Apr 9·edited Apr 9Liked by Joyce Vance

A nicely succinct piece to send me to bed with… pleasant visions dancing in my head… of all his machinations and incantations finally coming to naught. Thanks Joyce! 🐓

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Yes perfect ending to a very long work day.tucked in bed , basset hound next to me. This should be anything but dull in coming weeks

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Oooh, a basset hound: XXXOOO!

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

I had a Basset. Or should I say a Basset had me?, He insisted upon sleeping in my closet with the clothes to be washed and my wet suit. He was so ugly that he was cute and beautiful...and just too smart for me the little rascal.

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Mine liked to steal things--like your underwear--then dance around the house teasing you, then run out into the yard. She learned to catch a soft frisbee and would go all 4 off the ground for a nanosecond...

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Don’t basset hounds deserve their own bed, free from the people who dominate them throughout their daily lives? :). Oh! Dear Judge, is that question out of bounds?

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

People can dominate Bassets....? What have you been smoking.....? I had a Basset, inherited from a doctor who went to Indonesia, then had the temerity to die of a heart attack in downtown Jakarta, and we got stuck with a permanent dog..... The dog was not the one being dominated.....

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Laughter 😆

Right on Bruce:-)

My 50lb Standard Poodle pup carefully arranges himself in the precise spot 🎯 where I like to sleep each night.

As for Joyce’s news, its details are beautifully presented as usual with today’s a definite lyrical thrill! Oh to be a juror for this one. But I’d never ever be chosen.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

I'd never make a jury these days either - I used to be a medical illustrator in a medical school (so no medical lawsuits) and my youngest brother was a DEA agent for 28 years (so no criminal cases at all). And I'm 83, so past my sell date.....:-)

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What Leslie said Joyce with the addition that IF this trial gets underway, at least as far as I’m concerned, take a break if you need to. It’s going to get crazy as you know.

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Buckle up and don't forget the crash helmet.

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I also like her saying it is like a mob trial, because it is like a mob trial, so be aware of that element. I have been wondering whether Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump voters read at all. If so, what books? The Turner Diaries, described on Amazon as a "high quality reading experience" for their Kindle version, is described by Vox thusly.


and the International Centre for Counter Terrorism as


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Thanks. I’ll check them out.

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In my case, I woke up to this wonderful piece. Thank you Joyce. Without your keen insight I wouldn't be able to keep up with all of this.

It's time for trump to face justice.

PS. I just finished "Attack from Within" by Barbara McQuaid. A great read. I highly recommend it.

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I too went to sleep earlier than usual, but awoke to read this perfect start to a new day. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Trump and his lawyers have run out of ways to delay this trial. Beautifully stated, Joyce. Thanks so much for making this mess easily understood.

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I wonder how many times his ego can hear NO.

He doesn’t have a deep reservoir of psychological resources.

The more he hears NO, the fewer personal resources he will have.

What’s a broke psychopath to do when his narcissistic supply dries up or exits?

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I think his ego is hearing the clink of the jail door closing.

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Dare we hope?

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

I saw Chris Christie's comments today on TV about how he thinks Trump is feeling these days. Christie recalled his time as a prosecutor putting people behind bars. Christie said Trump whispered to him, "I could never do that," meaning put someone behind bars. Christie believes Trump really thinks about possible jail time.

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I can't imagine Trump being so kind and empathetic as to say that he could never be the one to put someone else behind bars. He must have meant he could never go behind bars himself.

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Exactly, Bonnie.

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Trump wanted to hang Mike Pence. What a compassionate guy, right?

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Exactly! Not being able to put someone behind bars requires empathy - something TFG is absent of.

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Orange ghost like jumpsuits must be floating through Donnieboys dreams nightly now........when the jail door slams, will the rapist in theif find his big protection dude in time before prison justice kicks in????

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Never do that, lock a person behind bars? Honestly?? I distinctly recall videos of him at rallies chanting "Lock her up!" with his slavering followers. Guess he was expecting someone else to do it, huh.

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I think he meant that he could never exist behind bars. He must always have control and living in a cell does not even give you a choice of what toilet you can use. The commode would certainly not be GOLD!

