Joyce, please tell your beloved friend that when she spoke, over the objections of her own attorney, she spoke for every girl or woman who’s been harassed, stalked, and/or raped. Please also convey to E.Jean that she has my deepest admiration and if I could, I would hug her until the cows cane home. From the bottom of my heart...

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E. Jean said that's why she was standing up against him (I prefer using "it") - she represents the voice of the voiceless and those whose incidents were dismissed, ignored, and covered-up (or simply not believed).

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E. Jean Carroll not only speaks for this group of women, but all women IMO. I had the pleasure of corresponding with her on Twitter. She always responded to my comments making me feel heard and appreciated. So, when Trump's attorney harped on Carroll's attempts at promoting her book and seeking fame, I know for a fact that this would be outside her character.

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It's complete in his character. Can more fines be added?

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Hi Marlene. Well said. And as I learned early on here on Joyce's substack, if you misspell or miss a typo, go to the three little dots to the bottom right of your post, select "edit" and you can fix those little suckers. I think your heart is sterling.

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So do I! There are a lot of nice people here. One of the best parts is that we seem to have one big thing in common: doing everything possible to keep Trump from getting within a mile of the White House!

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Lets make it 5 miles, just to be safe.

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That's even better! I so look forward to the day we can forget he ever existed, so we can move on with our lives and feel safe again.

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Let's make it behind steel bars.

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With concertina wire on top and attack dogs nearby, just in case.

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No dogs should ever be exposed to him.

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Maybe we can recycle Texas’s razor wire--or buy their excess supply .

I want him in Gitmo.

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Hi Mimi! Substack used to allow a lot of us with iPhones or iPads to edit but can’t do it now. I don’t know if it’s an Apple thing or Substack but regardless, it’s annoying.

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I use an android, and never the app, so, I guess between the two, I got a break. If I couldn't edit I'd drive all of you nutso!

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If I open in browser, the edit function usually pops up with the 3 dots.

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It’s a good idea to read over your post before posting because autocorrect will make some odd substitutions.

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And if you can, read it out loud.

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Editing only works in the web version of Substack - the mobile (native app) versions (I only have experience with iOS and iPadOS) do not allow editing.

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I can edit with iOS and iPadOS no problem. Every post I’ve made as well edited has been done on an iPad or an iPhone. Maybe it’s the iOS version I have that allows this. Then again you might be talking about the Substack App. I log on to Substack using a browser (Safari or Firefox). Don’t have the app installed as using a browser works just fine.

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I wrote 'web version' of Substack. I cannot edit in the native iOS/iPadOS Substack app, and never have been able to. I'll now edit my response, because I'm logged in through Google Chrome.

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Sorry. I stand corrected.

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Let me verify

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Correct you are.

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Proofread. Proofread. Proofread. Never hit send until you do.

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Thank you, Marlene. She was speaking for me, and I am very grateful. E. Jean is a hero (shero) and a magnificent example to me and to women in general. So are you, Joyce. Many thanks to both of you

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I think you speak for all of us, Marlene. Thank you.

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I wish there were cameras in the courtroom. We would all benefit from watching this entire proceeding in realtime. Thanks for your insight, observations and expertise. EJC has my appreciation and admiration.

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Watching the court proceedings would have an impact, I believe. Watching a news clip earlier, it was chilling to hear EJC's testimony about going to the grocery store, waiting inside until the man leaning on her car had gone. Then she ran to her car and drove home completely forgetting her purchase of groceries to last 2 weeks. Heartbreaking! I applaud her courage.

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Agreed. Then everyone could see the 78 yr old petulant child having a tantrum. All would be usable as well to post everywhere for all his minions to see.

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His minions are petulant, ignorant, cult members. Unfortunately they don’t care.

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That is true. And keep in mind the woman with the t-shirt saying that Trump can grab her "p" any day. I think that women in general do not seem to realize there are too many other women out there who are of this bent. To underestimate this sickness is very dangerous.

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Perhaps most of them like being this way because they are good at it and not much else. It doesnt require much intellect or a functioning bs detector.

Others are misinformed about his policy successes and intentions. They might change if they can be led to question their assumptions (Not all trump supporters need to change; just enough. )

Why were most of the witnesses @ the Ja6 committee Republicans?

Why did Trump’s closest people ignore subpoenas?

When Trump openly bragged about grabbing women, why do you think him being sued and fined millions for doing exactly that is some kind of attack against him?

Would you let your beautiful young wife/daughter/any woman you loved, work as Trump’s personal assistant?

Seeing him unable to follow a judge’s instructions to control himself, do you think he should be in charge of the nuclear codes?

Do you think Trump ought to be able to jail or execute people who disagree with him?

There are groups encouraging people to formulate, ask themselves, and answer such questions.

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Oh trust me, the jury is watching. He proves every time he opens his mouth, hits the table, what E. Jean has had to live with. Their punitive damage number is going to be similar to Giuliani's ($148M).

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E.Jean is god awesome. All of us girls. pardon me, ladies, owe her a limitless debt of gratitude.

Awesome Lady.

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There are quite a few of us men who couldn’t agree with you more.

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💕 Thank you Pete, that is so lovely...

