in order to reward the individual leaders of each drive with a small cash incentive. Please go to: https.//www.turnup.us/ I have been actively engaged with Zev and I vouch for his and their honesty as they have an outstanding track record in 2022 in Georgia and elsewhere with protecting reproductive rights. Many thanks; please pass this on to your friends and make a tax deductible contribution these brave young leaders. Thank you.

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VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! No more GD Republicans! Anywhere! Ever!

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When will the media stop calling any of them except Cheney, Kinzinger, or Romney "republican" they aren't. They may not look like magas but their track record says they are (in DC).

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And Trump! Why won't he go away and leave us alone?

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Thank you very much for this information. I am thrilled to hear of TURNUP. I have been promoting voter registration and turnout among young women for several years now and will be happy to help these young folks, and applaud them for being proactive!!

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You said " I respectfully submit that turnout among younger voters is most important and that you and I can address that issue positively. "

Thank you. All this noise about Fox and their old and aging numbskull viewers will take care of itself.

In the meantime we should spend more energy on ways to improve turnout of the generations who think cable TV is as relevant as Model T Fords. Zev is amazing and I am also spreading the word.

About 45% of eligible voters will be Gen y and z. Think about it.

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Bill: thank you. I agree entirely that the youth turnout will be determitive so we all have an obligation to the Constitution to encourage voter registration and turnout to 18 to 25s, A really good way to get this done in a nonpartisan fashion is to support and contribute to the very best tax deductible 501c3 organization led by Harvard students with a plan to do the job in 2,000 designated high schools by the young students themselves! please go to www.turnout.us/. and you will see for yourself how well organized and motivated it is!

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Excellent suggestions 🤔

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Great info!! Thank you! The young ones are so important to our country try on so many levels.

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donation done

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Thanks 👍 😊

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Thank you, Ira. Just donated to Turnup!

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I think of eunuch.

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Well he’s certainly been castrated by these events.

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It is only of his own making tho😱

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or sniveling eunuch that cannot reach any high notes.

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McCarthy is no doubt a sniveling twit. And Carlson is a conscienceless, evil person. How can he sleep at night? Of course I've often wondered the same about McConnell and others.

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@Katie, Yes, you’re spot on. “Sniveling Kev”, straight outta Charles Dickens. And Mike Pence reminds me of Uriah Heep from David Copperfield...unctuous, obsequious creep. Flat out ick.

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Denial is his binky.

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Sniveling? Horrid? You are being much too kind....

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PERFORMATIVE. End of discussion. Everything the GQP members do is just that. They do not have the integrity or intellect to do otherwise. A perfect example is MTG saying the Shaman should get a new trial. I am not able to go along with the idea that McConnell's statement was an example of proper behavior. Too little and way too late. He is trying to save his skin. Nothing else. I think what Carlson has done and will do with the recordings will drive everyone but MAGA to the Democratic party. Carlson may be saving the Union.

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It’s always (always has been) about him! McConnell is merely looking out for his legacy—doesn’t want to be designated as the one in charge when his party went down…

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I misread your not as not wanting to be the designated driver... which kind of parses, neh?

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Not to mention the Looney pled guilty, so there is no "new trial" to be had, but brainless bimbo Marjorie Traitor Goon is too fuqqing stupid to know that.

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LOL! A new trial when there hasn't been a trial.... he pled guilty. No trial.

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I agree with a number of news commentators to stop referring to Fox as Fox News and only as Fox. They are not a news organization and we should not give them more title than Fox.

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I think I started sending letters to congresspersons and to the FCC and to letters to the editors (that never got published) in 1997, a year after they started broadcasting, that they were not news and should therefore not qualify to use that label. The FCC charter does define news and distinguishes it from opinion as well as "editorial". It also defines what cannot be labeled under any of those categories. But the FCC has never be given authority for regulating cable, satellite, or internet.

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to all who liked this reply: write to your congresspersons and advocate for the FCC to be able to force the same categories on cable & satellite providers and demand news be news and opinion be labeled as opinion with disclaimers it is not news. at least force Fox to not be able to label themselves fictitiously as "news". we cannot prevent fox broadcasts but we should be able to destroy their pretensions that they are broadcasting news and not satirizing the news.

