All I can say is “Finally!” At long last, someone is telling spoiled little Donny “No!”

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I am so impressed with this judge. Juan Merchan and Aileen Cannon represent two very different kinds of US judges who hail from Columbia. We need more of him and fewer of her.

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Exactly!!!! I feel like this is truly what seems to be throwing him off of his “A game” that he always tries to act like he’s on! I love that the judge is being appropriately stern and firm with him (as he would with anyone acting like Trump is acting!) as opposed to what Trump is used to which is people cowering in his presence! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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I read that when the judge and jury members enter the courtroom, everyone stands in respect. Except for the orange blob who remains seated on his fat a*s.

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Sleepy Don always has a full load in his extra size Depends diaper so he needs to sit.

Also he can hold the taco bell/whopper/kfc farts in with his butt entirely encased.

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Actually, not Whopper but a Big Mac! 😂

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Remember when Sleepy Don had the womens sports team over the the White House

and he filled the tables with every type of fast food ever made? Burger King had to have been there. He would have finished off all the leftovers later.

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Joyce, thank you for this explanation! You really enrich us with your clear information, helping us get through all this with such support.

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Given the dramatically incriminating, and embarrassing, testimony that Trump can expect, controlling his reactions and overall behavior in the courtroom will be a challenge, if not a nightmare, for the Court. I think that the Court can certainly expect carefully contrived and choreographed "spontaneous" outbursts from Trump, especially during Michael Cohen's and Stormy Daniels' testimonies, such as shouts of "Liar!" etc.

Managing Trump's behavior will be a key challenge for the Court where the defendant will be intent both on influencing the jury and daring the Court to overreact. To avoid the incarceration trap that Trump may be provoking the Court into imposing should he be held in contempt, I would think that the Court may consider sequestering Trump in a separate room, with counsel and visual and audibility apparatus, though his own microphone would be controlled by the Court.

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Regarding Trump's conduct in the courtroom, this, from

New York Consolidated Laws, Criminal Procedure Law - CPL § 340.50 Defendant's presence at trial.


3. A defendant who conducts himself in so disorderly and disruptive a manner that his trial cannot be carried on with him in the courtroom may be removed from the courtroom if, after he has been warned by the court that he will be removed if he continues such conduct, he continues to engage in such conduct.



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David, thank you for this. I have heard no discussion of this possibility (of a separate room) and wondered why; seems like a perfect solution.

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It is especially if this defendant is perfuming the air as has been reported. No wonder the temp in the courtroom has been set low. Warm air would suffocate the gallery.

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I admire that the judge is not giving in to Trump's desire to get removed from the courtroom by doing everything he can to be disruptive. However, it appears that after day one he already settled down. I assume the judge's tone does not encourage Treacherous-treasonous-tantruming-traitor-Trump to misbehave.

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Linda, what he’s trying to do is get removed from the courtroom and put into jail. I don’t think that is going to happen because Judge Merchan is well aware that Trump’s minions will go berserk. Trump disrupts by throwing his hands in the air, shaking his head, making facial expressions, vocalizing, so the jury can hear. That’s well known. The option would be to put him in a room with soundproofing, with an audio feed so he can hear and not be seen. His worst nightmare will be to not be seen. He doesn’t give a whit about Stormy Daniels, repeating ad nauseam every detail of their encounter(s). He wants to be seen, and that will be taken away from him.

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Valere, I think he wants to be heard even more than seen. Imagine the withdrawals if his phone gets taken away.

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True ...

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L. D. I agree that the special room is on the horizon. They’ve probably set it up already this weekend.He will hate being shut away much more than he will hate listening to Stormy Daniels detail the minutia of their encounters. He does as much with his facial expressions as he does with his rant. So I would not be At all surprised to see Judge Merchan put a mask over his face. however, the room is most likely to happen.

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I was thinking a special room with all the necessary video and audio access as well as his counsel would be necessary to contain his outbursts because he has no self control. Some churches have "cry rooms," where parents can take crying or misbehaving children out of the service. Donald could have his own "cry room."

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I like your suggestion, as I think Trump would. It could be lined with stain resistant wallpaper for whenever he gets the urge to throw hamburgers against it. He could feel right at home.