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The saying goes "Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you." Trump only gets the first part. The idea that someone might do unto him is just starting to sink in.

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Exactly Linda. Don't expect anything else from heel spurs.

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Trump doesn’t think about it as much as all of us do… perhaps in different countries ways though

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Apr 9·edited Apr 10

Sooz, I disagree - but then we all have 'our' opinion. I think he is terrified, he has spoken to his aides about believing he may go to jail. He is up at all hours texting to his minions, trying to stir discord (his mode of 'battle'). His attorneys have been making nonsense motions for dismissal - and we know he tries to run the show with all of his attorneys. His goose was cooked when he lost to E. Jean Carroll. She annihilated him. The country (except for the brainwashed cult) turned away from him after that.

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I agree with you, Valere. His niece, Mary Trump says he’s terrified, as well…mostly of being exposed as the loser he is, of not having the money/wealth he claims, *and* of going to prison.

All the tactics he’s using now worked in NY back in the day. He abused the use of the courts & the vendors he refused to pay had no money to fight him.

I could go on….but here is an article on Mary from Dec 2023. Lots of details. And, her book is VERY telling about the cruel, cruel Trump family.


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There is likely an element of anger too at the indignation he is being forced to suffer by his "enemies" (no fault of his own, of course).

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He’ll be calling Viktor or Bibi to get advice on how they’ve avoided a cell, maybe even the guy who he believed more that our intelligence community.

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He’s already compared himself to Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years in jail. And not in a fancy cell. House arrest will not do for this punk who caused so many deaths.

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That ego's also going to hear the clanging of his leg irons and waist chains and the clicking of his handcuffs.

Let's hope that Bubba can wait that long to finally meet him!

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Bubba is going to love him 😎

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Bubba and his pals are holding off taking long showers...........the rapist in theif will not have to ask for soap.........it will definatly be supplied

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He better not drop his soap.

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My ego wants to hear the clink of the jail door closing on him.

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tRump "sued" Judge Arthur Engoron over the judge's gag order, and it was tossed by appeals court...he's now "suing" Judge Juan Merchan over v. likely HIS gag order, and it will suffer the same fate. All of this legal frivolity certainly isn't helping his lawyers' reps, especially Todd Blanche, who at least had a sterling resumé...the others, not so much.

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Trump's lawyers have torched their reps. How is this shocking self-debasement worth it to them?

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I’d suspect the broke psychopath will wind up finding ways the make the rest of us miserable outside of the court room. In the court room watch for “petulant little boy” facial expressions.

Everyone will be making history in this case.

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Not anything most of us will want to repeat for ourselves. The jig is up, I think.

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Inquiring minds do so want to know!! 😏

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Not sure he ever hears NO.

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I do not think we want to find out because it won't be pretty. It is like destruction of his psyche. Sociopaths will do anything to avoid that. His rage will build and build.

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I agree his reaction will not be pleasant to experience. We are in strange territory now. As a nation, we have never faced anyone remotely similar to trmp in such dire conditions. Perhaps pretending he is “like” Nelson Mandela can get him through the worst of it.

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He'll eat more burgers and cheat more at golf.

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More burgers, good. Add a bucket of KFC, better!

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Just finished seeing Rachel Maddow comment on T****'s statements on abortion rights this weekend: she does a masterful job, using the headlines in five "respected" journalistic sources (NYT, WaPo, WSJ, Guardian, and Reuters) to subtly call out their soft-pedaling of the tenor and impact of his remarks. He's gone full 'states rights' on the topic, which she correctly called out as dropping any objection he had to the draconian Republican proposals for, and existing laws about, abortion bans. And the concomitant loss of bodily autonomy: the Dobbs decision has set a precedent that can be used to argue the taking of other rights now guaranteed by the constitution. And the effect of Dobbs, for which T**** took personal credit, is going global: it was cited in the decision to uphold an anti-gay law in Uganda that includes the death penalty.

Getting the Orange Skidmark into prison, without internet access, is now of global importance. We must not further delay his incarceration, to save the world. We must not fail.