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And as I heard noted, why should they be allowed at WH Press conferences, in the Chambers, or the like?

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Faux Propaganda Channel

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Or Faux!

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How about referring to Murdoch’s abomination as Fox Prop (as in PROP-aganda). Ensuring suitably revealing codification of Rupe-a-dope’s creation for the annals of history will be essential to ensure, at least for living memory going forward, that no corporate entity shall have a free-speech-protected pathway to hold similar sway over the gullible in our country—at least for the remainder of our lives and the lives of our primary descendants. The harm diehard MAGAts have inflicted on the USA is reprehensible beyond words! They must pay an appropriate price beginning with well-informed public shaming, extending to include severe economic sanction by what ever means possible when applied from the bottom up. That is, Fox Prop et al must be made to pay heavily for their crimes against society beginning with being forever labeled as the band of scoundrels that they truly are and have been.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

I agree and yep, no-one is shying away from it. The other media (those who don't lie) is very slow to act. Nicolle seems to be getting a jump on it by trying to figure out how in the world to cover the clown show (the republican party candidate(s))?

And the problem is just what was said - the FCC isn't able to do anything about is.

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I always call it fox entertainment.

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I would, too, and I unfortunately watch their series. That's where some greats came from like, "The X-Files", "Millennium," and I hate seeing the logo on current shows we watch ("25 Words or Less" I'm unable to give up) and it's reality these days.

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I'm running out of adjectives to describe the Murdochs, Trump and his accomplices, Fox News and its lying performers, and most Congressional Republicans: treasonous, sniveling, spineless, incompetent, dishonest, unAmerican, anti-democratic, greedy, power-mad, criminal, ignorant, fearful, cowardly, gutless, unfit, etc. We need a new Thesaurus just to describe contemporary Republicans. Best nouns for the GOP: grifters, demagogues, and traitors. Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh!

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Do you read Steve Schmidt's "The Warning" on Substack? He comes up with some good ones!

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Great! I'll check it out. Thanks, Cathy.

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I've heard him on The Lincoln Project programs - smart and savvy.

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You left out: “Fu**ing assholes”

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And “scum-sucking pigs”

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Just when you think McCarthy can’t get much worse he comes up with “everyone can make their own conclusion about Jan 6” sinks lower and lower a bottomless pit! A total embarrassment to my state of California.

Off topic shout out to our Governor for saying California will boycott Walgreens. I am along withCVS

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McCarthy's just another boob from Bakersfield. Go there and throw a stick in any direction and you'll hit ten of him.

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I see that B-field is the most polluted place in the US of A. In more ways than one.

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When I used to do a lot of north/south traveling here in CA, Bakersfield was the town I always made sure to get gas/food at the town ahead of/beyond it, so I didn't have to do anything but drive past it on the freeway.

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When ya have your own private tv show that's making billions, he can do whatever he/it wants (followed by a Lily Tomlin "pffffstt!"

*** Also off topic but yes, I hope Walgreens is boycotted. That, people should be able to pull off.

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Fox has been waging war on the truth for decades. We’re finally arriving at some form of a reckoning. This gives rise to some room for optimism. It’s called consequences, long overdue. Keep up the good work Dominion and set a very very high bar for settlement. I mean REALLY high. High enough that Rupert Murdoch feels it in the crotch of his pants.

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The filings are great fun to read. REALLY well crafted and seems to put Fox News under the gun, while plausibly connecting the Corporation to some of the decision making. There is no winning for the Foxites - no matter how the case turns out. They are on the record now, and that is a vulnerability that can be exploited in a variety of ways. Those "MAGAs are stupid" quotes will live on at appropriate times. But I think Dominion is going to prevail, possibly with nice punitive damages as well. I think they are all in and aren't going to let Fox off with a quiet settlement - I think they are going to make them show up and diss their audience and then take a nice award. This is based on reading the filings and enjoying a discussion group led by an attorney. As always, not a lawyer so I could be missing nuances, but it sure looks like that.

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Seriously. I love hearing Rupert Murdoch say something to the effect that maybe he should have pushed harder against what they were saying. As if he’s not in total control of this company. Unadulterated BS.