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Hi Pete,

My friend, Gloria Horton-Young, who writes the chicken poetry for this website, posted this yesterday, and I wanted to share it with you. In the case you’re not a member of E. Jean’s substack,

this is how to join. I’m pasting it in its entirety as it was written by Gloria who’s on this sub stack as well as that of E. Jean. You are most welcome to join. Please feel no pressure but I thought perhaps since you made the lovely comment that you are one of the men who appreciate what E. Jean has done (exposing the rapist and bringing him to accountability, is her gift to our brothers, fathers, sons, nephews uncles, dearest friends, who treat women with respect as well as being a hero to us and speaker of truth to power). What she is doing is making the fence sitters think a little bit and maybe not change their vote, but they’re not going to dash through bad weather to vote for ‘him.’). That will be enormously helpful - a non-vote by a 'Republican' is a loss for Trump. So, I thought I would send this to you just in the case you wanted to add your voice to ours. (if we are too much for you, you can always resign:)

Written by Gloria Horton-Young, 1-16-2024.

I’ve littered peoples’ Substack with this today:

Let's stand in solidarity with E. Jean Carroll as she faces daily debasement and castigation by Trump. It's crucial that we not only cheer her on but also take tangible actions to support her.

Consider enrolling in a paid subscription to her Substack

@E. Jean Carroll, Ask E. Jean, and demonstrating your commitment by purchasing her books online or from your local bookstores.

By doing so, we can make a meaningful impact and uplift this incredible writer, a beacon of strength and advocacy. Together, let's stand firmly by E. Jean Carroll and ensure she knows she is not alone.

@E. Jean Carroll

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Thanks for this response, Valere. As you can see from my list of daily reads on SubStack, I believe in paid subscriptions to support writers who inform and challenge me. I have read many of EJC’s posts. The failure of Mainstream Media to provide compelling content and gumshoe investigative reporting has been an abject failure for the Fifth Estate. Thankfully, independent writers, without biased Publishers and Editors, have stepped up to fill the void for those of us who care enough about facts to research sources who share their experience and expertise. I dropped my subscriptions to the NYT and WAPO and put those dollars to better use on SubStack. By the way, I have been married 48 years and have 3 grown daughters. One started her own business, another is the Executive Director of an organization that supports women getting out of abusive relationships, and my third is a new airline pilot. All 3 left footprints on the backs of boys who got in their way (while dad smiled at their tenacity). Throughout my 40 year corporate career I made sure every employee had the same opportunities for advancement and pay. At one point I was the GM of a woman owned surgical products company - it is still one of the best jobs I ever had because the culture was so much fun. The reason I share these insights is because I’ve worked with lots of guys who feel the same way. You can always count on us to speak up and have your back. Something tells me EJC is about to get another very large check thanks to her tenacity. He may have been the President of the United States - the most powerful man in the world - but he just met his match in the form of a woman who stood up for all women. Bazinga!

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Wow! Congratulations to you for raising strong women.

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Thank you Pete. PLEASE take up oxygen and let your voice be heard elsewhere.

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As the saying goes, "Why make a lady out of a perfectly good woman." I myself prefer woman to lady, and I also understand you're using ladies as a way to be respectful, elevating it from girls.

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lol, yes, and I so agree with you Susan.

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I agree that E. Jean Carroll is the best and bravest of us all. It has to be so upsetting to have had this happen, then to suffer Trump's lies, the threats and bullying, testify in the first case heard and then have to do it all over again. From what I've read, Hanna is so very unqualified in court (and out of court) that it's shocking. For someone who brags that he has the "best" people he certainly has a group of unprofessional and incapable attorneys. I hope this trial ends soon so E. Jean Carroll can move on to bigger and better things.

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I was a former crime victim advocate for a well-known crime victim agency until I got "burned out," as they say, after becoming a sexual assault victim myself. I also worked in the criminal justice system for quite a while, so I know of what I speak (feel free to correct me if I wrote that wrong).

To say that Ms. Carroll is a hero would be the understatement of the year. With such a high-profile case as hers, she's constantly having to relive that horrible event, as well as the never-ending barrage of insults from Trump, and now accusations from his latest attorney Hanna --- who apparently received her law degree diploma from Dollar Tree --- that Ms. Carroll is doing this to Poor Donnie just for all the publicity and money she can out of this.

I've seen cases where a victim can be too traumatized to go through the questions, accusations, and worst of all, having to face the defendant again. We used to call that "adding insult to injury" or "being victimized a second time."

I often wonder if Ms. Carroll realizes how STRONG she really is. I don't wish for anyone to go through what she has, but if they do, they need to know that it's NOT their fault. It has nothing to do what she looks like, what she was wearing, where she was at the time, what she might have said, or if she had a cute laugh, etc. It happens because this particular male has no respect for and often hates females, and that he's not doing it for sex.

In Ms. Carroll's case, all the money in the world could NEVER have kept Trump from doing what he did. Given the fact that he mis-took her for ex-wife No. 2, it makes me think that he knew at the start of this ordeal that it was NOT any of his ex-wives, but due to his ego and his hatred for that wife he took it out on Ms. Carroll.

Looking forward to watching this egotistical rapist getting exactly what he deserves,

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Well said.

Sexual assaults are not about sex. They are indulgent visceral bullying and a heinous abuse of power.