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Thanks for this. I have noticed that the legacy media here in the UK are, across the board, also publishing more articles that are designed to nudge women back into being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. Along the lines of: Having Babies Destroyed My Career But I Have Never Been Happier or endless childcare tips aimed only at the mother not the father and all the cooking recipes are increasingly written in a jokey in club manner by women for women only. I am old enough to remember when the articles in these papers were demonising all women at home with children without high flying careers. I assume the conservative extremist global oligarchs who own the US/UK/AUS mass media outlets are now telling their bought politicians to legally enforce denying women’s reproductive and health rights because their future profits will be affected by the lowering birth rate.

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I was fascinated by Rachel’s program last night. Also the questionable bond and the investigation into the business ethics of Knight Security. It just NEVER stops with “that” guy. He is a criminal plain and simple!

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I have always thought DJT was part of a global movement towards authoritarianism or just continued power grab by transnational oligarchs/mobsters. It seems clearer by the day he’s just a front man! Putin, the Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation all have the same anti-democratic goals.

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Thanks for the succinct discussion of jury selection.

The not-dull moment for me was the discovery that trump's bond in the James case isn't a bond at all. It is a "guarantee" that if trump loses, TRUMP will pay the judgment. The surety isn't bound anywhere. I have read the bond and that is true.

As a retired surety attorney I'm very engaged with all the trump bond stuff. But it never occurred to me that a "surety" would issue a bond that didn't bind it. I was focused on the non-admitted status, the fuss about excess coverage and the apparent lack of a broker, and the fact that the original piece of paper (speculate on what kind of paper when thinking of golden toilets) didn't have a power of attorney attached.

I'm not absolutely certain that the failure to bind the surety was "nefarious." I think perhaps that, as the lack of power of attorney told me, that Knight doesn't actually write bonds, though it may have a license in some places to do so. It's possible they just have no clue what a bond has to contain.

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The list of people and organizations to avoid doing any sort of business with continues to grow. It’s like they have all been doing the long con for so long, they have forgotten that parts of it need to be grounded in reality. “I know, let’s find someone else who says he’s a billionaire to say they will write a bond for me. That should make these pesky prosecutors happy.”

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In the firehouse that's Drumpfs legal pit I forgot the bond that no one would write but these guys said they offered to at the original amount that turns out wouldn't have actually been a bond either.

What a cluster.

Once a fraud always a fraud I guess.

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The mafia has to be in here somewhere.....don-Don has a lot of masters.

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Thank you Susan. One wonders if they tried to bring something slip-shod in?

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I have not heard this from anyone, it appears once again he’s gaming the system…this is another hair on fire moment!

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Well, he is, but it doesn't seem to be going well for him. That's been happening a lot lately.

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What does this mean? Is the "guarantee" accepted by the court? Or can Tish start collecting properties?

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nope. Hearing on it on the 22d. A bond is a guarantee that if something happens, the person making the guarantee will do something. (It isn't money, cash, a loan. It's a promise). It is a promise BY the company writing the bond to do something (in this case pay) This only "promises" that Trump himself will pay. He's already obligated to pay a judgement. It's as if someone said to you "I will guarantee that if you give your shifty brother in law a loan and he defaults then, HE, not I, will have to pay you back.

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Thanks for the explanation Susan. Is there a court anywhere that would say "no problem, shifty tfg is good for it"? And it takes till the 22nd to even discuss? Why isn't this issue open-and-shut?

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I don't know that when Judge E set the hearing he realized this deficiency in the "bond." I was 30 years in the surety business and I myself didn't notice when reading the thing. One just EXPECTS a bond to have the necessary components. It's an interesting psychological phenomenon--you often see what you expect to see. So I'm not sure what the judge will do next--wait for the hearing or just say "go ahead, Letitia, start filing liens."

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Again, thank you Susan. On pins and needles . . . again! Please keep us informed.

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Thank you, Susan Linehan... your comment is very interesting and informative.

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Apr 9Liked by Joyce Vance

I agree that it is surprising that Substack wasn't listed. Substack has grown substantially in the last few years and there are many, many subscribers. Not all Substacks are political, but a lot are. It'll be interesting to see if it gets added to the list in the near future.

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I was being sort of silly when I said this, but truly, as a prosecutor, I would want to know who was reading, say, Heather Cox Richardson, because I would want people who were committed to being informed in an unbiased way and who were interested in history on my jury!