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deletedMar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023
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Civil lawsuits threatening financial ruin on the wrongdoers, at least to hobble and weaken the whole lot of these armchair, MAGA traitors for the remainder of their individual and collective life expectancies. The best path forward in this counterrevolution seems to track directly through their wallet pockets!

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The GOP's headache is not just about Tucker Carlson, it's also about McCarthy handing over all the tapes to him. Mind-blowing to me. Thank you as always, Joyce, for your distillation of these important events in such a clear voice.

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Maybe it’s time to take McCarthy down also.

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Why go one at a time? Get the whole list of them on a boat to Moscow.

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A raft 😆

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If the House Rules that were passed for this Congress allows for just one member to sponsor a motion to remove the speaker, instead of requiring a majority of either party, why can't Democrats band together, gather a couple of GOP outliers and make the motion? Gather the votes and make the motion!

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Agreed but how legally to do that.

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Aye, there’s the rub. But I’m sure there’s stuff out there that will come home to roost. These people are so arrogant with their power that they have lost their reasoning. If you look at Fox News, how can those people – reporters, no less – think that it was OK to email each other with the opinions that are coming out now? They have a false sense of security…

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They don’t believe they will ever experience any repercussions for their behavior because so far they have never been held accountable for it. Until/Unless they feel some real, significant pain for their behavior rather than being rewarded for it as they are now, they will continue their current behaviors. It’s basic human behavior - Pain = Stop, Reward = Continue

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get out the vote. also check out Indivisible's latest outline for the demagnitizing (my joke, sorry) of the house. It rocks.

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The only thing that I here is the sound effects of the shark from the movie Jaws🤣🤣🤣

As always, thanks Joyce for the update😎

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My question is what, if anything, can be done about it? Carlson and his like hide behind the First Amendment and our courts allow them to do it. Honestly, with Carlson and his like, McCarthy, Abbott and DeSantis, for a short list, are getting away with just about everything and in some cases their actions and voices have cause harm and even death. One thing I personally take away from the past 50 years is the protections we citizens thought we had with our U. S. Constitution just is not there, if they were we wouldn't have all these dictators in some of our states. Who in the hell is protecting Floridians, Texans, and others, I don't see it, does anyone see what I don't?

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

Indeed, “...now we know for certain that Carlson knew his emperor had no clothes, no matter what he told his viewers.” via: Joyce Vance

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I put McCarthy right up there with Mussolini and l hope his life ends the same way. I'm so angry that all those creeps got away with this garbage for so long. They should all be sent to fight for Ukraine. It's just insane that this farce hasn't been ended long ago.

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Those people wouldn’t help Ukraine. They would take up arms with Putin thugs. Think about it.

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Sorry but realistically - they’d be running & sniveling in every direction not helping anyone, not even themselves. Not an ounce of moral fiber amongst them, and no gumption to stand up and fight from the front instead of sneaking up from behind. Rotten. Rotten to the core. Your suggestion sent pictures of many Josh Hawleys running in every direction to get away! No, they have no courage of their convictions. They’re the cowards who send others out to do their fighting for them.which is basically what djt did Jan 6.

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I'm so sick of the mishandling of our Congress by people who are entrusted by voters to work for us. From mcconnell and gop Senators refusing to vote to remove an impeached criminal from the office of President, to mccarthy handing out the secrets of our Capitol thus potentially endangering our Representatives, our "trusted political servants" have screwed the public and raped our Constitution, not to mention turning the Supreme Court into an untrustworthy, right wing, partisan, deadly joke that is methodically stripping rights away from Americans, and helping to suppress voting rights.

The rule of law needs to be applied at the rate it would if us "commoners" were up against it.

Boy, am I glad we're in this together. We cannot right this ship alone.

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Nice article, Joyce.

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Soulless, amoral, walking dead (but more dangerous to real human beings). If (as it seems) money and power are everything that matters to them, we can only hope that Dominion will deprive them of billions and that the Murdochs will lose their license to lie.

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Remarkable. It's odd that Carlson continues his rants when the Fox defense attorneys appear to have wrangled most of the organization into shutting up, as defendants often ought. It's like the GOP anticipates some blowback of some kind.

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