Trump’s raging infantile behavior in court in response to the continuing confrontation by and exposure of his attacks on E. Jean Carroll by her defense team simply indicates to all witnessing it that he is guilty.

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Thank you, yes, sexual assaults are NOT about sex, so one of Trump's defenses about this, that she "wasn't my type," goes against everything we've ever learned in the REAL world about rape. Rape, and that is 100% what it was, isn't, "oh, I'm attracted to her, I think I'll rape her." SO MANY THINGS f-ing wrong with Trump.

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So in agreement. So many things wrong with any society that is either unable or unwilling to separate the crime of rape from the act of sex.💔

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And wtf is wrong with a population of people who think this ape should be president?

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The unintended and intended consequences of our highly paid corporate mass media ‘influencers’ on ordinary folks hearts and minds is out of control and now socially destructive .

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He is serving the purposes of those who hope to dismantle the unity of the United States. As others have noted, he is the useful idiot.

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I admit to be cynical and sarcastic, but ever since she came forward with what happened to her, AND given the fact that it's known to everyone worldwide who has access to a news source that he brags about being a womanizer like it was a Nobel Prize, I can't help but wonder how many females of all ages wish they were as brave as Ms. Carroll to be able to come forward with their own stories.

I recall from reading his niece Mary's book where she mentions that when she was around 13 or so, she was walking around the swimming pool, wearing a bathing suit, when he started making gross, suggestive comments to her. It was his brother's DAUGHTER, for Pete's sake, but he still didn't care!

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Remember how he said if Ivanka weren’t his daughter he’d probably be dating her?

Poster boy for “creepy”.

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And "date" is a total euphemism for screw. Why do we always clean up what he says? There's not a newscaster out there who will say exactly what he said: "I can grab them by the pussy."

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Susan, I'll apologize for the commas in advance.

I'm sitting here in horror, having just read your comment, with my mouth hanging open, as I realize, for the first time, that he probably did mean screw. He meant screw. Of course, he meant screw! I don't know why this never crossed my mind before- it fits with him and his personality and ewww. Just ewww.

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I remember how gross it was when he said those very words, He was on David Letterman's show years ago, and said something to that effect. I'm not naive, but it still made me sick to my stomach. There's NOTHING attractive about him, either inside or out.

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With predatory sex offenders, signaling their intent is always in plain sight. Such individuals need to have an adoring audience and they get off on seeing how far they can push the boundaries of mutual respect. Whenever they are called out they will either make a joke of their behavior or angrily deny it.

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Boy, that's a lesson I learned decades ago and you allowed me to remember it.

The raging behavior will be interesting because the judge knows why rump is acting as he does (for the base to make money) and rump acknowledged that's why he wants the judge to put him in prison. I wonder if he could just be bound and gagged quietly for a few days (straight jacket with a spit face cover) until the trial for award is over.

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Duct tape has been mentioned!!!

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Slight correction Sherri: this judge said he would remove him from the courtroom. That means he goes outside, not to prison. That’s because that is the law. And this judge Kaplan, is making sure that everything he does is error, proof, and appeal proof. So for the federal election interference trial that Jack Smith is going to try on March 4, 2024, unless there is a delay, that will be in Judge Chutkan’s court. Trump has threatened Jack Smith and the judge and court personnel. And Judge Chutkan has given Trump a gag order. She gave a gag order and I can’t remember if she expanded it or narrowed it the next time around but there was a second go round that she made a different gag order. And I think, without going back through piles of paper, she said that her options were to move the trial up to shut him up to make it sooner. And she also has the authority to put him in jail. So that’s a decision that she and Jack Smith and whoever is running the show will determine to be best. But because she has made the gag order, I think she has the power now to put him in jail because he would violate it on truth social or have his surrogate violated, and the gag order included any surrogate. So that’s my memory and as ever Joyce may need to straighten out the legal part of this for us. But all he gets from Judge Kaplan. In E. Jean’s trial is booted, not jail. And then he would gain enormous publicity, because even if it’s bad publicity it shines light on him.

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You said a lot and fortunately, I think I know most of it. There's the exchange between doofus and Kaplan where Kaplan is fully aware doofus would like nothing more than being thrown in jail. The likelihood of that happening is a little greater than nil. How in the xxx does he be stopped?

Whatever is on tv is in the background unless Joyce shows up. Then all come to a halt except the tv. So, I'm pretty much up-to-date there.

There already is a delay on Judge Chutkan's court due to scotus (maybe) and waiting for their ballot or not on ballot decision. The problem with jail time is mind-boggling. Wonder if this is what Orban did - threaten those not being loyalty to him jail time, violence, and worse.

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Sherri, Yes, Orban, Thacci (doofus’ war crimes buddy (as he says, he gets along well with dictators.). I do believe Kaplan was threatening him with removal from the court, not jail. And Trump would love to be thrown out of the court so he could claim that he wasn’t allowed to attend court, which is allowed by law. Except as Kaplan pointed out, the judge has the right to evict him from the courtroom, then he can be in a room with a speaker and hear what’s going on but he can’t be in the court room disrupting things. So Cowlin is waiting to give him every ounce of leeway so he can’t claim on appeal that he was not allowed to be in court. Judge Kaplan is doing everything exactly right: he is very smart and very tough and he told Trump “you raped her“ after Trump tried to appeal this last court case where he was found guilty of sexual abuse. So just to be clear in this case, Judge Kaplan is not sending him to jail because he has to first issue a gag order. But he can do a lot just by booting him from the courtroom.