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There is a jail cell just down the hall.......he can go there to make a Depends diaper change when his lawyers cannot take the smell anymore.

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The elementary school where I taught had a special room for students who consistently disrupted the classroom, with a teacher there of course. Similar to the church "cry room". For some, it was actually a welcome respite where they could "let it out", settle down and return to class.

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I've read that when he falls asleep he lets out a lot of pungent gas. I don't think anyone would want to enter that special room by the middle of the day.

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The judge will end up sequestering him in a separate room. He's going to blow a gasket.

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Spit guard mask? Klan hood? There are options.

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The spit guard mask would allow him to remain in the courtroom. But I don’t know if you can put that on before he actually spits. So I think he’s going to be very vocal and belligerent. Honestly, I think the room is being prepared as we write this. And he will dislike that more than any mask. Six weeks of listening to the horrible things he has done is probably more than he can tolerate

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No phone and having to sit all by his stinky self would be a punishment worse than death to him.

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Perhaps he should be required to wear a muzzle in court, because like a vicious attack dog, he just can’t help himself!!

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Actually, not muzzling him lets the jury see either of 2 things, 1) that he is out of control (and whether consciously or subconsciously whether they want this in a man who has the finger on the nuclear button.) and 2) that he can in fact control himself, so his rantings and being out of control is unnecessary. His behavior in court is almost as important a piece of the trial as the evidence from what I can see.

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Linda, The judge would order a mask if he made facial expressions to intimidate the jury. If he vocalized comments that they could hear, such as “liar“ he could be masked or removed and put it in a special room, from which he may receive audio, but he would be muted. There might be a law that requires he be able to hear the proceedings, but the judge doesn’t have to have him in the courtroom if he’s disruptive. His nature is to be disruptive and his plan from 2015, when he first ran for the presidency, was to disrupt. You could see that in the way he removed the United States from the Paris accord. You could see that from his first and only G7 in Canada when he announced to Prime Minister Trudeau that he was going to impose tariffs on Canada. When the other G7 members would not support him, he crossed his arms across his chest like a pouting little boy, and refused to negotiate. When the remaining six G7 liters would not give in to Trump’s bad, bad, bad, divisive demands, he left the meeting and never returned to another G7 meeting. When he went to his first G20 meeting, about six months later, he took off immediately following the meeting to go meet Putin in Helsinki (breaking decades of eprotocol by meeting one on one with Putin, having only the translator in the room.. Then meet him again in South, and his advisors were able to talk him out of that just when Air Force One landed. Then he went to Japan and golfed without attending G2 meetings. The final G20 meeting was in Dubai - held virtually during Covid. Since he couldn’t show up in person, he didn’t go online for a single meeting. He golfed at his own private golf club instead. Then we saw him disrupting on January 6. I don’t think Judge Merchan is going to allow Trump to disrupt his courtroom. I don’t think he’ll mask him either. I think he’ll put him in a soundproof room.

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I think he should be in the courtroom and the jury should be able to see him and hear him whatever he does. Faces, body gestures, let us see if he can stay awake through this trial. He will have to change his sleeping habits, not done overnight. Ultimately this jury is going to decide his fate, and they should see who it is that is in front of them, and he should know as well that he has to consider their opinions of him. A new experience.

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He is sundowning, in dementia. So he will not be changing his sleeping habits

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Remember how Trump resisted wearing a mask during the pandemic because he felt it made him look weak. How many thousands of Americans died because of his vanity. I think a mandatory trial mask would be good.

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Yes, but… a muzzle won't hide the facial expressions or the sounds, both of which are very disruptive to the proceedings.

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Given the rumors of his stinky gas problem perhaps they won’t hesitate to isolate him. 😂

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If the rumors are true (and I suspect they are), I wonder how his lawyers can sit next to him and not react… I don't think your suggestion would hold legal water, unless perhaps the stink got to the judge. 😇

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Depends on circulation in the room and whether the jurors are effected, perhaps, but if they are looking for a way to keep him from interfering in the judicial process sequestering him would take care of two birds with one stone so to speak 😁

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That was my thought, a time out room for a man baby. He could watch and have an asst with laptop to relay messages with attorneys. If I was the judge I'd be prepping that. Spare everyone the stink I have heard about!

