Thank you, Joyce, for your clarity, your wisdom, your wonderful help in understanding the complexities that crop up daily and for the restful viewing of your magnificent chickens and dog! You are truly a National Treasure and the epitome of integrity, intelligence and humility!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Nina T McKee

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I was going to write the same! Ms. Vance, I have been following you for years...on MSNBC and more recently on line, and I am so grateful for your wisdom and your sensibilities. You fill my brain with knowledge and my heart with hope. Thank you!

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yes, but was the cat on strike walking a picket line elsewhere?

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Nina said it so well! Thank you Joyce, and love that picture of your sweet doggie and chickens.

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I couldn't agree with you more, Nina!

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I feel a satisfaction that the Proud Boys are being held accountable for their actions. Now on to the next tier!

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Amen to that.

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How do you feel about the unrelated but backwards related news of Andrew Gillum being found not guilty of lying to the FBI? For those who don't know Andrew was running for governor of Florida in the 2018 race, expected to win, when suddenly he was caught in a drug & party scandal that ruined his campaign & allowed Ron DeSantis to win by a narrow margin. There are sources saying that Enrique Tarrio & others were responsible for drugging & photographing Gillum in a compromising position causing this scandal & at the direction of Roger Stone whose assistant actually coordinated it. This was all calculated to out Gillum, ruin his career & insert DeSantis into Florida as governor. None of this has been proven, yet, but it sounds incredibly plausible serendipity that Tarrio was found guilty on the same day Gillum was found not guilty. If true, I'm seeing a pattern of coordinated efforts between The Proud Boys meddling not only in Trump politics but Florida politics as well. With his guilty verdict today, will Tarrio spill his many secrets on all of this? I'm staying tuned.

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It always frosts me a bit - ok, more than a bit - when people (generic) get ticked because DOJ and Dir. Garland haven’t moved any more quickly, because everyone knows tfg is guilty and belongs in prison. IANAL and even “I” know it doesn’t work like that. And 600 odd convictions since 1/6 is nothing to sneeze at.

So thank you for teasing out what an annoyingly and utterly necessary slow, careful process this must be. We stand for liberty and Justice. We are not the party and people who throw over fair and just process for making sure our “side” wins. (SC Justices anyone?) That’s not who we are. I take pride in knowing we take the whole of the letter and the spirit of the law seriously and don’t operate from revenge or from greed… for the most part. Nobody’s perfect.

So Joyce, while working out near the coop, which of your hens help you feather your nest for sitting, do any of them take dictation well or do they have to hunt and peck just to keep up? Do you have any problems reading their hen scratching? They certainly seem interested and not just clucking around.

Thank you, thank you, I’m here until the end of the weekend. Yeah I know, that’s a good thing.

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Good as well as humorous comment, Joni!

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Thanks, Joni. I too have been frustrated with those who don't understand the painstaking work it has taken to get this far in the criminal prosecutions. You said it so well.

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Thank you Joyce for this reminder, “Ultimately, it’s all about making sure that we and our children and our communities can live happy lives and fulfill the promise that only comes when our basic rights are honored.” We’re in this for the long journey, for our grandchildren and the future. I hope we can get back on track and support a government that works for the People. Can we reverse the damage from TFG and the repub party? We know what that would look like. It’s happened before. The DOJ and AG Merrick Garland are giving us hope. Justice.

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Jack Smith is still investigating the J6 felonies. On "connective tissue" including tendons, I would go back to Cassidy Hutchinson's J6 Select Committee testimony saying she heard mention of the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers in White House offices. Cassidy is a Judge's dream carefully providing evidentiary context for her detailed percepient knowledge, others' admissions & the facts for hearsay exceptions where necessary. Grand Jury when ready.

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Our pets save us

Whenever I see you I smile Thank you for all you do

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Hi Joyce - The Proud Boys seem a crucial part of the puzzle re J6. I am absolutely on the edge of my seat all things relative to pursuing the higher ups in the coup. I’ve become so immersed in your newsletter updates and the issues around protecting the innocent. It’s like a streaming source of who dunnit but so much better since we’re all a part of how things are unfolding. Today’s episode is a fascinating history on how not to become part of a club that is up to no good for any of us. Tonight I salute you and all our brave men and women who are proud to serve an ideal that benefits the people. Thanks Joyce on yours and their behalf 🇺🇸

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awwww those critters!!!!!

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"Prosecutors will be searching for connective tissue." And, this right here: "Because if Trump forces us to abandon democratic principles to hold him accountable, he’s won."

Good talk; great photos!

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So now that the Proud Boys have been convicted, you're saying the justice department can work sentencing deals that might yield significant evidence of the possible connections between them and Trump. It will be interesting to see if any connection to the J6 conspiracy can be made, and if so, if any are brave enough to loop Trump into it.

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I have the sense of Tarrio that he would not cooperate but a long sentence could possibly change his mind.

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Hi, Joyce. Weekend is coming up. I will attend the Texas Aggie Women's tennis match tomorrow as it starts NCAA play here. They are #2 ranked team nationally, and we were season ticket holders and were able to see some of their matches.

I am more and more concerned that we could be facing a Civil War as soon as 2024's election cycle hits, win or lose. I know we expect to win if we VOTE, but I know the Republicans are not sitting on their hands; they are passing state laws to hamper Democrats from voting, regardless of color or age. The fact is that Projection is trump's best weapon, and he used "stope the steal" to his advantage in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose and again after the 2020 election. We wring our hands, but I know the Repubs in TX are actively passing laws to overturn the election results in Harris County, the Dem stronghold. Passed a bill on this last week or earlier this week. I hope Marc Elias can do something about this.

Another subject: who we have running for President. I listened to retired Admiral William H. McRaven former Navy Seal for 37 yrs. on tv this week. He was quite impressive. I think he would be an excellent President, especially NOW! I doubt Joe Biden really wants to run for Re-election, but he sees no viable alternative. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks.

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Thank you again Joyce for your wise counsel. I am happy that at least most of the proud boys in this grouping were convicted of seditious conspiracy. The remaining conspirators up the chain are probably not as cocky as they might have been before? Only time will tell and unfortunately that may be months away at this point.

So glad you are able to take time to enjoy your 'family' while still communicating with us. Thanks for the pics of your alternative office space. It is good for the soul to be out in nature.


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It seems the connection with the war room was Mark Meadows. Didn’t he say to Hutchinson he was going down to the war room and of course Giuliani--those felllas are key.

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You bring clarity to legal proceedings of the day. You cut through the noise on MSNBC. BTW I had a pet chicken as a kid. Speckled black. Brother’s was snow white. Family farm in central Illinois.😘

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Trump seems to shrug off responsibility to former pals and business associates like you might rain off your umbrella. But if Jack Smith's war room investigations bring him within shouting distance of Don Jr and Eric, things could get a lot more interesting.

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