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Indeed, Monnina.

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I have to say that "law degree diploma from Dollar Tree" is chef's kiss.

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Back in the day, we'd say that so-and-so got their driver's license, high school diploma, or college degree from Montgomery Ward, because they drove or acted like fools.

Actually, I buy some things at Dollar Tree, like solar lights, greeting cards, and Christmas decorations.

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I remember Montgomery Ward and I do agree that for some items it makes sense to go to Dollar Tree. According to a quick Google search, Habba got her degree from "Widener University Commonwealth Law School is a law school located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and part of Widener University, a private university in Chester, Pennsylvania. It is one of two separate ABA-accredited law schools of the university. Wikipedia. As a retired academic I can attest to the fact that everyone who receives a degree has passed a lot of tests but that doesn't guaranteed that they learned much of anything.

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Patricia, I was not really serious when discussing Habba. Actually, since I never got that far in college, I have no business criticizing those that DID succeed. I did graduate but found that after taking 22 years just to get as far as I did was frustrating, but I enjoyed learning subjects that really did interest me and came in handy in jobs I did have.

After graduation, I went on many job interviews but kept hearing that I was "too experienced" or "too qualified" for them to afford to hire me. (Translation: I was too old.) The humiliation and disappointment became too much for me, so I worked in clerical jobs until I retired.

My life history is not exciting, for sure, but I got to see, and meet, a lot of interesting people along the way. I miss the challenge of going to school, and taking tests, except algebra and calculus, which was a struggle! Some of my classmates went on to Georgetown and UVA and became successful attorneys.

It seems to me that Habba's downfall, if you can call it that, could be that maybe she was "book smart" but never grasped the importance of being a true professional, especially when it involves being in a courtroom and taking the job seriously. I don't think she was prepared for that, or maybe she was caught up in the excitement of being hired (whether she ever sees any salary remains to be seen) of representing the most well-known person in the world right now. What do you think?

Finally, I prefer Dollar Tree to Dollar General because they have a larger variety, and lower prices for someone living on a fixed income. Their toys are for the most part better made, which I like, because I donate them to Toys for Tots and homeless shelters.

Thanks for the reminder that I should have taken Habba's background into consideration. Maybe she needs more confidence in herself.

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I would not describe your work history as " I only got as far as a paralegal and a private detective". Those are important jobs that require critical thinking skills and listening skills. The same is true of transcribing and the woman who worked as an admin for me became my best friend due to her skills, knowledge and empathy. And she was very funny. I do think you're right about Habba though, and I saw that with a lot of our students. They were good in class but had no idea how to get through an interview. Unfortunately, our society in such that a lot of women don't have confidence in themselves but I think that's changing with younger generations.

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“For someone who brags that he has the "best" people…”

The “best people” to him are those who will be loyal to him no matter what he does nor how heinous it may be. The “best people” are his loyal pawns.

He has too fragile an ego to have anyone around him who disagrees with him. This will likely (hopefully!) contribute to his downfall here as well as in general. It would be justice served if the the jury awarded 500 million of what the self proclaimed billionaire boasts he’s worth (he isn’t any billionaire or even close to being one). I hope whatever the jury awards bankrupts him. (Not just financially but physically and emotionally too).

Whatever the amount It won’t remove the trauma EJC suffered, but perhaps it will give some sense of relief to have him/ see him held accountable. Especially in a way that he can’t handle and which he self destructs. He’s “destructed” many people in his life. Perhaps now it’s his turn.

And if he does we will have EJC and her bravery to thank. Facing this demon head on is more than brave, is more than courageous. I wish there was a word that encompasses what she has emotionally, physically, spiritually inside to come forward. Whatever that word may she is the embodiment of it.

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Hi George,

Thank you for recognizing our dear E. Jean. I suggest not one word but two: Joseph Campbell talked about the heroes journey. E. Jean has walked her own ‘sheroes journey,’ with dignity and grace - and she treats everyone with dignity and respect, kindness, and love. I love the figure you have arrived at to put a little salve on her wounds: I first thought between $50 million and $100 million. I increased it to between $350 million and almost $1 billion. You’ve arrived at the middle point of $500 million and I think that is perfect. E. Jean has a solid core: a moral compass that guides her. She is very smart, but what sets her apart is the common denominator that gifted children and adults have: that is kindness. When you think about it, even when gifted children are bullied, they don’t respond by bullying back. Neither has E. Jean. She has lived her life with dignity and grace, and at a point decided to confront the snake. As Trump tried to bankrupt her by ruining her professional reputation (I suspect he was behind pressuring Elle Magazine to fire her after she wrote about him, because after 27 years, as a very successful advice, columnist, she was dismissed). I, indeed would like to see a jury award that will bankrupt him. If you noticed, he did not attend the rape trial. he knew Robbie Kaplan, who is not real of Judge Kaplan would have asked him questions that would have forced him to not answer, showing his guilt. So he chose to go to Scotland, so he wouldn’t be in court. Then he started tweeting from Scotland that he would’ve liked to be in court, but couldn’t. But was coming back the day after the actual trial ended. Judge Kaplan said “no problem let’s just extend the trial for a few days until you’re back and you can come and testify.” Although Trump was coming into New Jersey with his plane the day after the trial was ending - and the offer had been made to extend the trial into the next week, he refused to attend and testify. He raped her. After the jury found him guilty of sexual assault, E. Jean was on a talk show with her attorney, Robbie Kaplan, and in response to the interviewer’s question, she said “he raped me.