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When he becomes disruptive, Judge Merchan will have him removed and put in a soundproof room where he can hear the proceedings, but he won’t have any mic. Disruption can be vocal comments the jury can hear, shaking his head or making facial expressions, or as he is well known for doing: throwing his hands in the air and shaking his head. He will also potentially glare at the jury to threaten them.

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Thanks. I hope He spend a lot of time there. E Jean Carroll's lawyer said his bad behavior in court helped them win their case, the jury could see who he was. But he has got to be put in his place now!

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Yes. Thank you. I was confused without your explanation.

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Several interesting matters in the records falsification/election interference trial when it finally begins in earnest on Monday. For one thing, I would expect to hear more of what the prosecution has up its sleeve in its opening statement in terms of evidence beyond what is now publicly known (or surmised). Then, there's the defense's opening statement which is not required and in fact, can be delayed until after the government presents its case. Considering the defendant, don't think that will happen. That "eye for an eye" business. Thing is though, the statements cannot be argumentative; they must be deal with facts. So, not sure this defense can actually meet that requirement --- under the circumstances. Wouldn't be surprised to see a bit of sparring, right off the bat. Come Tuesday, would expect the defendant to get his ears pinned back by Judge Merchan following the gag order violation evidentiary hearing which is required. The defendant may well be fined but what a future violation punishment/deterrent might be will likely be far more severe. Merchan has to let Trump know who's in charge in no uncertain terms.

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I do hope that the prosecutors allude to tRump's statement last year that...well, let him tell it:

"IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING FOR YOU!" (orig. all-caps SM message).

I'm not really sure exactly how much or of what tenor tRump's remarks constitute a "clear and present danger", but he has shat all over any purported 1st Amendment protection for his abusive threats, and Judge Merchan has to prepare himself for bringing down the hammer hard on tRump, or this John Gotti wannabe will create chaos moving forward.

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I read somewhere that on Friday, when 45 got out of his chair to leave, Merchan instructed him to return to his chair which he did much like a sullen child who has been scolded by his grownup elder. Yes, I believe the judge is on the right track keeping order in his court.

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Merchan has a background of dealing with mentally ill defendants. He's used to dealing with defendants unable to behave themselves.

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Yes! His experience will be critically important in handling the current defendant.

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Thanks, Kevin. I read that, too. My point was that Merchan seems to be the only person - judge or not - who gave an instruction/order that 45 obeyed.

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Merchan seems well aware how motivated the King of Con is to intimidate the jury. I hope he takes cautious, preemptive measures to protect them.

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I'm looking forward most to the defense's statement. They're going to be hamstrung by the likelihood Trump will insist that they deny everything including the encounter. If Trump would actually let them, they should lean into his tendency towards business fraud and argue that it was just business as usual for him not due to some ulterior motive. Of course if Trump had any common sense, he would just take a plea bargain and get this over with.

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Trump might be somewhat cunning, but he does not have a lick of common sense. He's used to throwing fits, blustering, and badgering his way out of being accountable. I read three biographies about him before he was elected in 2016. His behavior has always been criminal, but like John Gotti, he slipped out of accountability.

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Narcissistic sociopaths are not capable of taking a plea bargain. Because in their minds, they "have done nothing wrong".

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I think I see what you're saying, but the lack of ulterior motive would still be a lie, just like everything else about him. IMO. And isn't lying perjury?

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The ulterior motive is the difference between being guilty of 34 misdemeanors and being guilty of 34 felonies. It's likely going to be incredibly difficult to argue he didn't commit the fraud; I think his lawyers would be better served to argue he didn't commit the election interference. It's still an open question as to whether or not that's a lie.

IMNAL, so I really can't give an expert viewpoint on the perjury aspect, but if it were then every lawyer who claims his client was innocent would be guilty. Lawyers aren't supposed to intentionally lie, but they always have the shield of claiming their clients lied to them.

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The thing to keep in mind is that the statute that elevates the misdemeanor records falsification to a misdemeanor in the first degree (or a Class E felony) doesn't require the accused to actually have committed the predicate or secondary crime. The prosecution can make its case by showing that the intent to defraud involved further criminal intent to either hide the commission of the predicate crime or to assist in the commission of it.