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I agree and, there are some very biased Substacks also. Apparently some are Nazi-related. I would think that would be important also.

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I agree, the platform should be part of the list!

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As I went through the judge's media list and answered as a potential juror, I only checked off MSNBC. I read about six (nice people) Substacks. I am as biased as the only-FOX News and Nazi Substack person! How on earth do you get a jury that is capable of being fair?!

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Vox isn't there, or the LA Times, or prominent blogs such as emptywheel and The Intercept, either. No Common Dreams, Mother Jones, Houston Chronicle....

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I agree!

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I think a lot of us are reading HCR, as well as Timothy Snyder and Ruth Ben-Ghiat.

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Substack would fall under the "Other (name)" category

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Yes, that's correct, but when I was going through the list to see which ones I'd mark off I did not think of Substack as being in the "Other" category. The list makes you think of national media organizations, not individual authors. Maybe that's just me.

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Wouldn't Substack in general be included in "Other"? It's a primary source of news for me, as I don't regularly follow any "msm".

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I am greatly relieved to see that the jury will be anonymous, but i have no confidence in the Dumpster's attorneys' ability to keep their addresses from him.

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I can't wrap my head around the fact the jury HAS to remain anonymous to protect them against a former President and his "mob". That alone is frightening.

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But not surprising, eh? This former president and his mob targeted *election workers,* ordinary citizens who give of their time, often as volunteers, to make our elections work. Those who agree to serve on this particular jury are very brave. Jury service shouldn't require unusual courage, any more than being an election worker. But in the age of Trump, it does.

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In response to your other comment, I’m guessing no one else will take him on. He apparently already blew through 30 other possibilities who turned him down! 👍🏼

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Somehow the identities will be released, believe it. Some low-level clerk will sell the names for big bucks. Money talks, especially if you don't have much.

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Reality speaks!

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Do the attorneys receive the addresses? I thought the names/addresses would be redacted.

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Sure sounds like it: "your addresses will only be given to counsel for these parties" -- at the end of the paragraph on Judge Merchan's direction to the jury members.

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What possible reason would counsel need the jurors' addresses? To check whether they're registered Democrats?

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I imagine to make sure they reside in the district of Manhattan?

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That's not their job. It's the responsibility of the Commissioner of Jurors.

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If that's the case, why prepare 40 some questions on which to base questions? And the 40 questions will have been asked during jury selection. So the defense counsel will not have the jurists addresses for making the selection.

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Jurors. Jurist is another term for a judge.

Questions are part of voir dire. But why should counsel for the defendant know where the jurors live? It smacks of fishing for political information (do they live near a Trump property? Or in a blue district?) that should never be permitted, especially to pander to a defendant who sees all non-Republicans as his "enemies."

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There will be no anonymity then.

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I think we should have a naming directory for the Buffoon

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Who will make a movie of this and who will play Joyce Vance. Most likely Emily Blunt. Thank you for the incredible insight!

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It would make a great movie, chickens and all😆

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Indeed! Call it “The Day the Chickens Came Home to Roost”

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Why did the chicken cross the road? Unthinkingly, to become president; an unconsciously pure ego move he not only regrets daily, but is self-condemned to repeat in his faint and childish hope to escape conviction for a multitude of crimes. The fever-dream of a sociopath.

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A Netflix series is born

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Who could bear to re-live it.

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Chickens will be main attraction as they roles will be the current GOP

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How appropriate.

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it took a while for the appropriateness of your comment to sink in, but now that it has, I love it. Except for 1 thing: Joyce's chickens are a LOT SMARTER and a LOT MORE COURAGOUS than any of the republicans they would play…

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Emily Blunt? Just perfect!

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“I’d be willing to bet that a surprising number of potential jurors will tick the box to say they don’t follow the news. This never failed to surprise me when striking a jury.”

They should ask potential jurors if they’ve read a book since leaving high school

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or even while attending high school nowadays

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Not sure I would prefer that opposing counsel have access to this party-correlated fact.

But with 42 questions and follow-up options, they should be able to sort the juror pool by party with a very high degree of certainty.

A conviction is not sure.

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Theyd find a jury in a heartbeat.

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DW, Ha! great question.