Trump immediately appealed saying she had damaged him, etc. When Judge Kaplan heard the appeal, he explained to Trump: “you raped her. The New York statute is narrow, but. what you did was rape.” in another hearing the Judge Kaplan said that the only thing to be determined in the January 16 trial would be determining the amount of damages awarded to E. Jean.

In the meantime, there was a trial in Georgia for the mother and daughter, who were counting, mailed paper ballots, and had been maligned by Giuliani, and then threatened by MAGA. The same expert witness that testified from Northwestern University testified in that case, and the jury awarded those victims $148 Million. E. Jean has suffered not only death threats. But her reputation was ruined, and she has lost a significant amount of money from salary after being fired by Elle Magazine. So your figure would be appropriate as an award or anything above $360 million in my opinion but I think it should be higher. So also, please note, he showed up for the trial that involves only money. He showed up at the fraud trial as well because it also involves money. He doesn’t care about E. Jean having death threats. Doesn’t care about the judges and attorneys in the fraud case having death and bomb threats. He has shown no remorse over his rape of. E. Jean - and that her life was ruined. A large award would buy her the security she needs. Right now she has her pit bull running loose behind an electric wire fence. I hope it is a large award and a quick payout. I’m not sure if the court appointed receiver for all the Trump property in the NY fraud case means that she would have to wait until all other lawsuits for money have been settled, or if Robbie Kaplan leans everything for her, and they just have to wait until things are settled. E. Jean lives frugally, earning money from her sub stack. My friend, Gloria Horton-Young, who also is the poet on this Substack posted the following message on January 16, and I’m posting it here in the case you’d like to join E. Jean’s substack. She makes a small amount monthly from each member who joins. I know you would be welcome. Thank you for your sensitive and thoughtful post. I guess I like it because I agree with everything you’ve said.:)) please don’t feel any pressure from my posting the message from Gloria below. If you’re able to help E. Jean in this way, I’m sure she would appreciate it. Your kindness to her is enough. She reads the sub, so I’m sure she has read your thoughts and appreciates you. I’m glad the good guys are speaking up for her because it’s so important, and what she confronted Trump in this way, we all need to confront him. We all need to tell him. “You raped her.” And vote him forever out.



Written by Gloria Horton-Young (The Chicken Poet on Joyce Vance’s Substack)

Let's stand in solidarity with E. Jean Carroll as she faces daily debasement and castigation by Trump. It's crucial that we not only cheer her on but also take tangible actions to support her.

Consider enrolling in a paid subscription to her Substack

@E. Jean Carroll, Ask E. Jean, and demonstrating your commitment by purchasing her books online or from your local bookstores.

By doing so, we can make a meaningful impact and uplift this incredible writer, a beacon of strength and advocacy. Together, let's stand firmly by E. Jean Carroll and ensure she knows she is not alone.

@E. Jean Carroll

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Habba is a sad victim of a society which values "beauty" over competence in women. You wonder what made her decide to get her online law degree.

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I think she was chosen for her looks, not her abilities in the courtroom, which, obviously, seem to be sorely lacking.

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She clearly doesn’t know her job in a federal courtroom. I just want to add that not everyone that gets a law degree is headed to a courtroom. Often it’s taken as a leg up for other businesses or to specialize in wills, trusts, corporate contracts. Trump picked another person ill equipped and now they will face literally a world of scrutiny which she isn’t ready for. I’d be jello in my shoes.

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And she MIGHT get paid...

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According to wikipedia she got her JD from Widener college. Is that online? IT's not Harvard, but it seems legit. I have no respect for this person, however her creds seem OK.

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Widener Law School (Pennsylvania) is ranked 159th in 'Best Law Schools' according to US News and World Report.

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Listening to attorneys describe in total incompetence of Habba is absolutely laughable. The former president of the United States should be able to hire the top attorneys in the nation. However, since he refuses to pay his bills, every firm has instructed all of their associates to not come within a hundred miles of him. NO reputable attorney will represent him. Ha!

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I made the comment yesterday to my mom that here we have a 77-year-old man who is LITERALLY acting like a child in a court of law. Whether he's doing it for political reasons or not, a court of law deserves to be respected, and Trump simply could not control himself. And like a misbehaving child, he should be grounded, and I hope it's to the tune of AT LEAST $100 million.

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Steve, As deplorable as it sounds, if past is prologue, the more Trump acts out the more amplified the support from his base that views Trump as standing up to the source of all their grievances. Accordingly, I expect there is no punishment that would deter him. Thus, it is up to the rest of us to deliver Trump and his coterie a crushing defeat in November.

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I think there IS a punishment that would deter Trump. Joyce mentioned it. Have him sit in an empty courthouse room and watch the trial on closed circuit TV. No press. The thing narcissists like Trump fear most is to be ignored.

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I would suggest the best solution would be to have him sit alone in a cell for the rest of his disgusting life.