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How would that play out in this case? I'm not sure I see a real distinction here. It seems like he committed election interference if and only if he intended to.

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This is where the law(s) and their wording per se come into effect relative to how the crime alleged was actually committed. Here the defense could argue, for example, (as he has in public statements and in fact, Michael Cohen did initially) Trump didn't personally know about the actual purpose of the payments (to withhold damning information from the electorate) and thus didn't have the intent necessary to commit the necessary predicate act or felony. The standard Trump "throw 'em under the bus" defense. However, there will probably be a good deal of contradictory evidence both via testimony and documentary evidence, as there will be to rebut any contention that the payments were to protect his family and not interfere in an election. However weak the assertions, doesn't mean the defense won't try to impugn the prosecution's "intent" or "cover up" allegations.

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I am aware of the difference between misdemeanors and felonies. The issue I have is that from everything I've heard from legal opinions, the point of the hush money and the catch & kill schemes was to keep the Access Hollywood tape issue from getting worse. If it did get worse, he would lose the election, and in trump's mind there is not a lot worse than losing. Hence the charges of election interference. In trump's mind it was all about winning, not necessarily of interfering in the election. He would do whatever it took to keep from losing. We'll have to follow the trial to see what becomes of all this.

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The term "election interference" is probably a bit too casual as it's generally used, in the sense of Trump willfully attempting to keep highly inflammatory character-related information from voters just before the election --- and especially just after the Access Hollywood tape was released. And while the prosecution can use a state law about illegally promoting or preventing an election, it will almost certainly use violations of state campaign finance laws and tax fraud --- with federal campaign finance law violations also a possibility --- as the necessary predicate crime(s) to try the case as a felony --- with the overarching assertion (for the compelling "story" if must tell the jury) that Trump intended to "interfere" with the election. He's not actually charged per se with election interference.

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Plea bargain days are over once he is indicted.

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I’m curious if he’s adhered to the gag order over the weekend.

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I don't know what he might have posted, but his scheduled rally was cancelled Sat due to a weather alert. Yep "stormy" weather. So he had to miss a great opportunity to run his mouth.

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If Dr. Gartner is correct about Trump; he might not be mentally capable of obeying the gag order.

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I would clarify the mentally to be emotionally. He’s perfectly capable of being strategic cognitively as long as it benefits his fragile ego.

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Kristy, John Gartner, MD, psychiatrist said Trump was Dementia and sundowning and likely would be incapable of sitting through the entire criminal trial. He’s losing his ability to track sentences, form sentences, use words properly. These same doctors, psychiatrist, colleagues of Dr. Gartner have known for many years that Trump has psychiatric conditions such as being a sociopath. Kevin Dale Green is accurately repeating Dr. Gartner’s statement from his interview with Jay Kuo on April 11, 2024, on The Big Picture substack in which De. Gartner referenced Trump’s devolving mental condition. Dr. Gartner said he won’t be mentally competent to finish the criminal trial. Dr. Gartner and his colleagues wrote about Trump‘s severe emotional and psychological condition and deficiency some seven or eight years ago and these essays were published in a book. The editor was Dr. Lee. There was 37 contributing psychiatrist, and they all had the same conclusion: Trump was a dangerous sociopath.

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Here’s a link to Dr. Lee’s newsletter for you Valerie.

Please note her quote regarding the point I am making. Trump’s possible dementia is not what makes him very dangerous. It’s his psychopathy that creates grave danger for our world if he is again handed the powers of POTUS.

“An actual fitness test, which the panel of top experts performed, Donald Trump did not pass; indeed, he failed every category! Furthermore, one could be incompetent for multiple reasons, and the most dangerously cause of incompetence is not dementia, but a drive to harm not just the public but the nation, as for example in pathological narcissism or sociopathy.

Whether a person with the awesome powers of the American presidency might be psychiatrically dangerous should be of foremost concern. Think not only of the authority of a commander-in-chief who always has the nuclear football by his side, but also of a person in charge of covert Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations that could erupt into World War III, as well as the person most responsible for responding to pandemics and climate breakdown.”


Furthermore, attacking tffg’s cognitive abilities leads the public to be skeptical of his genius ability to grow his cult, which too many people want to deny. He’s NOT stupid, he’s evil.

