Another thought for civil discourse is having a granddaughter or niece who is earnestly worried about their future as a person who could become pregnant, talk honestly about those fears and concerns to their grandparents and other family. I had a conversation with a woman who is leaving her dream job and moving to a more hospitable state at a lower pay/ranking job because she has a family history of hard and failed pregnancies, but still wants to become a mother. Her husband also had to leave a great job, but he supports his wife. These are real lives being interrupted and we need to hear about them. Republican voters need to hear about them.

Keep up the great work Ms. Vance (calling you Joyce seems a bit forward.) I look forward to your insights. And the dogs. And the chickens. -barb

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This is a wonderful suggestion. I think telling your friend's story is very powerful. It's important to help people who aren't as directly affected understand how the values-imposed republican agenda is affecting real people. (And Joyce is just fine 😊)

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I am a huge fan of yours (Preet, also) you bring so much to the table of this chaotically challenged country. I want to sincerely thank you for this. You bring a comforting feeling to us that makes us think that there IS a way we can win our Democracy back. (Biden has done a terrific job) under such challenging times. Thank you Joyce, you are appreciated. Please continue to bring us your Chicken updates... I love them. I shop at a store that is simply called “The Chicken Store” 🤣🤣🥰

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What does one get at the chicken store?

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She has lots of things, unique. Art work. I’ve gotten several cute/towels, fun serving dishes. Books, painted decorator boxes, so much. It is all quality. It is a small store in a little berg south of Madison, WI. To top it all off...they sell “chickens” and some supplies in the back. Just so cute. I like chickens is how I found it on my way to Madison one day, it is a “Must stop”. 🐔🐣🐓

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The book Trump kept in his bedside cabinet waa not “Mein Kampf”. It was a collection of Hitler’s speeches, “The New Workd Order,” detailing his mastery of propaganda. Trump claimed he “never read it.” As though we can believe anything he’s said. He did mistakenly refer to it as “Mein Kampf,” but it was not this more well known book.

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Thanks for clarifying this!

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I hope it would be helpful to point out how male majority state legislatures are writing forced birth legislation without having an understanding of what a woman's body goes through with a pregnancy. They wouldn't want doctors writing voting legislation but feel competent writing medical legislation. There has been a male Republican politician who tweeted about 52-week pregnancies and one who stated that the umbilical chord [sic] and placenta are not attached to the woman and, therefore, aren't part of her body. There is also a belief that woman use late-term abortion as birth control. Women need to tell their stories and the vote in Kansas also relied on asking people if they really wanted the government in their doctors' offices and in their bedrooms. This would also apply to gay marriage, interracial marriage and birth control.

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Joyce you did it again, you are helping me start those conversations that I have avoided for years. My plan had been, oh you voted that way, guess we can’t talk. This mostly happens at the pool Making conversation with someone in the next lane, always started out friendly, then got to the topic of Covid then vaccinations, and then, well you can guess the rest. It’s time to dive in, and enter their world. Start the conversation. If anything they will realize that there are some good things we share. Thank you Joyce.

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I'm really glad it hit you this way. Something I think about a lot is that people who study the goals of adversarial foreign countries in the US advise that one of the key ways they seek to weaken our country is by driving wedges between people so we can no longer work together. When you view the current crisis through that lens, it's clear that our path forward has to involve more civil discourse.

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When topics as mentioned in your blog have come up with family or friends/acquaintances, we move gently to we have “always voted for the person we felt has integrity, not party lines, didn’t matter if R or D or I.” Seems to puzzle some folks, but it’s the truth. Our other view has become “we were never one issue voters, but we are now - and it’s the gun issue.” We aren’t going to vote for anyone who blocks serious gun safety laws. As grandparents of a Sandy Hook survivor almost ten years ago, we find folks pay close attention to our reasoning. Thank you for your suggestions and reasoned points of view.

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Thanks Joyce. I value your perspective. I find myself getting so angry at the miscommunication. The lies etc. This discourse is a good reminder to us all, that having those conversations, calmly with folks is more beneficial than just swearing at the TV which I tend to do. I've always been a very calm and grounded individual, but the lies stir a fire inside me. I'm about truth! Thanks again. Great suggestion!

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We live in a very challenging time. I hear exactly what you're saying!

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Really appreciated this very substantive discussion of the issues and your concrete suggestions of how to impact the views of others.

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Thank God you constantly keep all of us updated about the onslaught of the daily news. I don’t know how you stay so on point and measured about relaying the details to us. God Bless and stay safe.

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Good stuff, all. It's not easy to write (well) with not much lead time AND feed the chickens AND be Zoom-ready. My compliments.

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Thank you for your tremendously positive suggestions! Loving your newsletters, and can’t wait to hear the chick names 🙂

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The man who lives across the street from me is a great neighbor but a dyed-in-the-wool Trumper. (Yes, sounds like a contradiction but true.) I have tried to talk to him in the past but he has his own set of alternative facts because he only gets his info from one source. But lately so much has happened there are now more opportunities to open a conversation with him. The next time we are talking about landscaping choices I will give it another go.

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I admire you and others who have the "give it a go" attitude. I maintain a kind and friendly relationship with my neighbors, be they R or D. But that is the extent. I assume we all have an inkling of each others' views, and so I like my comfort zone.

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Your even ways of explaining situations US citizens are experiencing calms my heart! And even though we are living in chaotic times, I believe it’s the birthing process toward something grand where this labor will produce newness as the afterbirth falls away. It’s important I think to keep my mind centered on that rather than on the contractions our society is feeling.

Will be fun to see what names you decide!

Thank you as always, Ms Vance❣️❣️❣️

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Thank you for your fantastic analysis and writing. I agree…we have to actively and politely engage with one another. Thanks also for the beautiful chickens…💗

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Talk about good timing! Yesterday I had lunch with some friends, and we talked about this very issue: how to widen the circle with those who are not like-minded politically. This. Is. It. Thanks.

PS Late-entry chicken names: Little, George and, of course, Dance.🐣

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I received an email this morning from Eric Trump asking for money to support his father who has never gotten so much as a parking ticket and the radical left his just going after him.... Happily I informed him I don't donate to grifters nor support criminal cult leaders.

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