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With a cellmate named ‘Big Bubba.’

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Jan 18, 2024
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No tv.. no phone.. no diet coke.

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@On the other hand, While I recall Joyce mentioning removal relative to a criminal case, I expect, rather than a deterrent, Trump would reframe said punishment as affirmation of a rigged system denying him his rights.

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Absolutely in agreement with that statement.

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It’s not his stupid courtroom disruption to be deterred- it’s his continued silence lying and threatening behavior to EJC. A verdict on scale of Rudy’s judgment in the Freeman-Moss suit ($148M, wasn’t it?) or more might get his attention.

I wouldn’t let Habba represent me in traffic court. Or fill out paperwork either (i think the booboo of not requesting a jury trial in the NY civil fraud trial has been attributed to her.)

These earlier trials are sure a cautionary tale for all legal professionals gearing up for the criminal trials, arent they?

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Excellent point.

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I probably have to agree, so we're back to waiting for the Grim Reaper to come calling at Mar-a-Lago. No matter what, I WILL live long enough to see THAT funeral!

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Where is that Reaper guy anyway? Did he take the wrong exit?

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Steve, I envision us far too engaged in our work for there to be much, if any, time waiting for Trump to meet his fate. And I do believe Trump won’t be any more successful than Oedipus, who spent a lifetime trying to escape his fate only to meet it.

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Yes to resounding defeat in November.

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Amen to that!

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Word, Barbara Jo!!!

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His disgraceful conduct is a reflection sadly of his political audience— that is who he is showing off his arrogance to! It is a reflection of what he and they and Fox are aiming for in ten months. Please don’t let it happen!

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We will vote, and it will be a victory for Democracy and the Democratic party as well. Don't forget, though, that the stats on his Iowa caucus are not all that fantastic. An unreported, mostly, percentage of Republican caucus voters did not vote for him. It isn't being reported as accurately as it should be.

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That's the Horserace Industrial Complex at work. You now have to watch shows like Stephen Colbert to get perspective on what a sad, hollow victory Iowa is for Trump.

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After being around since Truman was President, I cannot IMAGINE any of the past Presidents EVER acting like that. None of them were perfect, but darn, NONE compare to this evil orange blob who was spawned 77 years ago and acts like you said here literally acts like a child in a court of law.

When my youngest grandson was only three, HE behaved better....... and never once did HE have to appear before a judge. Except a few years later, when his Cub Scout troop had a wooden box-car race down a little track. The school principal judged, but it was in the school gymnasium, not a courtroom.

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Amen. My grandchildren (ALL of them) are better behaved than the Orange Skidmark. And always have been.

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At least that. My sense is they will come in somewhere above $300 Million.

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He is a billionaire, or so he says.

Fine should be at least a billion!

Millions won't cut it. How many billions will it take?

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If Habba and the rest of Donald's attorneys had any hope of restoring what *remains* of their reputations, they'd put down whatever he is bullying and pushing them to do, come read this post, and sit down and give it all some serious thought

We the country are grateful to Ms. E Jean for her courage and integrity in the face of no less than bullying and abuse from a former putative leader of the free world

Donald got stuck with lawyers of the caliber of Habba when he refused to pay the bills of the "white shoe" Republican-leaning firms who would once have gladly represented a former POTUS

(Principals of those firms - who once presided with him in his Administration - are also silent now in the presence of looming tyranny, but perhaps that's a discussion for a different day, however germane it feels in this literal moment)

She has what Confederate Mitch McConnell didn't have when he failed to whip votes for conviction when Rep Raskin offered him the one chance to prevent this wanna-be tyrant sitting in court behaving like a toddler from ever holding United States office again

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M, I understand that to which you refer McConnell lacking in that moment.

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Does anyone think that Tacopina resigned as "orange skidmark's" attorney? Just wondering.

He was also a scumbag as documented on Ari Melber's show; maybe he couldn't put up with the kim kardashian of trumps circle.

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I had formed much the same opinion of Tacopina from his interview with Ari Melber-- quintessential New York lawyer, brash pushy.

I find myself modifying that first impression after watching Tacopina’s interview with Reverend Al Sharpton. Their obviously genuine mutual respect (from having worked together on civil rights cases) just permeated the interview--Tacopina said he would only do one interview- that one -- and that out of his high regard for the Rev.

I thought Tacopina was very ethical and wise in his comments. I found him very impressive.

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"Does anyone think that Tacopina resigned as "orange skidmark's" attorney?"

I think he did withdraw. I don't believe he was fired.

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Thank you, counselor. I say damn the torpedoes, this is contempt, and it should be called out in front of the country so that we understand what the rule of law stands for. The judge (I do appreciate his reluctance and his courage and patience. I guess it would be too easy to play into this psychotic situation ) has the right, and the power to stop the insanity. We cannot have him, and I have too much self respect for myself to utter his name, make a mockery of the law, Democracy and the constitution. We should not fear the base because the real base is the American people. And I am one of them and I stand with all of us. This may sound over the top but I mean it and I think they need to know that the rest of us mean it. And I say this with reluctance, and but ashamed of my words, but we must turn the light on and make the cockroaches go back to their hiding places. I care too much for this country, to see it, destroyed by one man and his feckless words peace everyone stay strong, Blue, and again thank you, Joyce, you bring out the best of us.