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Gartner is not a psychiatrist, not an MD.

“John D. Gartner is an American psychologist, psychotherapist, author, activist”

There are many expert opinions on tffg’s unfitness, I’m glad you’re reading them and learning that Trump is very dangerous with the powers of our Presidency in his hands.

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So if the defense attorneys outright lie on opening statements can the judge challenge that?

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The prosecution would object, and if Judge Merchan agreed, he would cut the defense off and tell the jury to disregard what was said. This would hold true beyond lies to arguments about the prosecution's case. The opening statements can attempt to be persuasive, but they must be about facts.

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Thx! Appreciate the answer to that!

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Wow NYS courts are weird with their terms. But on a different note, the best meme I’ve seen today is song lyrics. “Ain’t no sunshine till he’s gone, till he’s gone and locked away. Ain’t no sunshine till he’s gone and it’s taken too damn long! Get it done and do it today.” Now that song is stuck in your head and you’re welcome. 😁

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Love these new lyrics, Rusty...thanks!

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Bless your heart, Rusty!! And I mean it the best way!! 😊

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Thank you for the explanation of what New York courts are called. I remembered that some of the trial courts were supreme courts, but forgot what the appellate courts were called. Now I don't have to do the research. You are the BEST!

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MONDAY, Monday

In the urban maze, where legal battles blaze,

New York’s courts, a bewildering phase.

Supreme Court at the base, Appeals Court up high,

In this inverted reality, the chaos never dies!

Trump stands trial, a scene to catch,

Under Judge Merchan’s watch, a narrative to snatch.

But hold, what’s this? A claim of immunity?

To the U.S. Supreme Court, a dramatic journey!

Interlocutory orders, a phrase so grand,

Trump’s attorneys launch appeals, stirring the land.

"A fair trial in Manhattan? Impossible!" they bellow,

While the judge’s temper thins, his gavel poised to echo.

The Appellate Division, a brief stopping place,

Where Trump might gamble, in this legal race.

But the Court of Appeals may just decline,

Unless fresh dilemmas arise, calling for a review divine.

The jurors are ready, the trial about to start,

Trump’s lawyers digging deep, their defense an art.

But Judge Merchan stands firm, no more time to spare,

Opening statements on Monday, let the drama flare!

Here we stand, at the tempest’s core,

New York’s courts, a saga to adore.

Will Trump’s destiny be decided, in this legal showdown?

Time alone will reveal, in this courtroom battleground!

Secure your spot and brace for impact,

In New York’s courts, where facts are compact.

An untamed, tumultuous ride, in this Trumpian event,

With unexpected twists, bound to augment!

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Trial starts on Monday,

10 contempt Counts on Tuesday,

Incarceration on Wednesday!

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BIG party on Thursday.

Joyce gets to rejoice on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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Then Joyce's Rooster crowss it all out,

And, GH-Y rhymes it all why.

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Ok. So, her flock is the most fun ever to write about.

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And don't forget Bella, who keeps them in line. Anyone who loves animals the way she does is okay with me!

I went to Tractor Supply Company this afternoon. They had five or six cages with different varieties of chicks for sale. I thought of Joyce as soon as I heard them chirping and peeping. I asked one of the employees to please tell me they're not going to be someone's Sunday dinner later on, and he said no, they were for eggs. I breathed a sigh of relief!

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Yes please!

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You're very good at these, Gloria.

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Thank you. My mother wrote poetry. She scribbled it on bits of paper so I was constantly finding notes of hers.

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You're on a roll, Gloria.

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I am loving his being the brunt of the bullying instead of vice versa.

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Yet he is not being bullied he is being asked to follow norms

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Trump is just getting a taste of his own medicine.

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Me too. 🐈‍⬛

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Thank you. 🙏

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well done Gloria! Bravaaa!

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With your first line I had the Mamas and Papas echoing around in my head which was really nice, your poem was a nice follow up to that 🙏

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Hmm. I have to try that. Thank you.

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You’re getting too good at this Gloria.

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At what cost? ROFL!

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Gloria - You should be standing outside the court house, scroll in hand, introducing the proceedings!

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I’m aware the current trial is in NYC but, am I the only one waiting on the Georgia case to get in gear?

I am really looking forward to the contest between Ms Willis and the Trump for hire guys,.