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46% of Americans did not read one book in 2023.

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I’m curious about this debacle with Knight Insurance. They seem to be trying to defraud the court and my questions are if the judge rejects them (as he should after the statements made not only on the bond paperwork but also on tv) will Leticia James be able to start taking properties immediately or will the court give him another 10 day delay to find a reputable NY listed company to write the bond? Seems to me like another delay.

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I’ve seen recent speculation - including I think in this column - that another delaying tactic he could use would be to fire his legal team. What would be the likely outcome if he did that this week? Would there then be a delay or would the response be more like boo fucking hoo, defend yourself you animate pond scum?

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

"The court will appoint counsel; see you Monday 8am."


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He doesn’t qualify for any court-appointed counsel. He’s “too” rich.

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Attorneys must withdraw with the judge's approval. The judge will not approve the transparent attempt to delay.

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Ah so, reality finally imposes! Thanks, Valere. :)

(And thank you, Judge Merchan, for the courage to protect the foundation of the nation - specifically respect for the primacy of the rule of law, in the face of threats to your family. I do hope other indictments follow, for: stochastic terrorism, stochastic endangerment, jury tampering, collusion with the enemy in time of war (is that a crime?), etc.)

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Yes Valere the motion to withdraw is made to the court, and there is a point in time with any criminal case where the judge will deny the motion. It’s pretty obvious that the point in time has arrived, i.e. a week before the trial. I think that Trump’s Apprentice ploy of “You’re Fired!” Just won’t work here.

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Hi Sioux Fleming, Someone brought it up - but several attorneys (on this substack) said that the judge would not allow that transparent attempt: the judge will not allow the attorney to withdraw. And unless Trump is in the ICU, a sick day is out as well. The case is going to trial.

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So, we will be seeing an ambulance leaving Mar-A-Lago next week?

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

LOL - yes. I’m afraid you are correct. Sorry I was responding as if things were normal. Excuse me for that. More coffee, please.

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Oh my gosh I totally forgot about that potential option! But I’m glad you reminded us because he may be running out of any other options. However, if I remember correctly, Joyce or someone else said that it can’t just be done willy-nilly, he would have to have some actual reason to do that other than obviously trying to delay again! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

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And who else is gonna take him on??

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Joyce, do you have any experience with potential jurors giving false answers to the void dire questions, to increase their chances of being seated? And, once seated, derailing an otherwise unanimous vote? Thanks so much for keeping us informed!

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Do you mean like Supreme Court nominees?

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I was wondering about that, too.

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There’s always that chance.

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Can potential jurors be excluded on physical appearance? Such as unkempt facial hair, attire made from flag prints, plethora of tattoos, huge guts, red caps?

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I needed to read this today. Thank you Joyce for the decades it takes to have such an incredible grasp of not just facts but possibilities. It isn't an easy time for ANYONE. I appreciate having you and our "crew" here to read and interact with as we do. Gratitude and please an extra big hug to Bella from me.. she's a perfect cat wrangler.

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Thanks Joyce Another busy day to be sure. You don’t have to apologize to me I know family comes first. But son needs me to care for kids tomorrow early getting them off to school All the news focused on were the court rulings and briefs, and the solar eclipse. I had great experience but I digress. Your answer to the questions of the day are spot on. 😴 good night all Substackers and Threaders

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I’m grateful to be part of your Substack community Joyce. We are in this together- and we draw strength and hope from the goodwill and resolve expressed here almost everyday by you and so many others. That helps me be able to cope better with the daily fear and despair I feel about the actual fate of our hugely at risk country and those I love.

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I love Trump’s concern that keeping the jurors anonymous could make people think he’s dangerous and will bias people against him….

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Indeed, LOL Margaret!

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Correction to 3rd last paragraph: "Expect to see it on full delay" should be "Expect to see it on full display."

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Full delay sounded right to me!!

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Yes, as delayed display <also> displayed delay. rofl

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I wondered if that might be the case. Former court reporter here.

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Both fit.

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If "delay" were meant to hide something private that "display" unconsciously revealed, I'd have to conclude that it was a Freudian slip. But I don't think that's the case here. This was just a case of Joyce saying the out loud part out loud.

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