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Absolutely Mike. The one thing we cannot do with a malignant narcissist is appease him. And you are correct about his base crawling back to their hiding places. They will. 💙

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I dream of that day.

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Mike, you are spot on with the cockroach metaphor.

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Can the jury award E Jean

Mar A Lago? That might make the turd monster clean up his act if his prized possession is no longer his.

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I feel that would be even more frightening for E. Jean! I wouldn’t want that creepy place unless I had it exorcised repeatedly for at least 2 years.

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She gets it and knocks it down. Leaves the pile of rubble sitting there.

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Perfect. She doesn't care about the money. That would hit him where it hurts.

"take that, you pitiful snot bag!"

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Picturing Trump as a pile of rubble. Not a stretch.

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With the Fat Man lying beneath the pile.

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Or sells it -

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It would be better if they gave her Trump Towers. She could rename it Carroll Castle. Also, she could stay in New York in a 10,000 sq ft tri-story penthouse.

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She’d have to replace all those gold taps, though!

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The current owner says it’s 30,000 square feet, and I’d be the last to doubt him

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Hopefully the State of New York will have something to say about that.

If that happens then any award from this trial should become another debt to be paid by the sale of the Trump Organization assets.

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And then she would be his landlord and he would have to pay her rent? Hmmm.

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Mar A Lago plus enough in monetary penalties to turn it into a shelter for immigrants.

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I think Trump was 'full of himself' after his Iowa rallies and caucus win, which reinforced his internal dominant narcissistic theme that he's above any rules. When the judge told Trump he couldn't control himself, note his retort: "You can't either." So puerile. Judge Kaplan must be carefully weighing whether and when to toss him out of his court.

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Vincent, 100%. My thought exactly - he will come back Friday from having been at his mothr-in-law's funeral and they will have his padded room ready in another area of the courthouse.

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Do you actually think he will appear at the funeral? I think he will be "too busy".

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Indeed, after this last charade, I can see them setting up a separate "safe from jurors ears" space. But if that happens I am betting he will just go into "peeved brat mode" and leave as he can't accomplish his goals of grandstanding, disrespect, and disruption. Of course, he'll get outside to his fawning Fox, etc media and play the victim card and try to make it a mini rally of sorts.

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Toddler Trump: “I know you are, but what am I?”

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What has to "carefully weighed" ? The Day-One Dictator has relinquished his privilege of sitting in a courtroom. Let's hope the judges for this defendant's future lawsuits have more backbone than the current judge, who blinked when he should have said "Lock him up".

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Your bringing up how Trump tried to make a deal with Ukraine into turning against Biden reminds me of how Reagan's team made a deal with the Ayatollah to keep the Iranian hostages in order to help Reagan win, and then release them under him. Reagan's campaign was a master of dirty tricks that Trump seems to be following. However, let us hope that the award for E. Jean Carroll has at least 9 digits behind it and someone learns a lesson.

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Indeed... thank you for the refresher... "Jimmah" might very well have won a 2nd term if the mission to rescue the hostages had been successful. Instead, we got an affable conservative puppet in Reagan who easily succumbed to the evil persuasions of Rupert Murdoch and killed the Fairness Doctrine... and thereby started the steady decline of real unbiased news and honest journalism to the emergence of FOX, Breitbart, and their ilk. Ugh... after another Blue Wave 🌊🌊 that has to be reinstated and reinforced - and then sh*t-can the abomination of "Citizens United".

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Reaganomics has not been undone until now, by Bidenomics. Reagan's "New Deal" was a planet destroying, people destroying, getting rid of oversight and protections Bad Deal!

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Marc: thank you. We share a view of history and the decline of democracy and decency. Reagan was Day One for what we are experiencing

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This retired educator agrees with you as it was Reagan that introduced NCLB, designed by Koch, et al to destroy public education.

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Yes, and unfortunately Obama continued with it in a renamed version called Race to the Top. The chartification of our public schools where any Charlatan could open one and take our hard earned tax dollars to run a school is contradictory to any other wealthy country. The military model seems to be preferred.

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Thank you Marc. I always agree with you!

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No, it’s Roy Cohn who Trump is following. Cohn trained him to just keep repeating and repeating falsehoods and denigrations of others and eventually people will join in.

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I do not believe one cancels out the other. Reagan's playbook to get into office looks a lot like Trump's and so does his style of governance.

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Someone would have to be capable of learning in order to learn a lesson Linda, there is no evidence that would suggest that is possible, much less probable. I would love to see an award so large that it forces the sale of his trophy assets in a very public way, don’t you know that the people that have the wealth to bid on them, will offer 10 cents on the dollar and maybe go as high as 12 cents to be the high bidder. Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall, when he tries to explain to his family how their wealth just disappeared. 👻

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Judge Kaplan was not only showing Jobian patience in the face of tRump's provocative and jejune behavior, but also quite resolved in threatening to banish him from the proceedings should he persist in that line.

I would dearly love to see the court bailiff frog-march the POS quick-smart out of the courtroom, and away from the plaintiff's sight, as so offensive it must be to Ms Carroll to be confronted with such a malevolent spectre.

We said his day would come, and now people are collecting his chips.

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In handcuffs please!!!!!