C’mon Man!

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It’s so quiet on that front. Hoping to hear news on how it’s coming along I found this: “It is now up to the Georgia Court of Appeals to decide if they want to review the decision not to disqualify Willis and her office. This appeal doesn’t pause the prosecution, which continues to play out before trial.

Willis plans to press ahead with her goal of putting Trump and his co-defendants on trial before the November presidential election, according to three people familiar with her thinking, but a trial date for the sprawling racketeering case has not been scheduled yet.”


Maybe Professor Vance will update us in the near future.

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I live less than 10 miles from the courthouse and can’t wait for the RICO case to get started, I don’t live in Fulton County so no chance of being on the jury not that they would choose me if they read what I often write. Let the fun begin I say. 💥😎

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Long range ( 6 week) NYC weather forecast = “Stormy” with the odd hurricane 🌀 and cyclone 🌀.

Potential tsunami 😂😂😂😂

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A tornado was spotted in the area of NC where his ego boost rally had to be cancelled, perfect ending to a week he deserved, may justice prevail. 💙 💛

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MTG says God is sending a message. First, an earthquake centered at Bedminster and now this. I think it's pretty clear who he's pissed off at.

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I had not heard that. I live in NC. Was not happy to have him here esp. since he uplifts the demon spawn we have running for governor.

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I couldn't find the reporting on tornado that someone said was spotted (I saw it last night but maybe a Sharpie was involved too scared of his hair getting wet) but this picture supports the possibility, it boosted my mood, so there is that!


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I would imagine there will be a lot of flooding throughout the country because of the tears. Tears of JOY from those of us who believe in democracy. Tears of frustration, anger, disbelief, and denial coming down Trump's face, washing that orange slime all over his long red tie.

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Dianne, your comment called to mind this song from - of all bands - Queen. The best line to me is "Somebody better put you back in your place..." Perhaps that somebody is Judge Merchan?


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A song written for this time! Sing it!

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Lynell, if you need a good laugh, ALL these years, I've been singing along with that one, and all these years --- this is true --- I thought they were saying "Somebody better put a bag over your face." Wow! I 'm so glad nobody heard me!

Meanwhile, we can celebrate his loss by singing "Another One Bites the Dust" during Biden's victory parade!

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LOL, Dianne! And yes, I'll be thinking of you when come November I start singing that song!

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I'd like to see a bag right over HIS face!!

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Remember when grocery store cashiers used to ask: "Would you like paper or plastic?" ?

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Thank You, Lynnelle! Rocked and Danced all the way through dinner prep! (which took 6 replays)! JOY!!

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Same here, MP! Funny, how some songs just pop into your head when you see life imitating art!

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Thank you so much for explaining the terms, which are confusing. Especially with so many trials going on, including the Federal trials coming up, the New York criminal trial starting, the civil fraud trial in New York, and the Georgia RICO case, which I'd like to hear more about as well. I don't know how any of us who are not lawyers could ever follow all of these cases without your guidance and explanations, along with the insights from Andrew Weissman, Neal Katyal, Barb McQuade and others. I so appreciate you!

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I remember as Trump was desperately attempting to delay his January 6th trial not too many people were talking about how that would open up a "space" for this Manhattan trial, which many said was the least consequential of all four indictments Trump is/was facing. Well, look at him now. Aside from he can't seem to stay awake for 8 hours a day (he was always considered LAZY while in office - showing up to the "Oval Office" around noonish - it appears this trial is looking more and more serious to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING four times indicted (ex) president. It's true, there's no guarantee the trial will end with a conviction - but sitting there for EIGHT weeks while President Biden continues CAMPAIGNING will not be a good look for Trump. Here's the "kicker." It appears shortly after this trial is over that DC Trial he's done everything he could to postpone will be moving toward commencing. Judge Chutkin has reportedly cleared her calendar for August - September. As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for."

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Trump just filed another motion to remove the case/ He can avoid the trial by plea bargaining. PTI. First time offender. IMHO the big day is Tuesday -- contempt hearing. Someone so charged can offer to purge -- apologize.