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I try so hard not to fill my heart with bitterness and hatred about the extraordinary deference this man has been given, beyond even what a supposedly former leader of the free world may expect. In 35 years of criminal defense work, I have had judges order my clients mouths taped shut (at a sentencing), held in shackles in trial, and forced to leave the courtroom and witness the proceedings via video feed, for conduct less disrespectful. Those clients were uneducated, terrified, unfamiliar with court proceedings, and overwhelmed and unable to moderate themselves. Every one of them was poor. Every one of them was not white. This man’s conduct is showing all of us, every day, that there is no equality in the justice system, and that wealth and status supports impunity and injustice. Truly, money walks, bullshit talks. I despair.

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Please don’t despair, Ellen. My husband worked in our county’s probation department for over 30 years. He saw and experienced what you’re talking about. The Don will get his comeuppance, one way or another.

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Truth Marlene!!!

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Ms. Carroll is an American hero, a profile in courage. Mic drop

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She deserves the Nobel and I told her so.

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Let's stand in solidarity with E. Jean Carroll as she faces daily debasement and castigation by Trump. It's crucial that we not only cheer her on but also take tangible actions to support her.

Consider enrolling in a paid subscription to her Substack

@E. Jean Carroll, Ask E. Jean, and demonstrating your commitment by purchasing her books online or from your local bookstores. By doing so, we can make a meaningful impact and uplift this incredible writer, a beacon of strength and advocacy. Together, let's stand firmly by E. Jean Carroll and ensure she knows she is not alone.

@E. Jean Carroll

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Brava Ms Carroll!

You are not alone.

We are with you, walking right beside you.

1 in 4 women have been sexually assaulted.

What if every woman could tell the truth of her life?

What would happen then?

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Brava Gloria Horton-Young! We believe E. Jean.

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45 either has literally lost his mind or he is counting on some form of a coup before he is forced to pay the money awarded.

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I truly think that’s his plan. His appalling behavior, by demeaning E. Jean Carroll, showing disgraceful disrespect towards the judge goading him into being thrown out is all part of it. This is only a sample of how other trials would be. A total circus. God willing those judges are paying attention to cut him off from the start. He’ll use all his trials as campaign rallies. He’s totally void of dignity. He’s evil and a narcissistic sociopath. How in heavens rational Americans don’t see this?

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What he wants most is to delay until he is president and can pardon himself. What would happen if this lawyer quit? How much of a delay would that cause? He has done this his entire life. I appreciate that the judge is just trying to get to the verdict so the clown show can proceed to the next trial.

I sincerely hope that the powers that be are prepared for another coup attempt. The next one may well be better organized and more violent than the first.

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I doubt that the judge would let her withdraw at this point unless it were some compelling reason that required it… like the turnip admitting the truth to her but saying he was going to lie about it. Then she’d have to withdraw. I wondered whether that was why Tacopina withdrew.

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Hi Debra, The number one reason an attorney leaves (fires) a client is when the client will not follow their advice. They are hired to use their expertise to advise the client the best route in (this case) defense. When the client ignores the advice, the attorney fires him or her and withdraws. Trump wanted to go to the first E. Jean trial and then-attorney trial Joe Tapicona convinced him not to go. Trump was sunk by his own depo at that trial and also because Robbie Kaplan played the Access Hollywood tape.

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I agree Lori - Habba is behaving exactly like Trump - just antics - disregarding how the judge has instructed and making her statements. I believe she knows exactly what she's doing. She's also (knowingly?) giving Trump grounds to fire her.

Then what will happen in that case in terms of delay?

Habba graduated Lehigh University with a BA in political science, then he JD from Widener University Law School

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Hi Runragged, I thought the judge determined whether the attorney can withdraw. She would have to submit her paperwork for withdrawal, and he can decline it. Just being stupid isn’t enough grounds because she was stupid long before she entered the courtroom.

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I understand what you are saying, my thought (question) was what if Trump fires her. Not the other way around

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More delays built into our judicial system?

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I understand. It’s a good question. But an attorney (Joyce or other on this Substack) has to step in and answer this for us because I thought if someone was in an actual court trial, they can’t delay it just because they don’t like their attorney anymore. Even if Trump goes into a hissy and wants to get rid of her, she has to go to the judge and file paperwork withdrawing from the case and he can deny it. We need a definitive answer on that :-) because I think that is how the process works. He can fire her, but she has to read withdraw. Otherwise they could use that as a method of delaying trials for years and years and years. If the judge denies her withdrawal, Trump is stuck with her too bad.

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Rational Americans do see the insanity. It’s the irrational people who ignore it all.

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Rational people don't see the trumpery (look up the word) because there is a well organized propaganda campaign manipulating what they see and hear as news. We all get our information from some news source, we are not there to see for ourselves. I am not as concerned about the antics of the clown in this circus as I am about the 'ring master(s)' planning to drop the Big Top on our heads. The clown is distracting us.

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Well we should be concerned. He is a tool for Leonard Leo et al.

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It's so much bigger.

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I’m glad EJean has a friend like you. The fact that a decent, intelligent, caring woman is having to deal with the sewer rat who was once president and the incompetent lawyer representing him tells you everything you need to know about the MAGA-sphere. Now it’s time for justice.

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A great way to put it, Debra.

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