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Hi Daniel, can someone plea-bargain after they are indicted? Sorry, I am not an attorney. But I recall reading that Jack Smith had indicated plea bargaining was off the table after Trump’s indictments on the federal cases. Was that just Jack Smith personal decision to take plea bargain off the table or is it different in the federal court? Is the plea bargain question/decision up to the individual prosecutor? If it is allowed in the criminal New York election interference case, Do you think Bragg would want to plea-bargain?

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Yes. Jack Smith is not involved in this case. And yes.

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Thank you, Daniel, I knew he was not involved in this case, but I just wondered if plea bargain could happen after indictment. Thank you very much for clarifying

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Trump would have to admit guilt to "plea bargain." I think it would be a "cold day in ......" you know the rest - before he'd admit he did anything wrong, let alone commit 34 FELONIES. I also don't see Trump "apologizing" on Tuesday. He'll likely violate the gag order again before he gets to court on Tuesday. He's going to push until he runs into a judge who actually treats him like any other CRIMINAL defendant. He's done enough already to warrant something like 30 days in jail, but he knows the judge won't go that far in any sanction. And, as he's done his entire life, he'll keep "pushing."

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Depends on the level of fear. I think he's got to know the odds. Prosecution wins 95% of the time and unless he is contrite, could go to jail.... It could be they'd seal the entire proceeding. It's criminal. When I practiced in Pa, the ARD hearings were secret, sealed. https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/Display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/234/chapter3/s313.html&d=

IMHO has added pressure because his application to the 1st Appellate level probably included false info which puts the entire supersedeas in jeopardy.

I don't know this as a fact but I bet his internal polls are bad.

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Hi Daniel, I read your link re the Pennsylvania, ARD. New York doesn’t have anything that quite matches it. What they do have in addition to the DUI courts, first time mi misdemeanor, and such is a mental health category. If he did a plea deal, Prosecutor Bragg could make that part of the plea deal: that Trump would have to go into a treatment program for his mental health condition. That would be an inpatient program so he wouldn’t be able to campaign. If his condition is anywhere near as serious as John Gartner, MD, psychiatrist seems to think it is he could be in the hospital for a very long time. I think your idea is interesting. I couldn’t find anything else that would apply under New York’s programs. They are usually for a DUI, but the mental category is available.

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I was banned from “truth social” for saying DJT is a narcissist 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wear it as a badge of honour 👨‍⚖️

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"Trump hates dogs and stole from kids with cancer" really gets 'em.

Try charity sites!

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A Ban of Honor 👍

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Joyce, or others knowledgeable, how is the official record made in NY’s First Department? Court reporters, digital recording, voice recognition? Other?

Thank you for explaining the names of the courts in the state. It is very confusing!

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Ah, but as a long time viewer of Law and Order I always knew that trial courts are called Supreme Courts! Who says TV isn’t educational?!

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... and that the state appellate courts in NY are the "Appellate Division" - McCoy and his colleagues were often shown at oral argument before that appellate panel, and in several episodes even before the highest state court, the Court of Appeals!

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McCoy..Charles, you’re going back a ways! I’ll pay more attention but the new episodes seem to be more about investigations and trial courts (in the Supreme Court, of course!)

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Hey, I have been watching since the mother-ship started with Michael Moriarty as Exec ADA Ben Stone - 25 seasons ago! And he had several opportunities to argue before the Appellate Division too!

Whether Stone, McCoy or the current lead ADA, they would have scenes of argument before an appellate court when the episode’s story line involves a thorny constitutional, evidentiary or privacy issue raised by the perp/defendant of the week. It allowed the producers to pontificate on current issues of the day in the form of the different arguments made.

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I remember Stone too….may have to go back and binge from the beginning this summer…we don’t get out much in the daytime heat here in AZ!

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Thank you. I will keep this one handy to get the nomenclature straight.

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Excellent. I'll be popping corn every day of the trial. I yield back my time.

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There is no way I can pop near enough corn for THIS event!

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Costco has giant bags, organic and already popped.

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No Costco here, unfortunately, and I’m not a fan of prepopped corn.

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I hope you bought enough shares in the producers of the best product.There will be a lot of product moving in these next few weeks.

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FINALLY "We're going to have opening statements on Monday morning. This trial is starting." So, sit down, shut up, nap all ya want fpotus 😈

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Thank God. This has been too long in the making.

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